Indian Residential Schools

Bringing closure to the legacy of Indian Residential Schools lies at the heart of reconciliation between Indigenous Peoples who attended these schools, their families and communities, and all Canadians.


The website deals with topics that may cause trauma.

Former Residential School students can call 1-866-925-4419 for emotional crisis referral services and information on other health supports from the Government of Canada.

Indigenous peoples across Canada can also go to The Hope for Wellness Help Line 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for counselling and crisis intervention. Call the toll-free Help Line at 1-855-242-3310 or connect to the online chat at

Services and information

Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement

Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement, apology to former students, Common Experience Payments and more.

Indigenous Services Canada's response to former Indian Residential Schools

Tools, information and resources for Survivors, communities, and researchers to help address and heal from the legacy of residential schools.

Residential school missing children - Community support funding

Funding to support families, Survivors and communities to locate and memorialize children of Residential Schools across Canada.

Truth and Reconciliation Commission

Learn about the impact of the residential school system, the experiences of former students and the 94 calls to action made by the commission in its final report.

Are you part of the Indian Day Schools class action?

Learn about the proposed Indian Day Schools (McLean) settlement agreement.

National Advisory Committee for Missing Children on Unmarked Burials

Ensures Indigenous communities have access to independent, trusted and expert information in their efforts to identify, locate and commemorate their missing children.

Indian Residential Schools Resolution Health Support Program

Provides mental health and emotional support services directly to former students and their families.

National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation

A place of learning and dialogue where the truths of the residential school experience will be honoured and kept safe for future generations.

Indian Residential Schools apology

Text of the 2008 apology, video of the event, the stained glass window in parliament.

Newfoundland and Labrador residential schools healing and commemoration

The Prime Minister's apology and the healing and commemoration activities.

Addressing former residential school buildings and sites on reserves

Funding for First Nations communities to address sites related to residential schools on reserves.

Directive to preserve all information related to historical harms committed against Indigenous children

Directive for employees on the retention of documents related to historical harms against Indigenous children.

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