25th anniversary of the Framework Agreement on First Nations Land Management

The Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations celebrates the 25th anniversary of the signing of the Framework Agreement on First Nations Land Management. The Framework Agreement recognizes First Nations' inherent right of self-government by creating an option for participating First Nations to manage and govern their land, environment and resources using a community approved land code rather than the lands-related provisions of the Indian Act.


Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations Carolyn Bennett: Kwe kwe, hello, bonjour!

My name is Carolyn Bennett, Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations. Aanii Caroline Bennett n'dizhnikaaz, Toronto ndo n'jibaa minwaa. I am joining you today from my home in Toronto, on the traditional territory of the Mississaugas of the Credit where we honour all the Indigenous peoples who paddled these waters and whose moccasins walked these lands.

As Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations, I would like to congratulate you on 25 years of advancing self-determination. The Framework Agreement was originally signed by 13 First Nations. It speaks to your dedication and the resolve of the First Nations that you serve, that today 99 First Nations from 9 provinces and territories have removed 25% of the imposed Indian Act constraints over their daily lives. This agreement is a true nation-to-nation, government-to-government partnership and, by working together, has stood the test of time.

The Framework Agreement supports self-government by recognizing First Nations' Inherent right to manage and govern their reserve land, environment and resources using a community-approved land code rather than be subject to the lands-related provisions of the Indian Act.

Efforts like these are critical towards the decolonization of laws and regulations governing reserve lands, as well as the elimination of colonial-era restrictions of the Indian Act.

Everyone in our country must acknowledge that the Canada we know today was built on the legacy of colonization, and the displacement of Indigenous peoples from their homelands. The Framework Agreement is an important step towards righting this wrong.

The Government of Canada is firmly committed to advancing reconciliation and renewing the relationship with Indigenous peoples, based upon the affirmation of rights, respect, co-operation and partnership.

Once again, congratulations on this 25th anniversary.

Meegwetch. Thank you. Merci.

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