Appearance Before the Standing Committee on Indigenous and Northern Affairs - COVID-19 - Indigenous Services Canada & Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada - May 1, 2020

Table of Contents

Appearance before Standing Committee on Indigenous and Northern Affairs (INAN)

Scenario Note


Date: Friday, May 01, 2020

Time: 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Location: Videoconference (Zoom)

Subject: Government’s Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic


Panel #1 (in order of delivery of remarks)

  1. The Honourable Marc Miller, Minister of Indigenous Services
  2. The Honourable Carolyn Bennett, Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations
  3. The Honourable Dan Vandal, Minister of Northern Affairs

Panel #2

Indigenous Services Canada

  1. Jean-François Tremblay, Deputy Minister
  2. Valerie Gideon, Senior Assistant Deputy Minister, First Nations and Inuit Health Branch
  3. Mary-Luisa Kapelus, Assistant Deputy Minister, Education, Social Development Programs and Partnerships Sector
  4. Dr. Wong, Chief Medical Officer and Director General, Office of Population and Public Health
  5. Christopher Duschenes, Director General, Economic Policy Development Branch

Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada

  1. Daniel Watson, Deputy Minister
  2. Jeff Moore, Senior Assistant Deputy Minister, Policy and Strategic Direction Sector
  3. Ross Pattee, Assistant Deputy Minister, Implementation Sector
  4. Serge Beaudoin, Assistant Deputy Minister, Northern Affairs


This will be the first meeting INAN has had on COVID-19. Several other parliamentary committees have been studying this issue over the past few weeks.

Some of the members of INAN took part in a debate in the House of Commons on COVID-19 on April 11, 2020. For example, MP Zimmer (CPC) asked about northern businesses not qualifying for the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy. He asked if special considerations are being given to Northern airlines that serve remote communities. MP Schmale (CPC) asked if the Government would extend the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy for tourism-based small businesses.

Members of the committee have also raised Indigenous issues during Question Period. This week MP Vidal (CPC) inquired about the eligibility requirements of the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy program. He said he has heard that some Indigenous businesses are not eligible. Also in the House of Commons, MP Schmale (CPC) asked about First Nations communities having difficulty accessing personal protective equipment. He also asked whether Indigenous people in urban centres are receiving their share of Government funds.

MPs have also raised Indigenous issues during technical teleconference meetings by the Public Health Agency of Canada over the past few weeks. MP Zimmer (CPC) asked if people are screened before entering First Nation communities for COVID-19. MP Leah Gazan (NDP), who is substituting for MP Qaqqaq (NDP) for this committee meeting, asked what is being done in remote communities, and for homeless people in urban settings.

The Standing Committee on Health (HESA) has been studying the Government’s response to COVID-19 for the past several weeks. MP Vidal (CPC), who sat on HESA for a meeting, asked for clarity on the funding issues faced by friendship centres. He also asked what the Government is doing to ensure that remote communities receive the supplies they need.

ISC officials appeared last week before HESA. The focus of the questions for officials were about providing supplies and personal protective equipment to remote communities, whether Cuban doctors would be sent to First Nation communities. Questions were also raised about social distancing in crowded homes, and whether infrastructure would be put in place to enable people who test positive to isolate themselves.

Indigenous issues have also been raised at other committees. MP Gord Johns (NDP) has asked whether Indigenous businesses would be able to access the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy in the Standing Committee on Finance (FINA) and in the Standing Committee on Industry, Science and Technology (INDU). Questions have also been raised on the work the Government is undertaking with territorial governments (FINA) and whether rapid testing kits were being sent to First Nation communities (HESA).

Meeting Proceedings

The meeting is scheduled to occur between 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. via the web platform Zoom. Witnesses will be asked to connect to the meeting prior to 2 p.m.. It is also possible that the meeting may go longer than 4 p.m. should there be technical difficulties with technology/connections.

The first hour will see remarks delivered by Ministers followed by rounds of questions from Committee members. The second hour will continue with rounds of questions directed to officials only. Officials are expected to be connected to the meeting for the full duration.

The meeting can be watched via Parlvu, however there is a 70-second delay.

While simultaneous translation will be available, witnesses are asked to respond to questions in either language but to limit switching back and forth between languages as this often creates technology/interpretation challenges.

The Chair will open the meeting and provide instructions for the meeting proceedings. He will then introduce all witnesses. Ministers will then deliver remarks as per standard practice. It is also recommended to speak slowly, and at an appropriate level, to ensure the interpreters can hear you, as well as to mute your phone when you are not speaking.

It should also be noted that the Committee has been authorized to study the issue of COVID-19, and it has not been authorized to report back to the House. During this meeting, members will not be able to propose motions or challenge the Chair’s rulings.

1. Committee members will pose their questions in the following order:

  • First round (6 minutes for each Party)
    • Conservative Party of Canada
    • Liberal Party of Canada
    • Bloc Québécois
    • New Democratic Party of Canada
  • Second round (5 minutes for each Party)
    • Conservative Party of Canada
    • Liberal Party of Canada
    • Conservative Party of Canada
    • Liberal Party of Canada
  • 2.5 minutes for the Bloc Quebecois and the New Democratic Party

Speaking notes for The Honourable Marc Miller
Minister of Indigenous Services at the Standing Committee on Indigenous and Northern Affairs

Ottawa, ON (via videoconference)

May 1, 2020

1535 words

Check against delivery

Thank you.

Good afternoon, boohzoo, kwe, bonjour.

Before I begin, I would like to acknowledge that Canada’s Parliament is on the unceded traditional territory of the Algonquin people.

Mr. Chair, I am pleased to join you virtually today, alongside my colleagues Ministers Bennett and Vandal.

With me as well and here to answer your questions are:

On behalf of all of us, I’d like to thank the committee for this opportunity to provide an update on how our government has been working with First Nations, Inuit and Métis leaders, Indigenous organizations and communities, as well as provincial and territorial governments, to mitigate the threat posed by COVID-19.

As of April 30th, we’ve seen 131 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in First Nations communities on reserve. As of yesterday, we are also tracking one confirmed case in Pond Inlet, Nunavut.

In order to support First Nations in preparing for and responding to COVID-19, the Government established a funding envelope of $100 million for areas of federal responsibility, including for First Nations, Inuit and Métis community public health needs.

To date, more than $59.8 million in funding has been allocated by my department toward the health response to COVID-19. This includes activities undertaken directly by the Department, such as procurement of supplies and nursing services, as well as preparedness measures led by communities.

Indigenous Services Canada continues to procure and maintain a stockpile of personal protective equipment and hand sanitizers for use in First Nations communities in health emergencies.

This stockpile is accessible to First Nations communities who may require access to personal protective equipment to ensure the safety of healthcare workers and others supporting the delivery of health services in the time of a health emergency such as COVID-19.

To date, we have provided communities with 167,850 gowns and 202,350 surgical masks, to complement supplies provided by provinces and territories. We continue to respond quickly to requests, and to assess them within a 24-hour turnaround time.

It is important to underscore that many communities and service providers are adapting their operations to respect the requirement for physical distancing. National Indigenous organizations, such as Thunderbird Partnership Foundation and First Peoples Wellness Circle have developed a series of resources related to COVID-19 that are available online.

One of our supports has been to financially assist the First Peoples Wellness Circle in developing an online platform for its network of local multidisciplinary mental wellness teams, that are currently offering services to 344 communities.

Also, working with the provider, we have increased the number of crisis intervention counsellors on shift at the Hope for Wellness Helpline, which is now receiving more than 100 calls and chats a week linked to COVID-19. This experience of self-isolation and physical distancing, of having family members who may be at higher risk, or fall ill – can have a significant and real impact on mental health. We recognize this and are engaged with partners to support solutions to address and bolster mental health – particularly for youth.

Supporting Indigenous youth is another key area of our focus.

The Department is working with Indigenous partners―including youth organizations―to support and promote Indigenous resources for youth.

Members of the Committee may recall that, on March 18, the Government of Canada allocated $305 million toward a new, distinctions-based Indigenous Community Support Fund, to address immediate needs related to COVID-19 in Indigenous communities and amongst urban Indigenous populations. This funding is part of the COVID-19 Economic Response Plan and is in addition to needs-based support for First Nations and Inuit health and emergency management.

We recognize that Indigenous post-secondary students are

facing unique challenges as a result of COVID-19. On April 22nd, the Prime Minister announced nearly $9 billion in funding for post-secondary students and recent graduates―Indigenous students can apply for these funds. In addition to the other supports for post-secondary students, we are providing $75.2 million in funding specifically for First Nations, Inuit and Métis Nation post-secondary students for 2020-21.

This funding is over and above the base funding each Indigenous distinctions-based program receives to support post-secondary. This funding will flow through the existing distinctions-based Post-Secondary Strategies which have been co-developed with the National Indigenous Organizations. It could cover costs for technological equipment as courses move online; allow for summer course enrollment; cover expenses related to meeting basic needs including food, child support, housing, and transportation; increase culturally-based supports; and, in the event of delayed graduation, cover an additional academic year and associated expenses. Ultimately, this additional funding is meant to ensure that Indigenous post-secondary students are able to continue – or start – their studies as planned, despite barriers posed by COVID-19.

We are also taking steps to support Indigenous-owned businesses during this crisis. The Government of Canada will provide up to $306.8 million in funding to help small and medium-sized Indigenous businesses through the network of Aboriginal Financial Institutions that offer financing to Indigenous businesses.

This measure will help an estimated 6,000 Indigenous-owned businesses endure this difficult time and will hopefully provide the stability they need to persist

Indigenous businesses, including Indigenous government-owned corporations and partnerships are also now eligible to apply for the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy to support them in their efforts to retain and rehire laid off employees and weather the current challenges.

Taxable Indigenous-government-owned corporations, are already eligible for the wage subsidy.

We have adjusted the eligibility for the wage subsidy to include Indigenous government-owned corporations and partnerships to support them to retain employees who are still on the payroll and to rehire workers previously laid off.

The Government has also established a Business Credit Availability Program to provide $40 billion in additional support through the Business Development Bank of Canada and Export Development Canada, who are working together with private sector lenders to coordinate credit solutions for individual businesses which some Indigenous businesses may be able to leverage.

Finally, I’d like to bring attention to the positive progress we have seen in terms of our support for First Nations off reserve and urban Indigenous populations.

We recently concluded a proposal-based process to distribute $15 million to organizations that provide critical services to First Nations off reserve and Indigenous Peoples living in urban centres. This funding is part of the Government’s Indigenous Community Support Fund.

To date, 94 proposals have been supported through the Indigenous Community Support Fund. This includes support for friendship centres as they continue their important work to serve urban Indigenous communities in the face of this pandemic.

We know that friendship centres are playing a crucial role―with their key support ranging from delivering food to families, young people, and elders; responding to calls for assistance and support; or providing mental health and cultural support for urban indigenous community members.

As our response to the COVID-19 pandemic continues and adapts to new data, we ask Indigenous communities and partners to continue to assess their evolving needs. And, we ask them to reach out to their regional departmental contacts so that we may assist them in supporting community members.

At the same time, we continue to focus on longer-term goals, such as housing, employment, and ending drinking-water advisories.

We are determined to respond to the evolving needs of First Nations, Inuit and Métis communities and individuals and to step in to support based on the requests for Indigenous communities.

That is why, for example, the Canadian Rangers are currently helping with food distribution, supplies and medical assistance not only in Nunavik, but also in Northern Saskatchewan, Northern Ontario, and Northern Quebec.

The Canadian Armed Forces and their Rangers detachments, have a great experience in assisting Indigenous communities and Canadians.

Across the country, we have seen Rangers and Canadian Armed Forces members stand up and step up where Canadians need it most: in our long-term care facilities, in areas with acute resource needs and in remote areas of the country. That is why we continue to work together to improve access to essential services for Indigenous Peoples.

Today, our thoughts and prayers go the military personnel―who lost their lives yesterday in the helicopter crash in the Ionian Sea―and their families. Canada is grieving with them as we all try to come to grips with this tragic accident.

Let me conclude by saying that the Government has designed and launched a series of measures to provide timely and direct support to all Canadians in response to this crisis.

These measures will help us to meet the needs of Canadian households and ensure that Canadians can pay for essentials like housing and groceries during this difficult time. Further, these measures offer timely financial support to Indigenous peoples in Canada, no matter where they reside.

We are working with our partners for all Canadians.

By working together, we are saving lives.

Meegwetch. Marci. Nakurmiik (Na-koor-meek) Thank you. Merci.

COVID-19 Federal Response:

Support to Communities:

  • We recognize the concerns about capacity and resources in Indigenous communities.
  • This is why we are actively working to:
    • Expand existing nursing contracts to address needs in First Nations communities;
    • Assess the need for other health professionals such as physicians, paramedics, and first line responders to help emergency responses; and
    • Help coordinate with provinces and territories or supplement supplies such as personal protective equipment, bottled water, and hand sanitizer where needed.
  • With a reduction in commercial flights and travel restrictions in place, we need to ensure that we have a stable and secure means to transport health professionals and needed supplies to and from remote First Nation communities.
  • To this end, we are working to organize regularly scheduled chartered flights across the country to ensure the continued movement of health care workers and supplies while minimizing the exposure of communities to infection.
  • We will continue to work with partners to protect the health and safety of First Nation, Inuit and Métis nation communities.

Insufficient Community Infrastructure:

  • We recognize the infrastructure challenges faced by many First Nations, Inuit, and Métis Nation communities.
  • We are exploring all options to address COVID-19 community infrastructure needs, including supporting temporary isolation and testing facilities, and additional staff.
  • We have been clear that supports for Indigenous communities are not limited by financial capacity.
  • We will continue to work closely with individual communities and partners to coordinate resources and keep communities safe.

If pressed on COVID-19 and Drinking Water Advisories:

  • During a Boil Water Advisory or Do Not Consume Advisory, tap water can still be used to wash hands with soap and water and for personal hygiene.
  • If a Do Not Use Advisory is in place, bottled water with soap or hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol should be used to wash hands.
  • Letters have been sent to First Nations communities currently on a Drinking Water Advisory. For these communities, ISC provides supplies such as bottled water, and hand sanitizer where needed.


  • We know from previous experience that regular and timely communication with factual information is essential to addressing this public health emergency.
  • We continue to work with partners to make practical, factual and clear information available in over 10 Indigenous languages through print, radio and social media.
  • We have regular calls with First Nations leadership in each region, and are in regular communication with the Inuit Public Health Task Group and the Métis Health Committee, as well as regional Métis representatives.
  • We continue to engage regularly with local health workers, regional medical officers of health and regional emergency management coordinators, among others.
  • We are working on a dedicated working group of the FPT Special Advisory Committee to address the specific challenges of remote Indigenous communities to ensure that there is that intergovernmental collaboration and consideration of the unique needs of those communities.
  • We will continue to communicate information as it becomes available.

Health Supports:

  • During the COVID19 crisis, the health and wellbeing of First Nation, Inuit, and Métis is of utmost concern.
  • We are actively working with Indigenous communities to ensure necessary resources are in place to prevent and combat the spread of COVID-19.
  • As of April 28, Indigenous Services Canada has processed 625 requests for Personal Protective Equipment.
  • We are closely accessing the need for additional health care professionals and have expanded existing nursing contracts to support emergency responses.
  • For communities that require alternative resources, we are exploring all options with our partners to best meet communities’ needs, including but not limited to military support.
  • Appropriate measures have been taken to protect departmental health officials working on the front line. The provision of personal protective equipment includes supplies for departmental health staff.
  • Broader support is also being provided to communities through the Community Support Fund.
  • We recognize that each community has its own unique needs and that is why we have designed the Community Support Fund to give communities maximum flexibility to address local needs.
  • We are actively getting resources out the door and stand ready to deploy additional resources.


  • COVID-19 testing swabs are provided by provinces to public health units and Indigenous Services Canada (ISC) nursing stations.
  • All confirmatory testing for COVID-19 is administered by provincial and national laboratories.
  • The provinces and territories acknowledge the need to increase COVID-19 testing quickly across Canada. Options such as point-of-care tests are being explored for roll out in Canada, when they are approved by Health Canada, rigorously validated and made available.
  • The Government of Canada has been actively evaluating and acquiring approved point-of-care tests.
  • This is done in collaboration with provincial and territorial governments and includes prioritizing the needs of First Nations, Inuit and Métis communities, especially those in rural, remote and isolated areas.
  • Ongoing discussions include ensuring that health centres in First Nations communities have the proper equipment required to support these tests, as well as the training procedures required to administer them.
  • In instances where ISC provides services directly in First Nations communities, nursing personnel will notify Regional Health Emergency Coordinators and Regional Medical Officers of Health of any probable COVID-19 cases to ensure ISC is ready to provide any additional support they may require.
  • We will continue to work with partners to protect the health and safety of First Nation, Inuit and Métis nation communities.

