Status report on projects operating with specific Treasury Board approval

Project name and project phase Original estimated total cost (dollars) Revised estimated total cost (dollars) Actual total cost (dollars) 2017-18 Main Estimates (dollars) 2017-18 Planned spending (dollars) 2017-18 Total authorities (dollars)a 2017-18 Actual spending (dollars) Expected date of close-out
Link to department’s Program Alignment Architecture: The North – 4.3 Northern Land, Resources and Environmental Managementb
Tundra Mine 1,158,865,210 1,304,199,147 45,408,079 17,606,987 22,105,548 21,797,098 23,542,272 2018-19
Bullmoose and Ruth Mines 23,443,142 11,631,007 8,727,918 8,230,294 12,286,599 2022-23
United Keno Hills Mines 56,670,430 5,097,229 6,358,554 3,268,930 4,325,946 2024-25
Great Bear Lake Mines 25,264,100 647,037 1,584,598 0 1,022,803 2028-29
Giant Mine 408,177,487 37,220,299 57,003,531 59,469,191 33,628,391 2028-29
Link to department’s Program Alignment Architecture: The North – 4.2: Northern Science and Technology
Canadian High Arctic Research Station (CHARS)c 145,524,772 195,537,456 171,950,378 41,981,413 42,971,031 45,251,413 29,951,895 2018-19
a In this table, the column "Total Authorities" reflects only the annual Planned Spending for fiscal year 2016-17 as outlined in the Original Estimated Total Cost or Revised Estimated Total Cost columns.
b In 2016-17 funding for Northern Contaminated Sites Program under Northern Land, Resources and Environmental was made available through the Supplementary Estimates A process. Planned Spending amounts were determined from the approved Detailed Work Plans.
c The project scope was re-defined and the total project cost was amended to $145.5 million in May 2014, with an increase of $50 million in 2015 Actuals are lower than Authorities as some activities have been postponed from 2017-18 to 2018-19. Note that 2017-18 Planned Spending corresponds to 4.2.2 (Science initiatives) of the 2017-18 Departmental Plan and includes administration costs to support the Northern Science and Technology activities. The CHARS project excludes CIRNAC internal services costs (except for Authorities). Please note that the Original Estimated Total Cost and Revised Estimated Cost Total include EBP and accommodation.

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