CIRNAC transfer payments service standards performance report: 2020 to 2021 fiscal year

Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada (CIRNAC) is committed to adhering to the following transfer payment service standards. Due to the degree of integration between CIRNAC and Indigenous Services Canada (ISC), the 2020 to 2021 results have been calculated using the combined data of the 2 departments.

  1. To have the national funding agreement models available for First Nations and tribal councils by December 15 of each year.

    Performance target: 75%
    Performance results: 100%. The national Comprehensive Funding Agreement (CFA) model was available on the department's website December 13, 2019.

  2. To offer funding agreements for recipient signature by March 1 every year for First Nations and tribal councils.

    Performance target: 75%
    Performance results: 81% of agreements were ready for signature by March 1, 2020.

  3. To issue payments by April 1 of that calendar year for First Nations and tribal councils who return properly executed agreements to ISC and CIRNAC by or before March 15 of any calendar year.

    Performance target: 75%
    Performance results: 98% of payments were issued by April 1, 2020.

  4. To issue payments by April 15 of that calendar year for First Nations and tribal councils who return properly executed agreements to ISC and CIRNAC after March 15, but before April 1.

    Performance target: 75%
    Performance results: 87% of payments were issued by April 15, 2020.

  5. To make payments under all funding agreements in accordance with the payment schedule and the agreement terms and conditions.

    Performance target: 75%
    Performance results: 91% of payments made by the department were prepared in accordance with the agreements' payment schedule and terms and conditions.

  6. To send an acknowledgement of receipt of a proposal within 10 working days of receipt of a proposal.

    Performance target: 75%
    Performance results: 78% of the acknowledgements of receipt have been sent within 10 working days of receipt of the proposal.

  7. To send correspondence to each recipient who must submit annual audited financial statements, within 30 days of receipt, advising whether these financial statements include each document the Reporting Guide requires.

    Performance target: 75%
    Performance results: 71% of recipients received correspondence within 30 days, advising whether the financial statements included all the documents required in the Reporting Guide.

Service standards performance results cover all CIRNAC transfer payment programs.



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