Délînê Final Self-Government Agreement Implementation Plan

Table of contents

Implementation Plan for the Délînê Self Government Agreement

Developed By

The Sahtu Dene and Metis of Délînê, as represented by the Délînê First Nation Band and the Délînê Land Corporation, which shall be represented after Effective Date by the Délînê Got'înê Government ("DGG"); and

The Government of the Northwest Territories, as represented by the Minister of Aboriginal Affairs and Intergovernmental Relations ("GNWT"); and

Her Majesty the Queen in right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development ("Canada").

(collectively referred to as "the Parties")


1.1 Chapter 29 of the Délînê Final Self-Government Agreement (FSGA) provides that the implementation of the FSGA shall be set out in an Implementation Plan that:

  1. describes implementation activities arising from the obligations set out in the FSGA;
  2. lists activities anticipated to fulfill those obligations and the Parties responsible for undertaking those activities;
  3. sets anticipated timelines for the completion of activities;
  4. develops a communication plan with respect to the implementation of the FSGA;
  5. specifies how the implementation plan is to be amended, renewed or extended; and
  6. addresses any other matter as the Parties may agree.

1.2 Clause 29.2.1 of the FSGA states that the first Implementation Plan shall take effect on the Effective Date of the FSGA and shall have a term of ten (10) years, or such other term as the Parties may agree.

1.3 Representatives of the Parties have developed this Implementation Plan to fulfill the requirements of the FSGA as noted in 1.1 and 1.2 above.

2. General

2.1 Where there is any inconsistency or conflict between the Implementation Plan and the FSGA, the FSGA prevails to the extent of the inconsistency or conflict.

2.2 The Implementation Plan is based upon the existing division of responsibilities between Canada and the GNWT. To the extent that federal jurisdiction, powers or programs are transferred to the GNWT the activities performed by the GNWT and Canada pursuant to the Implementation Plan shall be reviewed by Canada and the GNWT and will be amended if required.

2.3 The words, phrases and acronyms used in the Implementation Plan have the same meaning as set out in the FSGA.

2.4 Together with the Implementation Plan, the following documents accompany, but do not form part of, the Délînê FSGA:

  1. Tax Treatment Agreement
  2. Financing Agreement
  3. Pre-effective Date Plan

2.5 The FSGA contains provisions that direct, or allow for, the DGG, the GNWT or Canada to enter into other agreements or protocols on matters such as taxation, information sharing, intergovernmental cooperation and other matters. Where an obligation to enter into an agreement or protocol is found in the FSGA, an associated Activity Sheet No. has been prepared to set out the activities, responsibilities and timing guidelines around that obligation. Where the FSGA provides for, but does not require, Canada or the GNWT to enter into an agreement with the DGG on a particular matter, the Parties have developed Activity Sheet No.s where they agree that such sheet No.s may be helpful in the future, should the decision be made to pursue these agreements.

3. Status of the Implementation Plan

3.1 As set out in 29.3.1 of the FSGA, the Implementation Plan:

  1. shall be attached to, but does not form part of, the FSGA;
  2. does not create legal obligations, unless the Parties otherwise agree;
  3. does not alter any rights or obligations set out in the FSGA;
  4. is not to be used to interpret the FSGA; and
  5. is not a treaty or a land claims agreement within the meaning of the Constitution Act, 1982.

4. Contents of the Implementation Plan

4.1 The following documents are attached to and form part of the Plan:

  1. Activity Sheet No.s for the implementation of the FSGA (Annex A);
  2. Communication Plan (Annex B); and
  3. Guidelines for the Operation of the Implementation Committee (Annex C).

4.2 The Activity Sheet No.s contained in Annex A:

  1. describe the implementation activities arising from the obligations set out in the FSGA;
  2. list the activities anticipated to fulfil those obligations:
  3. identify the Parties responsible for undertaking those activities; and
  4. provide timing guidelines for the completion of the activities.

4.3 Timing guidelines set out in this Implementation Plan are based on the Parties current knowledge and understanding of how and when activities required to fulfill obligations under the FSGA will be completed. These guidelines may need to be amended in the future, based on the Parties experience in implementing the plan.

4.4 Planning assumptions are intended to guide the Parties in the execution of specific activities. Planning assumptions indicating that Implementation Committee Representatives will coordinate activities internally for their respective government means that the representatives are responsible for ensuring timely and comprehensive administrative coordination of internal activities within their respective governments. This role has no bearing on decision-making processes of the Parties or the ability of governments to address matters as required.

5. Amendment and Renewal of the Implemenation Plan

5.1 The Implementation Plan may be amended by the agreement of the Implementation Committee identified in 29.4 of the FSGA, by following the procedure outlined in the Implementation Committee Guidelines contained in Annex C of this document.

6. Acronymns Used in the Implementation Plan

6.1 The following acronyms are used in this Implementation Plan:

Department of Aboriginal Affairs and Intergovernmental Relations, Government of the Northwest Territories
Délînê Got'înê Government
Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, Government of Canada
Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, Government of Canada
(Department of) Education, Culture and Employment, Government of the Northwest Territories
(Délînê) Final Self-Government Agreement
Government of the Northwest Territories
(Department of) Health and Social Services, Government of the Northwest Territories
(Department of) Municipal and Community Affairs, Government of the Northwest Territories
Northwest Territories Housing Corporation
Northwest Territories
Financing Agreement

Signatures for the Délînê Final Self-Government Agreement Implementation Plan

The Délînê Final Self-Government Agreement Implementation Plan signed on August 24, 2016, in the Northwest Territories, for

The Sahtu Dene and Metis of Délînê

Délînê First Nation Band

Délînê Land Corporation

The Government of the Northwest Territories

Minister of Aboriginal Affairs and Intergovernmental Relations

The Government of Canada

Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development

Annex A - Activity Sheets

Chapter 2 - General Provisions

Sheet # 2-1

Project: Consultation by Canada in the preparation of any legislation and amendments to the legislation, which implements the provisions of the FSGA

Responsibility: Canada – Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development (DIAND), Délînê Got'înê Government (DGG)

Participant/Liaison: Canada – Department of Justice, Canada Implementation Committee Representative, Délînê Implementation Committee Representative

Activities Responsibility Timing Guidelines
1. Notify the DGG in writing of the intent to prepare any:
  1. Federal Law which is proposed after the Effective Date to implement the provisions of the FSGA
  2. amendments to Federal Law which implement the provisions of the FSGA
DIAND After Effective Date, when Canada is preparing any Federal Law which implements the provisions of the FSGA or any amendments to the Federal Law which implements the provisions of the FSGA
2. Provide the DGG with a copy of the:
  1. draft Federal Law; or
  2. Federal Law to be amended and the draft amendment; and
  3. a written rationale for the draft Federal Law or for the amendment of the Federal Law
DIAND Within 60 days of draft legislation being available
3. The DGG will prepare its views on the matter DGG Within 60 days of receipt of the information to be provided by DIAND under Activity 2
4. Should the DGG require more than 60 days to complete Activity 3, it will notify Canada in writing to request a 30-day extension DGG Within 60 days of receipt of the information to be provided by DIAND under Activity 2
5. Upon receipt of written notification from the DGG under Activity 4, Canada will grant the DGG a 30-day extension to complete Activity 3 and will provide the DGG with written confirmation of the extension DIAND Upon receipt of written notification from the DGG under Activity 4
6. The DGG will present its views to Canada in writing DGG Within 60 days of receipt of the information to be provided by DIAND under Activity 2, or if an extension was requested under Activity 4, within 90 days of receipt of the information provided by DIAND under Activity 2
7. If Canada and the DGG agree they may hold one or more meetings to discuss the DGG's views on the matter DIAND, DGG At a time or time(s) agreed to by Canada and DGG
8. Canada will inform the DGG in writing of how their views were considered DIAND Within 60 days of receipt of the DGG's written submission under Activity 6, or within 60 days of the conclusion of any meeting or meetings agreed to under Activity 7
9. Prepare the Federal Law or the amended Federal Law DIAND Following completion of Activity 8
10. Provide the DGG with a copy of the enacted Federal Law or amended Federal Law DIAND Within 30 days of promulgation
Provisions Addressed:

1.1 "Consult" and "Consultation" means:

  1. the provision, to the party to be consulted, of notice of a matter to be decided in sufficient form and detail to allow that party to prepare its views on the matter;
  2. the provision of a reasonable period of time in which the party to be consulted may prepare its views on the matter, and provision of an opportunity to present such views to the party obliged to consult; and
  3. full and fair consideration by the party obliged to consult of any views presented;

2.5.1 Canada and the GNWT shall Consult the DGG in the preparation of any:

  1. Federal Law and NWT Law which is proposed after the Effective Date to implement the provisions of the FSGA; and
  2. amendments to the Federal Law or NWT Law which implements the provisions of the FSGA.
Planning Assumption:
  • Implementation Committee Representatives for Canada and DGG will have a coordinating role in these Activities.

Sheet # 2-2

Project: Consultation by GNWT in the preparation of any legislation and amendments to the legislation, which implements the provisions of the FSGA

Responsibility: Government of the Northwest Territories – Department of Aboriginal Affairs and Intergovernmental Relations (DAAIR), Délînê Got'înê Government (DGG)

Participant/Liaison: Government of the Northwest Territories – Department of Justice

Activities Responsibility Timing Guidelines
1. Notify the DGG in writing of the intent to consult with respect to the preparation of any:
  1. NWT Law which is proposed after the Effective Date to implement the provisions of the FSGA
  2. amendments to NWT Law which implement the provisions of the FSGA
DAAIR After Effective Date, when GNWT is preparing any NWT Law which implements the provisions of the FSGA or any amendments to the NWT Law which implement the provisions of the FSGA
2. Provide the DGG with a copy of the:
  1. draft NWT Law; or
  2. NWT Law to be amended and the draft amendment; and
  3. a written rationale for the draft NWT Law or for the amendment of the NWT Law
DAAIR Within 60 days of providing notice under Activity 1
3. The DGG will prepare its views on the matter DGG Within 60 days of receipt of the information to be provided by GNWT under Activity 2
4. Should the DGG require more than 60 days to complete Activity 3, it will notify GNWT in writing to request a 30-day extension DGG Within 60 days of receipt of the information to be provided by GNWT under Activity 2
5. Upon receipt of written notification from the DGG under Activity 4, the GNWT will grant the DGG a 30-day extension to complete Activity 3 and will provide the DGG with written confirmation of the extension DAAIR Upon receipt of written notification from the DGG under Activity 4
6. The DGG will present its views to the GNWT in writing DGG Within 60 days of receipt of the information to be provided by the GNWT under Activity 2, or if an extension was requested under Activity 4, within 90 days of receipt of the information provided by the GNWT under Activity 2
7. If the GNWT and the DGG agree they may hold one or more meetings to discuss the DGG's views on the matter DAAIR, DGG At a time or time(s) agreed to by the GNWT and DGG
8. GNWT will inform the DGG in writing of how their views were considered DAAIR Within 60 days of receipt of the DGG's written submission under Activity 6, or within 60 days of the conclusion of any meeting or meetings agreed to under Activity 7
9. Prepare the NWT Law or the amended NWT Law DAAIR Following completion of Activity 8
10. Provide the DGG with a copy of the enacted NWT Law or amended NWT Law DAAIR Within 30 days of promulgation
Provisions Addressed:

1.1 "Consult" and "Consultation" means:

  1. the provision, to the party to be consulted, of notice of a matter to be decided in sufficient form and detail to allow that party to prepare its views on the matter;
  2. the provision of a reasonable period of time in which the party to be consulted may prepare its views on the matter, and provision of an opportunity to present such views to the party obliged to consult; and
  3. full and fair consideration by the party obliged to consult of any views presented;

2.5.1 Canada and the GNWT shall Consult the DGG in the preparation of any:

  1. Federal Law and NWT Law which is proposed after the Effective Date to implement the provisions of the FSGA; and
  2. amendments to the Federal Law or NWT Law which implements the provisions of the FSGA.
Planning Assumptions:
  • The GNWT may advise the DGG of its intent to prepare legislation or amendments to legislation pursuant to 2.5.1, and the GNWT and DGG may discuss the proposed legislation or amendments, in advance of the GNWT providing notice under Activity 1.
  • The Legislative Proposal process would be complete, and the drafting of legislation or amendments to legislation would be initiated and substantially complete in advance of Activity 1.
  • GNWT and DGG's Implementation Committee representative will have a coordinating role in these Activities.

Sheet # 2-3

Project: Consultation on the creation of a local government in the Délînê District

Responsibility: Government of the Northwest Territories - Municipal and Community Affairs (MACA), Délînê Got'înê Government (DGG)

Participant/Liaison: Government of Canada – Department of Indian and Northern Affairs; Government of the Northwest Territories – Department of Aboriginal Affairs and Intergovernmental Relations

Activities Responsibility Timing Guidelines
1. Notify the DGG in writing of the intent to Consult when the GNWT is considering the creation of a local government on lands other than Settlement Lands in the Délînê District MACA After Effective Date, when GNWT is considering establishing a new local government on Crown/Commissioner's Land in the Délînê District.
2. Provide the DGG with:
  1. a copy of background information and rationale supporting the creation of a local government; and
  2. a map(s) and/or sketch(es) outlining the proposed boundary of the local government
MACA Within 60 days of providing notice under Activity 1
3. The DGG will prepare its views on the matter DGG Within 60 days of receipt of the information to be provided by the GNWT under Activity 2
4. Should the DGG require more than 60 days to complete Activity 3, it will notify GNWT in writing to request a 30-day extension DGG Within 60 days of receipt of the information to be provided by the GNWT under Activity 2
5. Upon receipt of the written notification from the DGG under Activity 4, the GNWT will grant the DGG a 30-day extension to complete Activity 3 and will provide the DGG with a written confirmation of the extension MACA Upon receipt of the written notification from the DGG under Activity 4
6. The DGG will present its views to GNWT in writing DGG Within 60 days of receipt of the information to be provided by the GNWT under Activity 2, or if an extension was requested under Activity 4, within 90 days of receipt of the information provided by the GNWT under Activity 2
7. If GNWT and the DGG agree they may hold one or more meetings to discuss the DGG's views on the matter MACA, DGG At a time or time(s) agreed to by GNWT and DGG
8. The GNWT will inform the DGG in writing of how their views were considered MACA Within 60 days of receipt of the DGG's written submission under Activity 6, or within 60 days of the conclusion of any meeting or meetings agreed to under Activity 7
9. Undertake process to create the local government MACA Following completion of Activity 8
10. Provide the DGG with a copy of any legislation, regulations or amendments to same, affecting the creation of the local government MACA Within 60 days of promulgation
Provisions Addressed:

1.1 "Consult" and "Consultation" means:

  1. the provision, to the party to be consulted, of notice of a matter to be decided in sufficient form and detail to allow that party to prepare its views on the matter;
  2. the provision of a reasonable period of time in which the party to be consulted may prepare its views on the matter, and provision of an opportunity to present such views to the party obliged to consult; and
  3. full and fair consideration by the party obliged to consult of any views presented;

2.6.1 The GNWT shall Consult with the DGG when the GNWT is considering the creation of a local government on lands other than Settlement Lands in the Délînê District.

Related Clauses: 2.6.2, 2.6.3

Planning Assumption:
  • MACA may advise the DGG of the upcoming consultation, and MACA and the DGG may discuss the matter informally, in advance of the GNWT providing notice under Activity 1.

Sheet # 2-4

Project: Application of Jurisdictions and Authorities of DGG with respect to a new local government

Responsibility: Government of the Northwest Territories – Department of Aboriginal Affairs and Intergovernmental Relations (DAAIR), Délînê Got'înê Government, Government of Canada – Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development (Parties)

Participant/Liaison: Government of the Northwest Territories Departments, Implementation Committee Representatives

Activities Responsibility Timing Guidelines
1. Advise the Parties, in writing, of the need to enter into discussions on the application of Jurisdictions and Authorities of the DGG within the boundaries of a new local government to be created by the GNWT in the Délînê District DAAIR Concurrent with Activity 9 in Activity Sheet No. 2-3
2. Appoint representatives to participate in discussions Parties Within 60 days after written advice has been provided under Activity 1
3. Provide timely disclosure of sufficient information and documents to enable a full examination of the subject matter Parties Within 60 days of receipt of the response in Activity 2
4. Enter into discussion(s) concerning the application of the Jurisdictions and Authorities of the DGG within the boundaries of the new local government Parties As soon as reasonable after Activity 3
5. If needed, amend the FSGA and FA in accordance with agreement reached in Activity 4 and 26.4 of the FSGA (Sheet No. 26-2) Parties After agreement reached
Provisions Addressed:

2.6.2 Where the GNWT intends to create a local government in the Délînê District on lands other than Settlement Lands, the Parties shall consider whether the Jurisdictions and Authorities of the DGG as set out in the FSGA shall apply within the boundaries of the new local government and, where appropriate, amend the FSGA and the FA accordingly.

26.4.1 Notwithstanding 26.2, the Parties may agree at any time, in writing, to amend the FSGA.

26.4.2 Any amendment shall require the approval of the Parties as follows:

  1. Canada shall give its approval by an order of the Governor in Council;
  2. the GNWT shall give its approval by an order of the Commissioner in Executive Council; and,
  3. the DGG shall give its approval by the means provided for in DGG Law and the Délînê Got'înê Æeæadó.

26.4.3 If Federal Law, NWT Law or DGG Law is required to give effect to an amendment to the FSGA, Canada, the GNWT or the DGG, as the case may be, shall recommend the necessary legislation to the Parliament of Canada, the Legislative Assembly of the NWT and the Délînê K'aowœdó Kœ and the amendment takes effect when the last required legislation comes into force.

Related Clauses: 2.6.1, 2.6.3, 26.4.5

Planning Assumptions:
  • Canada's Implementation Committee Representative will have a coordinating role in Canada's participation in these activities
  • GNWT's Implementation Committee Representative may have a coordinating role for the GNWT's participation in these activities
  • DGG's Implementation Committee Representative may have a coordinating role for the DGG's participation in these activities

Sheet # 2-5

Project: Consultation on amending the boundaries of a local government

Responsibility: Government of the Northwest Territories – Department of Municipal and Community Affairs (MACA), Délînê Got'înê Government (DGG)

Participant/Liaison: Government of the Northwest Territories – Department of Aboriginal Affairs and Intergovernmental Relations

Activities Responsibility Timing Guidelines
1. Notify the DGG in writing of the intent to Consult prior to amending the boundary of a new local government that has been established in the Délînê District MACA Prior to amending the boundary of a new local government that has been created in the Délînê District
2. Provide the DGG with a copy of:
  1. maps and/or sketches indicating the proposed boundary revision; and
  2. a rationale for the proposed boundary revision
MACA Within 60 days of providing notice under Activity 1
3. The DGG will prepare its views on the matter DGG Within 60 days of receipt of the information to be provided by GNWT under Activity 2
4. Should the DGG require more than 60 days to complete Activity 3, it will notify GNWT in writing to request a 30-day extension DGG Within 60 days of receipt of the information to be provided by MACA under Activity 2
5. Upon receipt of written notification from the DGG under Activity 4, GNWT will grant the DGG a 30-day extension to complete Activity 3 and will provide the DGG with written confirmation of the extension MACA Upon receipt of written notification from the DGG under Activity 4
6. The DGG will present its views to GNWT in writing DGG Within 60 days of receipt of the information to be provided by GNWT under Activity 2, or if an extension was requested under Activity 4, within 90 days of receipt of the information provided by GNWT under Activity 2
7. If GNWT and the DGG agree they may hold one or more meetings to discuss the DGG's views on the matter MACA, DGG At a time or time(s) agreed to by GNWT and DGG
8. GNWT will inform the DGG in writing of how their views were considered MACA Within 60 days of receipt of the DGG's written submission under Activity 6, or within 60 days of the conclusion of any meeting or meetings agreed to under Activity 7
9. Issue Minister's Order to amend the boundary of the local government. MACA Following completion of Activity 8
10. Provide the DGG with written confirmation of the finalized boundary set out in the Minister's Order MACA Within 30 days of promulgation of the Minister's Order
Provisions Addressed:

1.1 "Consult" and "Consultation" means:

  1. the provision, to the party to be consulted, of notice of a matter to be decided in sufficient form and detail to allow that party to prepare its views on the matter;
  2. the provision of a reasonable period of time in which the party to be consulted may prepare its views on the matter, and provision of an opportunity to present such views to the party obliged to consult; and
  3. full and fair consideration by the party obliged to consult of any views presented;

2.6.3 Where the GNWT has created a new local government on lands other than Settlement Lands in the Délînê District, the GNWT shall Consult with the DGG prior to amending the boundary of that new local government.

