2017 to 2018 Fees Report

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Table of contents

Ministers' message

On behalf of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada, we are pleased to present the 2017 to 2018 Report on Fees.

On June 22, 2017, the Service Fees Act received royal assent, thereby repealing the User Fees Act.

The Service Fees Act introduces a modern legislative framework that enables cost-effective delivery of services and, through enhanced reporting to Parliament, improved transparency and oversight. The act provides for:

This 2017 to 2018 Fees Report is the first report to be prepared under the Service Fees Act. The report includes new information such as a detailed listing of all fees along with future year fee amounts. Additional fee information will be included starting next fiscal year, once Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada fully transitions to the Service Fees Act regime.

We welcome the increased transparency and oversight that the Service Fees Act's reporting regime embodies, and we are fully committed to transitioning the department to this modern framework.

Hon. Carolyn Bennett, M.D., P.C., M.P.
Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations

Dominic LeBlanc, P.C., Q.C., M.P.
Minister of Intergovernmental and
Northern Affairs and Internal Trade

General fees information

The tables that follow provide information on each category of fees, including:

In addition to the information presented by fee category, there is a summary of the financial information for all fees as well as a listing of fees under the department's authority. This listing includes the existing fee dollar amounts and the adjusted dollar fee amount for a future year.

General and financial information by fee category

Fees charged for the processing of access requests filed under the Access to Information Act

General information
Fee-setting authority Access to Information ActEndnote 1
Year introduced 1988
Year last amended 1992
Service standard Response provided within 30 days following receipt of request. The response time may be extended pursuant to section 9 of the Act. Notice of extension to be sent within 30 days after receipt of request. Additional details can be found in the Act.
Performance results On-time responses (i.e. responses completed within their 30-day or extended statutory deadline) were provided for 91.9 percent of requests that were completed in 2017−18.
Other information Not applicable
Financial information (dollars)
2016 to 2017
2017 to 2018
2017 to 2018
2017 to 2018
3,660 2,990 1,131,661 N/A
* The amount includes direct and indirect costs, where such costs are identifiable and material.
† A remission is a partial or full return of a fee paid. Under the Service Fees Act, departments are required to develop policies that determine when fees will be remitted to fee payers should service standards not be met. The requirement for departments to remit is anticipated to come into effect on March 31, 2020. This effective date allows departments time to develop remissions policies and adjust service standard tracking and remittance systems. During fiscal year 2017 to 2018, some departments may have issued remissions, in accordance with the authority of their enabling legislation or regulation, as opposed to the authority given by the Service Fees Act. It is remissions issued under enabling legislations or regulations that are shown above.

Nunavut Mining Regulations

General information
Fee-setting authority Territorial Lands ActEndnote 2
Year introduced Effective since at least 1978; the exact date fees were introduced prior to 1978 is unknown
Year last amended The Canada Mining Regulations were changed to the Northwest Territories and Nunavut Mining RegulationsEndnote 3 in 2007, with amendments to the royalty sections. On April 1, 2014, the Regulations was split into two sets of regulations: the Nunavut Mining RegulationsEndnote 4 apply to Crown lands in Nunavut, while the Northwest Territories Mining RegulationsEndnote 5 apply to residual Crown lands still under the department Minister's authority after devolution. The department is working with the Department of Justice to amend the Nunavut Mining Regulations to enable online selection of mineral claims on map.
The map selection system would replace the current process of physically staking (locating) mineral claims on the ground in Nunavut. The proposed system, a modern, fast and secure way to acquire a mineral claim, would streamline the administrative process so clients could obtain immediate approval and ownership for mineral claims and tenure rights.
This would cut approval wait times for most mineral rights processes. Mining representatives were consulted in various ways and showed strong support for the project. Later in 2018, stakeholders will be invited to give feedback when the proposed amendments are published in Part I of the Canada Gazette.
Service standard There are no legislated service standards.
Performance results Due to the lack of legislated service standards, performance results are not applicable.
Other information The fee or service sets in motion a series of land and resource management and environmental protection activities.
Financial information (dollars)
2016 to 2017
2017 to 2018
2017 to 2018
2017 to 2018
1,986,372 1,912,878 1,940,176 N/A
* The amount includes direct and indirect costs, where such costs are identifiable and material.
† A remission is a partial or full return of a fee paid. Under the Service Fees Act departments are required to develop policies that determine when fees will be remitted to fee payers should service standards not be met. The requirement for departments to remit is anticipated to come into effect on March 31, 2020. This effective date allows departments time to develop remissions policies and adjust service standard tracking and remittance systems. During fiscal year 2017 to 2018, some departments may have issued remissions, in accordance with the authority of their enabling legislation or regulation, as opposed to the authority given by the Service Fees Act. It is remissions issued under enabling legislations or regulations that are shown above.