Nursing Shortages:

  • In conjunction with provinces and territories, we are paying specific attention to the preparedness and response needs of First Nation, Inuit, and Métis communities across Canada.
  • We acknowledge the concerns relating to the capacity of health professionals. We have expanded existing contracts and entered into new ones to add additional nursing resources in First Nations communities as needed.
  • From March 16 to April 28, 2020, 23 front-line nurses have been hired to support the COVID-19 response in First Nations communities.
  • We are also assessing the need for other health professionals such as physicians, paramedics, and first line responders to help support emergency responses in community settings.
  • We will continue to work with partners to ensure that Indigenous communities are prepared to respond to a COVID-19 outbreak.

If pressed Cuban Nurses:

  • We are working with partners, such as Southern Chiefs Organization, the Province of Manitoba and First Nation communities, to plan for the continuation of health services as we manage the response to COVID-19.
  • We are actively assessing the need for health care professionals to help support emergency response in community settings.
  • As a preparedness measure, we are expanding existing contracts for nursing agencies and exploring the need for other health care professionals such as paramedics and first line responders to complement the existing capacity should it be required.
  • Indigenous Services Canada will continue to take a broad approach, including working with the Province of Manitoba, to solicit additional health professionals that can be available to communities that may see a number of probable or confirmed COVID-19 cases and may require surge capacity support.

Economic Supports

Support for Indigenous Businesses:

  • Indigenous businesses provide jobs, goods, and services to communities, and are an important part of the Canadian economy.
  • Right now, they are facing unique challenges and economic hardships due to COVID-19.
  • That is why we are providing up to $306.8 million in cash funding to help Indigenous businesses and the Indigenous financial institutions and ensure Indigenous businesses owners have access to the support they need to get through this crisis.
  • It is estimated that up to 6,000 Indigenous-owned businesses will benefit from this funding.
  • Indigenous businesses, including Indigenous government-owned corporations and partnerships are also eligible to apply for the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy to support them in their efforts to retain and rehire laid off employees and weather the current challenges.
  • We will continue to take action to protect the health and safety of Canadians and stabilize our economy.

Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy :

  • We know there are concerns regarding eligibility for First Nations governments and their businesses for the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy to respond to the economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • My officials have been working closely with the Department of Finance to bring clarity to this issue.
  • Taxable Indigenous-government-owned corporations, are already eligible for the wage subsidy.
  • We have adjusted the eligibility for the wage subsidy to include Indigenous government-owned corporations and partnerships to support them to retain employees who are still on the payroll and to rehire workers previously laid off.
  • This means that corporations carrying a business that is at least 90 percent owned by one or more Indigenous governments or who have Indigenous governments as partners will be eligible for the wage subsidy.

If pressed on coordination with other federal benefits:

  • ISC officials have been working with their counterparts at the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) and Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) to ensure Indigenous Peoples are considered in the development of outreach materials on the new federal benefits, such as the Canada Emergency Response Benefit and the Canada Emergency Student Benefit.
  • ISC, CRA and ESDC websites and communications materials are being updated to address questions or to clarify information from Indigenous Peoples.
  • CRA, ESDC and ISC are also sharing materials on the new Federal Benefits with various Indigenous networks to promote access to the new funding.

Supports for Indigenous Students:

$75.2 million distinctions-based funding to support post-secondary students during COVID-19:

  • We recognize that Indigenous post-secondary students are facing unique challenges as a result of COVID-19.
  • We are investing a one-time increase of $75.2M in 2020-21 to support students through the existing First Nations, Inuit and Métis Nation Post-Secondary strategies to address increased costs resulting from the pandemic.
  • The investment would allocate $65.5M to support First Nations students, $2.52M to support Inuit students, and $7.24M to support Métis Nation students.
  • Funds can be used to purchase technological equipment as courses move online; allow for summer course enrollment; cover expenses related to meeting basic needs including food, child support, housing, and transportation; increase culturally-based supports; and, in the event of delayed graduation, cover an additional academic year and associated expenses.

Prepardeness and Response Plan in First Nation Communities :


Since 2009, a specific Annex to the Canadian Pandemic Influenza Plan on planning considerations for First Nations On-Reserve has been the foundation for First Nations health pandemic planning. The First Nations and Inuit Health Branch of Indigenous Services Canada is a member of the Canada Pandemic Influenza Plan Committee which plays a critical coordinating role in the national pandemic response. The National Health Emergency Network focused on First Nations public health on-reserve was established as a result of the new First Nations health emergency funds of close to $80M over five years from Budget 2019.

Indigenous Services Canada has continued to work with First Nations partners, key federal departments, and their provincial and territorial counterparts, to protect the health and safety of First Nations communities in responding to the public health crisis resulting from COVID-19. Since Canada was notified by the World Health Organization of outbreaks of respiratory illness in Wuhan, China, FNIHB has been linked into national communications, preparedness and response efforts led by the Public Health Agency of Canada. On January 2, 2020, ISC’s Chief Public Health Officer sent a communication to the National Health Emergency Network about the emerging information on the novel coronavirus. Indigenous Services Canada has proactively kept informed the National Health Emergency Network specific to First Nations On-Reserve of emerging information on COVID-19. Since issuing briefings on the core components of Indigenous Services Canada’s response efforts in early March, regional offices have activated their emergency command centres and ensured First Nations partners were kept informed of preparedness and response efforts. National communications have also been issued consistently, including weekly briefings to the Assembly of First Nations’ Chiefs Committee on Health and Executive.

Status of Cases:

As of April 30, the total number of reported COVID-19 cases among First Nations communities is 131. Two people have died.

Confirmed cases in Saskatchewan:

  • We are paying specific attention to the preparedness and response needs of First Nation, Inuit, and Métis communities.
  • We are actively working with the Northern Inter-Tribal Health Authority and the Saskatchewan Health Authority; and, the other communities where COVID-19 test positive cases have been confirmed to ensure necessary resources are in place.
  • The health and safety of the individuals and the communities is a top priority and to respect the privacy of the individuals sick with COVID-19, we will not be commenting on the specifics of individual cases.
  • We will continue to support the communities and address surge capacity as needed.

COVID-related death of an elder in La Loche, Saskatchewan

  • The Government of Canada expresses our deepest sympathies to the family and everyone affected in the community.
  • La Loche neighbours the Clearwater River Dene Nation and officials have been in regular contact. There are daily meetings of the Northwest Incident Command Centre; and the federal government will do its part in supporting these communities.
  • Clearwater River Dene Nation has a pandemic plan which we are supporting them to implement.
  • The health and safety of the community is a top priority and to respect the privacy of those who are sick with COVID-19, we will not be commenting on the specifics of the case.
  • The Government of Saskatchewan provides primary health care services in the community of La Loche and my department will continue to work with all parties, including the Meadowlake Tribal Council and the Northern Inter-Tribal Health Authority.

If pressed further on COVID-related death of an elder in La Loche, Saskatchewan

  • My Department is working closely with Northern Inter-Tribal Health Authority (NITHA) and the Saskatchewan Health Authority (SHA) on COVID-19 response efforts in the north of Saskatchewan.
  • ISC and NITHA supports the two First Nations communities in proximity of the municipality of La Loche, which are Clearwater River Dene Nation and English River First Nation.
  • Additional support for health resources including nursing surge capacity for both First Nations communities has been approved to enhance efforts relating to medical supplies, food security, isolation, security services, access to PPE and cleaning supplies, Elder supports, and mental health supports.
  • Testing has also been enhanced in neighboring First Nations that have mobility to and from La Loche.
  • My Department continues to be in frequent contact with leadership of the affected communities in close proximity to La Loche, as well as all leadership in North West Saskatchewan.

Confirmed cases in Ontario

  • We are paying specific attention to the preparedness and response needs of First Nation, Inuit, and Métis communities.
  • We are actively working with the communities where COVID-19 test positive cases have been confirmed to ensure necessary resources are in place.
  • The health and safety of the individuals and the communities is a top priority and to respect the privacy of the individuals sick with COVID-19, we will not be commenting on the specifics of the cases.
  • We will continue to support the communities and address surge capacity as needed.

Fort Hope:

  • During the COVID19 crisis, the health and wellbeing of Indigenous Peoples is of utmost concern our sole focus.
  • We are actively working with the community to ensure the necessary resources are in place and are working in close coordination with the nurse-in-charge to ensure medical staff remains at full capacity and requests for additional staff are addressed.
  • Last month, we provided the community with a supply of PPE, that arrived March 30th. The supply includes surgical and N-95 masks, gowns, gloves and face shields.
  • To supplement this supply, an additional shipment of swabs were sent to the community last week. We are actively conducting regular checks on supply to ensure the community has all the tools to respond the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • In addition, Indigenous Services Canada regional office is working in close communication with the community to help with contact tracing and to encourage the practice of physical distancing.
  • We will continue to closely monitor the situation and work with the community to address surge capacity needs

Confirmed cases in Quebec:

  • We are paying specific attention to the preparedness and response needs of First Nation, Inuit, and Métis communities.
  • We are actively working with the communities to ensure necessary resources are in place.
  • The health and safety of the communities is a top priority and to respect the privacy of those who are sick with COVID-19, we will not be commenting on the specifics of the case.
  • We will continue to support the communities and address surge capacity as needed.

Confirmed cases in Alberta:

  • We are paying specific attention to the preparedness and response needs of First Nation, Inuit, and Métis communities.
  • The health and safety of the communities is a top priority and to respect the privacy of those who are sick with COVID-19, we will not be commenting on the specifics of the case.
  • We are working with First Nations across Alberta to address surge capacity needs including capital support for isolation measures and additional nursing frontline care resources.
  • Our regional Medical Officers of Health and Communicable Disease Control teams are actively working in partnership with communities where COVID-19 cases have been confirmed to implement disease control and public health measures to support containment and mitigate community spread.

Confirmed cases in the territories:

  • There are confirmed cases in the NWT and the Government of the Northwest Territories is testing anyone with flu-like symptoms and who travelled outside of the Northwest Territories within the last 14 days.
  • There are confirmed cases in the Yukon. As per the communicable disease protocol in the Yukon, the territorial government is not releasing the location of the individuals.

Status of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE):


If pressed on elections in Atikameksheng Anishnawbek:

  • During this pandemic crisis, the health and well-being of Indigenous communities is our sole focus.
  • We recognize the public health risks of holding an election during a pandemic and are working to ensure there are no gaps in governance.
  • That is why we have introduced a temporary regulatory option, the First Nations Election Cancellation and Postponement Regulations, that will allow First Nations leaders to continue exercising their roles and duties within their communities for up to six months, with a potential extension for an additional six months, as they focus on keeping their communities safe in the face of COVID-19.
  • The final decision to hold or postpone an election ultimately lies with community leadership, and given these new regulatory measures, Atikameksheng Anishnawbek now has the option to delay their election.
  • ISC is working to complete the last steps leading to the signature of the required Ministerial Order, to finalize the community conversion process to a custom election code. Unfortunately, the current health context has affected the timing of this process.
  • That said, no matter the decision the community take, we will be working with them every step of the way.

Rural, Remote and Fly-In Communities:

Emergency Management On Reserve :

Response to Flooding Emergency Events:

  • COVID-19 presents an increased layer of complexity especially in the event of an evacuation related to emergency events such as a flood or wildfire.
  • ISC is working in conjunction with other federal and provincial/territorial governments and First Nation partners to develop effective emergency planning and responses to ensure the health and safety of all community members during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Alberta and British Columbia are the provinces most affected by the flooding at the moment.
  • First Nation communities in these provinces have been working closely with provincial partners and ISC representatives to implement flood mitigation measures and provide solutions to protect their communities from flooding while keeping their members safe in the context of COVID-19.
  • The Emergency Management Assistance Program (EMAP) provides funding for distinctions-based and culturally competent emergency response services and solutions to First Nation communities in the event of natural disasters like floods and wildfires, and to ensure mechanisms are in place to support recovery efforts.

Climate Change – Disaster Mitigation Efforts:

  • We know that many Indigenous communities are becoming increasingly vulnerable to climate change related risks because of a variety of factors, which can include: remoteness, community size, socio-economic conditions or limited access to emergency management resources.
  • This is why, through the Emergency Management Assistance Program, we are working with our partners to ensure the health and safety of First Nation residents from natural or accidental emergency events.
  • Further, we continue to work towards formalizing emergency management agreements to support First Nations as full and equal partners.

Emergency Management Assistance Program Enhancements:

  • We are focused on supporting First Nation efforts to enhance their community’s capacity and preparedness activities for emergency events especially in the context of COVID-19.
  • Beyond COVID-19 relevant considerations, we are ensuring that culturally competent responses are provided during evacuations and we are placing an emphasis on improved community planning during the recovery phase.
  • This approach has resulted in communities that are more resilient to emergency events, evacuees returning home faster and the reduction of livelihood disruption.

COVID-19 Response and Emergency Events:

  • COVID-19 presents an increased layer of complexity especially in the event of an evacuation related to an emergency events such as a flood or wildfire.
  • ISC, in conjunction with other federal and provincial/territorial governments are working together with First Nation partners to develop effective emergency planning and responses to ensure the health and safety of all community members during the COVID-19 pandemic.


There are various funding arrangements or agreements between the Department, the provinces, territories and third party organizations for the delivery of emergency management services for on-reserve communities. These agreements provide First Nation communities’ access to emergency assistance services. They also provide an assurance to the provinces and territories that the Department will provide funding to cover costs related to emergency assistance in First Nations so that responses can be implemented rapidly and without unnecessary delay.

The Emergency Management Assistance Program has an annual budget of $64.9M :

  • $19.1M: preparedness and non-structural mitigation projects and service agreements
  • $16.5M: wildfire management services agreements with provinces
  • $29.3M: response and recovery activities

Response and recovery costs have consistently exceeded existing funding of $29.3M requiring the Program to return to Treasury Board for additional funding (by an average of $96M annually).

Budget 2019 announced $211M over five years of new spending for Emergency Management on-reserve; this will focus on:

  • Enhancing EMAP’s existing First Nation-led emergency preparedness and non-structural mitigation;
  • First Nation-led engagement on emergency management service agreements; and,
  • First Nation emergency management capacity building.

COVID Support On Reserve

First Nation communities on reserve may need emergency assistance services that can be provided through the Emergency Management Assistance Program (EMAP). At this time, some EMAP funding has been used to ensure the immediate health and safety response of First Nations related to COVID-19, in addition to other expenses that would typically be supported by the EMAP.

The Indigenous Community Support Fund was delivered using modified EMAP terms and conditions, and has been playing a supporting role to the First Nations Inuit and Health Branch (FNIHB)-led pandemic response on reserve, dedicating financial resources to cover eligible expenses that FNIHB does not assume.

In response to the emergence of COVID-19, ISC is already working with First Nation communities to ensure pandemic / emergency plans are in place and updated. We are supporting communities to put these in place and revising where needed.


Alberta Approximately 24 First Nations communities have been impacted by flooding including (mostly minor to moderate impacts to roads and homes). Many of these communities have implemented mitigation measures, including sandbagging and culvert clearing. Four communities currently have evacuees: Sucker Creek First Nation (4), Duncan’s First Nation (1), Tallcree Tribal Government FN (3), and the community of Garden River at Little Red River Cree Nation (749). Chief and Council of Little Red River Cree Nation noted their preference to house evacuees of Garden River on higher ground within the reserve in a tent/camp style constructed with canvass and lumber, in order to keep the community together and avoid an evacuation to urban centres given the risks presented by COVID-19.

Two RCMP officers are in community to assist with evacuation operations. Impacts of flooding in Fort McMurray area are being felt by the five member Nations of the Athabasca Tribal Council. We are hearing from local media is reporting that 1 person has died due to surging floodwaters. Water levels are receding and homes are clear of the threatened zone.

British Columbia: Approximately 10 communities have been impacted by flooding including most minor to moderate impacts to roads and homes. Many of these communities have put mitigation measures in place, including sandbagging and culvert clearing. While there are no evacuees due to flooding at this time, the Bonaparte First Nation has been impacted both by flooding and a rock slide. Three residents were evacuated to a hotel due to their house being threatened by large rocks falling nearby.

The recently launched Indigenous Community Support Fund (ICSF) is providing $215 million for First Nations to design and implement community-based solutions to prepare for and react to the spread of COVD-19 within their communities.

Urban Supports :

If pressed on urban supports:

  • The $15 million allocated to off-reserve First Nations and urban Indigenous organizations was available through a proposal-based process.
  • The call for proposals to access this funding closed on Monday April 13, 2020 and was significantly oversubscribed: more than 500 proposals were submitted, requesting approximately $480M in funding. This represents a demand that was significantly higher than what was available.
  • We are working quickly to get funds out and have a streamlined the disbursement process to flow funds directly to Indigenous communities and groups across the country.


