Amendments to the Sahtu Dene and Metis Comprehensive Land Claim Agreement

Amended — P.C. 1997-1466 — October 9, 1997

Amendments to be made to Sahtu final agreement

Volume I
Page Section Changes to be Made
Page 5 "migratory game birds" delete "Game" in the name of the Act
Page 85 19.4.2 (d) replace "National Topographic Survey Maps" with "National Topographic System map sheets"
Page 4 Appendix A in the 1st thence; reading "thence southwesterly along said boundary of the Nunavut…" ; replace "southwesterly" with "southeasterly"
Page 5 Appendix A replace the last thence with "thence east along said boundary of the Inuvialuit Settlement Region to the point of commencement"
Page Section Changes to be Made
- - correct throughout: "Northwes Tel" to "NorthwesTel"
- - correct throughout: delete "," after "DIAND"
Page 1 - insert "and" after "Parcels 1-173" in the introduction
Page 1 - replace "NTS map sheets" with "maps" in the introduction
Page 2 Parcel 60 replace "NTS 96 I/7, 8, 9" with "NTS 96 I/7 & 8, 9"
Page 2 Parcel 67 replace "NTS 96 G/8; 96 H/5" with "NTS 96 G/8 & 96 H/5"
Page 2 Parcel 73 replace "NTS 96 G/4" with "NTS 96 G/3, 4"
Page 3 Parcel 120 replace "NTS 105 P/5, 8" with "NTS 105 O/8; 105 P/5"
Page 3 Parcel 121 replace "NTS 105 P/1, 4, 5, 8" with "NTS 105 O/1, 8; 105 P/4, 5"
Page 10 Parcel 5 replace reserve "106O011009" with "106O01009", in fourth paragraph from the end
Page 33 Parcel 17 delete "106I11006," from list of reserves
Page 33 Parcel 17 replace "841.2 square miles" with "841.3 square miles"
Page 44 Parcel 27 replace "106H15005" with "106H15006" in list of reserves
Page 46 Parcel 28 replace "lease 096E13002" with "reserve 096E13002''
Page 53 Parcel 32 delete "106H10008, " from list of reserves
Page 54 Parcel 33 replace "reserve 106H10011" with "reserves 106H10011 and 106H10013"
Page 67 Parcel 39 replace "1,184.2 square miles" with "1,184.3 square miles"
Page 79 Parcel 44 replace "1,360.0 square miles" with " 1,360.1 square miles"
Page 86 Parcel 48 replace "with the west bank of an unnamed lake" with "with the east bank of an unnamed lake"
Page 92 Parcel 48 replace "1,303.4 square miles" with "1,303.5 square miles"
Page 94 Parcel 50 in the 2nd thence, first line, replace "another" with "an unnamed"
Page 95 Parcel 50 delete "in" from the following: "said bearings being in derived from.. . " in the fourth line from the last
Page 96 Parcel 51

in the 5th thence, first line, reading in part "…the southwest limit of Fort Franklin…" replace "southwest" with "southeast"

in the 5th thence, second line, reading in part "…30 metres southwest of the centre line…" replace "southwest" with "southeast"

Page 131 Parcel 76 delete "and" from the following in the 4th thence, first line: "southwesterly and in a…"
Page 132 Parcel 76 replace "759.5 square miles" with "759.6 square miles"
Page 137 Parcel 81 in the 7th thence replace "stream" with "creek"
Page 168 Parcel 100 delete "096E08002," from list of reserves
Page 168 Parcel 100 replace "1412.0 square miles" with "1,412.1 square miles"
Page 169 Parcel 101 replace "0.05 square miles" with "0.04 square miles"
Page 174 Parcel 105 add: "s" to "reserve" in penultimate paragraph
Page 176 Parcel 107 replace "lots" with "rights-of-ways" in last line
Page 178 Parcel 108 delete "and" at the end of 8th line
Page 178 Parcel 108 replace "means" with "meant" in penultimate line
Page 178 Parcel 108 replace "lots" with "rights-of-way" in last line
Page 192 Parcel 118 delete "and" after "Yellowknife;" in 3rd line from end
Page 193 Parcel 119 in the commencing paragraph, reading, in part, "…southwest limit of the right-of-way of the access road…" delete "of the right-of-way"
Page 193 Parcel 119 in the 5th thence, second line, delete "of the right-of-way"
Page 193 Parcel 119 in the 6th thence, replace "said limit" with "the limit"
Page 193 Parcel 119 in the 6th thence, replace "right-of-way" with "road"
Page 194 Parcel 120 in the 1st thence, delete "of the right-of-way"
Page 194 Parcel 120 in the 2nd thence, replace "right-of-way" with "trail"
Page 194 Parcel 120 in the 4th thence, replace "Canol Road Hiking Trail" with "Old Canol Road"
Page 194 Parcel 120 in the 4th thence, last line, replace "trail" with "road"
Page 194 Parcel 120 in the 5th thence, replace "limit of the right-of-way of the access road" with "limit of the access road"
Page 194 Parcel 120 in the 6th thence, replace "right-of-way" with "road"
Page 195 Parcel 120

restructure 3rd paragraph from end to read:

"excluding therefrom the parcels of land described in leases 105P05001, 105P05005 and 105P05007 on file with the Land Resources Division, DIAND at Yellowknife; and

excluding therefrom the parcels of land described as reserves 105P05004 and 105P05006 on file with the Land Resources Division, DIAND at Yellowknife;