Northwest Territories Mining Regulations

General information
Fee-setting authority Territorial Lands Act
Year introduced 1978
Year last amended The Canada Mining Regulations were changed to the Northwest Territories and Nunavut Mining Regulations in 2007, with amendments to the royalty sections. On April 1, 2014, a modern version of the Regulations was split into two sets of regulations: the Nunavut Mining Regulations apply to Crown lands in Nunavut, while the Northwest Territories Mining Regulations apply to residual Crown lands still under the department Minister's authority after devolution. Since the Northwest Territories Mining Regulations apply to only a small amount of lands, there are no immediate plans to update or amend them to allow mineral claims to be selected from online maps.
Service standard There are no legislated service standards.
Performance results Due to the lack of legislated service standards, performance results are not applicable.
Other information The fee or service sets in motion a series of land and resource management and environmental protection activities.
Financial information (dollars)
2016 to 2017
2017 to 2018
2017 to 2018
2017 to 2018
280,461 119,015 122,516 N/A
* The amount includes direct and indirect costs, where such costs are identifiable and material.
† A remission is a partial or full return of a fee paid. Under the Service Fees Act departments are required to develop policies that determine when fees will be remitted to fee payers should service standards not be met. The requirement for departments to remit is anticipated to come into effect on March 31, 2020. This effective date allows departments time to develop remissions policies and adjust service standard tracking and remittance systems. During fiscal year 2017 to 2018, some departments may have issued remissions, in accordance with the authority of their enabling legislation or regulation, as opposed to the authority given by the Service Fees Act. It is remissions issued under enabling legislations or regulations that are shown above.

Territorial Land Use Permits

General information
Fee-setting authority Territorial Lands Act and Mackenzie Valley Resource Management ActEndnote 6
Year introduced 1996
Year last amended 2016 (for modernization); 1996 (for the inclusion of the user fee).
Service standard Current service standards are set in two existing regulations:
(1) Territorial Land Use Regulations subsections 24 to 29 outlining service standards for Class A and B permits;
(2) Mackenzie Valley Land Use Regulations, subsections 22 to 25 outlining service standards.
Performance results All land use permits were issued within the regulated timeline in Nunavut and on remaining crown lands in the Northwest Territories.
Other information The fee or service triggers a series of activities related to land and resource management and the protection of the environment, all of which are controlled by the nature and scope of the resource development projects, e.g. mine development.
Financial information (dollars)
2016 to 2017
2017 to 2018
2017 to 2018
2017 to 2018
6,285 6,550 144,456 N/A
* The amount includes direct and indirect costs, where such costs are identifiable and material.
† A remission is a partial or full return of a fee paid. Under the Service Fees Act departments are required to develop policies that determine when fees will be remitted to fee payers should service standards not be met. The requirement for departments to remit is anticipated to come into effect on March 31, 2020. This effective date allows departments time to develop remissions policies and adjust service standard tracking and remittance systems. During fiscal year 2017 to 2018, some departments may have issued remissions, in accordance with the authority of their enabling legislation or regulation, as opposed to the authority given by the Service Fees Act. It is remissions issued under enabling legislations or regulations that are shown above.