Suicide Crisis:

If pressed on COVID-19 and mental wellness:

  • We recognize that many Indigenous communities face unique challenges in addressing COVID-19, some of which can lead to increased stress.
  • The funding announced for Indigenous communities as part of Canada’s COVID-19 response can be used to support access to mental wellness services while respecting physical distancing.
  • We are working with partners to implement distance approaches to service delivery such as tele- and video-counselling for substance use services and other existing programs. The Hope for Wellness Help Line continues to offer crisis intervention services by telephone or chat.
  • We are also working with Indigenous partners to promote additional resources for Indigenous youth, and to develop an online platform to support community-based mental wellness teams.

If pressed on COVID-19 and mental wellness in the territories:

  • We continue to work closely with partners to ensure there is no gap in service in the territories during the COVID-19 crisis.
  • In response to COVID-19, mental health counselling and Indian Residential Schools supports continue to be available virtually and in person, while respecting physical distancing guidelines.
  • In addition, the Government of Canada is supporting Indigenous communities to implement culturally relevant emergency measures to promote on the land physical distancing.


Indigenous people in Canada are at a greater risk of experiencing complex mental health and substance use issues due to a variety of factors, including the intergenerational effects of residential schools and other consequences of colonization. Suicide is a significant concern in some communities, particularly in the North and in remote areas. States of emergency have been declared in several communities due to mental health and social crises.

Addressing the root causes of high rates of Indigenous youth suicide requires a holistic, whole of government approach that supports individual, family and community healing; addresses the legacy of residential schools, the sixties’ scoop and other devastating impacts of colonization; and supports access to the social determinants of health such as self determination, employment, and housing.

The responsibility for delivering mental health services is shared by the federal and provincial/territorial and Indigenous governments. The federal government supports First Nations and Inuit community mental wellness through a number of programs and services. Specifically, through the First Nations and Inuit Health Branch, ISC supports and funds mental wellness programs and services in five key areas: community based mental wellness services; the Indian Residential Schools Resolution Health Support Program; the Non-Insured Health Benefits Program Mental Health Counselling Benefit; the Hope for Wellness Helpline; and Jordan’s Principle – A Child First Initiative.

In 2019-20, $425 million was allocated to address the mental wellness needs of First Nations and Inuit. Since April 1, 2018, over $205 million dollars of requests for Mental Health services for First Nations children have been approved through Jordan’s Principle. Since the beginning of the Hope for Wellness line (October 2016) until the end of March 2020 there have been 27,197 calls. Since April 2018 to the end of March 2020 there have been 4,267 Chats.

Mental health and substance use:

If pressed on COVID-19 and substance use:

  • We recognize that many Indigenous communities face unique challenges in addressing COVID-19, some of which can lead to increased stress and substance use.
  • The funding announced for Indigenous communities as part of Canada’s COVID-19 response can be used to support access to mental wellness services while respecting physical distancing.
  • We are working with partners to implement distance approaches to service delivery such as tele- and video-counselling for substance use services and other existing programs. The Hope for Wellness Help Line continues to offer crisis intervention services by telephone or chat.
  • We are also working with Indigenous partners to promote additional resources for Indigenous youth, and to develop an online platform to support community-based mental wellness teams.

Blood Tribe and COVID-19:

  • Our Government has provided funding for the provision of naloxone, opioid agonist treatment with wrap around services and mental health supports in Blood Tribe.
  • The Government has also contributed to the on-reserve Overdose Prevention Site from March to May 2018, and provided funding for additional youth beds in the Safe Withdrawal Management Site, which has been in operation since January 2019.
  • These interventions have contributed to a reduction in overdose events in Blood Tribe.
  • We will continue to work with the community on this, especially during this COVID pandemic.
  • ISC remains in continuous contact with the community to ensure necessary supports are in place, including during this COVID-19 pandemic response.
  • In addition, ISC is currently engaging with the community to support enhanced capacity to screen, assess and isolate members through the potential rental of hotel space and the procurement of a mobile screening unit.

Montreal Lake Cree and COVID-19:

  • We remain concerned by reports of substance misuse reported by the Montreal Lake Cree Nation.
  • The community is leading a comprehensive, culturally grounded approach to address the harms of crystal meth that includes prevention and awareness, suicide assessments, 24/7 Crisis Response Teams, and land-based treatment programs.
  • The Little Red Healing Lodge was also recently opened in the community and a five-year strategy was developed.
  • The community’s Detox program is running at full capacity and the additional resources needed in light of COVID-19 are being supported.
  • Patients with Methadone and Suboxone continue to receive support through the program. Community-employed nurses and Mental Wellness Teams are providing support in accordance with COVID-19 preventative measures.

If pressed on supports in Saskatchewan during COVID-19:

  • We continue to work closely with partners and remain committed to ensuring there is no gap in service in supports to address substance misuse in Saskatchewan.
  • Mental Wellness Teams & Addictions workers have developed extensive networks for peer mentorship and information sharing across Saskatchewan.
  • The teams have found workable alternatives to supporting community members while still respecting directives put in place by the Saskatchewan Health Authority.
  • The department has provided support and information for community staff and residents when challenges related to COVID-19 have been identified.


Indigenous communities across Canada are disproportionately impacted by the opioid public health crisis and in particular, First Nations in British Columbia, Alberta and Ontario. The Assembly of First Nations has reported that some First Nations communities are experiencing an epidemic, with as many as 43% to 85% of the communities’ population addicted to opiates (Assembly of First Nations Resolution no. 82/2016 and no. 68/2017). In spring 2017, the Department of Indigenous Services Canada started to track suspected opioid overdoses in 153 participating First Nations communities. The Department continues to work with partners from across the country to improve data collection and reporting, and to better understand how this crisis is affecting different populations

The Government of Canada has announced significant financial investments to help address the crisis. Budget 2018 is providing $200 million over five years (2018/19 to 2022-23) and $40 million per year ongoing to support new investments in substance use prevention and treatment services for First Nations and Inuit including funding to address the ongoing opioid crisis. The investment will support up to: an additional 25 opioid agonist therapy sites offering wraparound services; an additional 75 on the land activities; enhanced services across a network of 45 federally funded treatment centres; and, major renovations at over 20 of these centres. Indigenous Services Canada allocated this fiscal year over $425 million towards culturally relevant and community-based mental wellness supports for First Nations and Inuit that aim to: provide treatment, reduce risk factors, promote protective factors and improve health outcomes associated with mental wellness.

Indigenous Services Canada provides several services along the drug misuse continuum.

  1. Through the Non-Insured Health Benefits (NIHB) Program, coverage is provided to registered First Nations and recognized Inuit for:
    • Methadone, buprenorphine/naloxone (i.e. Suboxone and generics), slow release morphine and injectable opioid agonist treatment (iOAT) for the treatment of opioid use disorder. To promote client safety, clients receiving these treatments are enrolled in the Client Safety Program formerly known as the Prescription Monitoring Program. Prior to providing coverage for buprenorphine/naloxone, the NIHB Program confirms that the community has infrastructure for the safe storage and handling of the medication.
    • Naloxone, used to treat overdoses, both Injection and nasal spray (Narcan);
    • Medical transportation benefits for clients to access supervised treatment for opioid use disorder (e.g. methadone, Suboxone). The client’s ongoing need for travel is reviewed every six months
    • Up to 22 hours of professional mental health counseling every 12 months, with additional hours as required.
  2. In addition to coverage provided under the NIHB Program, in facilities where ISC provides primary care services in First Nations communities, naloxone injection is available for administration by health care professionals to reverse the effects of the overdose. There is also a limited supply of naloxone nasal spray (Narcan) in Nursing Stations that is available to community members at no charge. Injectable naloxone is listed in the Branch’s Nursing Station Formulary as a "must stock" medication.

Indigenous Health:

If pressed on health services:

  • We remain focused on supporting long-term investments that will improve the health and well-being of Indigenous communities.
  • By listening to Indigenous communities, we have advanced shared priorities such as:
    • Ensuring that 92% of mothers travelling for childbirth between June 2017 and March 2019 were accompanied by a preauthorized individual of their choice,
    • Completing 193 of the 207 health-related infrastructure projects underway since 2016,
  • We will continue working with partners towards improved health services and programs for Indigenous peoples.

Distinctions-based Indigenous health legislation, and how it relates to COVID:

  • The COVID-19 pandemic has underscored the need for strong mechanisms and adequate funding to ensure that First Nations, Inuit, and Métis have access to high-quality health and mental health services.
  • Canada is committed to working with First Nations, Inuit, and Métis partners to co-develop distinctions-based Indigenous health legislation through an agreed upon, collaborative engagement process.
  • Co-development provides an opportunity to advance shared health priorities post COVID-19.
  • Improving the health and wellness of First Nations, Inuit, and Métis remains a priority for the Government of Canada.

Health services in the North and COVID-19:

  • We are working with territorial and Indigenous partners to advance the health and safety of First Nations and Inuit in the North.
  • While territorial governments are responsible for the delivery of health care in the territories, we work in partnership to ensure First Nations and Inuit have access to the culturally safe supports and services, including on the land activities.
  • To date in 2020/21, we have allocated $29.6 million to support mental health programming and services in all 72 First Nations and Inuit communities in the three territories.
  • In response to COVID-19, a pan-territorial Indigenous working group been established to share knowledge weekly, and collaboratively meet the urgent and emerging needs of communities.
  • The Government of Canada is supporting Indigenous communities to implement culturally relevant emergency measures to promote on the land physical distancing.
  • We will continue to work with Indigenous partners to help them protect their health and safety during the COVID-19 pandemic.


Indigenous Services Canada (ISC) works collaboratively with partners to improve access to high quality services for First Nations, Inuit and Métis. Our vision is to support and empower Indigenous peoples to independently deliver services and address the socio-economic conditions in their communities.

The First Nations and Inuit Health Branch within ISC supports First Nations and Inuit in their aim to influence, manage, and control health programs and services that affect them.

The most advanced model of First Nations health transfer is in British Columbia where a tripartite Framework Agreement was signed in 2011 and led to the full devolution of the First Nations and Inuit Health Branch’s regional operations in 2013 to a newly established First Nations Health Authority.


Indigenous Housing and COVID-19:

  • We recognize that many Indigenous communities face unique challenges and that poor housing conditions can contribute to the spread of COVID-19.
  • We are working closely with communities to support effective self-isolation, hygiene, and sanitation to minimize transmission.
  • We are also working quickly with Indigenous partners to flow funding under the Indigenous Community Support Fund to ensure Indigenous peoples are not left behind in this critical time.
  • We are exploring all options to address COVID-19 community infrastructure needs, including supporting temporary isolation and testing facilities, and additional staff.


As of December 31, 2019, ISC and Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) together showed a total of 18,744 housing units built, renovated and retrofitted. Of that amount, ISC is responsible for 8,243 housing units divided as follows:

  • 2,743 new unit constructions, 1,561 of which are completed
  • 5,500 unit renovations and upgrades, 3,169 of which are completed

CMHC is responsible for 10,501 homes divided as follows:

  • 3,036 new unit constructions, 1,673 of which are completed
  • 7,465 unit renovations and retrofits, 6,758 of which are completed

ISC has been working in collaboration with the CMHC the Assembly of First Nations and its Chiefs Committee on Housing and Infrastructure to co-develop a National First Nations Housing and Related Infrastructure Strategy, supported by $600 million over three years announced in Budget 2018. The Strategy was endorsed at the December 5, 2018 Special Chiefs Assembly, outlining the path forward to transition the care, control and management of housing to First Nations.

CIRNAC has worked in partnership with Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami, Inuit land claim governments and organizations, CMHC and Employment and Social Development Canada to develop the Inuit Nunangat Housing Strategy, which was made public on April 4, 2019. The Strategy is premised on self-determination with Inuit recipients holding the responsibility, decision making powers and capacity to meet housing needs at the regional level. Budget 2018 allocated $400 million over 10 years to support Inuit-led housing in the Inuit regions of Nunavik, Nunatsiavut and Inuvialuit, with an additional $240 million over 10 years for Nunavut from Budget 2017 through CMHC to the Government of Nunavut.

Canada and the Métis Nation signed the Canada-Métis Nation Accord in April 2017, with a number of year one priorities that parties agreed to collaborate on, including a Métis Nation Housing Strategy. On July 19, 2018, the Métis Housing Sub-Accord was finalized, outlining the design, delivery and administration of housing services undertaken by the Governing Members of the Métis Nation to address the purchase of new houses, the repair of existing houses and the provision of rent-supplements to families most in need. The Housing Sub-Accord, funded at $500 million over 10 years announced in Budget 2018, reflects a shared commitment to narrow the core housing needs gap and further Indigenous self-determination in this important area of social policy.

The Indigenous Homes Innovation Initiative was launched on April 11, 2019, by the Minister of Indigenous Services and co-chairs of the Indigenous Steering Committee. 342 applications were received and 24 were selected by the Steering Committee as part of the Accelerator process. The Accelerator, launched January 20, 2020 provides Indigenous Innovators with funding and supports to further develop their idea into implementable proposals. The Initiative is being done in partnership with Infrastructure Canada’s Smart Cities Challenge and addresses the Government of Canada’s commitment to a process specific to Indigenous communities that reflects their unique realities and needs.

Water and Wastewater:

COVID-19 and drinking water:

  • We are working with communities to minimize the impact of COVID-19 on the continued provision of safe, clean drinking water.
  • We remain in contact with all communities and back-up plans are in place to support continuity of water and wastewater service provision throughout the pandemic.
  • Emergency support for system operation remains available to First Nations communities, including through the Circuit Rider Training Program. As well, Operations and Maintenance funding continues to flow to First Nations communities to support effective water operations.
  • Environmental Public Health Officers continue to work directly with First Nations to assist them in monitoring drinking water quality, which includes providing advice and guidance from a public health perspective.
  • This includes supporting the role of Community-Based Water Monitors to ensure the health of their communities through the consistent monitoring of the drinking water supply and prompt notification of any unsatisfactory samples.
  • We continue to work closely with individual communities and partners to coordinate resources and keep communities safe.

If pressed on COVID-19 and DWAs:

  • During a Boil Water Advisory or Do Not Consume Advisory, tap water can still be used to wash hands with soap and water and for personal hygiene.
  • If a Do Not Use Advisory is in place, bottled water with soap or hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol should be used to wash hands.
  • Letters have been sent to First Nations communities currently on a Drinking Water Advisory. For these communities, ISC provides supplies such as bottled water, and hand sanitizer where needed.

Insufficient COVID-19 Related Infrastructure:

  • We recognize the infrastructure challenges faced by many First Nations, Inuit, and Métis Nation communities.
  • We are exploring all options to address COVID-19 community infrastructure needs, including supporting temporary isolation and testing facilities, and additional staff.
  • We have been clear that supports for Indigenous communities are not limited by financial capacity.
  • We will continue to work closely with individual communities and partners to coordinate resources and keep communities safe.

If pressed on water issues other than LTDWA’s :

  • We remain steadfast and on track to end all long-term drinking water advisories on public systems on reserve by March 2021.
  • We are providing sustainable investments to prevent short-term advisories, expand delivery systems, build capacity of and retain local water operators, and support regular monitoring and testing.
  • To date, 154 short term advisories have been prevented from becoming long term through these investments.

If pressed on training and certification of water operators :

  • Budgets 2016 and 2018 dedicated funds to First Nation communities to train operators of water and wastewater systems, with the goal of skill retention in their communities.
  • Annually, we spend approximately $15 million on First Nations water and wastewater operator training.
  • We are working closely with First Nations to ensure they have the resources they need to operate and maintain their water systems, including by reforming how we fund operations and maintenance of infrastructure, as well as operator salaries.
  • We are also supporting efforts to recruit, train and retain water operators across the country.
  • Budget 2019 dedicated an additional $739 million over five years, to support ongoing efforts to eliminate and prevent long-term drinking water advisories.


ISC is working in full partnership with First Nation communities, including with First Nations technical advisors and leaders, to support sustainable First Nations-led approaches to ensure that on-reserve water systems are safe. This includes Technical Services Advisory Group in Alberta (TSAG), the Ontario First Nations Technical Services Corporation (OFNTSC), the Atlantic Policy Congress, and technical service delivery Hubs pilot projects in Ontario. ISC also works directly with First Nations to assist communities in monitoring drinking water quality in all water systems, which includes providing advice and guidance about drinking water safety and wastewater disposal, and reviewing infrastructure project proposals from a public health perspective.

