First Nation Adapt: selected projects, 2019 to 2020
Choisir une région :
Partner | Community and region | Project title and description | Program contribution |
Mi'kmaq Confederacy of Prince Edward Island, Prince Edward Island |
Adapting the Mi'kmaq Communities of Prince Edward Island to Climate Change Through Vulnerability Assessment, Adaptation Planning and Cost-Benefit-Analysis Funding to:
$133,000 |
Mi’kma’ki All Points Services, New Brunswick | Paqtnkek Mi'kmaw Nation | A Multi-dimensional Analysis of Topo-bathymetric Lidar Data of Paqtnkek Mi’kmaw Nation Lands and Waters, with Focuses on Flood Risk, Habitat Mapping, Near-shore Archaeology and Source Water Quality Funding to gather data and map areas of concern, including areas of coastal flooding as well as shallow-water habitats and resources that may be impacted by sea level rise and storm surges. |
$138,050 |
Mi’kmaw Conservation Group, Nova Scotia |
Climate Analysis and Adaptation Funding to use technical models in tandem with information from a previously conducted vulnerability and infrastructure assessments and develop an adaptation plan. |
$177,788 |
Lennox Island First Nation | Lennox Island First Nation | Lennox Island Climate Lens Assessment Funding to provide a climate lens assessment of existing and proposed wharf infrastructure used by the Lennox Island First Nation fishery. |
$24,810 |
Partner | Community and region | Project title and description | Program contribution |
First Nations of Quebec and Labrador Sustainable Development Institute |
Housing and Climate Hazards: Vulnerability and Needs of Quebec First Nations Funding to develop a housing risk assessment tool for First Nation communities and assess housing in communities. Training offered to community staff on how to use the tool. |
$127,316 |
Grand Council of the Waban-Aki Nation |
Risk assessment of the archaeological heritage on the banks of the Alsig8ntekw (Saint-François) and W8linatekw (Bécancour) rivers in the context of climate change Funding to document sites of archaeological significance along the rivers, document how erosion and flooding will impact the rivers’ banks, and determine how climate change may threaten these heritage sites and formulate remediation recommendations. |
$145,831 |
Council of the Atikamekw Nation |
Adaptation to Climate Change in Atikamekw Communities and Improvement of Emergency Management: Phase 2 Funding to undertake adaptation planning in Atikamekw communities. |
$314,000 |
First Nations of Quebec and Labrador Sustainable Development Institute | Innu Band of Pessamit | Coastal Habitat Protection of Pessamit’s Nitassinan Funding to evaluate coastal adaptation measures, develop a best practices guidebook and increase community awareness and engagement on climate change issues. |
$9,026 |
Partner | Community and region | Project title and description | Program contribution |
Ontario First Nations Technical Services Corporation | 12 Indigenous organizations, including tribal councils in Ontario | Climate Risks and Asset Management Training for Ontario First Nations Training offered to Ontario First Nation communities on the use of the toolkit. |
$249,563 |
MoCreebec Eeyoud | MoCreebec Eeyoud | Moose River Vulnerability Assessment, Floodplain Mapping, and Adaptation Planning Funding for a multi-stage project comprising of risk assessment, floodplain mapping, and adaptation planning to look at community infrastructure vulnerabilities and needs. |
$314,750 |
Matawa First Nations Management Four Rivers Environmental Services Group |
Matawa Climate Change Assessment, Planning and Adaptation Project Funding to conduct a multi-phased vulnerability assessment of the impacts associated with climate change on Matawa member First Nations and their associated infrastructure. |
$344,442 |
Kenora Chiefs Advisory |
First Nations Children and Traditional Knowledge in a Changing Climate Funding to conduct a climate change risk assessment and further adaptation planning in nine First Nation communities in Ontario. This is being done to achieve better understanding of climate change impacts to community infrastructure through youth and Elder engagement. |
$508,360 |
Eagle Lake First Nation | Eagle Lake First Nation | Collecting our knowledge about Climate Change Funding to conduct:
$99,864 |
Grand Council Treaty #3 Representative Services Ltd. | 28 First Nations in North Western Ontario | Watershed Management Planning Funding to:
$60,150 |
Mitaanjigamiing First Nation | Mitaanjigamiing First Nation | Flood Vulnerability Study and Adaptation Plan Funding to conduct a community-based flood vulnerability study and develop adaptation planning measures to create and implement a proactive flood mitigation strategy. |
$51,354 |
Ojibways of Onigaming First Nation | Ojibways of Onigaming First Nation | Flood Vulnerability Study and Adaptation Plan Funding to conduct a flood vulnerability study and develop adaptation planning measures to create and implement a proactive flood mitigation strategy. |