Related Clauses: 2.6.1, 2.6.2

Planning Assumption:
  • MACA may advise the DGG of the upcoming consultation, and MACA and the DGG may discuss the matter informally, in advance of the GNWT providing notice under Activity 1.

Sheet # 2-6

Project: Consultation when amending NWT core principles and objectives

Responsibility: Government of the Northwest Territories – Department of Education, Culture & Employment (ECE), Health & Social Services (HSS), NWT Housing Corporation (NWTHC), Délînê Got'înê Government (DGG),

Participant/Liaison: Government of the Northwest Territories – Department of Aboriginal Affairs and Intergovernmental Relations

Activities Responsibility Timing Guidelines
1. Notify the DGG in writing of the intent to Consult in the amendment of any NWT core principles and objectives in relation to:
  1. early childhood education
  2. Child and Family Services
  3. adoption
  4. Social Housing; and
  5. Income Support
ECE, HSS, and/or NWTHC After Effective Date, when GNWT is amending any NWT core principles and objectives
2. Begin consultation process ECE, HSS, and/or NWTHC Within 60 days of providing notice under Activity 1
3. Provide the DGG with:
  1. a copy of the proposed amendment; and
  2. a written rationale for the amendment
ECE, HSS, and/or NWTHC Within 60 days of proposed amendment being completed
4. The DGG will prepare its views on the matter DGG Within 60 days of receipt of the information to be provided by GNWT under Activity 3
5. Should the DGG require more than 60 days to complete Activity 4, it will notify GNWT in writing to request a 30-day extension DGG Within 60 days of receipt of the information to be provided by GNWT under Activity 3
6. Upon receipt of written notification from the DGG under Activity 5, GNWT will grant the DGG a 30-day extension to complete Activity 4 and will provide the DGG with written confirmation of the extension ECE, HSS, and/or NWTHC Upon receipt of written notification from the DGG under Activity 5
7. The DGG will present its views to GNWT in writing DGG Within 60 days of receipt of the information to be provided by GNWT under Activity 3, or if an extension was requested under Activity 5, within 90 days of receipt of the information provided by GNWT under Activity 3
8. If the GNWT and the DGG agree they may hold one or more meetings to discuss the DGG's views on the matter ECE, HSS, and/or NWTHC, DGG At a time agreed to by GNWT and DGG
9. The GNWT will inform the DGG in writing of how their views were considered ECE, HSS, and/or NWTHC Within 60 days of receipt of the DGG's written submission under Activity 7, or within 60 days of the conclusion of any meeting or meetings agreed to under Activity 8
10. Amend NWT core principles and objectives ECE, HSS, and/or NWTHC Following completion of Activity 9
11. Provide the DGG with a copy of the amended NWT core principles and objectives ECE, HSS, and/or NWTHC Within 30 days of promulgation
Provisions Addressed:

1.1 "Consult" and "Consultation" means:

  1. the provision, to the party to be consulted, of notice of a matter to be decided in sufficient form and detail to allow that party to prepare its views on the matter;
  2. the provision of a reasonable period of time in which the party to be consulted may prepare its views on the matter, and provision of an opportunity to present such views to the party obliged to consult; and
  3. full and fair consideration by the party obliged to consult of any views presented;

2.10.1 In Consultation with the DGG, the GNWT may amend NWT core principles and objectives in relation to:

  1. early childhood education;
  2. Child and Family Services;
  3. adoption
  4. Social Housing; and
  5. Income Support.

Related Clauses: 2.10.2, 2.10.3, 2.10.4, 2.10.5

Planning Assumption:
  • ECE, HSS, and/or NWTHC may advise the DGG of the upcoming consultation, and the Department(s) concerned may discuss the matter with the DGG informally, in advance of the GNWT providing notice under Activity 1.

Sheet # 2-7

Project: Resolution of inconsistency or Conflict of laws through an amendment to the Délînê FSGA

Responsibility: Government of the Northwest Territories – Department of Aboriginal Affairs and Intergovernmental Relations, Délînê Got'înê Government, Government of Canada – Department of Indian and Northern Affairs (Parties)

Participant/Liaison: Government of the Northwest Territories – Department of Justice, Implementation Committee

Activities Responsibility Timing Guidelines
1. Notify other Parties where need to amend the FSGA is identified, and provide any proposed amendment, in writing, to the Parties in relation to 2.11.5 a) Any Party As required to resolve inconsistency or conflict of laws
2. Confirm/agree on need to amend FSGA Parties As soon as practicable following Activity 1
3. Enter negotiations to amend any provisions of the FSGA where amendment is agreed to by the Parties Parties As soon as possible following notification of need to amend FSGA
4. Amend FSGA as provided for in 26.4.1, 26.4.2, 26.4.3, 26.4.5, 26.1.1 (Sheet No. 26-2) Parties In accordance with specific provisions
5. Review the Implementation Plan and where required amend the Implementation Plan in accordance with amendments to the FSGA Parties As soon as FSGA amendments have been approved
Provisions Addressed:

2.11.3 In the event of an inconsistency or Conflict between the Sahtu Dene and Metis Land Claim Settlement Act (Canada) or the SDMCLCA and the FSGA, the Sahtu Dene and Metis Land Claim Settlement Act (Canada) or the SDMCLCA, as the case may be, prevails to the extent of the inconsistency or Conflict.

2.11.4 To resolve the inconsistency or Conflict referred to in 2.11.3:

  1. the Parties may agree to amend the FSGA in accordance with Chapter 26; or

Related Clauses: 26.4.1, 26.4.2, 26.4.3, 26.4.5

Planning Assumption:
  • The Implementation Committee will have a coordinating role in these activities.

Sheet # 2-7-1

Project: Notification to the DGG where the Minister intends to give policy direction to the Sahtu Land and Water Board and the Mackenzie Valley Land and Water Board

Responsibility: Government of Canada - Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development (DIAND)

Activities Responsibility Timing Guidelines
1. Notify the DGG in writing of the intent to give policy direction Minister Prior to providing policy direction to the Sahtu Land and Water Board and the Mackenzie Valley Land
Provisions Addressed:

2.7.1 Where the Minister intends to give policy direction to the Sahtu Land and Water Board and the Mackenzie Valley Land and Water Board with respect to the use of land or water or the deposit of waste in the Délînê District, the Minister shall inform the DGG of the intention to give policy direction. The informing, and any subsequent communication which the DGG might send concerning the intended direction, will not by themselves, individually or together, give rise to or entail any duty or obligation:

  1. to take any steps referred to in 1.1.1's definition of "Consultation"; or,
  2. to undertake any other form, degree or element of consultation or accommodation; or,
  3. otherwise engage in any further conduct whatsoever, in relation to the intended direction or in relation to the DGG.

Related Clauses: 1.1.1

Sheet # 2-8

Project: Consultation with respect to a new International Legal Obligation that may adversely affect a right of the DGG, the DFN or a DFN Citizen.

Responsibility: Délînê Got'înê Government (DGG), Government of Canada – Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade (DFAIT)

Participant/Liaison: Government of Canada – Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, DGG Implementation Committee Representative, Canada Implementation Committee Representative

Activities Responsibility Timing Guidelines
1. Notify the DGG in writing of the intent to consult, either separately or through a forum, with respect to a new International Legal Obligation which may adversely affect a right of the DGG, the DFN, or a DFN Citizen DFAIT After Effective Date, prior to consenting to be bound by an International Treaty which would give rise to a new International Legal Obligation
2. Provide the DGG with a copy of the new International Legal Obligation DFAIT Once notice has been provided in Activity 1
3. The DGG will prepare its views on the matter DGG Within 90 days or as otherwise agreed
4. The DGG will present its views to Canada in writing DGG Within 90 days of receipt of the information to be provided by DFAIT under Activity 2 or as otherwise agreed
5. If Canada and the DGG agree they may hold one or more meetings to discuss the DGG's views on the matter DFAIT/DGG At a time or times agreed to by Canada and DGG
6. Canada will inform the DGG in writing of how their views were considered DGG Within 30 days of receipt of the DGG's written submission under Activity 4, or within 30 days of the conclusion of any meeting or meetings agreed to under Activity 5
7. Prepare the new International Legal Obligation DFAIT/DGG Following completion of Activity 6
8. Provide the DGG with a copy of the enacted International Legal Obligation DFAIT Within 30 days of promulgation
Provisions Addressed:

1.1 "Consult" and "Consultation" means:

  1. the provision, to the party to be consulted, of notice of a matter to be decided in sufficient form and detail to allow that party to prepare its views on the matter;
  2. the provision of a reasonable period of time in which the party to be consulted may prepare its views on the matter, and provision of an opportunity to present such views to the party obliged to consult; and
  3. full and fair consideration by the party obliged to consult of any views presented;

2.13.1 After the Effective Date, prior to consenting to be bound by an International Treaty which would give rise to a new International Legal Obligation, compliance with which may adversely affect a right of the DGG, the DFN, or a DFN Citizen under the FSGA, Canada will Consult with the DGG with respect to the International Legal Obligation.

2.13.2 Canada shall conduct the Consultation referred to in 2.13.1 either separately or through a forum that Canada determines is appropriate.

Related Clauses: 2.13.3, 2.13.4, 2.13.5, 2.13.8

Planning Assumptions:
  • Timing of activities will reflect sensitivity/urgency of the matter.
  • Canada's Implementation Committee Representative will have a coordinating role in these activities.
  • The DGG's Implementation Committee Representative will have a coordinating role in the DGG's participation in these activities.

Sheet # 2-9

Project: Discussion of remedial measures where a DGG Law or other exercises of power of the DGG causes Canada to be unable to perform an International Legal Obligation.

Responsibility: Délînê Got'înê Government (DGG), Government of Canada – Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade (DFAIT)

Participant/Liaison: Government of Canada – Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development

Activities Responsibility Timing Guidelines
1. Inform the DGG that it considers that a DGG Law or other exercise of power of the DGG has caused Canada to be unable to perform an International Legal Obligation (ILO) DFAIT As required after the Effective Date
2. Provide timely disclosure of sufficient information and documents to enable a full examination of the subject matter to be discussed DGG, DFAIT As soon as practicable after the appointment of representatives
3. Meet to discuss remedial measures required to enable Canada to perform an ILO DGG, DFAIT As soon as practicable after Activity 2
4. If Canada and the DGG disagree over whether a DGG Law or other exercise of power of the DGG causes Canada to be unable to perform an ILO or, if Canada and the DGG disagree on remedial measures, the dispute will be resolved pursuant to Chapter 27 of the FSGA (Sheet No.s 27-1 to 27-4) DGG, DFAIT At discretion after the discussions have concluded
5. Remedy the DGG Law or other exercise of power of the DGG to enable Canada to perform an ILO DGG As soon as practicable after the Parties agree under Activity 3 or 4


As soon as practicable after a final decision maker in Activity 4 (arbitration or court) determines that a DGG Law or other exercise of power of the DGG causes Canada to be unable to perform an ILO or that the remedial measures are insufficient
Provisions Addressed:

2.13.3 Where Canada informs the DGG that it considers that a DGG Law or other exercise of power of the DGG causes Canada to be unable to perform an International Legal Obligation, the DGG and Canada will discuss remedial measures to enable Canada to perform the International Legal Obligation. Subject to 2.13.4, the DGG will remedy the DGG Law or other exercise of power to the extent necessary to enable Canada to perform the International Legal Obligation.

2.13.4 Subject to 2.13.6, where Canada and the DGG disagree over whether a DGG Law or other exercise of power of the DGG causes Canada to be unable to perform an International Legal Obligation or on remedial measures, the dispute will be resolved pursuant to chapter 27, and, if the dispute goes to arbitration or to court:

  1. if the final decision maker, having taken into account all relevant considerations determines that the DGG Law or other exercise of power of the DGG does not cause Canada to be unable to perform the International Legal Obligation or that the remedial measures are sufficient to enable Canada to perform the International Legal Obligation, Canada will not take any further action for this reason aimed at changing the DGG Law or other exercise of power; or
  2. if the final decision maker, having taken into account all relevant considerations determines that the DGG Law or other exercise of power of the DGG causes Canada to be unable to perform the International Legal Obligation or that the remedial measures are insufficient to enable Canada to perform the International Legal Obligation, the DGG will remedy the DGG Law or other exercise of power to the extent necessary to enable Canada to perform the International Legal Obligation.

Related Clauses: 2.13.1, 2.13.5, 2.13.7, 2.13.8

Planning Assumptions:
  • Timing of activities will reflect sensitivity/urgency of the matter.
  • Canada s Implementation Committee Representative will have a coordinating role for Canada's participation in these activities.
  • The DGG's Implementation Committee Representative will have a coordinating role in the DGG's participation in these activities.

Sheet # 2-10

Project: Consultation in the development of Canada's positions before an International Tribunal, where required

Responsibility: Délînê Got'înê Government (DGG), Government of Canada – Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade (DFAIT)

Participant/Liaison: Government of Canada – Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, DGG Implementation Committee Representative, Canada Implementation Committee Representative

Activities Responsibility Timing Guidelines
1. Notify the DGG in writing of the intent to Consult with respect to the development of Canada's positions before an International Tribunal regarding the DGG Law or other exercise of DGG power, where required DFAIT After Effective Date, where a DGG law or other exercise of DGG power has given rise to an issue concerning the performance of an Internal Legal Obligation of Canada before an International Tribunal
2. Provide to the DGG timely disclosure of sufficient information and documents to enable a full examination of the subject matter. DFAIT Once notice has been provided in Activity 1
3. The DGG will prepare its views on the matter DFAIT Within 90 days or as otherwise agreed
4. The DGG will present its views to Canada in writing DFAIT Within 90 days of receipt of the information to be provided by DFAIT under Activity 2, or as otherwise agreed
5. If Canada and the DGG agree they may hold one or more meetings to discuss the DGG's views on the matter DFAIT/DGG At a time or time(s) agreed to by Canada and DGG
6. Canada will inform the DGG in writing of how their views were considered DFAIT Within 30 days of receipt of the DGG's written submission under Activity 4, or within 30 days of the conclusion of any meeting or meetings agreed to under Activity 5
7. Finalize position and present to International Tribunal DFAIT Following completion of Activity 6
8. Inform the DGG of findings of the International Tribunal. DFAIT As soon as practicable after the International Tribunal provides its findings
Provisions Addressed:

1.1 "Consult" and "Consultation" means:

  1. the provision, to the party to be consulted, of notice of a matter to be decided in sufficient form and detail to allow that party to prepare its views on the matter;
  2. the provision of a reasonable period of time in which the party to be consulted may prepare its views on the matter, and provision of an opportunity to present such views to the party obliged to consult; and
  3. full and fair consideration by the party obliged to consult of any views presented;

2.13.5 Where a DGG Law or other exercise of power of the DGG has given rise to an issue concerning the performance of an International Legal Obligation of Canada before an International Tribunal, Canada will Consult the DGG with respect to the development of positions taken by Canada before an International Tribunal regarding the DGG Law or other exercise of power of the DGG. Canada's positions before the International Tribunal will take into account the commitment of the Parties to the integrity of the FSGA.

Related Clauses: 2.13.7, 2.13.8

Planning Assumptions:
  • Timing of activities will reflect sensitivity/urgency of the matter.
  • Canada's Implementation Committee Representative will have a coordinating role for Canada's participation in these activities.
  • The DGG's Implementation Committee Representative will have a coordinating role in the DGG's participation in these activities.

Sheet # 2-11

Project: Discussions of remedial measures necessary following the decision of an International Tribunal

Responsibility: Délînê Got'înê Government (DGG), Government of Canada – Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade (DFAIT)

Participant/Liaison: Government of Canada – Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, Délînê Implementation Committee Representative, Canada Implementation Committee Representative

Activities Responsibility Timing Guidelines
1. Inform the DGG that an International Tribunal has concluded that there has been the non-performance of an International Legal Obligation (ILO) of Canada attributable to a DGG Law or other exercise of power of the DGG DFAIT At discretion after the International Tribunal decision
2. Appoint representatives DGG, DFAIT As soon as practicable after Activity 1
3. Provide timely disclosure of sufficient information and documents to enable a full examination of the subject matter to be discussed DGG, DFAIT As soon as practicable after the appointment of representatives
4. Meet to discuss remedial measures necessary to enable Canada to perform the ILO consistent with the compliance of Canada with respect to that ILO DGG, DFAIT As soon as practicable after Activity 3
5. Remedy the DGG Law or other exercise of power of the DGG to enable Canada to perform the ILO consistent with the compliance of Canada with respect to that ILO DGG As soon as practicable after Activity 4
Provisions Addressed:

2.13.6 Notwithstanding 2.13.4, if an International Tribunal concludes that there has been non-performance of an International Legal Obligation of Canada attributable to a DGG Law or other exercise of power of the DGG, the DGG will, at the request of Canada, remedy the DGG Law or action to the extent necessary to enable Canada to perform the International Legal Obligation consistent with the compliance of Canada with respect to that International Legal Obligation. The DGG and Canada will discuss the remedial measures necessary to enable Canada to perform the International Legal Obligation.

Related Clauses: 2.13.7, 2.13.8

Planning Assumptions:
  • Timing of activities will reflect sensitivity/urgency of the matter.
  • Canada's Implementation Committee Representative will have a coordinating role for Canada's participation in these activities.
  • The DGG's Implementation Committee Representative will have a coordinating role in The DGG's participation in these activities.

Sheet # 2-12

Project: Judicial determination of validity

Responsibility: Government of the Northwest Territories – Department of Justice, Délînê Got'înê Government, Government of Canada – Department of Indian and Northern Affairs (Parties)

Activities Responsibility Timing Guidelines
1. Where a court has determined that a provision is made inoperative, the Parties agree to meet to discuss options. Parties will determine the timeline and next steps depending on the level of importance of the inoperative provision Parties As soon as practicable following a court ruling
2. Enter negotiations to make best efforts to amend any provisions of the FSGA found by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid Parties As agreed
3. Take steps to amend the FSGA, if agreed, in accordance with the process described in 26.4 of the FSGA (Sheet No. 26-2) Parties Upon agreement on proposed amendments
4. Review the Implementation Plan and amend the Implementation Plan in accordance with changes to the FSGA, where required Parties As soon as FSGA amendments have been approved
Provisions Addressed:

2.14.1 If a court of competent jurisdiction finally determines any provision of the FSGA to be invalid or unenforceable:

  1. the Parties shall make best efforts to amend the FSGA to remedy or replace the provision; and
  2. the provision shall be severable from the FSGA to the extent of the invalidity or unenforceability and the remainder of the FSGA shall be construed, to the extent possible, to give effect to the intent of the Parties.

