Management Practices Audit of the Treaties and Aboriginal Government Sector - Follow-up Report Status Update as of March 31, 2014

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Action Plan Implementation Status Update Report to the Audit Committee - As of March 31, 2014

Treaties and Aboriginal Government

Management Practices Audit of the Treaties and Aboriginal Government Sector
Approval Date: 20-09-2013
Project Recommendations Action Plan Expected
Completion Date
Program Response
1. The Senior Assistant Deputy Minister, TAG Sector, should improve the existing process to provide for a formal, coordinated, and integrated planning process for the Sector consistent with the principles of the Treasury Board’s Integrated Planning Handbook for Deputy Ministers and Senior Managers. The process should include the establishment of Sector objectives, priorities, risk and performance measures/targets that are aligned and regularly monitored. Improved planning can help to more clearly align, and realign, limited resources to Sector priorities.

In addition, to help ensure continued oversight for the Sector, the Senior ADM for TAG should ensure that TORs and records of decision for all Sector management committees are documented and properly communicated.
Agreed. Improved TAG Sector planning already in process and to be integrated into AANDC Corporate planning cycles (i.e.., Corporate Business Plan; Quarterly Report). March 31, 2014 Status: In progress

As of 31/03/2014:

The TAG sector made improvements to the Corporate Planning cycles by clearly identifying sector priorities, key risks of each priority and the mitigation activities that will be put in place to meet each of the sector priorities.

As part of these planning activities much work was completed on the design and development of a Results Based Information System (formerly FAPP) to become the Sector-wide repository for collecting data to support the Sector wide planning activities. The system was originally targeted to be completed by the end of March 2014, however, issues arose in the staffing of contractors to complete the technical aspects of the system development. Work is now progressing and the system is targeted to be completed by the end of June 2014.

AES: Ongoing

Status: In progress

Update / Rationale:

As of 31/03/2014:

PDCB and IB continue to work on their respective priorities planning documents.

AES: Ongoing

Status: Completed

Update / Rationale:
As of 31/03/2014:

The TORs for Sector management meetings and all records of decision for Federal Steering Committee meetings have been completed and approved by TAG-SADM.

AES: Recommend to close
As part of broader TAG planning activities, the Federal Action Plan and Priorities (FAPP) will become a standard, central Sector-wide repository database, which will be user friendly and will allow end-users to benefit from sharing data seamlessly. Through its dynamic reporting approach, FAPP will support Sector-wide integrated planning and identification of risks. March 31, 2014
In addition, PDCB and IB will develop a priorities planning document to assess workload priorities and resources and realign as required to meet Branch, Sector and Departmental priorities. March 31, 2014
TORs and records of decision for some Sector management committees are documented and properly communicated (such as, for both the DG and Executive Federal Steering Committee meetings) Measures will be taken to ensure all other Sector management committees have TORs and records of decision. TORs for other Sector management meetings will be completed by October 31, 2013
2. The Senior Assistant Deputy Minister, TAG Sector, should clarify and communicate roles and responsibilities across all Branches within the Sector. Agreed. SADM, TAG will use the Corporate Business Plan and Quarterly Reports identify roles and responsibilities. March 31, 2014 Status: Completed

As of 31/03/2014:

The Corporate Business Plan has been updated to clearly identify the roles and responsibilities of the various branches of the Sector.

AES: Recommend to close
3. The Senior Assistant Deputy Minister, TAG Sector, should implement an integrated risk management process that formally assesses and documents the risks of the Sector against its objectives. Risk assessment should include the impact and likelihood of risks identified with consideration of risk mitigation measures in place. Furthermore risk management should be integrated into operational plans and key decision making processes, such as table review and HR planning etc. TAG has a Sector Risk Profile; at operational level, risks are assessed on regular basis and when required by legal service.

Risk Management process also through Table Review
March 31, 2014 Status: Completed

As of 31/03/2014:

Various Sector risks are also identified in the Corporate Business Plan as well as the mitigation strategies for managing those risks. The Table Review process that assesses all sector negotiating tables also contributes to managing risks on a table by table basis.

The Results Based Information System, when completed, will incorporate risk assessment and mitigation systematically into the table by table planning process. It will also enhance our capacity to monitor and assess risks in respect of policy gaps and requirements.

AES: Recommend to close
In the renovated FAPP database, risk assessment and mitigation will be incorporated systematically into the table by table planning process.

FAPP will also enhance our capacity to monitor and assess risks in respect of policy gaps and requirements.
Ongoing on Annual basis (linked to Corporate Business Plan)

March 31, 2014

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