As part of Budget 2016, the Government of Canada committed to end by March 2021 all long-term drinking water advisories affecting public systems on reserve. Phase 1 of the Investing in Canada infrastructure plan supports this goal by providing an unprecedented $1.8 billion over five years for First Nation communities to significantly improve on-reserve water and wastewater infrastructure, ensure proper facility operation and maintenance, and strengthen capacity by enhancing the training of water system operators. Budget 2016 also included $141.7 million over five years in new funding to the Department to improve drinking water monitoring and testing on reserve. In addition, Budget 2017 provided $49 million over 3 years to address advisories as part of the expanded scope which added 24 long-term drinking water advisories to the Government’s commitment. Budget 2018 committed an additional $172.6 million over three years to support initiatives to accelerate, where possible, the pace of construction and renovation of affected water systems, support repairs to high-risk water systems and assist efforts to recruit, train and retain water operators. These funds will also support efforts to establish innovative First Nations-led service delivery models. Lastly, Budget 2019 commits an additional $739 million over five years, beginning in 2019-20, with $184.9 million per year ongoing. This investment will support ongoing efforts to eliminate and prevent long-term drinking water advisories by funding urgent repairs to vulnerable water systems and the operation and maintenance of water systems so that First Nations communities can effectively operate and maintain their public drinking water systems.

As of December 31, 2019, more than $1.44 billion of targeted funding has been invested to support 602 water and wastewater projects, including 276 that are now completed. These projects will serve approximately 464,000 people in 586 First Nation communities.

It should be noted that Drinking water advisories (DWAs) are issued to protect the public from drinking water that is potentially unsafe, or confirmed to be unsafe, based on water quality testing. DWAs are issued by First Nations in their communities and off-reserve by provincial, territorial or municipal governments.

Communities may also choose to issue a DWA as a precautionary measure, such as when there are emergency repairs in the water distribution system or if a community does not have a trained Water System Operator or Community-Based Drinking Water Quality Monitor in place. Some DWAs are short-term to advise residents of a temporary water quality issue on a specific water system (e.g: equipment failure).

The government is working closely with First Nations by providing sustainable investments, expanding delivery systems, building capacity of and retaining local water operators, as well as supporting regular monitoring and testing on all drinking water systems to prevent short-term and re-occurring advisories.

In 2014, the Tsuu T’ina Nation, the Sucker Creek First Nation, the Ermineskin Cree Nation and the Blood Tribe, with reserves located in Treaties 6, 7 and 8, sued Canada alleging Canada created and sustained unsafe drinking water conditions on their reserves and throughout Canada. The First Nations claim declarations and damages for breach of fiduciary duty, breach of the Honour of the Crown, and breaches of sections 7 and 15(1) of the Charter. The Assembly of First Nations has passed resolutions supporting this litigation. This action has been stayed by the Federal Court on consent of the parties for one-year periods since the fall of 2015. During this timeframe, the parties entered into "without prejudice" meetings and discussions to resolve their concerns about safe drinking water in these First Nations’ reserves, and to resolve the proceedings by agreement or by narrowing the issues out of court. The stay expired on September 19, 2019 and the file is in Case Management, in the Federal Court.

The Okanagan Indian Band is also seeking declarations that Canada has breached its fiduciary duty, breached the Honour of the Crown, violated the Charter and breached its obligations under the Constitution by failing to create and sustain safe water conditions on First Nations’ reserves. The Band seeks a declaration that Canada is obliged to remedy the unsafe drinking water conditions on reserve, with supervision of the Court, an order for damages and that Canada disgorge any savings made from failing to provide adequate water supplies to the Band.

The Curve Lake First Nation and Chief Emily Whetung, on her own behalf and on behalf of all members of the First Nation, claim that Canada has failed to address the inadequacies of their access to potable water and the resulting human consequences. The Plaintiffs seek declarations that Canada has breached its fiduciary duty, breached the Honour of the Crown, violated the Charter and, breached its obligations under the Constitution by failing to address the inadequacies of their access to potable water. The Plaintiffs further seek the immediate construction of appropriate water systems; $100 million for breaches of Charter rights; $100 million for breaches of fiduciary duty, negligence and nuisance; and, $20 million in punitive damages. Discussions continue with the Chief and Project Team on the next steps. The Chief has invited the Regional team to visit the community in 2020.

The Tataskweyak First Nation has filed a national class proceeding involving any First Nation band that has had a drinking water advisory lasting a year or more since 1995. The Band claims Canada breached its fiduciary duties, breached the honour of the Crown, breached the Charter, section 36(1)(c) of the Constitution Act, and is liable for individual causes of action like nuisance and negligence.

Michael Daryl Isnardy (Toosey First Nation in BC), filed a proposed class action proceeding as an individual plaintiff in the Federal Court, representing aboriginal and First Nation persons unable to consume or use water from their community water systems on First Nation reserves. He claims the Crown created, sustained and allowed unsafe drinking water conditions, and is seeking declarations that Canada breached its fiduciary duty and duty of care to the community, violated sections 7 (life, liberty and security of the person) and 15(1) (equality right) of the Charter and, breached its obligations under paragraph 35(1) of the Constitution Act.

Kashechewan First Nation:

If pressed on evacuation and COVID-19:

  • We recognize the possibility of flooding every spring is a difficult and ongoing reality for Kashechewan.
  • We are working closely with the community to analyze the evolving situation and review the support and resources in place for an evacuation in case there is a flood.
  • We are also working in close communication to ensure they have necessary information and resources to prepare for an outbreak of COVID-19.
  • We will continue to work with partners to ensure that Kashechewan is prepared to respond in the case of a COVID-19 outbreak.
  • The Department has provided $2.12 million in emergency funding to Kashechewan First Nation to support the community decision to self-isolate at traditional hunting camps and at another location on higher ground in response to the combined risk of COVID-19 and spring flooding.

If pressed on the timeframe for relocation:

  • On May 9th 2019, Chief Friday, the previous Minister of Indigenous Services, and Ontario’s Minister of Indigenous Affairs signed the 2019 Framework Agreement, confirming the relocation of Kashechewan First Nation to higher ground.
  • Since then, we have been working with the community to undertake a Comprehensive Community Planning process, including a survey of all community residents.
  • We have engaged a Project Manager and Road Design Consultant to plan the development of an access road to the new community site.
  • A key step is the transfer of provincial lands to Canada to be designated as reserve lands. Federal officials are working together with the First Nation and provincial officials as a priority to advance the Addition to Reserve.
  • Work is also underway on studies to plan the development of the new community and detailed cost estimates to support the approval process for funding.


  • All Canadians should have access to safe, clean, and reliable drinking water.
  • The Water Treatment Plant Upgrade project was completed in November 2019.
  • This has improved the safety of drinking water and the operation of fire hydrants throughout the community.
  • We are working closely with the community to continue bringing clean and safe water to their homes.


  • Between 2015 and 2017, Kashechewan First Nation received more than $49 million for 52 duplexes (104 housing units) to replace flood-damaged homes and reduce overcrowding in the community.
  • These homes were built on raised pilings to be more flood-resilient, and to facilitate moving them to the new site when the community relocates.
  • Currently, Kashechewan First Nation has more than $2.9 million in funding available to address its priority housing needs.
  • We are working with the community to support a 5-year Housing Plan to address priorities while planning for relocation of the community.
  • We will continue to work closely with the community to support their needs.

Support for Métis:

Community Support for Inuit:

Child and Family Services

Eligible expenses related to COVID-19

  • ISC has expanded eligible expenses to support First Nations agencies and communities in addressing emergency concerns, and addressing issues related to COVID-19. The expanded eligibility could support:
    • temporary lodging in order to isolate an individual, whether that be a child or care giver in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19;
    • equipment to support teleworking for staff deemed essential;
    • temporary additional human resources to ensure the continuation of essential services;
    • supplies and supports to ensure the safety of workers;
    • supplies for children (e.g. baby formula, diapers, wipes);
    • supports for prevention and cultural workers to modify their services to support families to avert crisis;
    • child care for services providers/caregivers;
    • communications expenses such as translation;
    • emergency food support for families at risk; and
    • interim emergency assistance to First Nations to assist them with their planning.

Band Representative Services (BRS) in Ontario

  • During the COVID-19 outbreak, ISC is putting in place processes to support Ontario’s Band Representative Service in addressing emergency concerns, and expanding eligibility of expenses related to COVID-19. The expanded eligibility could support:
    • equipment to support teleworking for Band Representative Services staff deemed essential;
    • additional human resources to ensure the continuation of essential due to staff member leaves and absences;
    • supplies and supports to ensure the safety of Band Representative Services workers;
    • emergency supplies for children (i.e. baby formula, diapers, wipes); and
    • emergency food support for families at risk.

Communication Needs

  • ISC understands that it is important for families to be able to communicate with each other especially during stressful times. The Department also recognizes that progress made to reunite a family should not be disrupted or experience setbacks due to the social distancing requirements put in place due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Where provincial government policies related to child welfare require it, ISC will cover the cost associated with technology or support for children in care to stay connected to immediate family such as parents.

Educational Support for First Nation children in care:

  • As custodians and guardians of children, First Nations child and family services agencies have an obligation to work with schools to ensure that children in care have their educational needs met.
  • Expenditures required to assist caregivers with additional pressures of implementing education plans as well as ensuring that children in care have the right tools and support to participate fully in their education could be eligible under the First Nations Child and Family Services Program. This may include devices, internet connection, school supplies, or tutors.
  • During the COVID-19 pandemic, foster and kinship Support Workers and Caseworkers will coordinate and specifically connect with caregivers and teachers of the child or youth in care to ensure that their foster and kinship families have what they need to participate in their education online, in accordance with provincial legislation and direction.
  • The educational needs of First Nations children and youth not in care may also be considered under specific circumstances on an individual case-by-case basis. Agencies will work with ISC representative to determine what expenditures could be eligible.

Community Well-being and Jurisdiction Initiatives - CWJI

  • ISC is also supporting First Nations communities by offering current Community and Well-being and Jurisdiction Initiatives (CWJI) recipients the flexibility to use any unspent or upcoming funding based on emerging needs during the COVID-19 crisis.
  • Communities may be able re-allocate their existing CWJI funding to address COVID-19 related risks to children and families. Communities should contact their regional offices to discuss potential options going forward.

Temporary Measures for Individuals Reaching the Age of Majority

  • ISC also recently introduced a national temporary measure to ensure that services already funded through the First Nations Child and Family Services Program are maintained for all First Nations youth who reach the age of majority or who are past the age of majority but are in special care arrangements, between at least March 9, 2020 and September 30, 2020.

Speaking Notes for The Honourable Dan Vandal Minister of Northern Affairs before the Standing Committee on Indigenous and Northern Affairs

House of Commons (via videoconference)

Ottawa, Ontario

May 1, 2020

Check Against Delivery

Word Count: 660 (5.28 minutes)

Mr. Chair, it is my pleasure to appear before this Committee today. I would like to begin by acknowledging that Canada’s Parliament is on the traditional and unceded territory of the Algonquin people. And I am speaking from my office in St. Boniface – St. Vital which is on Treaty 1 Territory and the Homeland of the Métis Nation.

Today, I would like to give you an update on the situation of COVID-19 in the North.

Since the beginning of the crisis, I have been in regular contact with territorial premiers and First Nation, Inuit and Métis partners across the North. I know that the only way we have any hope of preventing the spread of COVID-19 in the North is by taking an approach informed by Northerners. They have the ideas, innovations and solutions we need to implement, to prevent, and stop the spread of the virus.

We are committed to listening and doing everything we can to support provincial and territorial governments in preventing and responding to COVID-19. They have done a tremendous job in protecting their communities and keeping people safe. I support their efforts and continue to work with them through this pandemic.

Canada is directly addressing these unique territorial needs with more than $130 million in funding towards four key priorities:

To support health and social services, the Government of Canada is providing $72.6 million which builds on the $500 million in funding for provincial and territorial governments through the Canada Health Transfer.

And it is helping territories to address the critical priorities they identified to minimize the spread of COVID-19.

It is helping territories to put in place solid measures in order to prepare and to respond to COVID-19.

To support essential airline services, which are a critical link in maintaining the supply chain for the movement of essential goods and services in the North, Canada is providing an initial investment covering a three-month period of up to $17.3 million among the territories.

This investment, along with investments by the territorial governments, will help northern air carriers to maintain a basic network of routes and services. This will be vital to ensure that people living in remove and fly-in communities have continued access to food, medical supplies, and other essential goods and services.

Like in the rest of Canada, many businesses in the North are already struggling with the economic impacts of COVID-19. To assist businesses with operating costs―not already covered by other Government of Canada measures―the Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency will provide $15 million in non-repayable support for territorial businesses through the Northern Business Relief Fund. The Fund will provide individual businesses with up to $100,000 in non-repayable funding to help with their operating costs.

As the COVID-19 crisis continues to evolve, we also recognize the increased costs of many essential goods in the North and the increased financial pressures that many families are facing.

That is why we are providing an additional one-time investment of $25 million to Nutrition North Canada to increase the federal subsidy rate for essential items like nutritious food and personal hygiene products. This makes these essentials more affordable for Northern families, including Indigenous families in the North, during these challenging times. We have also implemented the Harvesters Support Grant which has been allocated to Indigenous partners and we are working diligently to flow the next wave of money quickly. This grant, co-developed with Indigenous partners, helps Northerners return to traditional harvesting and food sharing practices by alleviating the high costs associated with traditional hunting and harvesting of foods.

Furthermore, we have announced distinctions-based funding of $45 million through the $305 million Indigenous Community Support Fund, for Inuit to design and implement community-based solutions to prepare for and react to the spread of COVID-19 within their communities.

The Government of Canada is committed to supporting the health, safety and well-being of Northerners through the COVID-19 crisis and beyond to ensure that they are able to recover and thrive in the future.

And that means that we will keep listening carefully to, and working closely with, our territorial, provincial, Indigenous and other partners to determine the best responses and approaches in our ongoing efforts to fight COVID-19.

Meegwetch. Marci. Nakurmiik (Na-koor-meek) Thank you. Merci.

COVID-19 Funding For the North:

Territorial Transfers:

  • Canada will transfer $72.6 million to the governments of Yukon, Northwest Territories, and Nunavut to support their COVID-19 health and social services preparations and response, as follows:
    • $18.4 million for Yukon;
    • $23.4 million for the Northwest Territories; and,
    • $30.8 million for Nunavut.
  • This funding builds on the $500 million in funding already announced for provincial and territorial governments through the Canada Health Transfer and will help the territories address the critical priorities they identified to minimize the spread of the virus.
  • Canada has also been working to ensure that Territorial health systems have access to the Personal Protective Equipment and other supplies they need, through mechanisms such as the National Strategic Emergency Stockpile and joint Federal/Provincial/Territorial procurement process.
  • We understand that these mechanisms are working, and that governments, including the Government of Nunavut, continue to receive vital deliveries.

Funding for Inuit

  • $45 million of $305 million Indigenous Community Support Fund is earmarked for Inuit Nunangat. Regional allocations were determined by Inuit and are being administered by each of the four Inuit land claims organizations through an allocation determined by Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami and Inuit land claims organizations.
  • Makivik (Nunavik Inuit) received $11,250,000; Inuvialuit Regional Cooperation received $5,850,000, Nunavut Tunngavik Incorporated received $22,545,000, and Nunatsiavut received $5,355,000.
  • The Government is committed to continuing to work with Inuit to further identify and address COVID-19 preparedness and response in Inuit communities.

Territorial Business Support

  • To assist businesses with operating costs not already covered by other Government of Canada measures, the Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency will make available $15 million in non-repayable support for businesses in the territories.
  • On April 17, 2020, the Government of Canada announced the nearly $1 billion Regional Relief and Recovery Fund (RRRF) fund to support affected businesses and communities, including those in the North.
  • This support will help address the economic impacts of COVID-19.

Northern Air Services

  • Canada will provide up to $17.3 million to the governments of Yukon, Northwest Territories, and Nunavut to support northern air carriers in maintaining a basic network of routes and services, as follows:
    • $3.6 million for Yukon;
    • $8.7 million for the Northwest Territories; and,
    • $5 million for Nunavut
  • This funding, in partnership with investments by the territorial governments, will ensure the continued supply of food, medical supplies, and other essential goods and services to remote and fly-in communities.


The Government of Canada is taking decisive action to help Canadians facing hardship because of COVID-19. This includes working closely and proactively with provincial, territorial and Indigenous governments to meet the unique needs of Indigenous and Northern communities, which are among the most vulnerable to COVID-19. On April 14th, the Prime Minister announced $130 million in targeted Northern funding to address immediate health, economic, and transportation needs identified by territorial Premiers in correspondence in mid-March.

Part of this funding includes the transfer $72.6 million directly to the governments of Yukon ($18.4 million), Northwest Territories ($23.4 million), and Nunavut ($30.8 million) to support COVID-19 preparations and responses related to health and social services. This funding builds on the $500 million already announced for provincial and territorial governments through the Canada Health Transfer (CHT) and will enable territorial governments to address their respective critical priorities as they see fit to minimize the spread of the virus.

In recognition of the hardships currently faced by the territorial business community, the Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency (CanNor) will be immediately making available $15 million in funding towards direct support for ongoing operating costs incurred by territorial small- and medium-sized businesses, in order to help them continue to play their vital role in Northern communities. This relief funding for territorial businesses complements the suite of relief measures implemented by the Government of Canada to address the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Canadian economy. CanNor is working to provide this relief funding as quickly as possible to the businesses that need it the most. Further details will become available in the coming days once the program fully rolls out.