Page 196 Parcel 121 in the commencing paragraph, delete "of the right-of-way"
Page 196 Parcel 121 in the 6th thence, add "Old" before "Canol Road"
Page 197 Parcel 121 in the 1st thence, delete "of the right-of-way"
Page 197 Parcel 121 in the 2nd thence, replace "right-of-way" with "trail"
Page 214 Parcel 134 replace reserve "096C1005" with "096C10005"
Page 214 Parcel 134 replace "1,084.4 square miles" with "1,084.5 square miles"
Page 216 Parcel 136 replace "means" with "meant" in penultimate line
Page 216 Parcel 136 replace "lots" with "rights-of-way" in last line
Page 217 Parcel 137 replace "reserves 096C10003 and 096C10015" with "reserves 096C10003, 096C10015 and 096C10018"
Page 218 Parcel 137 replace "means" with "meant" in penultimate paragraph
Page 218 Parcel 137 replace "lots" with "rights-of-way" in third last line
Page 219 Parcel 138 replace "125°58'58"W" with "124°58'58"W" in the first thence
Page 219 Parcel 138 replace "means" with "meant" in penultimate line
Page 219 Parcel 138 replace "lots" with "rights-of-way" in last line
Page 220 Parcel 139 replace "means" with "meant" in penultimate line
Page 220 Parcel 139 replace "lots" with "rights-of-way" in last line
Page 221 Parcel 140 in the 9th thence, reading, in part, "…with the west limit of the right-of-way of the Mackenzie Highway…." replace "west" with "east"
Page 222 Parcel 140 replace "means" with "meant" in penultimate line
Page 222 Parcel 140 replace "lots" with "rights-of-way" in last line
Page 225 Parcel 143 replace "reserve 096C10008" with "reserves 096C10006 and 096C10008"
Page 225 Parcel 143 replace "means" with "meant" in penultimate paragraph
Page 226 Parcel 144 replace "means" with "meant" in penultimate paragraph
Page 226 Parcel 144 replace "lots" with "rights-of-way" in third last line
Page 227 Parcel 145 replace "means" with "meant" in penultimate line
Page 227 Parcel 145 replace "lots" with "rights-of-way" in last line
Page 228 Parcel 146 replace "means" with "meant" in penultimate line
Page 228 Parcel 146 replace "lots" with "rights-of-way" in last line
Page 230 Parcel 147 replace "means" with "meant" in penultimate line
Page 230 Parcel 147 replace "lots" with "rights-of-way" in last line
Page 231 Parcel 148 replace "Keel" with "Keele" in 1st thence
Page 233 Parcel 149 delete 2nd "June", in the fifth paragraph from the end:
Page 233 Parcel 149 replace "means" with "meant" in penultimate line
Page 233 Parcel 149 replace "lots" with "rights-of-way" in last line
Page 234 Parcel 150 delete 2nd "June", in the fifth paragraph from the end:
Page 234 Parcel 150 replace "means" with "meant" in penultimate line
Page 234 Parcel 150 replace "lots" with "rights-of-way" in last line
Page 247 Parcel 163 replace "means" with "meant" in penultimate line
Page 247 Parcel 163 replace "lots" with "rights-of-way" in last line
Page 248 Parcel 164 replace "means" with "meant" in penultimate line
Page 248 Parcel 164 replace "lots" with "rights-of-way" in last line
Page 249 Parcel 165 replace "means" with "meant" in penultimate line
Page 249 Parcel 165 replace "lots" with "rights-of-way" in last line
Page 252 Parcel 168 replace "means" with "meant" in penultimate line
Page 253 Parcel 169 replace "means" with "meant" in penultimate line
Page 253 Parcel 169 replace "lots" with "rights-of-way" in last line
Page 254 Parcel 170 replace "means" with "meant" in penultimate line
Page 254 Parcel 170 replace "lots" with "rights-of-way" in last line
Page 256 Parcel 171 replace "means" to "meant" in penultimate line
Page 256 Parcel 171 replace "lots" with "rights-of-way" in last line
Page 258 Parcel 173 in the commencing paragraph, add "the east limit of a winter road at" before "approximate longitude 123°13'48"W…"
Page Section Changes to be Made
- - correct throughout: "Northwes Tel" to "NorthwesTel"
- - correct throughout: delete "," after "DIAND"
Page 259 - insert "and" after "Parcels 174-182" in the introduction
Page 259 - replace "NTS map sheets" with "maps" in the introduction
Page 260-263 - correct: "1:50,000 ;" to "1:50,000;" (parcels 174, 175, 176)
Page 260 Parcel 174 delete "095N16006," from list of reserves
Page 261 Parcel 174 replace "lots" with "rights-of-way" in last line
Page 262 Parcel 175 add "s" to "land" in last line
Page 262 Parcel 175 replace "lots" with "rights-of-way" in last line
Page 264 Parcel 176 delete "subject to the easement set out in Schedule XXIII, Appendix E" in the third last line
Page 264 Parcel 176 replace "lots" with "rights-of-way" in last line
Page 265 Parcel 177 delete "subject to the easement set out in Schedule XXIII, Appendix E" in the fourth last line
Page 265 Parcel 177 replace "0.02 square miles" with "0.04 square miles"
Page 265 Parcel 177 replace "lots" with "rights-of-way" in last line
Page 270 Parcel 182 replace "123°28'27"W ;" with "123°28'27"W; in the commencing paragraph
Page Section Changes to be Made
- - correct throughout: "Northwes Tel" to "NorthwesTel"
- - correct throughout: delete "," after "DIAND"
Page 271 - insert "and" after "Parcels M1 to M39" in the introduction
271 - replace "NTS map sheets" with "maps" in the introduction
Page 272 Parcel M1 correct: "1:50,000 ;" to "1:50,000;" in fourth line
Page 273 Parcel M2 replace "Parcel" with "PARCEL" in title
Page 273 Parcel M2 correct: "1:50,000 ;" to "1:50,000;" in third line
Page 274 Parcel M3 delete "on NTS map sheet numbers 106 O/1 and 106 P/4,"
Page 275 Parcel M4 delete "on NTS map sheet number 106 P/2,"
Page 276 Parcel M5 delete "on NTS map sheet numbers 106 I/12 and 106 J/9,"
Page 277 Parcel M6 correct: "1:50,000 ;" to "1:50,000;" in third line
Page 278 Parcel M7 delete "on NTS map sheet number 96 M/15,"
Page 279 Parcel M8 delete "on NTS map sheet number 96 M/10,"
Page 280 Parcel M9 delete "on NTS map sheet numbers 96 M/9 and 96 M/10,"
Page 281 Parcel M10 delete "on NTS map sheet 96 L/15,"
Page 282 Parcel M11 delete "on NTS map sheet numbers 96 K/12, 96 K/13 and 96 L/9,"
Page 283 Parcel M12 in the 6th thence, reading "east and north along the south and west limit of section 10 in said grid area to the north limit of said grid area" replace with "east to the southwest corner of section 10 in said grid area"
Page 283 Parcel M12 after the 6th thence, insert "thence north to the northwest corner of section 10 in said grid area;"
Page 284 Parcel M13 delete "on NTS map sheet number 96 L/9,"
Page 285 Parcel M14 delete "on NTS map sheet number 96 L/9,"
Page 286 Parcel M15 delete "on NTS map sheet number 96 L/9,"