$68,777 |
Magnetawan | Magnetawan | Flood Risk Modelling and Adaptation Funding to carry out a flood risk modeling and adaptation project to better understand the vulnerability and risk of the Magnetawan community to climate change. |
$151,154 |
Big Grassy First Nation | Big Grassy First Nation | Big Grassy River First Nation Flood Vulnerability Study and Adaptation Strategy Funding to conduct a flood vulnerability study and develop adaptation planning measures to create and implement a proactive flood mitigation strategy. |
$26,783 |
Nigigoonsiminikaaning First Nation | Nigigoonsiminikaaning First Nation | Nigigoonsiminikaaning First Nation Flood Vulnerability Study and Adaptation Plan Funding to conduct flood vulnerability study and develop adaptation planning measures to create and implement a proactive flood mitigation strategy. |
$26,695 |
Caldwell First Nation | Caldwell First Nation | Assessing flood risk and modeling of mitigation strategies for development planning Funding to map and model the flood risk on Caldwell First Nation properties under various climate scenarios to inform future development and land-use planning. |
$99,677 |
Cambium Aboriginal Inc. | All First Nation communities in Ontario | Floodplain Mapping and Integrated Watershed Management with First Nations in Ontario: A Partnership Approach Funding to:
$53,044 |
Alderville First Nation | Alderville First Nation | Prescribed Burn Adaptation and Management Plan for Alderville First Nation Black Oak Savanna Funding to support the development of a prescribed burn adaptation management plan to adapt current burning practices to changing climate conditions. |
$84,500 |
Grand Council Treaty #3 | Twelve communities | Grand Council Treaty #3 Flood Vulnerability Study Funding to develop a Flood Vulnerability Study (FVS) for twelve communities. The project will incorporate adaptation activities that will help Grand Council Treaty #3 and their communities to respond to climate change. |
$184,328 |
Mushkegowuk Council |
Phase 1: Understanding the Impacts of Climate Change on the Hydrology of the Hudson and James Bay Lowlands Funding for a 3-phase project to increase knowledge and understanding of current and future impacts of climate change on the hydrology of the Wetlands and the subsequent impacts on the Omushkego People. |
$128,656 |
Partner | Community and region | Project title and description | Program contribution |
Long Plain First Nation | Long Plain First Nation | Comprehensive Overland Drainage Study Proposal On Our First Nation Lands Funding to conduct a comprehensive overland flooding and drainage study that employs remote sensing tools to identify flood prone areas and to produce a drainage plan. |
$94,270 |
Interlake Reserves Tribal Council |
Climate Change Study Funding to complete a risk assessment and adaptation plan to support the development of an emergency management framework to mitigate extreme flooding events within the tribal council’s First Nation communities. |
$248,934 |
Pine Creek | Pine Creek | Upgrade of 2016 Flood risk assessment to 1 in 200 year Return Period. Feasibility Study for Upgrades to Potable Water and Sewage Systems. Preliminary Drainage Plan Funding to conduct a feasibility study to adapt existing water cisterns and septic fields and develop a surface water drainage plan with preliminary cost estimates. |
$275,842 |
Wuskwi Sipihk First Nation | Wuskwi Sipihk First Nation | Healthy Water, Healthy Forests Funding to conduct a risk assessment using data management with consultant support and training to identify values and concerns relative to natural infrastructure. |
$34,270 |
Manitoba Uske Inc. | Several First Nations in Manitoba | Climate Change and Flooding Workshop Funding to organize a workshop with the objectives of capacity building, training, flooding assessment, and climate change adaptation expertise development among land managers and land knowledge holders. |
$17,250 |
Fox Lake Cree Nation | Fox Lake Cree Nation | Fox Lake Cree Nation Taking Action on Climate Change Funding to conduct a vulnerability assessment, develop a climate change adaptation plan, and increase community awareness and capacity in climate change adaptation. |
$230,593 |
Four Arrows Regional Health Authority |
Ansinew Oskatik ekwa Ansinew Kintamawen kah Nimayukyak/Children in a Changing Climate Funding to conduct a risk assessment by engaging youth to collect and share information about climate change. |
$215,864 |
Anishinaabe Agowidiiwinan Secretariat Inc |
Anishinaabe Knowledge, Storytelling and Mapping: Baseline data collection and video documentary for understanding flood risk-vulnerability of Treaty 2 First Nations Funding to gather baseline data and video documentary for understanding flood risk for six Treaty 2 First Nation communities. |
$150,000 |
