A new fiscal relationship: Engagement 2017

Current status: Closed

The engagement started on October 11, 2017 and closed on November 20, 2017.

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The Government of Canada and the Assembly of First Nations are working together to establish a new fiscal relationship that moves towards sufficient, predictable and sustained funding for First Nation communities.

With the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding in July 2016 (PDF 198 Kb, 1 page), a process was established to achieve this goal, which will be a key step in addressing the disparities and inequities in the socio-economic conditions between First Nations and other Canadians.

The Government of Canada and the Assembly of First Nations are seeking input from First Nations chiefs and administrators on options that are being developed by three working groups to support a new fiscal relationship. The three working groups are developing options related to sufficiency, predictability and mutual accountability that will be included in their final report.

Canada is also working jointly with 25 self-governing iIndigenous governments to develop a new self-government fiscal policy framework that will enable these governments to realize the full potential of their agreements.


The Government of Canada and the Assembly of First Nations will engage with First Nation chiefs and administrators.


Through this engagement, participants will be asked to review and provide feedback on options prepared by the three working groups to support a new fiscal relationship.

How to participate

In-person meetings are being scheduled with First Nations chiefs and administrators.

When and where

Date Location
October 11 Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
October 13 Vancouver, British Columbia
October 23 Ottawa, Ontario
October 24 to 25 Yellowknife, Northwest Territories
October 26 to 27 Edmonton, Alberta
November 1 to 2 Winnipeg, Manitoba
November 1 to 2 Halifax, Nova Scotia
November 8 Quebec City, Quebec
November 20 Toronto, Ontario

What we are hearing

In December 2017, a report summarizing the recommendations of the three working groups and incorporating feedback received as part of this engagement was presented to:

A new approach: Co-development of a new fiscal relationship between Canada and First Nations also contains a summary of engagement sessions.

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