Reserve Land and Environment Management Program: Engagement 2017 discussion guide

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Working together to find solutions

The Government of Canada is committed to a whole-of-government approach to nation-to-nation, Inuit-to-Crown and government-to-government relationships.

Managing reserve lands is beneficial to First Nations as it enables self-determination and economic opportunities.

As part of its commitment to support First Nations governance and socio-economic development, INAC is seeking input on how the Reserve Lands and Environment Management Program (RLEMP) can better meet the needs of First Nations wanting to manage their own lands. Continuous program improvement is important to ensure that First Nation communities have the supports they need to manage their reserve lands.

As part of the 2017 engagement, this discussion guide has been prepared with the assistance of regional and national land managers associations. Our hope is that we can work together and focus on finding the best ways RLEMP can continue to support First Nation communities into the future. To find out more about what we heard, visit: What we heard in the pre-engagement sessions.

Questions for discussion

Four themes and a number of discussion questions were identified with the land managers associations to help guide this engagement. We encourage you to read, think about, and prepare your thoughts in advance of the engagement sessions in your province or territory.

Theme 1: Community planning and lands and environmental management

  1. What are the land related goals for your community? (e.g. housing, infrastructure, economic development, environmental protection, etc.)
  2. What are the environment related goals for your community? (e.g. waste, contaminated sites, energy, environmental protection, etc.)
  3. How does your community plan to meet these goals?
  4. If you are not currently in RLEMP, have you considered it to help with lands and environmental management for your reserve? If yes, why? If no, why not?
  5. Does your community have any lands related planning in place such as a land use plan, environmental plan, and comprehensive community plan? How have these plans helped your community meet your goals?
  6. How do environmental issues in your community impact land management?
  7. If you are in RLEMP, did it contribute to the success of an economic development or natural resource project? If so, how? If not, what could have contributed to its success?

Theme 2: Building lands and environmental management capacity

  1. If you have not taken the PLMCP training, what kind of training do you think you need to be a lands manager in your community? What kinds of support would you need to be successful? What barriers do you face to getting the training you need?
  2. If you have taken the PLMCP training, do you feel it has prepared you to be a lands manager in your community? What things did you like about the program? What things would you improve and how?
  3. What value does certification under the PLMCP through NALMA bring to your community?
  4. Do you feel your community is prepared to take on environmental management and deal with environmental issues?
  5. What tools, resources and knowledge do you require to strengthen environmental management in your community?
  6. How did RLEMP training affect your ability to manage natural resources or any potential natural resource projects? What sort of training would you require to effectively manage natural resources in your community?

Theme 3: Funding sources and RLEMP funding formula

  1. Do you understand the current RLEMP funding formula?
  2. If your community is considering RLEMP, how much does the current funding formula impact your decision on whether or not to apply?
  3. If your community is in RLEMP, what do you like about the current RLEMP funding formula and would like to keep?
  4. If your community is in RLEMP, what do you not like about the current RLEMP funding formula and would like to see changed? How would you change it?
  5. What funding sources outside of RLEMP funding do you access to fund your land and environment related activities on reserve?
  6. How much time and resources are you spending to secure these additional funding sources?

Theme 4: Transitions into and out of RLEMP

  1. For First Nations that do not participate in RLEMP currently, what advice would you give to INAC to help the program better meet your needs?
  2. For First Nations currently participate in RLEMP, do you think RLEMP prepares you for land management outside of the Indian Act (e.g. First Nations Land Management (FNLM), comprehensive self-government)? What advice would you give to INAC to make the program better prepare your First Nation to transition to FNLM, if you so choose?
  3. For First Nations in FNLM, what advice would you give to INAC to improve RLEMP to make the transition to FNLM easier for other First Nations?

We look forward to hearing from you

Thank you for reading the RLEMP discussion guide. We look forward to hearing from you in person, by email or by letter. Please visit the RLEMP engagement page for more information on how you can participate.

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