2023-24 Horizontal initiative: Nutrition North Canada

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General information

Lead department: Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada (CIRNAC)
Federal partner organizations: Indigenous Services Canada (ISC) and the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC)
Start date: April 1, 2011
End date: Ongoing

Description: The core objective of Nutrition North Canada (NNC) is to help make perishable, nutritious food more accessible and more affordable than it otherwise would be to residents of eligible isolated northern communities without year-round surface (road, rail or marine) access. Registered retailers in the North, country food processors/distributors located in eligible communities, and food suppliers can apply for a subsidy based on the weight of eligible foods shipped by air to eligible northern communities. These subsidies are to be passed on to northern consumers by appropriate reductions in the selling prices of eligible foods. The NNC program — National Manual governs the terms of the funding agreements with CIRNAC's subsidy recipients.

Given that there are a number of factors that influence healthy eating patterns other than food cost, ISC and PHAC complement the NNC retail subsidy by providing funding to support culturally-appropriate retail and community-based nutrition education initiatives. These initiatives aim to increase knowledge of healthy eating and develop skills for the selection and preparation of healthy store-bought and traditional or country foods.

Governance structure: The NNC Advisory Board (the Advisory Board) is the high-level governance structure for the NNC Horizontal Initiative. In addition to representatives from Northern Affairs, ISC and PHAC, Advisory Board membership also includes northern residents. This approach strengthens program governance by providing Northerners with a direct voice in the program. The Board meets monthly to ensure that the initiative is properly managed and that northern residents receive its full benefits, including 3 face-to-face meetings a year (2 of which can happen in NNC communities and the third is typically in Ottawa).

The Advisory Board also provides recommendations to the Minister of Northern Affairs to help guide the management, direction and activities of the program. Recommendations from the Advisory Board go through senior-level review and approval within Northern Affairs, including the Director General of Northern Strategic Policy Branch, the Assistant Deputy Ministers and the Deputy Ministers, before final approval by the Minister of Northern Affairs.

As lead department, Northern Affairs ensures timely and accurate reporting for the horizontal initiative, through the CIRNAC Departmental Plan and Departmental Results Report, and liaises with the Treasury Board Secretariat as required.

Total federal funding allocated (start to end date)

CIRNAC: $965,607,786 (up to 2022) and $112,846,036 (ongoing), $159,839,000 received as a renewal June 2022
ISC: $36,266,000 (2011–12 to 2020–21) and $4,363,200 (ongoing)
PHAC: $1,975,000 (2016–17 to 2020–21) and $385,000 (ongoing)

Total federal planned spending to date:

CIRNAC: $965,607,786
ISC: $42,156,860
PHAC: $2,360,000

Total federal actual spending to date:

CIRNAC: $976,519,067Footnote 1
ISC: $38,343,848
PHAC: $2,164,471

Date of last renewal of the horizontal initiative: June 2022

Total federal funding allocated at the last renewal and source of funding:

CIRNAC: $159,839,000 (2022–23 to 2023–24), Budget 2021 and 2022
ISC: Not applicable
PHAC: Not applicable

Additional federal funding received after the last renewal: Not applicable

Total planned spending since the last renewal: Not applicable

Total actual spending since the last renewal: Not applicable

Fiscal year of planned completion of next evaluation: 2024−25 Evaluation of Nutrition North Canada (horizontal evaluation led by CIRNAC)

Planning highlights for 2023–24:
CIRNAC NNC is set to implement increased subsidy rates, co-develop performance indicators with program partners, roll out research grant funding and continue to engage regularly with the Indigenous Working Group, Advisory Board and Inuit-Crown Food Security Working Group. NNC is also looking to secure on-going funding for programming implemented in 2022–23.
ISC ISC will continue to fund and support the implementation of NNC nutrition education initiatives to all eligible First Nations and Inuit communities to increase knowledge of healthy eating and to develop skills in choosing and preparing healthy food. In addition, ISC will work with CIRNAC and PHAC to support NNC overall, as appropriate.
PHAC PHAC will continue to support culturally-appropriate retail and community-based nutrition education Initiatives in 10 NNC communities that are outside the purview of the First Nations and Inuit Health Branch of ISC. The activities, developed and delivered by community-based organizations, aim to increase knowledge of healthy eating and support skills for the selection and preparation of healthy store-bought and traditional or country foods.

Contact information

Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada
Wayne Walsh
Director General, Northern Strategic Policy
Northern Affairs Organization
Telephone: 819-934-3171

Indigenous Services Canada
Dr. Tom Wong
Chief Medical Officer and Director General
Office of Population and Public Health
Population Health and Primary Care Directorate
First Nations and Inuit Health Branch
Telephone: 613-952-9616

Public Health Agency of Canada
Mark Nafekh
Director General, Centre for Health Promotion
Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention Branch
Telephone: 613-316-8526

Horizontal initiative framework: departmental funding by theme

Name of theme Internal Services
Theme 1: Food access Theme 2: Nutrition education
Theme outcomes Local food systems and food economies in eligible communities are strengthened to ensure equitable and secure food access for residents Isolated northern communities are healthier Not applicable

$961,736,378 (up to 2022)

$112,356,264 (ongoing)

$159,839,000 (2022–23 to 2023–24)

Alleviate the cost of nutritious, perishable foods purchased in isolated northern communities

Not applicable $3,871,408
ISC Not applicable

$21,766,000 (2016–17 to 2020–21)

$4,363,200 (ongoing)

Nutrition Education Initiatives (top up)

$594,505 (2016–17 to 2020–21)

$118,901 (ongoing)

