Audit of the Emergency Management Assistance Program - Follow-up Report Status Update as of September 30, 2014

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Action Plan Implementation Status Update Report to the Audit Committee - As of September 30, 2014

Regional Operations

Audit of the Emergency Management Assistance Program
Approval Date: 04-26-2013
Project Recommendations Action Plan Expected
Completion Date
Program Response
1. The Senior Assistant Deputy Minister, Regional Operations should ensure that the draft EMA Program Performance Measurement Strategy is finalized and that the final version is in alignment with approved program objectives and authorities. The Senior Assistant Deputy Minister should also ensure that a regime of regular monitoring and reporting of program results is implemented. A PMS for EMAP is currently being drafted and will align with program objectives and authorities. 2013-2014 Q2

Status: Completed / Underway

As of 30/09/2014:

A performance measurement strategy for EMAP was approved by the AANDC Evaluation, Performance Measurement and Review Committee (EPMRC) in April 2014.

EMD is currently developing a regime of regular monitoring and reporting of program results and has aligned AANDC's business reporting products (quarterly reports, performance measurement framework, report on plans and priorities, and departmental performance report) with EMAP's performance measurement strategy.

AES: Implementation ongoing.

Once the PMS is finalized, EMD will ensure that a regime of regular monitoring and reporting of program results is implemented. 2014-2015 and ongoing
2. The Senior Assistant Deputy Minister, Regional Operations should ensure that a risk-based all-hazards approach to the EMA Program, in accordance with the Emergency Management Act, is adopted. Sector Operations (SO) will conduct medium- and long-term all-hazards risk assessments for First Nations and use the results to inform AANDC’s emergency management program activities. This will involve steps such as:

  • consultation with relevant partners;
  • completing the risk assessments; and
  • incorporating the results into strategic decision making.
Completing risk assessment: 2014-2015

Incorporating results into decision making:

Status: Underway

As of 30/09/2014:

EMD continues to work with AANDC sectors and other partners, including Health Canada, to promote the completion of First Nation risk-based, all-hazard emergency management plans.

Directors General responsible for emergency management on reserve at AANDC and Health Canada have agreed to meet on a monthly basis to discuss items including emergency management planning. A path forward and objectives will be jointly developed for these meetings in the near future.

AANDC continues to participate in Public Safety Canada's national aggregate risk profile initiative to aid emergency management planning and priority setting and to better inform emergency management-related investments. AANDC will participate in Public Safety Canada's preliminary trials with federal partners in early December 2014.

EMD is leading efforts to enhance emergency preparedness at the community level and has designed and is implementing the proposal driven Emergency Preparedness Program Stream. In 2014-2015, EMAP funded approximately $2.5 million in non- structural mitigation and preparedness projects on reserve, which included initiatives such as community-level planning and emergency management training. In the coming years, this stream will promote further non-structural mitigation and preparedness investments on reserve.

AES: Implementation ongoing.

3. The Senior Assistant Deputy Minister, Regional Operations should ensure that the EMA Authority and supporting guidelines are reviewed and updated to promote a consistent understanding of eligible projects and expenditures. To ensure effective emergency management activities across AANDC regional offices, the Senior Assistant Deputy Minister, Regional Operations should ensure that standardized processes are developed and implemented so that expectations, objectives and priorities are clear with respect to emergency management plans, procedures for response activities, and after-action reports as well as the approval of emergency expenditures and the scrutiny of invoices. EMD will address these issues through reviewing EMAP terms and conditions and updating them where necessary. Review EMAP terms and conditions: 2013-2014 Q3


Update/Rationale: Underway
As of 30/09/2014:

The revised EMAP terms and conditions will be presented for approval in 2014-2015 (Q3) and finalized by 2014-2015 (Q4).

AANDC's revised National Emergency Management Plan has been shared with regional and other departmental counterparts for comment. A revised plan will be finalized by 2014-2015 (Q4).

AANDC's regional emergency management plans will be reviewed and updated by 2015-2016 (Q4).

AANDC has initiated discussions on bilateral agreements with all provinces and two territories.

AES: Implementation ongoing.

EMAP will also review AANDC’s regional emergency management plans and update them where necessary. Regional emergency management plans: 2013-2014 Q4
EMD, in conjunction with regional offices, will negotiate bilateral arrangements with the provinces which will include approaches to emergency management plans, response activities, after action reports as well as spending and accountability provisions. Negotiation of bilateral arrangements:


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