Northwest Territories Lands and Resources Devolution Agreement - Schedules 7-17

Schedule 7
Inventory of Sites

(Section 1.1(vv))
Part A.1 – Released Sites (Operating Sites)

# Proponent* Project
1 Canadian Zinc Prairie Creek Mine
2 Selwyn Chihong Resources Howard's Pass
3 Tamerlane Pine Point
4 Paramount Resources Ltd Cameron Hills
5 GNWT (Dehcho Bridge Corp) Deh Cho Bridge
6 De Beers Snap Lake
7 Patterson Sawmill Ltd. Pine Point Timber Harvest
8 Paramount Resources Ltd Liard East
9 Canadian Natural Resources Integrated P-66A/N61/K-29 Gas Wells and Pipeline Tie-in
10 Dominion Diamond Corporation Ekati
11 Rio Tinto Diavik Diamond Mine
12 GNWT-DOT Mackenzie Valley Highway
13 Kunnek Resource Development Corp Revitalization of the Western Arctic Reindeer Herd
*Reflects the Proponents of record as of the original date of signing this Agreement

Part A.2 – Released Sites (GNWT Permits)

# File Number Permit NTS Land Claim Area Name Commence Date Expiry Date Designation Description Location Latitude Longitude Proponent
1 G2006H0008 106M Gwich'in 2006-Aug-11 2013-Aug-10 Fuel Storage Sites James Creek, KM 14.2 Dempster HWY 67° 0' 0" 135° 50' 0" Government of the NWT Transportation
2 G2007E0006 106M Gwich'in 2007-Jul-25 2014-May-24 Quarrying Various Locations Dempster HWY 69° 18' 25" 133° 19' 40" Government of the NWT Transportation
3 G2009Q0003 106N Gwich'in 2009-Mar-25 2014-Dec-24 Quarrying KM 126 Dempster Highway 67° 13' 25" 135° 35' 50" Government of the NWT Transportation
4 G2009Q0005 106M Gwich'in 2009-Jun-10 2014-Jun-9 Quarrying KM 36.7 Dempster Highway 67° 13' 24" 135° 34' 44" Government of the NWT Transportation
5 G2009X0002 106M7 Gwich'in 2009-Mar-25 2014-May-24 Miscellaneous KM 71 Dempster Highway 67° 20' 0" 134° 56' 25" Government of the NWT Transportation
6 G2010Q0009 106M Gwich'in 2010-Dec-6 2015-Dec-5 Quarrying KM 34 Dempster Highway 67° 12' 14" 135° 37' 59" Government of the NWT Transportation
7 G2010X0003 106N Gwich'in 2010-Jun-28 2015-Jun-27 Miscellaneous KM 146.8 Dempster Highway 67° 29' 0" 133° 46' 0" Government of the NWT Transportation
8 G2010X0004 107B Gwich'in 2010-Jun-28 2015-Jun-27 Miscellaneous KM 209.4 Dempster Highway 67° 59' 0" 133° 27' 0" Government of the NWT Transportation
9 S2008Q0009 96C Sahtu 2009-Apr-3 2014-Apr-2 Quarrying Little Bear River Quarry Pit 64° 52' 55" 125° 54' 40" Government of the NWT Transportation
10 M2008E0033 85E,95H,95J,950, 95N Deh Cho 2009-Jun-5 2014-Jun-4 Roads (Public Const) KM 260-800, Highway No. 1 60° 25' 5" 118° 42' 26" Government of the NWT Transportation
11 M2008F0024 85J/9 Akaitcho 2009-Jan-8 2014-Jan-7 Roads (Private Cons) Prosperous Lake to Bluefish Hydro 62° 32' 0" 114° 7' 0" NWT Power Corporation
12 M2008F0027 75 D Akaitcho/NWTMN 2009-Feb-18 2014-Feb-17 Roads (Private Cons) Fort Smith to Taltson Hyrdo 60° 2' 0" 111° 20' 0" NWT Power Corporation
13 M2009E0014 95B, 95G/1, 2 & 8 & 95H Deh Cho/ADK 2009-Nov-19 2014-Nov-18 Roads (Public Const) NWT HWY No. 7 (Liard HWY) 60° 0' 0" 121° 14' 16" Government of the NWT Transportation
14 M2009F0008 85 A/1 Akaitcho/NWTMN 2009-Jul-16 2014-Jul-15 Roads (Private Cons) Foxhole and Grande Detour RDS 60° 0' 5" 112° 14' 0" Government of the NWT Aurora College
15 M2009X0005 85 F/11 Deh Cho 2009-Apr-30 2014-Apr-29 Miscellaneous Near Fort Providence 61° 32' 24" 117° 9' 18" GNWT Department of Environment and Natural Resources
16 M2009X0023 85 C/2 Deh Cho/Dene Tha 2009-Aug-27 2014-Aug-26 Miscellaneous HWY #1, KM 2.9 60° 1' 17" 116° 57' 2" Government of the NWT Transportation
17 M2009X0024 95 B/11 Deh Cho/ADK 2009-Aug-27 2014-Aug-26 Miscellaneous HWY #7, KM 77.0 60° 32' 2" 123° 28' 1" Government of the NWT Transportation
18 M2009X0025 95 G/8 Deh Cho 2009-Aug-27 2014-Aug-26 Miscellaneous HWY #7, KM 180.1 61° 15' 0" 122° 27' 0" Government of the NWT Transportation
19 M2009X0026 85 C/7 Deh Cho 2009-Aug-27 2014-Aug-26 Miscellaneous HWY #1, KM 41.1 60° 16' 0" 116° 33' 0" Government of the NWT Transportation
20 M2009X0027 85 C/2 Deh Cho/Dene Tha 2009-Aug-27 2014-Aug-26 Miscellaneous HWY #1, KM 28.1 60° 10' 10" 116° 41' 3" Government of the NWT Transportation
21 M2009X0040 85 J/9 Akaitcho 2011-Mar-31 2016-Mar-30 Miscellaneous Bluefish Lake 61° 40' 0" 114° 15' 0" NWT Power Corporation
22 M2009X0041 95 G/8 Deh Cho 2009-Oct-22 2014-Oct-21 Miscellaneous KM 206.1, HWY #1 61° 21' 0" 122° 2' 0" Government of the NWT Transportation
23 M2009X0043 95 A/6 Deh Cho 2009-Oct-22 2014-Oct-21 Miscellaneous Trout Lake – Airport Relo & Expansion 60° 0' 0" 121° 15' 45" Government of the NWT Transportation
24 M2010F0045 85 J/9 Akaitcho 2010-Dec-22 2015-Dec-21 Roads (Private Cons) Start of Prosperous LK to Bluefish LK 62° 32' 0" 114° 8' 0" NWT Power Corporation
25 M2010H0004 95 A/6 Deh Cho 2010-Mar-4 2015-Mar-3 Fuel Storage Sites Trout Lake Airport Relocation 60° 25' 37" 121° 15' 53" GNWT Department of Transportation, Airports Division
26 M2010X0003 95N/16 Deh Cho 2010-Mar-19 2015-Mar-18 Miscellaneous Blackwater River, NT 63° 56' 44" 124° 9' 28" Government of the NWT Transportation
27 M2010X0006 85 I, 85 J, 85 K Tłıchǫ/Akaitcho 2010-May-27 2015-May-26 Miscellaneous YK HWY #3, Ingraham Trail Corridor HWY #4 62° 24' 40" 113° 19' 59" Government of the NWT Transportation
28 M2010X0009 85 A/13, 85 B/15&16, 85 H/04 Akaitcho/NWTMN 2010-May-27 2015-May-26 Miscellaneous Fort Resolution Highway #6 60° 43' 51" 113° 35' 53" Government of the NWT Transportation
29 M2010X0011 75D/4, 85A/1-4, 85 B/8-13 Akaitcho/NWTMN 2010-Jun-11 2015-Jun-10 Miscellaneous HWY#5, KM 0-267 Wood Buffalo Route 59° 59' 7" 111° 49' 16" Government of the NWT Transportation
30 M2010X0012 85F/03-6, 10-11, 15-16, 85K1, 8-9 Deh Cho 2010-Jun-11 2015-Jun-10 Miscellaneous Yellowknife Highway #3 – KM 0 to KM 200 61° 3' 4" 116° 13' 53" Government of the NWT Transportation
31 M2010X0013 85C/2,7-10, 14-15 85E/1-3 85F/3-4 Deh Cho/NWTMN 2010-Jun-11 2015-Jun-10 Miscellaneous NWT Highway #1, KM 0 to KM 278 60° 0' 0" 116° 7' 17" Government of the NWT Transportation
32 M2010X0038 85E/4 Deh Cho 2010-Jul-22 2015-Jul-21 Miscellaneous Sambaa Deh Territorial Park 61° 8' 50" 119° 51' 36" GNWT Department of Industry, Tourism and Investment
33 W2007F0001 85 N/8 Tłıchǫ 2007-Oct-19 2014-Oct-18 Roads (Private Cons) Gameti JCT to Snare Forks 63° 15' 0" 116° 15' 0" NWT Power Corporation
34 W2007F0003 85-N, 85-O & 86-B Tłıchǫ 2008-Jan-21 2015-Jan-20 Roads (Private Cons) Winter Road – Rae Lakes to Wekweti 64° 16' 0" 114° 1' 0" Government of the NWT Transportation
35 W2008F0017 85N/8, 85O/5 & 85O/12 Tłıchǫ 2009-Feb-24 2014-Feb-23 Roads (Private Cons) Snare Rapids Area 63° 27' 18" 116° 3' 0" NWT Power Corporation
36 W2009J0006 76 D/13 Tłıchǫ/Akaitcho 2009-Nov-11 2014-Nov-10 Campsites Daring Lake 64° 52' 4" 111° 35' 41" GNWT Department of Environment and Natural Resources
37 W2009X0005 85 K/16 Tłıchǫ 2009-Oct-7 2014-Oct-6 Miscellaneous Frank Channel, KM 240, HWY #3, 62° 46' 54" 116° 0' 44" Government of the NWT Transportation
38 W2012Q0004 85N/8 Tłıchǫ 2013-Jan-18 2014-Jan-17 Quarrying Snare Hyrdo 63° 19' 0" 116° 5' 0" NWT Power Corporation

Part A.2 – Released Sites (GNWT Dispositions)

# File Number Purpose Usage Location Lot # Block # CLSR # LTO # Latitude Longitude Commence Date Expiry Date
1 095A06025 Private/
Residential Trout Lake, NT Prov Lot 4       60° 26' 27" 121° 14' 41" 2007-Jul-1 2037-Jun-30
2 095A06026 Private/
Residential Trout Lake, NT Prov Lot 5       60° 26' 27" 121° 14' 41" 2007-Jul-1 2037-Jun-30
3 095A06027 Private/
Residential Trout Lake, NT         60° 26' 24" 121° 14' 58" 2008-Jul-1 2038-Jun-30
4 095A06028 Private/
Residential Trout Lake, NT         60° 26' 24" 121° 14' 58" 2008-Jul-1 2038-Jun-30
5 095A06031 Private/
Residential Trout Lake         60° 26' 27" 121° 14' 41" 2010-Nov-1 2040-Oct-31
6 095A06032 Private/
Residential Trout Lake         60° 26' 27" 121° 14' 41" 2010-Nov-1 2040-Oct-31
7 095B03047 Private/
Residential Fort Liard 270   83223 3589 60° 14' 37" 123° 27' 38" 2007-Oct-1 2037-Sep-30
8 095B03048 Private/
Residential Fort Liard 280   84407 3621 60° 14' 40" 123° 27' 28" 2007-Oct-1 2037-Sep-30
9 095B03051 Private/
Residential Fort Liard 260   83223 3589 60° 14' 0" 123° 28' 0" 2005-Jul-1 2035-Jun-30
10 095B03052 Private/
Residential Fort Liard 261   83223 3589 60° 14' 0" 123° 28' 0" 2005-Jul-1 2035-Jun-30
11 095B03064 Private/
Residential Fort Liard 6 A 42620 172 60° 14' 0" 123° 28' 0" 1991-Mar-1 2021-Feb-28
12 095B03065 Utility Power Distribution Fort Liard         60° 14' 0" 123° 28' 0" 1988-May-5 2037-May-4
13 095B03068 Private/
Residential Fort Liard 8 A 70925 172 60° 14' 0" 123° 28' 0" 1991-Mar-1 2021-Feb-28
14 095B03069 Private/
Residential Fort Liard 1 E 42621 173 60° 14' 0" 123° 28' 0" 1991-Jul-1 2021-Jun-30
15 095B03070 Private/
Residential Fort Liard 3 E 42621 173 60° 14' 0" 123° 28' 0" 1991-Jul-1 2021-Jun-30
16 095B03071 Private/
Residential Fort Liard 12 E 42621 173 60° 14' 0" 123° 28' 0" 1991-Jul-1 2021-Jun-30
