Appearance before the Standing Committee on Indigenous and Northern Affairs: 2020-21 Supplementary Estimates (B) and 2020-21 Main Estimates. Crown Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada, November 19, 2020
The Honourable Carolyn Bennett, Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations and The Honourable Dan Vandal, Minister of Northern Affairs
November 19, 2020
Table of contents
- Overview
- 2020-21 Supplementary Estimates (B) - Crown-Indigenous Relations
- Specific Claims Settlement Fund
- Litigation Settlement
- Recognition of Indigenous Rights and Self-Determination Tables
- Interest Payment Relief for First Nations: First Nations Finance Authority
- New Fiscal Policy Reforms Co-Development
- Anishinabek Nation Governance Agreement
- Responding to the National Inquiry Final Report: Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls
- Sixties Scoop Settlement
- Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement
- Indigenous Childhood Claims
- Indigenous Peoples' Space / 100 Wellington Street
- 2020-21 Supplementary Estimates (B) - Northern Affairs
- Other issues
- 2020-2021 Main Estimates Overview
- Systemic Racism
- COVID-19 Investments – MMIWG
- Atlantic Canada – Fishing Rights
- Wet'suwet'en
- Caledonia
- Daniels
- Negotiation with Indigenous Groups and Consultation with Third Parties
- COVID-19 Funding in the North
- Nutrition North Canada (COVID-19)
- Northern Air Services (COVID-19)
- Supports for Northern Ontario
- Inuit Housing
- Connectivity in the North
- Departmental Indigenous Representation
- Biographies
Scenario note
Date: Thursday, November 19, 2020
Time: 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Location: Videoconference (Zoom)
Subject: 2020-21 Supplementary Estimates (B)
Appearing (6:30- 7:30pm):
- The Honourable Marc Miller, Minister of Indigenous Services
- Supporting Witnesses from Indigenous Services Canada
- Christiane Fox, Deputy Minister
- Valerie Gideon, Associate Deputy Minister
- Philippe Thompson, Chief Finances, Results and Delivery Officer
- Mary-Luisa Kapelus, Assistant Deputy Minister, Education, and Social Development Programs and Partnerships Sector
- Chad Westmacott, Director General, Community Infrastructure Branch, Regional Operations
Appearing (7:30- 8:30):
- The Honourable Carolyn Bennett, Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations
- The Honourable Dan Vandal, Minister of Northern Affairs
- Supporting Witnesses from Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada
- Daniel Quan-Watson, Deputy Minister
- Annie Boudreau, Acting/Senior Assistant Deputy Minister, Policy and Strategic Direction Sector
- Serge Beaudoin, Assistant Deputy Minister, Northern Affairs Organization
- Jean Francois Talbot, Acting/Chief Finances, Results and Delivery Officer
The Standing Committee on Indigenous and Northern Affairs previously heard from witnesses about the 2020-21 Main Estimates on March 12th, followed by the 2020-21 Supplementary Estimates (A) on June 16th. Ministers Miller, Bennett and Vandal and supporting officials appeared at both appearances.
During the June 16 appearance on the 2019-20 Supplementary Estimates (A) committee members asked several questions on the Government's response to COVID-19, including funding for the mining industry, airlines in the North, funding for Friendship Centres during the pandemic, and police interventions in communities in Quebec.
Most recently, Ministers appeared at INAN on October 27, 2020 on the COVID-19 Second Wave. A variety of questions were posed by the members. The Conservative members asked about boil water advisories, challenges facing tourism operators in the North, the deployment of GeneXpert instruments, and the First Nations Transparency Act. The Bloc Quebecois asked about connectivity in remote communities, Nunavik, northern air services, and staff shortages in long term care facilities. The NDP addressed housing, PPE, and lessons learned from the pandemic. The Liberals asked the Government to elaborate on what the Government is doing to flatten the curve, mental health investments, and UNDRIP.
Of note, due to the COVID-19 pandemic and limited sessions in the spring for Parliament to study supply, the Standing Orders of the House of Commons were amended to extend the supply period until December, therefore Main Estimates are still under consideration by Parliament. INAN re-visited the 2020-21 Main Estimates for CIRNAC and ISC on October 27th : Pursuant to Standing Order 81(4), and the order made on Monday, April 20, 2020, the committee commenced consideration of the Main Estimates 2020-21: Vote 1 under Canadian High Arctic Research Station, Votes 1, 5, 10 and L15 under Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs and Votes 1, 5 and 10 under Department of Indigenous Services, referred to the committee on Wednesday, September 30, 2020. Following a vote, 2020-21 Main Estimates were carried on division.
Below is a list of some of the specific issues raised by Members of the Committee during the most recent committee meetings, including Main Estimates and Supplementary Estimates (A):
MP Battiste (Lib)
- Recent funding
- Mental health
- Jordan's Principle
- Treaty Commissions
MP Bérubé (BQ)
- Sixties Scoop settlement / excluded claimants
- Housing conditions in a community in Quebec
- Jurisdictional issues
- Nunavik
- Urban Indigenous supports
- Covid-19 Funding for housing
- Métis inclusion in pandemic planning
MP Blaney (NDP), Critic of Veterans
- Social assistance
- Small business, and wage subsidies
- Funding CFS (asked during QP)
- Pandemic funding in communities
MP McLeod (CPC), Critic of Crown-Indigenous Relations
- Fiscal responsibility
- Repatriation of Canadians from overseas
- Production of PPE
- Rapid Testing
- Healthcare workers in the North/travel
MP Melillo (CPC), Critic of Northern Affairs and Federal Economic Development Initiative for Northern Ontario
- Connectivity in remote and northern communities
- Food security in the north
- Support for northern Ontario
- Air services for the North
MP Powlowski (Lib)
- Evacuations in communities in Northern Ontario
- Second Wave
MP Vidal (CPC)
- Timeliness of funding delivery
- Child and Family Services applicants
- How much of the $270 million for income assistance will be allocated for internal services.
- The Departmental Plan's indicators, goals and the targets that have been lowered
- whether Indigenous peoples are being well served by the Department
MP Viersen (CPC)
- Supports for Indigenous businesses Indigenous companies that have been awarded contracts
- Contaminated masks
- Sexual exploitation of Indigenous women / human traficking
MP Van Koeverden (Lib)
- Connectivity in remote and northern communities
- Mental health programs for youth
MP Zann (Lib)
- Drug overdoses and addiction issues during pandemic
- Connectivity
- UNDRIP PPE stockpile
- Systematic racism
Meeting proceedings
The meeting is scheduled to occur from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. via the web platform Zoom. It should be noted that during the first hour of the meeting, Minister Miller and supporting officials will appear, and during the second hour, Minister Bennett, Minister Vandal and supporting officials will appear.
A Zoom link will be sent directly from the House of Commons to the witnesses along with instructions on when to join the call.
Witnesses are asked to use a wired headset. Witnesses will not be permitted to intervene should the audio quality be too poor.
The first hour will see remarks delivered by Minister Miller (six minutes) followed by rounds of questions from Committee members.
The second hour will see remarks delivered by Minister Bennett and Minister Vandal (six minutes each) followed by rounds of questions from Committee members.
The meeting can be watched via Parlvu, however there is a 70-second delay.
While simultaneous translation will be available, witnesses are asked to respond to questions in either language but to limit switching back and forth between languages as this often creates technology/interpretation challenges.
The Chair will open the meeting and provide instructions for the meeting proceedings. He will then introduce all witnesses. Ministers will deliver remarks as per standard practice. It is also recommended to speak slowly, and at an appropriate level, to ensure the interpreters can hear you, as well as to mute your phone when you are not speaking.
During this meeting, members will not be able to propose motions or challenge the Chair's rulings.
Committee members will pose their questions in the following order:
- First round (6 minutes for each Party)
- Conservative Party of Canada
- Liberal Party of Canada
- Bloc Québécois
- New Democratic Party of Canada
- Second round
- Conservative Party of Canada (5 minutes)
- Liberal Party of Canada (5 minutes)
- Bloc Québécois (2.5 minutes)
- New Democratic Party of Canada (2.5 minutes)
- Conservative Party of Canada (5 minutes)
- Liberal Party of Canada (5 minutes)
Supplementary Estimates
- Supplementary Estimates presents information to Parliament on Government of Canada spending requirements not sufficiently developed in time for inclusion in the Main Estimates. Supplementary Estimates (B) is the second Estimates for 2020-21.
- Eligible items are:
- Requirements that are expected to be approved by Treasury Board in or before September 24, 2020;
- Reprofiles
- Transfers between Votes within the organization and between organizations;
- Increases to existing grants that are to be funded within the Vote; and
- Increases to vote-netted revenues.
2020-21 Supplementary Estimates (B)
- The 2020-21 Supplementary Estimates (B) reflects a net increase of $936 million, which includes $790 million of reprofiled funding, $138 million in new funding and $8 million of net transfers with other government departments.
- The total budgetary authorities for 2020-21 will be $6.7 billion.
Authorities to date | 2020-21 SEA | 2020-21 Allotment Adjustments + OBCF + CBCF (note 1) | Authorities to date | These Supplementary Estimates - Transfers | These Supplementary Estimates - Adjustments | Total These Estimates* | Proposed Authorities to Date | |
Budgetary Voted | ||||||||
1b Operating expenditures | 1,528,290,836 | 741,227,567 | 19,484,694 | 2,289,003,097 | (4,653,308) | 114,527,175 | 109,873,867 | 2,398,876,964 |
5 Capital expenditures | 268,287 | 1,537,242 | 1,805,529 | 798,694 | 1,584,486 | 2,383,180 | 4,188,709 | |
10b Grants and contributions | 3,309,017,994 | 23,376,941 | 3,332,394,935 | 11,914,069 | 810,294,236 | 822,208,305 | 4,154,603,240 | |
Total Voted | 4,837,577,117 | 764,604,508 | 21,021,936 | 5,623,203,561 | 8,059,455 | 926,405,897 | 934,465,352 | 6,557,668,913 |
Total Statutory | 47,846,390 | 114,900,000 | 162,746,390 | 1,512,520 | 1,512,520 | 164,258,910 | ||
Total Budgetary Expenditures | 4,885,423,507 | 879,504,508 | 21,021,936 | 5,785,949,951 | 8,059,455 | 927,918,417 | 935,977,872 | 6,721,927,823 |
Non-Budgetary Voted | ||||||||
L15 Loans to Indigenous claimants | 25,903,000 | 25,903,000 | 25,903,000 | |||||
Total Non-Budgetary Expenditures | 25,903,000 | 25,903,000 | 25,903,000 | |||||
Grand Total: Budgetary and Non- Budgetary | 4,911,326,507 | 879,504,508 | 21,021,936 | 5,811,852,951 | 8,059,455 | 927,918,417 | 935,977,872 | 6,747,830,823 |
* Data in the Total column has not been published. | ||||||||
Note (1) OBCF : Operating Budget Carry-Forward; CBCF : Capital Budget Carry-Forward |
Explanation of Requirements 2020-21 – By Vote and Key Initiatives
The net increase of $936 million is comprised of:
- $109.9 million in Vote 1 Operating expenditures (Funding for the settlement of litigation - $88.6 million; reprofile funding for the Federal Contaminated Sites Action Plan (North)- $9.4 million).
- $822.2 million in Vote 10 Grants and contributions (funding for Specific Claims Settlement Fund -$760.1 million; to support Recognition of Indigenous Rights and Self-Determination Tables in 2020-21 and 2021-22 -$18.2 million; for Interest Payment Relief for First Nation Loans with the First Nations Finance Authority (FNFA)- $17.1 million);
- $2.4 million in Vote 5 Capital (reprofile funding for Canadian High Arctic ResearchStation (CHARS)).
Key Initiatives (in dollars) | Vote 1b Operating |
Vote 5b Capital |
Grants | Contributions | Vote 10b Grants and Contributions |
Voted Total | Total |
Voted Appropriations | |||||||
Funding for Specific Claims Settlement Fund | 760,135,998 | 760,135,998 | 760,135,998 | 760,135,998 | |||
Funding for a litigation settlement | 88,632,700 | 88,632,700 | 88,632,700 | ||||
Funding (Renewal) to Support Recognition of Indigenous Rights and Self-Determination (RIRSD) Tables | 9,039,628 | 18,216,000 | 18,216,000 | 27,255,628 | 28,635, 985 | ||
Funding for Interest Payment Relief for First Nation Loans with the First Nations Finance Authority | 17,100,000 | 17,100,000 | 17,100,000 | 17,100,000 | |||
Funding for Federal Contaminated Sites Action Plan (North)- Phase III* | 9,418,054 | 1,481,338 | 1,481,338 | 10,899,392 | 10,899,392 | ||
Funding for New Fiscal Policy Reforms co- developed by Canada and Self-Governing Indigenous Governments | 5,744,340 | 5,744,340 | 5,744,340 | 5,744,340 | |||
Funding to Advance Truth and Reconciliation Commission Calls to Action Supporting Missing Children and Unmarked Burials | 1,810,538 | 1,485,959 | 1,485,959 | 3,296,497 | 3,428,660 | ||
Funding for the Anishinabek Nation Governance Agreement | 3,000,000 | 3,000,000 | 3,000,000 | 3,000,000 | |||
Funding to respond to the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls'Final Report : Reclaiming Power and Place (horizontal item) | 2,796,705 | 2,796,705 | 2,796,705 | 2,796,705 | |||
Funding for Canadian High Arctic Research Station (CHARS)* | 798,694 | 1,584,486 | 2,383,180 | 2,383,180 | |||
Funding for Sixties Scoop Settlement - Special Purpose Allotment | 2,152,634 | 2,152,634 | 2,152,634 | ||||
Funding for Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement | 1,609,018 | 1,609,018 | 1,609,018 | ||||
Funding for Indigenous Childhood Claims Litigation | 856,569 | 856,569 | 856,569 | ||||
Funding to support the exhibit fit-up and operations and maintenance for the short-term use of the Indigenous Peoples' Space at 100 Wellington Street in Ottawa. | 209,340 | 209,851 | 209,851 | 419,191 | 419,191 | ||
Funding to support research and higher education in Canada's North* | 94,000 | 94,000 | 94,000 | 94,000 | |||
Funding for Federal Leadership Towards Zero Plastic Waste in Canada* | 30,045 | 30,045 | 30,045 | 30,045 | |||
Total Voted | 114,527,175 | 1,584,486 | 765,880,338 | 44,413,898 | 810,294,236 | 926,405,897 | 927,918,417 |
Net Transfers (see Annex A) | (4,653,308) | 798,694 | 13,464,069 | (1,550,000) | 11,914,069 | 8,059,455 | 8,059,455 |
Total Budgetary Expenditures | 109,873,867 | 2,383,180 | 779,344,407 | 42,863,898 | 822,208,305 | 934,465,352 | 935,977,872 |
* These items are for Northern Affairs |
Crown-Indigenous Relations Supplementary Estimates (B) items
Funding for Specific Claims Settlement Fund ($760.1 million)
- The reprofile funding for the Specific Claims Settlement Fund (SCSF) will be used to provide compensation to First Nations to discharge the outstanding legal obligations of the federal government.
- Canada's outstanding legal obligations to First Nations are discharged fairly and promptly through negotiated settlement agreements or awards from the Specific Claims Tribunal.
- The total amount available in the Specific Claims Settlement Fund for 2020-21 is $1,861.1 million, which includes the reprofile of $760.1 million requested through these Supplementary Estimates.
Funding for a litigation settlement ($88.6 million)
- This funding will be used towards the settlement of litigation.
- Advance Canada's overall commitment to reconciliation by paving the way for a more respectful and constructive relationship with Indigenous people.
- The settlement of litigation underscores how the resolution of past grievances outside the courts is instrumental to advance the Crown-Indigenous relationship and allows the Department to fulfill its commitments at the negotiation tables.
- CIRNAC anticipates paying this settlement before the end of the fiscal year.
Funding to Support Recognition of Indigenous Rights and Self- Determination (RIRSD) Tables in 2020-21 ($28.6 million)
- Renewal of funding to continue the progress on the RIRSD discussions with the objective of advancing reconciliation with Indigenous groups.
- Funding will be used to support both federal operational costs and Indigenous groups' participation at the discussion tables, and continue the renewal of the nation-to-nation relationship.
- To facilitate active engagement from Indigenous groups, build an improved nation- to-nation relationship, and support Indigenous peoples increasingly determining their political, economic, social and cultural development.
- Since 2015, Canada has entered into RIRSD discussions at 91 tables, covering 389 Indigenous communities nationwide as of March 31, 2020.
- Despite the current COVID-19 pandemic, negotiations have continued through virtual means with participating Indigenous groups.
- $57.2 million was sought in total for fiscal years 2020-21 and 2021-22 to continue the progress on these discussions
- The Treasury Board submission was approved at the September 17, 2020 Treasury Board meeting.
Funding for Interest Payment Relief for First Nations with Loans from the First Nations Finance Authority ($17.1 million)
- Addressing the immediate needs of First Nations with loans under the First Nations Fiscal Management Act by mitigating the economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on their revenue sources.
- Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada will provide interest relief for 58 First Nations with loans from the First Nations Finance Authority to ensure that communities do not default on their debts; maintain the First Nations Finance Authority's credit rating; and, can focus their limited available revenue to address the urgent health and safety needs of their members.
- As of March 20, 2020, 58 First Nations had outstanding loans under the First Nations Finance Authority, with a combined valued of $739 million. Furthermore, as of that date, the Finance Authority's total outstanding interest liability for loans in 2020 was approximately $23.8 million, of which $6.7 million had been collected from First Nations, resulting in an outstanding owed interest payment balance of $17.1 million to investors.
- Government-mandated closures due to COVID-19 have negatively impacted many sources of revenue for First Nations. As a result, many communities are unable to repay the interest owed on their 2020 loans.
- The Treasury Board submission was approved at the September 24, 2020 Treasury Board meeting.
Funding for New Fiscal Policy Reforms co-developed by Canada and Self-Governing Indigenous Governments ($5.7 million)
- Reprofile of funding to address the needs of the Self-Governing Indigenous Governments with the largest gaps not previously addressed by the Gap-funding allocation for Infrastructure projects.
- The department received funding from Indigenous Services Canada, First Nation and Inuit Health Branch for health related programming and activities as well as Non-Insured Health Benefits to incorporate into Fiscal Financing Arrangements with self-governing indigenous governments.
- To meet the department's obligations to provide Health Programs and Services funding and Non-Insured Health Benefits Enhancement funding to the Nisga'a Nation.
- The department is accountable based on agreement with Indigenous Services Canada to allocate this funding to the Nisga'a Nation.
- The advent of the COVID pandemic has actually galvanized the remaining communities to complete this work in order to be ready to seek possible economic stimulus funding.
- Currently the department has completed 22 of the 25 self-governing Indigenous government infrastructure assessments and has been communicating the need to progress on finalizing the remaining assessments.
Funding to Advance Truth and Reconciliation Commission Calls to Action Supporting Missing Children and Unmarked Burials ($3.4 million)
- Funds identified in Budget 2019 to advance implementation of the Truth and Reconciliation Calls to Action (CTA) 72 and 73 and to consult on the creation of a national strategy for the implementation of the remaining calls pertaining to Missing Children and Unmarked Burials over two years, 2020-21 and 2021-22.
- Provide funding to the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation to complete the review of historical documents in their collections that may identify children who died while in attendance at residential schools and their burial places, and create a resource for families and communities to learn of what became of missing loved ones.
- Identify a provider and host for the Cemetery Register and complete the work of constructing the database framework by March 2022.
- Holding gatherings with Indigenous organizations, survivors, experts and other stakeholders to devise a national implementation strategy, and establish a Missing Children and Unmarked Burials Working Group to provide ongoing advice and guidance on the implementation
- Virtual Gatherings have been conducted (July to September, 2020) to support the creation of a national strategy to implement CTA 72 to 76. It is anticipated that the National Missing Children and Unmarked Burials Working Group will be established in Fall 2020.
- The Treasury Board submission was approved at the June 20, 2020 Treasury Board meeting.
Funding for the Anishinabek Nation Governance Agreement ($3.0 million)
- Reprofile of funding to support the ratification of the Anishinabek Nation Governance Agreement.
- To ensure that the Anishinabek Nation is supported in undertaking effective citizen and leadership engagement and consultation, as well as carry out the vote to ratify the Governance Agreement with up to 39 Anishinabek First Nations across Ontario.
- When concluded, the Governance Agreement will mark the first core governance agreement in Ontario, serving as a model for the region and beyond.
- The Anishinabek Nation and Canada initialed the Anishinabek Nation Governance Agreement in August 2019, marking the conclusion of negotiations on Governance.
- As a next step, Anishinabek First Nations are preparing for community ratification on the Governance Agreement in Fall 2020.
- Once successfully ratified, the agreement will create the foundation for a renewed relationship between Anishinabek First Nations and Canada. The Agreement will benefit all Canadians by establishing governance structures that are legitimate, democratic, transparent and accountable to the participating First Nation citizens.