Territorial Land Lease Authorizations

General information
Fee-setting authority Territorial Lands Act
Year introduced 1996
Year last amended 1996 (for the inclusion of the user fee)
Service standard There are no legislated service standards.
Performance results Due to the lack of legislated service standards, performance results are not applicable.
Other information Territorial Lands full cost only reflects the processing of rental; it does not include the full use of land.
Financial information (dollars)
2016 to 2017
2017 to 2018
2017 to 2018
2017 to 2018
134,226 353,079 629,226 N/A
* The amount includes direct and indirect costs, where such costs are identifiable and material.
† A remission is a partial or full return of a fee paid. Under the Service Fees Act departments are required to develop policies that determine when fees will be remitted to fee payers should service standards not be met. The requirement for departments to remit is anticipated to come into effect on March 31, 2020. This effective date allows departments time to develop remissions policies and adjust service standard tracking and remittance systems. During fiscal year 2017 to 2018, some departments may have issued remissions, in accordance with the authority of their enabling legislation or regulation, as opposed to the authority given by the Service Fees Act. It is remissions issued under enabling legislations or regulations that are shown above.

Frontier Lands Registration RegulationsEndnote 7

General information
Fee-setting authority Canada Petroleum Resources ActEndnote 8
Year introduced 1988
Year last amended 1988
Service standard Standard requests should be processed within 10 working days. Requests that require additional research take additional time to process (requestor is advised of the delay at the time the request is made); please refer to Schedule 15 of the Frontier Lands Registration Regulations.
Performance results All standard requests were processed within the established timeline. A number of requests necessitated further research, which resulted in additional processing time.
Other information Reviewed annually, the full costs and estimated full costs for planning years represent the best available cost data at this time.
Financial information (dollars)
2016 to 2017
2017 to 2018
2017 to 2018
2017 to 2018
2,265 702 2,055 N/A
* The amount includes direct and indirect costs, where such costs are identifiable and material.
† A remission is a partial or full return of a fee paid. Under the Service Fees Act departments are required to develop policies that determine when fees will be remitted to fee payers should service standards not be met. The requirement for departments to remit is anticipated to come into effect on March 31, 2020. This effective date allows departments time to develop remissions policies and adjust service standard tracking and remittance systems. During fiscal year 2017 to 2018, some departments may have issued remissions, in accordance with the authority of their enabling legislation or regulation, as opposed to the authority given by the Service Fees Act. It is remissions issued under enabling legislations or regulations that are shown above.

Territorial Quarrying

General information
Fee-setting authority Territorial Lands Act and Mackenzie Valley Resource Management Act
Year introduced 1996
Year last amended 2016 (modernization)
Service standard There is no timeline set in regulations to process, issue or reject a quarrying permit application.
Performance results Not applicable, as no permits were issued.
Other information Not applicable
Financial information (dollars)
2016 to 2017
2017 to 2018
2017 to 2018
2017 to 2018
0 0 0 N/A
* The amount includes direct and indirect costs, where such costs are identifiable and material.
† A remission is a partial or full return of a fee paid. Under the Service Fees Act departments are required to develop policies that determine when fees will be remitted to fee payers should service standards not be met. The requirement for departments to remit is anticipated to come into effect on March 31, 2020. This effective date allows departments time to develop remissions policies and adjust service standard tracking and remittance systems. During fiscal year 2017 to 2018, some departments may have issued remissions, in accordance with the authority of their enabling legislation or regulation, as opposed to the authority given by the Service Fees Act. It is remissions issued under enabling legislations or regulations that are shown above.