17 095B03072 Private/
Residential Fort Liard 18 E 42621 173 60° 14' 0" 123° 28' 0" 1991-Jul-1 2021-Jun-30
18 095B03073 Private/
Residential Fort Liard 20 E 42621 173 60° 14' 0" 123° 28' 0" 1991-Jul-1 2021-Jun-30
19 095B03074 Private/
Residential Fort Liard 16 E 42621 173 60° 14' 0" 123° 28' 0" 1991-Mar-1 2021-Feb-28
20 095B03075 Private/
Residential Fort Liard 234   70925 1910 60° 14' 0" 123° 28' 0" 1990-Nov-1 2020-Oct-31
21 095B03076 Private/
Residential Fort Liard 142   70925 1910 60° 14' 0" 123° 28' 0" 1990-Oct-1 2020-Sep-30
22 095B03085 Private/
Residential Fort Liard 269   83223 3589 60° 14' 0" 123° 28' 0" 2007-Oct-1 2037-Sep-30
23 095B03091 Private/
Residential Fort Liard, NT 271   88407 3589 60° 14' 36" 123° 28' 2" 2007-Oct-1 2037-Sep-30
24 095B03093 Private/
Residential Fort Liard, NT 130   70925 1910 60° 14' 36" 123° 28' 2" 2007-Oct-1 2037-Sep-30
25 095B03095 Private/
Residential Fort Liard 224   70925 1910 60° 14' 27" 123° 28' 16" 2009-Jun-1 2039-May-31
26 095G03029 Utility Power Distribution Nahanni Butte         61° 2' 0" 123° 23' 0" 1988-May-5 2037-May-4
27 095G03035 Private/
Residential Nahanni Butte 202-SK-27         61° 1' 46" 123° 22' 54" 2006-Sep-1 2036-Aug-31
28 095G03037 Private/
Residential Nahanni Butte         61° 2' 0" 123° 23' 0" 2006-Sep-1 2036-Aug-31
29 095G03040 Private/
Residential Nahanni Butte Prov lot R9       61° 1' 54" 123° 22' 27" 2008-Aug-1 2038-Jul-31
30 095G03042 Private/
Residential Nahanni Butte         61° 2' 0" 123° 23' 0" 2010-Mar-1 2040-Feb-29
31 095G03049 Private/
Residential Nahanni Butte         61° 1' 47" 123° 22' 34" 2012-Feb-1 2042-Jan-31
32 095G03050 Private/
Residential Nahanni Butte         61° 1' 48" 123° 22' 32" 2012-Feb-1 2042-Jan-31
33 095G03051 Private/
Residential Nahanni Butte         61° 1' 49" 123° 22' 38" 2012-Feb-1 2042-Jan-31
34 095H10055 Utility Power Distribution Jean Marie River         61° 31' 0" 120° 38' 0" 1988-May-5 2037-May-4
35 095H10063 Private/
Residential Jean Marie River R1         61° 31' 0" 120° 38' 0" 2008-Jul-1 2038-Jun-30
36 095H10064 Private/
Residential Jean Marie River R2         61° 31' 0" 120° 38' 0" 2008-Jul-1 2038-Jun-30
37 095H10065 Private/
Residential Jean Marie River R3         61° 31' 0" 120° 38' 0" 2008-Jul-1 2038-Jun-30
38 095H10066 Private/
Residential Jean Marie River R4         61° 31' 0" 120° 38' 0" 2008-Jul-1 2038-Jun-30
39 095H10067 Private/
Residential Jean Marie River R5         61° 31' 0" 120° 38' 0" 2008-Jul-1 2038-Jun-30
40 095H14051 Private/
Residential Fort Simpson 366, 367, 370   66696 1373 61° 52' 0" 121° 19' 0" 1987-Jan-1 2016-Dec-31
41 095O03034 Private/
Residential Wrigley 28   53220 429 63° 14' 0" 123° 28' 0" 2006-Oct-1 2036-Sep-30
42 095O03051 Utility Power Distribution Wrigley         63° 14' 0" 123° 28' 0" 1988-May-5 2037-May-4
43 095O03052 Private/
Residential Wrigley L5046 171   53220 429 63° 14' 0" 123° 28' 0" 1994-Oct-1 2024-Sep-30
44 095O03053 Private/
Residential Wrigley 204-SK-18 L4837 123, PTN 124   53220 429 63° 14' 0" 123° 28' 0" 1990-Oct-1 2020-Sep-30
45 095O03054 Private/
Residential Wrigley L4677 121 and 122   53220 429 63° 14' 0" 123° 28' 0" 1990-Jan-1 2019-Dec-31
46 095O03058 Private/
Residential Wrigley 42   53220 429 60° 14' 0" 123° 28' 0" 1993-Dec-1 2023-Nov-30
47 095O03060 Private/
Residential Wrigley 30   53220 429 63° 14' 0" 123° 28' 0" 2006-Oct-1 2036-Sep-30
48 095O03063 Private/
Residential Wrigley, NT 64   53220   63° 14' 39" 123° 28' 6" 2008-Jan-1 2037-Dec-31
49 095O03073 Private/
Residential Wrigley 118   53220 429 63° 14' 0" 123° 28' 0" 2011-Feb-1 2041-Jan-31
50 075D03002 Utility Power Distribution FT. Smith to Talston River Dam     77211 2457E 60° 19' 0" 111° 26' 0" 1988-May-5 2037-May-4
51 075D07006 Utility Power Sub-Station SW of Tazin River Rapids         60° 24' 28" 110° 39' 50" 2012-Nov-1 2017-Oct-31
52 075G13003 Utility Water Gauge Taltson River SW of Rapids         61° 52' 31" 107° 40' 30" 2012-Nov-1 2017-Oct-31
53 075L07027 Private/
Office/Residential Lutsel K'e 8 4 52189 379 62° 24' 0" 110° 43' 0" 2006-Jan-1 2035-Dec-31
54 075L07059 Private/
Residential Lutsel K''E 103-SK-16 L4621         62° 24' 0" 110° 44' 0" 1989-Apr-1 2019-Mar-31
55 075L07060 Private/
Residential Lutsel K''''E 103-SK-17 L4742         62° 24' 0" 110° 44' 0" 1989-Jul-1 2019-Jun-30
56 075L07061 Private/
Residential Lutsel K''E 103-SK-06 L4393         62° 24' 0" 110° 44' 0" 1987-Jun-1 2017-May-31
57 075L07062 Private/
Residential Lutsel K'e L4285         62° 24' 0" 110° 44' 0" 1986-Sep-1 2016-Aug-31
58 075L07063 Private/
Residential Lutsel K''E 103-SK-07 L4373         62° 24' 0" 110° 44' 0" 1986-Sep-1 2016-Aug-31
59 075L07064 Private/
Residential Lutsel K''E 103-SK-03 L4201         62° 24' 0" 110° 44' 0" 1986-Feb-1 2016-Jan-31
60 075L07065 Private/
Residential Lutsel K''E 103-SK-04 L4199         62° 24' 0" 110° 44' 0" 1986-Feb-1 2016-Jan-31
61 075L07066 Utility Power Distribution Lutsel K'e         62° 24' 0" 110° 44' 0" 1988-May-5 2037-May-4
62 075L07071 Private/
Residential Lutsel K''E 103-SK-19         62° 24' 24" 110° 43' 51" 2006-Oct-1 2036-Sep-30
63 075L07072 Private/
Residential Lutsel K''E 103-SK-106         62° 24' 0" 110° 44' 0" 2008-Jun-1 2038-May-31
64 075L07073 Private/
Residential Lutsel K''E 103-SK-105         62° 24' 0" 110° 44' 0" 2008-Jun-1 2038-May-31
65 075L07076 Private/
Residential Lutsel K''E 103-SK-39         62° 24' 0" 110° 24' 0" 2006-Oct-1 2036-Sep-30
66 075L07077 Private/
Residential Lutsel K''E 103-SK-38         62° 24' 0" 110° 44' 0" 2006-Oct-1 2036-Sep-30
67 075L07079 Private/
Residential Lutsel K''E 103-SK-49         62° 24' 0" 110° 44' 0" 2006-Oct-1 2036-Sep-30
68 075L07080 Private/
Residential Lutsel K''E 103-SK-50         62° 24' 0" 110° 44' 0" 2006-Oct-1 2036-Sep-30
69 075L07081 Private/
Residential Lutsel K''E 103-SK-51         62° 24' 0" 110° 44' 0" 2006-Oct-1 2036-Sep-30
70 075L07082 Private/
Residential Lutsel K''E 103-SK-48         62° 24' 0" 110° 44' 0" 2006-Oct-1 2036-Sep-30
71 075L07083 Private/
Residential Lutsel K''E 103-SK-67 PCL7         62° 24' 28" 110° 43' 37" 2006-Dec-1 2036-Nov-30
72 075L07084 Private/
Residential Lutsel K''E 103-SK-53 PCL4         62° 24' 27" 110° 43' 48" 2006-Dec-1 2036-Nov-30
73 075L07085 Private/
Residential Lutsel K''E 103-SK-54 PCL3         62° 24' 27" 110° 43' 51" 2006-Dec-1 2036-Nov-30
74 075L07086 Private/
Residential Lutsel K''E 103-SK-55 PCL2         62° 24' 27" 110° 43' 54" 2006-Dec-1 2036-Nov-30
75 075L07087 Private/
Residential Lutsel K''E 103-SK-56 PCL1         62° 24' 27" 110° 43' 57" 2006-Dec-1 2036-Nov-30
76 075L07088 Private/
Residential Lutsel K''E 103-SK-58 Prov 15       62° 24' 28" 110° 43' 34" 2007-Jun-1 2037-May-31
77 075L07089 Private/
Residential Lutsel K''E 103-SK-65 Prov 8       62° 24' 29" 110° 43' 41" 2007-Jun-1 2037-May-31
78 075L07090 Private/
Residential Lutsel K''E 103-SK-38 Prov 6       62° 24' 0" 110° 44' 0" 2007-Jun-1 2037-May-31
79 075L07091 Private/
Residential Lutsel K''E 103-SK-59 Prov 16       62° 24' 0" 110° 44' 0" 2007-Jun-1 2037-May-31
80 075L07092 Private/
Residential Lutsel K''E 103-SK-60 Prov 17       62° 24' 0" 110° 44' 0" 2007-Jun-1 2037-May-31
81 075L07093 Private/
Residential Lutsel K''E 103-SK-61 Prov 18       62° 24' 0" 110° 44' 0" 2007-Jun-1 2037-May-31
82 075L07094 Private/
Residential Lutsel K''E 103-SK-62 Prov 19       62° 24' 0" 110° 44' 0" 2007-Jun-1 2037-May-31
83 075L07095 Private/
Residential Lutsel K''E 103-SK-63 Prov 20       62° 24' 0" 110° 44' 0" 2007-Jun-1 2037-May-31
84 075L07096 Private/
Residential Lutsel K''E 103-SK-64 Prov 21       62° 24' 0" 110° 44' 0" 2007-Jun-1 2037-May-31
85 075L07097 Private/
Residential Lutsel K''E 103-SK-67 Prov 25       62° 24' 0" 110° 44' 0" 2007-Jun-1 2037-May-31
86 075L07101 Private/
Residential Lutsel K''E 103-SK-92 Prov 26       62° 24' 26" 110° 43' 23" 2008-Jun-1 2038-May-31
87 075L07102 Private/
Residential Lutsel K''E 103-SK-93         62° 24' 0" 110° 44' 0" 2008-Jun-1 2038-May-31
88 075L07105 Private/
Residential Lutsel K''E 103-SK-94 Prov lot 27       62° 24' 26" 110° 43' 23" 2008-Jun-1 2038-May-31
89 075L07106 Private/
Residential Lutsel K''E 103-SK-95         62° 24' 24" 110° 44' 45" 2008-Aug-1 2038-Jul-31
90 075L07107 Private/
Residential Lutsel K''E 103-SK-96         62° 24' 14" 110° 44' 38" 2008-Aug-1 2038-Jul-31
91 075L07108 Private/
Residential Lutsel K''E 103-SK-97         62° 24' 20" 110° 44' 12" 2008-Aug-1 2038-Jul-31
92 075L07109 Private/
Residential Lutsel K''E 103-SK--98         62° 24' 28" 110° 44' 25" 2008-Aug-1 2038-Jul-31
93 075L07111 Private/
Residential Lutsel K''E 103-SK-100         62° 24' 29" 110° 44' 23" 2008-Aug-1 2038-Jul-31
94 075L07112 Private/
Residential Lutsel K''E 103-SK-101         62° 24' 29" 110° 44' 22" 2008-Aug-1 2038-Jul-31
95 075L07113 Private/
Residential Lutsel K''''E 103-SK-102         62° 24' 30" 110° 44' 21" 2008-Aug-1 2038-Jul-31