Funding to respond to the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls' (MMIWG) Final Report: Reclaiming Power and Place ($2.8 million)
- Reprofile of funding to support the longer-term organizational, policy and program capacity of national and regional Indigenous organizations and groups (including Indigenous LGBTQ2S groups) to engage with the federal government on the implementation of the Calls for Justice identified in the National Action Plan.
- CIRNAC, as the lead department, will coordinate the establishment of a National Action Plan that responds to the Calls for Justice.
- Indigenous organizations and groups will have the opportunity to participate in the co-development and initial implementation of the National Action Plan and the identified priorities within it.
- Prior to COVID-19, work to develop the National Action Plan was well underway.
- Several Indigenous organizations received funding to engage their communities to identify priorities for inclusion in the National Action Plan for addressing violence against Indigenous women, girls, and LGBTQ2S. However, Indigenous-led engagement was interrupted due to COVID-19.
- Despite the challenges caused by COVID-19, the MMIWG Secretariat is continuing to work with Indigenous, provincial and territorial partners to support the advancement of engagement, co-development and implementation of the National Action Plan.
Funding for the Sixties Scoop settlement ($2.2 million)
- Reprofile of funding to support the implementation of the Sixties Scoop settlement agreement.
- In the spirit of reconciliation, the Government of Canada is committed to working with Indigenous Peoples to resolve litigation outside of the courts, wherever possible.
- The Sixties Scoop Settlement Agreement was approved by the Federal Court of Canada and the Ontario Superior Court of Justice in summer 2018. December 1, 2018 marked the implementation of the agreement.
- As per the terms of the settlement, Canada has committed to providing between $500M-$750M in compensation. In March 2020, the court directed Canada to make an initial payment of $500M and to seek further direction from the court on payment of the remaining $250M in 2020-21 to compensate eligible class members.
- In 2019-20, the department sought to reprofile of $260M ($250M Settlement funds & $10M administrative funds) in Supps A and is seeking a late reprofile for the remaining $2,152,634.12 unspent administrative funds to support ongoing efforts. The expenses that were anticipated to be spent before fiscal year-end were delayed due to COVID-19 and are still pending and will need to be paid once the health crisis is stabilized.
Funding for the Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement ($1.6 million)
- Reprofile of funding for the settlements awarded under the resolution processes (Independent Assessment Process, Alternative Dispute Resolution) and out-of- court settlements.
- CIRNAC has a responsibility to ensure Canada's legal obligations under the Settlement Agreement are met, the completion of which contributes to achieving a fair, comprehensive, and lasting resolution to the legacy of Indian Residential Schools.
- The reprofiled funding requested through these Supplementary Estimates will be used to complete Canada's legal obligations under the Settlement Agreement, which is anticipated by March 31, 2021.
Funding for Indigenous Childhood Claims Litigation ($0.9 million)
- Reprofile of funding for Indigenous Childhood Claims Litigation in order to resolve litigation related to historic harms committed against Indigenous children outside of the courts, whenever possible.
- To support litigation management, research, experts, document production, exploratory discussions, etc. in order to advance the Crown's defense or resolution activities.
- To rebuild the relationship with former students who attended residential schools.
- The department has made significant progress repairing the relationship between the survivors and the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador, and the Province and Canada.
- COVID-19 impacts delayed contracting and negotiations and as a result pushed work from end of year 2019-20 into 2020-21.
Funding for Indigenous Peoples space at 100 Wellington Street ($0.4 million)
- Reprofile of funding to support the exhibit fit-up and operations and maintenance for the short-term use of the Indigenous Peoples' Space at 100 Wellington Street in Ottawa.
- Establish an Indigenous-presence at 100 Wellington Street and set the stage for the longer-term design and use through broad engagement with Indigenous and non-Indigenous Canadians and the creation of an Indigenous-led governance structure to manage and govern the Indigenous Peoples' Space.
- In 2019-20, all work was completed to retrofit the first floor and part of the second floor to support the short-term use of 100 Wellington Street.
- It is anticipated that preparation for the construction of the long-term vision and design will start in 2022.
Northern Affairs Supplementary Estimates (B) items
Funding for Federal Contaminated Sites Action Plan (North)- Phase III ($10.9 million)
- Address the government's priority to protect the health and environment of Canadians by minimizing threats from pollution. The Northern Contaminated Sites Program focuses on abandoned mines and military sites in the three northern territories.
- The reprofiled funding will be used to support departmental obligations under existing land claims, licences and the Yukon and North West Territories Devolution Transfer Agreements.
- CIRNAC is committed to managing contaminated sites in a cost-effective and consistent manner, to reduce and eliminate, where possible, risks to human and environmental health and the liability associated with contaminated sites.
- The reprofiled funding requested through these Supplementary Estimates will continue the planned remediation activities and construction activities at the following sites: Bathurst Island and High Arctic Project (Nunavut), Mount Nansen (Yukon), Giant Mine - NWT and Faro Mine (Yukon).
Funding for the Canadian High Arctic Research Station project ($2.4 million)
- Reprofile of funding to complete the final phase of the construction project of the Canadian High Arctic Research Station (CHARS).
- CHARS is a major crown project being built in Cambridge Bay, Nunavut. As per the requirement of the Canadian High Arctic Research Station (CHARS) Act (s.25), this facility will become the headquarters of Polar Knowledge Canada, which is responsible for advancing Canada's knowledge of the Arctic and strengthening Canadian leadership in polar science and technology.
- The CHARS campus is currently largely operational, with the testing and verifications of the systems and equipment now expected to be complete in 2020- 21.
- The reprofiled funding requested through these Supplementary Estimates is required for the construction and related expenses, and other anticipated expenses to close out the construction contract, including related to the Inuit Benefits Agreement and the extension of the duration of contract.
Funding to support research and higher education in Canada's North ($94,000)
- Reprofile of funding are required to meet policy objectives for the Arctic and Northern Policy Framework and Budget 2019. The re-profiled funds support the Post-secondary Education in the North - Dechinta Centre for Research and Learning.
- The outcome of the investments in the suite of post-secondary education in the North initiatives will close the gaps in education outcomes; and provide ongoing learning and skills development opportunities, including Indigenous-based knowledge and skills.
- Despite delays due to COVID-19, work is underway for the Dechinta Centre for Research and Learning (2020-2021 Contribution Agreement is in place); Yukon University (2020-2021 Contribution Agreement is currently being amended); and the Task Force on Post-Secondary Education in the North was announced on October 23, 2020.
Funding for Federal Leadership towards Zero Plastic Waste ($30,045)
- The reprofiled funds are required to meet policy objectives under the Horizontal Initiative "Federal Leadership Towards Zero Plastic Waste in Canada", deliver on the scientific and policy objectives of Canada's Plastics Science Agenda (CAPSA), and to support the Government of Canada's leadership position to address plastic waste both nationally and internationally.
- To ensure CIRNAC is providing leadership and coordination of Government of Canada research and monitoring in the North, through the Northern Contaminants Program, and providing Canada's input to circumpolar monitoring of plastics under the Arctic Council and its Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Program.
- To fully meet its commitments under the "Towards Zero Plastic Waste in Canada" initiative.
- Work that got under way in 2019-20 on monitoring guidelines and a framework for a longer term monitoring plan for the North will continue in the current year.
Transfers (in dollars) | Vote 1b Operating | Vote 5b Capital | Grants | Contributions | Vote 10b Grants and Contributions |
Voted Total | Total |
Transfers from Other Organizations | |||||||
From the Department of Indigenous Services to the Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs for modern treaty and self- governing groups to support operations and maintenance of Water and Wastewater assets. | 5,769,932 | 5,769,932 | 5,769,932 | 5,769,932 | |||
From the Department of Indigenous Services to the Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs for modern treaty and self- governing groups for health related programming and activities. | 3,687,689 | 3,687,689 | 3,687,689 | 3,687,689 | |||
Transfer from the Department of Fisheries and Oceans to the Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs to support the Heiltsuk First Nation to implement the fisheries component of the Haíɫcístut Incremental House Post Agreement. | 2,500,000 | 2,500,000 | 2,500,000 | 2,500,000 | |||
Transfer from the Department of Canadian Heritage to Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada to provide support for Indigenous languages in the 11 self-governing Yukon First Nations. | 1,903,814 | 1,903,814 | 1,903,814 | 1,903,814 | |||
From the Department of Indigenous Services to the Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs for the Major Projects Management Office Secretariat. | 305,318 | 305,318 | 305,318 | ||||
Transfer from the Department of the Environment to the Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs to develop plastics science in support of the Canada-wide Strategy on Zero Plastic Waste. | 250,000 | 250,000 | 250,000 | 250,000 | |||
From the Department of National Defence to the Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs for the Kettle and Stony Point First Nation. | 200,000 | 200,000 | 200,000 | 200,000 | |||
Internal Transfers | |||||||
Transfer from Vote 1- other operating costs to Vote 5 -Capital - for the construction of the Canadian High Arctic Research Station | (798,694) | 798,694 | |||||
Transfers to Other Organizations | |||||||
From the Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs to the Department of Indigenous Services to support the infrastructure projects | (397,366) | (397,366) | (397,366) | (397,366) | |||
From the Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs to the Department of Indigenous Services to support the development of the Salt River Reserve | (2,000,000) | (2,000,000) | (2,000,000) | (2,000,000) | |||
Transfer from the Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs to the Department of Indigenous Services for compensation adjustments | (4,159,932) | (4,159,932) | (4,159,932) | ||||
Total Transfers | (4,653,308) | 798,694 | 13,464,069 | (1,550,000) | 11,914,069 | 8,059,455 | 8,059,455 |
Page Proofs
Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs
Authorities To Date | These Supplementary Estimates - Transfers | These Supplementary Estimates - Adjustments | Proposed Authorities To Date | |
Budgetary Voted | ||||
1b Operating expenditures | 2,289,003,097 | (4,653,308) | 114,527,175 | 2,398,876,964 |
5b Capital expenditures | 1,805,529 | 798,694 | 1,584,486 | 4,188,709 |
10b Grants and contributions | 3,332,394,935 | 11,914,069 | 810,294,236 | 4,154,603,240 |
Total Voted | 5,623,203,561 | 8,059,455 | 926,405,897 | 6,557,668,913 |
Total Statutory | 162,746,390 | 1,512,520 | 164,258,910 | |
Total Budgetary Expenditures | 5,785,949,951 | 8,059,455 | 927,918,417 | 6,721,927,823 |
Non-Budgetary Voted | ||||
L15 Loans to Indigenous claimants | 25,903,000 | 25,903,000 | ||
Total Non-Budgetary Expenditures | 25,903,000 | 25,903,000 | ||
Note: Additional details by organization are available on the Treasury Board Secretariat website – |
Vote No. | Amount ($) | |
Budgetary - Voted Appropriations | ||
Funding for the Specific Claims Settlement Fund | Vote 10b | 760,135,998 |
Funding for a litigation settlement | Vote 1b | 88,632,700 |
Funding to support Recognition of Indigenous Rights and Self-Determination Tables | Vote 1b | 9,039,628 |
Vote 10b | 18,216,000 | |
Total | 27,255,628 | |
Funding for interest payment relief for First Nations with loans from the First Nations Finance Authority | Vote 10b | 17,100,000 |
Funding for the Federal Contaminated Sites Action Plan (North) | Vote 1b | 9,418,054 |
Vote 10b | 1,481,338 | |
Total | 10,899,392 | |
Funding for new fiscal policy reforms co-developed by Canada and self-governing Indigenous governments | Vote 10b | 5,744,340 |
Funding to advance Truth and Reconciliation Commission Calls to Action Supporting Missing Children and Unmarked Burials | Vote 1b | 1,810,538 |
Vote 10b | 1,485,959 | |
Total | 3,296,497 | |
Funding for the Anishinabek Nation Governance Agreement | Vote 10b | 3,000,000 |
Funding to respond to the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls' Final Report: Reclaiming Power and Place (horizontal item) | Vote 10b | 2,796,705 |
Funding for the Canadian High Arctic Research Station | Vote 1b | 798,694 |
Vote 5b | 1,584,486 | |
Total | 2,383,180 | |
Funding for the Sixties Scoop Settlement | Vote 1b | 2,152,634 |
Funding for the Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement | Vote 1b | 1,609,018 |
Funding for Indigenous Childhood Claims Litigation | Vote 1b | 856,569 |
Funding for exhibit fit-up and operations and maintenance for the short-term use of the Indigenous Peoples' Space at 100 Wellington Street in Ottawa | Vote 1b | 209,340 |
Vote 10b | 209,851 | |
Total | 419,191 | |
Funding for research and higher education in Canada's North | Vote 10b | 94,000 |
Funding for Federal Leadership Towards Zero Plastic Waste in Canada | Vote 10b | 30,045 |
Total Voted Appropriations | 926,405,897 | |
Total Statutory Appropriations | 1,512,520 | |
Transfers from Other Organizations | ||
From the Department of Indigenous Services to the Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs for modern treaty and self-governing groups to support water and wastewater operations and maintenance | Vote 10b | 5,769,932 |
From the Department of Indigenous Services to the Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs for modern treaty and self-governing groups for health-related programming and activities | Vote 10b | 3,687,689 |
From the Department of Fisheries and Oceans to the Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs to support the Heiltsuk First Nation to implement the fisheries component of the Haíɫcístut Incremental House Post Agreement | Vote 10b | 2,500,000 |
From the Department of Canadian Heritage to the Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs to support Indigenous languages in the 11 self-governing Yukon First Nations | Vote 10b | 1,903,814 |
From the Department of Indigenous Services to the Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs for the Major Projects Management Office Secretariat | Vote 1b | 305,318 |
From the Department of the Environment to the Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs and the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council to develop plastics science in support of the Canada-wide Strategy on Zero Plastic Waste | Vote 10b | 250,000 |
From the Department of National Defence to the Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs for the Kettle and Stony Point First Nation | Vote 10b | 200,000 |
Internal Transfers | ||
Internal reallocation of resources for the construction of the Canadian High Arctic Research Station | Vote 1b | (798,694) |
Vote 5b | 798,694 | |
Total | ||
Transfers to Other Organizations | ||
From the Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs to the Department of Indigenous Services to support infrastructure projects | Vote 10b | (397,366) |
From the Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs to the Department of Indigenous Services to support the development of the Salt River Reserve | Vote 10b | (2,000,000) |
From the Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs and the Department of Health to the Department of Indigenous Services for compensation adjustments | Vote 1b | (4,159,932) |
Total Transfers | 8,059,455 | |
Total Budgetary | 935,977,872 |
Estimates to Date | These Supplementary Estimates | Revised Estimates | |
Grants | |||
Grants to First Nations to settle specific claims negotiated by Canada and/or awarded by the Specific Claims Tribunal, and to Indigenous groups to settle special claims | 1,394,351,059 | 760,135,998 | 2,154,487,057 |
Grants to implement comprehensive land claims and self-government agreements and other agreements to address Section 35 Rights | 779,131,975 | 19,208,409 | 798,340,384 |
Contributions | |||
Contributions to support the negotiation and implementation of Treaties, Claims and self-government agreements or initiatives | 430,679,961 | 21,416,000 | 452,095,961 |
Contributions to supply public services in Indian Government Support and to build strong governance, administrative and accountability systems | 32,082,842 | 17,100,000 | 49,182,842 |
Contributions for the purpose of consultation and policy development | 42,338,173 | 4,492,515 | 46,830,688 |
Contributions to promote social and political development in the North and for Northerners | 9,677,994 | 94,000 | 9,771,994 |
Budgetary | Authorities To Date | These Supplementary Estimates | Proposed Authorities |
Contributions to employee benefit plans | 26,099,305 | 1,512,520 | 27,611,825 |
Vote No. | Items | Amount ($) |
1b |
114,527,175 |
5b |
1,584,486 |
10b |
810,294,236 |
Total | 926,405,897 |
Supplementary Estimates (B) 2020-21
Statutory Forecasts
Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs | Authorities to Date | These Supplementary Estimates | Proposed Authorities |
Payments to support Yukon, Northwest Territories, and Nunavut responses to COVID-19 pursuant to the Public Health Events of National Concern Payments Act | 72,600,000 | 72,600,000 | |
Contributions to employee benefit plans | 26,099,305 | 1,512,520 | 27,611,825 |
Payments to Nutrition North Canada pursuant to the Public Health Events of National Concern Payments Act | 25,000,000 | 25,000,000 | |
Grants to Aboriginal organizations designated to receive claim settlement payments pursuant to Comprehensive Land Claim Settlement Acts | 19,687,767 | 19,687,767 | |
Payments to support northern air carriers pursuant to the Public Health Events of National Concern Payments Act | 17,300,000 | 17,300,000 | |
Payments to comprehensive claim beneficiaries in compensation for resource royalties (Comprehensive Land Claim Settlement Acts) | 1,865,718 | 1,865,718 | |
Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations ? Salary and motor car allowance (Salaries Act and Parliament of Canada Act) | 89,300 | 89,300 | |
Minister of Northern Affairs - Salary and motor car allowance (Salaries Act and Parliament of Canada Act) | 89,300 | 89,300 | |
Grassy Narrows and Islington Bands Mercury Disability Board (Grassy Narrows and Islington Indian Bands Mercury Pollution Claims Settlement Act) | 15,000 | 15,000 | |
Total Budgetary | 162,746,390 | 1,512,520 | 164,258,910 |
Expenditures by Program or Purpose
Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs | Estimates to Date |
These Supplementary Estimates | Revised Estimates |
Operating | Capital | Transfer Payments |
Revenues and other reductions |
Total | |||
Crown-Indigenous Relations | 4,954,208,492 | 104,270,040 | 822,352,922 | 926,622,962 | 5,880,831,454 | ||
Northern Affairs | 660,740,028 | 9,418,054 | 2,383,180 | (144,617) | 11,656,617 | 672,396,645 | |
Internal Services | 149,979,495 | (2,301,707) | (2,301,707) | 147,677,788 | |||
Total | 5,764,928,015 | 111,386,387 | 2,383,180 | 822,208,305 | 935,977,872 | 6,700,905,887 | |
Total Budgetary | 5,764,928,015 | 111,386,387 | 2,383,180 | 822,208,305 | 935,977,872 | 6,700,905,887 |
Estimates to Date | These Supplementary Estimates (dollars) | Revised Estimates | |
Organizations not included in these Estimates | 25,903,000 | 25,903,000 | |
Total Non-budgetary | 25,903,000 | 25,903,000 |
Budgetary Expenditures by Standard Object
This table shows the forecast of total expenditures by Standard Object, which includes the types of goods or services to be acquired, or the transfer payments to be made and the funds to be credited to the vote.
Definitions of standard objects available at:
Personnel 1 |
Transportation and communications 2 |
Information 3 |
Professional and special services 4 |
Rentals 5 |
Purchased repair and maintenance 6 |
Utilities, materials and supplies 7 |
Acquisition of land, buildings and works 8 |
Acquisition of machinery and equipment 9 |
Transfer payments 10 |
Public debt charges 11 |
Other subsidies and payments 12 |
Less: Revenues and other reductions |
Total | |
Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs | 3,685,787 | 6,399,562 | 1,970,362 | 89,437,733 | 3,966,570 | 1,290,169 | 1,323,144 | 2,383,180 | 822,208,305 | 3,313,060 | 935,977,872 | |||
Total | 3,685,787 | 6,399,562 | 1,970,362 | 89,437,733 | 3,966,570 | 1,290,169 | 1,323,144 | 2,383,180 | 822,208,305 | 3,313,060 | 935,977,872 |
Horizontal Items
The items listed in this table are horizontal initiatives and other jointly funded items. Both types of horizontal items involve two or more organizations with a formal funding agreement (e.g. Memorandum to Cabinet or Treasury Board submission). Through horizontal initiatives, the organizations work in partnership toward the achievement of shared outcomes. In jointly funded items, organizations receive incremental funding, and each independently contributes to the realization of the stated objective(s).
Organization | Amount (dollars) |
Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs
2,796,705 |
Overview of 2020-21 Supplementary Estimates (B)
2020-21 Supplementary Estimates (B)
- The 2020-21 Supplementary Estimates (B) include key initiatives and new funding totalling approximately $936 million. Of these amounts, $926.6 million is for Crown-Indigenous Relations and $11.7 million is for Northern Affairs, offset by a net decrease in internal services of $2.3 million.
- The total budgetary authorities for Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada in 2020-21 will be approximately $6.7 billion.
- This funding ensures that the Department will be able to make concrete steps to continue the work to renew the nation-to-nation, Inuit-Crown, government-to-government relationship between Canada and First Nations, Inuit and Métis, to support their vision of self-determination and advance work in the North.
The 2020-21 Supplementary Estimates (B) include key initiatives and new funding totaling approximately $936 million, comprised of $138 million of funding for new initiatives; reprofiles totaling $790 million; and $8 million of net transfers with other government departments.