Territorial Water Licence Administration Fees

General information
Fee-setting authority Mackenzie Valley Resource Management Act for the Mackenzie Valley Federal Areas Waters Regulations; Waters Act for the Water RegulationsEndnote 9 (a Government of the Northwest Territories ActEndnote 10 and related regulation that are used by the Government of Canada in the Inuvialuit Region of the Northwest Territories); and Nunavut Waters and Nunavut Surface Rights Tribunal ActEndnote 11 for the Nunavut Waters RegulationsEndnote 12
Year introduced 2014
Year last amended 2014 – Mackenzie Valley Federal Areas Waters RegulationsEndnote 13; 2014 – Waters Regulations (Government of the Northwest Territories); 2013 – Nunavut Waters Regulations
Service standard Performance standards vary depending on research, negotiations and environmental assessment decisions and are shared with clients throughout the process.
Performance results All water use authorizations were issued once all pre-conditions were met.
Other information The fee or service triggers a series of activities related to land and resource management and the protection of the environment, all of which are controlled by the nature and scope of the resource development projects, e.g. mine development. The Nunavut Waters Regulations under the Nunavut Waters and Nunavut Surface Rights Tribunal Act came into effect in June 2013. Extensive consultations with stakeholders were conducted and no comments were raised about the fees. In 2014, the Mackenzie Valley Federal Areas Waters Regulations came into effect under the authority of the Mackenzie Valley Resource Management Act. Limited consultations with stakeholders were conducted because the changes were administrative in nature to reflect the changes in the regulatory regime as a result of the devolution of water management responsibilities to the Government of the Northwest Territories from the Government of Canada.
Reviewed annually, the full costs and estimated full costs for planning years represent the best available cost data at this time.
The devolution of jurisdiction to the Government of Northwest Territories in April 2014 has been taken into consideration in the forecast below. Note that there are remaining user fees that have been excluded from the transfer to the Government of Northwest Territories since the 2014 devolution, which explains why there are reduced forecasted amounts.
Financial information (dollars)
2016 to 2017
2017 to 2018
2017 to 2018
2017 to 2018
119,820 47,311 41,183 N/A
* The amount includes direct and indirect costs, where such costs are identifiable and material.
† A remission is a partial or full return of a fee paid. Under the Service Fees Act departments are required to develop policies that determine when fees will be remitted to fee payers should service standards not be met. The requirement for departments to remit is anticipated to come into effect on March 31, 2020. This effective date allows departments time to develop remissions policies and adjust service standard tracking and remittance systems. During fiscal year 2017 to 2018, some departments may have issued remissions, in accordance with the authority of their enabling legislation or regulation, as opposed to the authority given by the Service Fees Act. It is remissions issued under enabling legislations or regulations that are shown above.

Territorial Coal

General information
Fee-setting authority Territorial Lands Act
Year introduced Effective since at least 1978; exact date fees were introduced prior to 1978 is unknown
Year last amended 2003
Service standard Exploration permits are issued once consultations are complete.
Performance results Not applicable, as no permits were issued.
Other information Not applicable
Financial information (dollars)
2016 to 2017
2017 to 2018
2017 to 2018
2017 to 2018
0 0 0 N/A
* The amount includes direct and indirect costs, where such costs are identifiable and material.
† A remission is a partial or full return of a fee paid. Under the Service Fees Act departments are required to develop policies that determine when fees will be remitted to fee payers should service standards not be met. The requirement for departments to remit is anticipated to come into effect on March 31, 2020. This effective date allows departments time to develop remissions policies and adjust service standard tracking and remittance systems. During fiscal year 2017 to 2018, some departments may have issued remissions, in accordance with the authority of their enabling legislation or regulation, as opposed to the authority given by the Service Fees Act. It is remissions issued under enabling legislations or regulations that are shown above.

Financial totals for all fee categories

Total revenues, cost and remissions (dollars)
2016 to 2017
Total revenue
2017 to 2018
Total revenue
2017 to 2018
Total cost
2017 to 2018
Total remissions
2,533,089 2,442,525 4,011,273 N/A
Note: the totals are the sums of the revenues, costs and remissions reported for all fee categories in the "Financial information" tables.