96 075L07114 Private/
Residential Lutsel K''E103-SK-30         62° 24' 29" 110° 44' 20" 2008-Aug-1 2038-Jul-31
97 085A01023 Utility Power Distribution Fort Smith to Pine Point         60° 0' 49" 112° 25' 0" 1988-May-1 2037-Apr-30
98 085A13004 Utility Power Distribution Pine Point to Fort Resolution         61° 0' 0" 113° 46' 0" 1988-May-1 2037-Apr-30
99 085B10042 Government Fire Training Camp Sandy Lake Area         60° 32' 3" 114° 34' 2" 2009-Dec-21 2019-Dec-20
100 085H04034 Private/
Residential Fort Resolution 66   35026 58 61° 10' 0" 113° 40' 0" 2003-Mar-1 2033-Feb-28
101 085H04035 Private/
Residential Fort Resolution 67   35026 58 61° 10' 0" 113° 40' 0" 2003-Mar-1 2033-Feb-28
102 085H04036 Private/
Residential Fort Resolution 101-SK-22 L4740 78, ptn 74, 75 and 79   35026 58 61° 10' 0" 113° 40' 0" 1989-Apr-1 2019-Mar-31
103 085H04037 Private/
Residential Fort Resolution 101-SK-20 L4739 72 Pnt 73 and road   35026 58 61° 10' 0" 113° 40' 0" 1989-Apr-1 2019-Mar-31
104 085H04038 Private/
Residential Fort Resolution 101-SK-21 L4741 PTN 74, 75 and Road   35026 58 61° 10' 0" 113° 40' 0" 1989-Apr-1 2019-Mar-31
105 085H04039 Industrial Commercial Fort Resolution 101-SK-35 PTN 34   35026 58 61° 10' 0" 113° 40' 0" 2011-Apr-1 2041-Mar-31
106 085H04040 Private/
Residential Fort Resolution 101-SK-38 L4840 PTN 34   56018 582 61° 10' 0" 113° 40' 0" 1991-Apr-1 2021-Mar-31
107 085H04041 Private/
Residential Fort Resolution 101-SK-37 L4841 ptn 34   56018 582 61° 10' 0" 113° 40' 0" 1991-Apr-1 2021-Mar-31
108 085H04042 Private/
Residential Fort Resolution 101-SK-36 L4842 ptn 34   56018 582 61° 10' 0" 113° 40' 0" 1991-Apr-1 2021-Mar-31
109 085H04043 Private/
Residential Fort Resolution L4961 19-1-9   51753 336 61° 10' 0" 113° 40' 0" 1992-Aug-1 2022-Jul-31
110 085H04044 Utility Power Distribution Fort Resolution         61° 10' 0" 113° 40' 0" 1988-May-5 2037-May-4
111 085H04062 Private/
Residential Fort Resolution 101-SK-104 Ptn Lot 259   100761 4443 61° 10' 29" 113° 40' 24" 2007-Apr-1 2037-Mar-31
112 085C14038 Private/
Residential Kakisa Lake Prov 18       60° 56' 0" 117° 25' 0" 2007-Jun-1 2037-May-31
113 085C14039 Private/
Residential Kakisa 208-SK-14         60° 56' 0" 117° 43' 0" 2006-Oct-1 2036-Sep-30
114 085C14040 Private/
Residential Kakisa 208-SK-15 Provisional Lot 2       60° 56' 0" 117° 25' 0" 2007-Feb-1 2037-Jan-31
115 085C14041 Private/
Residential Kakisa 208-SK-16 Provisional Lot 4       60° 56' 0" 117° 25' 0" 2007-Feb-1 2037-Jan-31
116 085C14043 Private/
Residential Kakisa         60° 56' 33" 117° 25' 1" 2009-May-1 2039-Apr-30
117 085F05044 Private/
Residential Fort Providence L4585 59-15   51299 302 61° 21' 0" 117° 39' 0" 1989-May-1 2019-Apr-30
118 076C05002 Government Patrol Cabin Unnamed Lake West of Thonokied Lake         64° 21' 10" 109° 58' 56" 2013-Mar-1 2016-Feb-29
119 085I11032 Government Research Site ROSS Lake         62° 39' 10" 113° 17' 15" 2002-Oct-25 2020-Oct-24
120 085I14005 Government Patrol Cabin Gordon Lake         62° 54' 14" 113° 18' 5" 2012-May-1 2015-Apr-30
121 085J08153 Private/
Residential N'Dilo L4489 Ptn 500   50638 254 62° 27' 0" 114° 22' 0" 1988-Apr-1 2018-Mar-31
122 085J08154 Private/
Residential N'Dilo L4682 Ptn 500   50638 254 62° 27' 0" 114° 22' 0" 1990-Jan-1 2019-Dec-31
123 085J08155 Private/
Residential N'Dilo L4683 Ptn 500   50638 254 62° 27' 0" 114° 22' 0" 1990-Jan-1 2019-Dec-31
124 085J08156 Private/
Residential N'Dilo L4684 Ptn 500   50638 254 62° 27' 0" 114° 22' 0" 1990-Jan-1 2019-Dec-31
125 085J08157 Private/
Residential N'Dilo 85J/8-36-6 PTN lot 500   50638 254 62° 27' 0" 114° 21' 0" 1986-Jul-1 2016-Jun-30
126 085J08167 Private/
Residential Dettah 104-SK-018 L4490 Rem 859   51512 322 62° 24' 38" 118° 18' 12" 1988-Apr-1 2018-Mar-31
127 085J08168 Private/
Residential Dettah 104-SK-011 L4642 REM 859   51512 322 62° 24' 38" 118° 18' 12" 1989-Nov-1 2019-Oct-31
128 085J08169 Private/
Residential Dettah 104-SK-008 L4186 R 859   51512 322 62° 25' 0" 118° 18' 0" 2010-May-1 2040-Apr-30
129 085J08170 Private/
Residential Dettah 104-SK-002 L3885 REM 859   51512 322 62° 25' 0" 118° 18' 0" 2013-May-1 2043-Apr-30
130 085J08171 Private/
Residential Dettah 104-SK-006 L3884 REM 859   51512 322 62° 25' 0" 118° 18' 0" 2013-Apr-1 2043-Mar-31
131 085J08172 Private/
Residential Dettah 104-SK-003 L3883 REM 859   51512 322 62° 24' 4" 118° 18' 10" 2013-May-1 2043-Apr-30
132 085J08173 Private/
Residential Dettah 104-SK-004 L3882 REM 859   51512 322 62° 25' 0" 118° 18' 0" 2013-May-1 2043-Apr-30
133 085J08174 Private/
Residential Dettah 104-SK-005 L3881 REM 859   51512 322 62° 25' 0" 118° 18' 0" 2013-May-1 2043-Apr-30
134 085J08229 Private/
Residential Dettah 11   83482 3528 62° 25' 0" 114° 19' 0" 2010-Feb-1 2040-Jan-31
135 085J08230 Private/
Residential Dettah 9   83482 3528 62° 25' 0" 114° 19' 0" 2010-Feb-1 2040-Jan-31
136 085J08231 Private/
Residential Dettah rem 859 site 1     322 62° 25' 0" 114° 19' 0" 2010-May-1 2040-Apr-30
137 085J08232 Private/
Residential N'Dilo ptn 500 rem Site 3   50638 254 62° 27' 0" 114° 21' 0" 2010-May-1 2040-Apr-30
138 085J08233 Private/
Residential N'Dilo ptn 500 rem Site 5   50638 254 62° 27' 0" 114° 21' 0" 2010-May-1 2040-Apr-30
139 085J08234 Private/
Residential N'Dilo ptn 500 rem Site 6     254 62° 27' 0" 114° 21' 0" 2010-May-1 2040-Apr-30
140 085J08235 Private/
Residential Dettah Site 4 ptn lot 859   51512 322 62° 24' 0" 114° 18' 0" 2010-May-1 2040-Apr-30
141 085J08236 Private/
Residential Dettah Site 5 pt lot 859   51512 322 62° 27' 0" 114° 22' 0" 2010-May-1 2040-Apr-30
142 085J09017 Utility Hydro Dam Bluefish Lake 151   39802   62° 40' 24" 114° 15' 43" 2011-Jan-16 2041-Jan-15
143 085J09044 Utility Power Distribution Bluefish to Con Mine     39801   62° 42' 0" 114° 15' 0" 2006-Jan-16 2031-Jan-15
144 085J10006 Utility Power Distribution Yellowknife to Snare Hyrdo         63° 34' 0" 116° 0' 0" 1988-May-5 2037-May-4
145 085J13003 Utility Power Distribution Smiley Lake         62° 52' 0" 115° 40' 0" 1988-May-5 2037-May-4
146 085J16002 Utility Hydro Dam Duncan Lake 969 & 155   59996 1013 62° 48' 19" 114° 3' 12" 2006-Jan-1 2030-Dec-31
147 085N08010 Utility Quarry Pit Snare River 1003   76726 2474 63° 19' 0" 116° 16' 0" 1996-Jun-1 2016-May-31

Part A.3 – Released Sites (Agriculture, Commercial, Institutional, Private, Public and Utility Dispositions)

# File Number Purpose Usage Location Lot # Block # CLSR # LTO # Latitude Longitude Commence Date Expiry Date
1 085D06001 Commercial Fishing Lodge Dogface Lake         60° 17' 30" 119° 4' 40" 2008-Jul-1 2023-Jun-30
2 085D12001 Utility Communications Facil Dogface Hills         60° 36' 0" 119° 55' 0" 1987-Jul-1 2017-Jun-30
3 085E01001 Utility Communications Line Kakisa River to Inuvik         61° 7' 0" 118° 0' 0" 1972-Jul-1 2032-Jun-30
4 085E05001 Private/
Trapping Cabin Trout River         61° 18' 42" 119° 51' 23" 2003-Jul-1 2018-Jun-30
5 085E05002 Private/
Residential Brownings Point, Trout River         61° 18' 30" 119° 51' 14" 2003-Nov-1 2023-Oct-31
6 085L03002 Commercial Outpost Camp SW Shore Willow Lake         62° 7' 56" 119° 15' 7" 2011-Jan-1 2020-Dec-31
7 095A06001 Commercial Fishing Lodge Trout Lake         60° 29' 34" 121° 7' 59" 2001-Mar-1 2021-Feb-28
8 095A06017 Private/
Residential Trout Lake L5047         60° 26' 29" 121° 14' 49" 1994-Oct-1 2024-Sep-30
9 095A06018 Utility Power Plant Trout Lake         60° 26' 0" 121° 15' 0" 2007-Aug-1 2017-Jul-31
10 095A06019 Private/
Residential Trout Lake         60° 26' 27" 121° 14' 41" 2006-Oct-1 2036-Sep-30
11 095A06020 Private/
Residential Trout Lake         60° 26' 27" 121° 14' 41" 2006-Oct-1 2036-Sep-30
12 095A06021 Commercial Fishing Lodge Trout Lake on Island         60° 26' 37" 121° 14' 37" 2007-Jun-1 2027-May-31
13 095A06022 Commercial Hotel Trout Lake         60° 35' 0" 121° 19' 0" 2006-Oct-1 2026-Sep-30
14 095A06033 Utility Communications Facil Trout Lake         60° 26' 0" 121° 15' 0" 2011-Jun-1 2041-May-31
15 095A06034 Private/
Residential Trout Lake         60° 26' 0" 121° 15' 0" 2011-Dec-1 2041-Nov-30
16 095A06035 Private/
Residential Trout Lake         60° 26' 0" 121° 15' 0" 2012-Oct-1 2042-Sep-30
17 095B03034 Utility Communications Facil KM 11, Liard Highway (Petitot River)         60° 5' 51" 123° 2' 26" 1998-Oct-1 2018-Sep-30
18 095B03056 Private/
Residential Fort Liard 267   83223 3589 60° 15' 0" 123° 30' 0" 2001-Jan-1 2030-Dec-31
19 095B03057 Private/
Residential Fort Liard 264   83223 3589 60° 14' 0" 123° 28' 0" 2001-Jan-1 2030-Dec-31
20 095B03058 Private/
Residential Fort Liard 259   83223 3589 60° 14' 0" 123° 28' 0" 2001-Jan-1 2030-Dec-31
21 095B03059 Private/
Residential Fort Liard 265   83223 3589 60° 14' 0" 123° 28' 0" 2001-Jan-1 2030-Dec-31
22 095B03060 Private/
Residential Fort Liard 262   83223 3589 60° 14' 0" 123° 28' 0" 2001-Jan-1 2030-Dec-31
23 095B03066 Utility Communications Facil Fort Liard         60° 14' 5" 123° 24' 10" 2001-Aug-1 2021-Jul-31
