Internal audits and evaluations


Evaluations in progress or completed in 2017-18
Title of evaluation Link to the organization's program Status on March 31, 2018 Deputy head approval date*
Evaluation of Implementation and Enforcement Supports for the Family Homes on Reserves and Matrimonial Interests or Rights Act, formerly Evaluation of Matrimonial Real Property 1.1.2 Matrimonial Real Property Completed August 2017
Evaluation of Specific Claims 1.2.2 Specific Claims In progress September 2018
Evaluation of Management and Implementation of Agreements and Treaties, formerly Evaluation of Treaty Commissions 1.3 Management and Implementation of Agreements and Treaties Other The evaluation was rescheduled to fiscal year 2020-21 due to the transformation of the Department.
Evaluation of Individual Affairs, formerly Evaluation of Registration and Membership 2.3.1 Registration and Membership Other The evaluation was rescheduled to fiscal year 2019-20 due to the transformation of the Department.
Evaluation of the Strategic Partnerships Initiative – Component of the West Coast Energy Initiative 3.3 Strategic Partnerships In progress September 2018
Evaluation of Economic Development Capacity and Readiness, formerly Evaluation of the Strategic Partnerships Initiative 3.3 Strategic Partnerships Other The evaluation was not planned for 2017-18.
Evaluation of Nutrition North Canada 4.1.2 Nutrition North In progress September 2018
ECCC-led Horizontal Evaluation of Climate Change Adaptation and Clean Energy 4.1.3 Climate Change Adaptation and Clean Energy Completed September 2017
ECCC-led Horizontal Evaluation of Federal Contaminated Sites Action Plan 4.3.2 Contaminated Sites In progress September 2018
Evaluation of Land and Water Management 4.3.3 Land and Water Management (Environmental assessment, land use planning, conservation and monitoring) Completed May 2017
Aboriginal Leadership Development Initiative 5.1 Internal Services Other The learning program has taken the responsibility for this evaluation. Not required under FAA.
Contracting and Procurement Hubs 5.1 Internal Services Other The evaluation was cancelled due to changes in evaluation priorities. Not required under FAA.
*An evaluation is considered complete when the deputy head approves the evaluation report (including a management response and an action plan).


Internal audits

Internal audits completed in 2017-18
Title of internal audit Completion date
Audit of the Additions to Reserve Process May 2017
Audit of Business Continuity Planning August 2017
Management Practices of the Nunavut Region December 2017
Audit of Physical Security December 2017
Management Practices Review of the Yukon Region March 2018
Audit of Exceptional Contracting Limits Authority March 2018
Audit of IT Security March 2018
Audit of Litigation Management Tabled at the Departmental Audit Committee in March 2018.
Audit of the Indian Registration System The audit was replaced by the Review of the Legacy Systems of the Indian Registration and Estates Management System. Tabled at the Departmental Audit Committee in May 2018.
Audit of Economic Development Programs To be tabled at the Departmental Audit Committee in August 2018.
Audit of IM/IT Governance This audit was replaced by the audit of Information Management Governance planned for 2019-20.
Audit of the Management Control Framework for Grants and Contributions 2017-18 (annual) The audit was replaced by the Audit of the Implementation of the New Fiscal Relationship planned for 2019-20.
Audit of Lands Management (including Lands Registry System) Due to the transformation of CIRNAC and ISC the audit has been cancelled.
Audit of Contingent Liabilities The audit was cancelled as it was determined that, in addition to a review of contingent liabilities performed by the Department, the OAG included detailed testing of contingent liabilities in its annual audit of public accounts.

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