Page 287 Parcel M16 delete "on NTS map sheet numbers 96 K/5, 96 K/12 and 96 L/9,"
Page 288 Parcel M17 delete "on NTS map sheet number 96 K/12,"
Page 289 Parcel M18 delete "on NTS map sheet numbers 96 K/11 and 96 K/12,"
Page 290 Parcel M19 delete "on NTS map sheet number 96 L/8,"
Page 291 Parcel M20 delete "on NTS map sheet number 96 K/5,"
Page 292 Parcel M21 delete "on NTS map sheet numbers 96 K/4 and 96 L/1,"
Page 293 Parcel M22 delete "on NTS map sheet numbers 96 K/4 and 96 K/5,"
Page 294 Parcel M23 delete "on NTS map sheet number 96 F/13,"
Page 295 Parcel M24 delete "on NTS map sheet number 96 K/3,"
Page 296 Parcel M25 delete "on NTS map sheet number 96 F/9,"
Page 297 Parcel M26 delete "on NTS map sheet numbers 96 G/12 and 96 G/13,"
Page 299 Parcel M28 delete "on NTS map sheet number 96 C/9,"
Page 301 Parcel M30 in the 3rd thence, replace "126°56'35"W" with "126°56'26"W"
Page 302 Parcel M31 replace "96E, produced at a scale of 1:50,000" with "96E, produced at a scale of 1:250,000" in third line
Page 302 Parcel M31 replace "96E/7, produced at a scale of 1:250,000" with "96E/7, produced at a scale of 1:50,000" in fourth line
Page 302 Parcel M31 in the commencing paragraph, first line, replace "intersection of the south limit" with "intersection of the southwest limit"
Page 302 Parcel M31 in the 2nd thence, replace "126°58'14"W" with "126°58'01"W"
Page 302 Parcel M31 in the 3rd thence, replace "northwesterly" with "northeasterly"
Page 302 Parcel M31 in the 3rd thence, replace "5 metres southwest of the centre line of said seismic line," with "30 metres south of the centre line of said winter road,"
Page 303 Parcel M32 delete "on NTS map sheet number 96 E/9,"
Page 304 Parcel M33 delete "on NTS map sheet number 96 E/8,"
Page 305 Parcel M34 delete "on NTS map sheet numbers 96 C/12 and 96 C/13,"
Page 306 Parcel M35 delete "on NTS map sheet number 96 C/13,"
Page 307 Parcel M36 delete "on NTS map sheet number 96 D/8,"
Page 308 Parcel M37 delete second ";" at end of sentence begining "Commencing…"
Page 310 Parcel M38 delete "on NTS map sheet number 96 C/6,"
Page Section Changes to be Made
Page 312 FGH 19 replace "Michael" with "Michel"
Page 312 FGH 24 replace "Michelle" with "Michel"
Page 312 FGH 47 replace "Joe" with "Joseph"
Page 312 FGH 51 replace "96L/11" with "96 L/11"
Page 312 FGH 55 replace "66°06'22"N" with "66°01'24"N"
Page 312 FGH 55 replace "129°09'10"W" with "129°09'05"W"
Page 312 FGH 55 replace "106 H/3" with "106 I/3"
Page 312 FGH 55 replace "Julianna Taureay" with "Julienne Taureau"
Page 312 FGH 56 replace "106 I/11'' with "106 I/4"
Page 312 FGH 57 replace "106 I/11'' with "106 I/4"
Page 312 FGH 58 delete entire listing
Page 312 C 03 replace "67°19'08"N" with "67°14'11"N"
Page 313 C 10 replace "John Blancho" with "John Blancho Sr."
Page 313 C 12 replace "Hye" with "Hyacinthe"
Page 313 F 30 replace "MacKenzie" with "Mackeinso"
Page 313 F 44 replace "Andre" with "Andre-Baton"
Page Section Changes to be Made
Page 356 Parcel 5 add "- Angus Shae's cabins (3) at 67°09'40"N, 130°13'47"W." to listing and remove the period at the end of the current listing
Page 356 Parcel 5 replace "66°50'37" N" with "66°50'37"N"
Page 356 Parcel 17 replace "Henry Kelly" with "Brother Henry"
Page 357 Parcel 17 replace "66°28'20"N, 128°58'18"W" with "66°28'18"N, 128°58'20"W"
Page 357 Parcel 17 replace "Aleclong" with "Abelong"
Page 357 Parcel 17 add "- Winston McNeely cabin at 66°39'58"N, 129°21'12"W." to listing and remove the period at the end of the current listing
Page 357 Parcel 21 replace "Erutce" with "Erutse"
Page 358 Parcel 32 replace "65°31'32"N, 128°31'58"W" with "65°41'08"N, 128°49'31"W"
Page 359 Parcel 42 replace "Codzie" with "Codzi"
Page 360 Parcel 47 replace "69°19'47"N" to "66°19'47"N"
Page 360 Parcel 53 replace "Benny" with "Bennie"
Page 361 Parcel 59 replace "gravesite at 66°53'52"N, 119°11'40"W" with "campsite at 66°53'52"N, 119°11'40"W"
Page 366 Parcel 94 delete: ", excepting portages, if any, and waterfront lands in a 500 metre strip centered on: — Norman Hodgson cabin at 65°32'19"N, 128°41'45"W"
Page 367 Parcel 100 replace "Alberte" with "Albert"
Page 367 Parcel 100 add "- Bennie Doctor cabins (3) at 65°13'52"N, 125°25'36"W" to listing under Brackett Lake
Page 367 Parcel 100 replace "125°32'07"W" with "125°32'01"W" in last listing under Loche River
Page 367 Parcel 101 replace "Gary Yakeleya" with "Leo Hardy"
Page 370 Parcel 134 align last 3 lines with 4th line from end
Page 370 Parcel 137 add "- Rosie Lennie cabin at 64°43'55"N, 124°56'12"W. " and remove the period at the end of the current listing
Page 370 Parcel 137 replace "Frank Yallee cabins (2) at 65°45'54"N, 125°04'32"W" with "Frank Yallee cabin at 64°43'55"N, 124°56' 12"W"
Page 370 Parcel 137 replace "Leon Neyelle cabin at 65°45'54"N, 125°04'32"W" with "Leon Neyelle cabin at 64°43'55"N, 124°56'12"W"
Page 370 Parcel 137 replace "John Hotti cabin at 65°45'54"N, 125°04'32"W" with "John Hotti cabins (2) at 64°43'55"N, 124°56'12"W"
Page Section Changes to be Made
Page 375 Parcel 5 add "-Angus Shae's cabins (3) at 67°09'40"N, 130°13'47"W." to listing and remove period at end of current listing
Page 375 Parcel 10 replace "66°55'22"N,130°12'44"W" with "66°55'22"N, 130°12'44"W "
Page 376 Parcel 17A replace "Henry Kelly" with "Brother Henry"
Page 376 Parcel 17B replace "66°28'20"N, 128°58'18"W" with "66°28'18"N, 128°58'20"W"
Page 376 Parcel 17B replace "Aleclong" with "Abelong"
Page 376 Parcel 17B add "- Winston McNeely cabin at 66°39'58"N, 129°21'12"W." to listing and remove period from current listing
Page 377 Parcel 32B replace "128°44'31"W" with "128°49'31"W"
Page 379 Parcel 53B replace "Benny" with "Bennie"
Page 379 Parcel 53B align last line with penultimate line
Page 380 Parcel 56B delete indent from second line so last 5 lines line up with 6th line from the end
Page 380 Parcel 58B align last 4 lines with 5th line from end
Page 385 Parcel 94B delete: ", excepting portages, if any, and waterfront lands in a 500 metre strip centered on: — Norman Hodgson cabin at 65°32'19"N, 128°41'45"W"
Page 385 Parcel 100B align last 3 lines with 4th line from end
Page 386 Parcel 101B replace "Gary Yakeleya" with "Leo Hardy"
Page 386 Parcel 105B delete "65°13'36"N, 126°46'31"W." on the second line
Page 389 Parcel 137B add "- Rosie Lennie cabin at 64°43'55"N, 124°56'12"W"
Page 389 Parcel 137B replace "Frank Yallee cabin at 65°45'54"N, 125°04'32"W" with "Frank Yallee cabin at 64°43'55"N, 124°56'12"W"
Page 389 Parcel 137B replace "Leon Neyelle cabin at 65°45'54"N, 125°04'32"W" with "Leon Neyelle cabin at 64°43'55"N, 124°56'12"W"