The net increase of $936 million is comprised of:
- $109.9 million in Vote 1 Operating expenditures including:
- Funding for a litigation settlement ($88.6 million);
- Reprofile funding for the Federal Contaminated Sites Action Plan (North) ($9.4 million);
- Funding to Support Recognition of Indigenous Rights and Self-Determination Tables in 2020-21 ($9.0 million);
- Reprofile funding for the Sixties Scoop settlement ($2.2 million);
- Funding to Advance Truth and Reconciliation Commission Calls to Action Supporting Missing Children and Unmarked Burials ($1.8 million);
- Reprofile funding for the Indian Residential Schools Settlement ($1.6 million);
- Reprofile funding for Indigenous Childhood Claims Litigation ($0.9 million);
- Reprofile funding for Indigenous Peoples' Space at 100 Wellington Street ($0.2 million); and
- Transfers with other government departments (-$3.8 million).
- $822.2 million Vote 10 Grants and contributions including:
- Reprofile funding for Specific Claims Settlement Fund ($760.1 million);
- Funding to support Recognition of Indigenous Rights and Self-Determination Tables in 2020-21 ($18.2 million);
- Funding for Interest Payment Relief for First Nation Loans with the First Nations Finance Authority ($17.1 million);
- Reprofile funding for New Fiscal Policy Reforms co-developed by Canada and Self-Governing Indigenous governments ($5.7 million);
- Reprofiled funding for the Anishinabek Nation Governance Agreement ($3.0 million);
- Reprofile funding to respond to the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls' Final Report: Reclaiming Power and Place ($2.8 million);
- Funding to Advance Truth and Reconciliation Commission Calls to Action Supporting Missing Children and Unmarked Burials ($1.5 million);
- Reprofile funding for the Federal Contaminated Sites Action Plan - Phase III ($1.5 million);
- Reprofile funding for Indigenous Peoples' Space at 100 Wellington Street ($0.2 million);
- Reprofile funding for measures to support a better future for Canada's North ($94,000);
- Reprofile funding to implement the "Federal Leadership Towards Zero Plastic Waste in Canada" ($30,045); and
- Transfers with other government departments ($11.9 million).
- $2.4 million in Vote 5 Capital Expenditures: Reprofile funding for Canadian High Arctic Research Station.
- $1.5 million in Statutory funding: Funding for the Contributions to employee benefit plans (EBP) related to new initiatives.
2020-21 Supplementary Estimates (B) - Crown-Indigenous Relations
Specific Claims Settlement Fund
$760,135,998 in the 2020-21 Supplementary Estimates (B)
Vote # 10
Reprofiled: $760,135,998
The 2020-21 Supplementary Estimates (B) includes the reprofile of unused specific claims settlement funds from 2019-20 to 2020-21 in the amount of $760.1 million.
- The Specific Claims Settlement Fund is the source of funds for compensation pursuant to both negotiated settlement agreements and financial awards made by the Specific Claims Tribunal.
- Because the progress of negotiations is difficult to forecast with accuracy, the Fund was set up with the flexibility to transfer monies not spent in a particular year to a future year.
- The reprofile of specific claims settlement funding between fiscal years is a normal occurrence that helps ensure the availability of funds needed for settlement compensation in the year when settlements are reached.
- The flexibility of the Specific Claims Settlement Fund has assisted us in maintaining a high pace of resolution of specific claims over recent years.
- Since January 1, 2016, 148 claims have been resolved for $3.5 billion in compensation to First Nations.
- The 99 claims resolved during the period January 1, 2017 to January 1, 2020 was the highest number of claims resolved in any three year period since the program began.
- Since March 1, 2020, a period in which we have had to use remote means to conduct negotiations due to Covid-19, 15 claims have been settled for $893 in settlement compensation for First Nations.
If pressed
- $1.32 billion was allocated for settling specific claims in 2019-20. Given the unpredictable nature of negotiations, this was not all spent despite achieving 33 negotiated settlements and Tribunal awards for $559.8 million. The unused portion of $760.1 million was therefore carried over.
- The reprofiled funds will provide compensation to First Nations to discharge the outstanding legal obligations of the federal government.
- Canada is working with the Assembly of First Nations towards a plan to transform the specific claims process and implement policy reforms into 2021.
If pressed on progress on the Specific Claims Policy Reform
- Canada is working with the Assembly of First Nations in a spirit of co-operation and renewal to find fair and practical ways to transform the specific claims process.
- The engagement process in Fall 2019 was an important step to explore issues such as an independent body, claims research, transparency and fairness in claims resolution.
- We look forward to continuing our collaboration with the Joint Technical Working Group towards a plan to implement policy reforms for Specific Claims into 2021.
- The Specific Claims Settlement Fund was established on April 1, 2009, to pay negotiated settlement agreements and Specific Claims Tribunal awards. The fund was originally resourced over a 10-year period. Budget 2019 identified funding for the replenishment of the Specific Claims Settlement Fund for 3 years for a total of $3.09B.
- The total amount available in the Specific Claims Settlement Fund for 2020-21 is $1,861.1 million, which includes the reprofile of $760.1 million requested through these Supplementary Estimates.
- From January 1, 2016 to October 31, 2020, 148 claims were resolved for $3.5 billion in settlement compensation to First Nations, and 291 claims were assessed through the specific claims process.
- In recent years, the pace of settlement has rapidly increased. A total of 99 claims were resolved over the past three years alone (between Jan 1, 2017 and December 31st, 2019), the highest number of claims settled over any consecutive three year period since the beginning of the program. For the previous three year period between 2014-2016, 44 claims were settled.
- COVID-19 introduced unprecedented challenges, however, progress on claims resolution continues. From March 1, 2020 to October 31, 2020, 15 claims have been settled for a total of $893 million in compensation to the First Nations, and 48 claims were assessed through the specific claims process.
- The mandate letters of the Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations include commitments to reform the specific claims process, in collaboration with First Nation partners. The Assembly of First Nations led a policy reform engagement exercise with First Nations in Fall 2019, and are developing a report of policy reform options anticipated to be shared with CIRNA later this fall 2020.
- Fundamental reform measures are expected concerning the existing Specific Claims Policy, process and the Specific Claims Tribunal Act. A key element raised by First Nations will be measures and mechanisms to increase the independence of the specific claims process from the Government of Canada to address the perceived bias in a process in which the federal government makes decisions as to the merits of, and compensation for, claims made against it.
- CIRNA has as Joint Technical Working Group in place to promote dialogue to develop a plan for Specific Claims reform, and intentions to bring options to a Cabinet process in Winter or Spring 2021.
Litigation Settlement
$88,632,700 in the 2020-21 Supplementary Estimates (B)
Vote # 1
- $88.6 million in new funding will support the settlement of litigation.
- This funding aims to advance Canada's overall commitment to reconciliation by paving the way for a more respectful and constructive relationship with Indigenous people.
- The settlement of litigation underscores how the resolution of past grievances outside the courts is instrumental to advance the Crown-Indigenous relationship and allows the Department to fulfill its commitments at the negotiation tables.
If pressed
- This $88.6 million will be used to resolve an active litigation.
- As this matter is before the courts, it would be inappropriate to comment further.
- Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada anticipates paying this settlement before the end of the fiscal year.
Funding to Support Recognition of Indigenous Rights and Self-Determination Tables in 2020-21
$28,635,985 in the 2020-21 Supplementary Estimates (B)
Vote # 1: $10,419,985
Vote # 10: $18,216,000
Total New funding: $28,635,985
- We remain committed to support Recognition of Indigenous Rights and Self-Determination Tables in 2020-21 and 2021-22 by renewing funding that was sunsetting.
- $57.2 million in renewed funding over the next two years will be used to support both federal operational costs and Indigenous groups' participation at the discussion tables, which supports the renewal of the nation-to-nation relationship.
- This funding will facilitate active engagement from Indigenous groups, build an improved nation-to-nation relationship and support Indigenous peoples as they continue working toward determining their political, economic, social and cultural development.
If pressed on Funding variance explanation between 2019-20 and 2020-21
- In 2018, $28,293,322 was voted for 2019-20. This funding sunset on March 31, 2020.
- In 2020, $28,635,985 was voted for inclusion in the CIRNAC reference levels in 2020-2021.
- There is a 1.2% of increase in total voted funding from 2019-20 to 2020-21. It includes:
- increases of: 0.7 FTE; $62,759 in salaries for internal services for supporting this initiative; and $370,422 in Employee Benefit Plan (this used to be 20% and now is 27%); and
- a decrease of $90,518 in other operating costs for internal services for supporting this initiative.
- As of October 2020, there are over 150 negotiation tables impacting more than 500 communities for an approximate population of almost one million people across the country.
- The steady increase in interest from Indigenous groups contributed to the achievements obtained through RIRSD discussions in 2019-20 fiscal year. These include: 8 agreements signed, 26 preliminary-type agreements signed, and 10 negotiation mandates secured.
- Despite the current COVID-19 pandemic, discussions have continued through virtual means with participating Indigenous groups.
- $57.2 million was sought in total for fiscal years 2020-21 and 2021-22 to continue the progress on these discussions.
Funding for Interest Payment Relief for First Nations with Loans from the First Nations Finance Authority
$17,100,000 in the 2020-21 Supplementary Estimates (B)
Vote # 10
- $17.1 million in new funding will address the immediate needs of First Nations with loans under the First Nations Fiscal Management Act by mitigating the economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on their revenue sources.
- Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada (CIRNAC) will provide interest relief for 58 First Nations with loans from the First Nations Finance Authority to ensure that communities:
- do not default on their debts;
- maintain the First Nations Finance Authority's credit rating; and
- can focus their limited available revenue to address the urgent health and safety needs of their members.
- As of March 20, 2020, 58 First Nations had outstanding loans under the First Nations Finance Authority, with a combined valued of $739 million. Furthermore, as of that date, the Finance Authority's total outstanding interest liability for loans in 2020 was approximately $23.8 million, of which $6.7 million had been collected from First Nations, resulting in an outstanding owed interest payment balance of $17.1 million to investors.
- Government-mandated closures due to COVID-19 have negatively impacted many sources of revenue for First Nations. As a result, many communities are unable to repay the interest owed on their 2020 loans.
New Fiscal Policy Reforms co-developed by Canada and Self-Governing Indigenous Governments
$5,744,340 in the 2020-21 Supplementary Estimates (B)
Vote # 10
Reprofiled: $5,744,340
- $5.5 million of reprofiled funding is for Self-Governing Indigenous Governments to address their greatest infrastructure needs. Funding could not be allocated in 2019-20 as scheduled because community infrastructure assessments had not been completed.
- The Department will also receive $244,340 in 2019-20 for health related programming and activities for self-governing Indigenous governments.
- Due to time constraints, the department was unable to flow the funding to the Nisga'a Nation. The department is obligated to providing this funding for Non-Insured Health Benefits Enhancement funding to the Nisga'a Nation.
- The advent of the COVID-19 pandemic has actually galvanized the remaining communities to complete this work in order to be ready to seek possible economic stimulus funding.
- Currently the Department has completed 22 of the 25 self-governing Indigenous government infrastructure assessments and has been communicating the need to progress on finalizing the remaining assessments.
Funding for the Anishinabek Nation Governance Agreement
$3,000,000 in the 2020-21 Supplementary Estimates (B)
Vote # 10
Reprofiled: $3,000,000
- $3.0 million is being reprofiled to support the ratification of the Anishinabek Nation Governance Agreement.
- This funding will ensure that the Anishinabek Nation is supported in undertaking effective citizen and leadership engagement and consultation, and to carry out the vote to ratify the Governance Agreement with up to 39 Anishinabek First Nations across Ontario.
- When concluded, the Governance Agreement will mark the first core governance agreement in Ontario with First Nations, serving as a model for the region and beyond.
If pressed
- At the request of the Anishinabek Nation, most ratification activities were postponed to Fall 2020 and Winter 2021, to provide additional time for community engagement on the new governance arrangement, including flexibility for communities to carry out their votes during the pandemic.
- If the funding is not reprofiled, ratification and necessary steps to finalize the Governance Agreement will be delayed, thereby jeopardizing the relationship between Canada and the Anishinabek Nation.
- The Union of Ontario Indians represents 39 Ontario First Nations with a combined population of more than 60,000 members.
- The Anishinabek Nation and Canada initialed the Anishinabek Nation Governance Agreement in August 2019, marking the conclusion of negotiations on Governance.
- As a next step, Anishinabek First Nations are preparing for community ratification on the Governance Agreement in Fall 2020 and Winter 2021.
- Once successfully ratified, the agreement will create the foundation for a renewed relationship between Anishinabek First Nations and Canada. The Agreement will benefit all Canadians by establishing governance structures that are legitimate, democratic, transparent and accountable to the participating First Nation citizens.
Funding to respond to the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls' (MMIWG) Final Report: Reclaiming Power and Place
$2,796,705 in the 2020-21 Supplementary Estimates (B)
Vote # 10
Reprofiled: $2,796,705
- $2.8 million of reprofiled funding is to support national and regional Indigenous organizations and groups (including Indigenous LGBTQ2S groups) in engaging on the implementation of the Calls for Justice identified in the National Action Plan.
- Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada, as the lead department, will coordinate the establishment of a National Action Plan that responds to the Calls for Justice.
If pressed on the National Action Plan
- We are continuing to work with our partners to develop the National Action Plan and ensure that it has indicators and measurements which will allow the plan to be accountable for results and evolve over time.
- We are grateful for the work of all partners to date. We recognize the work that remains ahead, and we are committed to redoubling our efforts to make sure we get this right for survivors, families and communities across this country.
If pressed further
- Indigenous peoples are taking leadership in developing the National Action Plan.
- A Core Working Group has been established and will bring together all key partners to coordinate the development of the National Action Plan.
- The federal government continues to work in collaboration with provincial and territorial governments, the National Family and Survivors Circle, and with a Core Working Group that includes membership from First Nations, Inuit, and Métis representatives, urban Indigenous, and 2SLGBTQQIA people to develop specific components of the National Action Plan.
- Guided by families, survivors and grassroots community groups, the National Action Plan will respond to this national tragedy in an progressive, accountable and enduring manner.
- The Action Plan will represent the diverse regional perspectives and needs of communities across Canada and ensure the spirits and voices of all involved are honoured.
If pressed on investments since forming government
- We have been working since 2015 to address systemic issues that have contributed to this tragedy. Our shared work continues.
- We have passed legislation to address the Child and Family Services System, preserve and protect Indigenous language and culture, toughen criminal law in cases of domestic assault, and eliminate gender discrimination under the Indian Act.
- We have made investments in education, housing, policing, and shelters.
- We are ensuring we get this right for survivors and families, to honour those lost, and to protect future generations.
MMIWG – Funding for Indigenous-Led Engagement
- We are committed to working together with our Indigenous, provincial, and territorial partners on the development of the National Action Plan.
- This is why we are investing $30 million over five years to support Indigenous-led engagement throughout the development and implementation of the National Action Plan.
- We have already provided $3.8 million to national and regional Indigenous organizations to ensure that they are resourced to meaningfully participate in our combined efforts to improve the safety of Indigenous women, girls, and Two-Spirit and LGBTQQIA people.
- Prior to COVID-19, work to develop the National Action Plan was well underway.
- Several Indigenous organizations received funding to engage their communities to identify priorities for inclusion in the National Action Plan for addressing violence against Indigenous women, girls, and LGBTQ2S. However, Indigenous-led engagement was interrupted due to COVID-19.
- Despite the challenges caused by COVID-19, the MMIWG Secretariat is continuing to work with Indigenous, provincial and territorial partners to support the advancement of engagement, co-development and implementation of the National Action Plan.
Funding for the Sixties Scoop Settlement
$2,152,634 in the 2020-21 Supplementary Estimates (B)
Vote # 1
Reprofiled: $2,152,634
- The reprofiled $2.2 million will support the administration of the Sixties Scoop settlement and provide individual compensation to eligible class members.
- Some expenses that were anticipated to be spent before fiscal year-end were delayed due to COVID-19.
- The parties to the settlement and the claims administrator are working diligently to ensure that the remaining claims are processed as quickly as possible.
- This funding is essential to fulfill the Government's obligation to implement the settlement agreement as per the Federal Court of Canada and Ontario Superior Court of Justice.
Sixties Scoop
- Given the exceptional circumstances created by COVID-19, the parties received approval from the Federal Court of Canada and the Ontario Superior Court of Justice to issue interim payments of $21,000 to eligible class members immediately.
- To date, approximately 13,000 survivors have received an interim payment.
- The parties to the settlement and the claims administrator are working diligently to ensure that the remaining claims are processed as quickly as possible.
- Survivors whose applications are approved in the weeks and months to come will receive an interim payment.
Suspension of some applications
- COVID-19 has meant that timelines to respond to incomplete applications have been suspended and validation of applications have been delayed.
- Even though the COVID-19 deadline suspension remains in place, the claim administrator is processing, and where possible, approving applications.
- The parties are working collaboratively with the administrator to ensure that once the suspension is lifted the claims process will resume in an efficient and timely manner.
- Canada is committed to ensuring that survivors receive compensation expeditiously.
Métis/ Non-status not included
- We now have a settlement for Status First Nations and Inuit which represents a significant first step in resolving this historic injustice.
- We know that there are other claims that remain unresolved, including those of the Métis and non-status.
- Canada is working with our partners toward a fair and lasting resolution for all those affected by this dark chapter in Canadian history.
Following a series of negotiations presided over by Federal Court Justice Michel M.J. Shore, the parties reached an Agreement-in-Principle on August 30, 2017. The proposed agreement was finalized and signed by the parties on November 30, 2017.
The Sixties Scoop settlement agreement includes:
- $500-$750 million for individual compensation for Status Indian and Inuit survivors.
- Up to $50 million to establish a foundation – in collaboration with Indigenous communities and individuals – to support and provide access to education, healing and wellness, and commemoration activities for communities and individuals.
- Up to $75.0 million for legal fees.
- Third‑party administration costs.
In May 2018, the Federal Court of Canada approved the settlement as fair, reasonable, and in the best interest of the parties. The Federal Court also approved $37.5 million in legal fees for plaintiffs' counsel who appeared in Federal Court. In June 2018, the Ontario Superior Court of Justice approved the settlement agreement, with the exception of legal fees. In order to address the issues of legal fees in the Ontario Superior Court of Justice, the parties in both the Ontario and Federal Court actions signed an amendment to the settlement to clarify that the courts only had jurisdiction to approve the legal fees of counsel appearing before them. Subsequently, the Federal Court approved the settlement on July 27, 2019, and the Ontario Court of Justice on August 3, 2018. Legal fees were approved by the Ontario court on November 15, 2018.
December 1, 2018, marked the implementation of the settlement with the opening of the claims process, payment to the Sixties Scoop Healing Foundation and legal fees.
Collectiva and its First Nations partners offered 55 information sessions across the country to support class members through the claims process.
On March 27, 2020, the Federal Court issued an order amending the settlement agreement to allow Canada to transfer $500M in compensation to the administrator. The Court further amended the settlement by allowing payments to be made to survivors once the approximately 4,767 applications have been fully and finally rejected. This will ensure that all class members received a minimum of $25,000. The original terms of the settlement required all claims to be processed before Canada could transfer compensation to the administrator and payments could be made to applicants with valid claims.
In June 2020, the Federal Court and Ontario Superior Court of Justice issued separate orders approving interim payments of $21,000. Approximately 13,000 payments have been issued.
Deadlines for the settlement are still suspended as a result of COVID-19.
Métis Litigation
On July 13, 2020, the Federal Court of Appeal dismissed the appeal brought to attempt to overturn the Federal Court of Canada's decision granting carriage of the litigation to Koskie Minsky LLP and Paliare Roland Rosenenberg and Rothstein LLP.
Since the announcement of the settlement agreement, several new claims seeking compensation for Métis peoples impacted by the Sixties Scoop have been filed. The Department and the Métis National Council continue to share information and discuss options that could inform a future settlement of this litigation.
Supplementary Estimates (A)
In 2019-20, the department sought to reprofile of $260M ($250M Settlement funds and $10M administrative funds) in Supplementary Estimates (A) and is seeking a late reprofile for the remaining $2.2M unspent administrative funds to support ongoing efforts. The expenses that were anticipated to be spent before fiscal year-end were delayed due to COVID-19 and are still pending and will need to be paid once the health crisis is stabilized.
Funding for the Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement
$1,609,018 in the 2020-21 Supplementary Estimates (B)
Vote # 1
Reprofiled: $1,609,018
- $1.6 million of the Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement were unused funds in 2019-20 and are proposed to be reprofiled.
- This funding is for the settlements awarded under the resolution processes (for example, Independent Assessment Process, Alternative Dispute Resolution) and out-of-court settlements.
- Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada has a responsibility to ensure Canada's legal obligations under the Settlement Agreement are met, the completion of which contributes to achieving a fair, comprehensive, and lasting resolution to the legacy of Indian Residential Schools.