24 095B03067 Private/
Residential Fort Liard 221   70925 1910 60° 14' 0" 123° 28' 0" 1989-Sep-1 2019-Aug-31
25 095B03081 Private/
Residential Fort Liard 279   84407 3621 60° 14' 0" 123° 28' 0" 2006-Oct-1 2036-Sep-30
26 095B03082 Private/
Residential Fort Liard 276   84407 3621 60° 14' 0" 123° 28' 0" 2006-Oct-1 2036-Sep-30
27 095B03088 Private/
Residential Fort Liard 273   84407 3621 60° 14' 0" 123° 28' 0" 2006-Jun-1 2036-May-31
28 095B03090 Private/
Residential Fort Liard 115   70688 1847 60° 14' 0" 123° 28' 0" 2007-Feb-1 2037-Jan-31
29 095B03094 Utility Communications Facil East of Fort Liard         60° 13' 53" 123° 23' 50" 2008-Aug-1 2028-Jul-31
30 095B03096 Private/
Residential Fort Liard 105   70688 1847 60° 14' 0" 123° 28' 0" 2011-Apr-1 2041-Mar-31
31 095B03097 Private/
Residential Fort Liard 106 &
Ptn of
  70688 1847 60° 14' 0" 123° 28' 0" 2011-Aug-1 2041-Jul-31
32 095B03099 Private/
Residential Fort Liard         60° 14' 0" 123° 28' 0" 2013-Jun-1 2018-May-31
33 095B05014 Utility Storage Near Fisherman Lake, NT         60° 26' 28" 123° 37' 10" 2010-Mar-1 2020-Feb-29
34 095B11003 Utility Communications Facil KM 75.5, Liard Highway         60° 32' 20" 123° 28' 41" 1998-Oct-1 2018-Sep-30
35 095B11004 Private/
Hunting and Fishing Whissel Landing KM 99, HWY #7         60° 44' 25" 123° 19' 34" 2009-Apr-1 2014-Mar-31
36 095G02002 Private/
Residential Blackstone/Liard River         61° 7' 32" 122° 51' 14" 2004-Jan-1 2023-Dec-31
37 095G02003 Commercial Tourist Facility Blackstone/Liard River         61° 7' 31" 122° 51' 8" 2008-May-1 2028-Apr-30
38 095G02004 Private/
Residential Blackstone/Liard River         61° 7' 29" 122° 51' 11" 2004-Jan-1 2023-Dec-31
39 095G02006 Commercial Residential Blackstone/Liard Rivers         61° 7' 33" 122° 51' 11" 2001-Sep-1 2031-Aug-31
40 095G02009 Private/
Residential Blackstone/Liard Rivers         61° 7' 26" 122° 51' 16" 2004-Jan-1 2023-Dec-31
41 095G02012 Private/
Residential East Bank of Liard River, NT         61° 6' 56" 122° 51' 47" 2007-Aug-1 2027-Jul-31
42 095G02014 Commercial Outfitting Camp Mile 59, Liard Highway         61° 9' 30" 122° 46' 20" 2012-Apr-1 2022-Mar-31
43 095G02026 Private/
Hunting and Fishing Blackstone Estates         61° 7' 31" 122° 51' 2" 2007-Feb-1 2017-Jan-30
44 095G02028 Private/
Residential Blackstone Estates         61° 7' 13" 122° 51' 23" 2008-Oct-1 2018-Sep-30
45 095G02029 Utility Communications Facil KM 146, Liard Highway, (Blackstone)         61° 2' 29" 122° 54' 14" 1998-Oct-1 2018-Sep-30
46 095G02030 Private/
Residential Liard River, Lindberg Landing Area         61° 7' 44" 122° 51' 56" 1999-Nov-1 2019-Oct-31
47 095G03022 Private/
Residential Nahanni Butte PTN 7   51442 317 61° 2' 0" 123° 23' 0" 1992-Jul-1 2022-Jun-30
48 095G03031 Private/
Residential Nahanni Butte 202-SK-19 L5064         61° 2' 0" 123° 23' 0" 1995-May-1 2025-Apr-30
49 095G03032 Private/
Residential Nahanni Butte         61° 2' 0" 123° 23' 0" 1999-May-1 2029-Apr-30
50 095G03033 Institutional Religious Nahanni Butte 2   51442 317 61° 2' 0" 123° 23' 0" 2002-Jan-1 2021-Dec-31
51 095G03036 Private/
Residential Nahanni Butte 202-SK-26         61° 2' 0" 123° 23' 0" 2006-Sep-1 2036-Aug-31
52 095G03041 Private/
Residential Nahanni Butte         61° 1' 54" 123° 22' 27" 2008-Nov-1 2038-Oct-31
53 095G03043 Private/
Residential Nahanni Butte         61° 1' 52" 123° 22' 30" 2010-Oct-1 2040-Sep-30
54 095G03044 Private/
Residential Nahanni Butte         61° 21' 0" 123° 23' 6" 2010-Dec-1 2040-Nov-30
55 095G03045 Private/
Residential Nahanni Butte Ptn
  51442 317 61° 2' 3" 123° 23' 45" 2010-Dec-1 2040-Nov-30
56 095G03047 Private/
Residential Nahanni Butte         61° 2' 0" 123° 23' 0" 2011-Aug-1 2041-Jul-31
57 095G06003 Private/
Hunting and Fishing North Shore, MID Lake         61° 19' 43" 123° 25' 40" 2009-Feb-1 2019-Jan-31
58 095G08002 Utility Communications Facil KM 185 Liard Highway, (Matou River)         61° 16' 45" 122° 23' 50" 1998-Oct-1 2018-Sep-30
59 095G14001 Private/
Cottage CLI Lake         61° 59' 11" 123° 21' 50" 2009-Oct-1 2014-Sep-30
60 095G14003 Commercial Nature Lodge Little Doctor Lake         61° 54' 3" 123° 13' 33" 2001-Oct-1 2026-Sep-30
61 095G14004 Private/
Cottage Little Doctor Lake         61° 51' 35" 123° 23' 30" 2007-Nov-1 2017-Oct-31
62 095G14009 Commercial Nature Lodge CLI Lake         61° 58' 26" 123° 24' 10" 1994-Jan-1 2023-Dec-31
63 095G14011 Private/
Traditional Use North Shore Little Doctor Lake         61° 53' 57" 123° 16' 49" 2008-May-1 2018-Apr-30
64 095H06008 Commercial Highway Serv Station Junction HYW 1 & 7         61° 26' 49" 121° 14' 11" 2011-Oct-1 2041-Sep-30
65 095H06011 Private/
Hunting and Fishing Junction HWY1 & 7         61° 26' 27" 121° 14' 21" 2010-Jan-1 2019-Dec-31
66 095H07008 Utility Communications Facil McGill Lake Ptn 1001   71035 1903 61° 23' 0" 120° 52' 0" 2009-Jan-1 2038-Dec-31
67 095H10054 Private/
Residential Jean Marie River 9   70822 1865 61° 31' 0" 120° 38' 0" 1994-Dec-1 2024-Nov-30
68 095H13011 Private/
Traditional Use Martin River         61° 55' 30" 121° 34' 30" 2005-Nov-1 2015-Oct-31
69 095H14034 Private/
Residential Fort Simpson 73   61089 1083 61° 52' 0" 121° 19' 0" 1995-Jul-1 2025-Jun-30
70 095H14040 Private/
Residential Fort Simpson 92   61089 1083 61° 52' 0" 121° 19' 0" 1984-Jul-1 2014-Jun-30
71 095H14042 Private/
Residential Fort Simpson 94   61089 1083 61° 52' 0" 121° 19' 0" 1985-Sep-1 2015-Aug-31
72 095H14046 Private/
Residential Fort Simpson 98   61089 1083 61° 52' 0" 121° 19' 0" 1987-Sep-1 2017-Aug-31
73 095H14049 Private/
Residential Fort Simpson PTN
  52014 364 61° 52' 0" 121° 19' 0" 1985-Sep-1 2015-Aug-31
74 095H14055 Private/
Residential Fort Simpson 5-35   51465 316 61° 52' 0" 121° 19' 0" 2009-Jan-1 2038-Dec-31
75 095H14077 Private/
Residential Fort Simpson 363   66696 1373 61° 52' 0" 121° 21' 0" 1989-May-1 2019-Apr-30
76 095H14078 Private/
Residential Fort Simpson 361   66696 1373 61° 52' 0" 121° 21' 0" 1988-Sep-1 2018-Aug-31
77 095H14101 Commercial Commercial Building Fort Simpson 123   52014 364 61° 52' 0" 121° 21' 0" 2007-Mar-1 2022-Feb-28
78 095H14113 Commercial Dock Fort Simpson         61° 52' 0" 121° 23' 0" 2002-Aug-1 2022-Jul-31
79 095H14114 Commercial Dock Fort Simpson         61° 50' 11" 121° 20' 57" 2006-Oct-1 2016-Sep-30
80 095J04001 Private/
Traditional Use West Shore Nahanni River         62° 2' 52" 123° 44' 22" 2008-May-1 2018-Apr-30
81 095K13001 Commercial Outfitting Camp Root River         62° 48' 56" 125° 37' 28" 2008-Jan-1 2017-Dec-31
82 095K13002 Commercial Airstrip Root River         62° 48' 2" 125° 38' 11" 2008-Jan-1 2017-Dec-31
83 095L10003 Commercial Outfitting Lodge Near Little Dahl Lake         62° 40' 16" 126° 39' 30" 2010-Dec-1 2020-Nov-30
84 095L10006 Commercial Airstrip Thundercloud Crk. near Little Dal Lake         62° 34' 0" 126° 40' 0" 2010-Dec-1 2020-Nov-30
85 095O03055 Private/
Residential Wrigley L5072 72   53220 429 63° 14' 0" 123° 28' 0" 1995-Mar-1 2025-Feb-28
86 095O03056 Private/
Residential Wrigley         63° 14' 0" 123° 28' 0" 1986-May-1 2016-Apr-30
87 095O03057 Private/
Residential Wrigley         63° 14' 0" 123° 28' 0" 1988-May-1 2018-Apr-30
88 095O03059 Commercial Retail Store Wrigley 75,
  53220 429 63° 14' 0" 123° 28' 0" 1994-Jun-1 2024-May-31
89 095O03065 Private/
Residential Wrigley 22 &
  53220 429 63° 14' 0" 123° 28' 0" 2010-Mar-1 2040-Feb-29
90 095O03066 Private/
Residential Wrigley 35 and
  53220 429 63° 13' 39" 123° 28' 16" 2010-Mar-1 2040-Feb-29
91 095O03067 Private/
Residential Wrigley 90 &
  53220 429 63° 14' 0" 123° 28' 0" 2010-Jul-1 2040-Jun-30
92 095O03069 Private/
Residential Wrigley 157   72592 2084 63° 14' 0" 123° 28' 0" 2010-Oct-1 2040-Sep-30
93 095O03070 Private/
Residential Wrigley 159   72592 2084 63° 14' 0" 123° 28' 0" 2010-Oct-1 2040-Sep-30
94 095O03071 Commercial Retail Store Wrigley 160   72592 2084 63° 14' 0" 123° 28' 0" 2010-Oct-1 2040-Sep-30
95 095O03072 Private/
Residential Wrigley 92 & 93   53220 429 63° 14' 0" 123° 28' 0" 2010-Nov-1 2040-Oct-31
96 105H16002 Private/
Cottage Near Tungsten         61° 59' 57" 128° 16' 40" 2010-Oct-1 2015-Sep-30
97 105H16003 Utility Communications Facil South of Tungsten         61° 51' 0" 128° 4' 0" 2003-Mar-1 2029-Feb-28
98 105H16023 Private/
Hunting and Fishing Flat River         61° 53' 59" 128° 4' 32" 2011-Feb-1 2016-Jan-31
99 065D06001 Private/
Cottage Obre Lake         60° 23' 13" 103° 2' 58" 2010-May-1 2020-Apr-30
100 065D06002 Commercial Fishing Lodge Obre Lake         60° 19' 10" 103° 7' 31" 1999-Aug-1 2019-Jul-31
101 065D06003 Commercial Fishing Lodge Snowbird Lake 1002
  67266 1402 60° 29' 32" 103° 3' 44" 2003-Jun-1 2033-May-31
102 065D08001 Commercial Fishing & Comm. Camp Kasba Lake         60° 17' 1" 102° 30' 34" 1999-Jun-1 2019-May-31
103 065D11001 Commercial Fishing Lodge Snowbird Lake         60° 33' 13" 103° 9' 22" 2008-Jan-1 2017-Dec-31