Fees under the department's authority

Fee amounts for 2017 to 2018, 2019 to 2020, and a future fiscal year, as applicable (dollars)

Nunavut Mining Regulations
Name of fee 2017 to 2018
Fee amount
2019 to 2020
Adjusted fee amount*
Future fee amount and fiscal year†
Copy of a record per page 1.00 1.02 Not applicable
Licence issued to an individual 5.00 5.11 Not applicable
Licence issued to a corporation 50.00 51.10 Not applicable
Duplicate licence 2.00 2.04 Not applicable
Identification tags or reduced-area tags, per set 2.00 2.04 Not applicable
Application to record a claim or a reduced-area claim, per hectare in the claim 0.25 0.26 Not applicable
Application for a prospecting permit 25.00 25.55 Not applicable
Request to group prospecting permits 10.00 10.22 Not applicable
Request to transfer a prospecting permit 25.00 25.55 Not applicable
Certificate of Work, per hectare in the claim 0.25 0.26 Not applicable
Request to group recorded claims 10.00 10.22 Not applicable
Application for extension to do work on a claim, per hectare in the claim 0.25 0.26 Not applicable
Recording of an official plan of survey of a claim, per claim in the survey 2.00 2.04 Not applicable
Application for lease of a recorded document 25.00 25.55 Not applicable
Recording a transfer of a lease and any other document pertaining to a lease 25.00 25.55 Not applicable
Recording any document pertaining to a claim, per entry 2.00 2.04 Not applicable
Request to cancel the recording of a claim 10.00 10.22 Not applicable
Charges to hold a recorded claim $10 per full or partial hectare in the claim during the two-year period following the day on which the claim is recorded;
$5 per full or partial hectare in the claim for each subsequent one-year period.
$10.22 per full or partial hectare in the claim during the two-year period following the day on which the claim is recorded;
$5.11 per full or partial hectare in the claim for each subsequent one-year period.
Not applicable
* Fees are adjusted annually in one of two ways: (1) Under the Service Fees Act, whereby fees are adjusted in each fiscal year by the percentage change over 12 months in the April All-Items Consumer Price Index for Canada, as published by Statistics Canada for the previous fiscal year. The Consumer Price Index rate for this report is 2.2%. (2) The fee is subject to a periodic adjustment at a predetermined rate, in accordance with another authority in legislation or regulation. All of the fee adjustments listed herein are according to the Services Fees Act, as none of the service fee increases in this report have legally mandated increases. Some of the fees identified in the "2019-20 Adjusted fee amount" column may not be adjusted as indicated if Treasury Board makes regulations with regard to low materiality fees before the fee's adjustment date (March 31, 2020) and the fee is considered to be a low materiality fee pursuant to those regulations. The regulations, currently under development, are targeted to come into force sometime between April 1, 2019 to March 31, 2020.
† The "Future fee amount and fiscal year" is the new amount of the fee, in a future fiscal year other than 2019 to 2020, adjusted by a predetermined rate, in accordance with the authority in legislation or regulation.
Northwest Territories Mining regulations
Name of fee 2017 to 2018
Fee amount
2019 to 2020
Adjusted fee amount*
Future fee amount and fiscal year†
Copy of a record per page 1.00 1.02 Not applicable
Licence issued to an individual 5.00 5.11 Not applicable
Licence issued to a corporation 50.00 51.10 Not applicable
Duplicate licence 2.00 2.04 Not applicable
Identification tags or reduced-area tags, per set 2.00 2.04 Not applicable
Application to record a claim or a reduced-area claim, per hectare in the claim 0.25 0.26 Not applicable
Application for a prospecting permit 25.00 25.55 Not applicable
Request to group prospecting permits 10.00 10.22 Not applicable
Request to transfer a prospecting permit 25.00 25.55 Not applicable
Certificate of Work, per hectare in the claim 0.25 0.26 Not applicable
Request to group recorded claims 10.00 10.22 Not applicable
Application for extension to do work on a claim, per hectare in the claim 0.25 0.26 Not applicable
Recording of an official plan of survey of a claim, per claim in the survey 2.00 2.04 Not applicable
Application for lease of a recorded document 25.00 25.55 Not applicable
Recording a transfer of a lease and any other document pertaining to a lease 25.00 25.55 Not applicable
Recording any document pertaining to a claim, per entry 2.00 2.04 Not applicable