If pressed
- As all but one claim under the Independent Assessment Process (IAP) have been completed, the work must now shift to ensuring that those sensitive records created through the IAP are appropriately managed to protect the privacy of the claimants and comply with Court direction on the destruction, transfer or retention.
- The funding reprofiled through Supplementary Estimates B will support this important work and support the appropriate wind-down of administrative processes related to the implementation of the Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement.
- The reprofiled funding requested through these Supplementary Estimates will be used to complete Canada's legal obligations under the Settlement Agreement.
Funding for Indigenous Childhood Claims
$856,569 in the 2020-21 Supplementary Estimates (B)
Vote # 1
Reprofiled: $856,569
- $0.9 million will be reprofiled for Indigenous Childhood Claims Litigation, in order to resolve litigation related to historic harms committed against Indigenous children outside of the courts, whenever possible.
- This funding will support litigation management, research, experts, document production, exploratory discussions and such, in order to advance the Crown's defense or resolution activities.
- The Department has made significant progress repairing the relationship between the survivors, the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador, and Canada.
- COVID-19 impacts delayed contracting and negotiations and as a result pushed work from end of year 2019-20 into 2020-21.
Funding for Indigenous Peoples space at 100 Wellington Street
$419,191 in the 2020-21 Supplementary Estimates (B)
Vote # 1: $209,340
Vote # 10: $209,851
Reprofiled Total: $419,191
- $0.4 million will be reprofiled for Funding for Indigenous Peoples space at 100 Wellington Street from unused funds in 2019-20.
- This funding will support the exhibit fit-up and operations and maintenance for the short-term use of the Indigenous Peoples' Space at 100 Wellington Street in Ottawa.
- This funding will also support us establishing an Indigenous-presence at 100 Wellington Street and set the stage for the longer-term design and use through broad engagement with Indigenous and non-Indigenous people in Canada.
If pressed on the Indigenous Peoples Space
- The spirit and intent of the Indigenous Peoples Space has always been that it must remain First Nations, Inuit and Métis led.
- We have been working in the true spirit of reconciliation – all decisions around the space are taken as a group between partners, and we look forward to continuing this work together.
- We are working closely with Indigenous partners on reaching an agreement to move forward, and remain committed to the Indigenous Peoples Space initiative.
- In 2019-20, all work was completed to retrofit the first floor and part of the second floor to support the short-term use of 100 Wellington Street. It is anticipated that preparation for the construction of the long-term vision and design will start in Spring 2022.
2020-21 Supplementary Estimates (B) - Northern Affairs
Funding for Federal Contaminated Sites Action Plan (North) – Phase III
$10,899,392 in the 2020-21 Supplementary Estimates (B)
Vote # 1: $9,418,054
Vote # 10: $1,481,338
Reprofiled Total: $10,899,392
- $10.9 million will be reprofiled for the Federal Contaminated Sites Action Plan (North) – Phase III from unused funds in 2019-20.
- This funding will address the government's priority to protect the health and environment of Canadians by minimizing threats from pollution. The Northern Contaminated Sites Program focuses on abandoned mines and military sites in the three northern territories.
- The reprofiled funding will be used to support departmental obligations under existing land claims, licenses, and the Yukon and Northwest Territories Devolution Transfer Agreements.
- CIRNAC is committed to managing contaminated sites in a cost-effective and consistent manner, to reduce and eliminate, where possible, risks to human and environmental health and the liability associated with contaminated sites.
If pressed on Federal Contaminated Sites Action Plan renewal
- The Government of Canada has renewed the Federal Contaminated Sites Action Plan, led by Environment and Climate Change Canada, with $1.16 billion in funding over five years, starting in 2020.
- Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada will be able to access this funding to address its smaller-scale contaminated sites. To date, with funding from this program, we have completed the remediation of 59 sites.
If pressed on the Northern Abandoned Mine Reclamation Program
- The Government of Canada is investing $2.2 billion over the next 15 years to address remediation of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada's eight largest abandoned mine projects.
- The long-term remediation contracts that can be secured through this program will result in a significant improvement to the ongoing protection of human health and safety and the environment for Northerners and Indigenous peoples, by ensuring that these large abandoned mine projects are cleaned up.
- Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada (CIRNAC) is responsible as owner of last resort in the Territories for a number of contaminated sites in the North that were abandoned by former operators. Most of these sites are abandoned mines. CIRNAC works closely with territorial governments, Indigenous partners, and other stakeholders to remediate these sites.
- Since 2005, the primary source of funding has been the Federal Contaminated Sites Action Plan (FCSAP), a 15-year program administered by Environment and Climate Change Canada and the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat, which has been renewed with an additional five years of funding ($1.16 billion) starting in 2020. CIRNAC will use this funding to address contamination at its smaller scale sites across Canada, while the larger abandoned mine projects will be funded through the CIRNAC Northern Abandoned Mine Reclamtion Program. Budget 2019 provided CIRNAC's Northern Abandoned Mine Reclamation Program with $2.2 billion over 15 years, starting in 2020, to remediate the eight largest abandoned mines in the Yukon and the Northwest Territories
- The reprofiled funding requested through these Supplementary Estimates will support the planned remediation activities and construction activities at the following sites: Bathurst Island and High Arctic Project (Nunavut), Mount Nansen (Yukon), Giant Mine (NWT) and Faro Mine (Yukon).
Funding for the Canadian High Arctic Research Station project
$2,383,180 in the 2020-21 Supplementary Estimates (B)
Vote # 1: $798,694
Vote # 5: $1,584,486
Reprofiled Total: $2,383,180
- $2.4 million from unused funds in 2019-20 are proposed for the Canadian High Arctic Research Station project.
- The Canadian High Arctic Research Station – CHARS – is a major crown project being built in Cambridge Bay, Nunavut. As per the requirement of the Canadian High Arctic Research Station Act (s.25), this facility is the headquarters of Polar Knowledge Canada, which is responsible for advancing Canada's knowledge of the Arctic and strengthening Canadian leadership in polar science and technology.
- The reprofiled funding requested through these Supplementary Estimates is required for the remaining construction and related expenses, as well as other anticipated expenses to close out the construction contract, including expenses related to the Inuit Benefits Plan and the extension of the duration of contract.
- The Canadian High Arctic Research Station campus is largely operational, with the testing and verification of the systems and equipment continuing in 2020-21.
Funding to support research and higher education in Canada's North
$94,000 in the 2020-21 Supplementary Estimates (B)
Vote # 10
Reprofiled: $94,000
- We know that post-secondary education in Canada's North is a key priority for Northerners and our Government remains committed to supporting post-secondary education in Canada's North.
- $94,000 will be reprofiled to support research and higher education in Canada's North from unused funds in 2019-20, and is required to meet policy objectives for the Arctic and Northern Policy Framework and Budget 2019.
- The re-profiled funds support the suite of Post-Secondary Education initiatives – specifically, establishing a task force on post-secondary education in the North and investing in the Dechinta Centre for Research and Learning.
- The independent Task Force on Post-Secondary Education in the North, which launched on October 23, 2020, is a key priority for this government and for Northerners.
- The outcome of the investments in the suite of post-secondary education in the North initiatives will close the gaps in education outcomes and provide ongoing learning and skills development opportunities, including Indigenous-based knowledge and skills.
If pressed on the selection process of Task Force members
- On October 23, 2020, we launched an independent Task Force on Post-Secondary Education in the North, which will provide recommendations on how best to close the post-secondary education gap.
- For the Task Force, nominations were sought from our co-development partners to the Arctic and Northern Policy Framework including provinces and territories, Indigenous organizations, as well as women and youth.
- Since the announcement, work has been done to set up a kick-off meeting with the Task Force members to begin discussions on a work plan.
The Arctic and Northern Policy Framework (Framework) was launched on September 10, 2019, following more than two years of engagement and collaboration with Northerners and Canadians more broadly. The co-development of the Framework was also supported by roundtable engagements held with Arctic and Northern residents, youth and key experts and stakeholders, including industry, academics and non-governmental organizations.
The Framework sets out a long-term, strategic vision that will guide the Government of Canada's activities and investments in the Arctic to 2030 and beyond. It will better align Canada's national and international policy objectives with the priorities of Indigenous peoples and Arctic and Northern residents.
The Framework is articulated around eight goals including to nurture healthy families and communities. As part of this goal, co-development partners to the Framework identified closing gaps in education outcomes in the North as a key objective, specifically as it relates to post-secondary education.
Budget 2019 announced investments for the implementation of a suite of post-secondary education in the North initiatives in support of the shared priorities, goals and objectives of the Framework. The outcome of the investments within the suite of post-secondary education in the North initiatives will close the gaps in education outcomes and provide ongoing learning and skills development opportunities, including Indigenous-based knowledge and skills.
The Task Force on post-secondary education in the North will build on reports and findings already completed by Northern and Arctic stakeholders and provide recommendations on how best to close the post-secondary education gap.
The Dechinta Centre for Research and Learning is a unique and innovative land-based program offering accredited university courses in a number of fields. The Government of Canada's investment will support the development, extension and maintenance of its suite of accredited post-secondary courses and support the transition to a full term program.
The Government of Canada's investment to construct a new campus science building will help Yukon University undertake its transformation into Canada's first university north of 60°. The new science building will facilitate teaching, applied research and technology development by providing collaborative space for academia, researchers and industry.
Other issues
2020-2021 Main Estimates Overview
- The Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Act, which came into effect on July 15, 2019, establishes the Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs.
- Fiscal year 2020-21 is the first Main Estimates for the new department, and as such, there is no previous year Main Estimates information available for comparison purposes.
- The Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs 2020-21 Main Estimates will be approximately $4,911.3 million.
- With this funding, the Department will continue to support activities that advance reconciliation and accelerate the renewal of the Crown's relationship with Indigenous peoples based on the affirmation of rights, respect, co-operation and partnership. In addition, the Department will continue to lead the Government's work in the North in cooperation with territorial, provincial and Indigenous partners.
The former Department of Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada 2019-20 Main Estimates budget was $7,034.2 million, while the Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs' total Main Estimates budget for 2020-21 is $4,911.3 million, which reflects a net decrease of $2,122.9 million.
This decrease in funding is primarily attributable to:
- the Federal Indian Day Schools (McLean) settlement agreement (-$1,003.2 million) based on anticipated spending;
- the transfer to the Department of Indigenous Services, primarily for Individual Affairs and Lands and Economic Development programs, as well as internal services, as per Order in Council P.C. 2019-1109, effective July 22, 2019 (-$483.6 million); and
- the anticipated sunset of the Sixties Scoop settlement funding in 2019-20 (-$750.0 million). However the 2020-21 Estimates (B) provided $2.2 million of reprofile funding to support on-going efforts for the administration of the Sixties Scoop settlement. The expenses that were anticipated to be spent before 2019-20 fiscal year-end were delayed due to the COVID-19 and are still pending and will need to be paid once the health crisis is stabilized. This funding is essential to fulfill the Government's obligation to implement the settlement agreement as per the Federal Court of Canada and Ontario Superior Court of Justice.
This decrease is partially offset by the increase in funding:
- for the reimbursement of comprehensive land claim negotiation loans and reform of the Negotiation Support Funding Program (+$98.2 million); and
- for the Renewal of 25 Self-Governing Indigenous Government Fiscal Transfer Arrangements Incorporating Canada's Collaborative Self-Government Fiscal Policy and associated Costing Methodologies (+$100.1 million).
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and limited sessions in the spring for Parliament to study supply, the Standing Orders of the House of Commons were amended to extend the study period into the Fall. The Department has received the interim supply and is expected to receive full supply for the 2020-21 Main Estimates in December 2020.
It should be noted that the majority of the Supplementary Estimates (B) funding is the result of reprofiled funding ($790M out of $936M requested) that are due either to the COVID-19 pandemic impact on operational activities, or to outstanding claims settlement.
Systemic Racism
- The Government of Canada is committed to confronting the legacy of colonialism and addressing ongoing systemic racism.
- The Government's work in partnership with Indigenous peoples to advance self-determination and the recognition of rights is critical in doing so.
- We are rebuilding the Government's relationship with Indigenous Peoples, moving to a renewed, nation-to-nation, government-to-government, and Inuit-Crown relationship based on recognition of rights, respect, co-operation, and partnership.
- We will continue to collaborate with Indigenous, federal, provincial/territorial partners to address anti-Indigenous racism across Canada.
- The emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the urgency of addressing the root causes of violence as identified in the National Inquiry's final report.
- We have heard from Indigenous organizations that rates of gender-based violence have increased for Indigenous women and children during COVID-19. This is why we are continuing to move forward with programs aimed at addressing the root causes of violence as identified in the final report.
- In response to COVID-19, we are investing $10 million for shelters on reserve and in the Yukon to support Indigenous women and children fleeing violence.
- Our Government is providing $15 million for Indigenous organizations that provide services to Indigenous peoples living in urban centres and off-reserve, including Indigenous women's organizations.
- This funding has given communities the ability to respond to the specific needs of women and girls, including arranging temporary shelters, bolstering overall community security, providing mental health supports and increasing access to education for children.
- Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada participates in Indigenous Services Canada's bi-weekly meetings of the Advisory Committee on Indigenous Women's Wellbeing, which is a forum to share information with National Indigenous Women's Organizations and other partners, to solicit ideas on how to best support Indigenous women at this time and hear about organizations' work.
COVID-19 Response: Support for Indigenous women and girls and Two Spirit LGBTQQIA people
- Canada recognized that First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples are among the most vulnerable during the COVID-19 pandemic. In particular, Indigenous women and girls as well as Two-Spirit LGBTQQIA people are facing exceptional social and economic challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic.
- We recognize the heightened risk of domestic and gender-based violence during this time.
- We know women and girls are disproportionately experiencing the repercussions of physical distancing measures, including reduced access to services, increased food insecurity, and mental health challenges.
- This is why we are making investments to address the social determinants of health, including housing, economic opportunities and Indigenous-led healthcare systems.
- We are working to ensure the security and well-being of Indigenous women and girls by supporting and expanding a network of family violence prevention shelters for First Nations communities across the country, and in the territories.
Shelters for Indigenous women and girls
- Shelters in Indigenous communities provide a vital place of refuge for women and children escaping violence.
- On May 29, we announced $44.8 million over five years to build 12 new shelters to help support Indigenous women and children escaping domestic violence as well as $40.8 million over five years and $10.2 million ongoing to operate these shelters.
- This funding is in addition to the $10 million previously announced in COVID-19 supports for 46 shelters on reserve and in Yukon and the $1 million per year ongoing to engage Métis leaders and service providers on shelter provision and community-led violence prevention projects for Métis women, girls, Two-Spirit LGBTQQIA people.
The Advisory Committee on Indigenous Women's Well-Being provides a forum for National Indigenous Women's Organization's and other partners to provide advice, guidance, and recommendations on addressing issues impacting Indigenous women's health and wellness ISC and CIRNA are participants in meetings. Members:
- Assembly of First Nations
- Assembly of First Nations Women's Council
- Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami
- Les Femmes Michif Otipemisiwak - Women of the Métis Nation
- Native Women's Association of Canada
- Pauktuutit Inuit Women of Canada
- National Aboriginal Circle against Family Violence
- National Aboriginal Council of Midwives
- Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Legislation
- Canada remains committed to implementing the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples in a meaningful way, one that fully respects the rights that are recognized and affirmed in our Constitution.
- We will do this work with Indigenous peoples, based on the recognition of rights, respect, co-operation and partnership.
- Important work is ongoing on key legislative initiatives that support the implementation of the Declaration, including the protection of Indigenous languages, child and family services, and impact assessment regimes.
- As a reflection of our commitment, and in keeping with the Speech from the Throne, the Government is moving forward with plans to introduce legislation to implement the United Nations Declaration by the end of this year.
- We are continuing to engage with Indigenous partners to ensure that diverse Indigenous voices are reflected in the draft legislation.
Free, Prior and Informed Consent
- The Government of Canada recognizes that meaningful engagement with Indigenous peoples aims to secure their free, prior, and informed consent when Canada proposes to take actions which impact them and their rights, including their lands, territories and resources.
- The Declaration must be read as a whole. Its principles are meant to re-balance the relationship between States and Indigenous peoples.
- Free, prior and informed consent is about establishing consent as the objective of consultation and other participatory processes, not about a general 'veto power' over government decisions that may affect Indigenous peoples.
Adopted in 2007, the Declaration consists of 24 preambular provisions and 46 Articles that describe the individual and collective rights of Indigenous peoples around the world.
The Government of Canada committed to implementing the Declaration in 2016, which includes the concept of free, prior, and informed consent, in partnership with Indigenous peoples. The Declaration establishes a universal framework of minimum standards for the survival, dignity, well-being and rights of the world's Indigenous peoples. In Canada, implementation will be in accordance with the Canadian constitution. Section 35 of Canada's Constitution Act, 1982, provides for the constitutional protection of Aboriginal and treaty rights.
The 2020 Speech from the Throne committed: The Government will move forward to introduce legislation to implement the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples before the end of this year. The commitment seeks to ensure that this legislation fully respects the intent of the Declaration and establishes Bill C-262 as the 'floor' rather than the ceiling when it comes to drafting this new legislation.
Free, prior and informed consent is not defined in the Declaration, nor is there a domestically or internationally agreed-upon definition or universal approach to implementing it. It is not a freestanding article in its own right, but serves as a qualifier on government action to protect Indigenous interests in specific circumstances (e.g., forceful removal or relocation, dangerous materials on Indigenous lands, military activities, cultural property, etc.). The goal of the principle is to ensure a balancing of interests and that consultation processes are aimed at building consensus.
Substantive discussions with the Assembly of First Nations, Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami and the Métis National Council were held over the summer months on the draft legislation and proposed engagement plan. These discussions are continuing. Broader engagement with regional and national Indigenous organizations on a consultative draft began in mid-September 2020. Discussions with provinces and territories and with industry leaders are also taking place.
Atlantic Canada – Fishing Rights
- I continue to support my colleague, the Honourable Bernadette Jordan, on advancing the Mi'kmaq's right to fish for a "moderate livelihood" and addressing the unrest in Nova Scotia.
- Concrete steps are being taken. On October 23, 2020, we appointed Allister Surette as Federal Special Representative to foster dialogue and find common ground between Indigenous and non-Indigenous harvesters to help reduce tensions. We look forward to how Mr. Surette's work may also inform longer-term approaches for implementing the moderate livelihood right.
- Negotiations with our Indigenous partners on implementing their historic treaty right are still being pursued. My department continues to support upcoming meetings between the Department of Fisheries and Oceans and Nova Scotia Mi'kmaq Chiefs.
- We are also working to ensure that all the Indigenous communities in Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, and the Gaspe region of Quebec, who also possess the treaty right to fish for a moderate livelihood, remain engaged.
The 1999 Supreme Court of Canada Marshall decision confirmed that theMi'kmaq, Wolastoqey (Maliseet), and Peskotomuhkati in Atlantic Canada have a treaty right to hunt, fish, gather and trade in pursuit of a "moderate livelihood" based on the 1760-61 Peace and Friendship Treaties.The Marshall decision impacts approximately 43,000 individuals, and 35 communities in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island and the Gaspé region of Quebec. The courts encouraged parties to negotiate these rights.
In September 2020, tensions in southwest Nova Scotia between non-Indigenous and Mi'kmaq fishers escalated over Sipekne'katik's unilateral exercise of moderate livelihood lobster fisheries outside of the regulated season. Vandalism, threats, and intimidation towards Sipekne'katik fishers and their supporters ensued. In response and support, the Assembly of Nova Scotia Chiefs declared a State of Emergency.
The Mi'kmaq in Nova Scotia are organized as the Assembly of Nova Scotia Mi'kmaq Chiefs. The four Mi'kmaq communities not in section 35 negotiations are Sipekne'katik, Millbrook, Bear River, and Membertou. Most recently, Membertou publically announced their withdrawal from section 35 negotiations and the Assembly of Nova Scotia Mi'kmaq Chiefs on October 28, 2020.
Canada, led by the Department of Fisheries and Oceans, is currently involved in discussions with Sipekne'katik First Nation and other various Nova Scotia communities on how to address the historic treaty right to fish for a "moderate livelihood". The parties are deliberating on how to proceed. Discussions with the other communities not involved in fisheries negotiations are also being pursued.
In an attempt to de-escalate rising tensions, on October 23, 2020 the Government of Canada appointed Allister Surette as the Federal Special Representative to help facilitate dialogue between Indigenous and non-Indigenous fish harvesters and help inform longer-term solutions around implementing the right to fish for a moderate livelihood.
Wet'suwet'en Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)
- In 1997, the Supreme Court of Canada encouraged parties in Delgamuukw-Gisday'wa [del-dum-OOK gis-day-away] to pursue good faith negotiations regarding Aboriginal rights.