104 065D13001 Commercial Outpost Camp Wholdaia Lake         60° 53' 9" 103° 41' 18" 2008-Jun-1 2018-May-31
105 065D15001 Commercial Outpost Camp Snowbird Lake         60° 51' 18" 102° 39' 1" 2012-Nov-1 2022-Oct-31
106 065E06001 Commercial Outpost Camp Boyd Lake         61° 23' 52" 103° 27' 58" 2008-Jun-1 2018-May-31
107 065E07001 Commercial Outpost Camp Casimir Lake         61° 27' 18" 102° 43' 26" 2000-Mar-1 2020-Feb-29
108 065L06001 Commercial Fishing Lodge Mosquito Lake         62° 29' 30" 103° 17' 0" 2004-Sep-1 2024-Aug-31
109 075A01001 Commercial Fishing Lodge Selwyn Lake         60° 14' 54" 104° 28' 18" 1995-May-1 2025-Apr-30
110 075A04001 Commercial Fishing Lodge Wignes Lake         60° 11' 30" 105° 54' 10" 2012-Jun-1 2022-May-31
111 075A07001 Commercial Outpost Camp Ingalls Lake         60° 15' 45" 104° 55' 9" 2000-Mar-1 2020-Feb-29
112 075A08001 Commercial Outpost Camp Flett Lake         60° 25' 35" 104° 6' 56" 2003-Jul-1 2013-Jun-30
113 075A09001 Commercial Outpost Camp Wholdaia Lake         60° 33' 37" 104° 6' 7" 1999-Aug-1 2019-Jul-31
114 075A16001 Commercial Outpost Camp Anaunethad Lake         60° 57' 13" 104° 28' 57" 2009-Jan-1 2018-Dec-31
115 075B01001 Private/
Cottage Scott Lake         60° 1' 18" 106° 11' 13" 2009-May-1 2014-Apr-30
116 075C12002 Private/
Hunting and Fishing Hill Island Lake         60° 37' 38" 109° 57' 32" 2009-Aug-1 2014-Jul-31
117 075C12005 Private/
Hunting and Fishing Hill Island Lake Area         60° 31' 1" 109° 47' 12" 2010-Jan-1 2014-Dec-31
118 075C14001 Private/
Traditional Use Unknown Lake South End of Powder Lake         60° 59' 28" 109° 18' 23" 2007-Jun-1 2017-May-31
119 075C16003 Commercial Fishing Lodge Alcantara Lake         60° 58' 0" 108° 6' 27" 1995-May-1 2025-Apr-30
120 075C16005 Commercial Airstrip Alcantara Lake         60° 57' 30" 108° 7' 5" 2008-Jan-1 2025-Apr-30
121 075D01001 Commercial Outfitting Lodge Disappointment Lake 1   60115 1133 60° 1' 4" 110° 27' 45" 2009-May-1 2019-Apr-30
122 075D01002 Commercial Outfitting Lodge North End of Largepike Lake         60° 7' 33" 110° 18' 33" 2001-Jan-1 2030-Dec-31
123 075D02004 Private/
Hunting and Fishing Leland Lake         60° 0' 42" 110° 58' 20" 2013-Feb-1 2018-Jan-31
124 075D02005 Private/
Traditional Use Leland Lake         60° 1' 4" 110° 58' 40" 2011-May-1 2016-Apr-30
125 075D03003 Commercial Outfitting Camp NE Shore Donovan Lake         60° 1' 13" 111° 9' 15" 2002-May-1 2032-Apr-30
126 075D03004 Private/
Hunting and Fishing W Side Unnamed Lake (Aka Germain Lake)         60° 12' 18" 111° 3' 23" 2009-Nov-1 2014-Oct-31
127 075D03005 Private/
Hunting and Fishing Blackman Lake         60° 11' 57" 111° 9' 47" 2009-Feb-1 2014-Jan-31
128 075D03007 Private/
Hunting and Fishing Near Nautawa Lake         60° 11' 24" 111° 16' 40" 2010-Mar-1 2015-Feb-28
129 075D03008 Private/
Hunting and Fishing Near Pilot Lake         60° 14' 9" 111° 4' 48" 2010-Nov-1 2015-Oct-31
130 075D03009 Private/
Hunting and Fishing Telklini Lake         60° 2' 22" 111° 14' 20" 2010-Aug-1 2015-Jul-31
131 075D03010 Private/
Hunting and Fishing Near Telklini and Schaefer Lakes         60° 4' 41" 111° 14' 43" 2010-Aug-1 2015-Jul-31
132 075D03012 Private/
Traditional Use Unnamed Lake, South of Donovan Lake         60° 0' 31" 111° 9' 31" 2011-Nov-1 2016-Oct-31
133 075D03013 Private/
Hunting and Fishing North End Blackman Lake         60° 13' 21" 111° 10' 24" 2011-Aug-1 2016-Jul-31
134 075D03014 Private/
Traditional Use Jackfish Lake         60° 13' 57" 111° 13' 3" 2011-Dec-1 2016-Nov-30
135 075D03015 Private/
Traditional Use Unnamed Lake         60° 9' 48" 111° 16' 56" 2012-Jun-1 2017-May-31
136 075D03016 Private/
Hunting and Fishing Poor Fish Lake         60° 4' 47" 111° 9' 38" 2012-Nov-1 2017-Oct-31
137 075D03018 Private/
Traditional Use 30 KM E of FT Smith SouthShore of Schaefer Lake         60° 3' 47" 111° 19' 43" 2011-Apr-1 2016-Mar-31
138 075D03019 Private/
Hunting and Fishing 30 KM NE of Fort Smith         60° 7' 51" 111° 26' 59" 2013-Jan-1 2017-Dec-31
139 075D04162 Private/
Hunting and Fishing Island in Slave River         60° 1' 34" 111° 52' 25" 2011-Mar-1 2016-Feb-29
140 075D05004 Private/
Traditional Use 47 KM NE of Fort Smith         60° 25' 26" 111° 42' 45" 2012-Aug-1 2017-Jul-31
141 075D07001 Commercial Fishing Lodge Pilot Lake         60° 18' 20" 110° 57' 14" 2002-Mar-1 2032-Feb-29
142 075D07005 Private/
Traditional Use Hanging Ice Lake         60° 15' 8" 110° 52' 46" 2012-Feb-1 2022-Jan-31
143 075D10002 Private/
Hunting and Fishing Benna Thy Lake         60° 36' 4" 110° 34' 0" 2010-Jul-1 2015-Jun-30
144 075D12001 Private/
Fishing Club Island on Tsu Lake         60° 38' 8" 111° 54' 15" 2012-Jun-1 2017-May-31
145 075D13001 Private/
Traditional Use Tortuous Lake Area         60° 46' 27" 111° 40' 31" 2009-Feb-1 2014-Jan-31
146 075D13002 Private/
Hunting and Fishing Tortuous Lake Area         60° 47' 29" 111° 41' 0" 2009-Feb-1 2014-Jan-31
147 075D15003 Commercial Fishing Lodge Lady Grey Lake         60° 46' 19" 110° 34' 58" 2007-Nov-1 2017-Oct-31
148 075D16002 Commercial Outpost Camp Thekulthili Lakes         60° 57' 35" 110° 12' 59" 2005-Jun-1 2015-May-31
149 075E01002 Commercial Fishing Lodge Thekulthili Lake         61° 0' 35" 110° 7' 20" 2005-Apr-1 2025-Mar-31
150 075E08001 Commercial Outfitting Lodge Easterly Shore Taltson Lake         61° 22' 16" 110° 18' 56" 2001-Apr-1 2021-Mar-31
151 075E10002 Commercial Fishing Lodge W. Shore Rutledge Lake         61° 38' 24" 110° 52' 39" 2001-Apr-1 2021-Mar-31
152 075E10004 Commercial Fishing Lodge Rutledge Lake East         61° 35' 48" 110° 45' 13" 1999-Sep-1 2019-Aug-31
153 075E12003 Commercial Fishing Lodge Thuban Lake         61° 31' 5" 111° 45' 59" 2000-May-1 2020-Apr-30
154 075E15001 Commercial Outpost Camp Gagnon Lake West         61° 58' 20" 110° 33' 36" 2012-Apr-1 2022-Mar-31
155 075E16001 Commercial Outpost Camp PTN Island in Gagnon Lake East         61° 57' 43" 110° 27' 56" 2012-Apr-1 2022-Mar-31
156 075F03004 Private/
Hunting and Fishing Near South End of Powder Lake         61° 3' 5" 109° 18' 14" 2012-Sep-1 2017-Aug-31
157 075F04002 Commercial Fishing Lodge NW Sparks Lake         61° 13' 15" 109° 40' 22" 1995-May-1 2025-Apr-30
158 075F04003 Commercial Airstrip North Shore of Sparks Lake         61° 13' 17" 109° 40' 0" 1998-Dec-1 2025-Apr-30
159 075F12004 Commercial Fishing Lodge Nonacho Lake         61° 43' 56" 109° 37' 1" 2012-Apr-1 2022-Mar-31
160 075F12007 Commercial Airstrip North Shore of Nonacho Lake         61° 44' 21" 109° 37' 15" 2012-Apr-1 2022-Mar-31
161 075F14001 Commercial Outpost Camp Nonacho Lake         61° 47' 19" 109° 18' 35" 2012-Apr-1 2022-Mar-31
162 075H03001 Commercial Fishing Lodge Smalltree Lake         61° 0' 47" 105° 2' 13" 1993-Jun-1 2013-May-31
163 075J07001 Private/
Hunting and Fishing W End Lynx Lake         62° 27' 59" 106° 51' 48" 2012-Oct-1 2022-Sep-30
164 075J08001 Commercial Fishing Lodge Lynx Lake         62° 27' 40" 106° 18' 9" 2002-Apr-1 2032-Mar-31
165 075J10001 Private/
Emergency Shelter Laroque Bay, Whitefish Lake         62° 32' 25" 106° 59' 10" 2002-Dec-1 2022-Nov-30
166 075J14001 Commercial Outfitting Camp Whitefish Lake         62° 48' 30" 107° 5' 15" 2002-May-1 2022-Apr-30
167 075K11001 Commercial Outpost Camp Fairchild Point, GSL, Fort Reliance 6 &
  56582 652 62° 42' 52" 109° 9' 56" 2006-Apr-1 2026-Mar-31
168 075K11005 Private/
Hunting and Fishing Charlton Bay GSL         62° 40' 1" 109° 9' 31" 2011-Jan-1 2040-Dec-31
169 075L05001 Private/
Cottage E End Island, SW of Hearne Channel         62° 19' 26" 111° 55' 22" 2010-Sep-1 2015-Aug-31
170 075L07001 Commercial Fishing Lodge Christie Bay         62° 25' 23" 110° 42' 34" 1999-Aug-1 2019-Jul-31
171 075L07015 Commercial Retail Store Lutsel K'e 1 &
6 52189 379 62° 24' 0" 110° 44' 0" 1994-Aug-15 2024-Aug-14
172 075L07068 Private/
Residential Lutsel K'e Ptn
Lot 1
5 52189 379 62° 24' 0" 110° 44' 0" 1998-Sep-1 2028-Aug-31
173 075L07075 Private/
Residential Lutsel K'e         62° 24' 0" 110° 44' 0" 2002-Apr-1 2032-Mar-31
174 075L07110 Private/
Residential Lutsel K''E 103-SK-99         62° 24' 28" 110° 44' 24" 2008-Aug-1 2038-Jul-31
175 075L07115 Private/
Residential Lutsel K'e         62° 24' 21" 110° 44' 9" 2008-Sep-1 2038-Aug-31
176 075L07116 Private/
Residential LutselKE         62° 24' 29" 110° 44' 26" 2012-Mar-1 2042-Feb-28
177 075L09001 Private/
Cottage Tochatwi Bay         62° 33' 40" 110° 19' 35" 2010-Dec-1 2020-Nov-30
178 075L12001 Commercial Fishing Lodge Talthelei Narrows         62° 35' 44" 111° 31' 4" 2010-Dec-1 2040-Nov-30
179 075L12002 Commercial Airstrip Talthelei Narrows         62° 35' 50" 111° 32' 30" 2010-Dec-1 2040-Nov-30
180 075L15001 Commercial Fishing Lodge Thompson Landing 6-16
uns pcl
  40921 127 62° 56' 27" 110° 40' 35" 2001-Nov-1 2021-Oct-31
181 085A01006 Private/
Cottage Sawmill Island         60° 1' 30" 112° 9' 40" 2008-Oct-1 2013-Sep-30
182 085A01008 Private/
