2020-21 Gender-Based Analysis Plus

Governance structures

CIRNAC has named an executive-level Champion for Gender Inclusive Services and an executive-level Diversity and Inclusion Champion whose roles include support for the application of Gender-Based Analysis+ (GBA+). Champions will advocate and support the integration of gender and diversity considerations in service design and delivery across the department.

In addition to the executive Champions, there is a GBA+ Centre of Expertise. This function is developing a CIRNAC GBA+ Implementation Strategy, modernizing the GBA+ policy for CIRNAC, and establishing and coordinating a CIRNAC GBA+ Network.

CIRNAC's GBA+ Network will be formalized with clearly established roles and responsibilities to support the implementation of GBA+ throughout the department. The Network will continue to gather and disseminate information across the department, share best GBA+ application practices and liaise more broadly with other GBA+ networks.

The GBA+ Centre of Expertise is focusing efforts on GBA+ Network meetings, establishing relationships with Indigenous women's organizations, and consulting with Women and Gender Equality Canada to ensure the integration of GBA+ into the CIRNAC departmental decision-making processes. It is working jointly with ISC to partner with national Indigenous women's organizations to co-develop GBA+ that take cultural aspects into consideration.

CIRNAC will also continue to coordinate a series of learning activities to increase GBA+ and cultural competency awareness including: GBA+ awareness week events; GBA+ training challenge; coffee chats; FedTalks; presentations from Indigenous women's organizations; the promotion of Women and Gender Equality Canada's GBA+ training platform; and the promotion of the Canada School of Public Service's Indigenous Learning Series.

Human Resources The resources dedicated to support GBA+ within CIRNAC include: support from the Executive Champions — Champion of Gender Inclusive Services and the Diversity and Inclusion Champion and a Centre of Expertise comprised of 3 full-time equivalent (FTE) employees. CIRNAC also relies on the support of its GBA+ Network which is comprised of approximately 50 employees for the dissemination of best practices and information sharing, along with voluntary sectoral GBA+ representatives that serve as subject matter experts within the department at large.
Planned Initiatives

One of the major initiatives where GBA+ will be applied and monitored in 2020–21 includes the development of a National Action Plan to respond to the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls' Final Report: Reclaiming Power and Place. This initiative is a priority for the Government of Canada and aligns to the Gender-Based Violence and Access to Justice of the Gender Results Framework.

CIRNAC is supporting national Indigenous organizations to engage their communities to identify priorities and best practices for the development of the National Action Plan. CIRNAC will co-develop and implement the National Action Plan with national and regional Indigenous organizations as well as Indigenous LGBTQ2 organizations. This will include short, medium and long term evaluation criteria that is reflective of GBA+ considerations that will be drafted in partnership with Indigenous organizations.

As well, the Native Women's Association of Canada and Pauktuutit Inuit Women of Canada, through established Accord/ Memoranda, have identified GBA+ as a priority area. This work will help establish performance measures to ensure that Indigenous women's voices are included in the broader whole-of-government process towards reconciliation with Indigenous peoples, and that Indigenous Women's Organizations can effectively integrate this with culturally-competent GBA+ frameworks that support the ability to advocate for institutional and systemic changes deriving positive impacts on Indigenous Gender Equality over the long term.

Reporting capacity and data

Due to capacity constraints associated with the split of the department, reporting capacity and data on CIRNAC's Program Inventory will be limited. CIRNAC's GBA+ Centre of Expertise intends to work with the GBA+ Network to build this capacity and build a listing of each program that collects and keeps sufficient individual recipient microdata information to undertake GBA+.

GBA+ monitoring will continue to be undertaken on all Treasury Board Submissions, Cabinet documents, budget submissions, and in policy and program architecture and implementation. With the development of a culturally-competent GBA+ toolkit, implementation strategy, modernized GBA+ policy and formalized GBA+ representatives, CIRNAC will be better positioned to apply and monitor fulsome, culturally-competent GBA+ throughout the Department.

In addition to the initiatives to be undertaken in re-building GBA+ capacity at CIRNAC, the department will work towards developing more robust methods to collect data to support the design, implementation, and review of policy and programs using a GBA+ lens.

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