- On May 14, 2020, Canada, British Columbia and the Wet'suwet'en Hereditary Chiefs signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) that recognizes Wet'suwet'en aboriginal rights and title throughout Wet'suwet'en territory (the Yintah) and that Wet'suwet'en rights and title are held by Wet'suwet'en Houses.
- This MOU establishes a path for substantive negotiations towards agreements that would describe the implementation of Wet'suwet'en rights and title and governance.
- The parties have been working toward an agreement on recognition of rights and title (being referred to by the parties as an Affirmation Agreement) that will set the stage for future negotiations and implementation. The timeline for the completion of this work will need to be revisited by the parties once negotiations resume.
- The Affirmation Agreement and future agreements, once reached, will be taken back to all Wet'suwet'en people through a ratification process that must clearly demonstrate their support.
- Given COVID-19 restrictions, all Parties need to be flexible in how we negotiate these agreements and, potentially, the timelines for achieving milestones.
- Walking the path of reconciliation means working together and having these complex – and sometimes difficult – discussions as we do the work of implementing Indigenous rights in the true spirit of respect, cooperation and partnership.
- This is important work and we must take the time needed to achieve agreements that are durable and truly reset the relationship.
If pressed on the BC elections
- This past summer, we planned to conclude negotiations of an initial agreement by mid-October. The provincial election in British Columbia resulted in negotiations being suspended, so the parties will revisit the timeline for negotiations when they resume meeting.
- The current BC election process has impacted our timelines but the parties remain committed to continue to move forward once negotiations resume.
- While we have made a commitment to an accelerated process and have set deadlines to focus us to achieve our shared goal, the parties understand that we all need to be flexible in negotiating agreements and the timelines for achieving them, particularly in light of the continuing COVID pandemic.
If pressed on the exclusion of Wet'suwet'en Indian Act chiefs from the Memorandum of Understanding on Wet'suwet'en Rights and Title
- CIRNAC has a long standing relationship with the Wet'suwet'en Hereditary Chiefs, first in the BC treaty process and now under the Recognition of Indigenous Rights and Self-Determination process.
- In both processes, it is the Hereditary Chiefs that have come forward to represent Wet'suwet'en aboriginal rights and title interests.
- It was also the hereditary chiefs who took the case of Wet'suwet'en rights and title to the Supreme Court of Canada.
- It will be critical to build a broad understanding of, and support for, the agreements we are negotiating. The hereditary chiefs acknowledge that much work is needed to build that consensus – they describe it to us as part of "nation re-unification." This will require direct engagement between the hereditary and elected leaders of the Wet'suwet'en.
- We need to provide the space for the internal conversations that are going on right now between the elected and hereditary leadership and will continue throughout the process to help inform negotiations.
- Negotiated agreements will ultimately be taken back to all Wet'suwet'en people through a ratification process that must clearly demonstrate their support.
If pressed on Nathan Cullen Contract to Support Discussions with Wet'suwet'en
- Between February 24 and March 17, 2020, Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada retained Nathan Cullen as a Ministerial Special Representative to provide strategic advice to Minister Bennett and federal representatives and to facilitate discussions between Canada, British Columbia and the Wet'suwet'en Hereditary Chiefs with respect to Wet'suwet'en rights and title.
- From February 27 to 29, 2020, Mr. Cullen attended meetings with the parties to advance discussions on the recognition of Wet'suwet'en rights and title, which is at the root of Wet'suwet'en concerns over the Coastal GasLink project.
- The meetings resulted in an understanding, signed on May 14, 2020, to proceed with a process to recognize Wet'suwet'en rights and title throughout Wet'suwet'en's territory.
- The original estimated contract cost was $41,000.00 (including expenses and taxes), but the final value of the contract is $21,229.11 (including expenses and taxes).
Wet'suwet'en Memorandum of Understanding
- Canada signed a tripartite Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Province of British Columbia and the Wet'suwet'en hereditary chiefs on May 14th, 2020, which recognized that Wet'suwet'en rights and title are held by the Houses under their system of governance.
- The MOU committed Canada to negotiating a number of agreements to provide legal recognition that the Wet'suwet'en Houses are the Indigenous governing body holding the Wet'suwet'en Aboriginal rights and title, legal recognition of Wet'suwet'en title as a legal interest in land by Canada and BC, and the implementation of Wet'suwet'en jurisdiction.
- The signing of the MOU was criticized by several of the elected Chiefs of the five Indian Act bands because they were not included in the negotiation process nor referenced in the MOU.
- The Government of Canada recognizes the right of individuals to engage in peaceful protests. We believe the best way to resolve outstanding issues is through a respectful and collaborative dialogue.
- Canada has invited Six Nations' leaders and the Province of Ontario to participate in discussions regarding the McKenzie Meadows housing development to work together to find a positive way forward.
- Such dialogue is vital to building stronger relationships and advancing reconciliation with Indigenous partners for the benefit of their communities and all Canadians.
If pressed on accommodation arrangement with the developer
- Six Nations Elected Council reached an accommodation agreement with the developer.
- Questions on these matters are best addressed to Six Nations.
If pressed on Six Nations governance matters
- Canada is committed to renewing a nation-to-nation relationship with Six Nations.
- Any movement towards greater self-government and self-determination will be done with Six Nations' leadership and community members.
If pressed on the status of the Six Nations' litigation
- Canada believes that the best way to address outstanding issues and achieve reconciliation with Indigenous people is through negotiation and dialogue.
- The Government of Canada respects the decision of the Six Nations to pursue their claims through the courts.
- We are committed to maintaining a productive working relationship with the Six Nations and finding a new way forward through a renewed nation-to-nation relationship based on recognition of rights, respect, co-operation and partnership.
If pressed on the current protest at the McKenzie Meadows development site
- Canada recognizes the right of individuals to engage in peaceful protests.
- We believe the best way to resolve the situation at McKenzie Meadows is through a respectful and collaborative dialogue. Additional blockades and the destruction of property are not helpful.
- We will continue to work with Six Nations leadership to develop a process to find a constructive and positive way forward.
If pressed on the recent Notice of Claim served by Foxgate Developments Inc. on Canada, Ontario and the Ontario Provincial Police
- Canada believes that the best way to address outstanding issues at McKenzie Meadows is through respectful and collaborative dialogue.
- We cannot comment further on this litigation.
- The Government of Canada is committed to reconciliation with all Indigenous peoples, including Métis and Non-Status Indians.
- The Supreme Court of Canada in Daniels (2016) determined that Métis and Non-Status Indians are "Indians" under section 91(24) of the Constitution Act, 1867. The decision does not impose a legal obligation to legislate or provide rights to programming.
- We are working with partners to develop a strategy to address the Daniels decision with a focus to support reconciliation with Métis and Non-Status Indians. Upcoming strategy development will include engagement with Métis and Non-Status Indians and organizations which support them.
- The unprecedented reality created by COVID-19 has highlighted the needs of Métis and Non-Status Indian communities and we are proud to have partnered with many organizations supporting Métis and Non-Status Indians during the pandemic to ensure that their most vulnerable citizens can be supported throughout this difficult time.
If Pressed on Métis
- The Government of Canada is committed to reconciliation with all Indigenous peoples. We do not determine who is or is not Métis, and we do not keep a registry of Métis individuals.
If pressed on Métis Settlements in Alberta
- Canada is committed to working in partnership with officials from the Métis Settlements General Council and the Government of Alberta's Ministry of Indigenous Relations.
- In the spirit of reconciliation, a trilateral working group was formed in July 2020 to support the Métis Settlements General Council in its work toward achieving its own distinct vision of self-determination.
- This includes working collaboratively with the Métis Settlements General Council and the Government of Alberta to deepen our shared commitment to developing long term partnerships.
- Canada recognizes and respects the unique history of the Métis Settlements General Council and we look forward to continuing our discussions with Alberta and the Métis Settlements General Council on matters of importance to their members.
If pressed on what the Daniels decision said
- Métis and Non-Status Indians are "Indians" under section 91(24) where the federal government assumed responsibility for "Indians and lands reserved for Indians".
- This does not impose a legal obligation to legislate, nor does it provide rights to programming.
- However, it clearly implied a degree of federal responsibility for all Métis and Non-Status Indians by their inclusion under section 91(24) of the Constitution Act.
On April 14, 2016, the Supreme Court of Canada, in a unanimous decision, allowed, in part, the Congress of Aboriginal Peoples' appeal, and dismissed Canada's cross-appeal of the Federal Court of Appeal decision in Daniels. The Supreme Court restored the trial judge's declaration that Métis and Non-Status Indians are Indians within the meaning of s. 91(24) of the Constitution Act, 1867. It set aside the Court of Appeal's conclusion that the s. 91(24) declaration should only apply to those Métis people who meet the Powley criteria and ruled that all Métis and Non-Status Indians were included under 91(24). The Supreme Court stated that determining whether particular individuals or communities are Non-Status Indians or Métis is a fact-driven question to be decided on a case-by-case basis in the future.
Recent and Ongoing Work in Support of Daniels:
- The Government of Canada signed an Accord with the Métis Nation on April 13, 2017, as a sign of our continued commitment to working with the Métis Nation on policy and specific issues aimed at improving the socio-economic conditions for the Métis people.
- The Government of Canada signed a new Political Accord with the Congress of Aboriginal Peoples, which represents off-reserve Status and non-Status Indians, NunatuKavut Inuit and Métis peoples, on December 5, 2018.
- The Government of Canada supported the Congress of Aboriginal Peoples as it held a Daniels Symposium on March 21-22, 2017, intended to spark dialogue between grassroots Indigenous peoples, stakeholders and the Government of Canada on the Daniels decision.
- The Government of Canada launched an Accord Implementation Forum with the Congress of Aboriginal Peoples in June 2020 to address joint policy priorities, including Housing, Indigenous Languages, Post-Secondary Education, Family Programs, Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls and Justice.
- Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada has funded the Congress of Aboriginal Peoples and the BC Métis Federation to carry out Daniels-related projects in an effort to achieve further feedback from grassroots Indigenous peoples on the perceived implications of the case. These projects were funded in the 2017-18, 2018-19 and 2019-20 fiscal years.
Negotiation with Indigenous Groups and Consultation with Third Parties
- Our government is working to renew nation-to-nation relationships with Indigenous peoples based on the affirmation of rights, respect, cooperation and partnership.
- We are at more than 150 active negotiation tables, in more than 500 communities and involving nearly one million Indigenous people, to support Indigenous peoples in realizing their vision of self-determination.
- We are committed to engaging with third parties and key stakeholders to ensure that they are informed and that their interests are represented as these critical negotiations progress.
If pressed on the concerns of third parties such as tourism operators within the Tsilhqot'in declared title area
- Negotiations between the Tsilhqot'in (Sill-ko-teen) Nation, the Province of British Columbia and the Government of Canada are continuing. One of the issues being discussed is the relationship between the First Nation and non-Indigenous stakeholders on within the declared title area.
- Canada recognizes that there is work to be done and is supportive of tripartite stakeholder engagement, at appropriate times in the negotiation process.
- Canada remains committed to working with all Parties to establish clarity and predictability for residents and tourism operators within the Tsilhqo'tin (Sill-ko-teen) declared title area.
Tsilhqot'in declared title area:
- On June 26th, 2014, the Supreme Court of Canada held that the Tsilhqot'in Nation has Aboriginal title over approximately 1,750 square kilometers of British Columbia.
- A number of tourism operators and other third parties with interests within the Declared Title Area have been affected by the court decision.
- The Gwets'en Nilti'I Pathway Agreement (Gwets en neel tee) was signed by Canada, the Province and the Tsilhqot'in National Government in August 2019. The Pathway Agreement is a five-year tripartite framework that establishes clear steps towards achieving reconciliation with the Tŝilhqot'in people.
- The Agreement also sets out processes for recognizing Tŝilhqot'in Nation governance, and seeks to reduce conflict and build consensus around land management. It includes a commitment to respectfully engaging third parties and attempting to address their interests within the Declared Title Area.
COVID-19 Funding in the North
- Canada remains committed to supporting provincial and territorial governments in responding to COVID-19.
- Territorial governments have unique needs related to remoteness, transportation and health care limitations, and they have a higher cost of living and doing business.
- Canada is directly addressing these unique territorial needs by providing $130 million in funding for four key priorities:
- $72.6 million for health and social services;
- $17.3 million to maintain essential airline services;
- $15 million in supports for businesses; and
- $25 million to Nutrition North Canada for essential goods.
- Canada remains committed to collaborating with territorial governments and to ensuring that a coordinated federal approach to future northern investments is taken, in order to uphold the well-being of Northerners throughout this crisis and into the future.
The Government of Canada is taking decisive action to help Canadians facing hardship because of COVID-19. This includes working closely and proactively with provincial, territorial and Indigenous governments to meet the unique needs of Indigenous and Northern communities, which are among the most vulnerable to COVID-19. On April 14th, the Prime Minister announced $130 million in targeted Northern funding to address immediate health, economic, and transportation needs identified by territorial Premiers in correspondence in mid-March.
The Government of Canada will continue to work with territorial and provincial governments and other partners to explore short-to medium term options to address other needs directly related to the COVID-19 pandemic and economic recovery.
Nutrition North Canada (COVID-19)
- Nutrition North Canada helps to make perishable and nutritious foods more affordable and accessible to residents of eligible isolated northern communities that lack year-round road, rail or marine access.
- The program subsidizes perishable foods flown in by air, and certain non-perishable and essential items brought in by seasonal sealift, barge or winter road.
- Responding to the COVID-19 pandemic, Nutrition North Canada has expanded its list of subsidized food and essential items to include personal hygiene and cleaning products.
- Northerners are now also benefiting from the program's new Harvesters Support Grant which is increasing access to traditional foods and alleviating the high costs associated with hunting, harvesting and food sharing activities.
Supplementary Estimates (A)
- The 2020-21 Supplementary Estimates (A) provided a one-time financial injection of $25M to the Nutrition North Canada subsidy program. This was to ensure that northern families have access to nutritious food and personal hygiene products and will help offset the financial burden caused by the COVID-19 outbreak.
- Subsidy rates have been increased on basic and essential goods that families require during this challenging period.
- To help Northerners afford nutritious food and other essentials their families need, Nutrition North Canada has added more non-perishable food and hygiene items to the eligibility list.
- By providing additional subsidies on a broad range of items, residents of isolated communities are better able to afford to feed and protect themselves and their families.
- This measure came into effect on May 1st, 2020, and will extend until March 31, 2021.
The Nutrition North Canada program's objective is to help make perishable, nutritious food more accessible and more affordable than it otherwise would be to residents of isolated northern communities that lack year-round surface access (i.e. permanent road, rail, or marine). There are currently 116 communities eligible for the full subsidy available under the program.
The impact of the program on food prices is measured through a "Revised Northern Food Basket", which reflects the cost of food in isolated northern communities. The cost of the Revised Northern Food Basket in March 2019 was lower by $4.41 (or 1.03%) than in March 2011, prior to the launch of the program. According to Statistics Canada, the price of food purchased from stores elsewhere in Canada increased by 10.5% over that same time period.
In the 2018 Fall Economic Statement, the government announced an additional investment in the program of $62.6 million over five years starting in 2019–20, with $10.4 million per year on an ongoing basis. These investments support program enhancements such as a new targeted subsidy level for essential food items and childcare goods for communities most in need, and a seasonal surface transportation subsidy for items shipped by sealift and winter road. Additionally, the program continues to develop a Harvesters Support Grant, to help alleviate the high costs associated with traditional hunting and harvesting and improve access to country foods.
To face the COVID-19 pandemic, the Government announced a one-time financial injection of $25 million in order to increase Nutrition North Canada's subsidy rates on nutritious food and essential items. The targeted/highest subsidy level has been increased by 50cents/kg, and the higher subsidy level has been increased by $1/kg. By providing an additional subsidy on a broad range of items, residents of isolated communities will be better able to afford to feed and protect themselves and their families. These changes are temporary measures to assist residents of isolated northern communities during this challenging period. This decision will extend until March 31, 2021.
Program development and implementation is informed by the Nutrition North Canada Advisory Board, which provides advice to the Minister, and two important engagement forums at the working level: the Indigenous Working Group, which is made up of representatives of First Nations organizations that serve communities eligible for Nutrition North Canada; and the Inuit-Crown Food Security Working Group, which was created by the Inuit-Crown Partnership Committee to work towards food security across Inuit Nunangat. The Department continues to work with its Indigenous partners to enhance the program in making it more accountable, transparent, and culturally relevant for Northerners.
Northern Air Services (COVID-19 Funding)
- Canada has provided up to $17.3 million to support a focused and reliable air network in the territories for the movement of essential goods and services in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
- This funding was disbursed as follows:
- $3.6 million for Yukon;
- $8.7 million for the Northwest Territories; and
- $5 million for Nunavut.
- This funding, in partnership with investments by the territorial governments, will ensure the continued supply of food, medical supplies, and other essential goods and services to remote and fly-in communities in the North.
- In addition, the federal government reached bilateral agreements with provinces and territories to ensure continuity of service for at least six months.
- The Government established a $75-million funding program for the federal contribution for the first six months and maintaining these essential services through an investment of up to $174 million over 18 months, if needed.
The Government of Canada is working closely and proactively with provincial, territorial and Indigenous governments to meet the unique needs of Indigenous and Northern communities, which are among the most vulnerable to COVID-19. On April 14th, the Prime Minister announced $130 million in targeted Northern funding to address immediate health, economic, and transportation needs identified by territorial Premiers in correspondence in mid-March.
The new statutory funding related to COVID-19 response measures under the responsibility of Minister Vandal includes up to $17.3 million to enable the continuation of northern air services supporting essential resupply and medical services in the North.
Funding has been already disbursed to enable the continuation of northern air services supporting essential resupply and medical services in the North.
This initial funding was not enough to facilitate the continuation of northern air services for more than three months. To remedy this, in August additional funding was announced to continue northern airline support with $75 million dollars for six months into the future and up to $174 million dollars for an additional 18 months if required.
The Government of Canada continues to work closely with territorial and provincial governments, in addition to industry representatives, to fully understand the impacts of COVID-19 and the nature of government support required to ensure the viability of critical air transportation service providers that serve remote communities over the medium-term.
Supports for Northern Ontario
COVID-19 Funding for Northern Ontario
- The Government of Canada recognizes that First Nation, Inuit and Métis are among the most at risk and face unique challenges in addressing COVID-19. During the COVID-19 crisis, the health and wellbeing of First Nation, Inuit, and Métis has been and will remain a primary focus.
- On August 25, 2020, the Government of Canada announced $10.6 million in funding for surge capacity and the adaptation of existing mental wellness services to address COVID-19-related mental wellness needs in Ontario First Nations. Of that amount, almost $4 million is being provided to Nishnawbe Aski Nation communities.
- On August 26, 2020, the Government of Canada announced $2 billion to provinces and territories through the Safe Return to Class Fund. An additional $112 million will support First Nations in implementing community measures to ensure a safe return to school on reserves, including instructional services, such as additional teachers and technology supports, and infrastructure upgrades, such as school retrofitting and the purchase of cleaning materials. Approximately $12.3 million out of the $22 million allocated to Ontario for the Safe Return to Class Fund has been provided to First Nation-operated schools in Nishnawbe Aski Nation territory and an additional $1 million out of $2.3 million available to Ontario First Nations for minor capital infrastructure needs.
- ISC's Ontario Region has provided direct funding allocations for COVID-19-related personal protective equipment and cleaning supplies for schools, totaling $3.8 million of $6.4 million in new funding for students and school employees in Nishnawbe Aski Nation territory.
If Pressed on Nutrition North Canada in Northern Ontario
- There are currently 27 isolated northern communities in Ontario eligible for the Nutrition North Canada subsidy.
- Based on previous program spending, it is estimated that 10 percent ($2.5 million) of the $25 million invested in the Nutrition North subsidy will be received by eligible communities in Northern Ontario.
NNC Region | $ 2018/19 | $ COVID Relief |
Northern Ontario | 7,769,508.15 | 2,498,487.40 |
Attawapiskat | 794,108.37 | 255,366.20 |
Bearskin Lake | 192,147.25 | 61,789.94 |
Big Trout Lake (Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug) | 443,831.73 | 142,725.64 |
Cat Lake | 213,963.12 | 68,805.41 |
Deer Lake | 319,052.57 | 102,599.65 |
Eabamet Lake (Fort Hope) | 237,901.74 | 76,503.49 |
Favourable Lake (Sandy Lake) | 811,368.13 | 260,916.52 |
Fort Albany | 303,836.29 | 97,706.46 |
Fort Severn | 380,381.95 | 122,321.71 |
Kasabonika | 458,936.38 | 147,582.93 |
Kashechewan | 646,902.38 | 208,028.28 |
Keewaywin | 153,130.18 | 49,242.99 |
Kingfisher Lake | 244,132.23 | 78,507.07 |
Lansdowne House (Neskantaga) | 107,336.14 | 34,516.73 |
Muskrat Dam | 95,593.49 | 30,740.57 |
North Spirit Lake | 74,318.72 | 23,899.12 |
Ogoki (Marten Falls) | 2,865.93 | 921.61 |
Peawanuck (Weenusk) | 198,995.14 | 63,992.06 |
Pikangikum | 556,694.78 | 179,019.69 |
Poplar Hill | 165,352.37 | 53,173.35 |
Sachigo Lake | 228,698.56 | 73,543.97 |
Summer Beaver (Nibinamik) | 120,181.59 | 38,647.51 |
Wapekeka (Angling Lake) | 77,010.24 | 24,764.65 |
Wawakapewin | 23.63 | 7.60 |
Weagamow Lake | 289,484.65 | 93,091.32 |
Webequie | 352,876.95 | 113,476.76 |
Wunnummin Lake | 300,383.66 | 96,596.18 |
If pressed on climate change in remote communities in Northern Ontario
- First Nation Adapt provides funding support to First Nation communities to assess the impacts of climate change and plan for adaptation. The program has supported communities in northern Ontario to address impacts on infrastructure from flood events, ice jams, and shortened winter road seasons.