Related Clauses: 2.14.2, 2.14.3, 2.14.4, 26.4, 29.4.2

Planning Assumptions:
  • Implementation Committee Representatives will be made aware of the negotiations and any resulting amendment and will coordinate the preparation of amendments as required.
  • Depending on the nature of the matter, Canada's Implementation Committee Representative will have a lead or coordinating role for Canada's participation in the matter.
  • Depending on the nature of the matter, the GNWT's Implementation Committee Representative will have a lead or coordinating role for GNWT's participation in the matter.
  • The DGG's Implementation Committee Representative will have a coordinating role in the DGG's participation in these activities.

Sheet # 2-13

Project: Disclosure of information

Responsibility: Délînê Got'înê Government (DGG), Government of Canada (Canada), Government of the Northwest Territories (GNWT)

Activities Responsibility Timing Guidelines
1. Request in writing disclosure of information from Canada or the GNWT DGG As required
2. Evaluate request for disclosure of information as if it were requested by a province or a territory Canada or GNWT Once request for disclosure of information has been submitted
3. Disclose information to DGG


Do not disclose information pursuant to 2.17.3
Canada or GNWT Within a reasonable amount of time after decision has been made
Provisions Addressed:

2.17.2 If the DGG requests disclosure of information from Canada or the GNWT, the request shall be evaluated as if it were a request by a province or a territory for disclosure of that information, but Canada and the GNWT are not required to disclose information to the DGG that would not be available to any or all provinces or territories.

2.17.3 Notwithstanding any other provision of the FSGA:

  1. the Parties are not required to disclose any information that they are required or entitled to withhold under a privilege at law or under any Federal Law, NWT Law or DGG Law; and
  2. where conditions are required for the disclosure of information under Federal Law, NWT Law or DGG Law, the Parties are not required to disclose that information unless the conditions are met.
Planning Assumption:
  • Canada or the GNWT will provide reasons to the DGG, in writing, if information is not disclosed.

Sheet # 2-14

Project: Waiver of an obligation

Responsibility: Délînê Got'înê Government, Government of Canada, Government of the Northwest Territories (Parties)

Activities Responsibility Timing Guidelines
1. Submit a written request to waive the performance by a Party of an obligation under the FSGA, specifying the proposed duration of the waiver and a proposed timeline for addressing the request Parties At discretion after the Effective Date
2. Agree upon proposed or alternate timeline for addressing the waiver request, taking into consideration the nature/urgency of the request Parties As soon as reasonable after the request has been made as in Activity 1
3. Provide written notice of decision on whether or not waiver request has been agreed to Parties In accordance with the timeline agreed to under Activity 2
4. If the request is accepted, prepare and sign written waiver Parties In accordance with the timeline agreed to under Activity 2
Provisions Addressed:

2.18.1 The Parties may agree that the performance in a particular instance of an obligation by a Party under the FSGA may be waived, provided the terms of the waiver, including its duration, are in writing and signed by the Parties.

Planning Assumptions:
  • In agreeing upon a timeline under Activity 2 the Parties will consider the nature and urgency of the request and will agree upon timelines that respect the concerns of the Party requesting the waiver.
  • The Implementation Committee will be made aware of any waivers agreed to by the Parties.

Sheet # 2-15

Project: Change of address

Responsibility: Délînê Got'înê Government, Government of Canada, Government of the Northwest Territories (Parties)

Participant/Liaison: Canada – Department of Indian and Northern Affairs, Government of the Northwest Territories – Department of Aboriginal Affairs and Intergovernmental Relations

Activities Responsibility Timing Guidelines
1. Notify the Parties, in writing of change of Address pursuant to 2.19 Parties As required after the Effective Date
Provisions Addressed:

2.20.3 If no other address for delivery of a particular notice has been provided by a Party, a notice will be delivered or mailed to the address or transmitted to the facsimile number of the intended recipient as set out below:

For: Government of Canada
Attention: Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development
House of Commons
Room 583, Confederation Building
Ottawa, ON K1A 0A6
Facsimile Number: 819-953-4941

For: Government of the Northwest Territories
Attention: Minister of Aboriginal Affairs and Intergovernmental Relations
P.O. Box 1320
Yellowknife, NT X1A 2L9
Facsimile Number: 867-873-0385

For: Délînê Got'înê Government
Attention: Æekw'ahtîd£
Délînê, NT X0E 0G0
Facsimile Number: 867-589-8101

2.20.4 A Party may change its address or facsimile number by giving a notice of the change in writing to the other Parties.

Related Clauses: 2.20.1, 2.20.2

Chapter 3 - Government

Sheet # 3-1

Project: Registry of laws

Responsibility: Délînê Got'înê Government (DGG)

Activities Responsibility Timing Guidelines
1. Maintain the public registry by entering into registry any new DGG Laws or amendments approved DGG Within 5 to 10 business days of the enactment of new laws
2. Provide reasonable public access to the registry during normal business hours DGG After the establishment of the registry
Provision Addressed:

3.7.1 The DGG shall:

  1. maintain a public registry of the Délînê Got'înê Æeæadó and of all DGG Laws including amendments:
    1. in the English language, which shall be the authoritative version, and
    2. at the discretion of the DGG, in the North Slavey language, and
  2. establish procedures for the entry into force of, publication of, and public access to DGG Laws.
Planning Assumptions:
  • The format and preparatory work on the registry of laws is covered under the Pre-Effective Date Plan.
  • Délînê has indicated that DGG Laws will be translated into North Slavey.

Sheet # 3-2

Project: Copies of DGG Laws

Responsibility: Délînê Got'înê Government (DGG)

Participant/Liaison: Government of the Northwest Territories – Department of Justice, Government of Canada – Department of Indian and Northern Affairs

Activities Responsibility Timing Guidelines
1. Provide copies of DGG laws to Canada and the GNWT DGG Within 15 business days following enactment of DGG laws
Provisions Addressed:

3.7.2 The DGG shall provide Canada and the GNWT with copies of all DGG Laws for information purposes.

Related Clause: 2.20.3

Sheet # 3-3

Project: Conclude a protocol respecting the enactment of DGG Laws

Responsibility: Délînê Got'înê Government (DGG), Government of the Northwest Territories – Department of Aboriginal Affairs and Intergovernmental Relations (DAAIR)

Activities Responsibility Timing Guidelines
1. Provide notice, in writing, to enter into discussions in relation to 3.7.3 DAAIR, DGG As soon as practicable and no later than 12 months after the Effective Date
2. Designate representatives to participate in discussions DAAIR, DGG Within 60 days after notice has been given in Activity 1
3. Provide timely disclosure of sufficient information and documents to enable a full examination of the subject matter to be discussed DAAIR, DGG Following the completion of Activity 2 and concurrent with Activity 4
4. Enter into discussion(s) towards concluding a protocol on the subjects, timing, and the method by which the DGG will give the GNWT notice when contemplating the enactment of a DGG Law DAAIR, DGG As soon as reasonable after completion of Activity 2
5. Conclude and execute protocol document DAAIR, DGG After agreement has been reached and no later than 18 months after Effective Date
6. Implement the provisions of the protocol DAAIR, DGG Upon execution of protocol document
Provision Addressed:

3.7.3 As soon as practicable after the Effective Date, the DGG and the GNWT shall enter into discussions towards concluding a protocol on the subjects, timing, and the method by which the DGG will give the GNWT notice when contemplating the enactment of a DGG Law.

Sheet # 3-4

Project: Delegation of Jurisdiction

Responsibility: Délînê Got'înê Government (DGG), Government of the Northwest Territories – Department of Aboriginal Affairs and Intergovernmental Relations (DAAIR), Government of Canada – Department of Indian and Northern Affairs (DIAND)

Activities Responsibility Timing Guidelines
1. Provide notice in writing of intent to delegate Jurisdiction(s), including identification of Jurisdictions to be delegated and authority who would be receiving the delegation DGG At discretion of the DGG
2. Meet to discuss the proposed delegation, including the rationale for delegating DGG, DAAIR, DIAND within 60 days of receiving notice under Activity 1
3. Consider proposed delegation DAAIR, DIAND Following Activity 2
4. Provide DGG with written notice as to whether or not delegation has been agreed to DAAIR, DIAND Within 60 days of completing Activity 2
5. If GNWT and Canada agree to delegation, delegate Jurisdiction in writing DGG As required
6. Provide Canada and GNWT with copy of the delegation DGG Within 30 days of completing the delegation
Provisions Addressed:

3.8.1 The DGG may delegate any of its Jurisdictions to another government, body or institution with the written agreement of the Parties.

3.8.4 A delegation under 3.8.1 to 3.8.3 must be in writing and agreed to by the person or entity receiving the delegation.

Chapter 6 - Kindergarten to Grade 12 Education

Sheet # 6-1

Project: Consultation on the creation of exemptions to student access to kindergarten to grade 12 education

Responsibility: Délînê Got'înê Government (DGG), Government of the Northwest Territories – Education, Culture and Employment (ECE)

Activities Responsibility Timing Guidelines
1. Notify the GNWT in writing of the intent to consult where the DGG is creating an exemption(s) to 6.1.3 b) for reasons other than those set out in 6.1.4 a) or b) DGG After Effective Date, when DGG is creating exemptions to 6.1.3 b) for reasons other than those set out in 6.1.4 a) or b)
2. Provide the GNWT with:
  1. written details of the proposed exemption; and
  2. a written rationale for the exemption
DGG Concurrent with Activity 1
3. The GNWT will prepare its views on the matter ECE Within 15 business days of receipt of the information to be provided by DGG under Activity 2
4. Should the GNWT require more than 15 business days to complete Activity 3, it will notify DGG in writing to request a 15 business day extension ECE Within 15 business days of receipt of the information to be provided by DGG under Activity 2
5. Upon receipt of written notification from the GNWT under Activity 4, the DGG will grant the GNWT a 15 business days extension to complete Activity 3 and will provide the GNWT with written confirmation of the extension DGG Upon receipt of written notification from the GNWT under Activity 4
6. The GNWT will present its views to DGG in writing ECE Within 15 business days of receipt of the information to be provided by DGG under Activity 2, or if an extension was requested under Activity 4, within 30 business days of receipt of the information provided by GNWT under Activity 2
7. If GNWT and the DGG agree they may hold a meeting to discuss the GNWT's views on the matter ECE, DGG At a time agreed to by GNWT and DGG
8. DGG will inform the ECE in writing of how their views were considered DGG Within 15 business days of receipt of the DGG's written submission under Activity 6, or within 15 business days of the conclusion of any meeting agreed to under Activity 7
9. Implement the exemption DGG Following completion of Activity 8
Provisions Addressed:

1.1 "Consult" and "Consultation" means:

  1. the provision, to the party to be consulted, of notice of a matter to be decided in sufficient form and detail to allow that party to prepare its views on the matter;
  2. the provision of a reasonable period of time in which the party to be consulted may prepare its views on the matter, and provision of an opportunity to present such views to the party obliged to consult; and
  3. full and fair consideration by the party obliged to consult of any views presented;

6.1.4 The DGG may create exemptions to 6.1.3 b) where:

  1. a Student has reached the age of sixteen (16) years and has been expelled from school;
  2. the health, safety or delivery of education to that Student or other Students would be jeopardized by the presence of that Student in a regular instructional setting; and
  3. there are other reasons as determined by the DGG in Consultation with the GNWT.

Related Clauses: 6.1.1, 6.1.3 b)

Sheet # 6-2

Project: Consultation by the GNWT with respect to changes to the Curriculum Framework, requirements for grade 12 graduation or teacher certification

Responsibility: Government of the Northwest Territories – Department of Education, Culture and Employment (ECE), Délînê Got'înê Government (DGG)

Activities Responsibility Timing Guidelines
1. Notify the DGG in writing of the intent to consult with respect to changes to
  1. the Curriculum Framework;
  2. requirements for grade 12 graduation; or
  3. requirements for NWT teacher certification.
ECE After Effective Date, when GNWT intends to make changes to the Curriculum Framework, requirements for grade 12 graduation, or requirements for NWT teacher certification
2. Provide the DGG with:
  1. a copy of the proposed changes to the Curriculum Framework, requirements for Grade12 graduation or requirements for NWT teacher certification; and
  2. a written rationale for the proposed changes
EE ECE On Within 60 days of providing notice under Activity 1
3. The DGG will prepare its views on the matter DGG Within 60 days of receipt of the information to be provided by the GNWT under Activity 2
4. Should the DGG require more than 60 days to complete Activity 3, it will notify GNWT in writing to request a 30-day extension. DGG Within 60 days of receipt of the information to be provided by the GNWT under Activity 2
5. Upon receipt of written notification from the DGG under Activity 4, the GNWT will grant the DGG a 30-day extension to complete Activity 3 and will provide the DGG with written confirmation of the extension ECE Upon receipt of written notification from the DGG under Activity 4
6. The DGG will present its views to GNWT in writing DGG Within 60 days of receipt of the information to be provided by the GNWT under Activity 2 or, if an extension was requested under Activity 4, within 90 days of receipt of the information provided by the GNWT under Activity 2
7. If the GNWT and the DGG agree they may hold one or more meetings to discuss the DGG's views on the matter ECE, DGG At a time or time(s) agreed to by ECE and DGG
8. The GNWT will inform the DGG in writing of how their views were considered ECE Within 60 days of receipt of the DGG's written submission under Activity 6, or within 60 days of the conclusion of any meeting or meetings agreed to under Activity 7
9. Prepare the revised Curriculum Framework, revised requirements for grade 12 graduation or revised requirements for NWT teacher certification ECE Following completion of Activity 8
10. Provide the DGG with a copy of the revised Curriculum Framework; revised requirements for grade 12 graduation or revised requirements for NWT teacher certification ECE Within 30 days of finalizing the revised Curriculum Framework, revised requirements for grade 12 graduation or revised requirements for NWT teacher certification
Provisions Addressed:

1.1 "Consult" and "Consultation" means:

  1. the provision, to the party to be consulted, of notice of a matter to be decided in sufficient form and detail to allow that party to prepare its views on the matter;
  2. the provision of a reasonable period of time in which the party to be consulted may prepare its views on the matter, and provision of an opportunity to present such views to the party obliged to consult; and
  3. full and fair consideration by the party obliged to consult of any views presented;

6.3.1 The GNWT shall Consult the DGG with respect to changes to:

  1. the Curriculum Framework;
  2. requirements for grade 12 graduation; and
  3. requirements for NWT teacher certification.

Sheet # 6-3

Project: Agreement on information sharing regarding kindergarten to grade 12 education when Délînê exercises its jurisdiction

Responsibility: Délînê Got'înê Government (DGG), Government of the Northwest Territories – Department of Education, Culture and Employment (ECE)

Participant/Liaison: Government of the Northwest Territories – Department of Aboriginal Affairs and Intergovernmental Relations

Activities Responsibility Timing Guidelines
1. Submit a written request, to enter into an agreement(s) on sharing of information including information on Student enrolment and Student records DGG, ECE After the DGG provides notice of its intention to enact a DGG Law pursuant to 6.1.1, and before the coming into force of the law
2. Respond in writing to communicate intent/decision on whether or not to negotiate with view to reaching an agreement (s) DGG, ECE Within 30 days of receipt of the written request under Activity 1
3. Appoint representatives to draft the information sharing agreement(s) DGG, ECE As soon as practicable, within 60 days where the decision to enter into an information sharing agreement(s) has been made
4. Provide sufficient information and documents to enable a full examination of the subject matter DGG, ECE Following the completion of Activity 3 and concurrent with Activity 4
5. Negotiate the terms and conditions for the sharing of information DGG, ECE To commence within 60 days of completing Activity 3
6. Enter into agreement(s) DGG, ECE Within 60 days where an agreement(s) have been concluded
7. Implement the provisions of any agreement(s) reached DGG, ECE Pursuant to any agreement(s) reached or at a time or times mutually agreed to by the DGG and GNWT
Provision Addressed:

6.4.1 When the DGG exercises its Jurisdiction pursuant to 6.1.1, the DGG and the GNWT may enter into agreements on information sharing, including information on Student enrolment and Student records.

Related Clause: 6.1.1

Planning Assumption:
  • The protocol reached between the DGG and the GNWT pursuant to 3.7.3 may influence the timing of activities under this Activity Sheet No.

Chapter 8 - Adult Education and Training

Sheet # 8-1

Project: Negotiation of agreements to share information on persons receiving Education Support Services

Responsibility: Délînê Got'înê Government (DGG), Government of the Northwest Territories – Education, Culture and Employment (ECE)

Participant/Liaison: Government of the Northwest Territories – Department of Aboriginal Affairs and Intergovernmental Relations,

Activities Responsibility Timing Guidelines
1. Submit written notice to enter into negotiations to develop agreement(s) to share information on persons receiving Education Support Services DGG Prior to enacting a DGG Law pursuant to 8.1.1 and delivering Education Support Services
2. Respond in writing to the notice DGG, ECE Within 30 days of receipt of the written notice under Activity 1
3. Appoint negotiators DGG, ECE As soon as practicable, within 60 days of completing Activity 2
4. Provide sufficient information and documents to enable a full examination of the subject matter DGG Following the completion of Activity 3 and concurrent with Activity 5
5. Negotiate the terms and conditions of information sharing agreement(s) DGG, ECE To commence within 60 days of completing Activity 3
6. Enter into agreement(s) DGG, ECE Within 60 days of concluding the negotiation of agreement(s) and prior to the coming into force of a DGG Law pursuant to 8.1.1
7. Implement the provisions of any agreement(s) reached DGG, ECE Pursuant to agreement(s) reached or at a time or times mutually agreed to by the DGG and the GNWT
Provision Addressed:

8.2.1 Where the DGG establishes Education Support Services, the DGG and the GNWT:

  1. shall enter into negotiations to develop agreements to share information on persons receiving Education Support Services; and

Related Clause: 8.1.1

Planning Assumption:
  • The protocol reached between the DGG and the GNWT pursuant to 3.7.3 may influence the timing of activities under this Activity Sheet No.

Sheet # 8-2

Project: Enter into agreements to harmonize and coordinate DGG and GNWT Education Support Services

Responsibility: Délînê Got'înê Government (DGG), Government of the Northwest Territories – Education, Culture and Employment (ECE)

Participant/Liaison: Government of the Northwest Territories – Department of Aboriginal Affairs and Intergovernmental Relations

Activities Responsibility Timing Guidelines
1. Submit a written request to enter into agreement(s) to harmonize and coordinate the DGG and GNWT's Education Support Services DGG, ECE At discretion of the Parties, after DGG establishes Education Support Services
2. Respond in writing to communicate decision on whether or not to negotiate with view to reaching agreement(s) - DGG, ECE Within 30 days of receipt of the written request under Activity 1
3. Appoint representatives to negotiate agreement(s) DGG, ECE As soon as practicable, within 60 days where the decision to enter into agreement(s) has been made
4. Provide sufficient information and documents to enable a full examination of the subject matter DGG, ECE Following the completion of Activity 3 and concurrent with Activity 5
5. Negotiate the terms and conditions for harmonization and coordination of Education Support Services DGG, ECE To commence within 60 days of completing Activity 3
6. Enter into agreements DGG, ECE Within 60 days where an agreement(s) has been concluded
7. Implement the provisions of any agreements reached DGG, ECE Pursuant to any agreement(s) reached or at a time or times mutually agreed to by the DGG and the GNWT
Provision Addressed:

8.2.1 Where the DGG establishes Education Support Services, the DGG and the GNWT:

  1. may enter into agreements to harmonize and coordinate their Education Support Services.

Related Clause: 8.1.1

Planning Assumption:
  • The protocol reached between the DGG and the GNWT pursuant to 3.7.3 may influence the timing of activities under this Activity Sheet No.

