Amendment to the Sioux Valley Dakota Nation Governance Agreement


Description of Sioux Valley Dakota Nation Lands

This is the schedule referred to in Section 39.01 of Governance Agreement [Sioux Valley Dakota Nation Lands described].

All those lands comprising Sioux Valley Dakota Nation Reserve (formerly known as Indian Reserve No. 58) in the Province of Manitoba and being:

  • Parcel A, which parcel is shown on a plan of survey of part of the South East ¼ of Section 36, Township 9, Range 23 West of the Principal Meridian, filed in the Brandon Land Titles Office as Plan Number 58075 and recorded in the Canada Lands Survey Records as Number 104549;
  • Excepting all Mines and Minerals as set forth in transfers 106550 and 1328088; said described land containing 31.741 hectares (78.433 acres), more or less.

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