Request to cancel the recording of a claim 10.00 10.22 Not applicable
Charges to hold a recorded claim $10 per full or partial hectare in the claim during the two-year period following the day on which the claim is recorded;
$5 per full or partial hectare in the claim for each subsequent one-year period.
$10.22 per full or partial hectare in the claim during the two-year period following the day on which the claim is recorded;
$5.11 per full or partial hectare in the claim for each subsequent one-year period.
Not applicable
* Fees are adjusted annually in one of two ways: (1) Under the Service Fees Act, whereby fees are adjusted in each fiscal year by the percentage change over 12 months in the April All-Items Consumer Price Index for Canada, as published by Statistics Canada for the previous fiscal year. The Consumer Price Index rate for this report is 2.2%. (2) The fee is subject to a periodic adjustment at a predetermined rate, in accordance with another authority in legislation or regulation. All of the fee adjustments listed herein are according to the Services Fees Act, as none of the service fee increases in this report have legally mandated increases. Some of the fees identified in the "2019-20 Adjusted fee amount" column may not be adjusted as indicated if Treasury Board makes regulations with regard to low materiality fees before the fee's adjustment date (March 31, 2020) and the fee is considered to be a low materiality fee pursuant to those regulations. The regulations, currently under development, are targeted to come into force sometime between April 1, 2019 to March 31, 2020.
† The "Future fee amount and fiscal year" is the new amount of the fee, in a future fiscal year other than 2019 to 2020, adjusted by a predetermined rate, in accordance with the authority in legislation or regulation.
Territorial Land Use Permits
Name of fee 2017 to 2018
Fee amount
2019 to 2020
Adjusted fee amount*
Future fee amount and fiscal year†
Permit Application 150.00 153.30 Not applicable
Assignment of Permit 50.00 51.10 Not applicable
Copies of Documents 1.00 per page 1.02 per page Not applicable
* Fees are adjusted annually in one of two ways: (1) Under the Service Fees Act, whereby fees are adjusted in each fiscal year by the percentage change over 12 months in the April All-Items Consumer Price Index for Canada, as published by Statistics Canada for the previous fiscal year. The Consumer Price Index rate for this report is 2.2%. (2) The fee is subject to a periodic adjustment at a predetermined rate, in accordance with another authority in legislation or regulation. All of the fee adjustments listed herein are according to the Services Fees Act, as none of the service fee increases in this report have legally mandated increases. Some of the fees identified in the "2019-20 Adjusted fee amount" column may not be adjusted as indicated if Treasury Board makes regulations with regard to low materiality fees before the fee's adjustment date (March 31, 2020) and the fee is considered to be a low materiality fee pursuant to those regulations. The regulations, currently under development, are targeted to come into force sometime between April 1, 2019 to March 31, 2020.
† The "Future fee amount and fiscal year" is the new amount of the fee, in a future fiscal year other than 2019 to 2020, adjusted by a predetermined rate, in accordance with the authority in legislation or regulation.
Territorial Land Lease Authorizations
Name of fee 2017 to 2018
Fee amount
2019 to 2020
Adjusted fee amount*
Future fee amount and fiscal year†
Application for lease, purchase, or other disposition 150.00 153.30 Not applicable
Preparation of document evidencing lease, sale or other disposition 50.00 51.10 Not applicable
Renewal of Lease 50.00 51.10 Not applicable
Issue of letters patent 50.00 51.10 Not applicable
Issue of Notification 50.00 51.10 Not applicable
Copy of Document 1.00 per page 1.02 per page Not applicable
Copy of survey plan or map 5.00 per copy 5.11 per page Not applicable
Preparation of submission to the Governor in Council 50.00 51.10 Not applicable