Cottage Bell Rock near Sawmill Island on Slave River         60° 0' 56" 112° 8' 50" 2006-Jun-1 2016-May-31
183 085A01013 Commercial Wood Harvesting Between Salt River RD. & Slave River         60° 0' 43" 112° 9' 46" 2004-Jan-1 2023-Dec-31
184 085A01021 Private/
Residential Near Salt River Reserve         60° 6' 7" 112° 14' 15" 2012-Jul-1 2022-Jun-30
185 085A01022 Private/
Residential Salt River, NT         60° 5' 57" 112° 14' 32" 2004-Dec-1 2014-Nov-30
186 085A01024 Private/
Traditional Use East Side of Salt River         60° 5' 55" 112° 14' 43" 2005-Sep-1 2015-Aug-31
187 085A01031 Private/
Trapping Cabin Westerly Shore of Salt River         60° 5' 53" 112° 14' 37" 2000-Sep-1 2013-Aug-31
188 085A01032 Private/
Traditional Use Easterly Shore of Salt River         60° 5' 48" 112° 14' 32" 2005-Apr-1 2015-Mar-31
189 085A01033 Private/
Trapping Cabin Easterly Shore of Salt River         60° 5' 51" 112° 14' 33" 2005-Apr-1 2015-Mar-31
190 085A01037 Private/
Traditional Use Salt River         60° 5' 59" 112° 14' 45" 2005-Oct-1 2015-Sep-30
191 085A01038 Private/
Traditional Use 2 KM W/Bell Rock N. of HWY 5         60° 1' 4" 112° 7' 7" 2005-Oct-1 2015-Sep-30
192 085A01040 Private/
Traditional Use 28 KMS W of FT Smith E Side of HWY #5         60° 3' 56" 112° 13' 11" 2005-Nov-1 2015-Oct-31
193 085A01041 Commercial Retail Store 1.5 KM W. of Bell Rock, HWY5         60° 1' 7" 112° 6' 49" 2007-Nov-1 2017-Oct-31
194 085A01042 Private/
Traditional Use West of Bell Rock         60° 1' 30" 112° 6' 9" 2006-Jul-1 2016-Jun-30
195 085A01046 Private/
Hunting and Fishing West of Bell Rock         60° 0' 52" 112° 8' 48" 2007-Aug-1 2017-Jul-31
196 085A01047 Private/
Traditional Use Junction of Thebacha HWY & HWY 5         60° 0' 50" 112° 13' 49" 2007-Mar-1 2017-Feb-28
197 085A01048 Private/
Hunting and Fishing Near Sawmill Island         60° 0' 51" 112° 9' 1" 2007-Aug-1 2017-Jul-31
198 085A01049 Private/
Hunting and Fishing Near Sawmill Island, Slave River         60° 0' 54" 112° 8' 39" 2007-Aug-1 2017-Jul-31
199 085A01050 Private/
Traditional Use 3.5 KM West of Bell Rock, Slave River         60° 1' 15" 112° 8' 28" 2007-Aug-1 2017-Jul-31
200 085A01053 Commercial Bottled Water Plant Between Thebacha Highway & Slave River         60° 3' 45" 112° 13' 9" 2008-Nov-1 2018-Oct-31
201 085A01055 Private/
Traditional Use E Side of Salt River 1 KM S of HWY #5         60° 0' 20" 112° 20' 52" 2013-Mar-1 2018-Feb-28
202 085A01056 Private/
Traditional Use 10 KM SW of Salt R Reserve on Foxhole RD         60° 4' 30" 112° 22' 40" 2009-Nov-1 2019-Oct-31
203 085A01057 Private/
Hunting and Fishing HWY #5 on E Side of Thebacha HWY         60° 2' 53" 112° 13' 37" 2009-Feb-1 2014-Jan-31
204 085A01059 Private/
Traditional Use East Side of the Slave River         60° 12' 44" 112° 17' 20" 2012-May-1 2017-Apr-30
205 085A01060 Private/
Traditional Use Near Bell Rock         60° 1' 7" 112° 6' 23" 2010-May-1 2020-Apr-30
206 085A01061 Private/
Elders Village Salt River         60° 5' 38" 112° 14' 48" 2010-Jun-1 2020-May-31
207 085A01064 Private/
Traditional Use Along Salt & Slave Rivers         60° 5' 50" 112° 14' 25" 2010-Jul-1 2020-Jun-30
208 085A01065 Private/
Traditional Use East of Thebacha Highway         60° 2' 14" 112° 13' 59" 2010-Oct-1 2020-Sep-30
209 085A01066 Private/
Traditional Use Along the Salt River, South of SRFN         60° 5' 59" 112° 14' 31" 2011-Jul-1 2021-Jun-30
210 085A01067 Private/
Traditional Use Along the Salt River         60° 5' 58" 112° 14' 35" 2011-Apr-1 2021-Mar-31
211 085A01071 Private/
Traditional Use West of Slave River         60° 1' 30" 112° 13' 40" 2009-Feb-1 2014-Jan-31
212 085A01073 Private/
Traditional Use East Side Thebacha Highway         60° 1' 57" 112° 13' 53" 2011-Aug-1 2016-Jul-31
213 085A01076 Private/
Traditional Use Slave River Area         60° 1' 4" 112° 12' 21" 2010-Sep-1 2015-Aug-31
214 085A01082 Private/
Hunting and Fishing Salt River Area         60° 1' 53" 112° 22' 55" 2011-Dec-1 2016-Nov-30
215 085A01084 Private/
Traditional Use Btwn HWY NO 5 & Slave River         60° 0' 56" 112° 10' 30" 2012-Jun-1 2017-May-31
216 085A01086 Private/
Traditional Use Salt River Area         60° 6' 22" 112° 14' 50" 2013-Jul-1 2018-Jun-30
217 085A01088 Commercial Bottled Water Plant Between Thebacha Highway and Slave River         60° 3' 28" 112° 13' 30" 2008-Aug-1 2018-Oct-31
218 085A01089 Private/
Traditional Use West of Bell Rock         60° 0' 45" 112° 12' 24" 2008-Dec-1 2013-Nov-30
219 085A01090 Private/
Traditional Use Salt River Area         60° 5' 51" 112° 15' 0" 2009-Feb-1 2014-Jan-31
220 085A01094 Private/
Traditional Use Salt River Area         60° 3' 54" 112° 23' 13" 2009-Apr-1 2014-Mar-31
221 085A01100 Private/
Hunting and Fishing Salt River         60° 6' 14" 112° 15' 4" 2010-Mar-1 2015-Feb-28
222 085A01101 Private/
Traditional Use Salt River Area         60° 1' 7" 112° 21' 37" 2009-Jul-1 2014-Jun-30
223 085A01102 Private/
Hunting and Fishing West of Bell Rock, Slave River         60° 0' 52" 112° 7' 41" 2009-Aug-1 2014-Jul-31
224 085A01103 Private/
Hunting and Fishing Salt River Area         60° 5' 17" 112° 18' 54" 2009-Aug-1 2014-Jul-31
225 085A01104 Private/
Traditional Use North Side HWY #5         60° 0' 39" 112° 11' 30" 2009-Oct-1 2014-Sep-30
226 085A01105 Private/
Hunting and Fishing Salt River Area         60° 5' 5" 112° 15' 27" 2010-Mar-1 2015-Feb-28
227 085A01106 Private/
Traditional Use Thebacha Highway         60° 2' 42" 112° 13' 59" 2010-Oct-1 2015-Sep-30
228 085A01107 Private/
Traditional Use South of HWY 5 East Side of Salt River         60° 1' 8" 112° 20' 55" 2011-Jan-1 2015-Dec-31
229 085A01108 Private/
Hunting and Fishing Highway #5 and Mission Farm Road         60° 0' 15" 112° 10' 17" 2011-Jan-1 2015-Dec-31
230 085A01109 Private/
Traditional Use 50 M East of Thebacha HWY near KM #1         60° 1' 18" 112° 13' 58" 2011-Apr-1 2016-Mar-31
231 085A01110 Private/
Traditional Use Salt River Area         60° 5' 23" 112° 17' 42" 2011-Sep-1 2016-Aug-31
232 085A01111 Private/
Traditional Use SouthSide NWT Highway #5         60° 0' 28" 112° 11' 34" 2011-Aug-1 2016-Jul-31
233 085A01112 Private/
Traditional Use Slave River         60° 12' 26" 112° 18' 28" 2011-Sep-1 2016-Aug-31
234 085A01113 Private/
Traditional Use N.W.T. Highway 5         60° 0' 46" 112° 13' 1" 2011-Oct-1 2016-Sep-30
235 085A01114 Private/
Traditional Use Near Highway 5         60° 0' 19" 112° 11' 20" 2011-Oct-1 2016-Sep-30
236 085A01115 Private/
Traditional Use Salt River Area         60° 5' 18" 112° 19' 59" 2011-Dec-1 2016-Nov-30
237 085A01116 Private/
Traditional Use Salt River Area         60° 1' 2" 112° 11' 31" 2011-Dec-1 2016-Nov-30
238 085A01117 Private/
Hunting and Fishing NW of the Salt River         60° 4' 30" 112° 21' 28" 2012-Apr-1 2017-Mar-31
239 085A01118 Private/
Traditional Use East of the Thebacha HWY         60° 1' 43" 112° 14' 6" 2012-Apr-1 2017-Mar-31
240 085A01119 Private/
Traditional Use North Side of HWY #5         60° 0' 36" 112° 11' 6" 2012-Jun-1 2017-May-31
241 085A01120 Private/
Hunting and Fishing 11 KM East of Fort Smith         60° 0' 1" 112° 6' 7" 2012-Jul-1 2017-Jun-30
242 085A01121 Private/
Traditional Use On the Thebacha Highway         60° 4' 24" 112° 13' 27" 2012-Aug-1 2017-Jul-31
243 085A01122 Private/
Traditional Use ON the Thebacha Highway         60° 4' 24" 112° 13' 27" 2012-Aug-1 2017-Jul-31
244 085A01123 Private/
Hunting and Fishing Salt River Area         60° 5' 13" 112° 18' 19" 2012-Nov-1 2017-Oct-31
245 085A01124 Private/
Hunting and Fishing West of Fort Smith         60° 1' 35" 112° 21' 1" 2012-Nov-1 2017-Oct-31
246 085A08002 Private/
Hunting and Fishing West of the Slave River, NT         60° 24' 6" 112° 28' 25" 2009-Feb-1 2014-Jan-31
247 085A08003 Private/
Traditional Use Between Slave and Tethul River         60° 16' 20" 112° 11' 30" 2012-Feb-1 2022-Jan-31
248 085A08004 Private/
Hunting and Fishing W Side Slave River         60° 17' 0" 112° 23' 0" 2010-Aug-1 2015-Jul-31
249 085A08006 Private/
Hunting and Fishing Slave River Area         60° 19' 27" 112° 29' 34" 2012-Jan-1 2016-Dec-31
250 085A09002 Private/
Cottage Taltson River         60° 35' 3" 112° 12' 21" 2006-Jun-1 2016-May-31
251 085A09004 Private/
Traditional Use Taltson River         60° 37' 36" 112° 15' 48" 2007-Aug-1 2017-Jul-31
252 085A10002 Private/
Hunting and Fishing Slave River Area         60° 29' 54" 112° 31' 14" 2010-Aug-1 2015-Jul-31
253 085A16001 Private/
Cottage W. Bank Taltson River         60° 48' 0" 112° 9' 25" 2006-Jul-1 2016-Jun-30
254 085A16004 Private/
Hunting and Fishing Deskenatlata Lake         60° 51' 52" 112° 5' 38" 2009-Feb-1 2014-Jan-31
255 085B10001 Private/
Org. Campsite S. Shore Sandy Lake         60° 31' 19" 114° 36' 12" 2010-Jun-1 2039-May-31
256 085B10009 Private/
Cottage Sandy Lake 1009   65719 1311 60° 31' 30" 114° 35' 30" 2009-Nov-1 2039-Oct-31
257 085B10010 Private/
Cottage Sandy Lake 1008   65719 1311 60° 31' 30" 114° 35' 30" 1984-Apr-1 2014-Mar-31