To support important air services to northern communities, the Government of Canada is providing up to $17.3 million to the governments of Yukon ($3.6 million), Northwest Territories ($8.7 million), and Nunavut ($5 million) to support northern air carriers. This funding, in partnership with investments by the territorial governments, will ensure the continued supply of food, medical supplies, and other essential goods and services to remote and fly-in communities.

The Government announced a one-time financial injection of $25 million in order to increase Nutrition North Canada’s subsidy rates on nutritious food and essential items. The targeted/highest subsidy level has been increased by 50cents/kg, and the higher subsidy level has been increased by $1/kg. By providing an additional subsidy on a broad range of items, residents of isolated communities will be better able to afford to feed and protect themselves and their families. These changes are temporary measures to assist residents of isolated northern communities during this challenging period. This decision will extend until March 31, 2021.

The Government of Canada will continue to work with territorial and provincial governments and other partners to explore short-to medium term options to address other needs directly related to the COVID-19 pandemic and economic recovery.

Ridings: Larry Bagnell, Yukon (Lib); Michael McLeod, Northwest Territories (Lib); Mumilaaq Qaqqaq, Nunavut (NDP); Niki Ashton, Churchill - Keewatinook Aski (NDP); Sylvie Bérubé, Abitibi-Baie-James-Nunavik-Eeyou (BQ); Yvonne Jones, Labrador (Lib).

COVID-19 Community Support funding for Inuit:

If pressed on other funding available to Inuit:

  • On April 14th the Prime Minister announced additional funding in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. This includes $72.6 million for health and social services in the territories, $17.3 million to territorial governments to support northern air carriers, and an additional $25 million to Nutrition North Canada to increase subsidies for nutritious food and personal hygiene products. 
  • On April 18th, the Prime Minister announced $306.8 to support small and medium-sized Indigenous businesses through interest free loans and non-repayable contributions.
  • The Government continues to work with Inuit in order to address the gaps in COVID-19 response funding. 

If pressed on funding use:

  • Inuit regional organizations and governments are receiving funding directly from Indigenous Services Canada. Funds to Inuit are being used for measures that include:
  • Support for elders and youth and vulnerable community members;
  • Addressing food insecurity;
  • Support for land-based activities;
  • Educational and other support for children;
  • Mental health assistance and emergency response services;
  • Preparedness measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19; and
  • Medical supplies.

If pressed on housing:

  • Improving Indigenous housing outcomes is a priority for our Government. Our government is co-developing and implementing distinctions‑based Indigenous housing strategies with First Nations, Inuit and Métis Nation partners.
  • Budget 2018 invested $400 million over 10 years for Inuit-led housing in Nunavik, Nunatsiavut and the Inuvialuit regions. This funding and approach, premised on Inuit-led housing delivery, is a significant step towards addressing the housing needs in Inuit communities
  • In addition, $289.6 million over 10 years was committed to Nunavut as part of the National Housing Strategy bilateral agreement between the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation and the Nunavut Housing Corporation.
  • As stated by the Prime Minister, the Inuit Nunangat Housing Strategy, which was released in April 2019, was designed by Inuit and will be delivered by Inuit. Joint work is underway to implement the strategy to further address Inuit housing needs.
  • The National Housing Strategy includes the Co-Investment Fund for projects across the housing continuum – from shelters for victims fleeing violence to transitional and supportive housing, affordable and community rental housing, as well as affordable homeownership. This continues to be available to all Canadians, including Inuit.

If pressed on the gaps in current funding announcements:

  • In full partnership, we have engaged Inuit on the funding gaps and are working towards addressing the gaps.


Inuit are very concerned about the impact of COVID-19 on their communities given added vulnerability caused by limited or only distant access to acute medical services, overcrowded and inadequate housing, high rates of respiratory illnesses such as tuberculosis, and the dependence on air support for travel and delivery of goods to their remote communities. During the quickly evolving circumstances associated with the COVID-19 response, government is working with Inuit partners to ensure that funding is delivered as quickly as possible. Gaps and concerns have been identified in the delivery of some funding that may not have applicability throughout Inuit Nunangat. CIRNAC is working with Inuit and federal partners to identify and make efforts to address those gaps and concerns, where possible.

Nutrition North Canada:

If pressed on COVID-19 Funding:

  • Canada will provide an additional $25 million to Nutrition North Canada to increase subsidies so families can afford much-needed nutritious food and personal hygiene products.
  • This one-time investment will increase the federal subsidy rates for essential items and reduce the cost of essential items to consumers.
  • The program is demand-driven therefore funding will be allocated according to where eligible items are purchased.
  • Given cost of living considerations and historical data, it is anticipated that approximately 40% of the funding allocated for the Nutrition North Canada subsidy program will be spent in Nunavut, 5% in the Northwest Territories, and 1% in Yukon which has only one eligible community.

If pressed on the Harvesters Support Grant:

  • Our Government understands how important it is that northern families have access to more affordable, healthy food.
  • This is why, in collaboration with Indigenous partners, we have developed the Harvesters Support Grant, to improve access to traditional foods by alleviating the high costs associated with traditional hunting and harvesting activities.
  • Funding for the first year of the Grant has been allocated to Indigenous partners, and the Government of Canada is working to quickly deliver the next wave of money.
  • In order to further enhance transparency, the program is committed to working with Indigenous and northern partners on establishing a northern-based audit review committee to ensure that suppliers and retailers have passed on the subsidy to consumers.

If pressed on Food Security

  • The objective of Nutrition North Canada is to help make perishable, nutritious food more accessible and more affordable than it otherwise would be for residents of isolated northern communities.
  • Food security is a complex, multifaceted and multijurisdictional issue, requiring an array of innovative and horizontal approaches.
  • No single department, institution, organization or initiative has the capacity required to address the issue of food security on their own.
  • That's why we are committed to improving food security in the North through a whole-of-government approach that includes working with Provinces, Territories, and Indigenous leadership and communities.


The Nutrition North Canada program's objective is to help make perishable, nutritious food more accessible and more affordable than it otherwise would be to residents of isolated northern communities that lack year-round surface access (i.e. permanent road, rail, or marine). There are currently 116 communities eligible for the full subsidy available under the program.

The impact of the program on food prices is measured through a "Revised Northern Food Basket", which reflects the cost of food in isolated northern communities. The cost of the Revised Northern Food Basket in March 2019 was lower by $4.41 (or 1.03%) than in March 2011, prior to the launch of the program. According to Statistics Canada, the price of food purchased from stores elsewhere in Canada increased by 10.5% over that same time period.  

In the 2018 Fall Economic Statement, the government announced an additional investment in the program of $62.6 million over five years starting in 2019–20, with $10.4 million per year on an ongoing basis. These investments support program enhancements such as a new targeted subsidy level for essential food items and childcare goods for communities most in need, and a seasonal surface transportation subsidy for items shipped by sealift and winter road. Additionally, the program continues to develop a Harvesters Support Grant, to help alleviate the high costs associated with traditional hunting and harvesting and improve access to country foods.  

To face the COVID-19 pandemic, the Government announced a one-time financial injection of $25 million in order to increase Nutrition North Canada's subsidy rates on nutritious food and essential items. The targeted/highest subsidy level has been increased by 50cents/kg, and the higher subsidy level has been increased by $1/kg. By providing an additional subsidy on a broad range of items, residents of isolated communities will be better able to afford to feed and protect themselves and their families. These changes are temporary measures to assist residents of isolated northern communities during this challenging period. This decision will extend until March 31, 2021.

Program development and implementation is informed by the Nutrition North Canada Advisory Board, which provides advice to the Minister, and two important engagement forums at the working level: the Indigenous Working Group, which is made up of representatives of First Nations organizations that serve communities eligible for Nutrition North Canada; and the Inuit-Crown Food Security Working Group, which was created by the Inuit-Crown Partnership Committee to work towards food security across Inuit Nunangat. The Department continues to work with its Indigenous partners to enhance the program in making it more accountable, transparent, and culturally relevant for Northerners.

Support for the Northern Mining Industry

The need to expand the wage subsidy: 

  • The Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy supports employers that are hardest hit by the pandemic.
  • Discussions are continuing to address the unique situations of northern communities and its residents.


  • Mining is the foundation of the economy in northern Canada, with operating mines and exploration in all regions and territories. The current COVID-19 crisis is severely affecting the northern mining sector, including the employment of over 1000 local Inuit employees.
  • The mining sector is made up of three distinct sub-sectors with different structures. The largest sector is the operating mines. These have largely continued to function but with significant operational changes to allow for the application of COVID-19 health and safety measures. The supply sector relies on major mines and has been affected in the same manner as the operating mines. Lastly, the exploration sector has largely ceased its operations due to the pandemic and travel related constraints. 
  • The mining sector produces over $3 Billion in minerals annually and is the largest private sector employer and contributor to the gross domestic product in all three territories. It provides over 10,000 direct and indirect jobs, produces over $3 billion in annual business spending, and generates important tax and royalty revenues to public, Indigenous governments and Inuit organizations across all three territories.
  • Mining is the largest private sector employer of Indigenous people in the North. In Nunavut, 97.5% of residents who work in the industry in the territory are Indigenous and 52.5% of residents in the Northwest Territories.

Arctic and Northern Policy Framework :

Climate Change:

  • Our Government has been very clear: climate change and its impacts are real.
  • We are working with Northerners, industry, and territorial and provincial partners to find innovative and effective solutions that address unique challenges in a rapidly changing Arctic.
  • Initiatives supporting the co-developed Arctic and Northern Policy Framework will benefit families, build vibrant communities, and grow sustainable economies in the face of these challenges.


The Arctic and Northern Policy Framework (Framework) was launched on September 10th, 2019, following over two years of engagement and collaboration with Northerners and Canadians. It is the first major federal framework to be co-developed with provincial, territorial, and Indigenous partners. The co-development of the Framework was also supported by roundtable engagements held with Arctic and Northern residents, youth and key experts and stakeholders, including industry, academics and non-governmental organizations.

The Framework sets out a long-term, strategic vision that will guide the Government of Canada's activities and investments in the Arctic to 2030 and beyond and will better align Canada's national and international policy objectives with the priorities of Indigenous peoples and Arctic and Northern residents. The Framework currently includes the co-developed Arctic and Northern Policy Statement; chapters on foreign policy as well as safety, security and defense; and chapters authored by Indigenous and territorial partners. Additional partner chapters may be released at a later date.

The next phase of the Framework will focus on co-development of implementation and governance, moving towards more integrated federal-territorial-provincial and Indigenous approaches to challenges and opportunities in Canada's Arctic and North.

Nunavut Case:


The first case COVID-19 was confirmed on April 30, 2020 in Pond Inlet, Nunavut.

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, on March 18, 2020, the Government of Canada announced the COVID-19 Economic Response Plan. This plan includes $305 million for a new, distinctions-based Indigenous Community Support Fund to address immediate needs in First Nations, Inuit and Métis communities.

The specific allocation for Inuit is 45 million, which will flow to each of the four land claims organizations (including Nunavut Tunngavik Incorporated) through an allocation determined by the Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami and regional Inuit land claims organizations.

As part of the $500 million Canada Health Transfer top-up to address critical health care system needs preparedness and mitigation Nunavut is receiving an allocation of $516,000.

In response to requests from the three territorial Premiers, the Government of Canada announced an additional $89.9 million in federal funding to address immediate health and transportation priorities related to COVID-19 in Yukon, Northwest Territories, and Nunavut.

For Nunavut, these measures comprises immediate funding of $35.8 million, which includes $17.6 million for critical health care system needs preparedness and mitigation efforts; $13.2 million for accommodation and other costs related to isolation; and $5.0 million to secure critical air services to ensure essential resupply and access.

Additionally, the Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency (CanNor) will make available $15 million in non-repayable support for businesses in the territories to help address the impacts of COVID-19. This support will assist businesses with operating costs not already covered by other Government of Canada measures.

The Government of Canada will continue to work with territorial and provincial governments and other partners to explore short-to medium term options to address other needs directly related to the COVID-19 pandemic and economic recovery.

Speaking Notes for The Honourable Carolyn Bennett Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations before the Standing Committee on Indigenous and Northern Affairs

House of Commons

Ottawa, Ontario (via videoconference)

May 1, 2020

Check Against Delivery

Mr. Chair, it is an honour to appear virtually before this Committee today on this important study on the COVID-19 emergency in Indigenous communities.

While the House of Commons is on the traditional and unceded territory of the Algonquin people, I am joining you today from my constituency in Toronto, on the traditional territory of the Mississaugas of the Credit where we honour all the indigenous peoples who paddled these waters and whose mocassins walked these lands. I would also like the recognize the traditional territories from which all of you are participating.

From the very beginning of the threat of this pandemic, all Canadians were concerned that First Nations, Métis and Inuit would be disproportionately affected by COVID-19. We know that long-standing social and economic inequities mean that Indigenous communities are more vulnerable to COVID-19, and the impact of an outbreak in Indigenous communities would be greater.

We continue to be impressed with the impressive response of communities who since H1N1 have worked hard to develop their pandemic plans and now have been able execute their plans and been able to keep their communities safe. Our hearts are with those that communities who have lost a loved one and particularly Namgis First Nation who recently lost a beloved elder.

Our primary focus has been to ensure that we all work in partnership with Indigenous communities, as they are best placed to act on the needs of their members so that they can ensure everyone is safe and healthy.

We are seeing community driven solutions that are working. We were proud to be able to support the initiative of Dene Regional Chief Yakelaya in Northwest Territories as the families chose to return to the land as a way to protect themselves from the virus and promote healing and mental health.

Strong leadership and strong collaboration and coordination across the board is how we have been addressing this pandemic.

Indigenous leaders have demonstrated their tremendous resilience, innovation and leadership and they must continue to be involved in decision-making at all levels to ensure that the supports the Government of Canada provides―to address COVID-19―meet the real needs in their communities.

In working with the First Nations Financial Management Board, the First Nations Tax Commission, the First Nations Finance Authority and a broad range of Indigenous organizations, we are developing measures to support communities.

Protecting women and children from domestic violence during this pandemic is another important issue that needed to be addressed, and so we invested an additional $10 million to support shelters in First Nations communities during this pandemic. I am working with Minister Monsef and her Provincial and Territorial partners to further the work on the 'shadow pandemic’ of violence against women and the need to address the Calls for Justice addressing Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls, Two Spirit, LGBTQQIA.

COVID-19 underlines the importance of reflecting on the difference between the medical model and the medicine wheel. It is the time to reflect on achieving more health - physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually….. so that we reduce the burden on our health care systems. The knowledge keepers and healers focused on the wellbeing of all …. In a very holistic way ….. we need to listen to them.

Tommy Douglas stated that the goal of medicare must also be to keep people well not just patch them up when they get sick. That is what the pandemic is teaching us as we stay home, wash our hands and physically distance. Flattening the curve means reducing the number of those that get sick….. so that we can stay within the capacity of our health care system.

COVID-19 has finally convinced that health promotion and disease prevention must be our priority.

Thank you for all you are doing in your communities … as you set the example of coming together for the collective action on COVID-19 while we remain apart.

I look forward to your questions and any advice you may have….

We are indeed stronger together.

Meegwetch. Marci. Nakurmiik (Na-koor-meek) Thank you. Merci.

Modern treaty and Self-Government Policies:

  • Our priority is to ensure that everyone in Canada is safe and that communities are able to fight Covid-19, including working closely with Modern Treaty and Self-Governing Indigenous Governments.
  • The Indigenous Community Support Fund provides almost $20 million to Modern Treaty and Self-Governing Indigenous Nations.
  • Members of these Nations are also eligible for support programs available to all Canadians, such as the Emergency Response Benefit and the increase to the Canada Child Benefit.
  • By working in partnership, we will continue to ensure that they have the resources they need to keep their communities safe.

If Pressed on The Recognition and Reconciliation of Rights Policy for Treaty Negotiations in British Columbia:

  • The Recognition and Reconciliation of Rights Policy for Treaty Negotiations in British Columbia was co-developed with the Province and First Nations in the British Columbia treaty process.
  • This policy informs the treaty process and offers guidance on the recognition and implementation of rights, while supporting First Nations self-determination. It replaces the Comprehensive Land Claims and Inherent Right policies for those in the treaty process in British Columbia.
  • This new policy could inform future policy development work elsewhere in the country.

If Pressed on the Impact of COVID-19 on Negotiations:

  • We understand that some delays may be caused due to the COVID-19 crisis. Canada will be working collaboratively with its Indigenous partners to identify a path forward when they are ready to resume discussions.