* Fees are adjusted annually in one of two ways: (1) Under the Service Fees Act, whereby fees are adjusted in each fiscal year by the percentage change over 12 months in the April All-Items Consumer Price Index for Canada, as published by Statistics Canada for the previous fiscal year. The Consumer Price Index rate for this report is 2.2%. (2) The fee is subject to a periodic adjustment at a predetermined rate, in accordance with another authority in legislation or regulation. All of the fee adjustments listed herein are according to the Services Fees Act, as none of the service fee increases in this report have legally mandated increases. Some of the fees identified in the "2019-20 Adjusted fee amount" column may not be adjusted as indicated if Treasury Board makes regulations with regard to low materiality fees before the fee's adjustment date (March 31, 2020) and the fee is considered to be a low materiality fee pursuant to those regulations. The regulations, currently under development, are targeted to come into force sometime between April 1, 2019 to March 31, 2020.
† The "Future fee amount and fiscal year" is the new amount of the fee, in a future fiscal year other than 2019 to 2020, adjusted by a predetermined rate, in accordance with the authority in legislation or regulation.
Frontier Lands Registration Regulations
Name of fee 2017 to 2018
Fee amount
2019 to 2020
Adjusted fee amount*
Future fee amount and fiscal year†
Registration of a transfer $25 per interest $25.55 per interest Not applicable
Registration of a security notice $50 per interest $51.10 per interest Not applicable
Registration of an instrument other than a transfer or security notice $10 per interest $10.22 per interest Not applicable
Furnishment of a certified exact copy of an abstract $10 plus $0.25 per page copied $10.22 plus $0.26 per page copied Not applicable
Furnishment of a certified exact copy of an interest or instrument $10 plus $0.25 per page copied $10.22 plus $0.26 per page copied Not applicable
Provision of any photocopy, form or reproduction $0.25 per page copied $0.26 per page copied Not applicable
Inspection of an interest or instrument $1 per document inspected $1.02 per document inspected Not applicable
Inspection of the daybook $1 per inspection $1.02 per inspection Not applicable
Inspection of the register $1 per inspection $1.02 per inspection Not applicable
Issuance of an exploration licence $250 per grid or portion thereof $255.50 per grid or portion thereof Not applicable
Continuation of an exploration agreement as an exploration licence where the fees to enter into an exploration agreement as prescribed by the Canada Oil and Gas Interests Regulations have not been paid $250 per grid or portion thereof, for original agreement area $255.50 per grid or portion thereof, for original agreement area Not applicable
Application for a significant discovery licence $10 per licence $10.22 per licence Not applicable
Application for a production licence $10 per licence $10.22 per licence Not applicable
Extension by order, of the term of a production licence $10 per extension $10.22 per extension Not applicable
Application for a licence for subsurface storage $250 per grid or portion thereof $255.50 per grid or portion thereof Not applicable
* Fees are adjusted annually in one of two ways: (1) Under the Service Fees Act, whereby fees are adjusted in each fiscal year by the percentage change over 12 months in the April All-Items Consumer Price Index for Canada, as published by Statistics Canada for the previous fiscal year. The Consumer Price Index rate for this report is 2.2%. (2) The fee is subject to a periodic adjustment at a predetermined rate, in accordance with another authority in legislation or regulation. All of the fee adjustments listed herein are according to the Services Fees Act, as none of the service fee increases in this report have legally mandated increases. Some of the fees identified in the "2019-20 Adjusted fee amount" column may not be adjusted as indicated if Treasury Board makes regulations with regard to low materiality fees before the fee's adjustment date (March 31, 2020) and the fee is considered to be a low materiality fee pursuant to those regulations. The regulations, currently under development, are targeted to come into force sometime between April 1, 2019 to March 31, 2020.
† The "Future fee amount and fiscal year" is the new amount of the fee, in a future fiscal year other than 2019 to 2020, adjusted by a predetermined rate, in accordance with the authority in legislation or regulation.
Territorial Quarrying
Name of fee 2017 to 2018
Fee amount
2019 to 2020
Adjusted fee amount*
Future fee amount and fiscal year†
Copies of documents $1.00 per page $1.02 per page Not applicable
Lease Application 150.00 153.30 Not applicable
Permit Application 150.00 153.30 Not applicable
Assignment of Lease 50.00 51.10 Not applicable