Page 389 Parcel 137B replace "John Hotti cabin at 65°45'54"N, 125°04'32"W" with "John Hotti cabins (2) at 64°43'55"N, 124°56'12"W"
Page Section Changes to be Made
Page 395 Parcel 32B replace "65°31'32"N, 128°31'58"W" with "65°41'08"N, 128°49'31"W"
Page 396 Parcel 94B delete "in a 500 metre strip centred on — Norman Hodgson cabin at 65°32'19"N and 128°41'45"W"
Page 396 Parcel 101B replace "Gary Yakeleya" with "Leo Hardy"
Page 398 Parcel 137B add "- Rosie Lennie cabin at 64°43'55"N, 124°56'12"W"
Page 398 Parcel 137B replace "Frank Yallee cabins (2) at 65°45'54"N, 125°04'32"W" with "Frank Yallee cabin at 64°43'55"N, 124°56'12"W"
Page 398 Parcel 137B replace "Leon Neyelle cabin at 65°45'54"N, 125°04'32"W" with "Leon Neyelle cabin at 64°43'55"N, 124°56'12"W"
Page 398 Parcel 137B replace "John Hotti cabin at 65°45'54"N, 125°04'32"W" with "John Hotti cabins (2) at 64°43'55"N, 124°56'12"W"
Page Section Changes to be Made
Page 400 Parcel 1-27 delete "Parcel 1-27: none"
Page 400 Parcel 28 delete "Parcel 28: Leases — 096E13002 issued to Energy, Mines and Resources, June 30, 1988"
Page 400 Parcel 29-41 delete "Parcel 29-41: none"
Page 400 Parcel 1-41 add "Parcel 1-41: none"
Page 401 Parcel 84 delete "Parcel 85 – 91:"
Page 401 - add "Parcel 85-91 – none."
Page 401 Parcel 112 Add "Leases — #6180T issued to Municipal Corporation of the Hamlet of Fort Norman, June 1, 1987."
Page 402 Parcel 124 add "Ltd." After "NWT Outfitters"
Page Section Changes to be Made
Page 406 Parcel 17 delete "106I11006 issued to Ministry of Transport — CCG on July 15, 1982"
Page 407 Parcel 27 replace "106H15005" with "106H15006"
Page 407 Parcel 28 replace "Leases" with "Reservations for the Crown"
Page 408 Parcel 32 delete "106H10008 issued to Ministry of Transport — CCG, July 15, 1982"
Page 408 Parcel 33 add, in alphanumerical order, to Reservations for the Crown "106H10013 issued to Ministry of Transport — CCG, June 22, 1993"
Page 410 Parcel 44 replace "Amoco Canada Resources" with "Petro Canada Inc." for significant discovery licences #23 & 24
Page 410 Parcel 44 add to Significant Discovery Licences, in numerical order "- #42 issued to Amoco Canada Resources, September 24, 1987"
Page 416 Parcel 100 delete "096E08002 issued to GNWT — Renewable Resources, July 27, 1987"
Page 416 Parcel 100 replace "Resourses" with "Resources" in last line of Reservations for the Crown
Page 417 Parcel 105 delete 2nd heading "Reservations for the Crown" and join the two listings
Page 417 Parcel 106 delete "096E02008 issued to Department of Environment, April 20, 1988"
Page 423 Parcel 124 replace " 105P09007" with "105P09001"
Page 426 Parcel 134 replace "March 23,1 981" with "March 23, 1981" in reservation for the Crown "096C13020"
Page 426 Parcel 134 delete "Coal Leases — 1-38 issued to Luscar Ltd., March 11, 1993"
Page 427 Parcel 137 add, in alphanumerical order, to Reservations for the Crown "096C10018 issued to Ministry of Transport — CCG, June 22, 1993"
Page 427 Parcel 143 add, in alphanumerical order, to Reservations for the Crown "096C10006 issued to Ministry of Transport — CCG, July 15, 1982"
Page 429 Parcel 149 delete "Leases — 096C07015 issued to IPL on June 12, 1984"
Page 431 Parcel 168-170 change parcel heading from "Parcel 168-170" to "Parcel 168-171"
Page 432 Parcel 174 delete reserve "095N16006 issued to Ministry of Transport — CCG, December 18, 1981"
Page 432 Parcel 174 replace Order in Council date "1982" with "1992"
Page 434 Parcel M4-M7 replace "Parcel M4 – M7" with "Parcel M4 – M6"
Page 434 Parcel M8-M9 replace "Parcel M8 – M9" with "Parcel M7 – M9"
Page 434 Parcel M7-M9 replace "Resourses" with "Resources"
Page 434 Parcel M13-M15 replace "#6 issued to Amoco Canada Resourses, February 15, 1987" with "#23 issued to Petro Canada Inc., September 28, 1987"
Page 435 Parcel M37 delete coal lease listing
Page Section Changes to be Made
Page 436 Parcel 5 insert: "Angus Shae's cabins (3) at 67°09'40"N, 130°13'47"W" after "Joseph and Anthony… "
Page 436 Parcel 5 replace "Edward Kelly cabin at 66°50'37"N, 130°04'56"W." with "Edward Kelly cabin at 66°50'37"N, 130°04'59"W"
Page 436 Parcel 17 replace "John McNeely cabin at 66°28'20"N, 128°58'18"W" with "John McNeely cabin at 66°28'18"N, 128°58'20"W"
Page 436 Parcel 17 replace "- John Aleclong cabin…" with "- John Abelong cabin…"
Page 436 Parcel 17 insert: "- Winston McNeely cabin at 66°39'58"N, 129°21'12"W" after "- Leon Kelly cabin…"
Page 436 Parcel 17 replace "Willie McNelly" with "Willie McNeely"
Page 437 Parcel 21 replace "Pierrots" with "Pierrot"
Page 437 Parcel 21 replace "Erutce" with "Erutse"
Page 438 Parcel 32 replace "George Barnaby cabin at 65°31'32"N, 128°31'58"W" with "George Barnaby cabin at 65°41'08"N, 128°49'31"W"
Page 439 Parcel 42 replace "Codzie" with "Codzi"
Page 440 Parcel 53 replace "Benny" with "Bennie"
Page 440 Parcel 53 align last line with penultimate line
Page 441 Parcel 58 in the 3rd line from the end, replace "66°36'21"N" with "66°36'20"N"
Page 441 Parcel 59 replace "gravesite at 66°53'52"N, 119°11'40"W" with "campsite at 66°53'52"N, 119°11'40"W", and move new listing up one line
Page 446 Parcel 94 delete ", excepting portages, if any, and waterfront lands in a 500 metre strip centred on: — Norman Hodgson cabin at 65°32'19"N, 128°41'45"W."
Page 446 Parcel 100 replace "Alberte" with "Albert"
Page 446 Parcel 100 insert after "Albert Bernarde cabin…" "- Bennie Doctor cabins (3) at 65°13'52"N, 125°25'36"W"
Page 447 Parcel 100 replace "Rocky Norwegian cabin at 65°18'26", 125°32'07"W" with "Rocky Norwegian cabin at 65°18'26N", 125°32'01"W"
Page 447 Parcel 101 replace "Gary Yakeleya" with "Leo Hardy"
Page 449 Parcel 134 align last 3 lines with 4th line from end
Page 450 Parcel 137 insert after Rosie Lennie cabin: "- Rosie Lennie cabin at, 64°43'55"N 124°56'12"W"
Page 450 Parcel 137 replace "Frank Yallee cabin at 65°45'54"N, 125°04'32"W" with "Frank Yallee cabin at 64°43'55"N, 124°56'12"W"
Page 450 Parcel 137 replace "John Hotti cabin at 65°45'54"N, 125°04'32"W" with "John Hotti cabins (2) at 64°43'55"N, 124°56'12"W"
Page 450 Parcel 137 replace "Leon Neyelle cabin at 65°45'54"N, 125°04'32"W" with "Leon Neyelle cabins (2) 64°43'55"N, 124°56'12"W"
Page Section Changes to be Made
Page 457 Fort Norman join last 2 paragraphs, to read: "…dated September 28, 1982; and subject to the easement…"
Page Section Changes to be Made
Page 458 - add, in alphanumerical order, to the listing "M30, M31, 164,168, 177"
Page 458 - delete "108, 136, 173, 179" from listing

