2020-21 Horizontal initiative

Horizontal initiative: Nutrition North Canada

Lead department: Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs (CIRNAC)

Federal partner organizations: Indigenous Services Canada (ISC) and the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC)

Start date: April 1, 2011

End date: Ongoing

Description: The objective of Nutrition North Canada (NNC) is to help make perishable, nutritious food more accessible and more affordable than it otherwise would be to residents of eligible isolated northern communities without year-round surface (road, rail or marine) access.

Registered retailers in the North, country food processors/distributors located in eligible communities, and food suppliers can apply for a subsidy based on the weight of eligible foods shipped by air to eligible northern communities. These subsidies are to be passed on to northern consumers by appropriate reductions in the selling prices of eligible foods. The NNC program — National Manual governs the terms of the funding agreements with CIRNAC's subsidy recipients.

Given that there are a number of factors that influence healthy eating patterns other than food cost, ISC and PHAC complement the NNC retail subsidy by providing funding to support culturally-appropriate retail and community-based nutrition education initiatives. These initiatives aim to increase knowledge of healthy eating and develop skills for the selection and preparation of healthy store-bought and traditional or country foods.

Governance structures: The NNC Advisory Board gives Northerners a direct voice in the Program. The Board provides information and advice to the Minister of Northern Affairs to help guide the direction and activities of the Program, and to ensure that northern residents receive its full benefits. Members of the Board collectively represent the perspectives and interests of northern residents and communities in relation to the management and effectiveness of the Program. Members serve in their own right, as volunteers and not as representatives of any particular organization, area or special interest. Members are appointed to a 3-year term.

Total federal funding allocated (start to end date) (dollars):

CIRNAC: $782,291,844 (2011–12 to 2020–21)

ISC: $36,266,000 (2011–12 to 2020–21), $4,363,200 (ongoing)

PHAC: $1,975,000 (2016–17 to 2020–21), $385,000 (ongoing)

Total federal planned spending to date (dollars):

CIRNAC: $660,196,138

ISC: $27,539,600

PHAC: $1,071,000

Total federal actual spending to date (dollars):

CIRNAC: $639,595,526

ISC: $26,053,344

PHAC: $964,647

Date of last renewal of the horizontal initiative: September 29, 2016

Total federal funding allocated at the last renewal and source of funding (dollars):

CIRNAC: $183,007,062 (Budget 2016)

ISC: $7,266,000 and $1,463,200 ongoing (Budget 2016)

PHAC: $1,975,000 (Budget 2016)

Additional federal funding received after the last renewal (dollars): Not applicable

Total planned spending since the last renewal:

CIRNAC: $331,038,195

ISC: $13,039,600

PHAC: $1,071,000

Total actual spending since the last renewal:

CIRNAC: $310,437,582

ISC: $11,149,037

PHAC: $964,647

Fiscal year of planned completion of next evaluation: 2023–24

Planning highlights

CIRNAC: In 2020–21, CIRNAC will continue to update and expand NNC, and implement the changes announced in December 2018, and June 2019 to better address Northerners' needs. These changes include:

The delivery and management of the Harvesters Support Grant, a priority for the department, will be co-developed with Indigenous partners and launched in spring 2020.

CIRNAC will continue to co-chair the Indigenous Working Group. CIRNAC will also continue to participate in the newly formed Inuit-Crown Food Security Working Group to work towards sustainable food systems in Inuit Nunangat and ensure that the unique interests, priorities and circumstances of Inuit are brought into federal food security programs and policies.

ISC: In 2020–21, ISC will fund and support the implementation of NNC nutrition education initiatives to all eligible First Nations and Inuit communities to increase knowledge of healthy eating and to develop skills in choosing and preparing healthy foods. In addition, ISC will work with CIRNAC and PHAC to support NNC overall, as appropriate.

PHAC: In 2020–21, PHAC will fund 10 projects to support culturally-appropriate retail and community-based nutrition education initiatives. The activities, developed and delivered by community-based organizations, are intended to complement the food retail subsidy by influencing healthy eating in isolated Northern communities. The aim of the nutrition education initiatives is to increase knowledge of healthy eating and develop skills for the selection and preparation of healthy store-bought and traditional or country foods.