* Fees are adjusted annually in one of two ways: (1) Under the Service Fees Act, whereby fees are adjusted in each fiscal year by the percentage change over 12 months in the April All-Items Consumer Price Index for Canada, as published by Statistics Canada for the previous fiscal year. The Consumer Price Index rate for this report is 2.2%. (2) The fee is subject to a periodic adjustment at a predetermined rate, in accordance with another authority in legislation or regulation. All of the fee adjustments listed herein are according to the Services Fees Act, as none of the service fee increases in this report have legally mandated increases. Some of the fees identified in the "2019-20 Adjusted fee amount" column may not be adjusted as indicated if Treasury Board makes regulations with regard to low materiality fees before the fee's adjustment date (March 31, 2020) and the fee is considered to be a low materiality fee pursuant to those regulations. The regulations, currently under development, are targeted to come into force sometime between April 1, 2019 to March 31, 2020.
† The "Future fee amount and fiscal year" is the new amount of the fee, in a future fiscal year other than 2019 to 2020, adjusted by a predetermined rate, in accordance with the authority in legislation or regulation.
Territorial Water Licence Administration Fees
Name of fee 2017 to 2018
Fee amount
2019 to 2020
Adjusted fee amount*
Future fee amount and fiscal year†
Application to a new water licence 30.00 30.66 Not applicable
Amendment to a water licence 30.00 30.66 Not applicable
Assignment of a water licence 30.00 30.66 Not applicable
Cancellation of a water licence 30.00 30.66 Not applicable
* Fees are adjusted annually in one of two ways: (1) Under the Service Fees Act, whereby fees are adjusted in each fiscal year by the percentage change over 12 months in the April All-Items Consumer Price Index for Canada, as published by Statistics Canada for the previous fiscal year. The Consumer Price Index rate for this report is 2.2%. (2) The fee is subject to a periodic adjustment at a predetermined rate, in accordance with another authority in legislation or regulation. All of the fee adjustments listed herein are according to the Services Fees Act, as none of the service fee increases in this report have legally mandated increases. Some of the fees identified in the "2019-20 Adjusted fee amount" column may not be adjusted as indicated if Treasury Board makes regulations with regard to low materiality fees before the fee's adjustment date (March 31, 2020) and the fee is considered to be a low materiality fee pursuant to those regulations. The regulations, currently under development, are targeted to come into force sometime between April 1, 2019 to March 31, 2020.
† The "Future fee amount and fiscal year" is the new amount of the fee, in a future fiscal year other than 2019 to 2020, adjusted by a predetermined rate, in accordance with the authority in legislation or regulation.
Territorial Coal
Name of fee 2017 to 2018
Fee amount
2019 to 2020
Adjusted fee amount*
Future fee amount and fiscal year†
Application for lease or renewal 5.00 5.11 Not applicable
Registration of assignment of lease 3.00 3.07 Not applicable
Application for permit 1.00 1.02 Not applicable
* Fees are adjusted annually in one of two ways: (1) Under the Service Fees Act, whereby fees are adjusted in each fiscal year by the percentage change over 12 months in the April All-Items Consumer Price Index for Canada, as published by Statistics Canada for the previous fiscal year. The Consumer Price Index rate for this report is 2.2%. (2) The fee is subject to a periodic adjustment at a predetermined rate, in accordance with another authority in legislation or regulation. All of the fee adjustments listed herein are according to the Services Fees Act, as none of the service fee increases in this report have legally mandated increases. Some of the fees identified in the "2019-20 Adjusted fee amount" column may not be adjusted as indicated if Treasury Board makes regulations with regard to low materiality fees before the fee's adjustment date (March 31, 2020) and the fee is considered to be a low materiality fee pursuant to those regulations. The regulations, currently under development, are targeted to come into force sometime between April 1, 2019 to March 31, 2020.
† The "Future fee amount and fiscal year" is the new amount of the fee, in a future fiscal year other than 2019 to 2020, adjusted by a predetermined rate, in accordance with the authority in legislation or regulation.

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