2020-21 Status report on transformational and major Crown projects

Canadian High Arctic Research Station

Description: The Canadian High Arctic Research Station Act, which came into force on June 1, 2015, established Polar Knowledge Canada, a new federal research organization that combines the mandate and functions of the Canadian Polar Commission and the Canadian High Arctic Research Station (CHARS) program. The new organization is responsible for advancing Canada's knowledge of the Arctic and strengthening Canadian leadership in polar science and technology.

The new research facility in Cambridge Bay, Nunavut is now attracting Canadian and international scientists to work on science and technology issues in Canada's North, incorporating traditional knowledge. The facilities provide a traditional knowledge centre and advanced laboratories, and they support field research. This station was built by Canadians to serve the world, and engage Northerners in cutting-edge science and technology. The management of the station's construction, as well as the transfer of assets, will remain with the department until it is complete in 2020–21.

Project outcomes: This project will give researchers a world-class science and technology platform in Canada's Arctic. The business case will use performance indicators to determine if this goal has been reached. Project beneficiaries will include scientists, Northerners, and all Canadians.

Industrial benefits: The station's design and construction has created jobs in Nunavut's Kitikmeot region, throughout the North, and in specialized sectors in southern Canada. The initiative meets Canada's consultation and procurement requirements under the Nunavut Land Claims Agreement Act. Demand for goods and services benefit local and regional businesses, and the construction manager's Inuit Benefits Plan that respects land claim requirements has provided approximately 246,000 hours of Inuit employment, valued at over $8 million, skills development activities worth more than $800,000, and over $65 million in construction contracts to firms registered with Nunavut Tunngavik Inc.

Sponsoring department: CIRNAC

Contracting authority: Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC)

Participating departments: Not applicable

Prime contractor: The construction contractor is the EllisDon Corporation (Ottawa, Ontario, Canada) in joint venture with NCC Dowland Ltd. (Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada)

Major subcontractors: Subcontracting is managed by the EllisDon Corporation (Ottawa, Ontario, Canada)

Project phase: Budget 2010 provided $18 million over 4 years for the design of the CHARS. EVOQ architects and NFOE et associés architectes, operating as a joint venture, were awarded the design consultant contract through a competitive and transparent bidding process. The design phase of the CHARS began in 2011–12 and was completed in 2014–15. In November 2015, the 2 triplex accommodation buildings were completed and have since been in use by Polar Knowledge Canada. The field and maintenance building was completed by March 2017 and Polar Knowledge Canada has been occupying the building since April 2017.

In 2018–19 and 2019–20, work to complete construction involved resolving minor and major deficiencies revealed during performance inspections. Seasonal civil work and an outdoor storage shelter were completed in fall 2019. Work on mechanical systems in the main research building will continue in winter 2020. With the completion of the laboratory areas of the main research building, the CHARS campus is expected to be fully operational in spring 2020. Polar Knowledge Canada operates the campus and the responsibility for operations and maintenance was transferred to them by CIRNAC in the Spring of 2019. The transfer of assets including real property and remaining responsibilities related to the project will be completed in 2020–21.

Major milestones and dates
Major milestones Date
Creation of CHARS announced Speech from the Throne 2007
CHARS feasibility: $2 million over 2 years Budget 2009
CHARS design: $18 million over 4 years Budget 2010
Cambridge Bay location announced by Prime Minister August 2010
CHARS mandate announced by Minister December 2010
Feasibility study September 2011
Request for proposal (RFP) for design consultant tendered September 2011
RFP for design consultant closed November 2011
Design consultant contract announced August 2012
RFP for construction management services tendered November 2012
RFP for construction management services closed December 2012
Site announced in Cambridge Bay February 2013
Construction management contract for advisory services awarded June 2013
Construction management contract for constructor services awarded May 2014
Begin site preparation June 2014
Begin construction August 2014
Complete design development January 2015
Complete land acquisition in Cambridge Bay March 2015
Complete triplex accommodation buildings November 2015
Complete field and maintenance building March 2017
Partial substantial completion of public and office areas of the main research building July 2018
Authority to operate from Shared Services Canada October 2018
Performance inspections Fall 2018 and ongoing
Completion of deficiency review process Fall 2019
Partial substantial completion of laboratories of the main research building Summer 2019
Completion of civil works Summer 2020
Substantial completion of the main research building *Winter 2019–20
Certificate for completion of construction *Spring 2020

*Anticipated milestones

Progress report and explanation of variances: CIRNAC is working with PSPC towards completing the construction of the main research building of the CHARS campus.

Amendments to the Canadian High Arctic Research Station Act received Royal Assent on June 21, 2018, allowing the transfer of all real property associated with the station to Polar Knowledge Canada. The transfer of the title in 2020–21 through Order in Council will mark CIRNAC's last step in establishing Polar Knowledge Canada as the owner and custodian of the CHARS campus.

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