Chapter 9 - Local Services

Sheet # 9-1

Project: Application of DGG Laws outside of the Community of Délînê to facilitate the delivery of local services

Responsibility: Délînê Got'înê Government (DGG), Government of the Northwest Territories – Municipal and Community Affairs (MACA)

Participant/Liaison: Government of the Northwest Territories – Department of Aboriginal Affairs and Intergovernmental Relations

Activities Responsibility Timing Guidelines
1. Submit a written request to enter into an agreement on the application of DGG Laws under 9.1.1 and 9.1.3 outside of the Community of Délînê in order to facilitate the delivery of local services outside of the Community of Délînê DGG, MACA At discretion of DGG or GNWT
2. Respond in writing to request on whether or not to enter into such an agreement DGG, MACA As soon as reasonable after the request has been made in Activity 1
3. Appoint representatives DGG, MACA As soon as practicable after Activity 2, where decision to enter into an agreement has been made
4. Provide timely disclosure of sufficient information and documents to enable a full examination of the subject matter to be negotiated DGG, MACA As soon as practicable after the appointment of representatives in Activity 3
5. Develop the terms and conditions of an agreement on the DGG Law(s) under 9.1.1 and 9.1.3 that would apply outside of the Community of Délînê DGG, MACA As soon as reasonable after Activity 4
6. Enter into an agreement on the application of DGG Laws under 9.1.1 and 9.1.3 outside of the Community of Délînê DGG, MACA As soon as possible if an agreement is reached
7. Implement the provisions of any agreement reached DGG, MACA As set out in any agreement reached in Activity 6
Provision Addressed:

9.1.7 Notwithstanding the geographic limit to the Jurisdiction of the DGG in 9.1.1 and 9.1.3, DGG Laws made pursuant to 9.1.1 and 9.1.3 may apply, by agreement between the DGG and the GNWT, outside the Community of Délînê in order to facilitate the delivery of services.

Related Clauses: 9.1.1, 9.1.2, 9.1.3, 9.1.4, 9.1.5, 9.2, 9.3

Planning Assumption:
  • Laws will not extend outside of the Délînê District.

Sheet # 9-2

Project: Amending or creating NWT health and safety standards and technical codes

Responsibility: Government of the Northwest Territories – (Departments), Délînê Got'înê Government (DGG)

Participant/Liaison: Government of the Northwest Territories – Department of Aboriginal Affairs and Intergovernmental Relations

Activities Responsibility Timing Guidelines
1. Pursuant to 9.2.1, notify DGG in writing, of intent to amend or establish NWT health and safety standards and technical codes Departments Prior to amending or establishing NWT health and safety standards and technical codes
2. Provide DGG with draft amendments and/or new health and safety standards and technical codes for review Departments Within 60 days of providing notice under Activity 1
3. Provide GNWT with comments on draft amendments or new health and safety standards and technical codes DGG Following completion of Activity 2
4. Amend or establish health and safety standards and technical codes Departments At discretion after the Effective Date
5. Provide DGG with copies of finalized health & safety standards and technical codes Departments Within 30 days of amending or establishing health and safety standards and technical codes
Provisions Addressed:

9.2.1 DGG Laws made pursuant to 9.1.1 and 9.1.3 shall provide for health and safety standards and technical codes regarding public works, community infrastructure and local services that are at least equivalent to federal and NWT health and safety standards and technical codes.

9.2.2 The GNWT shall confer with the DGG prior to amending or establishing standards and technical codes referred to in 9.2.1.

Related Clauses: 9.1.1, 9.1.3

Planning Assumption:
  • Likely MACA, HSS or Public Works and Services would be the GNWT departments involved in these activities.

Chapter 10 - Adoption

Sheet # 10-1

Project: Provision of adoption records to the Government of the Northwest Territories and Canada

Responsibility: Délînê Got'înê Government (DGG)

Participant/Liaison: Government of the Northwest Territories – Department of Health & Social Services, Government of Canada – Adoption Unit

Activities Responsibility Timing Guidelines
1. Submit copies of records of all adoptions occurring under DGG Laws to GNWT at the following address:

Government of the Northwest Territories
Attention: Minister of Health & Social Services
Department of Health & Social Services
P.O. Box 1320,
Yellowknife, NT X1A 2L9
Facsimile Number: 867-873-0481
DGG Within 14 days of adoption taking place under DGG Law
2. Submit copies of records of all adoptions of DFN Citizens in the NWT to Canada at the following address:

Government of Canada
Attention: Adoption Unit
Office of the Indian Registrar
Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development
Government of Canada
10 Wellington Street
Gatineu, QC K1A 0H4
Facsimile Number: 819-953-4941
DGG Within 14 days of adoption taking place under DGG Law
Provision Addressed:

10.3.1 The DGG shall provide copies of records of all adoptions occurring under DGG Law to the GNWT and Canada.

Related Clause: 2.19.1, 2.19.2, 2.19.4

Planning Assumptions:
  • This Activity Sheet No. will be replaced by the information-sharing agreement negotiated pursuant to 10.3.2 (Sheet No. 10-2). The sheet No. is intended to cover the time period, if any, between the enactment of a DGG Law pursuant to 10.3.1 and the conclusion of the negotiation and implementation of the information-sharing agreement contemplated under 10.3.2.
  • Records of non-DFN Citizen adoptions will not be forwarded to Canada.

Sheet # 10-2

Project: Negotiation of agreements on the sharing of information on adoption

Responsibility: Délînê Got'înê Government (DGG), Government of the Northwest Territories – Health and Social Services (HSS)

Activities Responsibility Timing Guidelines
1. Submit written notice to negotiate information-sharing agreement(s) on adoption pursuant to 10.3.2 DGG Prior to enacting a DGG Law pursuant to 10.1.1
2. Respond in writing to notice DGG, HSS Within 30 days of receipt of the written notice under Activity 1
3. Appoint negotiators DGG, HSS As soon as practicable within 60 days of completing Activity 2
4. Provide sufficient information and documents to enable a full examination of the subject matter DGG, HSS Following the completion of Activity 3 and concurrent with Activity 5
5. Negotiate the terms and conditions of information sharing agreement(s) addressing requirements set out in 10.3.2 DGG, HSS To commence within 60 days of completing Activity 3
6. Enter into agreement(s) DGG, HSS Within 60 days of concluding the negotiation of agreement(s)
7. Implement the provisions of agreement(s) reached DGG, HSS Pursuant to agreement(s) reached or at a time or times mutually agreed to by the DGG and GNWT
Provision Addressed:

10.3.2 When the DGG exercises Jurisdiction pursuant to 10.1.1, the DGG and the GNWT shall enter into negotiations towards reaching information-sharing agreements that shall include:

  1. how and to whom the DGG shall provide copies of records of all adoptions occurring under DGG Law to the GNWT;
  2. the criteria the GNWT shall use when deciding whether notice is to be given to the DGG because a Child in the custody of the Director may be a DFN Citizen; and
  3. how and to whom the Director shall:
    1. notify the DGG that the Director has lawful custody of a Child who is a DFN Citizen,
    2. provide the DGG any Plan for that Child's care that could result in an application to adopt that Child, and
    3. provide the DGG copies of the Director's records with respect to that Child.

Related Clauses: 10.1.1, 10.3.1, 10.4.1

Planning Assumption:
  • The protocol reached between the DGG and the GNWT pursuant to 3.7.3 may influence the timing of activities under this Activity Sheet No.

Chapter 11 - Child and Family Services (CFS)

Sheet # 11-1

Project: Negotiation of an agreement on the establishment of a Délînê Child and Family Services Agency

Responsibility: Government of the Northwest Territories – Health and Social Services (HSS), Délînê Got'înê Government (DGG)

Activities Responsibility Timing Guidelines
1. Submit a written notice to negotiate an agreement on the establishment of a Délînê Child and Family Services Agency pursuant to 11.1.1 DGG At the request of the DGG and provided no DGG Law pursuant to 11.2.1 and 11.2.2 is in place
2. Respond in writing to notice HSS Within 30 days of receipt of the written notice under Activity 1
3. Appoint negotiators DGG, HSS As soon as practicable within 60 days of completing Activity 2
4. Provide sufficient information and documents to enable a full examination of the subject matter to be negotiated DGG, HSS Following the completion of Activity 3 and concurrent with Activity 5
5. Negotiate the terms and conditions of an agreement for a Délînê Child & Family Services Agency pursuant to 11.1.1 and 11.1.2 DGG, HSS To commence within 60 days of completing Activity 3
6. Enter into an agreement DGG, HSS As soon as practicable after concluding the negotiation of an agreement
7. Implement the provisions of the agreement DGG, HSS Pursuant to agreement reached or at a time or times mutually agreed to by the DGG and GNWT
Provisions Addressed:

11.1.1 At the request of the DGG, and provided that a DGG Law made pursuant to 11.2.1 is not in force, the GNWT and the DGG shall enter into negotiations toward reaching an agreement on:

  1. the establishment of a Délînê Child and Family Services Agency;
  2. the role of the Délînê Child and Family Services Agency, including its powers and duties;
  3. how Child and Family Services will be delivered in the Délînê District;
  4. qualifications and training for persons providing child protection services; and
  5. any other matter agreed to by the DGG and the GNWT.

11.1.2 A Délînê Child and Family Services Agency established by an agreement reached pursuant to 11.1.1 shall have the ability to:

  1. establish community standards for the protection and care of Children, that shall meet or exceed GNWT standards for the protection and care of Children;
  2. establish certification requirements, that are in addition to GNWT certification requirements, for child protection workers; and
  3. employ staff for the delivery of Child and Family Services.

11.2.1 Subject to 11.1.4, 11.2.3, and 11.2.7, the DGG has Jurisdiction in the Délînê District with respect to Child and Family Services.

Related Clauses: 11.1, 11.2.3, 11.3, 11.4, 11.5, 11.6, 11.7

Planning Assumption:
  • Activities 6 and 7 may require the drafting or revision of NWT legislation.

Sheet # 11-2

Project: Agreement between GNWT and DGG on DGG Laws with respect to Child and Family Services

Responsibility: Délînê Got'înê Government (DGG), Government of the Northwest Territories - Health and Social Services (HSS)

Activities Responsibility Timing Guidelines
1. Submit a written notice to negotiate an agreement on the subject matter under 11.2.7 with respect to preconditions for coming into force of DGG Laws on Child and Family Services DGG At the request of the DGG after 10 consecutive years of a Délînê Child and Family Service Agency in operation, unless otherwise agreed, and prior to DGG Laws on Délînê Child and Family Services coming into force
2. Respond in writing to the notice HSS Within 30 days of receipt of the written notice under Activity 1
3. Appoint negotiators DGG, HSS As soon as practicable within 60 days of completing Activity 2
4. Provide sufficient information and documents to enable a full examination of the subject matter DGG, HSS Following the completion of Activity 3 and concurrent with Activity 5
5. Negotiate terms and conditions of an agreement that meets the requirements of 11.2.7 DGG, HSS To commence within 60 days of completing Activity 3
6. Enter into an agreement DGG, HSS Within 60 days of concluding the negotiation of an agreement
7. Implement the provisions of the agreement DGG, HSS Pursuant to agreement(s) reached or at a time or times mutually agreed to by the DGG and the GNWT, and prior to DGG Law coming into force
Provision Addressed:

11.2.7 A DGG Law made pursuant to 11.2.1 shall not come into force until the DGG and the GNWT have entered into an agreement:

  1. whereby the Director receives the Authorities described in 11.2.3;
  2. that provides for procedures for protecting Children from abuse and harm and the threat of abuse and harm;
  3. that provides for the indemnification of the Director by the DGG where the Director is acting pursuant to DGG Law; and
  4. that addresses:
    1. co-operating on an inter-jurisdictional basis for the transfer of Children and the use of facilities both inside and outside the Délînê District; and
    2. information sharing and management.

Related Clauses: 11.2.1, 11.2.4, 11.2.5, 11.2.6, 11.3.1, 11.4, 11.5

Planning Assumption:
  • The protocol reached between the DGG and the GNWT pursuant to 3.7.3 may influence the timing of activities under this Activity Sheet No.

Sheet # 11-3

Project: Consultation by Délînê Got'înê Government when developing or amending DGG Law on Child and Family Services

Responsibility: Délînê Got'înê Government (DGG), Government of the Northwest Territories – Health and Social Services (HSS)

Activities Responsibility Timing Guidelines
1. Notify the GNWT in writing of intent to prepare any:
  1. DGG Law pursuant to 11.2.1 and 11.2.2; or
  2. amendments to a DGG Law pursuant to 11.2.1 and 11.2.2
DGG After Effective Date, when DGG is developing or amending DGG Law pursuant to 11.2.1 and 11.2.2
2. Provide the GNWT with:
  1. a copy of the proposed draft DGG Law; or
  2. DGG Law to be amended and the draft amendment; and
  3. a written rationale for the draft DGG Law or the amendment for the DGG Law
DGG Within 60 days of providing notice under Activity 1
3. The GNWT will prepare its views on the matter HSS Within 60 days of receipt of the information to be provided by DGG under Activity 2
4. Should the GNWT require more than 60 days to complete Activity 3, it will notify DGG in writing to request a 30-day extension. HSS Within 60 days of receipt of the information to be provided by DGG under Activity 2
5. Upon receipt of written notification from the GNWT under Activity 4, the DGG will grant the GNWT a 30-day extension to complete Activity 3 and will provide the GNWT with written confirmation of the extension DGG Upon receipt of written notification from the the GNWT under Activity 4
6. The GNWT will present its views to DGG in writing HSS Within 60 days of receipt of the information to be provided by DGG under Activity 2, or if an extension was requested under Activity 4, within 90 days of receipt of the information provided by DGG under Activity 2
7. If GNWT and the DGG agree they may hold one or more meetings to discuss the the GNWT's views on the matter HSS, DGG At a time or time(s) agreed to by the GNWT and DGG
8. DGG will inform the the GNWT in writing of how their views were considered DGG Within 60 days of receipt of the GNWT's written submission under Activity 6, or within 60 days of the conclusion of any meeting or meetings agreed to under Activity 7
9. Prepare the DGG Law or the amended DGG Law DGG Following completion of Activity 8
10. Provide the GNWT with a copy of the enacted DGG Law or amended DGG Law DGG Within 30 days of promulgation
Provisions Addressed:

1.1 "Consult" and "Consultation" means:

  1. the provision, to the party to be consulted, of notice of a matter to be decided in sufficient form and detail to allow that party to prepare its views on the matter;
  2. the provision of a reasonable period of time in which the party to be consulted may prepare its views on the matter, and provision of an opportunity to present such views to the party obliged to consult; and
  3. full and fair consideration by the party obliged to consult of any views presented;

11.2.8 The DGG shall Consult with the GNWT when developing or amending DGG Law made pursuant to 11.2.1.

Related Clauses: 3.6, 11.2.1, 11.2.2, 11.2.6 and 11.2.7

Planning Assumption:
  • The protocol reached between the DGG and the GNWT pursuant to 3.7.3 may influence the timing of activities under this Activity Sheet No.

Sheet # 11-4

Project: Consultation by NWT Director of Child and Family Services where concerns exist for the delivery of Child and Family Services

Responsibility: NWT Director of Child and Family Services (Director), Délînê Got'înê Government (DGG)

Participant/Liaison: Government of the Northwest Territories – Health & Social Services, Minister of Health and Social Services

Activities Responsibility Timing Guidelines
1. Notify the DGG in writing of the intent to Consult where the Director reasonably believes the ongoing and continuing ability of the DGG to act in the best interests of Children who require or may require protection is compromised Director/DGG After Effective Date, where the Director reasonably believes the ongoing and continuing ability of the DGG to act in the best interests of Children who require or may require protection is compromised
2. Provide the DGG with sufficient detailed information/documentation to fully substantiate the Director's beliefs Director Concurrent with Activity 1
3. The DGG will present its views on the matter to the Director in writing DGG Within 10 business days of receipt of the information to be provided by the Director under Activity 2
4. If the Director and the DGG agree they may hold one or more meetings to discuss the DGG's views on the matter Director, DGG At a time or time(s) agreed to by the Director and DGG and within 10 days of notice under Activity 1
5. The Director will inform the DGG in writing of how their views were considered and of the Director's decision Director Within 10 business days of receipt of the DGG's written submission under Activity 3, or within 10 business days of the conclusion of any meeting or meetings agreed to under Activity 4
6. Attempt to resolve Director's concerns pursuant to 11.6.1 Director, DGG Immediately following the completion of Activity 5
Provisions Addressed:

1.1 "Consult" and "Consultation" means:

  1. the provision, to the party to be consulted, of notice of a matter to be decided in sufficient form and detail to allow that party to prepare its views on the matter;
  2. the provision of a reasonable period of time in which the party to be consulted may prepare its views on the matter, and provision of an opportunity to present such views to the party obliged to consult; and
  3. full and fair consideration by the party obliged to consult of any views presented;

11.2.1 Subject to 11.1.4, 11.2.3 and 11.2.7, the DGG has Jurisdiction in the Délînê District with respect to Child and Family Services.

11.6.1 Where the DGG has made laws pursuant to 11.2.1, and where the Director reasonably believes the ongoing and continuing ability of the DGG to act in the best interests of Children who require or may require protection is compromised, the Director shall Consult with the DGG on these concerns and the Director and the DGG shall attempt to resolve the Director's concerns.

Related Clauses: 11.2, 11.3, 11.4, 11.5, 11.6, 11.7.3, 11.7.4, 11.7.5, 11.7.6. 11.7.7, 11.8

Planning Assumptions:
  • In order for the Director to have concerns that require consultation, DGG laws must be in force.
  • If the Director reasonably believes that the ability of the DGG to act in the best interest of Children who require or may require protection is not compromised, the Director will notify the DGG in writing that no further action is required.
  • Timing of activities reflects sensitivity/urgency of the matter.

Sheet # 11-5

Project: Consultation by GNWT Minister of Health and Social Services where concerns exist for the delivery of Child and Family Services

Responsibility: Government of the Northwest Territories – Minister of Health and Social Services (Minister), Délînê Got'înê Government (DGG)

Participant/Liaison: Government of the Northwest Territories – Health and Social Services - Director of Child and Family Services, Government of the Northwest Territories – Executive Council, Government of Canada – Department of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development

Activities Responsibility Timing Guidelines
1. Notify the DGG in writing of the intent to Consult where the GNWT reasonably believes the ongoing and continuing ability of the DGG to act in the best interests of Children who require or may require protection is compromised: and the Minister Minister, DGG After Effective Date, where continued concerns exist for the delivery of Child and Family Services
2. Provide the DGG with sufficient detailed information/documentation to fully substantiate the GNWT's beliefs Minister Once notice has been provided in Activity 1
3. The DGG will present its views on the matter to the GNWT in writing DGG Within 5 business days of receipt of the information to be provided by Minister under Activity 2
4. If the GNWT and the DGG agree they may hold one or more meetings to discuss the DGG's views on the matter Minister, DGG At a time or time(s) agreed to by the Minister and DGG and within 10 days of notice under Activity 1
5. The GNWT will inform the DGG in writing of how their views were considered and of the Minister's decision Minister Within 5 business days of receipt of the DGG's written submission under Activity 3, or within 5 business days of the conclusion of any meeting or meetings agreed to under Activity 4
6. Where consultation has not resolved the Minister's concerns, the Minister may advise the DGG whether certain provisions of NWT Law will prevail, and if so, the Minister will inform the Parties Minister Upon direction of the Executive Council
7. Attempt to resolve the GNWT's concerns pursuant to 11.6.3 Minister, DGG Immediately following the completion of Activity 5
8. The Minister will notify the other Parties when the concerns have been resolved to the Minister's satisfaction, and the conflict provisions of 11.6.3 no longer apply and the conflict provisions of 11.7.1 take effect Minister Upon direction of the Executive Council
Provisions Addressed:

1.1 "Consult" and "Consultation" means:

  1. the provision, to the party to be consulted, of notice of a matter to be decided in sufficient form and detail to allow that party to prepare its views on the matter;
  2. the provision of a reasonable period of time in which the party to be consulted may prepare its views on the matter, and provision of an opportunity to present such views to the party obliged to consult; and
  3. full and fair consideration by the party obliged to consult of any views presented;

11.6.3 Based on the advice of the Director pursuant to 11.6.2, where the GNWT Minister reasonably believes the ongoing and continuing ability of the DGG to act in the best interests of Children who require or may require protection is compromised, the Minister shall Consult with the DGG on these concerns and the GNWT Minister and the DGG shall attempt to resolve the Minister's concerns.