PHAC Not applicable

$1,975,000 over 5 years (2016–17 to 2020–21)

$385,000 (ongoing)

Nutrition education initiatives (top up)


Planning information

Nutrition North Canada Horizontal initiative overview

Total funding since last renewal 2023–24 planned spending HI shared outcome Performance indicator Target Date to achieve target

CIRNAC: $159,839,000

ISC: Not applicable

PHAC: not applicable

CIRNAC: $54,313,000

ISC: $4,363,200

PHAC: 385,000

Food security is strengthened in eligible communities Prevalence of severe food insecurity 5% decrease in prevalence of severe food insecurity March 2026

Theme 1 details

Name of theme: Food access

Total funding since last renewal: $159,839,000

2023–24 federal theme planned spending: $54,313,000

Theme 1 outcome, performance indicator and target
Theme outcome Performance indicator Target Date to achieve target
Local food systems and food economies in eligible communities are strengthened to ensure equitable and secure food access for residents Number of communities sharing, freezers, and country food-based social initiatives supported by the grant To be determined * March 31, 2024

* The target for 2023–24 will be determined by March 31, 2023, following stakeholder engagement which occurred at the end of January 2023.

Theme 1 horizontal initiative activities

Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada

Link to department's program inventory: Nutrition North Canada

Horizontal initiative activity: Retail subsidy

Total federal funding allocated to the activity since the last renewal: $63,050,000

2023–24 planned spending for the horizontal initiative activity: $22,050,000

Expected result, performance indicator and target
2023–24 horizontal initiative activity expected result 2023–24 horizontal initiative activity performance indicator 2023–24 horizontal initiative activity target Date to achieve horizontal initiative activity target
Residents in eligible communities have access to perishable and non-perishable foods and staple goods at reduced prices Percentage variation in the weight of subsidized items shipped At least 3% March 31, 2024

Link to department's program inventory: Nutrition North Canada

Horizontal initiative activity: Harvesters Support Grant (HSG)

Total federal funding allocated to the activity since the last renewal: $36,000,000

2023–24 planned spending for the horizontal initiative activity: $12,000,000

Expected result, performance indicator and target
2023–24 horizontal initiative activity expected result 2023–24 horizontal initiative activity performance indicator 2023–24 horizontal initiative activity target Date to achieve horizontal initiative activity target
Residents in eligible communities have access to support for harvesting activities Percentage of HSG eligible communities implementing harvesting support initiatives To be determined with Indigenous partners by March 2023 March 31, 2024

Link to department's program inventory: Nutrition North Canada

Horizontal initiative activity: Community Food Programs Fund

Total federal funding allocated to the activity since the last renewal: $60,789,000

2023–24 planned spending for the horizontal initiative activity: $20,263,000

Expected result, performance indicator and target
2023–24 horizontal initiative activity expected result 2023–24 horizontal initiative activity performance indicator 2023–24 horizontal initiative activity target Date to achieve horizontal initiative activity target
Residents in eligible communities have access to support for local food production, food infrastructure, and community food initiatives Percentage of HSG eligible communities implementing community food initiatives To be determined with Indigenous partners by March 2023 March 31, 2024

Theme 2 details

Name of theme: Nutrition education

Total funding since last renewal: Not applicable

2023–24 federal theme planned spending: $4,363,200 (ISC), $385,000 (PHAC)

Theme B outcomes, performance indicators and targets
Theme outcome Performance indicator Target Date to achieve target
Isolated northern communities are healthier Percentage of NNC eligible of population reporting their health is excellent or very good *

First Nations: 44%

Inuit: 44%

Non-Indigenous: Not applicable

First Nations: March 2028

Inuit: March 2028

Non-Indigenous: Not applicable

* This indicator is reflective of NNC communities, as the results are for First Nations from NNC eligible communities and Inuit living within the Inuit Nunangat.

Theme 2 horizontal initiative activities

Indigenous Services Canada

Link to department's program inventory: Public Health Promotion and Disease Prevention (Healthy Living)

Horizontal initiative activity: Nutrition education initiatives

Total federal funding allocated to the activity since the last renewal: Not applicable

2023–24 planned spending for the horizontal initiative activity: $4,363,200

Expected result, performance indicators and targets
2023–24 horizontal initiative activity expected result 2023–24 horizontal initiative activity performance indicator 2023–24 horizontal initiative activity target Date to achieve horizontal initiative activity target
Residents in eligible communities have access to nutrition education initiatives Percentage of communities offering nutrition education activities 100% March 31, 2024
Number of participants taking part in nutrition education programs and activities 30,000 March 31, 2024

Public Health Agency of Canada

Link to department's program inventory: Health promotion

Horizontal initiative activity: Nutrition education initiatives

Total federal funding allocated to the activity since the last renewal: Not applicable

2023–24 planned spending for the horizontal initiative activity: $385,000

Expected result, performance indicators and targets
2023–24 horizontal initiative activity expected result 2023–24 horizontal initiative activity performance indicator 2023–24 horizontal initiative activity target Date to achieve horizontal initiative activity target
Residents in eligible communities have access to nutrition education initiatives Percentage of communities offering nutrition education activities 100% March 31, 2024
Number of participants taking part in nutrition education programs and activities 2,250 March 31, 2024

Total spending, all themes

Themes Total federal funding allocated since last renewal 2023–24 total federal planned spending
Theme 1: Food access (CIRNAC) $159,839,000 $54,313,000
Theme 2: Nutrition education (ISC and PHAC) Not applicable $4,363,200 (ISC)
$385,000 (PHAC)
Total, all themes $159,839,000 $59,061,200

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