- First Nation Adapt has worked across northern Ontario, supporting risk assessment and adaptation planning work in over 24 communities, with funding of over $2.7 million. In addition, the program has supported a number of workshops on climate change adaptation, as well as training on the use of First Nations specific tools for the assessment of climate change risks to infrastructure.
- The Program has continued to provide support during the COVID-19 pandemic and has increased flexibilities to allow communities to continue their work on this important issue.
Long term drinking water advisories
- Everyone in Canada should have access to safe, clean, and reliable drinking water.
- Budget 2019 dedicated an additional $739 million over five years, to support ongoing efforts to eliminate and prevent long-term drinking water advisories, with $184.9 million per year ongoing.
- Since November 2015, 40 long-term drinking water advisories have been revoked from public systems on reserves in Ontario, including 37 in Northern Ontario First Nations.
- There are 44 that remain in effect of which 31 are in Northern Ontario First Nations
- The Government of Canada is working with First Nation leaders, communities and organizations to co-develop long‑term solutions to ensure clean drinking water for all communities.
Background – Long Term Drinking Water Advisories
- Of the 31 remaining long-term drinking water advisories in Northern Ontario First Nations, ISC has provided funding for First Nations to undertake projects to address 29 of the advisories. The current status of the projects are:
- 5 are in post-construction awaiting recommendation to lift from EPHO or acceptance of recommendation from the Chief and Council;
- 23 are in various stages of construction; and
- 2 are in the design stage
- For the remaining 2 long-term drinking water advisories, ISC is working with each First Nation to define the necessary scope of work and funding requirements.
Inuit Housing
- Improving Inuit housing outcomes is a priority for our Government. We recognize the pandemic has created additional housing demands and that housing is key to mitigating the spread of COVID-19 in the North.
- Through my discussions with Inuit and Northern partners, I am keenly aware of the extensive overcrowding and inadequate housing, as well as the lack of community shelters and transitional housing that are key to supporting vulnerable individuals and families.
- In order to address this challenge in a timely and meaningful way, our Government is working with Inuit partners—including Inuit Tapiriiit Kanatami, Inuit land claim governments and organizations, Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, and Employment and Social Development Canada—to implement the co-developed, distinctions‑based Inuit Nunangat Housing Strategy.
- Budget 2018 invested $400 million over 10 years for Inuit-led housing in Nunatsiavut, Nunavik and the Inuvialuit region.
- This funding and approach, premised on Inuit-led housing delivery, is a significant step towards addressing the housing needs in Inuit Nunangat.
- In Nunavik, since 2016, 240 units have been constructed and delivered and 54 units will be constructed for delivery in 2020.
- In Inuvik, design work and planning is currently underway for the development of a 27,000 square foot, 17 unit apartment building to provide affordable rental units to Inuvialuit.
- In Labrador, multi-unit complexes have been constructed to provide a home for parents whose children may have otherwise been taken into care without the provision of adequate housing. This innovative approach to the issues of children in care will maintain the family unit, keep children connected to their community and culture and prevent children from going into care.
- In addition, through Budget 2017, approximately $290 million over 10 years is being delivered to Nunavut through a bilateral agreement between the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation and the Nunavut Housing Corporation as part of the National Housing Strategy.
- Notwithstanding these critical investments and the progress, we are aware that there is still much work to be done. For instance, greater support is necessary to manage operations and maintenance, and, more recently, more steps are needed to ensure that COVID-19 public health recommendations can be followed.
- We are continuing to maintain our dialogue and partnership with Inuit and northern partners to ensure that we are able to advance progress in these key areas and more.
- Through our continued partnership with Indigenous and northern partners, we are committed to closing the housing gap for Inuit and ensuring access to housing.
CIRNAC has worked in partnership with Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami, Inuit land claim governments and organizations, Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) and Employment and Social Development Canada to develop the Inuit Nunangat Housing Strategy, which was made public on April 4, 2019. The Strategy is premised on self-determination with Inuit recipients holding the responsibility, decision making powers and capacity to meet housing needs at the regional level. Budget 2018 allocated $400 million over 10 years to support Inuit-led housing in the Inuit regions of Nunavik, Nunatsiavut and Inuvialuit, with an additional $289.6 million over 10 years for Nunavut from Budget 2017 through CMHC to the Government of Nunavut.
Examples of Inuit housing projects through direct CIRNAC investments:
- Nunatsiavut Government (Labrador)
- Multi-unit complexes have been constructed to provide a home for parent(s) whose children may have otherwise been taken into care without the provision of adequate housing. This innovative approach to the issues of children in care will maintain the family unit, keep children connected to their community and culture and prevent children from coming into care through Department of Child, Seniors and Social Development. The long-term outcomes therefore include new housing in Nain and Hopedale where housing needs are greatest, a reduced number of children in care and support for parents to provide a stable, healthy home environment within their community and culture.
- Inuvialuit Regional Corporation (NWT)
- In Inuvik, design work and planning is currently underway for the development of 27,000 square foot, 17 unit apartment building to provide affordable rental units to Inuvialuit in Inuvik. The project is expected to be completed in 2021 at a cost of $12.5M.
- Makivik Corporation (Nunavik, QC)
- A new allocation of 54 units to be constructed for delivery in 2020 was made on September 12th, 2019 during a meeting held in Kuujjuaq. (Since 2016, 240 units have been constructed and delivered through Budgets 2016 and 2018 funding - $25M annually).
- A new allocation of 54 units to be constructed for delivery in 2020 was made on September 12th, 2019 during a meeting held in Kuujjuaq. (Since 2016, 240 units have been constructed and delivered through Budgets 2016 and 2018 funding - $25M annually).
Connectivity in Northern and Remote Communities
- The connectivity limitations in the North have long been raised, but COVID-19 has highlighted the connectivity gap and the important and far-reaching impacts.
- Many communities rely exclusively on satellite for access to internet services; they lack access to the fast, high quality and reliable telecommunications networks that people need to telework and to access on-line medicine or education.
- We know that we need to secure fast, reliable and affordable broadband connectivity for all across the North.
- This is why we recently announced an additional investment of $750 million on top of the $1 billion announced in Budget 2019 to help connect Canadians to high-speed Internet across the country, grow businesses, and create jobs.
- This investment will connect 98 per cent of Canadians across the country to high-speed Internet by 2026, with the goal of connecting all Canadians by 2030.
- The Prime Minister also announced an agreement of $600 million with Canadian satellite company Telesat to improve connectivity and expand high-speed Internet coverage to the far north, rural, and remote regions across Canada, through low-earth-orbit satellite capacity.
- Delivering high-speed internet to Northern communities has never been more important than now as the economy begins to open and our attention turns to recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic.
- I support my colleagues across the government in their efforts to ensure that all Canadians have access to high-speed Internet.
If pressed on the Arctic and Northern Policy Framework
- "Fast, reliable, and affordable broadband for all" is one of the objectives of the Arctic and Northern Policy Framework.
- Implementation of the Framework will focus on the co-development of national and regional governance approaches and on plans to implement and make progress on the Framework goals and objectives.
- The collaboration established through the Arctic and Northern Policy Framework is supporting our recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.
If pressed on Kivalliq Hydro-Fibre Link
- The Inuit-led Kivalliq Hydro-Fibre Link will deliver clean energy and broadband connectivity to five Kivalliq communities and two operating mines, improving telecommunications and public service delivery for 7,500 residents in those communities.
- We are committed to working with the Kivalliq Inuit Association and partners to determine the feasibility of this important project.
The North has long-faced connectivity issues. Many communities still have slow internet connections and no cell phone service, and priority within networks must be kept for vital services such as telehealth. COVID-19 has increased the impact of the connectivity gap the North faces: In Nunavut, teachers were asked to print and disseminate lessons to primary school students because online schooling is not an option. Many people are unable to work from home, and where they can, are unable to do so to the full extent as those in the South. Northwest Territories Liberal MP Michael McLeod, for example, has had difficulties connecting to virtual Parliamentary meetings. Without adequate Internet, Northerners are unable to come together with family, friends or as a community, small businesses are not supported, and they do not have the same access to timely information.
In Budget 2019, and High-Speed Access for All: Canada's Connectivity Strategy, released in June 2019, the Government of Canada set a national target for universal broadband access, in which 95 per cent of Canadian homes and businesses will have access to internet speeds of at least 50/10 Mbps by 2026 and 100 per cent by 2030, no matter where they are located in the country.
The Government of Canada has made billions available to support the building of rural and remote Internet infrastructure, so that these communities can succeed in the digital age: These investments are directed toward remote communities located in both the territories and in provinces – for example, since 2015 over $55.7 million in federal funding has been approved through signed contribution agreements and directed toward broadband investments in northern Ontario by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada, Infrastructure Canada and Indigenous Services Canada. This investment has also been significantly augmented by provincial, recipient and other funding.
Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada
- Universal Broadband Fund - Budget 2019 announced funding of $1 billion over 10 years for the UBF. The 2020 Speech from the Throne noted that the connectivity timelines and ambitions of the UBF would be accelerated. The government recognizes the urgency of bridging the digital divide for Canadians and it looks forward to launching the Universal Broadband Fund.
- Connect to Innovate - Announced in Budget 2016, Connect to Innovate is primarily focused on the construction of new backbone infrastructure (digital highways that move large amounts of data in and out of communities at high speeds) to connect institutions like schools, hospitals, First Nation band offices and libraries, and to improve residential and business Internet services. Projects funded under the $585 million Connect to Innovate program will bring new or improved high-speed access to over 390,000 rural and remote households, including in 190 Indigenous communities.
- Telesat LEO Satellites - The government has partnered with Telesat and invested up to $600 million to secure Low Earth Orbit satellite capacity over Canada to reach the most remote communities. These satellites will provide high-bandwith, low-latency broadband internet coverage to rural and remote regions of Canada, including the North.
Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission
- CRTC Broadband Fund - In 2016, the CRTC established a fund of up to $750 million to help achieve universal access at speeds of 50/10 Mbps, as well as mobile coverage along major roads. The CRTC's fund is sourced from a levy on telecommunications service providers' revenues. On June 3, 2019, the CRTC issued a notice of its first call for applications to its fund. The first call accepted applications for Yukon, Northwest Territories, Nunavut and satellite-dependent communities across Canada, and closed on October 3, 2019. On August 12, 2020, the CRTC approved $72M in funding for five projects in the north, which will improve broadband service to more than 10,000 households in 51 communities. The CRTC's second call for applications, focusing on the rest of Canada, closed June 1, 2020.
Canada Infrastructure Bank (CIB)
- CIB Financing - The CIB supports infrastructure projects in the public interest and uses its project financing expertise to crowd-in private investment and ensure optimal allocation of risk between the public and private sectors. Broadband is one of the CIB's priority investment categories. In October 2020, the Government announced the CIB's $10 billion Growth Plan that includes $2 billion for broadband investments – up from $1 billion announced in Budget 2019.
Infrastructure Canada
- Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program – Rural and Northern Stream - Broadband is an eligible category under the Rural and Northern Communities Infrastructure (R&N) stream of the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program (ICIP). Since 2018, INFC has announced $341 million in funding for eleven broadband projects.
Indigenous Services Canada
- First Nations Infrastructure Fund (FNIF) - Connectivity projects are one of the eight project categories eligible under the FNIF. In general, the FNIF only funds on-reserve projects, but can also fund off-reserve projects that are cost-shared with non-First Nation and Indigenous partners. Since 2016, the FNIF has provided over $50 million for 20 connectivity projects.
Regional Development Agencies
- Regional capacity building support - The RDAs have regional economic development funding programs that can be used for community broadband capacity building, or small scale construction. This support is complementary to that provided by programs focussed on larger scale broadband infrastructure deployment. In addition, some RDAs help facilitate on-the-ground support and assistance in establishing regional partnerships. For example, FedNor has provided funding to five ICT Networks and Champions to support communities with broadband infrastructure planning and technology adoption. CanNor has provided over $2 million since 2015 for capacity building and small scale construction in the territories.
Departmental Indigenous Representation
- ISC and CIRNAC remain committed to a high representation of Indigenous employees, including in executive positions.
- The departments' human resources statistics rely on individuals to self-identify as Indigenous by completing a voluntary employment equity form. Some individuals choose not to self-identify, so the actual number of Indigenous employees may be higher than recorded.
- There is currently an awareness campaign underway within the executive group to encourage individuals to self-identify using the Executive Talent Management System for talent management purposes.
- As of September 2020, the Indigenous representation rate at CIRNAC is 15.5%, compared with 27.4% for ISC. Prior to the creation of CIRNAC and ISC in 2017, 26.5% of employees at the former INAC self-identified as Indigenous.
- The decrease in the rate of Indigenous representation at CIRNAC after 2017 reflects the division of programs between CIRNAC and ISC, and the transfer of the First Nations and Inuit Health Branch from Health Canada to ISC.
- This included a transfer of over 2,000 employees in November 2017 from the former INAC to ISC and the transfer of approximately another 1,000 employees in July 2019.
- ISC now has most of the regional programs and programs that work directly with Indigenous communities where Indigenous employee representation rates tend to be higher.
- ISC and CIRNAC are committed in becoming employers of choice for Indigenous peoples, and will continue to improve the recruitment and retention of Indigenous employees at all levels.
- In addition, the departments will continue to regularly administer employment equity awareness programs with employees and encourage them to self-identify where applicable.
Indigenous Recruitment and Retention
- The departments plan to do better and has taken steps to strengthen the recruitment and retention of Indigenous employees.
- In early 2020, under the Human Resources and Workplace Services Branch, a division was created and responsible for Indigenous programs, including the recruitment, retention and development of Indigenous employees.
- The departments continue to support developmental programs such as the Aboriginal Leadership Development Initiative as well as Indigenous cultural competency training for all employees. It also provides support to Indigenous employees through the Indigenous employee secretariat.
- The departments also identified two Indigenous executive co-champions who facilitate a departmental working group to advance priorities of Indigenous employees, including Indigenous recruitment and retention.
Data Collection and Employment Equity
# Indigenous Employees (including executives) Sep 30, 2020 |
# Indigenous Executives Sep 30, 2020 |
% of executive employees in the department | |
CIRNAC | 289 | 9 | 9.8% |
ISC | 1,640 | 39 | 22.9% |
The numbers of CIRNAC executives who have self-identified as Indigenous are too small when broken down by executive levels and therefore a further breakdown cannot be released in order to protect confidentiality.
# Indigenous employees | First Nations | Inuit | Métis | Not specified |
289 | 42% | 17% | 37% | 4% |
# Indigenous employees | First Nations | Inuit | Métis | Not specified |
1,640 | 70% | 1% | 26% | 3% |
# Indigenous executives | First Nations | Inuit | Métis |
39 | 71% | 0% | 27% |
Reporting Period | Organization | Count | Representation Rate |
Pre-OIC: November 2017 | Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada | 1202 | 26.5% |
Northern Affairs Organization (INAC) | 94 | 21.3% | |
First Nations and Inuit Health Branch (Health Canada) | 565 | 26.1% | |
September 2020 | Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada | 289 | 15.5% |
Northern Affairs Organization (CIRNAC) | 85 | 18.3% | |
Indigenous Services Canada | 1640 | 27.4% | |
First Nations and Inuit Health Branch (ISC) | 705 | 27.6% |
Source: PeopleSoft (MyGCHR) Human Resource Management System
- The data in this report on representation of employees in the Employment Equity Designated Groups is based on a self-identification form provided to all new employees. Employees may voluntarily self-identify as belonging to more than one of the designated groups.
- Employee population for the purpose of reporting Employment Equity includes indeterminate employees, employees with terms of three months or more, and seasonal employees (excluding those on leave without pay). Excluded are students and casual workers.
- The ISC counts post OIC include the First Nations and Inuit Health Branch.
Standing Committee on Indigenous and Northern Affairs (INAN), 43rd Parliament, 2nd Session
Gary Anandasangaree, Lib (Scarborough—Rouge Park, ON)
Biographical information
Mr. Anandasangaree was first elected to the House of Commons in 2015, and again in 2019.
Prior to his election to the House of Commons, Mr. Anandasangaree advocated for education and justice as an internationally recognized human rights lawyer and community activist. He has served as Chair of the Canadian Tamil Youth Development Centre, President of the Canadian Tamils' Chamber of Commerce, and counsel to the Canadian Tamil Congress. He was also legal counsel to the Independent Mortgage Brokers and Agents, a board member of the Youth Challenge Fund, member of the Toronto Police Chief's Advisory Board, and a member of the United Way Newcomers Grant Program.
Mr. Anandasangaree attended Osgoode Hall Law School. He was called to the bar in 2006 and later managed his own firm in Scarborough, Ontario. He has been an advocate for human rights issues, regularly representing Lawyers' Rights Watch Canada at the United Nations. He has also served as an advocate for local youth, intervening in cases of wrongful student expulsion and suspension.
For his community service and local advocacy, Mr. Anandasangaree has received both the Queen's Golden and Diamond Jubilee medals. He also received the Osgoode Hall Law School "One to Watch" Gold Key Award and the South Asian Bar Association's Young Practitioner Award.
Statements on Indigenous Issues
- Wet'suwet'en Protests: "Our government is seized with this matter… We all want peace and we want to get rail traffic going across the country. The Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations and the Minister of Indigenous Services have stated that they are ready and willing to meet with the hereditary leadership at the earliest opportunity. With the B.C. RCMP's outreach to the chiefs yesterday, we hope this creates the ability to advance a peaceful resolution." Hansard, Feb 21, 2020
- Indigenous Languages: "We can never recover from it, and I do not think that many people who have faced this type of struggle and violation could ever recover from it, but it is important that we start the process. That is why, overall, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission's calls to action are important, and that is why language revival is so essential." Hansard, May 2, 2019
General Issues Raised in Question Period and Committee
- Policing: Racial representation is quite important. We see some transformation taking place. Peel, City of Toronto and now City of Ottawa police services are led by racialized individuals, and I think within the service itself there are more people who are getting into the system. SECU meeting, July 23, 2020.
- Environment: Government is committed to attaining net-zero emissions by 2050; ban single-use plastics by 2021; protect 25% of our shores and 25% of our land mass by 2025, 30% by 2030; attaining net-zero emissions will require enormous commitment from everyone to reach this target by 2050. Hansard, Dec 11, 2019
- Bill C-18 (An Act to amend the Rouge National Urban Park Act, the Parks Canada Agency Act and the Canada National Parks Act): Canada at the forefront of efforts to conserve elements of its heritage, flora, fauna, and landscapes; first priority on ecological integrity in the management of the Rouge National Urban Park to further international leadership in conservation. Hansard, Feb 17, 2017
General Issues Raised in the Media
- Anti-Black Racism: "We cannot continue to afford to let history repeat itself. We must not only address Anti-Black racism and educate one another, but stand shoulder-to-shoulder with all our brothers and sisters across the globe to fight back against any form of racism and discrimination." Twitter, May 30, 2020
Written Questions
- None.
Private Members' Business
- M-24 (Tamil Heritage Month) (Motion Agreed To, Oct 5, 2016) - That, in the opinion of the House, the government should recognize the contributions that Tamil-Canadians have made to Canadian society, the richness of the Tamil language and culture, and the importance of educating and reflecting upon Tamil heritage for future generations by declaring January, every year, Tamil Heritage Month.
Jaime Battiste, Lib (Sydney-Victoria, NS)
Biographical information
Born in Potlotek First Nation, NS, Mr. Battiste was first elected to the House of Commons in 2019.
Prior to his election, Mr. Battiste was a published writer on Mi'kmaq laws, history, and knowledge. After graduating from Dalhousie Law in 2004, he worked as a professor, senior advisor, citizenship coordinator and Assembly of First Nations Regional Chief.