Manitoba USKE Inc | First Nations situated on Lake Winnipeg | Manitoba Uske: Indigenous Lands & Water Project Funding to engage with First Nations situated on Lake Winnipeg to gather indigenous knowledge on flooding impacts. |
$39,800 |
Partner | Community and region | Project title and description | Program contribution |
Prince Albert Grand Council | 43 First Nations in Northern Saskatchewan | Saskatchewan First Nation Communities Wildfire Vulnerability Assessment Funding to conduct a vulnerability assessment of wildfire risk levels for First Nation communities build support for future wildfire mitigation project work. |
$7,130 |
Yellow Quill First Nation | Yellow Quill First Nation | Vulnerability Assessment of Yellow Quill First Nation Infrastructure and Community wellbeing to Climate Change Effects Funding to conduct a vulnerability assessment including flood mapping to gain a holistic view of the threats from inland flooding as a result of climate change. |
$28,600 |
Lac La Ronge Indian Band | Lac La Ronge Indian Band | Climate Change Adaptation Planning for Community Capacity Building through FireSmart Assessments Funding to conduct a FireSmart assessment in the band's 6 communities to develop a wildfire preparedness guide and wildfire mitigation strategy for each community. |
$73,450 |
James Smith Cree Nation | James Smith Cree Nation | Climate Change and Health Impact Assessment: James Smith Cree Nation Funding to conduct a vulnerability study and further community awareness and involvement on mitigating climate change impacts through community seminars and the collection of traditional knowledge. |
$20,625 |
File Hills Qu’Appelle Tribal Council |
Proposal on Climate Change Adaptation Planning Funding to support a climate change gathering and develop climate change adaptation strategies in member communities. |
$174,400 |
Star Blanket Cree Nation | Star Blanket Cree Nation | First Nation Climate Adapt Project Funding to support the development of a climate change adaptation strategy for Star Blanket Cree Nation. |
$99,360 |
Onion Lake Cree Nation | Onion Lake Cree Nation | Climate Adaptation: Drainage Assessment Funding to conduct a drainage assessment to determine if existing infrastructure has sufficient capacity to handle current and future extreme precipitation events. |
$168,560 |
Meadow Lake Tribal Council |
Climate Change Mitigation Using Flood Risk Mapping Funding to support the use of drone technology to map out the topography of each reserve and use this information for flood risk mapping. |
$86,638 |
Onion Lake Cree Nation | Onion Lake Cree Nation | Onion Lake Cree Nation Building Community Capacity To Adapt To Climate Change Funding to assess climate risks faced by Onion Lake Cree Nation through community consultations and gathering knowledge from Elders. Classroom training also offered to increase community capacity to undertake planned adaptive measures. |
$74,790 |
Partner | Community and region | Project title and description | Program contribution |
Dene Tha' First Nation | Dene Tha' First Nation | Dene Tha' First Nation Adapt Program Funding to coordinate community-based vulnerability assessment sessions to focus on identifying climate change obstacles that inhibit the community. |
$138,572 |
Saddle Lake Cree Nation | Saddle Lake Cree Nation | Climate Change and Source Water Vulnerability Assessment Funding to:
$66,125 |
Bigstone Cree Nation | Bigstone Cree Nation | Climate Change Road Drainage Master Plan Funding to develop a climate change road drainage plan that will be used to inform future capital projects in the community. |
$190,450 |
Partner | Community and region | Project title and description | Program contribution |
Skidegate First Nation |
Phase 1 Coastal Vulnerability Assessment Funding to develop models that will help predict estimated sea level rise from climate change, accompanying storm surge and its impacts on coastal First Nation communities in British Columbia. |
$156,930 |
Tsleil-Waututh Nation | Tsleil-Waututh Nation | Community Climate Change Resiliency – Action Plan Funding to identify community vulnerabilities, sensitivities, exposures, and adaptive capacities, develop, and prioritize mitigation and adaptation strategies, and conduct cost-benefit analyses of implementing strategies. |
$155,000 |
Lower Fraser Fisheries Alliance | 29 First Nations in the Lower Mainland of British Columbia | Lower Fraser Climate Adapt Project: Preparing Aboriginal Fisheries for the Impacts of Climate Change Funding to support member nations in planning for the impacts of climate change on fisheries, including coastal and inland flooding. |
$170,811 |
Upper Nicola Band | Upper Nicola Band | Flood Plain Mapping for the Upper Nicola Band Funding to:
$34,513 |
ʔAq’am First Nation | ʔAq’am First Nation | ʔaq̓am Flood and Wildfire Mitigation Study Funding to conduct a flood and wildfire mitigation study to produce a comprehensive emergency management plan. |
$191,580 |
Nisga'a Village of Gitlaxt’aamiks (formerly New Aiyansh) |