Rights-based negotiations with Indigenous people (including comprehensive land claims, self-government agreements and other discussions) deal with implementing section 35 rights in Canada. Where Indigenous land rights have not been dealt with by treaty or through other legal means, forward-looking agreements (including "modern treaties") are negotiated between the Indigenous group, Canada and the province or territory. The Government of Canada is working with Indigenous communities at over 150 rights-based discussion tables that explore new ways of working together to advance reconciliation and self-determination. These negotiations represent over 480 First Nations communities, 44 Inuit communities and 7 Métis groups across the country.

The inherent right of self-government is an existing Indigenous right recognized and affirmed by section 35 of the Constitution Act, 1982. The Indigenous peoples of Canada have the right to govern themselves in relation to matters that are internal to their communities, integral to their unique cultures, identities, traditions, languages and institutions, and with respect to their special relationship to their land and their resources.

The Recognition and Reconciliation of Rights Policy for Treaty Negotiations in British Columbia supports an approach to treaty negotiations based on the recognition of rights. A central feature of this policy is that negotiations recognize the continuation of rights without modification, surrender or extinguishment when a treaty is reached. Under this policy, future treaties, agreements and other constructive arrangements will set out guidelines for reconciling Crown and Indigenous rights based on a relationship that can evolve over time. It also provides greater flexibility to develop agreements incrementally in British Columbia. It reflects an unprecedented effort to co-develop guidance for how treaties, agreements and other constructive arrangements are to be negotiated in a manner consistent with the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

First Nation Fiscal Institutions – COVID-19 Proposals:

Métis Concerns:

If Pressed:

  • No relationship is more important to Canada than that with Indigenous peoples and we are making progress on renewing that relationship and advancing self-determination.
  • The Government of Canada’s position has long been to respect the rights of Métis to choose which organizations speak on their behalf and represent their rights.
  • Guided by the principles set out in the Canada-Métis Nation Accord as well as our self-government recognition agreements with the Métis Nation of Ontario, the Métis Nation of Alberta, and the Métis Nation-Saskatchewan, we will be working in close collaboration with the Métis Nation, in order to meaningfully advance the work of reconciliation.

If Pressed on Audit:

  • The Government of Canada provides financial supports to the Métis National Council and other Indigenous organizations as part of its commitment to advancing reconciliation and to renewing the relationship with Indigenous peoples.
  • The Department has a process in place to ensure any allegations and complaints brought forward are examined properly, and that appropriate action is taken when required.
  • While the report to departmental officials included recommendations to improve MNC’s internal controls, there were no transactions that require a recovery of funds.


  1. MNO’s Suspension from the Métis National Council
    • On January 20, 2020, the President of the MNC wrote to the President of the Métis Nation of Ontario (MNO) advising that due to MNO’s failure to meet the conditions to lift its temporary suspension, that MNO has been suspended from the Métis National Council. President Chartier notes that this means MNO is no longer eligible to participate in the governance of the Métis National Council, including meetings of the Board of Governors or General Assembly.
    • The resolution placing MNO on probation appears to require that the "the General Assembly will revisit this matter at the conclusion of the probation period and decide on further action." Based on our current understanding, this has not yet occurred.
    • Currently, the status of MNO within the MNC is unclear.
  2. Resolution from MNO, MN-S, and MNA on Tri-Council:
    • At a tri-government meeting on January 16, 2020, the Métis Nation of Ontario (MNO), the Métis Nation-Saskatchewan and the Métis Nation of Alberta issued a Declaration and Resolution. Below are some of the bullets from the Resolution that could impact the PBM structure/CIRNA’s relationship with the Métis Nation.
      • Change the structure of the Permanent Bilateral Mechanism, following Budget 2020;
      • Request all program and service funding including coordination funding for Métis citizens go directly to the Governing Members, without allocations for the MNC;
      • Establish a working group to discuss potential reform of the MNC or the creation of a new national structure to better represent the interests of Métis governments at the national level; and
      • Re-negotiate the Canada-Métis Nation Accord to better reflect the new realities of the MGRSAs.
    • The resolution and declaration indicate a desire from MNO, MNA, and MN-S to continue participating in the PBM in its current form until release of Budget 2020. However, this declaration was issued prior to the MNC President Chartier declaring MNO’s membership suspended.
  3. Audit of the Métis National Council
    • On July 11, 2018, the Assessment and Investigation Services Branch (AISB) retained Ernst & Young LLP to perform a financial review of the Métis National Council. Ernst & Young LLP’s mandate for this financial review was to look at the Department’s contribution agreement with the Métis National Council. Through contribution agreements, the Government of Canada provides funding that must be spent according to agreed upon conditions. Spending is monitored and reviewed to ensure that these conditions are met.
    • On April 24th, the MNC put out a press release regarding the review’s findings.
    • Ernst & Young LLP’s final report was delivered to departmental officials on March 11, 2020. Based on the work completed, the audit did not identify any evidence that substantiates the allegations brought to the Department, or any transactions that require financial adjustments or a recovery of funds. However, recommendations that could improve MNC’s internal controls were identified by the review.
    • The Government of Canada continues to engage with the Métis National Council through a variety of mechanisms independent of this process.


Pipeline :

  • Our discussions in Smithers with the Wet’suwet’en Hereditary Chiefs and the BC government focused on two distinct issues - Wet’suwet’en rights and title and issues arising out of the CGL pipeline.
  • The CGL pipeline remains entirely within provincial jurisdiction and I would refer you to comments made by the BC Government with respect to that project.
  • We now have a MOU on rights and title that has been approved for ratification by Wet’suwet’en clans.
  • Once ratified, we can move forward to ensure we do not face the same issues in the future.

Community Involvement/Ratification :

  • This MOU is an important step in our work to rebuild our relationship with the Wet’suwet’en and towards implementing rights and title.
  • Once signed, we will continue the hard work together to negotiate an agreement on the implementation of Wet’suwet’en rights and title, which would then be taken back to clan members for ratification.
  • While ratification processes vary, they must clearly demonstrate the group’s consent.
  • It must ensure that the process is transparent, all members have had the opportunity to participate, all members have the relevant information available, and that all members recognize it is binding.
  • We remain committed to implementing Wet’suwet’en rights and title and look forward to continuing this important work.

MMIWG – National Action Plan Timeline:

Sixties Scoop

  • The Sixties Scoop is a dark and painful chapter in our history.
  • Our Government is committed to ensuring that Sixties Scoop survivors receive compensation expeditiously.
  • COVID19 has meant that timelines to respond to incomplete applications have been suspended and validation of applications have been delayed – resulting in delays in survivors receiving compensation.
  • Our Government has transferred $500M to the administrator for individuals' compensation to help ensure timely payments once the process resumes.
  • Canada is also working collaboratively with class counsel and the administrator to ensure that the administrator is prepared to restart the claims process in a manner that focuses on processing the remaining claims on an expedited basis.
  • Given the exceptional circumstances created by COVID-19, consideration is also being given to seeking direction from the Federal Court to issue partial payments to applications with a valid claim immediately.

Métis/Non-status not included

  • The Sixties Scoop is a dark and painful chapter in our history.
  • We now have a settlement for Status First Nations and Inuit which represents a significant first step in resolving this historic injustice.
  • We know that there are other claims that remain unresolved, including those of the Métis and non-status.
  • Canada is committed to working with our partners toward a fair and lasting resolution for all those affected by this dark chapter in Canadian history.
  • We look forward to the Federal Court's determination of the lead law firm on the class action, so we can move forward to finding meaningful resolution for those affected.


Following a series of negotiations presided over by Federal Court Justice Michel M.J. Shore, the parties reached an Agreement-in-Principle on August 30, 2017. The proposed agreement was finalized and signed by the parties on November 30, 2017.

The Sixties Scoop settlement agreement includes:

  • $500-$750 million for individual compensation for Status Indian and Inuit survivors.
  • Up to $50 million to establish a foundation – in collaboration with Indigenous communities and individuals – to support and provide access to education, healing and wellness, and commemoration activities for communities and individuals.
  • Up to $75.0 million for legal fees.
  • Third party administration costs.

In May 2018,  the Federal Court of Canada approved the settlement as fair, reasonable, and in the best interest of the parties.  The Federal Court also approved $37.5 million in legal fees for plaintiffs' counsel who appeared in Federal Court. In June 2018, the Ontario Superior Court of Justice approved the settlement agreement, with the exception of legal fees. In order to address the issues of legal fees in the Ontario Superior Court of Justice, the parties in both the Ontario and Federal Court actions signed an amendment to the settlement to clarify that the courts only had jurisdiction to approve the legal fees of counsel appearing before them. Subsequently, the Federal Court approved the settlement on July 27, 2019 and the Ontario Court of Justice on August 3, 2018. Legal fees were approved by the Ontario court on November 15, 2018.

December 1, 2018 marked the implementation of the settlement with the opening of the claims process, payment to the Sixties Scoop Healing Foundation and legal fees. Compensation for valid claims will be made in January 2020.

Collectiva and its First Nations partners offered 55 information sessions across the country to support class members through the claims process.

On March 27, 2020 the Federal Court issued an order amending the settlement agreement to allow Canada to transfer $500M in compensation to the administrator. The Court further amended the settlement by allowing payments to be made to survivors once the approximately 4,767 applications have been fully and finally rejected. This will ensure that all class members received a minimum of $25,000. The original terms of the settlement required all claims to be processed before Canada could transfer compensation to the administrator and payments could be made to applicants with valid claims.

Due to COVID-19 consideration is being given to seeking direction from the Federal Court to issue partial payments to applications with a valid claim immediately.

Métis Litigation

Since the announcement of the settlement agreement, several new claims seeking compensation for Métis peoples impacted by the Sixties Scoop have been filed. The Department and the Métis National Council continue to share information and discuss options that could inform a future settlement of this litigation. 

Standing committee on Indigenous and Northern Affairs (INAN)

Standing Committee on Indigenous and Northern Affairs (INAN), 43rd Parliament, 1st Session

Gary Anandasangaree

Gary Anandasangaree

Jaime Battiste

Jaime Battiste

Bob Bratina

Bob Bratina

Marcus Powlowski

Marcus Powlowski

Adam van Koeverden

Adam van Koeverden

Lenore Zann

Lenore Zann

Bob Zimmer

Bob Zimmer

Gary Vidal

Gary Vidal

Arnold Viersen

Arnold Viersen

Jamie Schmale

Jamie Schmale

Sylvie Bérubé

Sylvie Bérubé

Mumilaaq Qaqqaq

Mumilaaq Qaqqaq

Gary Anandasangaree, Scarborough—Rouge Park, ON

Gary Anandasangaree

Biographical Information

Mr. Anandasangaree was first elected to the House of Commons in 2015.

Prior to his election to the House of Commons, Mr. Anandasangaree advocated for education and justice as an internationally recognized human rights lawyer and community activist. He has served as Chair of the Canadian Tamil Youth Development Centre, President of the Canadian Tamils' Chamber of Commerce, and counsel to the Canadian Tamil Congress. He was also legal counsel to the Independent Mortgage Brokers and Agents, a board member of the Youth Challenge Fund, member of the Toronto Police Chief's Advisory Board, and a member of the United Way Newcomers Grant Program.

Mr. Anandasangaree attended Osgoode Hall Law School. He was called to the bar in 2006 and later managed his own firm in Scarborough. He has been an advocate for human rights issues, regularly representing Lawyers' Rights Watch Canada at the United Nations. He has also served as an advocate for local youth, intervening in cases of wrongful student expulsion and suspension.

In honour of his devotion to community service and local advocacy, Mr. Anandasangaree has received both the Queen's Golden and Diamond Jubilee medals. He also received the Osgoode Hall Law School "One to Watch" Gold Key Award and the South Asian Bar Association's Young Practitioner Award.

Statements on Indigenous Issues

  • Food Security in the North: None.
  • Wet'suwet'en Protests: "Our government is seized with this matter. The Prime Minister has a cabinet that is working on the situation around the clock. We all want peace and we want to get rail traffic going across the country. The Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations and the Minister of Indigenous Services have stated that they are ready and willing to meet with the hereditary leadership at the earliest opportunity. With the B.C. RCMP's outreach to the chiefs yesterday, we hope this creates the ability to advance a peaceful resolution." Hansard, Feb 21, 2020
  • Indigenous Languages: "We can never recover from it, and I do not think that many people who have faced this type of struggle and violation could ever recover from it, but it is important that we start the process. That is why, overall, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission's calls to action are important, and that is why language revival is so essential." Hansard, May 2, 2019
  • Residential Schools: "Healing the damage of residential schools will require the sustained action of not only involved governments, but other institutions and all Canadians. The need to achieve reconciliation is a fundamental truth and is beyond partisan politics." Hansard, Sep 24, 2018

General Issues Raised in Question Period and Committee

  • United States – Mexico – Canada Agreement: Achieved a good deal that benefits everyone; provisions that protect women's, minority and indigenous rights and environmental protections; protection for labour and minimum standards across our three countries. Hansard, Feb 3, 2020
  • Environment: Government is committed to attaining net-zero emissions by 2050; ban single-use plastics by 2021; protect 25% of our shores and 25% of our land mass by 2025, 30% by 2030; attaining net-zero emissions will require enormous commitment from everyone to reach this target by 2050. Hansard, Dec 11, 2019
  • Bill C-18 (An Act to amend the Rouge National Urban Park Act, the Parks Canada Agency Act and the Canada National Parks Act): Canada at the forefront of efforts to conserve elements of its heritage, flora, fauna, and landscapes; first priority on ecological integrity in the management of the Rouge National Urban Park to further international leadership in conservation. Hansard, Feb 17, 2017

General Issues Raised in the Media

  • Sri Lanka Protests: "Standing in Solidarity with the families of the disappeared as we mark the 1000 days of protest. In the sweltering heat, downpours, and the dust, these women and men have stood for justice, peace, and with their families. Truth must prevail." Twitter, Nov 16, 2019

Written Questions

  • None

Private Members' Business

  • M-24 (Tamil Heritage Month) (Motion Agreed To, Oct 5, 2016) - That, in the opinion of the House, the government should recognize the contributions that Tamil-Canadians have made to Canadian society, the richness of the Tamil language and culture, and the importance of educating and reflecting upon Tamil heritage for future generations by declaring January, every year, Tamil Heritage Month.

First Nations and Indigenous Organizations in Riding

  • TBD

Jaime Battiste, Sydney-Victoria, NS

Jaime Battiste

Biographical Information

Born in Potlotek First Nation, NS, Mr. Battiste was first elected to the House of Commons in 2019.

Prior to his election, Jaime was a published writer on Mi'kmaw laws, history, and knowledge. After graduating from Dalhousie Law in 2004, Mr. Battiste worked as a professor, senior advisor, citizenship coordinator and Assembly of First Nations Regional Chief.

Mr. Battiste has done extensive volunteer work in athletics, youth advocacy, community events, and advocacy for the Mi'kmaq Nation. He is a member of the Aboriginal Sport Circle, a part owner of the Eskasoni Junior B Eagles. He served as the Nova Scotia Youth council representative to the Assembly of First Nation National Youth Council from 2001-2006. In 2005, the National Aboriginal Healing Organization named him as one of the National Aboriginal Role Models in Canada. In 2006, as Chair of the Assembly of First Nations Youth Council, he became one of the founding members of the Mi'kmaw Maliseet Atlantic Youth Council (MMAYC), an organization that represents and advocates for Mi'kmaw and Maliseet youth within the Atlantic. In 2018, Mr. Battiste was recognized with the Sovereign's Medal for Volunteers.

Statements on Indigenous Issues

  • Food Security in the North: None.
  • Wet'suwet'en Protests: "I ask today for leaders in Canada, leaders of both indigenous and non-indigenous people, to commit to making our relationship work. Political action, not police action, has the ability to decrease tensions. It is the only way. Political discussion and negotiation is what is needed, not inflammatory rhetoric. We need to inspire hope. If nothing else during this speech, I want to make sure to say that there is still hope. The politician in me believes that and the protester in me believes that too." Hansard, Feb 18, 2020
  • Indigenous Languages: "Our govt. is implementing the Indigenous Languages Act by contributing $337m over the next 5 yrs for Indigenous Languages, and $1500/yr for kindergarten to grade 12 First Nations students as part of the new co-develop education funding policy." Twitter, Jan 27, 2020
  • Acknowledgement of Indigenous Role: "Being the first-ever Mi'kmaq Member of Parliament who is also a member of the Eskasoni First Nation, I want to acknowledge the significant role indigenous people have played in Canada's history. Our government is committed to working together to advocate for indigenous languages and for the well-being of indigenous peoples across Canada." Hansard, Jan 27, 2020

General Issues Raised in Question Period and Committee

  • Environment: The Indigenous Leadership Initiative hosted the Land Needs Guardians conference in Ottawa to address the challenges of climate change and biodiversity loss; indigenous nations are at the forefront of a growing movement to create indigenous protection in conserved areas. Hansard, Feb 5, 2020

General Issues Raised in the Media

  • Health Care in Cape Breton: "One of the no. 1 things I heard at the doors was the need to improve access to health care in Cape Breton. I met with Hon. @PattyHajdu, Minister of Health, to discuss what matters most to Cape Bretoners when it comes to quality access to health care services. This will be one of my many priorities. I look forward to working with the Minister and improve access to the services we rely on every day." Twitter, Dec 19, 2019

Written Questions

  • None

Private Members' Business

  • None

First Nations and Indigenous Organizations in Riding

  • TBD

Bob Bratina, Hamilton East — Stoney Creek, ON

Bob Bratina

Biographical Information

Born in Hamilton, ON, Mr. Bratina was first elected to the House of Commons in 2015, and again in 2019.