Mr. Battiste has extensive volunteer experience in athletics, youth advocacy, community events, and advocacy for the Mi'kmaw Nation. He is a member of the Aboriginal Sport Circle and a part owner of the Eskasoni Junior B Eagles. He served as the Nova Scotia Youth council representative to the Assembly of First Nation National Youth Council from 2001-2006. In 2005, the National Aboriginal Healing Organization named him as one of the National Aboriginal Role Models in Canada. In 2006, as Chair of the Assembly of First Nations Youth Council, he became one of the founding members of the Mi'kmaq Maliseet Atlantic Youth Council (MMAYC), an organization that represents and advocates for Mi'kmaw and Maliseet youth within the Atlantic. In 2018, Mr. Battiste was recognized with the Sovereign's Medal for Volunteers.
Mr. Battiste is the first Mi'kmaw Member of Parliament.
Statements on Indigenous Issues
- Creation of an Atlantic First Nations Fisheries Authority: "It's a partnership approach rather than a paternal approach. That's what reconciliation is about. It's about moving forward together, hearing each other and figuring out how we can best find win-win, collaborative approaches to solving difficult situations." CBC news, Sept. 30, 2020.
- COVID-19 government response: "Our Government is investing $100M to meet the urgent food needs of vulnerable Canadians, including those living in Indigenous and northern communities. This money will help ensure that organizations can buy and deliver food to those who need it most." Twitter, Apr 3, 2020
- Wet'suwet'en Protests: "I ask today for leaders in Canada, leaders of both indigenous and non-indigenous people, to commit to making our relationship work. Political action, not police action, has the ability to decrease tensions... Political discussion and negotiation is what is needed, not inflammatory rhetoric." Hansard, Feb 18, 2020
- First Nations Education: "In Nova Scotia, the Mi'kmaq took control over their education system 20 years ago with Mi'kmaw Kina'matnewey, which we call MK, … and we saw a 30% graduation rate increase to where we are today at about 90%. The evidence seems to clear that first nations-led and first nations-governed education systems achieve better results for first nations students. I also understand that there are 23 Anishinabek nations who have signed a historic self-government agreement on education." INAN, Feb 25, 2020
- Indigenous Languages: "Our govt is implementing the Indigenous Languages Act by contributing $337m over the next 5 yrs for Indigenous Languages, and $1500/yr for kindergarten to grade 12 First Nations students as part of the new co-develop education funding policy." Twitter, Jan 27, 2020
- Indigenous Role: "Being the first-ever Mi'kmaw Member of Parliament who is also a member of the Eskasoni First Nation, I want to acknowledge the significant role indigenous people have played in Canada's history." Hansard, Jan 27, 2020
General Issues Raised in Question Period and Committee
- Environment: The Indigenous Leadership Initiative hosted the Land Needs Guardians conference in Ottawa to address the challenges of climate change and biodiversity loss; indigenous nations are at the forefront of a growing movement to create indigenous protection in conserved areas. Hansard, Feb 5, 2020
General Issues Raised in the Media
- Health Care in Cape Breton: "… the need to improve access to health care in Cape Breton… will be one of my many priorities." Twitter, Dec 19, 2019
Written Questions
- None.
Private Members' Business
- M-35 (environment grading label) (Motion placed on notice, February 20, 2020) - That: the House recognize that Canadians understand that climate change represents a threat to our way of life and are looking for opportunities where they can make a difference in their day-to-day lives, and that the Standing Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development be instructed to undertake a study to recommend a consumer-friendly environment grading label on all products available to Canadian consumers and to provide recommendations to the industry sector on ways to implement the labelling regime, and that the study examine, among other matters, the possibility of having the environment grading label include greenhouse gas emissions, water and energy usage, and waste creation.
Bob Bratina, Lib (Hamilton East — Stoney Creek, ON)
Biographical information
Born in Hamilton, ON, Mr. Bratina was first elected to the House of Commons in 2015, and again in 2019.
Prior to his election, Mr. Bratina worked in radio and broadcasting for local morning shows and sporting events. In 1998, he was inducted into the Football Reporters of Canada Hall of Fame. He was also a nominee for Hamilton Citizen of the Year, and won Hamilton Mountain Citizen of the Year. He also served on numerous Boards of Directors including; GO Transit, Art Gallery of Hamilton, Theatre Aquarius, and HECFI.
In 2004, he was elected as MPP for Hamilton Centre, and again in 2006. His concerns over high lead readings in city drinking water resulted in a lead water service replacement loan program and a lead blood screening program for young children. He was elected as Mayor of Hamilton in 2010, seeing the completion of a new stadium, development in the downtown core, and a move to solve the impasse in the local Randle Reed project.
Statements on Indigenous Issues
- Wet'suwet'en Protests and the RCMP: "All communities should benefit from policing that is professional and dedicated, and indigenous communities are no exception. That is why we will co-develop a legislative framework for first nations policing and expand the number of communities served by the first nations policing program. We will ensure police officers and services have the necessary tools and resources to protect the vulnerable and increase community safety." Hansard, Feb 20, 2020
- Water Quality: "We can no longer take a reactive approach to combatting lead pipes and drinking water quality. The time has come for the federal government to work together with its provincial, territorial, municipal, and indigenous partners to create a unified cross-country solution to eradicate these issues, which affect the very young more than the old, and low-income families more than the affluent. Children in older, poorer neighbourhoods should not be exposed to a serious health hazard because of where they live or their family's economic status." Hansard, Feb 7, 2017
General Issues Raised in Question Period and Committee
- Automotive industry: "I am encouraged by the recent Unifor-Ford collective bargaining agreement and what this multi-billion dollar investment means for the future of Canadian auto manufacturing. As the member for Hamilton East—Stoney Creek, I represent Canada's biggest steel producer and hundreds of related manufacturing operations." Hansard, Oct. 8, 2020
- Steel and Bill C-101 (An Act to Amend the Customs Tariff and the International Trade Tribunal Act): Government must have tools and resources it needs to protect Canadians while continuing to encourage foreign investment, trade and economic growth. Hansard, Jun 6, 2019
- Veterans: Must keep investing in veterans' benefits and services. After 10 years of cuts to funding and staff, we are rebuilding the trust of veterans. Hansard, Sep 25, 2018
General Issues Raised in the Media
- Steel: "I've always supported steel all my life … I had steelworkers at the door thanking me for what I did. (Stelco) is working; pensioners are getting their pensions; we put millions of dollars to increase the production facility.", Oct 22, 2019
Written Questions
- None.
Private Members' Business
- M-69 (Water Quality) (Motion Agreed To, Feb 7, 2017) - That, in the opinion of the House: (a) the Standing Committee on Transport, Infrastructure and Communities should undertake a study on (i) the presence of lead in Canadian tap water, (ii) provincial, territorial and municipal efforts to date to replace lead water distribution lines, (iii) current federal efforts to support other levels of government in the provision of safe drinking water; (b) the Committee should report to the House no later than December 1, 2017; and (c) following the tabling of the said report, the federal government should engage with key stakeholders, such as provincial and territorial governments, the Federation of Canadian Municipalities, as well as Indigenous partners, to discuss options for addressing lead drinking water service lines, including any potential role for the federal government.
Marcus Powlowski, Lib (Thunder Bay—Rainy River, ON)
Biographical information
Born in Fort William, ON, Mr. Powlowski was first elected to the House of Commons in 2019.
Prior to his election, Mr. Powlowski served as a physician in the Emergency Room at Thunder Bay Regional Health Science Centre. In addition to being a medical doctor, he has two law degrees - LL.B, LL.M from the universities of Toronto and Georgetown, respectively. He also attended Harvard University and obtained a Masters of Public Health in Health Law and Policy.
Mr. Powlowski worked as a doctor for two years in northern First Nations communities, and for seven years practicing medicine in several developing countries in Africa and Oceania. For several years, he worked as a consultant in health legislation for the World Health Organization. He also volunteered on a medical project in Ethiopia.
Statements on Indigenous Issues
- COVID-19: "H1N1, which was the last COVID-19-like virus to go around, disproportionately affected people in northern indigenous communities for the reasons … probably (because of) the usual social determinants of health, lack of water, overcrowding, those kinds of things. However, I think there was probably also a genetic component. Being a doctor in Thunder Bay regional hospital at the time, we had a lot of ICU beds occupied by people from northern communities. There were young people who got H1N1 and were ill enough that they had to be intubated and put on a ventilator. The ultimate concern with COVID-19 is the proportion of people who have more serious illnesses. The answer to that, if you're in one of the northern fly-in communities, is to fly them out. In the case of an epidemic, you're probably going to need more planes, better transportation systems. Is that being considered and prepared for?" INAN, Mar 12, 2020
- Wet'suwet'en Protests: "It is imperative to exhaust all peaceful means of resolving the rail blockades." Hansard, Feb 18, 2020
- Funding for Services: "A constant refrain that I hear in Thunder Bay is that we have this large community here, but we're not getting the funding to provide services for that community. I know there's Jordan's Principle there that says nobody falls between the cracks, but that seems like that's filling in the cracks, that's not really a plan. What is being done in order to assist indigenous people coming to these kinds of communities to get the services they need to integrate if they so choose, into the society?" INAN, Feb 25, 2020
- Indigenous living conditions: "I fully support efforts to improve the living conditions of the indigenous population - we can do better than we are doing now.", July 21, 2019
General Issues Raised in Question Period and Committee
- COVID-19: Over the years, because of a lack of infectious disease, we've become a lot more concerned about doing everything possible not to infringe on individual liberties, and we've been very reluctant to use any sort of coercive action to control the spread of infectious disease. This is public health academia. Although our government was criticized for it, it is the prevailing attitude in public health academia and public health circles in the western world… this was perhaps a mistake on the part of the public health community. HESA, Apr 15, 2020
- Housing: Government has made a real investment in Canadian communities; cost of rent is going up everywhere; need for federal government to play a leadership role in the housing sector. Hansard, Jan 29, 2020
General Issues Raised in the Media
- LGBTIQ+ Discrimination: "LGBTIQ+ people still face serious challenges in their everyday life. When we stop pointing to the exceptions and start looking at how we can best support each other, we break the silence and continue the demand for systemic change." Twitter, May 17, 2020
- Firearms: "Given that there is currently no legal definition for a 'military assault rifle in Canada, some community members I have spoken with are skeptical that a ban based on this term would make sense as a coherent firearm policy. Such a term, as they see it, is more political than policy oriented, and seeks to target certain firearms without a rational basis.", Jan 21, 2020
Written Questions
- None.
Private Members' Business
- None.
Adam van Koeverden, Lib (Milton, ON)
Biographical information
Born in Toronto, ON, Mr. van Koeverden was first elected to the House of Commons in 2019.
Prior to his election, Mr. van Koeverden was a professional sprint kayaker. He has won numerous Olympic medals, including the gold medal in men's canoeing at the 2004 Athens Olympic Games, and has also won numerous medals at World Championship events, including the gold medal in 2007, and again in 2011.
Mr. van Koeverden has also worked as a managing consultant with Deloitte, and as a broadcaster, writer and producer with CBC Sports. He graduated as valedictorian from McMaster University in 2007 with a Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology.
He has volunteered extensively for organizations like Right To Play, WaterAID, Special Olympics, Parkinson's Canada, and the David Suzuki Foundation. He has also served as Chair of the Canadian Olympic Athletes' Commission, and was a member of the federal government's working group for Gender Inclusion and Gender Based Violence in Sport.
Statements on Indigenous Issues
- Wet'suwet'en Protests: "We can certainly all agree, I hope, that a peaceful process and a resolution that results in no violence is in everyone's best interests. However, the language that we have heard from the Leader of the Opposition is anything but peaceful, as he suggested that indigenous people 'check their privilege'" Hansard, Feb 18, 2020
- Energy: "As we all know, many communities continue to rely on diesel-fueled power as a primary energy source. We've heard from many communities that this is becoming increasingly challenging as the impacts of climate change affect their ability to access diesel, as well as the cost." INAN, Feb 25, 2020
- Indigenous Inclusion: "I am grateful to Inuit people for providing a boat that I used for many years. As a white guy from Oakville, I always express gratitude to indigenous people for the artifacts that we often use. Many are not aware that lacrosse, for example, is an indigenous sport, and kayaking as well. I think acknowledging that is a very important aspect of truth and reconciliation, […] our government's track record speaks for itself on truth and reconciliation, although there is far more work that needs to be done by all parties in this House." Hansard, Dec 12, 2019
General Issues Raised in Question Period and Committee
- Equality in Sport & Society: Find solutions so all Canadians can access sport, recreation and physical activity; examine barriers to women in leadership roles in the sport industry; work on expanding Canada's anti-racism strategy; ensure easier access to sports and community activities for newcomers to Canada. Hansard, Jan 27, 2020
- Environment: Carbon pricing a very effective solution; government has stepped in to make sure that everybody follows a carbon pricing scheme; investments in green energy and green infrastructure to bring us closer to zero net carbon emissions by 2050. Hansard, Dec 12, 2019
- Mental Health: Workplaces across Canada should have mental health standards; people should not be waiting months for mental health services. Hansard, Jan 27, 2020
- Cooperative Housing: One of the ways to relieve poverty is to ensure that there is less profit and that when people pay the rent, they do not need to ensure that somebody else is making a buck; always a vocal advocate for co-op housing. Hansard, Dec 12, 2019
General Issues Raised in the Media
- Canada Child Benefit: "Canada is an example of what real action on poverty reduction looks like. With programs like the Canada Child Benefit - families in Milton, and across our country have more money each month. That's more money for healthy food, sports & recreation and quality time together." Twitter, Feb 6, 2019
Written Questions
- None.
Private Members' Business
- None.
Lenore Zann, Lib (Cumberland—Colchester, NS
Biographical information
Born in Sydney, Australia, Ms. Zann was first elected to House of Commons in 2019.
Prior to her election, Ms. Zann worked as a screen, television, stage, and voice actress, and appeared in numerous television shows, films, radio, and animated series.
Ms. Zann was elected to the Nova Scotia House of Assembly in 2009, and again in 2013 for the Nova Scotia NDP. She was the NDP spokesperson for Education, Environment, Status of Women, Human Rights Commission, Aboriginal Affairs & Truth & Reconciliation, Agriculture, Advanced Education, African NS Affairs, and Gaelic Affairs. She served as the Ministerial Assistant for the Department of Tourism, Culture, and Heritage.
Ms. Zann also produces and directs a community theatre production for the Truro Theatre Society.
Statements on Indigenous Issues
- Wet'suwet'en Protests: "As we heard from the Mohawk leaders, and from AFN National Chief Perry Bellegarde …, we need to resolve this impasse through dialogue and mutual respect." Hansard, Feb 20, 2020
- New fiscal relationships: "…When indigenous communities move toward self-governance and self-determination, they have better outcomes across the board…. Part of this includes developing fiscal relations with communities that allow them to make their own choices about where to invest and the government has proposed a new collaborative self-government fiscal policy as a better way to address the needs of self-governing first nations." INAN, Feb 25, 2020
- Indigenous Role in the Environment: "The First Nations people, the Mi'kmaq of Nova Scotia, have been very active in combatting all kinds of environmental degradation in our province. I am very proud to have stood with them on the front lines … especially when big corporations are polluting the lands right beside the First Nations communities." Hansard, Dec 12, 2019
- Environmental Racism: "One of the bills I introduced in the legislature in Nova Scotia was called "An Act to Address Environmental Racism." It acknowledged the disproportionate amount of toxic waste sites, landfills, dumps and huge corporate pollution on the lands of first nations and black communities. I would like environmental racism to be talked about more often, especially in the House, as we move forward." Hansard, Dec 12, 019
General Issues Raised in Question Period and Committee
- Gang Violence: Root causes of violence are poverty, desperation, lack of education, lack of a sense of hope, mental illness and addiction. Hansard, Dec 12, 2019
General Issues Raised in the Media
- Environmental Assessment: "An environmental assessment off the coast of Newfoundland could fast-track oil and gas exploration in an area that is home to sensitive corals and sponges, and includes important habitat for endangered whales. We have until Feb. 21 to take action" Twitter, Feb 8. 2020
Written Questions
- None.
Private Members' Business
- C-230 (National Strategy to Redress Environmental Racism Act) (Introduced Feb. 26, 2020) - An Act respecting the development of a national strategy to redress environmental racism.
Eric Melillo, CPC (Kenora, ON)
Biographical information
Born in Kenora, Ontario, Mr. Melillo was first elected to the House of Commons in 2019.
Prior to his election, Mr. Melillo studied economics at Lakehead University, worked for a non-partisan think tank in Thunder Bay (Northern Policy Institute) conducting policy analysis, served as an Associate for a Business Consulting firm, and worked as the campaign manager for Kenora—Rainy River MPP Greg Rickford.
Mr. Melillo is the Conservative Party's Shadow Minister for Northern Affairs and Economic Development Initiative for Northern Ontario.
Mr. Melillo is the first Generation Z MP, the youngest Conservative MP ever elected in Canada, and the youngest in the 43rd Canadian Parliament.
Statements on Indigenous Issues
- Northern affairs: "Many Canadians in my riding, across the territories and in other parts of northern Canada struggle with housing shortages, transportation difficulties and higher costs of goods and services. The north needs serious upgrades to infrastructure and transportation routes to ensure food security and lower the cost of living." Hansard, Sept. 25, 2020.
- Employment: "The Province of Ontario has announced $20 million to support northern Ontario businesses impacted by COVID-19, but FedNor is nowhere to be found… how has the government completely forgotten about northern Ontario?" Hansard, Sept. 29, 2020.
General Issues Raised in Question Period and Committee
- Broadband connectivity across Canada: "I'm happy to present a petition, which has been signed by hundreds of Canadians across 10 provinces and territories, calling on the government to take immediate action to improve rural broadband connectivity across Canada. Many Canadians in rural and remote regions of our country do not have access to reliable Internet …." COVID-19 Pandemic Committee on April 29, 2020.
- Canadian energy: "I would like to focus most of my time on the removal of NAFTA's energy proportionality clause, understanding that Canada will no longer be penalized for shipping less oil to the U.S. I would like to know if Canada has a plan now to diversify our exports and reach new markets for Canadian energy." Natural Resources Committee, Feb. 24, 2020
General Issues Raised in the Media
- Long-term boil water advisories on First Nations: "They've shown they can spend billions of dollars to address a crisis in short-notice during this pandemic, and there's no excuse to not have clean drinking water available for every single person living in Canada. That is something we will push them on." Twitter, Oct. 14, 2020
Written Questions
- Q-119, Mercury poisoning issues at the Grassy Narrows – Dec. 9, 2019
- Q-91, Drinking water advisories – Sept. 30, 2020
- Q-92, Nutrition North Canada – Sept. 30, 2020
Private Members' Business
- None.
Gary Vidal, CPC (Desnethé—Missinippi—Churchill River, SK)
Biographical information
Born in Meadow Lake, SK, Mr. Vidal was elected to the House of Commons for the first time in 2019.
Prior to his election, Mr. Vidal served as Mayor of Meadow Lake, Saskatchewan from 2011 to 2019. He graduated from Carpenter High School in 1983 and went on to study at the University of Saskatchewan and Briercrest Bible College.
He is a Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA, CGA) and is a partner in the accounting firm Pliska Vidal & Co. where he has been serving clients since 1988. He was also Vice Chair of Saskatchewan City Mayors' Caucus from 2016 to 2018. He was a member of the SaskWater Board of Directors from 2008 to 2017. In this position, he also served as Chair of the Governance and Corporate Responsibility Committee, Chair of the Audit and Finance Committee, and Chair of the Board from 2015 to 2017.
Mr. Vidal is currently the CPC critic for Indigenous Services.
Mr. Vidal has volunteered in a variety of leadership capacities in his local church as well as coaching and managing minor hockey, baseball, and soccer teams. In 2012, he was awarded the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal.
Statements on Indigenous Issues
- Policing: "Would you agree that, in the context of that percentage of indigenous people living off reserve in urban centres, declaring first nation policing as an essential service may not represent the needs of that population as well as it would for some of the people who live out in the reserve settings?" SECU Committee meeting, July 24, 2020.
