About treaties

Find general information about treaties with Indigenous peoples in Canada, treaty rights and the treaty relationship.

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Honouring treaty relationships

Indigenous peoples have lived on the land we now call Canada for thousands of years, with their own unique cultures, identities, traditions, languages and institutions.

Early partnerships between Indigenous nations and colonial governments were forged through treaties as well as trade and military alliances and were based on mutual respect and co-operation. Over many centuries these relationships were eroded by colonial and paternalistic policies that were enacted into laws.

Canada has embarked on a journey of reconciliation between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples. It is a necessary journey to address a long history of colonialism and the scars it has left.

Treaties provide a framework for living together and sharing the land Indigenous peoples traditionally occupied. These agreements provide foundations for ongoing co-operation and partnership as we move forward together to advance reconciliation.

Honouring the treaty relationship and negotiating new treaties based on the recognition of rights, respect, co-operation and partnership, is key to achieving lasting reconciliation with Indigenous peoples.

"Canada is a test case for a grand notion - the notion that dissimilar peoples can share lands, resources, power and dreams while respecting and sustaining their differences. The story of Canada is the story of many such peoples, trying and failing and trying again, to live together in peace and harmony."

What are treaties with Indigenous peoples

Treaties are agreements made between the Government of Canada, Indigenous groups and often provinces and territories that define ongoing rights and obligations on all sides.

These agreements set out continuing treaty rights and benefits for each group. Treaty rights and Aboriginal rights, commonly referred to as Indigenous rights, are recognized and affirmed in section 35 of the Constitution Act, 1982 and are also a key part of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, which the Government of Canada has committed to implement in partnership with Indigenous peoples.

Treaties with Indigenous peoples include both:

Historic treaties

Starting in 1701 the British Crown entered into treaties with Indigenous groups in the British colonies of North America, which would later become parts of Canada. The treaties supported peaceful economic and military relations. The Crown is the legal name for the British and later Canadian federal, provincial and territorial governments.

Over the next 200 years, the Crown signed treaties that defined the respective rights of Indigenous peoples and European newcomers to use the North American lands that Indigenous peoples traditionally occupied. The historic treaties signed after 1763 provided large areas of land, occupied by First Nations, to the Crown, transferring their Indigenous title to the Crown in exchange for reserve lands and other benefits.

The treaty-making process was formally established by the Royal Proclamation of 1763.

Consult the Historic Treaties and Treaty First Nations in Canada infographic.

The Government of Canada recognizes 70 historic treaties in Canada signed between 1701 and 1923. These treaties include:

These treaties form the basis of the relationship between the Crown and 364 First Nations, representing over 600,000 First Nations peoples in Canada.

Canada and First Nations often have differing views with respect to the implementation of historic treaties. These issues are complex and are not easily resolved. Through vehicles such as Recognition of Indigenous Rights and Self-Determination discussion tables, Canada and treaty First Nations are exploring ways to advance treaty rights and interests.

Independent treaty commissions in Manitoba and Saskatchewan were created in partnership with First Nations organizations to conduct a number of activities in relation to historic treaties. This includes public education, research and facilitating discussions on treaty issues.

The specific claims process provides an avenue for addressing past grievances in relation to the management of land and other First Nations assets and to the fulfillment of historic treaties. Resolving First Nations specific claims through negotiated settlements helps address past wrongs and honours treaty obligations.

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What are Indigenous rights

Indigenous rights, also referred to as Aboriginal rights, are collective rights of distinctive Indigenous societies flowing from their status as the original peoples of Canada. These rights are recognized and affirmed by section 35 of the Constitution Act, 1982.

The Constitution does not define Indigenous rights under section 35, but they can include:

Indigenous rights under section 35 vary from group to group depending on the customs, practices and traditions that have formed part of their distinctive cultures.

The Government of Canada has a duty to consult, and where appropriate, accommodate Indigenous groups when it considers conduct that might adversely impact potential or established Aboriginal or treaty rights. Learn more about the Government of Canada's duty to consult with Indigenous peoples.

What are treaty rights

Treaty rights are rights set out in either a historic or modern treaty agreement. These rights are recognized and affirmed by section 35 of the Constitution Act, 1982.

Treaties define specific rights, benefits and obligations for the signatories that vary from treaty to treaty. Treaties and treaty rights also vary depending on the time and circumstances in which they were negotiated.

For example, in historic treaties, signed before 1975, treaty rights and benefits often, but not always, include:

Modern treaties negotiated with Indigenous groups, after 1975, can include, among other things:

Consult the treaty texts to learn about the specific treaty rights and benefits set out in each treaty:

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