258 085B10011 Private/
Cottage Sandy Lake 1010   65719 1311 60° 31' 55" 114° 35' 45" 2002-Aug-1 2032-Jul-31
259 085B10012 Private/
Cottage Sandy Lake 1011   65719 1311 60° 31' 30" 114° 35' 30" 2009-Nov-1 2039-Oct-31
260 085B10013 Private/
Cottage Sandy Lake 1012   65719 1311 60° 31' 53" 114° 35' 33" 2009-Nov-1 2039-Oct-31
261 085B10014 Private/
Cottage Sandy Lake 1013   65719 1311 60° 31' 30" 114° 35' 30" 2009-Nov-1 2039-Oct-31
262 085B10015 Private/
Cottage Sandy Lake 1014   65719 1311 60° 31' 54" 114° 35' 34" 2009-Nov-1 2039-Oct-31
263 085B10016 Private/
Cottage Sandy Lake 1015   65719 1311 60° 31' 30" 114° 35' 30" 1996-Feb-1 2026-Jan-31
264 085B10017 Private/
Cottage Sandy Lake 1016   65719 1311 60° 31' 53" 114° 35' 33" 1990-Nov-1 2020-Oct-31
265 085B10018 Private/
Cottage Sandy Lake 1017   65719 1311 60° 31' 53" 114° 35' 33" 1993-Apr-1 2023-Mar-31
266 085B10019 Private/
Cottage Sandy Lake 1001   65719 1311 60° 31' 30" 114° 35' 30" 2009-Nov-1 2039-Oct-31
267 085B10020 Private/
Cottage Sandy Lake 1000   65719 1311 60° 31' 30" 114° 35' 30" 2009-Nov-1 2039-Oct-31
268 085B10021 Private/
Cottage Sandy Lake 1002   65719 1311 60° 31' 30" 114° 35' 30" 2010-Nov-1 2040-Oct-31
269 085B10022 Private/
Cottage Sandy Lake 1003   65719 1311 60° 31' 30" 114° 35' 30" 2010-Nov-1 2040-Oct-31
270 085B10023 Private/
Cottage Sandy Lake 1004   65719 1311 60° 31' 30" 114° 35' 30" 2009-Nov-1 2039-Oct-31
271 085B10024 Private/
Cottage Sandy Lake 1005   65719 1311 60° 31' 30" 114° 35' 30" 2013-Apr-1 2043-Mar-31
272 085B10025 Private/
Cottage Sandy Lake 1006   65719 1311 60° 31' 30" 114° 35' 30" 2009-Nov-1 2039-Oct-31
273 085B10026 Private/
Cottage Sandy Lake 1007   65719 1311 60° 31' 30" 114° 35' 30" 2009-Nov-1 2039-Oct-31
274 085B10027 Private/
Cottage Sandy Lake 1028, Quad
85 B/10
  66336 1343 60° 31' 39" 114° 36' 54" 2005-Nov-1 2032-Oct-31
275 085B10028 Private/
Cottage Sandy Lake 1027   66336 1343 60° 31' 39" 114° 36' 56" 2006-Nov-1 2032-Oct-31
276 085B10029 Private/
Cottage Sandy Lake 1026   66336 1343 60° 31' 0" 114° 36' 0" 2006-Oct-1 2036-Sep-30
277 085B10030 Private/
Cottage Sandy Lake 1025   65719 1343 60° 31' 0" 114° 36' 0" 2008-Feb-1 2038-Jan-31
278 085B10031 Private/
Cottage Sandy Lake 1024   66336 1343 60° 31' 37" 114° 37' 14" 2004-Feb-1 2034-Jan-31
279 085B10032 Private/
Cottage Sandy Lake 1023   66336 1343 60° 31' 30" 114° 37' 10" 2011-Feb-1 2014-Jan-31
280 085B10033 Private/
Cottage Sandy Lake 1022   66336 1343 60° 31' 35" 114° 36' 19" 2006-Oct-1 2036-Sep-30
281 085B10034 Private/
Cottage Sandy Lake 1021   66336 1343 60° 31' 0" 114° 37' 0" 2007-May-1 2037-Apr-30
282 085B10035 Private/
Cottage Sandy Lake 1020   66336 1343 60° 31' 30" 114° 37' 20" 2003-Aug-1 2025-Jul-31
283 085B10038 Private/
Cottage Sandy Lake 1029   65719 1311 60° 31' 39" 114° 36' 52" 2009-Nov-1 2039-Oct-31
284 085B15006 Utility Power Distribution Near Pine Point         60° 50' 0" 114° 35' 0" 2008-Jan-1 2017-Dec-31
285 085H02001 Commercial Outfitting Lodge Taltson River Rat River Area         61° 7' 19" 112° 36' 3" 2005-Aug-1 2015-Jul-31
286 085H04004 Institutional Religious Fort Resolution 5 to 8   32912 77 61° 10' 0" 113° 40' 0" 1924-May-1 2024-Apr-30
287 085H04046 Private/
Residential Fort Resolution         61° 10' 0" 113° 40' 0" 1997-Apr-1 2027-Mar-31
288 085H04047 Private/
Residential Fort Resolution         61° 10' 0" 113° 40' 0" 1990-Nov-1 2020-Oct-31
289 085H04048 Private/
Residential Fort Resolution 36   35026 58 61° 10' 0" 113° 40' 0" 1999-Apr-1 2029-Mar-31
290 085H04049 Private/
Residential Fort Resolution         61° 10' 0" 113° 40' 0" 1990-Nov-1 2020-Oct-31
291 085H04051 Private/
Residential Fort Resolution         61° 9' 51" 113° 39' 20" 2008-Mar-1 2038-Feb-28
292 085H04054 Private/
Residential Fort Resolution         61° 10' 0" 113° 40' 0" 2003-Jun-1 2033-May-31
293 085H04056 Private/
Residential Fort Resolution         61° 10' 0" 113° 40' 0" 2003-May-1 2033-Apr-30
294 085H04058 Private/
Residential Fort Resolution Ptn lot
865 100761 4443 61° 10' 0" 113° 40' 0" 2004-May-1 2034-Apr-30
295 085H04061 Private/
Residential Fort Resolution         61° 8' 57" 113° 38' 27" 2006-Oct-1 2036-Sep-30
296 085H04063 Private/
Residential Fort Resolution 13   35026 58 61° 10' 16" 113° 40' 19" 2007-Nov-1 2037-Oct-31
297 085H04064 Private/
Residential Fort Resolution 14   35026 58 61° 10' 0" 113° 40' 0" 2008-Jan-1 2037-Dec-31
298 085H04067 Private/
Residential Fort Resolution         61° 9' 47" 113° 39' 14" 2008-Jul-1 2038-Jun-30
299 085H04068 Private/
Residential W/Fort Resolution         61° 9' 39" 113° 39' 1" 2009-Apr-1 2039-Mar-31
300 085H04069 Private/
Residential Fort Resolution 15   35026 58 61° 10' 0" 113° 40' 0" 2009-Oct-1 2039-Sep-30
301 085H04075 Private/
Residential Fort Resolution Ptn Lot
75 and
  35026 58 61° 10' 27" 113° 40' 31" 2011-Apr-1 2041-Mar-31
302 085H04080 Private/
Residential Fort Resolution         61° 10' 0" 113° 40' 0" 2012-Jun-1 2042-May-31
303 085H04082 Private/
Residential Fort Resolution         61° 10' 30" 113° 40' 30" 2013-May-1 2043-Apr-30
304 085H04083 Private/
Residential Fort Resolution         61° 10' 44" 113° 38' 6" 2013-Feb-1 2043-Jan-31
305 085H07005 Commercial Outpost Camp Talston Bay         61° 26' 14" 112° 47' 19" 2010-Nov-1 2020-Oct-31
306 085H09005 Commercial Outfitting Lodge Preble Island         61° 42' 0" 112° 22' 0" 2006-Sep-1 2016-Aug-31
307 085B12005 Private/
Org. Campsite East Shore of Hay River         60° 42' 24" 115° 52' 39" 2006-Oct-1 2016-Sep-30
308 085B12007 Public/
Community Park Water Front near NWT HWY 5 1071   93832 4192 60° 44' 29" 115° 49' 19" 2001-Feb-1 2026-Jan-31
309 085B12013 Private/
Shooting Range Near Highway # 2         60° 43' 10" 115° 53' 53" 2013-Mar-1 2023-Feb-28
310 085B12016 Agricultural Excrement Disposal KM 19,(Mile 12) HWY 5         60° 44' 8" 115° 30' 37" 2006-Nov-1 2016-Oct-31
311 085B13005 Commercial Dock Hay River         60° 51' 6" 115° 43' 47" 2012-May-1 2022-Apr-30
312 085B13007 Commercial Dock Hay River         60° 51' 19" 115° 43' 51" 2007-Jan-1 2021-Dec-31
313 085B13019 Commercial Dock Hay River         60° 50' 25" 115° 44' 27" 1998-Sep-1 2028-Aug-31
314 085B13021 Commercial Dock Hay River         60° 51' 0" 115° 43' 0" 1997-Oct-1 2027-Sep-30
315 085B13022 Commercial Dock Hay River         60° 51' 0" 115° 43' 0" 1997-Dec-1 2027-Nov-30
316 085B13023 Commercial Dock Hay River         60° 51' 0" 115° 43' 0" 2004-Dec-1 2034-Nov-30
317 085B13025 Commercial Dock Hay River Fronting
1023 &
      60° 51' 0" 115° 44' 0" 1999-Mar-1 2029-Feb-28
318 085B13026 Commercial Dock Hay River         60° 51' 0" 115° 43' 0" 1998-Jan-1 2027-Dec-31
319 085B13047 Utility Railway Hay River     55621 556 60° 49' 0" 115° 47' 0" 1998-Apr-1 2028-Mar-31
320 085B13061 Private/
Residential Hay River 397   51975 360 60° 49' 0" 115° 46' 0" 1997-Mar-1 2027-Feb-28
321 085C02008 Private/
Hunting and Fishing Near KM. 36, HWY #1,ADJ to Hay River         60° 14' 10" 116° 34' 56" 2010-Jan-1 2019-Dec-31
322 085C02012 Private/
Hunting and Fishing Swede Creek         60° 13' 0" 116° 31' 0" 2007-May-1 2017-Apr-30
323 085C02015 Private/
Trapping Cabin Highway 1         60° 5' 1" 116° 41' 31" 2002-May-1 2013-Apr-30
324 085C02018 Private/
Dock Westerly Shore of Hay River         60° 7' 0" 116° 40' 0" 2005-Oct-1 2015-Sep-30
325 085C02020 Private/
Hunting and Fishing KM 23.5 HWY 1 W.Side of Hay River         60° 8' 29" 116° 40' 31" 2006-Sep-1 2016-Aug-31
326 085C02021 Private/
Trapping Cabin Near KM. 8, Mackenzie Highway #1         60° 7' 0" 116° 42' 0" 2007-Aug-1 2017-Jul-31
327 085C02022 Private/
Trapping Cabin Near the Hay River, NT         60° 1' 0" 116° 49' 0" 2007-Aug-1 2017-Jul-31
328 085C02023 Private/
Hunting and Fishing KM. 7.3, NWT HWY. #1         60° 2' 14" 116° 53' 6" 2008-Apr-1 2018-Mar-31
329 085C02024 Private/
Hunting and Fishing Near KM 4.4, HWY #1         60° 1' 42" 116° 55' 20" 2009-Apr-1 2019-Mar-30
330 085C02027 Private/
Hunting and Fishing Parcel Adjacent Hay River, KM 36 Highway 1         60° 8' 4" 116° 41' 21" 2009-Apr-1 2019-Mar-31
331 085C02028 Private/
Hunting and Fishing KM 23.6 NWT Highway #1, ADJ. to Hay River         60° 8' 1" 116° 41' 26" 2009-Apr-1 2019-Mar-31
332 085C02029 Private/
Hunting and Fishing KM 32.3 East NWT HWY #1, NT         60° 12' 27" 116° 38' 41" 2009-Apr-1 2019-Mar-31
333 085C02030 Private/
Hunting and Fishing KM 30.7, NWT HWY #1         60° 11' 42" 116° 40' 5" 2009-Jul-1 2019-Jun-30
334 085C02031 Private/
Trapping Cabin KM. 15.4 NWT HWY #1         60° 4' 34" 116° 46' 27" 2010-Mar-1 2020-Feb-29
335 085C07007 Private/
Traditional Use KM 41, HWY #1, Between Old HWY & HR         60° 16' 5" 116° 33' 18" 2007-Nov-1 2017-Oct-31
336 085C08006 Private/
Traditional Use KM 50.3, Highway 1         60° 20' 22" 116° 27' 36" 2009-Jul-1 2019-Jun-30
337 085C08009 Private/
Trapping Cabin UNS PCL near Alexander Falls         60° 20' 32" 116° 26' 28" 2007-Aug-1 2017-Jul-31