Amended — P.C. 2002-1071 — June 13, 2002

"royalty" means any payment, whether in money or in kind, in respect of production of a resource in, on or under the Mackenzie Valley, including the Norman Wells Proven Area described in Chapter 9, paid or payable to government because the Crown is the owner of the resource prior to the production of the resource, including without limiting the generality of the forgoing, the payment to government under the Frontier Lands Petroleum Royalty Regulations passed pursuant to the Canada Petroleum Resources Act, R.S.C. 1985, c.36, or any successor legislation. For greater certainty, "royalty" does not include any payment: Footnote 1.

  1. whether in money or in kind, to government as owner or part owner of the produced resource, including without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the payment to government pursuant to clause 18 of the Proven Area Agreement;
  2. whether in money or in kind, by way of transfer between governments;
  3. for a service;
  4. for the issuance of a right or interest; or
  5. for the granting of an approval or authorization.

Amended — P.C. 2003-126 — February 6, 2003

"royalty" means any payment, whether in money or in kind, in respect of production of a resource in, on or under the Mackenzie Valley, including the Norman Wells Proven Area described in Chapter 9, paid or payable to government because the Crown is the owner of the resource prior to the production of the resource, including without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the payment to government under the Frontier Lands Petroleum Royalty Regulations passed pursuant to the Canada Petroleum Resources Act, R.S.C. 1985, c.36, or any successor legislation. For greater certainty, "royalty" does not include any payment:

  1. whether in money or in kind, to government as owner or part owner of the produced resource, including without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the payment to government pursuant to clause 18 of the Proven Area Agreement;
  2. whether in money or in kind, by way of transfer between governments;
  3. for a service;
  4. for the issuance of a right or interest; or
  5. for the granting of an approval or authorization.

