Evaluation of the Advancing Conservation Interests in the Northwest Territories Initiative: Protected Areas Strategy - Follow-up Report Status Update as of June 30, 2014

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Action Plan Implementation Status Update Report to the Evaluation, Performance Measurement and Review Committee - As of June 30, 2014


Evaluation of the Advancing Conservation Interests in the Northwest Territories Initiative: Protected Areas Strategy
Approval Date: 04-25-2013

Project Recommendations Action Plan Expected
Completion Date
Program Response
1. Should address the issue of capacity constraints at the community level by working with relevant community partners in order to include more expertise and increase capacity in the NWT-PAS activities while sharing costs related to assessments and WG activities. In the context of devolution, what had been AANDC’s role and ongoing funding in the NWT PAS will become the responsibility of the GNWT after April 1, 2014. This said, the federal government (AANDC, EC and PCA) will continue supporting this initiative within existing resource levels.

AANDC funding for NWT-PAS related activities is significantly reduced as of April 2013. In the context of their different departmental mandates, AANDC, EC and PCA will work together collaboratively in order to increase participation / expertise and cost-sharing for Working Group meetings involving community members, and will work towards achieving completed reports for all candidate areas.

April 2014
Status: Completed - Closed

As of 30/06/2014:

Recommendations reports were completed for the Edéhzhíe and Ts'ude niline Tu'eyeta (Ramparts) areas; the remaining reports are in draft format.

As a result of devolution on April 1, 2014 - The Protected Areas Strategy, previously administered by AANDC and the GNWT, is now administered by the GNWT.The GNWT has indicated they will continue to co-operate with PAS partners in establishing and managing protected areas in the Northwest Territories.

AES: With the Devolution in NWT in effect since April 1st, 2014, EPMRB recommends to close. Closed.
2. Revisit and review the role of the Steering Committee to ensure it provides strategic direction as per its mandate. In coordination with EC and GNWT, AANDC will lead the review of the Steering Committee’s (SC) Work Plan and Terms of Reference until devolution (April 2014). All options will be examined which could include a new role and mandate for the SC or the SC being disbanded if it is deemed no longer needed. GNWT input into changes to the SC will be paramount as they will be responsible for funding the SC post-devolution. Completion: Status: Completed - Closed

As of 30/06/2014:

Initial discussions and follow-up meetings were held as planned. As a result of devolution on April 1, 2014 - Administration of the Protected Areas Strategy, previously by AANDC and the GNWT, is now with the GNWT. The Secretariat function has also been transferred to the GNWT. AANDC no longer participates on the Steering Committee. The on-going role of the Steering Committee has not yet been formalized by the GNWT.

AES: With the Devolution in NWT in effected since April 1st, 2014, EPMRB recommends to close. Closed.
1) Initial discussion on changes to the SC presented during 2013-14 SC Workplan review at SC meeting 1. February 2013
2) Follow-up meeting to discuss the on-going role of the SC 2. May 2013
3) Decisions made on the future of the SC 3. April 2014
3. In coordination with the relevant departments and agencies, review current funding mechanisms, to ensure predictability of funds and a timely delivery to recipients. 1) AANDC funding for PAS activities as of 2013-14 and beyond is significantly reduced, to an extent that it will likely preclude funding of recipients. At the time of devolution, GNWT will take on responsibilities and funding associated with on-going NWT PAS activities.

Through the Policy on Transfer Payment (PTP) initiative, AANDC will continue the work to address outstanding concerns regarding predictability of funds and timely delivery to recipients.

1) April 2014
Status: Completed - Closed

As of 30/06/2014:

As a result of devolution on April 1, 2014 - The Protected Areas Strategy, previously administered by AANDC and the GNWT, has been transferred to the GNWT. AANDC no longer provides funding for Protected Areas Strategy initiatives.

AES: With the Devolution in NWT in effected since April 1st, 2014, EPMRB recommends to close. Closed.
2) Parks Canada will examine the means to secure the necessary funding to establish, develop and operate the Thaidene Nene national park reserve as the NWT PAS program does not provide the necessary funding for this aspect of the park reserve project. 2) April 2014
4. Develop an approach that will foster better understanding and communication of the NWT-PAS as it pertains to the devolution of lands and resources. Within the context of devolution of lands and resources, AANDC, in coordination with EC, is currently working with GNWT on developing an approach that will ensure smooth transition and foster better understanding of the NWT-PAS activities and intent post-devolution. So far, the following actions have been completed: Completion:
Overall, by April 2014
Status: Completed - Closed

As of 30/06/2014:

As a result of devolution on April 1, 2014 - The Protected Areas Strategy, previously administered by AANDC and the GNWT, is now administered by the GNWT. AANDC no longer sits as federal representative on the PAS Steering Committee or associated Working Groups.

AES: With the Devolution in NWT in effected since April 1st, 2014, EPMRB recommends to close. Closed.
1) Correspondence at the Ministerial level between AANDC / EC / GNWT to clarify / agree on an orderly transition to Devolution. 1) February 2013
2) Participation in WG meetings with a presentation of a common message.

Further joint EC/AANDC/PCA communications will be undertaken leading up to devolution.
2) March 2013

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