11.6.4 Where Consultation pursuant to 11.6.3 has not resolved the Minister's concerns, the Minister, acting upon the direction of the Executive Council of the GNWT, shall give written notice to the other Parties of:

  1. its continuing concerns;
  2. the actions to be taken by the Minister; and
  3. which NWT Laws, or provisions of NWT Laws, shall prevail in the event of a conflict with a DGG Law.

11.6.5 The Minister, acting upon the direction of the Executive Council of the GNWT, shall notify the other Parties when the concerns referred to in 11.6.4 have been resolved to the satisfaction of the Minister.

11.6.6 Where the Minister, acting upon the direction of the Executive Council of the GNWT, has provided notice to the other Parties pursuant to 11.6.5, the conflict provisions pursuant to 11.6.4 no longer apply and the conflict provisions pursuant to 11.7.1 shall take effect.

Related Clauses: 11.2, 11.3, 11.4, 11.5, 11.6.1, 11.6.2, 11.6.4, 11.6.5, 11.6.6, 11.6.7

Planning Assumptions:
  • If the Minister reasonably believes that the ability of the DGG to act is not compromised, the GNWT Minister will notify the DGG in writing that no further action is required.
  • Timing of activities reflects sensitivity/urgency of the matter.

Chapter 13 - Gaming and Gambling

Sheet # 13-1

Project: Consent of DGG to licencing or approval of gaming or gambling

Responsibility: Government of the Northwest Territories – Department of Municipal and Community Affairs (MACA), Délînê Got'înê Government (DGG)

Activities Responsibility Timing Guidelines
1. Submit a written request to the DGG for consent to licence or approve a gaming or gambling activity in the Délînê District MACA Before licence or approval is issued
2. Provide licence application and supporting documentation related to the application, sufficient to allow DGG to adequately assess the gaming or gambling activity for which consent is being requested. MACA Concurrently with Activity 1
3. Provide or deny consent in writing, including any associated terms and conditions DGG Within 30 days of receiving the written request and associated documentation under Activities 1 and 2
Provisions Addressed:

13.1.1 No licence or approval of gaming or gambling in the Délînê District shall be issued without the written consent of the DGG.

13.1.2 The consent of the DGG pursuant to 13.1.1 may include terms and conditions, provided that any such terms and conditions are consistent with Federal Law and NWT Law.

Related Clause: 13.1.3

Planning Assumptions:
  • The DGG and MACA may agree, through a Memorandum of Agreement or other form of agreement, to:
    • the delegation of authority for the approval and licencing of gaming and gambling activities in the Délînê District to the DGG; or
    • the pre-approval, by MACA, of certain routine types of gaming and gambling activities within the Délînê District
  • 13.1.1 and 13.1.2, and the activities and planning assumptions set out in this Activity Sheet No. do not apply to lotteries that are inter-jurisdictional in scope.

Sheet # 13-2

Project: Protocol on policy initiatives affecting gaming and gambling in the Délînê District

Responsibility: Government of the Northwest Territories – Department of Municipal and Community Affairs (MACA), Délînê Got'înê Government (DGG)

Activities Responsibility Timing Guidelines
1. Provide written notice to enter into discussions pursuant to 13.1.4 DGG, MACA As soon as practicable after the Effective Date.
2. Designate representatives to participate in discussion DGG, MACA Within 60 days of providing notice under Activity 1
3. Provide timely disclosure of sufficient information and documents to enable a full examination of the subject matter to be discussed DGG, MACA Following the completion of Activity 2 and concurrent with Activity 4
4. Enter into discussions towards concluding a protocol on how the DGG and the GNWT shall work together and keep each other informed on policy initiatives affecting gaming and gambling in the Délînê District. DGG, MACA As soon as reasonable after completion of Activity 2
5. Conclude and execute protocol document DGG, MACA After protocol has been agreed to under Activity 4
6. Implement the provisions of the protocol DGG, MACA Upon execution of protocol document or at a time agreed to by the GNWT and DGG
Provision Addressed:

13.1.4 As soon as practicable after the Effective Date, the DGG and the GNWT shall enter into discussions towards concluding a protocol on how the GNWT and the DGG shall work together and keep each other informed on policy initiatives affecting gaming and gambling in the Délînê District.

Chapter 14 - Health

Sheet # 14-1

Project: Negotiation of agreement on the role of the DGG in relation to the management, administration and delivery of NWT health care programs and services in the Délînê District

Responsibility: Government of the Northwest Territories – Health and Social Services (HSS), Délînê Got'înê Government (DGG)

Activities Responsibility Timing Guidelines
1. Submit a written notice to negotiate an agreement on the role of the DGG in relation to the management, administration and delivery of NWT health care programs and services in the Délînê District DGG Upon request by the DGG
2. Respond in writing to notice HSS Within 30 days of receipt of the written notice under Activity 1
3. Appoint negotiators DGG, HSS As soon as practicable within 60 days of completing Activity 2
4. Provide sufficient information and documents to enable a full examination of the subject matter DGG, HSS Following the completion of Activity 3 and concurrent with Activity 5
5. Negotiate the terms and conditions of an agreement on the role of the DGG in relation to the management, administration and delivery of NWT health care programs and services in the Délînê District DGG, HSS To commence within 60 days of completing Activity 3
6. Enter into agreement DGG, HSS As soon as practicable after concluding an agreement
7. Implement the provisions of agreement reached DGG, HSS Pursuant to agreement reached or at a time or times mutually agreed to by the DGG and the GNWT
Provisions Addressed:

14.2.1 At the request of the DGG, the DGG and the GNWT shall enter into negotiations toward reaching agreement on the role of the DGG in relation to the management, administration and delivery of NWT health care programs and services in the Délînê District.

14.2.2 Negotiations pursuant to 14.2.1 shall reflect the principle of maintaining the overall integrity of the NWT health care system.

Related Clauses: 14.1, 14.3.2, 14.3.3, 14.3.4

Planning Assumption:
  • A potential requirement for a Minister's Establishment Order through regulations would have an impact on the timing of Activities 6 and 7.

Sheet # 14-2

Project: Negotiation of agreement on the role of the DGG in relation to federal aboriginal health programs and services in the Délînê District

Responsibility: Délînê Got'înê Government (DGG), Government of Canada – Health Canada, Government of Canada – Public Health Agency of Canada, Government of Canada - Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development (Canada)

Participant/Liaison: Government of the Northwest Territories – Health and Social Services, Government of the Northwest Territories – Department of Aboriginal Affairs and Intergovernmental Relations

Activities Responsibility Timing Guidelines
1. Submit a request to negotiate an agreement on the role of the DGG over the management, administration and delivery of federal aboriginal health programs and services in the Délînê District DGG At discretion after Effective Date
2. Respond in writing to request Canada As soon as practicable after Activity 1
3. Appoint negotiators DGG, Canada As soon as practicable after Activity 2
4. Provide timely disclosure of sufficient information and documents to enable a full examination of the subject matter to be negotiated DGG, Canada As soon as practicable after the appointment of negotiating representatives
5. Enter into negotiations DGG, Canada As soon as reasonable after Activity 4
6. Enter into an agreement DGG, Canada If agreement is reached
7. Provide notice to the GNWT, including any information that may be required to facilitate the implementation of the agreement. DGG, Canada As soon as practicable after an agreement is reached
8. Implement the provisions of any agreement reached DGG, Canada As provided for in the agreement
Provisions Addressed:

14.2.3 At the request of the DGG, the DGG and Canada shall enter into negotiations toward reaching agreement on the role of the DGG over the management, administration and delivery of federal aboriginal health programs and services in the Délînê District

Related Clauses: 14.1, 14.3.2, 14.3.3, 14.3.4

Planning Assumptions:
  • DGG and DIAND will advise HSS of the negotiations where existing funding/reporting is through the GNWT.
  • Canada's Implementation Committee Representative will have a role in coordinating Canada's participation in these activities.
  • The DGG's Implementation Committee Representative will have a role in coordinating the DGG's participation in these activities.
  • Health Canada and the DGG will copy Canada's Implementation Committee Representative on correspondence they may have related to these activities.

Sheet # 14-3

Project: Consult when proposing the creation or restructuring of a health authority in the Délînê District

Responsibility: Government of the Northwest Territories – Department of Health and Social Services (HSS), Délînê Got'înê Government (DGG)

Participant/Liaison: Government of the Northwest Territories – Department of Aboriginal Affairs and Intergovernmental Relations

Activities Responsibility Timing Guidelines
1. Notify the DGG in writing of the intent to Consult when proposing the creation or restructuring of a health authority in the Délînê District HSS After Effective Date, when the GNWT is proposing the creation or restructuring of a health authority in the Délînê District
2. Provide the DGG with:
  1. information on the proposed plan for the set-up or restructure of a health authority; and
  2. background information and a rationale for the creation or restructuring of the health authority
HSS Once notice has been provided in Activity 1
3. The DGG will prepare its views on the matter DGG Within 60 days of receipt of the information to be provided by the GNWT under Activity 2
4. Should the DGG require more than 60 days to complete Activity 3, it will notify GNWT in writing to request a 30-day extension. DGG Within 60 days of receipt of the information to be provided by the GNWT under Activity 2
5. Upon receipt of written notification from the DGG under Activity 4, the GNWT will grant the DGG a 30-day extension to complete Activity 3 and will provide the DGG with written confirmation of the extension HSS Upon receipt of written notification from the DGG under Activity 4
6. The DGG will present its views to GNWT in writing DGG Within 60 days of receipt of the information to be provided by the GNWT under Activity 2, or if an extension was requested under Activity 4, within 90 days of receipt of the information provided by the GNWT under Activity 2
7. If the GNWT and the DGG agree they may hold one or more meetings to discuss the DGG's views on the matter HSS, DGG At a time or time(s) agreed to by the GNWT and DGG
8. The GNWT will inform the DGG in writing of how their views were considered HSS Within 120 days of receipt of the DGG's written submission under Activity 6, or within 120 days of the conclusion of any meeting or meetings agreed to under Activity 7
Provisions Addressed:

1.1 "Consult" and "Consultation" means:

  1. the provision, to the party to be consulted, of notice of a matter to be decided in sufficient form and detail to allow that party to prepare its views on the matter;
  2. the provision of a reasonable period of time in which the party to be consulted may prepare its views on the matter, and provision of an opportunity to present such views to the party obliged to consult; and
  3. full and fair consideration by the party obliged to consult of any views presented;

14.3.1 The GNWT shall Consult the DGG when proposing the creation or restructuring of a health authority in the Délînê District.

Related Clauses: 14.3.2, 14.3.3, 14.3.4

Sheet # 14-4

Project: Biennial meeting of the Parties to discuss health care programs, priorities and agreements

Responsibility: Délînê Got'înê Government, Government of Canada - Department of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada, Government of Canada – Health Canada, Government of Canada – Public Health Agency of Canada, Government of the Northwest Territories – Department of Health and Social Services (Parties)

Participant/Liaison: Government of the Northwest Territories – Department of Aboriginal Affairs and Intergovernmental Relations

Activities Responsibility Timing Guidelines
1. Arrange to meet to discuss the delivery of health care programs in the Délînê District, health care priorities and review any agreements reached pursuant to 14.2.1 and 14.2.3 Parties Within two years after Effective Date or the last meeting
2. Meet to discuss the delivery of health care programs in the Délînê District, health care priorities and review any agreements reached pursuant to 14.2.1 and 14.2.3 Parties As agreed-to by the Parties following Activity 1
Provision Addressed:

14.3.4 In addition to the ongoing intergovernmental relationship among the Parties, the Parties shall meet at least once every two (2) years to:

  1. discuss the delivery of health care programs in the Délînê District
  2. discuss health care priorities; and
  3. review any agreements reached pursuant to 14.2.1 and 14.2.3.

Related Clauses: 14.2.1, 14.2.3, 14.3.2

Planning Assumptions:
  • The Parties shall keep minutes of the meetings and circulate among themselves as soon as practicable after the meetings.
  • Canada's Implementation Committee Representative will have a coordinating role in Canada's participation in these activities.
  • The DGG's Implementation Committee Representative will have a role in coordinating the DGG's participation in these activities.

Chapter 15 - Social Housing

Sheet # 15-1

Project: Negotiation of agreements for information sharing regarding Social Housing clients

Responsibility: Délînê Got'înê Government (DGG), Government of the Northwest Territories – NWT Housing Corporation (NWTHC)

Participant/Liaison: Government of the Northwest Territories – Department of Aboriginal Affairs and Intergovernmental Relations

Activities Responsibility Timing Guidelines
1. Submit written notice to negotiate agreement(s) regarding the sharing of information to enable Social Housing clients to retain Social Housing benefits and any associated liabilities DGG, NWTHC When the DGG exercises its Jurisdiction pursuant to 15.1.1
2. Respond in writing to the notice DGG, NWTHC Within 30 days of receipt of the written notice under Activity 1
3. Appoint negotiators DGG, NWTHC As soon as practicable, within 60 days of completing Activity 2
4. Provide sufficient information and documents to enable a full examination of the subject matter DGG, NWTHC Following the completion of Activity 3 and concurrent with Activity 5
5. Negotiate the terms and conditions of information sharing agreement(s) DGG, NWTHC To commence within 60 days of completing Activity 3
6. Enter into agreement(s) DGG, NWTHC Within 60 days of concluding the negotiation of agreement(s)
7. Implement the provisions of agreement(s) reached DGG, NWTHC Pursuant to agreement(s) reached or at a time or times mutually agreed to by the DGG and the GNWT
Provision Addressed:

15.3.2 When the DGG exercises its Jurisdiction pursuant to 15.1, the DGG and the GNWT shall enter into agreements regarding the sharing of information to enable Social Housing clients to retain Social Housing benefits and any associated liabilities when transferring between a DGG Social Housing program and a GNWT Social Housing program.

Chapter 16 - Income Support

Sheet # 16-1

Project: Negotiation of agreements for the exchange of information regarding Income Support clients

Responsibility: Délînê Got'înê Government (DGG), Government of the Northwest Territories – Department of Education, Culture & Employment (ECE)

Participant/Liaison: Government of the Northwest Territories – Department of Aboriginal Affairs and Intergovernmental Relations

Activities Responsibility Timing Guidelines
1. Submit written notice to negotiate agreement(s) on the sharing of information regarding Income Support Clients DGG, ECE Where the DGG is providing Income Support to Clients pursuant to DGG Laws
2. Respond in writing to the notice DGG, ECE Within 30 days of receipt of the written notice under Activity 1
3. Appoint negotiators DGG, ECE As soon as practicable, within 60 days of completing Activity 2
4. Provide sufficient information and documents to enable a full examination of the subject matter DGG, ECE Following the completion of Activity 3 and concurrent with Activity 5
5. Negotiate the terms and conditions of information sharing agreement(s) DGG, ECE To commence within 60 days of completing Activity 3
6. Enter into agreement(s) DGG, ECE Within 60 days of concluding the negotiation of agreement(s)
7. Implement the provisions of agreement(s) reached DGG, ECE Pursuant to agreement(s) reached or at a time or times mutually agreed to by the DGG and the GNWT
Provision Addressed:

16.3.1 Where the DGG is providing Income Support to Clients in the Community of Délînê pursuant to 16.1.1, the DGG and the GNWT shall enter into negotiations towards reaching agreements for the sharing of information regarding those Clients.

Related Clause: 16.1.1

Chapter 17 - Justice

Sheet # 17-1

Project: Prosecution of violations before the courts of the NWT

Responsibility: Délînê Got'înê Government (DGG)

Participant/Liaison: Courts of the NWT

Activities Responsibility Timing Guidelines
1. Undertake prosecution of violations of DGG Laws before courts of the NWT and undertake appeals and other judicial proceedings with respect to such prosecutions DGG As required
2. Ensure that prosecutions are consistent with the common law standards required for similar types of offences in Canada DGG As required
Provision Addressed:

17.5.1 The DGG is responsible for the prosecution of violations of a DGG Law before the courts of the NWT. The DGG shall:

  1. appoint persons responsible for the prosecution of violations of DGG Law or enter into agreements with existing prosecution services; and
  2. ensure that the prosecutorial services are consistent with standards of a public prosecutor for the prosecution of similar types of offences in Canada

Sheet # 17-2

Project: Administration of sanctions by the GNWT

Responsibility: Délînê Got'înê Government (DGG), Government of the Northwest Territories - Department of Justice -Territorial Court - Supreme Court of the NWT (Justice)

Activities Responsibility Timing Guidelines
1. Administer sanctions provided for violations of DGG Laws where the sanctions are fines, imprisonment and other sanctions of a type provided for in legislation. Justice As required
2. Administer sanctions where alternative sanctions, alternative measures or extra- judicial measures have been established. DGG As required
Provisions Addressed:

17.10.1 The GNWT is responsible for administering fines or terms of probation and imprisonment imposed by the Territorial Court or the Supreme Court of the NWT for violations of DGG Law in the same manner as those imposed under Federal Laws and NWT Laws.

17.10.2 The GNWT shall pay to the DGG the proceeds of fines imposed by the Territorial Court or the Supreme Court of the NWT for violations of DGG Law.

17.10.3 The DGG is responsible for administering sanctions created under 17.3.4 and for the alternative measures established under 17.4.1.

Related Clause: 17.10.1

Sheet # 17-3

Project: Address the subjects of DGG courts and DGG correction services in the FSGA

Responsibility: Délînê Got'înê Government, Government of the Northwest Territories - Government of the Northwest Territories – Department of Justice, (Justice), Government of Canada (Canada) - (Parties)

Participant/Liaison: Implementation Committee

Activities Responsibility Timing Guidelines
1. Submit a written notice to consider addressing the subjects of DGG courts and DGG correction services pursuant to 17.12.1, including a proposed timeframe for discussions/negotiations Parties At any time following the tenth anniversary of the Effective Date
2. Respond in writing to the notice, indicating whether or not timeframe is acceptable and, if not, proposing an alternate timeframe Parties Within 60 days of receipt of the written notice under Activity 1
3. Agree upon a timeframe to address the matter, including exploratory discussions and/or negotiations Parties As soon as practicable within 60 days of completing Activity 2
4. Appoint representatives/negotiators to discuss/negotiate the matter of DGG courts and DGG correction services Parties Pursuant to timeframe agreed to under Activity 3
5. Provide sufficient information and documents to enable a full examination of the subject matter Parties Following the completion of Activity 3 and concurrent with Activity 6
6. Where the decision to proceed is made, negotiate the subjects of DGG courts and DGG correction services and the text of any provisions to be included in an amendment to the FSGA on these subjects Parties In accordance with agreed-upon timeframe and concurrent with Activity 5
7. Should the Parties agree upon provisions on the subjects of DGG courts and/or DGG corrections, provide signed resolutions confirming agreement to the amendment, including the agreed upon text of the amendment Parties Within 60 days of concluding the negotiation of the subjects
8. Amend the FSGA Parties As soon as practicable after Activity 7
9. Make consequential changes to any legislation as required Canada, Justice As necessary
10. Review the Implementation Plan and prepare any Activity Sheet No.s that may be necessary Parties Within 90 days following the amendment of the FSGA
Provision Addressed:

17.12.1 Following the tenth anniversary of the FSGA and at a time agreed to by the Parties, the Parties shall consider whether to address the subjects of DGG courts and DGG correction services in the FSGA.