Prior to his election, Mr. Bratina worked in radio and broadcasting for local morning shows and sporting events. In 1998, he was inducted into the Football Reporters of Canada Hall of Fame. He was also a nominee for Hamilton Citizen of the Year, and won Hamilton Mountain Citizen of the Year. He also served on numerous Boards of Directors including; GO Transit, Art Gallery of Hamilton, Theatre Aquarius, and HECFI.

In 2004, he was election as MPP for Hamilton Centre, and again in 2006. His concerns over high lead readings in city drinking water resulted in a lead water service replacement loan program and a lead blood screening program for young children. He was elected as Mayor of Hamilton in 2010, seeing the completion of a new stadium, development in the downtown core, and a move to solve the impasse in the local Randle Reed project.

Statements on Indigenous Issues

  • Food Security in the North: None.
  • Wet'suwet'en Protests and the RCMP: "All communities should benefit from policing that is professional and dedicated, and indigenous communities are no exception. That is why we will co-develop a legislative framework for first nations policing and expand the number of communities served by the first nations policing program. We will ensure police officers and services have the necessary tools and resources to protect the vulnerable and increase community safety" Hansard, Feb 20, 2020
  • Water Quality: "We can no longer take a reactive approach to combatting lead pipes and drinking water quality. The time has come for the federal government to work together with its provincial, territorial, municipal, and indigenous partners to create a unified cross-country solution to eradicate these issues, which affect the very young more than the old, and low-income families more than the affluent. Children in older, poorer neighbourhoods should not be exposed to a serious health hazard because of where they live or their family's economic status." Hansard, Feb 7, 2017

General Issues Raised in Question Period and Committee

  • Steel and Bill C-101 (An Act to Amend the Customs Tariff and the International Trade Tribunal Act): Government must have tools and resources it needs to protect Canadians while continuing to encourage foreign investment, trade and economic growth. C-101 would provide this protection. Amendments to C-101 would help government respond quickly and appropriately to a substantiated surge of imports harming Canadian producers and workers. Hansard, Jun 6, 2019
  • Veterans: Must keep investing in veterans' benefits and services. After 10 years of cuts to funding and staff, we are rebuilding the trust of veterans. Hansard, Sep 25, 2018

General Issues Raised in the Media

  • Steel: "I've always supported steel all my life […] I had steelworkers at the door thanking me for what I did. (Stelco) is working; pensioners are getting their pensions; we put millions of dollars to increase the production facility.", Oct 22, 2019

Written Questions

  • None

Private Members' Business

  • M-69 (Water Quality) (Motion Agreed To, Feb 7, 2017) - That, in the opinion of the House: (a) the Standing Committee on Transport, Infrastructure and Communities should undertake a study on (i) the presence of lead in Canadian tap water, (ii) provincial, territorial and municipal efforts to date to replace lead water distribution lines, (iii) current federal efforts to support other levels of government in the provision of safe drinking water; (b) the Committee should report to the House no later than December 1, 2017; and (c) following the tabling of the said report, the federal government should engage with key stakeholders, such as provincial and territorial governments, the Federation of Canadian Municipalities, as well as Indigenous partners, to discuss options for addressing lead drinking water service lines, including any potential role for the federal government.

First Nations and Indigenous Organizations in Riding

  • TBD

Marcus Powlowski, Thunder Bay—Rainy River, ON

Marcus Powlowski

Biographical Information

Born in Fort William, ON, Mr. Powlowski was first elected to the House of Commons in 2019.

Prior to his election, Mr. Powlowski served as a physician in the Emergency Room at Thunder Bay Regional Health Science Centre. In addition to being a medical doctor, he has two law degrees - LL.B, LL.M from the universities of Toronto and Georgetown, respectively. He also attended Harvard University and obtained a Masters of Public Health in Health Law and Policy.

Mr. Powlowski worked as a doctor for two years in northern First Nations communities, and for seven years practicing medicine in several developing countries in Africa and Oceania. For several years, he worked as a consultant in health legislation for the World Health Organization. He also volunteered on a medical project in Ethiopia.

Statements on Indigenous Issues

  • Food Security in the North: None.
  • Wet'suwet'en Protests: "It is imperative to exhaust all peaceful means of resolving the rail blockades." Hansard, Feb 18, 2020
  • Indigenous living conditions: "I fully support efforts to improve the living conditions of the indigenous population - we can do better than we are doing now.", July 21, 2019

General Issues Raised in Question Period and Committee

  • Housing: Government has made a real investment in Canadian communities; cost of rent is going up everywhere; need for federal government to play a leadership role in the housing sector. Hansard, Jan 27, 2020

General Issues Raised in the Media

  • Firearms: "Given that there is currently no legal definition for a 'military assault rifle in Canada, some community members I have spoken with are skeptical that a ban based on this term would make sense as a coherent firearm policy. Such a term, as they see it, is more political than policy oriented, and seeks to target certain firearms without a rational basis.", Jan 21, 2020

Written Questions

  • None

Private Members' Business

  • None

First Nations and Indigenous Organizations in Riding

  • TBD

Adam van Koeverden, Milton, ON

Adam van Koeverden

Biographical Information

Born in Toronto, ON, Mr. van Koeverden was first elected to the House of Commons in 2019.

Prior to his election, Mr. van Koeverden was a professional sprint kayaker. He has won numerous Olympic medals, including the gold medal in Men's canoeing at the 2004 Athens Olympic Games, and has also won numerous medals at World Championship events, including the gold medal in 2007, and again in 2011.

Mr. van Koeverden has also worked as a managing consultant with Deloitte, and as a broadcaster, writer and producer with CBC Sports. He graduated as valedictorian from McMaster University in 2007 with a Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology.

He grew up in cooperative housing in a single mother household, and has volunteered extensively for organizations like Right To Play, WaterAID, Special Olympics, Parkinson's Canada, and the David Suzuki Foundation. He has also served as Chair of the Canadian Olympic Athletes' Commission, and was a member of the federal government's working group for Gender Inclusion and Gender Based Violence in Sport.

Statements on Indigenous Issues

  • Food Security in the North: None.
  • Wet'suwet'en Protests: "We can certainly all agree, I hope, that a peaceful process and a resolution that results in no violence is in everyone's best interests. However, the language that we have heard from the Leader of the Opposition is anything but peaceful, as he suggested that indigenous people 'check their privilege'. The Leader of the Opposition doubled down on that statement today when he urged haste and force." Hansard, Feb 18, 2020
  • Indigenous Inclusion: "I am grateful to Inuit people for providing a boat that I used for many years. As a white guy from Oakville, I always express gratitude to indigenous people for the artifacts that we often use. Many are not aware that lacrosse, for example, is an indigenous sport, and kayaking as well. I think acknowledging that is a very important aspect of truth and reconciliation, […] our government's track record speaks for itself on truth and reconciliation, although there is far more work that needs to be done by all parties in this House." Hansard, Dec 12, 2019

General Issues Raised in Question Period and Committee

  • Equality in Sport & Society: Find solutions so all Canadians can access sport, recreation and physical activity; examine barriers that women in leadership roles face inside and outside the sport industry; work on expanding Canada's anti-racism strategy; ensure easier access to sports and community activities for newcomers to Canada. Hansard, Jan 27, 2020
  • Environment: Carbon pricing a very effective solution; government has stepped in to make sure that everybody follows a carbon pricing scheme; investments in green energy and green infrastructure to bring us closer to zero net carbon emissions by 2050. Hansard, Dec 12, 2019
  • Mental Health: Workplaces across Canada should have mental health standards; people should not have to wait months for mental health services; government will work to introduce relevant workplace mental health standards. Hansard, Jan 27, 2020
  • Cooperative Housing: Mom has been building co-ops and managing co-ops for over 30 years; one of the ways to relieve poverty is to ensure that there is less profit and that when people pay the rent, they do not need to ensure that somebody else is making a buck; always going to be a vocal advocate for co-op housing. Hansard, Dec 12, 2019

General Issues Raised in the Media

  • Canada Child Benefit: "Canada is an example of what real action on poverty reduction looks like. With programs like the Canada Child Benefit - families in Milton, and across our country have more money each month. That's more money for healthy food, sports & recreation and quality time together." Twitter, Feb 6, 2019

Written Questions

  • None

Private Members' Business

  • None

First Nations and Indigenous Organizations in Riding

  • TBD

Lenore Zann, Cumberland—Colchester, NS

Lenore Zann

Biographical Information

Born in Sydney, Australia, Ms. Zann was first elected to House of Commons in 2019.

Prior to her election, Ms. Zann worked as a screen, television, stage, and voice actress, and appeared in numerous television shows, films, radio, and animated series.

Ms. Zann was elected to the Nova Scotia House of Assembly in 2009, and again in 2013 for the Nova Scotia NDP. As a first-time opposition member, she was named NDP spokesperson for Education, Environment, Status of Women, Human Rights Commission, Aboriginal Affairs & Truth & Reconciliation, Agriculture, Advanced Education, African NS Affairs, and Gaelic Affairs. She served as the Ministerial Assistant for the Department of Tourism, Culture, and Heritage.

Each summer, Ms. Zann produces and directs a community theatre production for the Truro Theatre Society, which boasts a cast of all ages - including students from local schools.

Statements on Indigenous Issues

  • Food Security in the North: None.
  • Wet'suwet'en Protests: "As we heard from the Mohawk leaders, and from AFN National Chief Perry Bellegarde last week, we need to resolve this impasse through dialogue and mutual respect. Therefore, we only ask that the Wet'suwet'en be willing to work with our federal government as a partner to find solutions." Hansard, Feb 20, 2020
  • Indigenous Role in the Environment: "The First Nations people, the Mi'kmaq of Nova Scotia, have been very active in combatting all kinds of environmental degradation in our province. I am very proud to have stood with them on the front lines, fighting for government recognition and fighting to get these issues noticed, especially when big corporations are polluting the lands right beside the First Nations communities." Hansard, Dec 12, 2019
  • Environmental Racism: "One of the bills I introduced in the legislature in Nova Scotia was called "An Act to Address Environmental Racism". It acknowledged the disproportionate amount of toxic waste sites, landfills, dumps and huge corporate pollution on the lands of first nations and black communities. I would like environmental racism to be talked about more often, especially in the House, as we move forward." Hansard, Dec 12, 2019

General Issues Raised in Question Period and Committee

  • Gang Violence: Root causes of violence are poverty, desperation, lack of education, lack of a sense of hope, mental illness and addiction. Hansard, Dec 12, 2019
  • Health and Addiction: More money into addictions research; in Nova Scotia, the wait time for addictions counsellor is sometimes 125 days, sometimes 365 days. Hansard, Dec 12, 2019
  • United States – Mexico – Canada Agreement: New agreement maintains preferential access to markets; modernizes outdated elements of NAFTA, including labour obligations on employment discrimination based on gender. Hansard, Dec 12, 2019

General Issues Raised in the Media

  • Environmental Habitat in Newfoundland: "An environmental assessment off the coast of Newfoundland could fast-track oil and gas exploration in an area that is home to sensitive corals and sponges, and includes important habitat for endangered whales. We have until Feb. 21 to take action" Twitter, Feb 8. 2020

Written Questions

  • None

Private Members' Business

  • None

First Nations and Indigenous Organizations in Riding

  • TBD

Bob Zimmer, Prince George—Peace River, BC

Bob Zimmer

Biographical Information

Born in Dawson Creek, BC, and raised in Fort St. John, BC, Mr. Zimmer was first elected to the House of Commons in 2011, and again in 2015 and 2019.

Prior to his election, Mr. Zimmer began his career working for his father's family carpentry business, obtained his Red Seal Journeyman Carpentry Certification, and went on to own his own construction business.

He received an undergraduate degree from Trinity Western University in human kinetics and history/political science as well as a bachelor's of education degree from the University of British Columbia.

Mr. Zimmer is currently the critic for Northern Affairs and the Deputy Critic for the Northern Economic Development Agency. He serves as Co-Chair of the Parliamentary Outdoor Caucus.

In the 42nd Parliament, he served as Chair of the Standing Committee on Access to Information, Privacy and Ethics (2017-2019), Vice-Chair of the Standing Committee on Human Resources, Skills and Social Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities(2016-2017), Critic for the Asia-Pacific Gateway, Chair of the BC/Yukon Conservative Caucus, and Chair of the National Prayer Breakfast. In the 41st Parliament, Mr. Zimmer has sat on several committees including the Standing Committee on Agriculture and Agri-Food (2013-2014), the Standing Committee on Natural Resources (2013-2014), the Standing Committee on Veterans Affairs (2012-2013), and the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs (2012-2013).

Statements on Indigenous Issues

  • Food Security in the North: None.
  • Wet'suwet'en Protests: "The fact remains that consultations were conducted and the majority of the Wet'suwet'en people support the project and believe the project will benefit their First Nations. Coastal GasLink has signed agreements will all 20 elected First Nations governments along the pipeline's path, including five of the six band councils in the Wet'suwet'en Nation.", Feb 12, 2020
  • (Cont.): "It is shameful that elected officials, representing millions, were prevented from fulfilling their duties in Victoria. The work that is done in buildings like the BC legislature is a vital part of our democracy and to deny these officials the ability to do the work they were elected to do is alarming to say the least." Hansard, Feb 20, 2020
  • Bill C-69 (An Act to enact the Impact Assessment Act and the Canadian Energy Regulator Act, to amend the Navigation Protection Act and to make consequential amendments to other Acts) and the Moratorium on Northern Development: "We have Indigenous peoples across the North who want to develop their resources and a good economy for their people and for their benefit. What we saw from the government was a complete stifling of that opportunity." Hansard, Dec 12, 2019
  • Residential Schools: "I understand that some of the decisions Sir John A. Macdonald made are controversial, especially as it relates to residential schools…we have all made mistakes.", Aug 22, 2018

General Issues Raised in Question Period and Committee

  • Softwood Lumber in BC and USMCA: Tariff affecting the sale of lumber and timber to U.S.; new NAFTA should include an agreement on softwood lumber. Hansard, Dec 12, 2019
  • Firearms Registry: Enough regulations and laws; no need for gun registry. Hansard, Jun 19, 2019
  • Trans-Mountain pipeline expansion: With growing federal debt and deficits the Trans Mountain pipeline expansion would provide an opportunity to make money as a country through natural resource development. Hansard, Jun 5, 2019
  • Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Canada Energy Mega Project in Kitimat, BC: Largest private investment in Canada's history; $22 billion in provincial revenue; reducing the reliance on emitters that use higher amounts of emissions. Hansard, Oct 2, 2018

General Issues Raised in the Media

  • Firearms: "The fact is the vast majority of firearms owners respect Canada's gun laws. It's criminals who do not. While it may be much harder to go after gangs and illegal gun traffickers, that is precisely what this government should be doing to make Canadians safer." Alaska Highway News, Jan 20, 2020
  • Natural Resources: "Interesting response from Parliamentary Secretary to Natural Resources in the @OurCommons today when asked about developing our CDN Oil/Gas resources...@LefebvrePaul actually said they "support investment". Please tell me Paul how C-48 (An Act respecting the regulation of vessels that transport crude oil or persistent oil to or from ports or marine installations located along British Columbia's north coast) and C-69 (An Act to enact the Impact Assessment Act and the Canadian Energy Regulator Act, to amend the Navigation Protection Act and to make consequential amendments to other Act) "support investment". I'll wait." Twitter, Dec 13, 2019

Written Questions

  • Q-195, Grants and contributions under $25,000 provided by the Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency, since January 1, 2018 – Jan 27, 2020
  • Q-55, Office of the Prime Minister and minister's offices – Dec 5, 2019
  • Q-54, Cambridge Analytica and AggregateIQ scandal – Dec 5, 2019

Private Members' Business

  • Bill C-346, An Act to amend the Firearms Act (licenses) (Defeated, House Second Reading, Nov, 2017 – 42nd Parliament)
  • M-589 (Firearms regulations) (Motion debated for 1 hour, May 26, 2015 – 41st Parliament) - That, in the opinion of the House: (a) Canada already exceeds all the standards listed in United Nations resolution 55/255 concerning firearms (the resolution); (b) the regulations envisioned in the resolution would do nothing to enhance public safety, and would serve only to burden the law-abiding firearms community; and therefore, the government has already surpassed its obligations with respect to the resolution and is not required to take any further steps.
  • M-588 (United Nations Firearms Protocol) (Motion Withdrawn, Mar 26, 2015 – 42nd Parliament) - That, in the opinion of the House, the United Nations firearms markings regime does nothing to enhance public safety and only serves to burden the law-abiding firearms community and therefore, the government should not be obliged to implement the regime.