Adaptation of the Nisga’a Nation to the Impacts of Climate Change Funding to conduct a risk assessment of climate change impacts to determine the risks they pose to community infrastructure. |
$150,685 |
Whispering Pines/Clinton Indian Band | Whispering Pines/Clinton | Whispering Pines/Clinton Indian Band Climate Change Flood Risk and Community Vulnerability Assessment Funding to assess flood vulnerability associated with changes to the North Thompson River, shoreline erosion and the condition of a dike and revetment. |
$103,500 |
Toquaht | Toquaht | Toquaht Nation Adaptation Plan Funding to identify community vulnerabilities and develop adaptation strategies with a focus on alternative and innovative strategies while considering infrastructure impacts and economic development factors. |
$282,903 |
Nation Nuxalk | Nation Nuxalk | Nuxalk Nation Integrated Flood Risk Assessment Funding to conduct a comprehensive integrated flood risk assessment and increase community awareness of flood risks. |
$59,500 |
Lower Fraser Fisheries Alliance | 29 First Nations in the Lower Mainland of British Columbia | Lower Mainland Indigenous Secretariat for All Hazards Management Funding to establish a secretariat for the coordination of communication and participation in activities on flood hazard management related issues. |
$224,000 |
Kitsumkalum | Kitsumkalum | Floodplain Mapping for Skeena and Kitsumkalum Rivers Funding to produce modernized flood hazard maps to facilitate the preparation of flood emergency response plans and assist with community infrastructure planning. |
$263,214 |
Naut’sa Mawt Tribal Council |
Phase 1 Coastal Vulnerability Assessment Funding to develop models that will help predict estimated sea level rise from climate change, accompanying storm surge and its impacts on coastal First Nation communities in British Columbia. |
$348,238 |
Lil'wat Nation | Lil'wat Nation | Floodplain Mapping and Risk Assessment - Birkenhead and Green Rivers Funding to conduct a flood mapping assessment of the Birkenhead and Green Rivers to inform future land-use planning decisions and identify flood-proofing measures. |
$40,341 |
First Nations’ Emergency Services Society |
Culturally relevant climate change adaptation monitoring: Braiding Indigenous and non-Indigenous evaluation approaches in wildfire risk reduction in British Columbia Funding to:
$133,500 |
Naut’sa Mawt Tribal Council | First Nations across Canada | Adaptation Canada 2020 Conference Funding to support a First Nation delegation to attend the Adaptation Canada 2020 conference in Vancouver, British Columbia. |
$200,660 |
Naut’sa Mawt Tribal Council | Not applicable | 2019 Climate Change Adaptation Workshop Funding for a 3 day workshop in Richmond for First Nations in the first or second phase of the First Nation Adaptation program. |
$58,891 |
Toquaht Nation | Toquaht Nation | Coastal Vulnerability Study: Phase 1 South Coast Funding to expand the original scope of Phase 1 of the coastal vulnerability assessment to include south coastal BC communities. |
$25,300 |
Old Massett Village Council | Old Massett Village Council | Seawall Replacement Feasibility Study Funding to conduct a feasibility study to determine the best method of shoreline protection in area in the context of sea level rise and climate change. |
$67,400 |
Partner | Community and region | Project title and description | Program contribution |
Cambium Aboriginal Inc. | Not applicable | First Nation Adapt Advisory Circle Gathering Professional Support Funding to support the First Nation Adapt Program to host a strategic planning session with members of its First Nation Advisory Circle. |
$35,500 |
Canadian Water Ressources Association | Not applicable | Indigenous Community Participation at Canadian Water Resources Association’s Funding to support the participation of Indigenous communities involved in flooding and adaptation related projects to attend the 72nd annual Canadian Water Resources Association national conference. |
$78,000 |
National Aboriginal Land Managers Association | Not applicable | Climate Change Toolkit: Enhancing Community Preparedness To Respond to Climate Change Funding to develop a climate change toolkit to build understanding of climate change and capacity to address it among First Nations across the country. |
$35,000 |
Centre for Indigenous Environmental Resources | Not applicable | Climate Change Adaptation Planning Toolkit Funding to continue previous work from the Centre for Indigenous Environmental Resources to develop a range of climate change adaptation resources practical for First Nation communities. |
$157,059 |
Assembly of First Nations | Not applicable | Canada in a Changing Climate: Advancing our Knowledge for Action Indigenous Resilience Chapter Funding to support writing team made up of First Nations for the Indigenous Resilience Report part of the National Assessment on Canada’s Changing Climate. |
$70,000 |
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