Engaging Indigenous Peoples in Climate Policy Program

Capacity funding to support National Indigenous Organizations, their regional affiliates and other regional organizations to engage in climate policy discussions.

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About the program

In 2016, the federal government committed to strengthening its collaboration with Indigenous Peoples as partners in climate action. Following joint commitments made by the Prime Minister and the National Leaders of the Assembly of First Nations, Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami and the Métis National Council, the federal government established 3 distinctions-based senior bilateral tables. These tables are based on the recognition of rights, co-operation and partnership. They help foster a collaborative approach to ongoing engagement with Indigenous Peoples and help support Indigenous climate leadership.

The Engaging Indigenous Peoples in Climate Policy Program was created to support these tables and provides capacity funding to Indigenous organizations to participate in climate policy discussions. The program also supports capacity and engagement projects with regional organizations, modern treaty organizations and other unrepresented groups.

The Distinctions-based senior bilateral tables on clean growth and climate change are each co-chaired by a National Indigenous Organization and Environment Climate Change Canada.

Who can apply

Funding for National Indigenous Organizations and their regional affiliates is fully committed.

Funding for unrepresented organizations is by invitation only.

Contact ICL-LAMC@rcaanc-cirnac.gc.ca for more information.

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