Contact information:

Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada

Wayne Walsh
Director General, Northern Strategic Policy
Northern Affairs Organization
Telephone: 819-934-3171

Indigenous Services Canada

Mary Trifonopoulos
Senior Manager, Healthy Living, Population Health and Primary Care Directorate
First Nations and Inuit Health Branch
Telephone: 613-292-7518

Public Health Agency of Canada

Kathleen Copp
Manager, Maternal and Child Health, Centre for Health Promotion
Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention Branch
Telephone: 613-292-7058

Nutrition North Initiative overview
Total federal funding allocated since the last renewal (dollars) 2020−21
Planned spending (dollars)
Horizontal initiative shared outcome(s) Performance indicator(s) Target(s) Date to achieve target

CIRNAC: 183,007,062

ISC: 7,266,000

PHAC: 1,975,000

CIRNAC: 104,500,440



PHAC: 385,000

Isolated Northern communities' nutritional choices and community health are strengthened Percentage of population reporting their health is excellent or very good At least 45% of adults report that their health is excellent or very good March 31, 2021
Quantity of subsidized foods (kg) per capita by each category Stable or increasing from the 2011 baseline year March 31, 2021

Nutrition North Initiative activities

Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada

Link to the program inventory: Nutrition North Canada

Activity: Nutrition North

2020–21 planned spending: $104,500,440

Total federal funding allocated to each activity since the last renewal: $183,007,062

Nutrition North Initiative activities: Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada
2020–21 Activity expected result(s) 2020–21 Activity performance indicator(s) 2020–21
Activity target(s)
Date to achieve activity target
Affordability of perishable, nutritious food in eligible communities is strengthened The annual growth rate of food prices in isolated Northern communities compared to the national growth rate At or below the annual trend (increase/decrease) for the Consumer Price Index basket for food March 31, 2021
Annual average cost of the Revised Northern Food Basket At or below the baseline for the food basket, adjusted for inflation rate for food purchased in stores (Statistics Canada) March 31, 2021
Residents in eligible communities have access to nutritious, perishable foods at a subsidized rate Percentage of compliance/audit reports demonstrating that subsidies have been fully passed on to consumers 100% March 31, 2021
Annual percentage variation in the quantity of subsidized items shipped by air 3% to 5% March 31, 2021

Indigenous Services Canada

Link to the program inventory: Healthy Living

Activity: Nutrition North Canada Nutrition Education Initiatives

2020–21 planned spending: $4,363,200

Total federal funding allocated to each activity since the last renewal: $7,266,000

Nutrition North Initiative activities: Indigenous Services Canada
2020–21 Activity expected results 2020–21 Activity performance indicator(s) 2020–21
Activity target(s)
Date to achieve activity target
Residents in eligible communities have knowledge of healthy eating and skills, and are choosing and preparing healthy foods Number of participants by type of nutrition education activity 4 or more different types of activities per year 6 or more participants per type of activity March 31, 2021
Percentage of funding recipients reporting knowledge of healthy eating and skills among residents in eligible communities 70% of funding recipients are reporting knowledge of healthy eating and skills March 31, 2021
Quantity by weight of fruit and vegetables available to eligible communities Stable or increasing March 31, 2021
Residents in eligible communities have access to retail and community-based nutrition education initiatives Percentage of communities promoting nutrition education activities 100% of funding recipients are promoting and offering nutrition education activities March 31, 2021
Number and types of nutrition education activities (by target population groups, venues) Funding recipients provide activities to 2 or more target populations (e.g., women, seniors, children, and youth) in 2 or more venues (e.g., grocery stores, schools, on the land) March 31, 2021

Public Health Agency of Canada

Link to the program inventory: Health Promotion Program

Activity: Nutrition North Canada Nutrition Education Initiatives

2020–21 planned spending: $385,000

Total federal funding allocated to each activity since the last renewal: $1,975,000

Nutrition North Initiative activities: Public Health Agency of Canada
2020–21 Activity expected result(s) 2020–21 Activity performance indicator(s) 2020–21
Activity target(s)
Date to achieve activity target
Community workers are trained to deliver retail and community- based nutrition education activities in eligible communities Percentage of funding recipients with trained NNC community workers to deliver programming 100% of recipients with trained NNC community workers to deliver programming March 31, 2021
Residents in eligible communities have access to retail and community-based nutrition education initiatives Number of communities promoting nutrition education activities 10/10 communities promoting nutrition education activities March 31, 2021
Number of and types of nutrition education activities (by target population groups) 120 activities offered to 2 or more population groups (i.e. children, youth, adults, seniors) March 31, 2021
Residents in eligible communities have knowledge of healthy eating and skills, and are choosing and preparing healthy foods Number of participants by type of nutrition education activity At least 1260 participants in 4 types of nutrition education activities (e.g. cooking activities, nutrition sessions, taste tests, gardening activities, etc.) March 31, 2021
Percentage of funding recipients reporting knowledge of healthy eating and skills among residents in eligible communities 90% of funding recipients are reporting knowledge of healthy eating and skills March 31, 2021

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