- INAN Committee: "Surprised to hear @ccab_national @BullTabatha tell our #INAN committee that no Indigenous businesses have secured any procurement contracts from the Government to produce PPE's when many are willing and able. The Government needs to do better." Twitter, May 30, 2020
- COVID-19 legislation: "The currently legislation leaves out First Nations across Canada - we need to ensure these businesses have access to the same programs so they can survive during this difficult time." Twitter, Apr 24, 2020
- COVID-19 legislation (Cont): "The standard model for first nations in Canada to carry on business is through the use of limited partnerships. These limited partnerships operate businesses in all parts of the Canadian economy, including forestry, mining, manufacturing, construction and consumer sales. The effect of the COVID crisis on these companies mirrors that of the general Canadian economy. The brief indicates that this business model will not qualify for either of the amounts of the wage subsidy programs. If first nations businesses, through their limited partnership models, are excluded from these benefits, I see this as a huge gap in the creation of this wage subsidy." FINA, Apr 8, 2020
- COVID-19 First Nations elections: "Minister Miller and his department need to be in direct contact with these Nations immediately and provide them clarification. These elections are dangerous and the Government needs to be doing all they can to prevent outbreaks in indigenous communities." Twitter, Mar 26, 2020
- First Nations consultation: "…Why weren't the provinces consulted or engaged earlier on? The honest heart of the social service minister in Saskatchewan was an honest concern about no child falling through the cracks. Is there an intention to get the provincial departments more involved in the process going forward than they maybe were during the development of the legislation?" INAN, Feb 25, 2020
- Indigenous Youth Suicides: "If young people in northern Saskatchewan could look to the people they look up to, their parents, big brothers and sisters, and if they could look to the people they respect and see them succeed by being part of the industry in northern Saskatchewan, they would have hope. With that hope, they would not have to consider suicide as an outcome." Hansard, Jan 30, 2020
General Issues Raised in Question Period and Committee
- Softwood Lumber and USMCA: Lack of transparency from government, cannot adequately scrutinize the deal; no softwood lumber agreement, workers enduring hardships, fears of closure of lumber mills. Hansard, Dec 10, 2019
General Issues Raised in the Media
- COVID-19 Tax increases: "Today the Liberal's increased taxes on Canadians AGAIN! During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Justin Trudeau has increased his Carbon Tax, making everything more expensive for Canadians. So my colleagues and I from Saskatchewan wrote to the Minister of Finance, demanding he stop!" Twitter, Apr 1, 2020
- Firearms: "Here in Northern Saskatchewan, hunting and sport shooting are a way of life for a lot of people, including my son Alex. This is also an issue we commonly hear about when talking with voters. A Conservative government will protect the rights of law abiding gun owners." Twitter, Sep 15, 2019
Written Questions
- Q-186, Foreign takeovers and acquisitions of Canadian companies by foreign state-owned enterprises covered by the Investment Canada Regulations and the Investment Canada Act – Jan 27, 2020
- Q-187, Canadian Armed Forces members serving abroad – Jan 27, 2020
- Q-296, Commitments made in Budget 2019, Chapter 3 "Advancing Reconciliation" of the Budget Plan 2019 – Feb. 5, 2020
- Q-349, How many visits to First Nations reserves were made by the Minister of Indigenous and Northern Affairs, the Minister of Indigenous Services and the Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations – Feb 20, 2020
Private Members' Business
- None.
Arnold Viersen, CPC (Peace River—Westlock, AB)
Biographical information
Born in Barrhead, AB, Mr. Viersen was first elected to the House of Commons in 2015, and again in 2019.
Prior to his election, Mr. Viersen apprenticed as an auto service technician and attained his journeyman ticket from the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology (NAIT). He has also earned a business degree from the University of the Fraser Valley (UFV) while continuing his automotive career.
In the 42nd Parliament, Mr. Viersen was the CPC Deputy Critic of Rural Affairs. Since 2015, he has been a member of the Standing Committee on Indigenous and Northern Affairs.
Mr. Viersen is involved in a number of parliamentary caucuses; including the Indigenous Affairs Caucus, Outdoor Caucus, and the Pro-Life Caucus. He is also a member of the Canada-Netherlands Parliamentary Friendship Group, Parliamentarians for Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Disarmament and the Parliamentary Friends of the Kurds.
Statements on Indigenous Issues
- COVID-19: None.
- Indigenous Victims of Trafficking: "it is well known that indigenous women are by far the highest represented victim group in human trafficking in Canada while being only 4% of the women's population in Canada. A 2014 report by the Canadian Women's Foundation established that at least 50% of the female victims of sex trafficking in Canada were indigenous. In Winnipeg it was more like 70% or 80% and in Edmonton, a city near where I live, 40% to 50% of sex crime victims are indigenous women." INAN, Mar 12, 2020
- Band election accountability: "One of the concerns that keeps coming out of my riding is around band elections and due process for band members when they feel there is an irregularity or a change of a date, these kinds of things. In one case where there is no quorum because people have resigned from the band council, there's no ability to make quorum anymore and there's an expectation that INAN step in to fill the void. Because at this point they can't make quorum, they can't sign cheques, people aren't getting paid. I'm speaking about Kapawe'no First Nation. What is the process for allaying some of these concerns around due process when it comes to elections?" INAN, Feb 25, 2020
- Indigenous Languages: "It is not just indigenous languages that are struggling in Canada. Without the economic underpinning, people's culture, way of life and community are under threat, if people are unable to finance them and to survive under the economic situation in their particular area." Hansard, May 2, 2019
- Pipelines and Indigenous Communities: "One of the things that has really helped indigenous communities in northern Alberta is their participation in the oil and gas industry, and the wealth it has brought there. When the communities have the wealth, they become communities again; their culture begins to thrive and their languages are able to be maintained." Hansard, May 2, 2019
General Issues Raised in Question Period and Committee
- Human Trafficking and Sex Work: Legalized prostitution causes violence against sex workers; Sex trafficking increase, especially among youth; happened in Germany, New Zealand and the Netherlands; legitimization of prostitution normalizes attitudes of violence, misogyny and the objectification of women and girls. Hansard, Feb 4, 2020
General Issues Raised in the Media
- COVID-19 Assistance: "We are in this together. Whether you are a farmer, small business owner, oil and gas worker, front-line worker, or student - if you need assistance or help - please contact my office. We are here to help you get through this." Twitter, Apr 15, 2020
- Online sexual exploitation: "Parents must remain vigilant when it comes to the online activities of their children. As young people spend more time online during this time of confinement, the risks of online sexual exploitation increase." Twitter, Apr 14, 2020
Written Questions
- Q-113, New "For Glowing Hearts" logo unveiled by Destination Canada – Jan 27, 2020
- Q-112, Government's participation in the UN Climate Change Conference COP 25 in Madrid, Spain, in December 2019 – Jan 27, 2020
- Q-111, Government purchases of tickets or passes for Canada 2020 events during 2019
- Q-110, Total amount of late-payment charges for telephone services since June 1, 2018 – Jan 27, 2020
Private Members' Business
- C-463 (Putting Victims First Act) (Bill introduced and read for the first time in the House of Commons, June 19, 2019) – An Act to amend the Criminal Code (orders of prohibition and orders restricting publication).
- M-45 (National Human Trafficking Awareness Day) (Motion placed on notice August 10, 2020).
- M-212 (National Human Trafficking Awareness Day) (Motion Placed on Notice, Feb 20, 2019) - That, in the opinion of the House, the government should encourage Canadians to raise awareness of the magnitude of modern day slavery in Canada and abroad and to take steps to combat human trafficking, and should do so by designating the 22nd day of February each year as National Human Trafficking Awareness Day, to coincide with the anniversary of the unanimous declaration of the House on February 22, 2007, to condemn all forms of human trafficking and slavery.
- M-47 (Instruction to the Standing Committee on Health (Violent and Sexual Online Material)) (Motion Agreed To, Dec 6, 2016) - That the Standing Committee on Health be instructed to examine the public health effects of the ease of access and viewing of online violent and degrading sexually explicit material on children, women and men, recognizing and respecting the provincial and territorial jurisdictions in this regard, and that the said Committee report its findings to the House no later than July 2017.
Cathy McLeod, CPC (Kamloops—Thompson—Cariboo, BC
Biographical information
Born in Kingston, ON, Ms. McLeod was first elected to House of Commons in 2008, and again in 2011, 2015 and 2019.
Prior to her election, Ms. McLeod completed training from the University of Western Ontario as a registered nurse, practicing for some years thereafter.
McLeod was a municipal politician in Pemberton, British Columbia, serving as a town councillor from 1993 to 1996 and then as mayor from 1996 to 1999, before moving to Kamloops, where she worked as a nurse and a health care administrator.
In 2008, McLeod was elected Member of Parliament for the Kamloops—Thompson—Cariboo riding. She was re-elected in the 2011 federal election with 52% of the riding's vote.
On January 30, 2011, she became Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of National Revenue. On September 19, 2013, she became Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Labour and for Western Economic Diversification. On September 8, 2020 she became the Official Opposition's Critic for Crown-Indigenous Relations.
Statements on Indigenous Issues
- MMIWG: "This past weekend, Sisters in Spirit vigils were held across Canada to honour murdered and missing indigenous women and girls. This is an ongoing and devastating tragedy. It has been 16 months now and the government has been sitting on the results from the national inquiry's final report. The Native Women's Association gave it a resounding fail and stated that we did not have an action plan; we had a lack of an action plan. When can we expect a plan or is this just another failure to deliver?" Hansard, Oct. 6, 2020
- Self-governance: "There is the First Nations Land Management Act, which is very significant, the First Nations Land Management Act, which is again pretty significant, on organizations and operations. However, nothing has been done. I think it would be important for the Liberals especially and all members of the House to say that we promised we would not do this, but we did it. We have some testimony over in the Senate, and it should lead us to be a little concerned about what we have done. We need to actually support the amendments proposed by the Conservatives and do some proper process in terms of making sure that we are going to move forward with a piece of legislation that is going to get the job done. Otherwise, again, it is another broken promise and another failure of the Liberals." Hansard, Nov. 26, 2018
- UNDRIP: "In the past, the Liberals have argued vehemently that any small changes to the Indian Act and the Labour Code must only be introduced as government legislation, where there is an opportunity for comprehensive reflection and not just a couple of hours of debate. I would suggest that the bill before us today has more far-reaching implications than the right to a secret ballot for union certification. For the Liberals to support an NDP private member's bill to implement UNDRIP and not put it forward as government-initiated legislation is unfathomable. The debate will not be afforded the due diligence that it requires and deserves. Even today, members might have noticed that we did not hear from the minister. We did not have an opportunity under private members' business to even question the minister. In my mind, that is a problem." Members' Statement, HoC, Dec. 5, 2017.
General Issues Raised in Question Period and Committee
- Bill C-3 (Judges Act): "It is my privilege to rise to talk about Bill C-3, a bill that is going to make a small difference in what is really a larger system failure in dealing with sexual violence and sexual assault in Canada." Hansard, Oct. 8, 2020
- Speech from the Throne (Opioid epidemic): "In the throne speech, all the government did was acknowledge there is an opioid epidemic. It gave no hint of a plan. There was one sentence, when more than 1,000 people in B.C. have died. There are heartbroken families. Fentanyl is being smuggled unchecked and there is no plan from the Liberals. How does the government justify such neglect?" Hansard, Sept. 24, 2020
- Softwood Lumber: "We've had support going to the arts and we've had support going to fisheries, just to name a few, but arguably for the industry that was having some of the most numerous challenges, it has been radio silence. That was eight weeks ago today. Can the government at least commit to releasing an updated softwood lumber transition plan before we rise?" COVID-19 Pandemic Committee, June 16, 2020
General Issues Raised in the Media
- Long-term boil water advisories on First Nations: "Out of the many Liberal broken promises and commitments- this is the worst! These water systems can and must be fixed!" Twitter, Sept. 28, 2020
- Bill C-69: "We had conversations with mining association at the time suggesting they should be concerned about this bill. Economic recovery will require a nimble but comprehensive assessment process not multiple layers...Usually best left in the hands of the Province." Twitter, Aug. 22, 2020
Written Questions
- Q-117, Wet'suwet'en Nation and TC Energy's Coastal GasLink natural gas pipeline project – Oct. 5, 2020
- Q-118, Hgh-speed Internet to Indigenous communities – Oct. 5, 2020
- Q-119, Deadline to release a national action plan in response to the Final Report of the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls – Oct. 5, 2020
- Q-120, Contract between CIRNAC and Nathan Cullen – Oct. 5, 2020
Private Members' Business
- C-330 (An Act to amend the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (landlord consent)) (introduced and Dec. 14, 2016 - Defeated at second reading – May 30, 2018)
- C-290 (Modernizing Access to Product Information Act) (introduced June 14, 2016) – An Act to amend the Food and Drugs Act (machine-readable code).
- M-165 (Indigenous jurisdiction and institutions) (Motion placed on Notice, Jan. 31, 2018) - That, in the opinion of the House, the government should: (a) recognize Indigenous jurisdiction and support the creation of new accountable Indigenous institutions to provide services to Indigenous communities; (b) recognize that the most effective way to transfer jurisdiction and services from the government to Indigenous communities is to support First Nation-led opt-in legislation and to support First Nation institutions; (c) request that the Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs advance First Nation-led proposals to establish a First Nation-led infrastructure institution and a First Nation-led and operated Indigenous land title registry; and (d) report to the House annually on progress made.
Sylvie Bérubé, BQ (Abitibi—Baie-James—Nunavik—Eeyou, QC)
Biographical information
Ms. Bérubé was first elected to the House of Commons in 2019.
Prior to her election, Ms. Bérubé she spent 30 years with the CISSS de l'Abitibi-Témiscamingue in human resources and information. She also acted as the Director of the social committee at l'Hôpital de Val-d'Or, administrator for Taxibus, was a member of the information security association of Québec, and was President of the Parti Québécois d'Abitibi-Est.
Ms. Bérubé is currently the critic for Indigenous Affairs.
Statements on Indigenous Issues
- Key Indigenous issues: "Can we acknowledge the clear link between the spread of COVID-19 and the sanitary conditions of first nations? Can we pass a bill to give effect to the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples? Can we adopt framework legislation to replace the first nations policing policy? Can we deploy resources to ensure this is carried on in the daily practice, languages, culture and traditions of indigenous peoples? Can we fix the way indigenous schools operate to address the education crisis?" Hansard, Oct. 6, 2020
- Housing: "I want to point out that we need to implement a five-year plan to build 8,000 housing units for first nations in Quebec. Does the government have an update on that?" Hansard, Oct. 5, 2020
- Policing: "The federal government must work with Indigenous peoples, Quebec and the provinces to establish adequate funding for indigenous police forces. Civilian ethics organizations should be created to oversee the RCMP. Police officers and the general population must be better educated on indigenous realities and cultures. Hundreds of pages must be written and actions taken to restore confidence in law enforcement so as to achieve the long-overdue reconciliation." COVID-19 Pandemic Committee, June 10, 2020
- Wet'suwet'en Protest: "Since this government abdicated its leadership responsibilities on the rail crisis, the situation has deteriorated. More blockades are going up in Quebec and elsewhere. When the Prime Minister decided to hide from this dispute last Friday, he said that he wanted to engage in dialogue, but that it takes two to have a dialogue." Hansard, Feb 25, 2020
- Boil water advisories: "Je représente la circonscription de Abitibi—Baie-James—Nunavik—Eeyou et, actuellement, il y a des situations qui dégénèrent relativement à l'accès à l'eau potable et aussi en matière de logement. Vous dites que vous avez un groupe de travail mixte composé de l'Assemblée des Premières Nations. Qui, parmi les Premières Nations, siège au comité du groupe mixte?" INAN, Feb 25, 2020
- Oath of Citizenship : "The Bloc Québécois does not oppose including the recognition of aboriginal and treaty rights in the oath of citizenship. We even commend the principle and sincere desire behind this act, but we want to point out that this addition constitutes a detour that would not be necessary if Canada was a state that recognized the nations that make it up in its fundamental legislation right from the start." Hansard, Feb. 24, 2020
- Treaties: "More than ever, we need to make sure that we are respecting treaties and their interpretation, if we are to break free from the colonialism that this country's First Nations suffered and still suffer to this day. This should be one of the priorities in the throne speech." Hansard, Dec 12, 2019
- Key Indigenous Issues in Northern Quebec: "As far as Indigenous affairs are concerned, the key issues are social housing, homelessness and infrastructure in northern Quebec. The melting snow is also important […] because it changes their culture. When it comes to the environment, we have to work with First Nations." Hansard, Jan 28, 2020
General Issues Raised in Question Period and Committee
- Québec Infrastructure: Need to invest in transportation, telecommunications, airport infrastructure investments; transport of dangerous goods by rail ignored by Ottawa. Hansard, Jan 28, 2020
- Housing: Large mining sector in riding causing housing shortage, need investments in water and sewer systems. Hansard, Jan 28, 2020
General Issues Raised in the Media
- Québec-Federal Relations: "Ce n'est jamais facile avec le fédéral. On envoie de l'argent à Ottawa qu'on pourrait garder chez nous et le fédéral met des bâtons dans les roues du Québec.", Jul 1, 2019
- Québec Issues: "On ne sera jamais aussi bien servis que par nous-mêmes. Plusieurs dossiers du fédéral m'agacent, dont la couverture internet, le financement de logement social, l'inaction concernant la Loi sur les Indiens et la taxe sur le bois d'œuvre qui affecte notre région.", Jul 1, 2019
Written Questions
- Q-389, Consultations that the Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations is currently holding in order to develop an action plan to implement the 231 calls for justice of the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls – Mar. 5, 2020
- Q-390, Drinking water situation in Kitigan Zibi – Mar. 5, 2020
Private Members' Business
- C-223 (An Act to amend the Citizenship Act (adequate knowledge of French in Quebec)) (Bill introduced and read for the first time in the House of Commons, Feb. 25, 2020. Reinstated from the previous session, Sept. 23, 2020).
Rachel Blaney, NDP (North Island—Powell River, BC)
Biographical information
Ms. Blaney was first elected to the House of Commons in 2015 and again in 2019.
Prior to her election, Ms. Blaney was a non-profit professional. She was the Executive Director of the Immigrant Welcome Centre of North Vancouver Island.
Ms. Blaney is currently the Whip for the NDP and Spokesperson on Veteran's Issues.
Statements on Indigenous Issues
- Lobster Fishery Dispute in Nova Scotia: "I want to go back to what he kept referring to, something I think is so important, which is that this was a decision made in 1999: 21 years ago. I find it fascinating that the government is saying that this behaviour is a surprise. I am wondering if the member could tell the House what ideas he has around preparing, and recognizing, as the Liberal government says it does, systemic racism and the impacts on local communities." Hansard, Oct. 19, 2020
- Oath of Citizenship: "If the current pace holds (2.25 Calls a year) it will take approximately 38 more years before all of the Calls to Action are implemented. Reconciliation in 2057?
- If we look at what is happening across our country, it definitely is clear that there is a lack of a pathway, a lack of leadership around reconciliation. There is an essential distrust. When we look at the bill and when we talk about treaties, we have to also acknowledge how long this path will take." Hansard, Feb 24, 2020
- Sterilization of Indigenous women: "This is more than just a gross violation of human rights and a product of systemic racism." "This is enough, enough apologies, enough talking points. How will this government make sure this never happens again?" "It's hard to find language to wrap around even the thought of one story of the woman who had given birth and they said, 'you cannot see your newborn child until you agree to being sterilized,'" "Imagine any Canadian woman thinking that's an okay conversation after you've just given birth. This story is horrifying. It's inhumane and it really goes against the rights of all Canadians." Powell River Peak, Nov. 24, 2018
General Issues Raised in Question Period and Committee
- Bill C-7 (An Act to amend the Criminal Code (medical assistance in dying)): "When we talk about the subject, the most important thing is the unnecessary suffering. We need to end that, not only for the person experiencing it but for the pressure of watching their loved ones go through that unnecessary suffering." Hansard, Oct. 9, 2020
- Veterans: "The veterans minister seems to be okay telling 45,000 veterans in this country that they can wait another two and a half years to see their disability applications completed. Last week, the PBO provided a plan to get this done in one year and make sure this never happens again to our veterans. Instead of focusing on helping them, the Liberals spent over $200,000 in legal fees defending a Liberal minister and attacking a veteran. When will the government stand up for veterans and make sure that it is spending the money on the people who stood up to protect us in this country?" Hansard, Oct. 7, 2020
General Issues Raised in the Media
- Speech from the Throne (Veterans): "Veterans are so far down this government's list of priorities they didn't even mention them in the speech that was over an hour long. Our service men and women give so much for this country. They are there when we need them, whether it's helping to keep our loved ones safe in long-term care homes during a pandemic or supporting our allies overseas. Our veterans deserve much better from this government." Powell River Peak, Sept. 24, 2020
Written Questions
- None.
Private Members' Business
- M-224 (Guaranteed Income Supplement) (Motion placed on Notice – March 28, 2019)- That, in the opinion of the House, the government should consider helping seniors who risk having their Guaranteed Income Supplement benefits suspended by amending the Old Age Security Act to: (a) require the Minister of Employment and Social Development to estimate the income of a pensioner who was unable to make the required statement for up to one year so that the most vulnerable Canadian seniors can have a reliable, secure income; and (b) require the Minister to provide the information and resources necessary to reduce the administrative burden on the pensioner with respect to declaring their income so that daunting paperwork prevents no one from accessing the services they need and are entitled to by Canadian law.
- C-449 (An Act to amend the Old Age Security Act (monthly guaranteed income supplement) (Bill introduced and read for the first time in the House of Commons, May 16, 2019)
- C-325 (An Act to amend the Canadian Bill of Rights (right to housing)) (Bill introduced and read for the first time in the House of Commons, Dec. 5, 2016)
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