Management Practices Audit- Saskatchewan Region - Follow-up Report Status Update as of September 30, 2014
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Action Plan Implementation Status Update Report to the Audit Committee - As of September 30, 2014
Saskatchewan Region
Project Recommendations | Action Plan | Expected Completion Date |
Program Response |
1. The Regional Director General of the Saskatchewan Region should ensure that the Region’s Business Plan is clearly integrated with the Human Resource Plan to demonstrate alignment between planning commitments and the financial and human resources required to achieve them. In integrating these plans, the Region should incorporate its succession planning process to help ensure employee development and training initiatives are aligned to and support the development of the skills and competencies required to meet the Region’s short and long term planning commitments. | The Regional Succession Plan will be updated to take into consideration:
March, 2013 | Status: Update/Rationale: The Regional Succession Plan was completed and circulated to AANDC Saskatchewan Region’s Human Resource Management Committee (HRMC) for comments prior to being finalized. It is recommended that this item be closed as it has been completed AES: The recommendation has been implemented and will be closed. Closed. |
To ensure greater integration of HR and Business Planning, the Region will prepare an analysis of the HR planning implications for each "Planning Commitment" outlined in the in the Regional Corporate Business Plan for 2012-13, and will update this analysis when the Regional Corporate Business Plan for 2013-14 is complete. This HR planning analysis will be approved by regional HRMC and will be considered in decisions related to staffing and learning. |
January, 2013 | ||
2. The Regional Director General of the Saskatchewan Region should use the results of the Public Service Employee Survey, published in February 2012 to gather information on possible communication, employee morale and values and ethics issues in the Region and establish a benchmark from which to develop an action plan in response. |
March 31, 2013 | Status: Update / Rationale: An executive champion was assigned to developing the PSES Action Plan. A working group was established with employees from all levels and office locations. The working group conducted an analysis of the PSES results and held staff consultation sessions in all four office locations. The PSES action plan was drafted by the working group, approved by the region's Human Resources Management Committee, and launched at an All-Staff meeting. AES: Implemented. Closed. |
3. The Regional Director General of the Saskatchewan Region should ensure the Region develops a formal and documented approach to risk management, including an ongoing process and governance structure for identifying, assessing, monitoring and assigning responsibility for risk mitigating actions. In the development of a regional approach to risk management, the Saskatchewan Region should leverage AANDC corporate risk management expertise where relevant and practical to help ensure a consistent approach to risk management is adopted. |
Regional Risk Profile complete by January 31, 2013 | Status: Update / Rationale: In consultation with the middle managers and through discussions among the senior managers, a regional Corporate Risk Profile was created, as well as a Risk Management tool, which allows for regular monitoring of mitigation activities. Each risk in the regional corporate risk inventory is assigned to a director for the purposes of monitoring and updating the senior management team on mitigation activities. The Risk Inventory is informing the integrated regional planning process for 2013-14. AES: Implemented. Closed. |
Regional Mitigation Action Plan Completed by March 31, 2013, with implementation and monitoring commencing April 1 2013. | ||
4. The Regional Director General of the Saskatchewan Region should ensure the Region formally documents its approach to performance measurement, including defining the process to develop, integrate, monitor, and report on performance indicators, as well as the process to adjust course, as necessary. |
Region will continue to identify and report on performance indicators and milestones in the Quarterly Reports. The Region will develop a Regional Performance Measurement Regime, documenting processes with respect to the development, monitoring and reporting of performance measures in the following contexts:
March, 2013 | Status: Request to Close (Completed) Update/Rationale: Performance indicators and milestones have been identified in all quarterly reports for 2012-13. The Region will build performance measurement into the integrated HR and Business Planning process. (See recommendation number 1) A Directorate Planning template has been developed which captures milestones, performance measures and targets. Directorates will track progress against these indicators internally. Key indicators have been rolled-up into the Regional Corporate Business Plan and will be reported quarterly as part of the department's quarterly reporting process. AES: Significantly implemented. The recommendation will be closed. Closed. |
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