Related Clause: 29.4.2 f)

Planning Assumptions:
  • Exploratory discussions may lead to negotiation of the subjects of DGG courts and DGG corrections, or the matter may be deferred.
  • There are a number of subjects that the Parties may discuss/negotiate following the tenth anniversary of the FSGA, including courts and corrections, guardianship and trusteeship, wills and estates and marriage. The Parties may discuss/negotiate these subject matters separately, at different times, or they may discuss/negotiate one or more, or all, of these subject matters together, as part of a larger process.
  • The Implementation Committee will be informed of the discussions/negotiations and the outcome.
  • Canada's Implementation Committee Representative will have a coordinating role in Canada's participation in these activities.
  • The DGG's Implementation Committee Representative will have a role in coordinating the DGG's participation in these activities.
  • The Parties may hold one or more meetings under Activity 3.

Chapter 20 - Marriage

Sheet # 20-1

Project: Address the subject of Marriage

Responsibility: Délînê Got'înê Government, Government of the Northwest Territories (GNWT), Government of Canada (Canada) - (Parties)

Participant/Liaison: Implementation Committee

Activities Responsibility Timing Guidelines
1. Submit a written notice to address the subject of marriage pursuant to 20.1.1, including a proposed timeframe for discussions/negotiations Parties At any time following the tenth anniversary of the Effective Date
2. Respond in writing to the notice indicating whether or not timeframe is acceptable and, if not, proposing an alternate timeframe Parties Within 60 days of receipt of the written notice under Activity 1
3. Agree upon a timeframe for addressing the matter, including exploratory discussions and/or negotiations Parties As soon as practicable within 60 days of completing Activity 2
4. Appoint representatives/negotiators to discuss/negotiate the subject of marriage Parties Pursuant to timeframe agreed to under Activity 3
5. Provide sufficient information and documents to enable a full examination of the subject matter Parties Following the completion of Activity 3 and concurrent with Activity 6
6. Where the decision to proceed is made, negotiate the subject of marriage and the text of the amendment to the FSGA Parties In accordance with agreed-upon timeframe and concurrent with Activity 5
7. Should the Parties agree upon provisions on the subject of marriage, provide signed resolutions confirming agreement to the amendment, including the agreed upon text of the amendment Parties Within 60 days of concluding the negotiation of the subject of marriage
8. Amend the FSGA Parties As soon as practicable after Activity 7
9. Make consequential changes to any legislation as required Canada, GNWT As necessary
10. Review the Implementation Plan and prepare any Activity Sheet No.s that may be necessary Parties Within 90 days following amendment of the FSGA
Provision Addressed:

20.1.1 Following the tenth anniversary of the Effective Date and at a time agreed to by the Parties, the Parties shall address the subject of marriage.

Related Clause: 29.4.2 f)

Planning Assumptions:
  • Exploratory discussions may lead to negotiation of the subject of marriage, or the matter may be deferred.
  • There are a number of subjects that the Parties may discuss/negotiate following the tenth anniversary of the FSGA, including courts and corrections, guardianship and trusteeship, wills and estates and marriage. The Parties may discuss/negotiate these matters separately, at different times, or they may discuss/negotiate one or more, or all, of these subject matters together, as part of a larger process.
  • The Implementation Committee will be informed of the discussions/negotiations and the outcome.
  • Canada's Implementation Committee Representative will have a coordinating role in Canada's participation in these activities.
  • The DGG's Implementation Committee Representative will have a role in coordinating the DGG's participation in these activities.
  • The Parties may hold one or more meetings under Activity 3.

Chapter 21 - Settlement Lands

Sheet # 21-1

Project: Consultation before giving policy direction to the Sahtu Land and Water Board and the Mackenzie Valley Land and Water Board, or enacting any DGG Law, in respect to the use of Settlement Lands

Responsibility: Délînê Got'înê Government (DGG), Government of Canada – Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development (Canada), Sahtu Land and Water Board (SLWB), Mackenzie Valley Land and Water Board (MVLWB)

Participant/Liaison: Government of Canada – Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, Government of the Northwest Territories – Environment and Natural Resources

Activities Responsibility Timing Guidelines
1. Notify Canada, the Sahtu Land and Water Board and the Mackenzie Valley Land and Water Board in writing of the intent to Consult before giving a policy direction or making a DGG Law in respect of the use of Settlement Lands. DGG After Effective Date, when giving a policy direction or making any DGG Law in respect of the use of Settlement Lands.
2. Provide Canada, the SLWB and the MVLWB with a copy of the:
  1. draft policy direction or DGG Law; or
  2. policy direction or DGG Law to be amended and the draft amendment; and
  3. a written rationale for the draft Policy direction or DGG Law or for the amendment of the Policy direction or DGG Law
DGG Once notice has been provided in Activity 1
3. Canada will prepare its views on the matter Canada Within 60 days of receipt of the information to be provided by DGG under Activity 2
4. The SLWB and the MVLWB will prepare their views on the matter SLWB, MVLWB At a time agreed to by the boards and the DGG
5. Should Canada require more than 60 days to complete Activity 3, it will notify DGG in writing to request a 30-day extension. Canada, Within 60 days of receipt of the information to be provided by DGG under Activity 2
6. Upon receipt of written notification from Canada, under Activity 5 the DGG will grant a 30-day extension to complete Activity 3 and will provide Canada with written confirmation of the extension DGG Upon receipt of written notification under Activity 5
7. Canada will present its views to the DGG in writing Canada Within 60 days of receipt of the information to be provided by DGG under Activity 2, or if an extension was requested under Activity 5, within 90 days of receipt of the information provided by DGG under Activity 2
8. The SLWB and the MVLWB will present their views to the DGG in writing SLWB, MVLWB Upon completion of Activity 4
9. If Canada, the SLWB and/or MVLWB and the DGG agree they may hold one or more meetings to discuss the Canada, the SLWB or the MVLWB's views on the matter Canada, the SLWB and the MVLWB, DGG At a time or time(s) agreed to by Canada and DGG
10. DGG will inform Canada, the SLWB and the MVLWB in writing of how their views were considered DGG Within 60 days of receipt of Canada, the SLWB and the MVLWB's written submission under Activities 7 and 8, or within 30 days of the conclusion of any meeting or meetings agreed to under Activity 9
11. Prepare the policy direction or DGG Law or the amended policy direction or DGG Law DGG Following completion of Activity 8
12. Provide Canada, the SLWB and the MVLWB with a copy of the enacted policy direction or DGG Law or amended policy direction or DGG Law DGG Within 30 days of promulgation
Provisions Addressed:

1.1 "Consult" and "Consultation" means:

  1. the provision, to the party to be consulted, of notice of a matter to be decided in sufficient form and detail to allow that party to prepare its views on the matter;
  2. the provision of a reasonable period of time in which the party to be consulted may prepare its views on the matter, and provision of an opportunity to present such views to the party obliged to consult; and
  3. full and fair consideration by the party obliged to consult of any views presented;

21.1.6 Before giving a policy direction to the Sahtu Land and Water Board and the Mackenzie Valley Land and Water Board or making any DGG Law, in respect of the use of Settlement Lands, the DGG shall Consult the Minister and the Sahtu Land and Water Board and the Mackenzie Valley Land and Water Board.

Related Clauses: 21.1.1, 21.1.2, 21.1.3, 21.1.4

Sheet # 21-2

Project: Consultation with the Délînê Got'înê Government before issuing, amending or renewing any licence, permit or authorization for a use of Settlement Lands or waters overlying those lands.

Responsibility: Délînê Got'înê Government (DGG), Sahtu Land and Water Board (SLWB), Mackenzie Valley Land and Water Board (MVLWB)

Activities Responsibility Timing Guidelines
1. Notify the DGG in writing of the intent to Consult before issuing, amending or renewing any license, permit or authorization for a use of Settlement Lands or waters overlying those lands SLWB, MVLWB After Effective Date, before issuing, amending or renewing any license, permit or authorization for a use of Settlement Lands or waters overlying those lands
2. Provide the DGG with a copy of any license, permit or authorization to be issued, amended or reviewed SLWB, MVLWB Once notice has been provided in Activity 1
3. The DGG will prepare its views on the matter DGG Within 60 days of receipt of the information to be provided by SLWB, MVLWB under Activity 2
4. Should the DGG require more than 60 days to complete Activity 3, it will notify SLWB, MVLWB in writing to request a 30-day extension DGG Within 60 days of receipt of the information to be provided by SLWB, MVLWB under Activity 2
5. Upon receipt of written notification from the DGG under Activity 4, SLWB and MVLWB will grant the DGG a 30-day extension to complete Activity 3 and will provide the DGG with written confirmation of the extension SLWB, MVLWB Upon receipt of written notification from the DGG under Activity 4
6. The DGG will present its views to SLWB, MVLWB in writing DGG Within 60 days of receipt of the information to be provided by SLWB, MVLWB under Activity 2, or if an extension was requested under Activity 4, within 90 days of receipt of the information provided by SLWB, MVLWB under Activity 2
7. If SLWB, MVLWB and the DGG agree they may hold one or more meetings to discuss the DGG's views on the matter SLWB, MVLWB, DGG At a time or time(s) agreed to by SLWB, MVLWB and DGG
8. SLWB, MVLWB will inform the DGG in writing of how their views were considered SLWB, MVLWB Within 30 days of receipt of the DGG's written submission under Activity 6, or within 30 days of the conclusion of any meeting or meetings agreed to under Activity 7
9. Prepare the license, permit or authorization or amend the license, permit or authorization for a use of Settlement Lands or waters overlying those lands SLWB, MVLWB Following completion of Activity 8
10. Provide the DGG with a copy of the enacted license, permit or authorization or the amended license, permit or authorization SLWB, MVLWB Within 30 days of promulgation
Provisions Addressed:

1.1 "Consult" and "Consultation" means:

  1. the provision, to the party to be consulted, of notice of a matter to be decided in sufficient form and detail to allow that party to prepare its views on the matter;
  2. the provision of a reasonable period of time in which the party to be consulted may prepare its views on the matter, and provision of an opportunity to present such views to the party obliged to consult; and
  3. full and fair consideration by the party obliged to consult of any views presented;

21.1.7 The Sahtu Land and Water Board and the Mackenzie Valley Land and Water Board shall Consult the DGG before issuing, amending or renewing any license, permit or authorization for a use of Settlement Lands or waters overlying those lands.

Related Clauses: 21.1.1, 21.1.2, 21.1.3

Chapter 23 - Economic Development

Sheet # 23-1

Project: Conclude a protocol respecting economic development and tourism in the Délînê District

Responsibility: Government of the Northwest Territories – Industry, Tourism and Investment (ITI), Délînê Got'înê Government (DGG)

Participant/Liaison: Government of the Northwest Territories – Department of Aboriginal Affairs and Intergovernmental Relations

Activities Responsibility Timing Guidelines
1. Provide notice, in writing, to enter into discussions in relation to 23.1.1 and 23.1.2 ITI, DGG At discretion, after the Effective Date
2. Designate representatives to participate in discussions ITI or DGG Within 90 days after notice has been made in Activity 1
3. Provide timely disclosure of sufficient information and documents to enable a full examination of the subject matter to be discussed ITI, DGG Following the completion of Activity 2 and concurrent with Activity 4
4. Enter into discussion(s) towards concluding a protocol on how both governments will work together to promote economic development and tourism in the Délînê District ITI, DGG As soon as reasonable after completion of Activity 2
5. Conclude and execute protocol document ITI, DGG After agreement has been reached and no later than 18 months after Effective Date
6. Implement the provisions of the protocol ITI, DGG Upon execution of protocol document
Provisions Addressed:

23.2.1 As soon as practicable after the Effective Date, the GNWT and the DGG shall enter into discussions towards concluding a protocol on how both governments will work together to promote economic development and tourism in the Délînê District.

32.2.2 The protocol pursuant to 23.2.1 may address how the GNWT and the DGG, in the exercise of their respective Jurisdictions and Authorities, can coordinate or harmonize existing or planned economic development or tourism initiatives.

Chapter 24 - Trusteeship and Guardianship

Sheet # 24-1

Project: Address the subjects of Trusteeship and Guardianship

Responsibility: Délînê Got'înê Government, Government of the Northwest Territories (GNWT), Government of Canada (Canada) – (Parties)

Participant/Liaison: Implementation Committee

Activities Responsibility Timing Guidelines
1. Submit a written notice to address the subjects of trusteeship and guardianship pursuant to 24.1.1, including a proposed timeframe for discussions/negotiations Parties At any time following the tenth anniversary of the FSGA
2. Respond in writing to the notice indicating whether or not timeframe is acceptable and, if not, proposing an alternate timeframe Parties Within 60 days of receipt of the written notice under Activity 1
3. Agree upon a timeframe for addressing the matter, including exploratory discussions and/or negotiations Parties As soon as practicable within 60 days of completing Activity 2
4. Appoint representatives/negotiators to discuss/negotiate the matter of trusteeship and guardianship Parties Pursuant to timeframe agreed to under Activity 3
5. Provide sufficient information and documents to enable a full examination of the subject matter Parties Following the completion of Activity 4 and concurrent with Activity 6
6. Where the decision to proceed is made, negotiate the subjects of trusteeship and guardianship and the text of any provisions to be included in an amendment to the FSGA on these subjects Parties In accordance with agreed-upon timeframe and concurrent with Activity 5
7. Should the Parties agree upon provisions on the subjects of trusteeship and guardianship, provide signed resolutions confirming agreement to the amendment, including the agreed upon text of the amendment Parties Within 60 days of concluding the negotiation of the subjects of trusteeship and guardianship
8. Amend the FSGA Parties As soon as practicable after Activity 7
9. Make consequential changes to any legislation as required Canada, GNWT As necessary
10. Review the Implementation Plan and prepare any Activity Sheets that may be necessary Parties Concurrent with Activity 8
Provision Addressed:

24.1.1 Following the tenth anniversary of the Effective Date and at a time agreed to by the Parties, the Parties shall address the subjects of trusteeship and guardianship.

Related Clause: 29.4.2 f)

Planning Assumptions:
  • Exploratory discussions may lead to negotiation of the subjects of trusteesdhip and guardinaship, or the matter may be deferred.
  • There are a number of subjects that the Parties may discuss/negotiate following the tenth anniversary of the Effective Date, including courts and corrections, guardianship and trusteeship, wills and estates and marriage. The Parties may discuss/negotiate these subject matters separately, at different times, or they may discuss/negotiate one or more, or all, of these subject matters together, as part of a larger process.
  • The Implementation Committee will be informed of the discussions/negotiations and the outcome.
  • Canada's Implementation Committee Representative will have a coordinating role in Canada's participation in these activities.
  • The DGG's Implementation Committee Representative will have a role in coordinating the DGG's participation in these activities.
  • The Parties may hold one or more meetings under Activity 3.

Chapter 25 - Wills and Estates

Sheet # 25-1

Project: Address the subjects of Wills and Estates

Responsibility: Délînê Got'înê Government, Government of the Northwest Territories, Government of Canada – (Parties)

Participant/Liaison: Implementation Committee

Activities Responsibility Timing Guidelines
1. Submit a written notice to address the subjects of wills and estates pursuant to 25.1.1, including a proposed timeframe for addressing the matter Any Party At any time, following the tenth anniversary of the Effective Date
2. Respond in writing to the notice, indicating whether or not timeframe is acceptable and, if not, proposing an alternative timeframe for addressing the matter Parties receiving notice Within 60 days of receipt of the written notice under Activity 1
3. Agree upon a timeframe for addressing the matter, including exploratory discussion and/or negotiations Parties As soon as practicable within 60 days of completing Activity 2
4. Appoint representatives/negotiators to discuss/negotiate the matter of wills and estates Parties Pursuant to timeframe agreed to under Activity 3
5. Provide sufficient information and documents to enable a full examination of the subject matter Parties Following the completion of Activity 3 and concurrent with Activity 4
6. Negotiate the subjects of wills and estates and the text of any provisions to be included in an amendment to the FSGA on these subjects Parties Within 60 days of completing Activity 3
7. Should the Parties agree upon provisions on the subjects of wills and estates, provide signed resolutions confirming agreement to the amendment, including the agreed upon text of the amendment Each Party Within 60 days of concluding the negotiation of the subjects of wills and estates
8. Amend the FSGA Parties As soon as practicable after Activity 7
9. Make consequential changes to any legislation as required Parties As necessary
10. Review the Implementation Plan and prepare any necessary Activity Sheet No.s Parties Within 90 days following the amendment of the FSGA
Provision Addressed:

25.1.1 Following the tenth anniversary of the Effective Date and at a time agreed to by the Parties, the Parties shall address the subjects of wills and estates.

Related Clause: 29.4.2 f), 25.1.2

Planning Assumptions:
  • Exploratory discussions may lead to negotiation of the subjects of wills and estates, or the matter may be deferred.
  • There are a number of subjects that the Parties may discuss/negotiate following the tenth anniversary of the Effective Date, including courts and corrections, guardianship and trusteeship, wills and estates and marriage. The Parties may discuss/negotiate these subject matters separately, at different times, or they may discuss/negotiate one or more, or all, of these subject matters together, as part of a larger process.
  • The Implementation Committee will be informed of the discussions/negotiations and the outcome.
  • Canada's Implementation Committee Representative will have a coordinating role in Canada's participation in these activities.
  • The DGG's Implementation Committee Representative will have a role in coordinating the DGG's participation in these activities.
  • The Parties may hold one or more meetings under Activity 3.

Chapter 26 - Review and Amendment

Sheet # 26-1

Project: Review

Responsibility: Délînê Got'înê Government, Government of the Northwest Territories – Department of Aboriginal Affairs and Intergovernmental Relations, Government of Canada – Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development (Parties), Review Committee (RC),

Participant/Liaison: Implementation Committee

Activities Responsibility Timing Guidelines
1. Submit a notice in writing to the other Parties stating the provisions of the FSGA to be reviewed, reasons for requesting a review and proposed timeframe for completing the review Any Party At discretion after the Effective Date
2. Meet to provide the Party requesting the review with an opportunity to express its interest regarding the review Parties Within 60 days of the date of receiving a request for review from a Party under Activity 1
3. Consider, in good faith, a request for review and respond in writing to the request, indicating whether or not request has been agreed to and;
  1. where request has been agreed to identifying the individual who will be the Party's representative on the RC; or
  2. where request has not been agreed to, reasons for refusal to review
Party receiving notice Within 90 days of receiving a request for review under Activity 1
4. Where request for review has been accepted, jointly develop a terms of reference for the review Parties, RC Prior to commencing of review and within 60 days of identifying individual who will represent the Party on the RC under Activity 3
5. Convene first meeting of the RC Parties, RC Within 60 days of identifying individual who will represent the Party on the RC under Activity 3
6. Discuss issues raised by the Parties and attempt to reach agreement RC At first meeting of RC and any subsequent meetings that may occur up to but no later than 120 days following the first meeting of the RC
7. Prepare a report on the review which shall include:
  1. issues raised; and
  2. positions of the Parties which may include:
    1. any recommendations, including minority recommendations; and
    2. any suggested amendments to the FSGA
RC Within 120 days following the first meeting of the RC
8. Meet to discuss the RC's report on the review and attempt to reach agreement with respect to any recommendations set out in the report or on any other relevant issues Parties Within 90 days of receiving the report to be provided by the RC under Activity 7
Provisions Addressed:

26.2.1 A Party may request a review of any part of the FSGA by notice in writing to the other Parties stating the part of the FSGA proposed to be reviewed. The notice shall include the reasons for requesting the review and may include proposed amendments to the FSGA.

