On-reserve housing reform: Engagement 2017-2021

Current status: Closed
This engagement ended March 2021.

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The Government of Canada is partnering with First Nations in a renewed, respectful and inclusive process, to make progress on issues most important to First Nation communities.

As part of its commitment to improve its on-reserve infrastructure programs, Indigenous Services Canada (ISC) is engaging with First Nations and stakeholders to develop an effective long-term approach to support sustainability for all infrastructure on reserve, with a focus on co-developing a distinctions-based housing and related infrastructure strategy with First Nations partners.


The Government of Canada, in collaboration with First Nations representative organizations, is engaging with:


Community infrastructure is the physical foundation of a community. ISC works with First Nations leaders, experts and communities to support affordable, adequate and sustainable housing, clean drinking water and community infrastructure such as schools, roads and wastewater systems. These are all essential to healthy, safe and prosperous communities.

First Nations individuals living on reserve are more likely to experience poor housing conditions and overcrowding than the general population. With support from the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation and its federal partners, ISC will continue working in partnership with First Nations to co-develop a distinct housing and related infrastructure strategy and to reform housing and infrastructure programs to increase First Nations care, control and management.

To find out more:

How to participate

There are three ways to provide input to this engagement:

  1. Attend a national or regional meeting (by invitation only) led by First Nations representative organizations, First Nations technical groups and First Nations communities.
  2. Send comments or submit opinion papers by e-mail to LogementsReussites-HousingSuccess@aadnc-aandc.gc.ca.
  3. Send comments or submit opinion papers by mail to the address in the contact us section below.

All input provided will be considered in the reform of housing and infrastructure programs.

When and where

Date Location Participants
November 27-28, 2018 Quebec City, QC Assemblée des Premières Nations Québec-Labrador (APNQL)
September 17-18, 2018 Quebec City, QC Assemblée des Premières Nations Québec-Labrador (APNQL)
August 27th, 2018 Thunder Bay and Toronto Chiefs of Ontario
May 28-29, 2018 Deline, NWT Dene Nation
April 10 to 11, 2018 Thompson, Manitoba Manitoba Keewatinowi Okimakanak
March 29, 2018 Miramichi, New Brunswick Mi'gmawe'l Tplu'taqnn Inc
March 20 to 21, 2018 Ottawa, Ontario Roundtable discussion on On-Reserve Housing with First Nations housing experts
March 9, 2018 Ottawa, Ontario Native Women's Association of Canada
February 21, 2018 Dartmouth, Nova Scotia Atlantic Policy Congress
November 30, 2017 Trois-Rivières, Quebec L'Assemblée des Premières Nations Québec-Labrador
November 8 to 9, 2017 Whitehorse, Yukon Council of Yukon First Nations
September 28 to 29, 2017 Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Federation of Sovereign Indigenous Nations
September 27, 2017 Winnipeg, Manitoba Southern Chiefs Organization
July 24 to 27, 2017 Edmonton, Alberta Blackfoot Confederacy

What we heard

During the 2017-2018 On-reserve housing and infrastructure reform meetings, ISC, the Assembly of First Nations Chiefs Committee on Housing and Infrastructure and First Nations leaders and technicians discussed program reform and a long-term vision for increased First Nations care control and management of housing and related infrastructure. Summaries of these meetings are available online:

Related links

Contact us

Community Infrastructure Branch
Crown Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada
10 rue Wellington, 25th Floor
Gatineau, QC K1A 0H4
Email: LogementsReussites-HousingSuccess@aadnc-aandc.gc.ca

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