First Nations and Indigenous Organizations in Riding

  • TBD

Gary Vidal, Desnethé—Missinippi—Churchill River, SK

Gary Vidal

Biographical Information

Born in Meadow Lake, SK, Mr. Vidal was elected to the House of Commons for the first time in 2019.

Prior to his election, Mr. Vidal served as Mayor of Meadow Lake, Saskatchewan from 2011 to 2019. He graduated from Carpenter High School in 1983 and went on to study at the University of Saskatchewan and Briercrest Bible College. He is a Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA, CGA) and is a partner in the accounting firm Pliska Vidal & Co. where he has been serving clients since 1988. He was also Vice Chair of Saskatchewan City Mayors' Caucus from 2016 to 2018. He was a member of the SaskWater Board of Directors from 2008 to 2017. In this position, he also served as Chair of the Governance and Corporate Responsibility Committee, Chair of the Audit and Finance Committee, and Chair of the Board from 2015 to 2017.

Mr. Vidal is currently the critic for Indigenous Services.

Mr. Vidal has volunteered in a variety of leadership capacities in his local church as well as on the board of Bethel Gospel Camp, an interdenominational children's bible camp. Other volunteer activities include coaching and managing minor hockey, baseball, and soccer teams. In 2012, he was awarded the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal.

Statements on Indigenous Issues

  • Food Security in the North: None.
  • Wet'suwet'en Protests: "We simply cannot allow a minority of protestors to stand in the way of the will of the Wet'suwet'en nation. These protestors have taken extraordinary measures to hold Canada hostage, compromising the safety of our rail infrastructure, blocking and intimidating people attempting to go to work and in some cases physically assaulting elected members of a provincial legislature." Hansard, Feb 18, 2020
  • Softwood Lumber and United-States – Mexico – Canada Agreement (UCSMA): "NorSask Forest Products is a 100% First Nations-owned company whose profits are directed to the nine bands that make up the Meadow Lake Tribal Council. These funds are used for services like housing, education and health care, including suicide prevention programs. Since 2017, NorSask has paid over $10 million in softwood lumber tariffs. That is $10 million not being used for services in these communities." Hansard, Dec 10, 2019
  • Indigenous participation in Industry: "With the Indigenous Services file, one of the things we are looking for is partnerships between Indigenous communities and industry, allowing Indigenous people to be part of the private sector, to be part of the market so they create economic activity that will help them take care of the very demanding needs in their First Nations communities." Hansard, Jan 30, 2020
  • Indigenous Youth Suicides: "If young people in northern Saskatchewan could look to the people they look up to, their parents, big brothers and sisters, and if they could look to the people they respect and see them succeed by being part of the industry in northern Saskatchewan, they would have hope. With that hope, they would not have to consider suicide as an outcome." Hansard, Jan 30, 2020

General Issues Raised in Question Period and Committee

  • Softwood Lumber and USMCA: lack of transparency from government, cannot adequately scrutinize the deal; no softwood lumber agreement, workers enduring hardships, fears of closure of lumber mills. Hansard, Dec 10, 2019

General Issues Raised in the Media

  • Firearms: "Here in Northern Saskatchewan, hunting and sport shooting are a way of life for a lot of people… A Conservative government will protect the rights of law abiding gun owners." Twitter, Sep 15, 2019

Written Questions

  • Q-186, Foreign takeovers and acquisitions of Canadian companies by foreign state-owned enterprises covered by the Investment Canada Regulations and the Investment Canada Act – Jan 27,2020
  • Q-187, Canadian Armed Forces members serving abroad – Jan 27, 2020

Private Members' Business

  • None

First Nations and Indigenous Organizations in Riding

  • TBD

Arnold Viersen, Peace River—Westlock, AB

Arnold Viersen

Biographical Information

Born in Barrhead, AB, Mr. Viersen was first elected to the House of Commons in 2015, and again in 2019.

Prior to his election, Mr. Viersen apprenticed as an auto service technician and attained his journeyman ticket from the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology (NAIT). He has also earned a business degree from the University of the Fraser Valley (UFV) while continuing his automotive career.

In the 42nd Parliament, Mr. Viersen was the Deputy Critic of Rural Affairs. He advocated for the rights and concerns of rural families, farms and industries in Alberta and across Canada. Since 2015, he has been a member of the Standing Committee on Indigenous and Northern Affairs.

Mr. Viersen is also involved in a number of parliamentary caucuses; including the Indigenous Affairs Caucus, Outdoor Caucus, and the Pro-Life Caucus. He is also a member of the Canada-Netherlands Parliamentary Friendship Group, Parliamentarians for Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Disarmament and the Parliamentary Friends of the Kurds.

Statements on Indigenous Issues

  • Food Security in the North: None.
  • Indigenous Languages: "It is not just indigenous languages that are struggling in Canada. Without the economic underpinning, people's culture, way of life and community are under threat, if people are unable to finance them and to survive under the economic situation in their particular area." Hansard, May 2, 2019
  • Indigenous Victims of Trafficking: "We know indigenous women and girls are the most represented victim group in sex trafficking and prostitution in Canada. They make up only 4% of Canada's population, yet make up more than 50% of the victims in Canada." Hansard, Feb 4, 2020
  • Pipelines and Indigenous Communities: "One of the things that has really helped indigenous communities in northern Alberta is their participation in the oil and gas industry, and the wealth it has brought there. When the communities have the wealth, they become communities again; their culture begins to thrive and their languages are able to be maintained." Hansard, May 2, 2019

General Issues Raised in Question Period and Committee

  • Human Trafficking and Sex Work: Legalized prostitution causes violence against sex workers; Sex trafficking increase, especially among youth; happened in Germany, New Zealand and the Netherlands; legitimization of prostitution normalizes attitudes of violence, misogyny and the objectification of women and girls. Hansard, Feb 4, 2020
  • Oil and Gas: To get the economy right in northern Alberta, we need pipelines; we need pipelines to get oil off the railway, and replace it with grain and lumber going to market. Hansard, Dec 12, 2018
  • Trans Mountain: Trans Mountain would allow petroleum products to reach people living in energy poverty and without luxury. Hansard, Feb 12, 2018

General Issues Raised in the Media

  • Human Trafficking: "Modern day slavery & human trafficking exist in every country of the world including Canada. With over 25 million people around the world trapped in modern day slavery, we have a responsibility to tackle the slavery in our communities and in our supply chains" Twitter, Feb 6, 2020

Written Questions

  • Q-113, New "For Glowing Hearts" logo unveiled by Destination Canada – Jan 27, 2020
  • Q-112, Government's participation in the UN Climate Change Conference COP 25 in Madrid, Spain, in December 2019 – Jan 27, 2020
  • Q-111, Government purchases of tickets or passes for Canada 2020 events during 2019
  • Q-110, Total amount of late-payment charges for telephone services since June 1, 2018 – Jan 27, 2020

Private Members' Business

  • M-212 (National Human Trafficking Awareness Day) (Motion Placed on Notice, Feb 20, 2019) - That, in the opinion of the House, the government should encourage Canadians to raise awareness of the magnitude of modern day slavery in Canada and abroad and to take steps to combat human trafficking, and should do so by designating the 22nd day of February each year as National Human Trafficking Awareness Day, to coincide with the anniversary of the unanimous declaration of the House on February 22, 2007, to condemn all forms of human trafficking and slavery.
  • M-47 (Instruction to the Standing Committee on Health (Violent and Sexual Online Material)) (Motion Agreed To, Dec 6, 2016) - That the Standing Committee on Health be instructed to examine the public health effects of the ease of access and viewing of online violent and degrading sexually explicit material on children, women and men, recognizing and respecting the provincial and territorial jurisdictions in this regard, and that the said Committee report its findings to the House no later than July 2017.

First Nations and Indigenous Organizations in Riding

  • TBD

Jamie Schmale, Haliburton—Kawartha Lakes—Brock, ON

Jamie Schmale

Biographical Information

Born in Brampton, ON, Mr. Schmale was elected to the House of Commons for the first time in 2015, and again in 2019.

Prior to his election to, Mr. Schmale he served as the executive assistant and campaign manager for former Conservative MP Barry Devolin (Haliburton-Kawartha Lakes-Brock, Ontario). He graduated from the Radio Broadcasting program at Loyalist College in Ontario, and started his career as a news anchor. He later became news director for CHUM media.

Mr. Schmale is currently the critic for Crown-Indigenous Relations.

In the 42nd Parliament, Mr. Schmale served as the opposition critic for Northern Economic Development, and Deputy Critic for Natural Resources. He was a member of the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs (2015-2017) and the Standing Committee on Natural Resources (2017-2019).

Statements on Indigenous Issues

  • Food Security in the North: None.
  • Wet'suwet'en Protests:"What Conservatives have pointed out many times, and which I did in my speech, is that there are activists who have an agenda that is totally separate from that of those first nations communities. These people want the end of oil and gas development in Canada. They want to shut down that vibrant economy of our country and are trying to glom on to this very important issue that five hereditary chiefs have with what is going on with this pipeline." Hansard, Feb 18, 2020
  • Water Quality in Indigenous Communities: "The minister's department [CIRNAC] and the Parliamentary Budget Officer are at odds over the true cost to get water and wastewater in Indigenous communities up to the same standards as the rest of Canada." Hansard, Dec 9, 2019
  • Bill C-88, An Act to amend the Mackenzie Valley Resource Management Act and the Canada Petroleum Resources Act and to make consequential amendments to other Acts: "When the Prime Minister vetoed the northern gateway pipeline, he killed benefit agreements between the project and 31 First Nations, worth about $2 billion.... All this is destroying energy jobs and investment from coast to coast to coast. Now, with Bill C-88, we add another coast, the northern coast… we […] are deeply disappointed that the Prime Minister, who campaigned on a promise of reconciliation with Indigenous communities, blatantly would allow and choose to deny our 31 First Nations and Métis communities their constitutionally-protected right to economic development." Hansard, Apr 9, 2019
  • Bill C-69, An Act to enact the Impact Assessment Act and the Canadian Energy Regulator Act, to amend the Navigation Protection Act and to make consequential amendments to other Acts: "…is putting a chill on investment in Canada's natural resources sector. The President of the Indian Resource Council said, 'Bill C-69 will harm Indigenous economic development, create barriers to decision-making, and make Canada unattractive for resource investment.' This legislation must be stopped." Hansard, Oct 26, 2018

General Issues Raised in Question Period and Committee

  • Natural Resources: Supports economic development and getting energy to markets; the Conservatives view the North as a key driver of economic activity for Canada. Hansard, Apr 9, 2019
  • Oil and Gas: Supports the oil and gas sector; anti-energy bills are regulating to death the west-to-east pipeline. Hansard, Jun 13, 2019

General Issues Raised in the Media

  • Firearms: "After all, if you want to stop increasing gun crime, the answer lies in tackling criminals and gangs, not punishing law abiding gun owners." Twitter, Jan 31, 2020

Written Questions

  • Q-193, Classified or protected documents since January 1, 2019 – Jan 27, 2020
  • Q-188, Veterans Affairs Canada service standard of 16 weeks for decisions in relation to disability benefits applications – Jan 27, 2020
  • Q-172, Purchase of carbon offset credits by the government – Jan 27, 2020

Private Members' Business

  • None.

First Nations and Indigenous Organizations in Riding

  • TBD

Sylvie Bérubé, Abitibi—Baie-James—Nunavik—Eeyou, QC

Sylvie Bérubé

Biographical Information

Ms. Bérubé was first elected to the House of Commons in 2019.

Prior to her election, Ms. Bérubé she spent 30 years with the in human resources and information. She also acted as the Director of the social committee at l'Hôpital de Val-d'Or, administrator for Taxibus, was a member of the information security association of Québec, and was President of the Parti Québécois d'Abitibi-Est.

Ms. Bérubé is currently the critic for Indigenous Affairs.

Statements on Indigenous Issues

  • Food Security in the North: None.
  • Wet'suwet'en Protest:"Since the beginning of this crisis, it seems that only the Bloc Québécois has been trying to find concrete solutions to address the situation. We did not stand idly by, unlike the Prime Minister and his ministers, who did nothing for far too long, hoping that everything would fix itself. The federal government needs to step up and take action […] With every day that this crisis goes on, our economy suffers even more. This crisis is affecting workers and ordinary folks. Just look at the number of CN employees who have been temporarily laid off because of the rail blockade. If nothing is done right now, many more employees will join their ranks." Hansard, Feb 20, 2020
  • Treaties: "More than ever, we need to make sure that we are respecting treaties and their interpretation, if we are to break free from the colonialism that this country's First Nations suffered and still suffer to this day. This should be one of the priorities in the throne speech." Hansard, Dec 12, 2019
  • Key Indigenous Issues in Northern Quebec: "As far as Indigenous affairs are concerned, the key issues are social housing, homelessness and infrastructure in northern Quebec. The melting snow is also important […] because it changes their culture. When it comes to the environment, we have to work with First Nations." Hansard, Jan 28, 2020

General Issues Raised in Question Period and Committee

  • Québec Infrastructure: Need to invest in transportation, telecommunications, airport infrastructure investments; transport of dangerous goods by rail ignored by Ottawa. Hansard, Jan 28, 2020
  • Housing: Large mining sector in riding causing housing shortage, need investments in water and sewer systems. Hansard, Jan 28, 2020

General Issues Raised in the Media

  • Québec-Federal Relations: "Ce n'est jamais facile avec le fédéral. On envoie de l'argent à Ottawa qu'on pourrait garder chez nous et le fédéral met des bâtons dans les roues du Québec.", Jul 1, 2019
  • Québec Issues: "On ne sera jamais aussi bien servis que par nous-mêmes. Plusieurs dossiers du fédéral m'agacent, dont la couverture internet, le financement de logement social, l'inaction concernant la Loi sur les Indiens et la taxe sur le bois d'œuvre qui affecte notre région.", Jul 1, 2019

Written Questions

  • None.

Private Members' Business

  • None.

First Nations and Indigenous Organizations in Riding

  • TBD

Mumilaaq Qaqqaq, Nunavut, NU

Mumilaaq Qaqqaq

Biographical Information

Born in Baker Lake, NU, Ms. Qaqqaq was first elected to the House of Commons in 2019.

Prior to her election, Ms. Qaqqaq was a facilitator, public speaker, and volunteer. She was best known for her speech in the House of Commons on International Women's Day in 2017, through the Daughters of the Vote, a program designed for young women to speak about their visions for their country in the House of Commons. She worked as an employment officer with Nunavut Tunngavik Incorporated, and as a wellness program specialist with the Health Department of the Government of Nunavut. She has held positions with Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami, working with Susan Aglukark in the Arctic Rose Foundation, and with Northern Youth Abroad. She graduated from the Jonah Amitnaaq Secondary School.

Ms. Qaqqaq is currently the critic for the Northern Economic Development agency, Northern Affairs, and the Deputy Critic for Natural Resources.

Statements on Indigenous Issues

  • Nutrition North: "Since [it] started, food security has actually gotten worse in Nunavut. People in need struggle to get quality food and necessities. Nunavut is the only fly-in, fly-out territory, so in my riding it is even worse." Hansard, Jan 29, 2020
  • Wetsu'wet'en Protests:"What we are seeing across this country is not just about one resource project. This is about generations of underfunding, broken promises and broken treaties. The federal government has backed indigenous peoples into a corner. Food, water, safe housing and infrastructure are fundamental human rights that the federal government has promised us and continues to deny us." Hansard, Feb 18, 2020
  • Climate Change and Northern Peoples: "It threatens the lives and abilities of our hunters to provide for families and communities. We need to treat it just as it is, a crisis." Hansard, Dec 6, 2019
  • Northern Infrastructure: "In Nunavut we continue to fight for basic human rights: to have a safe place to live, to afford to feed ourselves and to have clean drinking water." Hansard, Dec 6, 2019
  • Indigenous and Northern Youth Suicides: "This is a conversation that has been going on for decades. I hope that by the end of this term we can talk about post-secondary opportunities and child care spaces." Hansard, Dec 6, 2019
  • Indigenous and Northern Languages: "I am not fluent in Inuktitut. Unfortunately, this is a reality of too many Inuit. The NDP is committed to protecting and revitalizing Indigenous language through new legislation and stable funding." Twitter, Oct 2, 2019

General Issues Raised in Question Period and Committee

  • None.

General Issues Raised in the Media

  • None.

Written Questions

  • None.

Private Members' Business

  • None.

First Nations and Indigenous Organizations in Riding

  • TBD

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