Amended — P.C. 2003-921 — June 12, 2003

19.4.2(g) Where a boundary of Sahtu lands that is defined with reference to natural features is found during the survey to be not well-defined, the Surveyor General shall have the authority to place a series of monuments, approximating the mean position of the natural features, and the line joining the monuments shall replace the previous description of the boundary, as of the effective date, upon registration of the surveyed description of that line.

Amended — P.C. 2003-998 — June 18, 2003

11.3.3 (e) A settlement corporation shall not acquire an interest in a partnership or trust other than an interest that is an investment described in schedule II to this chapter, or a small business investment limited partnership or small business investment trust as defined in the federal Tax Act, unless it is to realize on a security held by the settlement corporation, in which case its interest shall be disposed of within a reasonable period not to exceed six months. A settlement corporation shall not provide any loans to a partnership or a trust other than a small business investment limited partnership or a small business investment trust as defined in the federal Tax Act unless the loan is provided in the course of carrying on a permitted activity under schedule I to this chapter.

Amended — P.C. 2013-0578 — May 23, 2013

Page Section Changes to be Made
- -

In the Northwest Territories;

in the District of Mackenzie;

All that parcel of land more particularly described as follows, all topographic features hereinafter referred to being according to:

edition 2 of the unnamed NTS map sheet number 106 I/1, produced at a scale of 1:50,000;

edition 1 of the Tsintu River NTS map sheet number 106 I/2, produced at a scale of 1:50,000;

Commencing at the point of intersection of the southern limit of the Fort Good Hope Block Land Transfer, PC 1974-389, with the west limit of the Mackenzie Highway (Wrigley-Fort Good Hope) Winter Road at approximate latitude 66°14'00" N and approximate longitude 128°30'34"W, said winter road being 60-metres wide;

thence southerly along the west limit of said right-of-way to its intersection with latitude 66°11'00"N at approximate longitude 128°29'32"W;

thence west in a straight line to the intersection of said latitude with longitude 128°30'48"W;

thence northerly in a straight line to the intersection with latitude 66°13'09"N and longitude 128°31'03"W;

thence northwesterly in a straight line to its intersection with the southern limit of the Fort Good Hope Block Land Transfer, PC 1974-389, at latitude 66°14'00"N and approximate longitude 128°34'04"W;

thence east along said boundary to the point of commencement;

subject to license 085E01001 on file with the Land Resources Division, DIAND in Yellowknife; and

subject to the conditions as outlined in Schedule XVII, Appendix E;

and containing 6.33 square kilometres (approximately 2.44 square miles).

- -

In the Northwest Territories;

in the District of Mackenzie;

All that parcel of land more particularly described as follows, all topographic features hereinafter referred to being according to:

edition 2 of the St. Charles Creek NTS map sheet number 96 C/15, produced at a scale of 1:50,000;

Commencing at the point of intersection of latitude 64°55'00"N with the northwest limit of Fort Franklin Winter Road, said limit being perpendicularly distant 30 metres northwest of the centre line of said road, at approximate longitude 124°55'08"W;

thence west in a straight line to the intersection of said latitude with longitude 124°55'48"W, excepting therefrom the bed of any lake being intersected by said line;

thence northeasterly in a straight line to the intersection of latitude 64°58'37"N and longitude 124°47'40"W;

thence northeasterly in a straight line to the intersection of latitude 64°59'49"N and longitude 124°43'45"W;

thence south in a straight line to the intersection of said longitude with the northwest limit of Fort Franklin Winter Road, said limit being perpendicularly distant 30 metres northwest of the centre line of said road, at approximate latitude 64°59'45"N;

thence southwesterly, southeasterly, southwesterly, northwesterly and southwesterly along the limit of said road to the point of commencement;

and containing 24.2 square kilometres (approximately 9.3 square miles).

Page 22 Parcel 14 replace "excluding therefrom parcel M6 as described" with "excluding there from parcel M5 as described"
Page 38 Parcel 21 in the last thence, replace "thence northwesterly along the bank of said stream" with "thence northeasterly along the bank of said stream"
Page 44 Parcel 27 delete "106H15008" from list of reserves
Page 96 Parcel 51 in the last thence, replace "northeasterly and easterly" with "northeasterly, southeasterly, northeasterly, northwesterly, northeasterly and easterly"
Page 168 Parcel 100 delete "096F02007" from list of reserves
Page 184 Parcel 113

in the 2nd thence; replace "longitude 124°47'30"W" with "longitude 124°47'40"W"

in the 3rd thence, replace "64°58'41"N" with "64°58'37"N"

in the 4th thence; replace "southwesterly along the limit of said road" with "southwesterly in a straight line"

Page 260 Parcel 174 delete "095N16011" from list of reserves

Amended — P.C. 2016-0261 — April 22, 2016

Amendments to be Made to Sahtu Final Agreement

Volume I
Page Section Changes to be Made
Page 7 2.1.1

The definition of "settlement lands" in article 2.1.1 be amended as follows:

"settlement lands" means lands outside local government boundaries:

  1. granted pursuant to 19.1.2 within the settlement area, as set out in schedules I and III, appendix E, and outside the settlement area as set out in schedule II, appendix E, or
  2. in which the fee simple interest is held by a designated Sahtu organization if:
    1. the lands were received by it pursuant to 19.1.5 (a), or
    2. the lands were acquired by it pursuant to 24.1.16, or
    3. the lands were reacquired by it pursuant to 24.1.17 and government has agreed that the lands shall be settlement lands, but does not include lands that have been the subject of a conveyance pursuant to 19.1.5 (a) or an expropriation where the designated Sahtu organization no longer holds the fee simple interest to the lands;
Page 82 19.1.5

Amend clause 19.1.5 of the SDMCLCA to be renumbered to 19.1.5 (a)

Amend the SDMCLCA to include the following:

19.1.5 (b)

The lands conveyed by the designated Sahtu organization under 19.1.5 (a) cease to be settlement lands and any lands the fee simple title to which is received in exchange shall be settlement lands. The designated Sahtu organization shall not be liable for any capital gains tax in respect of the exchange of settlement lands.

