Quebec – Agreements under negotiation
Mohawks of Kahnawake
Framework Agreements
- Joint Presentation – Renewed Relationship between the Mohawks of Kahnawake and the Government of Canada
- January 17, 2001 – Draft Sub-Agreement with respect to education, Mohawk language and culture
- January 17, 2001 – Draft Sub-Agreement with respect to policing aspects of the administration of justice
- January 17, 2001 – Draft Sub-Agreement with respect to Membership
- January 17, 2001 – Draft Sub-Agreement with respect to Kahnawake lands
- Kahnawà:ke/Canada Relationship Memorandum of Understanding
Cree of Eeyou Istchee
Framework Agreements
Micmac Nation of Gespeg
Framework Agreements
Mamuitun and Nutashkuan
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