26.2.2 Upon receipt of a request for review pursuant to 26.2.1, the Parties shall, within sixty (60) days, meet to provide the Party requesting a review the opportunity to express its interests regarding the proposed review.

26.2.3 The Parties shall consider in good faith a request for review made pursuant to 26.2.1 and, within ninety (90) days of the date of the request for review, respond in writing to the other Parties by:

  1. agreeing to the review and identifying an individual who will be the Party's representative on a review committee; or
  2. refusing the request for review and providing reasons for the refusal.

26.2.4 Where the Parties agree to a request for review:

  1. the review committee shall convene its first meeting no later than sixty (60) days after the identification of the Parties' representatives;
  2. the review committee shall, in good faith, discuss the issues raised by the Parties, attempt to reach agreement and prepare a written report for the Parties;
  3. the report shall describe the issues raised and the positions of the Parties, and may contain recommendations, including minority recommendations and suggested amendments to the FSGA; and
  4. the report shall be submitted to the Parties within four (4) months of the first meeting of the review committee.

26.2.5 Within three (3) months of receipt of the report, or such longer time as the Parties may agree, the Parties shall meet to discuss the report and attempt to reach agreement with respect to the recommendations and on any other relevant issues.

26.2.6 The Parties may agree to abridge or extend the time periods set out in 26.2.

Related Clauses: 26.3.1, 29.4.2 f), 2.3.3

Planning Assumptions:
  • Where the Parties agree to abridge or extend the time periods set out for a review in 26.2 of the FSGA, they will confirm these revisions in writing and amend the terms of reference accordingly.
  • The terms of reference will contain the following details:
    • scope of the review
    • draft schedule for completion of the review
    • roles and responsibilities of the reviewers
    • parameters of the review
  • The Implementation Committee will have a coordinating role and will be made aware of the results of the review.
  • Canada's Implementation Committee Representative will lead Canada's participation in these activities
  • The DGG's Implementation Committee Representative will have a role in coordinating the DGG's participation in these activities.

Sheet # 26-2

Project: Amendment

Responsibility: Délînê Got'înê Government, Government of the Northwest Territories – Department of Aboriginal Affairs and Intergovernmental Relations, Government of Canada – Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development (Parties)

Participant/Liaison: Implementation Committee

Activities Responsibility Timing Guidelines
1. When Parties agree an amendment to the FSGA is necessary, arrange to meet to discuss the amendment Parties When Parties agree an amendment is necessary
2. Enter into discussions/negotiations on the amendment of the FSGA Parties Within 60 days of Parties agreeing an amendment is needed
3. Should the Parties agree to an amendment, provide signed resolutions confirming agreement to amend Parties Within 120 days of confirming amendment
4. Amend the FSGA in accordance with 26.4.2 Parties As soon as practicable after the amendment is agreed to
5. Make consequential changes to legislation in accordance with any agreement reached Parties Following agreement of the Parties to specific amendments
6. Review the Implementation Plan and amend the Implementation Plan in accordance with changes to the FSGA, where required Parties As soon as the FSGA amendments have been approved
Provisions Addressed:

26.4.1 Notwithstanding 26.2, the Parties may agree at any time, in writing, to amend the FSGA.

26.4.2 Any amendment shall require the approval of the Parties as follows:

  1. Canada shall give its approval by an order of the Governor in Council;
  2. the GNWT shall give its approval by an order of the Commissioner in Executive Council; and,
  3. the DGG shall give its approval by the means provided for in DGG Law and the DFN Délînê Got'înê Æeæadó.

26.4.3 If Federal Law, NWT Law or DGG Law is required to give effect to an amendment to the FSGA, Canada, the GNWT or the DGG, as the case may be, shall recommend the necessary legislation to the Parliament of Canada, the Legislative Assembly of the NWT and the Délînê K'aowœdó Kœ and the amendment takes effect when the last required legislation comes into force.

26.4.5 Where an amendment to the FSGA does not require legislation, the amendment takes effect on a date agreed to by the Parties, but if no date is set, on the date that the last Party gave its approval to the amendment.

Related Clauses: 2.3.3, 2.9, 2.10.4 a), 2.12, 29.4.2 e) and f)

Planning Assumptions:
  • The Implementation Committee will have a coordinating role in the amendment process.
  • The Implementation Committee will be advised of the representatives identified to participate in the discussions/negotiations under Activity 2.
  • All Parties must approve the French and English versions of the amendment.
  • The DGG will prepare and approve the North Slavey version of any amendments to the FSGA.
  • Canada's Implementation Committee Representative will lead Canada's participation in these activities.
  • The DGG's Implementation Committee Representative will have a role in coordinating the DGG's participation in these activities.

Sheet # 26-3

Project: Consultation by the Parties with respect to the preparation of any legislation required to give effect to an amendment to the FSGA

Responsibility: Délînê Got'înê Government, Government of the Northwest Territories, Government of Canada – (Parties)

Participant/Liaison: Implementation Committee Representative(s)

Activities Responsibility Timing Guidelines
1. Notify the Parties in writing of the intent to prepare any legislation required under 26.4.3 Party preparing the legislation When Federal Law, NWT Law or DGG Law is required to give effect to an amendment to the FSGA
2. Provide the other Parties with:
  1. a copy of the proposed legislation; and
  2. a written rationale for the legislation
Party preparing the legislation Within 60 days of providing notice under Activity 1
3. The Parties will prepare their views on the matter Parties being Consulted Within 60 days of receipt of the information to be provided by the Party under Activity 2
4. Should a Party require more than 60 days to complete Activity 3, it will notify the other Parties in writing to request a 30-day extension. Parties being Consulted Within 60 days of receipt of the information to be provided by the Party under Activity 2
5. Upon receipt of written notification from a Party under Activity 4, the Party preparing the legislation will grant the other Parties a 30-day extension to complete Activity 3 and will provide the Parties with written confirmation of the extension Party preparing the legislation Upon receipt of written notification from the Parties under Activity 4
6. The Parties will present their views in writing to the Party preparing the legislation Parties being Consulted Within 60 days of receipt of the information to be provided under Activity 2, or if an extension was requested under Activity 4, within 90 days of receipt of the information provided under Activity 2
7. If the Parties agree they may hold one or more meetings to discuss the proposed legislation Parties At a time or time(s) agreed to by the Parties
8. Inform the Parties being Consulted, in writing, of how their views were considered Party preparing the legislation Within 60 days of receipt of the written submission under Activity 6, or within 60 days of the conclusion of any meeting or meetings agreed to under Activity 7
9. Prepare any legislation referred to in 26.4.3 Party preparing the legislation Following completion of Activity 8
10. Provide the other Parties with a copy of any legislation referred to in 26.4.3 Party preparing the legislation Within 30 days of promulgation
Provisions Addressed:

1.1 "Consult" and "Consultation" means:

  1. the provision, to the party to be consulted, of notice of a matter to be decided in sufficient form and detail to allow that party to prepare its views on the matter;
  2. the provision of a reasonable period of time in which the party to be consulted may prepare its views on the matter, and provision of an opportunity to present such views to the party obliged to consult; and
  3. full and fair consideration by the party obliged to consult of any views presented;

26.4.3 If Federal Law, NWT Law or DGG Law is required to give effect to an amendment to the FSGA, Canada, the GNWT or the DGG, as the case may be, shall recommend the necessary legislation to the Parliament of Canada, the Legislative Assembly of the NWT and the Délînê K'aowœdó Kœ and the amendment takes effect when the last required legislation comes into force.

26.4.4 The Parties shall Consult with each other in the preparation of any legislation referred to in 26.4.3.

Related Clause: 29.4.2 f)

Planning Assumptions:
  • A Party or Parties' Implementation Committee Representative may have a coordinating role in these activities.
  • The Implementation Committee will be advised of the legislation.

Sheet #26-4

Project: Amendment to Schedule B

Responsibility: Délînê Got'înê Government (DGG), Government of the Northwest Territories–Department of Aboriginal Affairs and Intergovernmental Relation (DAAIR)

Participant/Liaison: Government of Canada – Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development

Activities Responsibility Timing Guidelines
1. When DGG and GNWT agree an amendment to schedule B is necessary, they will arrange to meet to discuss the amendment DGG, DAAIR When Parties agree an amendment is necessary
2. Determine text of the amendment DGG, DAAIR As soon as practicable following Activity 1
3. Enter into written agreement to amend schedule B as agreed DGG, DAAIR As soon as practicable after the text of the amendment is agreed-to
4. Provide copy of written agreement amending schedule B to Canada DGG, DAAIR Within 30 days of completing Activity 3
Provisions Addressed:

26.5.1 Schedule B may be amended by agreement between the DGG and the GNWT.

26.5.2 The DGG and the GNWT shall provide written notification to Canada of any amendment to schedule B.

Sheet #26-5

Project: Amendment to Schedule C

Responsibility: Délînê Got'înê Government (DGG), Government of the Northwest Territories–Department of Aboriginal Affairs and Intergovernmental Relation (DAAIR)

Participant/Liaison: Government of Canada – Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development

Activities Responsibility Timing Guidelines
1. Notify Canada in writing of intent to amend schedule C DGG, DAAIR When the DGG and GNWT agree that an amendment to Schedule C is necessary
2. Provide Canada with a copy of the
  1. proposed amendment; and
  2. a written rational for the amendment
DGG, DAAIR Within 60 days of providing notice under Activity 1
3. Canada will prepare and present its views on the proposed amendment to DGG and GNWT in writing Canada Within 90 days of receipt of the information to be provided under Activity 2
4. DGG and GNWT will inform Canada in writing of how their views were considered DGG, GNWT Within 60 days of receipt of Canada's written response under Activity 3
5. Prepare and execute the written agreement amending schedule C DGG, GNWT As soon as practicable following completion of Activity 4
6. Provide Canada with a copy of the written agreement amending schedule C DGG, DAAIR Within 30 days of completing Activity 5
Provisions Addressed:

26.5.3 After Consulting with Canada, schedule C and appendices to schedule C may be amended by agreement between the DGG and the GNWT.

Related Clause: 1.1 "Consult" and "Consultation"

Planning Assumptions:
  • Prior to providing notice under Activity 1, the DGG and the GNWT will have agreed to the text of the amendment to schedule C.
  • Where the written agreement amending schedule C involves the subsequent resurvey of any lands listed under an appendix to schedule C, the GNWT and the DGG will provide Canada with written confirmation of the legal description of the resurveyed lands.

Chapter 27 - Dispute Resolution

Sheet # 27-1

Project: Negotiate to resolve the dispute

Responsibility: Délînê Got'înê Government, Government of Canada, Government of the Northwest Territories (Party, Parties)

Participant/Liaison: Implementation Committee Representative(s)

Activities Responsibility Timing Guidelines
1. Submit a written notice to the Party(ies) involved in the dispute to negotiate, in good faith, and attempt to resolve the dispute prior to invoking dispute resolution provisions. Indicate timeline for negotiations Any Party Prior to invoking the dispute resolution process set out in the FSGA
2. Respond in writing to the notice Party(ies) receiving notice under Activity 1 As soon as reasonable after the request has been made
3. Appoint representatives to negotiate a resolution to the dispute All Parties to the dispute Within 30 days of the receipt of the notice under Activity1
4. Provide timely disclosure of sufficient information and documents to enable a full examination of the subject matter to be negotiated All Parties to the dispute As soon as practicable after the appointment of negotiating representatives
5. Enter into negotiation(s) All Parties to the dispute As soon as reasonable after Activity 4
6. Reach a negotiated solution All Parties to the dispute If agreement(s) reached
7. Implement the negotiated solution All Parties to the dispute As set out in any agreement(s) reached
Provisions Addressed:

27.1.5 Prior to invoking the dispute resolution process set out in this chapter, the Parties shall negotiate in good faith, and attempt to resolve a dispute arising out of the interpretation, application, application or implementation of the FSGA.

27.3.1 No Party shall commence legal proceedings in respect of a dispute arising out of the interpretation, application or implementation of the FSGA without first complying with the negotiation and mediation processes set out in this chapter.

27.3.2 Prior to commencing legal proceedings referred to in 27.3.1, a Party shall provide thirty (30) days written notice to the other Parties.

Related Clauses: 27.1.4, 27.1.6, 27.2.1, 27.5, 27.6, 27.8

Planning Assumptions:
  • When sharing information under Activity 4, there shall be the same information as provided under 27.4.1.
  • The Implementation Committee Representative for a Party involved in a dispute may have a coordinating role for their respective government's participation in these activities.

Sheet # 27-2

Project: Invoking the dispute resolution process

Responsibility: Délînê Got'înê Government, Government of the Northwest Territories, Government of Canada (Parties)

Participant/Liaison: Implementation Committee Representatives

Activities Responsibility Timing Guidelines
1. Where Parties fail to resolve a dispute through the negotiations under 27.1.5, a Party may invoke the dispute resolution process by sending a written notice, by facsimile or other means of electronic transmission, with the information required in 27.4.1 Any Party to the dispute At discretion, after negotiations under 27.1.5 have failed
2. Provide the name of their representative to the other Party(ies) in the dispute resolution process Disputant(s) receiving notice under Activity 1 Within 30 days of receipt of the notice referred to in 27.4.1
Provisions Addressed:

27.2.1 Any notice required pursuant to this chapter shall be delivered personally or transmitted by facsimile or other means of electronic transmission.

27.4.1 A Party may invoke this dispute resolution process with written notice to the other Parties which shall:

  1. identify the Parties to the dispute; and
  2. include a brief statement of the nature of the dispute.

27.4.2 The Party invoking the dispute resolution process and the Party or Parties identified in 27.4.1a) thereupon becomes Disputants and shall, within thirty (30) days of the receipt of the notice referred to in 27.4.1, identify to the other Disputants the name of its representative.

Related Clauses: 27.5.1, 27.5.4, 27.4.3

Planning Assumptions:
  • Prior to invoking the dispute resolution process, the Implementation Committee Representatives for the Parties to a dispute will, where appropriate, discuss and attempt to resolve the issue.
  • The Implementation Committee Representative for a Party to the dispute may have a coordinating role for their respective government in these activities.

Sheet # 27-3

Project: Mediation

Responsibility: Parties to the dispute (Disputants), Mediator

Participant/Liaison: Implementation Committee Representative

Activities Responsibility Timing Guidelines
1. Attempt to agree on a mediator Disputants Within sixty (60) days of receipt of the notice referred to in 27.4.1
2. Appoint mediator


Failing agreement, the Disputants shall apply for a mediator to be appointed by the Supreme Court of the NWT
Disputants As soon as possible

As required
3. Start mediation Mediator, Disputants Within fourty (40) days of the appointment of the mediator
4. Conclude mediation Mediator, Disputants Thirty (30) days from the initial meeting of the Disputants with the mediator
5. Issue report stating only whether the dispute was settled or not Mediator As soon as possible, following the conclusion of the mediation
6. If the dispute is not settled and with agreement of all the Parties, refer the issues in dispute to arbitration with the written consent of each Disputant


If there is no written consent to refer the dispute to arbitration, provide thirty (30) days written notice to commence legal proceedings
All Disputants

Any Disputant
As soon as possible after the report in Activity 5 has been issued.

At discretion after it is clear that there is no written consent to refer the dispute to arbitration
Provisions Addressed:

27.3.2 Prior to commencing legal proceedings referred to in 27.3.1, a Party shall provide thirty (30) days written notice to the other Parties.

27.4.1 A Party may invoke this dispute resolution process with written notice to the other Parties which shall:

  1. identify the Parties to the dispute; and
  2. include a brief statement of the nature of the dispute.

27.4.2 The Party invoking the dispute resolution process and the Party or Parties identified in 27.4.1a) thereupon become Disputants and shall, within thirty (30) days of the receipt of the notice referred to in 27.4.1, identify to the other Disputants the name of its representative.

27.4.3. A Party that is not identified in 27.4.1a) may become a Disputant by giving written notice forthwith to the other Parties.

27.5.1 Within sixty (60) days of receipt of notice referred to in 27.4.1 the Disputants shall attempt to agree on a mediator.

27.5.2 Where the Disputants agree upon a mediator, they shall jointly appoint the mediator and the mediation shall commence within forty (40) days of the appointment of the mediator.

27.5.3 Where the Disputants have not agreed on a mediator, the Disputants shall apply for a mediator to be appointed by the Supreme Court of the NWT.

27.5.4 Where a dispute is referred to mediation, the Disputants shall:

  1. participate in good faith in the mediation process;
  2. each name representatives who shall have the authority, or direct access to a person with the authority, to settle the dispute;
  3. meet with the mediator at a time and place set by the mediator;
  4. bear their own costs of the mediation and, unless otherwise agreed, share equally all other costs of the mediation; and
  5. attend the mediation for at least four (4) hours.

27.5.5 Unless the Disputants otherwise agree, the mediation shall conclude within thirty (30) days from the initial meeting of the Disputants with the mediator.

27.5.6 The mediator shall forthwith issue a report which states whether the dispute was settled or not.

27.5.7 If the dispute is not settled, the Disputants may, with the written consent of each of the Disputants, refer the issues in dispute to arbitration as set out in 27.6. If there is no consent, any Disputant may commence legal proceedings with notice referred to in 27.3.2.

Related Clauses: 27.6.1, 27.9.1

Planning Assumption:
  • The Implementation Committee Representative for a Party to the dispute may have a coordinating role for their respective government in these activities.

Sheet # 27-4

Project: Arbitration

Responsibility: Délînê Got'înê Government, Government of the Northwest Territories – Department of Aboriginal Affairs and Intergovernmental Relations, Government of Canada – Department of Indian and Northern Affairs (Parties), Disputants, Arbitrator

Participant/Liaison: Implementation Committee Representative

Activities Responsibility Timing Guidelines
1. Where the Disputants have agreed to refer the dispute to arbitration, attempt to agree on an arbitrator Parties Within sixty (60) days of the referral to arbitration, as under Activity 6 or Sheet No. 27-3
2. Appoint arbitrator


Failing agreement on an arbitrator, Disputants shall apply for an arbitrator to be appointed by the Supreme Court of the NWT
Disputants As soon as possible

As required
3. Start arbitration Arbitrator, Disputants Within sixty (60) days of the appointment of the arbitrator (this applies only to first option, where Parties agree; if appointed by the Supreme Court of the Northwest Territories, then the Arbitrator sets the process, including dates)
4. Make written decision, including reasons and a recital of the facts upon which the decision is based Arbitrator Within sixty (60) days of the termination of the arbitration hearings, unless the Disputants agree to an extension of time
5. Provide copy of written decision to the Parties Arbitrator After Activity 4
6. Each Party shall make the arbitrator's written decision available to the public on request Parties After Activity 5
7. File in the Registry of the Supreme Court of the NWT a copy of the decision, award or order Any Disputant At discretion, after the expiration of fourteen (14) days from the date of the release of an arbitration decision, award or order, or from the date set by the arbitrator for compliance, whichever is the later
Provisions Addressed:

27.5.7 If the dispute is not settled, the Disputants may, with the written consent of each of the Disputants, refer the issues in dispute to arbitration as set out in 27.6. If there is no consent, any Disputant may commence legal proceedings with notice referred to in 27.3.2.

27.6.1 Within sixty (60) days of the referral to arbitration pursuant to 27.5.7, the Disputants shall attempt to agree on an arbitrator.

27.6.2 Where the Disputants agree upon an arbitrator, they shall jointly appoint the arbitrator and the arbitration shall commence within sixty (60) days of the appointment of the arbitrator.

27.6.3 Where the Disputants have not agreed on an arbitrator, the Disputants shall apply for an arbitrator to be appointed by the Supreme Court of the NWT.