Amended — P.C. 2019-1149 — August 7, 2019

Chapter 6 — Dispute resolution

6.1 General

6.1.1 In this chapter:

  1. "parties" means the Sahtu Tribal Council, Canada, and the Government of Northwest Territories; and
  2. "disputants" means:
    1. any two or more of the parties, as defined in 6.1.1(a), to a dispute being referred to this chapter, or
    2. a person identified in this agreement as a person who can refer a matter to this chapter for resolution.

6.1.2 Where a person referred to in 6.1.1(b)(ii) refers a matter to this chapter for resolution, that person becomes a disputant for only that particular matter.

6.1.3 This dispute resolution process is intended to assist the parties in resolving disputes which arise among the parties regarding the interpretation, application, or implementation of this agreement.

6.1.4 Where a participant has a right of action in relation to this agreement, the Sahtu Tribal Council may bring that action on behalf of that participant with the consent of that participant.

6.1.5 Negotiations, mediation sessions and arbitration hearings shall be held in the Northwest Territories, unless the disputants otherwise agree.

6.1.6 In the event of an arbitration, a party who is not a disputant is entitled to copies of all correspondence concerning the dispute between the disputants where the arbitration involves the interpretation, application, or implementation of this agreement.

6.1.7 The disputants may agree to abridge or extend the time frames set out in this chapter.

6.1.8 Prior to invoking the dispute resolution process set out in this chapter, the parties shall negotiate in good faith, and attempt to resolve a dispute arising out of the interpretation, application or implementation of this agreement.

6.1.9 The negotiations referred to in 6.1.8 shall be held among the parties' representatives on the implementation committee, at a time to be determined by the implementation committee.

6.1.10 If the parties are unable to resolve the dispute referred to in 6.1.8, they shall use the dispute resolution process set out in this chapter, unless the parties otherwise agree.

6.1.11 Subject to the provisions of this chapter, the Supreme Court of the Northwest Territories has jurisdiction in respect of any action arising out of this agreement, including any application for judicial review in respect of any board established pursuant to this agreement.

6.2 Notice

6.2.1 Any notice required pursuant to this chapter shall be delivered personally or transmitted by facsimile or other means of electronic transmission.

6.3 Commencing legal proceedings

6.3.1 No party shall commence legal proceedings in respect of a dispute arising out of the interpretation, application, or implementation of this agreement without first complying with the negotiation and mediation processes set out in this chapter.

6.3.2 Prior to commencing legal proceedings referred to in 6.3.1, a party shall provide thirty days written notice to the other parties.

6.3.3 Notwithstanding 6.3.1 and 6.3.2, a party may commence legal proceedings to:

  1. prevent the loss of a right to commence proceedings due to the expiration of a limitation period; or
  2. obtain interlocutory or interim relief that is otherwise available.

6.4 Invoking the process

6.4.1 A party may invoke this dispute resolution process with written notice to the other parties which shall:

  • identify the parties to the dispute; and
  • include a brief statement of the nature of the dispute.

6.4.2 The party invoking the dispute resolution process and the party or parties identified in 6.4.1(a) thereupon become disputants and shall, within thirty days of the receipt of the notice referred to in 6.4.1, identify to the other disputants the name of its representative.

6.4.3 A party that is not identified in 6.4.1(a) may become a disputant by giving written notice forthwith to the other parties and is thereafter entitled to receive copies of all correspondence concerning the dispute.

6.5 Mediation

6.5.1 Within sixty days of receipt of notice referred to in 6.4.1, the disputants shall attempt to agree on a mediator.

6.5.2 Where the disputants agree upon a mediator, they shall jointly appoint the mediator and the mediation shall commence within forty days of the appointment of the mediator.

6.5.3 Where the disputants have not agreed on a mediator within the sixty day period referred to in 6.5.1, the disputants shall apply for a mediator to be appointed by the Supreme Court of the Northwest Territories no later than ninety days after receipt of the notice referred to in 6.4.1.

6.5.4 Where a dispute is referred to mediation, the disputants shall:

  1. participate in good faith in the mediation process;
  2. each name representatives who shall have the authority, or direct access to a person with the authority, to settle the dispute;
  3. meet with the mediator at a time and place set by the mediator;
  4. bear their own costs of the mediation and, unless otherwise agreed, share equally all other costs of the mediation; and
  5. attend the mediation for at least four hours.

6.5.5 Unless the disputants otherwise agree, the mediation shall conclude within thirty days from the initial meeting of the disputants with the mediator.

6.5.6 The mediator shall issue a report to the disputants and any party who is not a disputant within thirty days of the conclusion of the mediation which states whether the dispute was settled or not.

6.5.7 Subject to 6.5.9, if the dispute is not settled, the disputants may, with the written consent of each of the disputants, refer the issues in dispute to arbitration as set out in 6.6. If there is no consent, any disputant may commence legal proceedings with notice in accordance with 6.3.2.

6.5.8 Notwithstanding 6.5.7, any matter which this agreement stipulates is to be determined by arbitration does not require the written consent of the disputants.

6.5.9 Arbitration is not available for disputes relating to:

  1. an agreement between or among the parties that is ancillary, subsequent or supplemental to this agreement, unless otherwise agreed to by the parties;
  2. funding levels; or
  3. matters respecting taxation.

6.6 Arbitration

6.6.1 Within sixty days of the referral to arbitration pursuant to 6.5.7, the disputants shall attempt to agree on an arbitrator.

6.6.2 Where the disputants agree upon an arbitrator, they shall jointly appoint the arbitrator and the arbitration shall commence within sixty days of the appointment of the arbitrator.

6.6.3 Where the disputants have not agreed on an arbitrator within the sixty day period referred to in 6.6.1, the disputants shall apply for an arbitrator to be appointed by the Supreme Court of the Northwest Territories no later than ninety days after referral to arbitration pursuant to 6.5.7.

