2019 Northern Affairs - first 90 days

Proposed introductory meeting/calls

Territorial ministers

The first proposed introductory meeting/call with a territorial minister, with a timeline into the end of November, is with the Honourable Joe Savikataaq, Premier of Nunavut and Minister of Aboriginal Relations. The comments are: "Introductory call within first week."

The second proposed introductory meeting/call, with a timeline into the end of November, is with the Honourable Caroline Cochrane, Premier of The Northwest Territories and Minister of Executive and Indigenous Affairs. The comments are: "Introductory call within first week."

The third proposed introductory meeting/call, with a timeline into the end of November, is with the Honourable Sandy Silver, Premier of Yukon. The comments are: "Introductory call within first week."

Indigenous representative organizations

The proposed introductory meeting/call with an Indigenous representative organization, with a timeline into the end of November, is with Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami, whose president is Natan Obed. The comments are: "Introductory call within first week."

One-on-one introductory interviews, conference calls and meetings with selected and interested media

One-on-one introductory interviews, conference calls and meetings with selected and interested media are to be held. Timelines are to be determined.


The first event to be attended is Yukon Days with a timeline of early December. The comments are: "Yukon Days is a coordinated annual event for the Government of Yukon and Yukon First Nations to promote the territory in Ottawa, and to meet directly with federal ministers to address common priorities and issues impacting Yukon (December 3, 2019)."

The second event to be attended is redacted, with a timeline into mid-December. Comments for the event are also redacted.

The third event to be attended is redacted, with a timeline into early January. Comments for the event are also redacted.

The fourth event to be attended is redacted, with a timeline into early January. Comments for the event are also redacted.

Approvals / Signatures / Reports

Treasury Board submissions

The first report/document for approval or tabling of a Treasury Board submission, with a timeline into end of November is redacted. Comments are also redacted.

The second report/document for approval or tabling of a Treasury Board submission, with a timeline into end of November is redacted. Comments are also redacted.

The third report/document for approval or tabling of a Treasury Board submission, with a timeline into end of November is redacted. Comments are also redacted.

Parliamentary reports

The first report/document for approval or tabling (which must be tabled no later than 15 sitting days following the opening of Parliament) has a timeline into mid-January. It is the Tabling of 2018-19 Annual Report: Access to Information with the following bullet points: Gwich'in Land Use Planning Board; Gwich'in Land and Water Board; Mackenzie Valley Environmental Impact Review Board; Mackenzie Valley Land and Water Board; Nunavut Impact Review Board; Nunavut Planning Commission; Nunavut Surface Rights Tribunal; Nunavut Water Board; Sahtu Land Use Planning Board; Sahtu Land and Water Board; Yukon Environmental and Socio-economic Assessment Board; Yukon Surface Rights Board; and, Canadian High Arctic Research Station. Comments are: "Reports must be tabled in the House of Commons and Senate no later than 15 sitting days following opening of Parliament (set for December 5, 2019).

The second report/document for approval or tabling (which must be tabled no later than 15 sitting days following the opening of Parliament) has a timeline into mid-January. It is the Tabling of 2018-19 Annual Report: Privacy with the following bullet points: Gwich'in Land Use Planning Board; Gwich'in Land and Water Board; Mackenzie Valley Environmental Impact Review Board; Mackenzie Valley Land and Water Board; Nunavut Impact Review Board; Nunavut Planning Commission; Nunavut Surface Rights Tribunal; Nunavut Water Board; Sahtu Land Use Planning Board; Sahtu Land and Water Board; Yukon Environmental and Socio-economic Assessment Board; Yukon Surface Rights Board; and, Canadian High Arctic Research Station. Comments are: "Reports must be tabled in the House of Commons and Senate no later than 15 sitting days following opening of Parliament (set for December 5, 2019).

Ministerial regulatory decisions

The first approval/signature/report of a ministerial regulatory decision, with a timeline into early December, is redacted. Comments are also redacted.

The second approval/signature/report of a ministerial regulatory decision, with a timeline into the end of December, is redacted. Comments are also redacted.

The third approval/signature/report of a ministerial regulatory decision, with a timeline into the end of December, is redacted. Comments are also redacted.

The fourth approval/signature/report of a ministerial regulatory decision, with a timeline into early January, is redacted. Comments are also redacted.

The fifth approval/signature/report of a ministerial regulatory decision, with a timeline into early January, is redacted. Comments are also redacted.


Ministerial Appointments

The first appointment/vacancy to be filled (the processes for which will need to be initiated to avoid operational issues in early 2020) has a timeline into early December. The board's name is redacted. Comments for this appointment are also redacted.

The second appointment/vacancy to be filled (the processes for which will need to be initiated to avoid operational issues in early 2020) has a timeline into the end of December. The board's name is redacted. Comments for this appointment are also redacted.

The third appointment/vacancy to be filled (the processes for which will need to be initiated to avoid operational issues in early 2020) has a timeline into the end of December. The board's name is redacted. Comments for this appointment are also redacted.

The fourth appointment/vacancy to be filled (the processes for which will need to be initiated to avoid operational issues in early 2020) has a timeline into the end of December. The board's name is redacted. Comments for this appointment are also redacted.

The fifth appointment/vacancy to be filled (the processes for which will need to be initiated to avoid operational issues in early 2020) has a timeline into the end of December. The board's name is redacted. Comments for this appointment are also redacted.

The sixth appointment/vacancy to be filled (the processes for which will need to be initiated to avoid operational issues in early 2020) has a timeline into the end of December. The board's name is redacted. Comments for this appointment are also redacted.

The seventh appointment/vacancy to be filled (the processes for which will need to be initiated to avoid operational issues in early 2020) has a timeline into early January. The board's name is redacted. Comments for this appointment are also redacted.

The eighth appointment/vacancy to be filled (the processes for which will need to be initiated to avoid operational issues in early 2020) has a timeline into the end of January. The board's name is redacted. Comments for this appointment are also redacted.

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