Evaluation of the Impacts of Comprehensive Land Claims and Self-Government Agreements - Federal and Inuvialuit Perspectives - Follow-up Report Status Update as of March 31, 2014

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Action Plan Implementation Status Update Report to the Evaluation, Performance Measurement and Review Committee - As of March 31, 2014

Treaties and Aboriginal Government

Evaluation of the Impacts of Comprehensive Land Claims and Self-Government Agreements - Federal and Inuvialuit Perspectives
Approval Date: 2013-11-22
Project Recommendations Action Plan Expected
Completion Date
Program Response
1. Review the recommendations stemming from the Inuvialuit component, and provide comments on behalf of Canada to Evaluation, Performance Measurement and Review Committee on the Inuvialuit recommendations. Review of the Inuvialuit recommendations has begun. Canada will provide comments to Evaluation, Performance Measurement and Review Committee on those recommendations that are directed towards Canada. Start Date: Winter, 2013

Completion: Spring, 2014
2. Continuing with the Implementation Change Agenda, strengthen the "whole of government approach" to monitoring and implementing treaty obligations and risks. Work has already begun on the Implementation Change agenda and the development of resources, accountability and monitoring tools and training/assistance for other government departments. Start Date: already begun

Completion: ongoing
Status: (Ongoing)

As of 20/01/2014:

Additional training has been provided to federal government employees on contracting and procurement in land claims areas. Also, work continues on validating the information in the Treaty Obligation Monitoring System. Implementation Branch also provides policy support and offers advice to other government departments on treaty implementation and obligations.

We will be co-training with the Land Claims Agreement Coalition in Feb. 2014 for federal employees on modern treaties.

AES: In progress
3. Undertake a research agenda to support the monitoring of the impacts of modern treaties. AANDC has approached academia with the view of supporting academic research on the impacts of CLCAs and SGAs. Any initiative to monitor impacts requires the participation of both government and Aboriginal signatories. We will continue to reach out the Land Claims Agreement Coalition with the view of collaborating on this initiative. Start Date: already begun

Completion: ongoing
Status: (Ongoing)

As of 20/01/2014:

We are arranging a discussion with:

Ken Coates,
Canada Research Chair in Regional Innovation
Johnson-Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy

International Centre for Northern Governance and Development

University of Saskatchewan

AES: In progress
4. To improve results-based reporting, coordinate the ongoing monitoring of the effectiveness of the implementation of modern treaties. Implementation Branch monitors the implementation of obligations, and is currently participating in the Performance Measurement Strategy for the Impacts of CLCAs and SGAs to support AANDC's Performance Measurement Strategy Portfolio Action Plan, which support PAA Program 1.3. Phase 1 – Amend Current PM Strategy Start Date: already begun

Phase 2 – Update PM Strategy for Program 1.3

Start: 2015/16

Completion: 2015/16

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