6.6.4 The disputants may agree to ask the mediator selected or appointed under 6.5 to act as the arbitrator.

6.6.5 Unless the disputants otherwise agree, the proceedings before the arbitrator shall be held in private.

6.6.6 An arbitrator may not question the validity of, amend or delete any provision of this agreement.

6.6.7 The dispute shall be resolved by a single arbitrator who, unless the disputants otherwise agree:

  1. shall decide the process and procedures for the arbitration;
  2. shall decide the issues submitted to arbitration;
  3. shall determine questions of law or jurisdiction or may refer such questions to the Supreme Court of the Northwest Territories;
  4. shall determine all questions of fact and of procedure, including the method of giving evidence;
  5. may provide interim relief;
  6. may provide for the payment of interest and costs;
  7. may subpoena witnesses and order production of documents;
  8. shall administer oaths or affirmations to witnesses; and
  9. shall correct clerical errors in orders and arbitration awards.

6.6.8 The arbitrator shall make a written decision, including reasons and a recital of the facts upon which the decision is based, within sixty days of the termination of the arbitration hearings, unless the disputants agree to an extension of time.

6.6.9 The arbitrator shall provide a copy of the written decision to disputants and to any party who is not a disputant.

6.6.10 Each party shall make the arbitrator's written decision available to the public on request.

6.6.11 The decision of the arbitrator is final and binding on the disputants and shall not be challenged by appeal or review in any court except on the ground that the arbitrator erred in law or exceeded his or her jurisdiction.

6.6.12 The Supreme Court of the Northwest Territories shall have exclusive jurisdiction to hear an appeal or an application for a review of the arbitrator's decision on the grounds set out in 6.6.11.

6.6.13 Unless otherwise agreed by the disputants or ordered by the arbitrator, each disputant shall bear its own costs of the arbitration and an equal share of the other costs of the arbitration.

6.6.14 A disputant may, after the expiration of fourteen days from the date of the release of an arbitration decision, award or order, or from the date set by the arbitrator for compliance, whichever is the later, file in the Registry of the Supreme Court of the Northwest Territories a copy of the decision, award or order and it shall be entered as if it were a decision or order of that Court and on being entered shall be deemed, for all purposes except an appeal from the decision, award or order, to be an order of the Supreme Court of the Northwest Territories and enforceable as such.

6.6.15 The record of an arbitration process is admissible as evidence in court.

6.7 Intervenors

6.7.1 An arbitrator may allow any person who is not a disputant, on application and on such terms as the arbitrator may order, to participate as an intervenor in an arbitration if the interests of that person may be directly affected by the dispute.

6.7.2 An intervenor added pursuant to 6.7.1 shall bear its own costs of participation and shall be bound by the provisions regarding costs and confidentiality set out in this chapter.

6.8 Settlement of dispute

6.8.1 At any time after the commencement of arbitration, but before an award is issued by an arbitrator, the disputants may settle their dispute in which case the process is concluded.

6.8.2 Where a matter is settled pursuant to 6.8.1 and in the absence of an agreement on costs among the disputants and intervenors, the issue of the costs may be referred to the dispute resolution process.

6.9 Confidentiality of information

6.9.1 Unless the disputants otherwise agree, information disclosed in negotiation or mediation and information disclosed pursuant to 6.1.6 shall be kept confidential by:

  1. the disputants;
  2. the mediator; and
  3. the parties.

6.9.2 The disclosure of information by a disputant in negotiation or mediation is not a waiver of any privilege by that disputant for purposes of any arbitration or legal proceedings.

6.9.3 All negotiation and mediation efforts are conducted on a without prejudice basis.

6.9.4 All documents prepared for negotiation or mediation are privileged for the purposes of any arbitration or legal proceedings.

6.9.5 The personal notes or records of a mediator or an arbitrator are not admissible as evidence in any legal proceedings.

6.9.6 A mediator or an arbitrator:

  1. shall not be called to give evidence in any legal proceeding; and
  2. is not a compellable witness.

Consequential amendments to SDMCLCA

25.5.2 Prior to the establishment of a Land and Water Board,

  1. (iii) a decision of the arbitrator related to rights of access;

29.2.3 The Implementation Committee shall operate on a consensus basis and shall:

  1. attempt to resolve implementation disputes arising between the parties. Unresolved implementation disputes shall be resolved pursuant to chapter 6;

Amended — P.C. 2021-0359 — April 30, 2021

Whereas the Sahtu Dene and Metis Comprehensive Land Claim Agreement (the Sahtu Agreement) was approved, given effect and declared valid pursuant to section 4 of the Sahtu Dene and Metis Land Claim Settlement Act, S.C. 1994, c. 27;

Whereas section 3.1.26 of the Sahtu Agreement provides that the provisions of the agreement may be amended with the consent of government, as represented by the Governor in Council, and the Sahtu Dene and Metis, as represented by the Sahtu Tribal Council;

Whereas section 7.1.8 of the Sahtu Agreement provides that the Sahtu Tribal Council shall cause to be established, prior to the date of settlement legislation, and shall thereafter maintain, a public register of designated Sahtu organizations, which register shall identify all rights and obligations assigned pursuant to 7.1.1 to designated Sahtu organizations;

Whereas the public register of designated Sahtu organizations designates the Sahtu Secretariat Incorporated as the designated Sahtu organization responsible for consenting to any amendment to the Sahtu Agreement pursuant to section 3.1.26 of the agreement;

Whereas the Sahtu Secretariat Incorporated consented to the proposed amendment on July 20, 2018;

Whereas the proposed amendment does not alter the jurisdiction of the Government of the Northwest Territories, nor impose financial obligations on it, and therefore this amendment does not require the approval of the Executive Council of the Government of the Northwest Territories under paragraph 3.1.26(a) of the Sahtu Agreement;

And whereas the proposed amendment is effective on the date of this Order;

Therefore, His Excellency the Administrator of the Government of Canada in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations, and pursuant to section 3.1.26 of the Sahtu Agreement, consents to amending the Sahtu Agreement by replacing section 21.3.1 by the following:

21.3.1 Agents, employees, contractors of government and members of the Canadian Armed Forces shall have the right to enter, cross and stay on Sahtu lands and waters overlying such lands and to use natural resources incidental to such access to deliver and manage government programs and services, to carry out inspections pursuant to law and to enforce laws. Government shall give prior notice of such access to the designated Sahtu organization when it is reasonable to do so.

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