Evaluation of Nutrition North Canada - Follow-up Report Status Update as of March 31, 2014
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Action Plan Implementation Status Update Report to the Evaluation, Performance Measurement and Review Committee - As of March 31, 2014
Northern Affairs Organization, Communications
Project Recommendations | Action Plan | Expected Completion Date | Program Response |
1. Review community eligibility criteria to ensure that it reflects NNC program objectives. | Recommendations on community eligibility based on NNC program objectives will be developed. Key NNC governance bodies (Advisory Board and Oversight Committee) and partners such as Health Canada will be consulted. | March 2014 | Status: Completed Update/Rationale: As of 31/03/2014: Community eligibility based on program objectives was reviewed. Further work was recommended. In 2014-15 all isolated communities will be examined and revised eligibility criteria developed for consideration. AES: In progress. Community eligibility criteria have been reviewed and further work was recommended. Recommendations to community eligibility as identified in Action Plan to be developed in 2014-15. |
2. Review current governance structures in order to:
November 2013 February 2014 |
Status: Completed Update/Rationale: As of 31/03/2014:
3. Review the current communication strategy in order to better coordinate communication and activities between AANDC and Health Canada. | A shared communications approach will be developed in the Fall of 2013. | November 2013 | Status: Completed Update/Rationale: As of 31/12/2013: A joint draft communication strategy has been developed and will be operationalized in Q1 of 2015. AES: Recommendation fully implemented. Closed. |
4. Continue to develop data collection systems and tools in support of ongoing performance measurement, to support the program's collection of data to measure longer-term outcomes. | Appropriate tools and systems to collect and analyze trends are being designed and will be implemented. | March 2014 | Status: Completed Update/Rationale: As of 31/03/2014: The database in support of ongoing performance measurement is developed, and will move to the production phase (be operational) on April 9, 2014. AES: Recommendation fully implemented. Closed |
5. Coordinate departmental efforts with provincial and territorial partners to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the respective food subsidy programs in the North. | Discussions will be held with willing provinces and territories in order to better coordinate efforts with respect to food subsidy programs in the North. | March 2015 |
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