27.6.4 The Disputants may agree to ask the mediator selected or appointed under 27.5 to act as the arbitrator.

27.6.6 An arbitrator may not question the validity of, amend or delete any provision of the FSGA.

27.6.7 The dispute shall be resolved by a single arbitrator who, unless the Disputants otherwise agree:

  1. shall decide the process and procedures for the arbitration;
  2. shall decide the issues submitted to arbitration;
  3. shall determine questions of law or jurisdiction or may refer such questions to the Supreme Court of the NWT;
  4. shall determine all questions of fact and of procedure, including the method of giving evidence;
  5. may provide interim relief;
  6. may provide for the payment of interest and costs;
  7. may subpoena witnesses and order production of documents;
  8. shall administer oaths or affirmations to witnesses; and
  9. shall correct clerical errors in orders and arbitration awards.

27.6.8 The arbitrator shall make a written decision, including reasons and a recital of the facts upon which the decision is based, within sixty (60) days of the termination of the arbitration hearings, unless the Disputants agree to an extension of time.

27.6.9 The arbitrator shall provide a copy of the written decision to the Parties.

27.6.10 Each Party shall make the arbitrator's written decision available to the public on request.

27.6.11 The decision of the arbitrator is final and binding on the Parties and shall not be challenged by appeal or review in any court except on the ground that the arbitrator erred in law or exceeded his or her jurisdiction.

27.6.13 Unless otherwise agreed by the Disputants or ordered by the arbitrator, each Disputant shall bear its own costs of the arbitration and an equal share of the other costs of the arbitration.

27.6.14 A Disputant may, after the expiration of fourteen (14) days from the date of the release of an arbitration decision, award or order, or from the date set by the arbitrator for compliance, whichever is the later, file in the Registry of the Supreme Court of the NWT a copy of the decision, award or order and it shall be entered as if it were a decision or order of that Court and on being entered shall be deemed, for all purposes except an appeal from the decision, award or order, to be an order of the Supreme Court of the NWT and enforceable as such.

27.6.15 The record of an arbitration process is admissible as evidence in court.

Related Clauses: 27.6.12, 27.8.1, 27.7.1, 27.7.2

Planning Assumption:
  • The Implementation Committee Representative for a Party to the dispute may have a coordinating role for their respective government in these activities.

Chapter 29 - Implementation Principles

Sheet # 29-1

Project: Establish Implementation Committee

Responsibility: Government of the Northwest Territories – Department of Aboriginal Affairs and Intergovernmental Relations, Government of Canada – Department of Indian & Northern Affairs and Délînê Got'înê Government (Parties)


Activities Responsibility Timing Guidelines
1. Appoint one member each to the implementation committee in accordance with 29.4.1 and notify other Parties, in writing, of the appointees Parties Within sixty (60) days following effective date of the FSGA
2. Notify the other Parties, in writing, of any new or replacement implementation committee representatives Parties As required
Provisions Addressed:

29.4.1 The Parties shall:

  1. establish an implementation committee within sixty (60) days of the Effective Date; and
  2. each appoint one (1) representative to the implementation committee.

Related Clauses: 29.4.2, 29.4.3, 31.2, 31.3, 31.4

Planning Assumptions:
  • The Implementation Committee will follow the guidelines related to its duties and operations, as described in Annex C of the Implementation Plan
  • The federal law which implements the FSGA pursuant to 31.4.1 c) will provide for an Effective Date to be set by federal Order-in-Council and the implementation committee will be established within 60 days following the Effective Date as set out in the Order-in-Council.

Schedule C

Sheet # C-1

Project: Terms and conditions of the transfer of Commissioner's Lands under 12.3 of the FSGA

Responsibility: Government of the Northwest Territories - Department of Municipal and Community Affairs (MACA), Délînê Got'înê Government (DGG)

Participant/Liaison: Government of the Northwest Territories - Aboriginal Affairs and Intergovernmental Relations, Canada – Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development

Activities Responsibility Timing Guidelines
1. Complete post Effective Date activities associated with schedule C transfer of Commissioner's Lands under 12.3 of the FSGA MACA, DGG As set out in schedule C
Provisions Addressed:
  • The GNWT shall transfer Commissioner's Lands in the Community of Délînê in accordance with the terms and conditions set out in schedule C.

Terms and Conditions of the transfer of Commissioner's Lands under 12.3 of the FSGA


1.1 Terms in this schedule have the meanings set out in 1.1 of the FSGA.

2.0 Surveys

2.1 The Parties acknowledge and agree that the GNWT has caused surveys of certain Commissioner's Lands to be conducted in accordance with Part II of the Canada Land Surveys Act (Canada) after Consultations with the Charter Community of Délînê and the Délînê Land Corporation and that the official plans for such surveys shall be filed by the GNWT in the Land Titles Office of the NWT pursuant to the Land Titles Act (NWT) prior to the Effective Date.

2.2 Except as contemplated under 3.3, prior to the Effective Date the GNWT shall not sell, lease, or otherwise dispose of any Commissioner's Lands without first Consulting with the Charter Community and the Délînê Land Corporation, provided however, nothing herein precludes or restricts the GNWT from terminating, renewing or extending any lease, or approving any sublease, mortgage of lease, replacement lease, assignment of lease or amendment of lease on any such Commissioner's Lands.

3.0 Transfer of Commissioner's Lands

3.1 On the Effective Date, fee simple title to the surveyed Commissioner's Lands set out in appendix "C1", except the mines and minerals, shall vest in the DGG.

3.2 On the Effective Date, fee simple title to all Unsurveyed Lands at that date, including any Unsurveyed Lands listed on appendix "C2", except the mines and minerals and any Unsurveyed Lands listed on appendix "C3", shall vest in the DGG, subject to any leases in respect of such lands which are listed on appendix "C2", and to any leases or agreements for sale or lease in respect of such lands which have been granted or entered into pursuant to 3.3(b).

3.3 Prior to the Effective Date, the GNWT may sell the fee simple interest, except the mines and minerals, or grant a leasehold interest, in the Commissioner's Lands set out in appendix "C2" to:

  1. the lessees of such lands, or to their successors or assigns; or
  2. such persons who, at any time before the Effective Date, have applied for leasehold or freehold title to such lands under the Commissioner's Land Regulations (NWT), or their successors or assigns, on such terms and conditions as the GNWT in its discretion may determine, or pursuant to any option to purchase a lessee may be entitled to exercise.

3.4 Save and except for any Unsurveyed Lands listed on appendix "C2", as soon as practicable after the Effective Date, the GNWT shall grant fee simple title, except the mines and minerals, to those Commissioner's Lands listed on appendix "C2" which have not been sold pursuant to 3.3, or for which a binding agreement for sale has not been entered into pursuant to 3.3, to the DGG, subject to the leases in respect of such lands listed on appendix "C2" or granted pursuant to 3.3(b).

3.5 The DGG shall assume all of the lessor's rights and powers under the leases listed on appendix "C2" or granted pursuant to 3.3(b) in respect of the lands which it acquires under 3.2 or 3.4, and shall observe and perform the lessor's obligations under such leases, including any obligation respecting rights of renewal, extension or replacement or options to purchase, and any such lease shall be construed and given effect as if the DGG had been named in the lease.

3.6 The DGG shall indemnify and hold the GNWT harmless from and against any and all damages, losses, costs or liabilities that the GNWT may suffer or incur in connection with or as a result of any suit, action, claim, proceeding or demand relating to or arising from a failure by the DGG to observe or perform the provisions of a lease assumed by the DGG under 3.5. after the DGG has acquired title to the land in question under 3.2 or 3.4.

3.7 The GNWT shall indemnify and hold the DGG harmless from and against any and all damages, losses, costs or liabilities that the DGG may suffer or incur in connection with or as a result of any suit, action, claim, proceeding or demand relating to or arising from a failure by the GNWT to observe or perform the provisions of a lease assumed by the DGG under 3.5 prior to the DGG acquiring title to the land in question under 3.2 or 3.4.

3.8 For greater certainty, the vesting or grant of any land under 3.2, 3.3 or 3.4 shall not prejudice or affect any interest or encumbrance that any person may have in respect of any lease of any of the lands set out in appendix "C2".

3.9 The lands vested under 3.1 and 3.2 or granted under 3.4 shall be subject to sections 12, 13, and 14 of the Northwest Territories Lands Act (NWT), section 14 of the Commissioner's Land Regulations (NWT), any interests or encumbrances registered against any title to Commissioner's Lands under the Land Titles Act (NWT) and any implied reservations under section 69 of the Land Titles Act (NWT).

3.10 The DGG shall not acquire any interest under this schedule in the Commissioner's Lands listed on appendix "C3" or, for greater certainty, in the bed of Great Bear Lake or any lands held in fee simple by the Northwest Territories Power Corporation.

3.11 The GNWT makes no representation, warranty or covenant that the DGG shall have vacant possession of any of the Commissioner's Lands vested in the DGG pursuant to 3.1 and 3.2 or granted to the DGG pursuant to 3.4.

3.12 The lands vested in or granted or transferred to the DGG under this schedule shall be subject to the easements and rights of way granted under, and the terms and conditions of, the power transmission and distribution line right of way agreement between the GNWT and the Northwest Territories Power Corporation dated April 30, 1996.

3.13 No strip of land one hundred (100) feet in width shall be reserved to the Commissioner under section 11 of the Northwest Territories Lands Act (NWT) in Commissioner's Lands vested, granted or transferred to the DGG pursuant to this schedule.

4.0 Contaminated Sites

4.1 Upon the GNWT undertaking any program respecting the clean-up of Contaminated Sites on Commissioner's Lands, the program shall also apply to Contaminated Sites on the lands listed in appendix C4 as if the lands were Commissioner's Lands.

4.2 After the Effective Date, the GNWT and DGG may agree that a Contaminated Site on lands vested in, or granted or transferred to, the DGG under this schedule not listed in appendix C4 existed on the Effective Date and, with the consent of both parties, appendix "C4" shall be amended to include such site.

4.3 The DGG acknowledges and agrees that the Délînê solid waste facility, the Délînê sewage lagoon and the location currently being used for the deposit and remediation of contaminated soils, the sites of which are indicated on the map annexed to this schedule as appendix C5 and which are a part of the Commissioner's Lands to be transferred to the DGG under this schedule shall not be listed on appendix C4.

4.4 Any dispute as to whether a Contaminated Site existed on the Effective Date may be referred to arbitration pursuant to 27.6 of the FSGA by either the DGG or the GNWT, without the requirement of the consent of the other party. If the arbitrator confirms that a Contaminated Site existed on the Effective Date, appendix C4 shall be amended to include such site.

4.5 The GNWT shall be responsible for the costs associated with any cleanup of a Contaminated Site under 4.1.

4.6 Section 4.5 shall not prevent the GNWT from recovering any costs associated with the clean-up from a person who is liable for such costs.

4.7 Notwithstanding any liability that the GNWT may have by law to the DGG for damages arising as a result of any land vested in, or granted to or transferred to the DGG under this schedule being a Contaminated Site or as a result of any negligent act or omission of the GNWT or its employees, contractors or agents in respect of such Contaminated Site, or from the clean-up of such Contaminated Site under the terms of 4.1, the GNWT will not be liable to the DGG for any special, incidental, indirect or consequential damages, including loss of profit or other economic loss in respect of any such Contaminated Site, act or omission or clean up.

4.8 The provisions of 4.7 apply whether or not any such land is known to be a Contaminated Site or listed on appendix C4 on the Effective Date.

4.9 Section 4.7 does not affect any obligation of the GNWT under 4.1 or 4.5.

5.0 Amendment of Appendices

5.1 Prior to the Effective Date, the GNWT and the Délînê Land Corporation may amend appendices "Ci", "Q2", "C3", "C4" or "C5" to:

  1. orrect an error in the description of a parcel of land described in any such appendix;
  2. add a parcel of land to or delete a parcel of land from any such appendix as a result of such parcels being inadvertently excluded from or included in such appendix;
  3. delete a parcel from appendix "C1" and add such parcel to appendix "C2" or add a parcel of Unsurvey Land to appendix "C2", if at any time before the Effective Date a person applies to the GNWT to lease or purchase such parcel; or
  4. make such other additions, deletions or changes to any of the appendices as they may agree from time to time.

5.2 Any dispute in regard to any amendment proposed pursuant to 5.1 may be referred to arbitration pursuant to the Arbitration Act (NWT) by either the Délînê Land Corporation or GNWT without the requirement of the consent of the other party.

Annex B – Communication Plan

1. Introduction

A requirement of the Délînê Final Self-government Agreement (FSGA) is that the Implementation Plan for the FSGA, include a plan to address the communication of the FSGA and Implementation Plan to interested parties post-effective date.

The tri-partite communication activities undertaken by the Parties to the FSGA must clearly identify the key objectives of post-effective date communication initiatives and the associated target audiences.

2. Responsibilities

Délînê Got'înê Government (DGG)

The DGG has primary responsibility for communicating the contents of the FSGA and Implementation Plan to residents of Délînê and to non-resident participants.


Canada is responsible for communicating the contents of the FSGA and Implementation Plan to federal departments and agencies and employees, and, along with the DGG and GNWT, is also responsible for informing the public.

Government of the NWT

GNWT is responsible for communicating the contents of the FSGA and Implementation Plan to territorial departments and agencies and employees, and, along with the DGG and Canada, is also responsible for informing the public.

Joint Responsibilities

The Implementation Committee will work on tripartite communications planning, products and activities as needed, and may develop a communication's protocol to ensure all Parties are aware of planned communications products, activites and media relations that could impact communications about the FSGA and its implementation.

3. Target Audiences

Community of Délînê

All residents of Délînê will be impacted by the implementation of the agreement, and therefore it will be important to continue to promote a broad understanding of the contents of the agreement within the community.

Non-Resident Participants

The DGG will exercise the collective rights and benefits of the Sahtu Dene and Metis of Délînê, and will be responsible for the management of land claim assets formerly held by the Délînê Land Corporation and Sahtu Secretariat through a DGG Beneficiaries Board. It will therefore be important to continue to promote an understanding of this aspect of the FSGA with non-resident participants in particular, as well as promoting an understanding among non-residents that they will be eligible to sit on the board and participate in the selection of board members.

NWT Public

Information on the content and meaning of the FSGA and Implementation Plan will be communicated to the NWT public.


Information on the content and meaning of the FSGA and Implementation Plan will be communicated to industry.


Communication with the media will focus on disseminating information that will support a broad, general understanding of the FSGA and the Implementation Plan, in order to promote accurate and timely reporting on the contents of the FSGA, its impact and implementation.

4. Communication Objectives

  • Encourage broad public understanding of the FSGA and Implementation Plan and inform target audiences about the contents of the FSGA and Implementation Plan, and its ongoing implementation.
  • Support successful implementation of the FSGA through communications planning, products and activities.
  • Celebrate successes and foster public pride in self-governance.

5. General Themes

The Délînê FSGA recognises and affirms the inherent right to self-government of the Sahtu Dene and Metis of Délînê, and defines an approach to implementing that right.

Implementation of the FSGA is a positive step towards self-determination and greater economic prosperity for the Sahtu Délînê and Metis of Délînê and for all residents of the community.

The FSGA will be implemented incrementally over time, in accordance with the Implementation Plan and DGG priorities as capacity is developed and resources are identified.

6. Strategic Considerations

A proactive communications approach will emphasize accomplishments in the implementation of the FSGA.

In keeping with the intent of self-government, the DGG will be responsible for communicating with participants and residents of Délînê with respect to many aspects of the implementation of the FSGA.

Information on how Délînê residents are affected by the FSGA will be provided.

7. Activities

Communications activities, products and budget to be completed as part of this communications plan, will be identified annually by the Implementation Committee as part of annual work planning. These activities will include the Annual Report (as per 29.4 of the FSGA) and may include the development of pamphlets, brochures, social media products, website positions, press releases and other products the Implementation Committee may deem necessary or helpful in achieving the objectives of this plan with target audiences.

8. Process

The Implementation Committee will oversee tripartite communication activities to be completed under this plan. Each Party may also undertake unilateral communication activities in support of the objectives set out in this Communication Plan.

Annex C – Guidelines for the Operation of the Implementation Committee

The following are guidelines for the operation of the Implementation Committee referred to in Chapter 29 of the FSGA and in Sheet No. 29-1 of the Implementation Plan.


1. The Implementation Committee shall:

  1. make decisions with the unanimous agreement of all representatives;
  2. be a forum for the Parties to:
    1. discuss the implementation of the FSGA, and
    2. attempt to resolve any implementation issues arising among the Parties in respect of the FSGA that have been raised by one or more of the Parties;
  3. monitor the implementation of the FSGA and the Implementation Plan;
  4. meet at least three times per year in locations agreed to by the Parties, rotating the hosting and associated responsibilities as the Parties agree. The Parties may agree to additional meetings, teleconferences or videoconferences in between Implementation Committee meetings, as required;
  5. provide information and advice to the Parties, including making recommendations for amendments to the FSGA;
  6. to the extent authorized by the Implementation Plan, make amendments to the Implementation Plan as follows:
    1. Originating Party or Parties add the proposed amendment to the Implementation Committee agenda for discussion, or for discussion via teleconference in between Implementation Committee meetings if required
    2. The Implementation Committee discusses and considers the proposed amendment
    3. If agreement is reached among the Parties, draft the new/revised Implementation Activity Sheet No.
    4. Once the Parties agree upon the new/revised sheet No., sign a record of decision to approve the amendment.
    5. Each Party will share the amendment with their respective organizations.
  7. keep a record of issues discussed by way of meeting minutes, and its decisions by way of record of decision. The hosting Party will be responsible for the preparation of minutes and Records of Decision, and will provide a first draft for review within 60 days of the meeting. The Parties will make reasonable efforts to finalize the minutes prior to the next scheduled meeting;
  8. produce an annual report on its activities as set out in 29.4.5, by following the procedure outlined in (6)
  9. conduct any other activity as the Parties may agree.

2. Nothing in the FSGA shall authorize the Implementation Committee to oversee or direct the DGG, the GNWT or Canada in the exercise of their Jurisdiction and Authorities or the delivery of their programs and services.

3. Each Party shall be responsible for the costs of the participation of its appointee on the Implementation Committee.

4. Prior to the beginning of each fiscal year, the Implementation Committee will develop an annual work plan which will list the Implementation Committee's priorities for the year. The Implementation Committee will monitor the progress on the work plan throughout the year. The work plan will be one of a number of tools used in completing the annual report described in (5) and (6). The annual report will be provided to the Parties within four (4) months of the end of the year covered by the report.

5. The annual report of the Implementation Committee shall include:

  1. the activities that have been undertaken or completed by the Implementation Committee in the year covered by the report;
  2. an overview of the successes achieved in the implementation of the FSGA in the year covered by the report;
  3. identification of implementation issues; and
  4. a plan for the next year's implementation of the FSGA, including a plan to address any implementation issues;
  5. and may include any Party's views on its relationship with the other Parties with respect to the implementation of the FSGA.

6. In order to meet the timing requirements prescribed by the FSGA, the Parties will produce the Annual Report according to the suggested procedure, as follows:

  1. A first draft of the Annual Report will be produced and distributed to the Parties by the end of April of the fiscal year following the reporting year.
  2. The Parties will each review and provide comments on the draft Annual Report within 30 days of receiving it
  3. A revised draft, which incorporates the comments of the Parties as per (ii), will be produced within two weeks of receiving all comments
  4. The Parties will have 15 days to review the revised draft and have it approved Implementation Committee Representatives
  5. Proceed with publishing of the Annual Report, to be complete by the end of June of the fiscal year following the reporting year.
  6. Distribute the complete Annual Report to the Parties once published.


7. Appointments to implementation committee shall be done by providing Notice to Parties.

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