Results at a Glance - Evaluation of CIRNAC's Negotiation of Treaties, Self-Government Agreements and Other Constructive Arrangements Program 2013-14 to 2020-21

Audit and Evaluation Sector

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Table of contents


Program Resources

The evaluation reviewed the following funding streams:

Expenditures for the Negotiations Program were approximately $1.85 billion over the evaluation period.

Expected Results and Outcomes

What the evaluation found

Recommendations and Responses

It is recommended that CIRNAC:

1. Improve governance structures and processes by streamlining decision-making and mandating processes, considering devolving funding authorities, and:

Response: The Treaties and Aboriginal Government sector will look for opportunities to improve collaboration, including exploring ways for Indigenous participation to help enhance decision-making. The sector will undertake a review of the mandate and activities of the Federal Steering Committee on section 35 Rights and approval processes to identify opportunities to streamline processes, reduce barriers and help accelerate the settlement of agreements.

2. Work with OGDs to improve coordination and help improve accountability:

Response: The Treaties and Aboriginal Government sector will engage the Federal Steering Committee on section 35 Rights to advance a coherent, whole-of-government approach across federal partners involved in section 35-related negotiations and will explore new strategies to guide operational deliberations for working effectively with OGD partners.

3. Modernize the policy framework to advance consistent approaches and pathways to timely resolution of repeat issues, and to assist Indigenous parties to better navigate the complex negotiations process and options available to them.

Response: The Treaties and Aboriginal Government sector will work with partners to develop specific actions in support of co-developed approaches for the implementation of the right to self-determination through negotiated agreements, new policies and legislative mechanisms and undertake regular monitoring and assessment of negotiation tables to identify common issues and opportunities for policy reform. It will continue to support the implementation of the Recognition and Reconciliation of Rights Policy for treaty negotiations in British Columbia (RRR Policy), and where there is interest, engage with negotiation partners elsewhere in the country for using the approaches found in the RRR Policy. The sector will also continue working on a governance funding continuum that builds from the co-developed approach for comprehensive self-government, that match the priorities of Indigenous groups.

4. Establish a long-term plan to secure and retain skilled and experienced negotiators, address the lengthy onboarding process, and consider table succession planning.

Response: The Treaties and Aboriginal Government sector will continue to assess and enhance its recruitment, skills and knowledge development, and retention planning to ensure the long-term sustainability and implementation of the negotiations program, including the consideration of specialized training to support and promote rights-based negotiations to ensure a consistent approach is applied to the negotiation process.

5. Improve information sharing, subject to what is allowable, including with all parties at and across negotiations tables, and within CIRNAC, in order to provide updates on progress through the mandating process.

Response: In collaboration with First Nations, Inuit and Métis partners, the Treaties and Aboriginal Government sector will explore the development of a public statement of Canada’s rights-based approach for the negotiation of treaties, agreements and other constructive arrangements to replace the Comprehensive Land Claims and Inherent Right Policies. The Sector will also review and update related materials on CIRNAC’s external website, review tools for sharing information with negotiation participants and roll-out the implementation and use of the Results Based Information System (RBIS) within the sector and externally with Other Government Departments.

6. Improve the performance measurement process to allow it to be informed by all stakeholders, including Indigenous groups and OGDs, streamlining monitoring and reporting in order to improve central coordination, and maximize the use of RBIS to ensure data is readily available for program management.

Response: The sector will ensure that greater reflection on what is heard from Indigenous partners at negotiation tables is incorporated in the 2023-24 PIP, which is currently being revised and finalized, and as well, will work to ensure that greater reflection on what is heard from Indigenous partners is incorporated in future iterations. The sector will also continue to leverage existing internal tools, including table monitoring mechanisms, to assess progress at negotiation tables and will continue to explore options to improve RBIS, including enhancing the user experience.

About this evaluation

The evaluation focused on how CIRNAC’s Negotiation of Treaties, Self-Government Agreements and Other Constructive Arrangements Program is delivered by the Treaties and Aboriginal Government (TAG) sector, and covered the period of April 1, 2013 to March 31, 2021. An Evaluation Working Group was convened to guide the evaluation process and to ensure diverse perspectives were reflected in the evaluation, with members from the evaluation team and representatives from various branches, including Negotiations West, Central, and East Branch, the Fiscal Branch, and the Policy Development and Coordination Branch.

Findings are based on the analysis of data from a document review, a review of performance data, 40 key informant interviews and 9 in-depth case studies of Negotiation Tables – which included an additional 40 interviews with representatives from GC, Indigenous organizations, and provincial and territorial representatives. The evaluation strived to ensure that a balanced perspective would be achieved in its data collection through the prioritization of identifying Indigenous representatives to interview to ensure for adequate Indigenous perspectives as part of key informant interviews and case studies.

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