338 085C08011 Private/
Hunting and Fishing KM. 50.3,
        60° 20' 49" 116° 24' 54" 2007-Mar-1 2017-Feb-28
339 085C08012 Private/
Trapping Cabin KM. 47, HWY #1, near the Hay River         60° 18' 15" 116° 29' 33" 2008-Jul-1 2018-Jun-30
340 085C08013 Private/
Hunting and Fishing KM 47 NWT HWY #1, NT         60° 18' 6" 116° 29' 51" 2009-Apr-1 2019-Mar-31
341 085C08016 Private/
Traditional Use KM. 60.4,
        60° 24' 5" 116° 27' 8" 2010-Mar-1 2020-Feb-29
342 085C09008 Agricultural Excrement Disposal Tathlina Lake Area         60° 38' 59" 116° 5' 58" 2012-Apr-1 2022-Mar-31
343 085C09014 Private/
Hunting and Fishing KM 107.1, HWY #1         60° 40' 49" 116° 26' 20" 2008-Nov-1 2018-Oct-31
344 085C09015 Private/
Traditional Use KM 105.4 Highway # 1         60° 40' 35" 116° 25' 22" 2012-Jan-1 2016-Dec-31
345 085C09016 Private/
Hunting and Fishing Escarpment Lake         60° 39' 12" 116° 22' 11" 2009-Oct-1 2014-Sep-30
346 085C14007 Utility Communications Facil Kakisa 1000, Quad 85 C/14   67862 1549 60° 55' 0" 117° 15' 0" 2010-Aug-1 2040-Jul-31
347 085C14035 Utility Communications Facil Approx. KM. 166.7 Mackenzie Highway         60° 58' 0" 117° 12' 0" 2010-Oct-1 2020-Sep-30
348 085C14037 Utility Communications Facil Kakisa         60° 56' 0" 117° 25' 0" 1997-Jun-1 2017-May-31
349 085C15011 Private/
Traditional Use KM. 126, NWT HWY #1         61° 49' 26" 116° 36' 59" 2012-Aug-1 2022-Jul-31
350 085E01003 Private/
Trapping Cabin KM 244.3, Highway #1         61° 3' 32" 118° 25' 57" 2011-Apr-1 2016-Mar-31
351 085E09007 Private/
Residential Easterly Limit of Horn River         61° 31' 55" 118° 0' 15" 2012-Dec-1 2017-Nov-30
352 085F02001 Commercial Fishing Lodge Brabant Island, Great SL LK         61° 3' 18" 116° 35' 0" 2002-Feb-1 2027-Jan-31
353 085F02002 Private/
Cottage Brabant Island, Great SL LK 1001   70568 1815 61° 4' 0" 116° 33' 0" 1986-Nov-1 2016-Oct-31
354 085F03002 Commercial Highway Serv Station JCT Highways 1 and 3         61° 4' 0" 117° 28' 0" 2000-Jan-1 2019-Dec-31
355 085F04012 Utility Communications Facil Mills Lake         61° 7' 0" 117° 46' 0" 1986-Mar-1 2016-Feb-29
356 085F04014 Institutional Cultural Camp KM. 205, Highway 1         61° 7' 18" 117° 46' 30" 2004-Jan-1 2013-Dec-31
357 085F05005 Utility Power Plant Dory Point         61° 15' 13" 117° 31' 34" 2010-Jun-1 2020-May-31
358 085F05043 Private/
Residential Fort Providence PTN 5   51299 302 61° 21' 0" 117° 39' 0" 1985-Sep-1 2015-Aug-31
359 085F05045 Private/
Residential Fort Providence PTN 8   56816 840 61° 21' 0" 117° 39' 0" 1986-Oct-1 2016-Sep-30
360 085F05117 Utility Communications Line R.B. Crossing – MAC. River near FT. Providence         61° 15' 48" 117° 33' 44" 2007-Jul-1 2017-Jun-30
361 085F05118 Private/
Residential Fort Providence Ptn
  51299 302 61° 21' 0" 117° 39' 0" 2012-Jan-1 2041-Dec-31
362 085F10008 Utility Communications Facil Caen Lake         61° 40' 0" 116° 58' 0" 1989-Nov-1 2019-Oct-31
363 085F16004 Utility Communications Facil Birch Lake         61° 57' 0" 116° 28' 0" 1989-Nov-1 2019-Oct-31
364 085G04002 Commercial Fish Camp Web Island, Great Slave Lake         61° 13' 55" 115° 55' 55" 2006-Mar-1 2016-Feb-29
365 085G12001 Commercial Nature Lodge East Side of Moraine Point         61° 36' 3" 115° 38' 20" 2001-May-1 2021-Apr-30
366 085K01014 Private/
Traditional Use KM 155 N.W.T. HWY #3         62° 8' 34" 116° 14' 49" 2011-Dec-1 2016-Nov-30
367 085K08004 Utility Communications Facil KM. 183.7, Highway #3         62° 22' 0" 116° 30' 0" 1989-Nov-1 2019-Oct-31
368 085K08007 Commercial Outfitting Lodge UNS. PCL HWY 3, KM 170.4         62° 15' 57" 116° 22' 40" 2008-Jun-1 2028-May-31
369 097B13001 Commercial Outfitting Camp Rendez-Vous Lake         68° 52' 56" 127° 1' 56" 2004-Dec-1 2014-Nov-30
370 106A05004 Commercial Outpost Camp Mountain River Area         64° 17' 15" 129° 43' 0" 2011-Oct-1 2028-Dec-31
371 106B05001 Commercial Outpost Camp Mackenzie Mountain Area         64° 26' 15" 131° 34' 10" 2005-Aug-1 2013-Jun-30
372 106B12001 Commercial Outpost Camp Mackenzie Mountain Area         64° 42' 10" 132° 0' 0" 2005-Aug-1 2013-Jun-30
373 106C16001 Commercial Outpost Camp Mackenzie Mountain Area         64° 57' 51" 132° 29' 1" 2005-Aug-1 2013-Jun-30
374 106G06001 Commercial Outfitting Lodge Arctic Red River – W. Shore         65° 24' 20" 131° 10' 42" 2003-Jul-1 2013-Jun-30
375 106G06003 Commercial Airstrip Arctic Red River         65° 23' 34" 131° 9' 34" 2003-Jul-1 2013-Jun-30
376 106G06004 Commercial Dock Sven Lake         65° 23' 57" 131° 10' 42" 2003-Jul-1 2013-Jun-30
377 106M04002 Utility Communications Facil Near Stony Creek         67° 10' 0" 135° 51' 0" 1995-Aug-1 2015-Jul-31
378 106N06011 Commercial Cultural Camp West of Dzien Die Lake, Mackenzie River         67° 17' 43" 133° 12' 50" 2007-Aug-1 2017-Jul-31
379 106N13004 Utility Communications Facil Dempster Highway         67° 47' 31" 133° 46' 39" 2013-Sep-1 2023-Aug-31
380 106N16003 Private/
Cottage Sandy Lake 1000   77793 2605 67° 46' 0" 132° 16' 0" 1998-Apr-1 2028-Mar-31
381 106O13002 Private/
Residential Between Ninelen Lake and Sandy Lake 1000,
  78878 2809 67° 51' 30" 131° 30' 30" 2008-Jul-1 2038-Jun-30
382 107B02016 Private/
Traditional Use Campbell Lake         68° 10' 16" 133° 27' 58" 2009-May-1 2029-Apr-30
383 107B02017 Private/
Traditional Use East Channel, Mackenzie River 1003   78875 2798 68° 10' 0" 133° 49' 0" 2004-Feb-1 2019-Jan-31
384 107B02018 Private/
Traditional Use 28 Miles S.W. of Inuvik 1002   77791 2603 68° 7' 0" 133° 52' 0" 2004-Feb-1 2019-Jan-31
385 107B02020 Private/
Trapping Cabin E. Shore of an Unnamed Lake         68° 4' 42" 133° 30' 3" 2007-Feb-1 2017-Jan-31
386 107B02024 Private/
Hunting and Fishing Mackenzie River         68° 4' 41" 133° 51' 4" 2008-Jun-1 2018-May-31
387 107B03043 Private/
Traditional Use Horseshoe Bend         68° 12' 58" 134° 14' 41" 2009-Sep-1 2014-Aug-31
388 107B06013 Private/
Trapping Cabin Napoiak/Schooner Channels         68° 26' 44" 134° 31' 52" 2013-Sep-1 2023-Aug-31
389 107B06014 Private/
Traditional Use John Dillon River 17 M. W of Inuvik         68° 22' 16" 134° 3' 27" 2012-Aug-1 2022-Jul-31
390 107B06016 Private/
Traditional Use East Shore, Augaoyag Channel         68° 27' 36" 134° 36' 7" 2009-Jan-1 2018-Dec-31
391 107B06021 Private/
Cottage Middle Channel Mackenzie River         68° 24' 38" 134° 3' 51" 2009-Nov-1 2019-Oct-31
392 107B06022 Private/
Traditional Use North End of Taylors Channel         68° 28' 26" 134° 37' 44" 2010-Nov-1 2015-Oct-31
393 107B07036 Commercial Dock Inuvik         68° 31' 0" 133° 43' 0" 2001-Nov-1 2021-Oct-31
394 107B07088 Commercial Dock Inuvik         68° 22' 38" 133° 46' 17" 2005-Jul-1 2035-Jun-30
395 107B07162 Private/
Trapping Cabin Mackenzie Delta Area         68° 20' 0" 133° 58' 13" 2005-Jul-1 2015-Jun-30
396 107B07163 Private/
Traditional Use PCL. off Semmler's Creek         68° 23' 37" 133° 57' 12" 2005-Nov-1 2015-Oct-31
397 107B07171 Private/
Traditional Use Near Oniak Channel         68° 25' 7" 113° 59' 21" 2008-Aug-1 2018-Jul-31
398 107B09005 Private/
Trapping Cabin Sitidge Lake         68° 34' 8" 132° 27' 34" 2006-Apr-1 2016-Mar-31
399 107B10003 Private/
Hunting and Fishing NorthEast Shore of Noell Lake         68° 32' 48" 133° 30' 43" 2007-Nov-1 2017-Oct-31
400 107B10007 Private/
Trapping Cabin Jimmy Lake         68° 40' 14" 133° 30' 45" 2003-Aug-1 2013-Jul-31
401 107B10008 Private/
Traditional Use NorthEast Shore of Noell Lake         68° 33' 48" 133° 35' 3" 2008-Nov-1 2018-Oct-31
402 107B10010 Private/
Hunting and Fishing Noell Lake         68° 32' 28" 133° 30' 6" 2013-Feb-1 2023-Jan-31
403 107B11014 Private/
Trapping Cabin Thrasher Channel         68° 30' 9" 134° 22' 44" 2004-Dec-1 2014-Nov-30
404 107B11016 Private/
Hunting and Fishing River in Mackenzie Delta         68° 36' 3" 134° 33' 34" 2004-Jan-1 2013-Dec-31
405 107B15009 Utility Communications Facil N.Storm Hills         68° 53' 30" 133° 56' 30" 2003-Oct-1 2013-Sep-30
406 107C03002 Private/
Trapping Cabin Ya Ya Lake         69° 6' 39" 134° 47' 55" 2006-Jul-1 2016-Jun-30
407 107C03017 Private/
Cottage Ya Ya Lake         69° 8' 27" 134° 42' 0" 2011-Nov-1 2021-Oct-31
408 107C06008 Utility Communications Facil Near Taglu, Richards Island         69° 22' 0" 134° 52' 0" 1994-Jan-1 2014-Dec-31
409 107C06012 Private/
Hunting and Fishing Denis Lagoon         69° 22' 52" 134° 4' 23" 2008-Jun-1 2014-May-31
410 107C12002 Private/
Traditional Use West Side of Kendall Island         69° 30' 0" 135° 19' 0" 2006-Aug-1 2016-Jul-31
411 086E12001 Commercial Fishing Lodge Neiland Bay, Great Bear Lake         64° 43' 47" 119° 45' 47" 2008-May-1 2028-Apr-30
412 086K05001 Commercial Fishing Lodge SE Shore Cornwall Island, McTavish Arm, Great Bear Lot
  89488 3935 66° 19' 0" 117° 46' 0" 2008-Sep-1 2018-Aug-31
413 086L12001 Commercial Airstrip Dease Arm, Great Bear Lake         66° 42' 0" 119° 42' 0" 2008-Feb-1 2033-Jan-31
414 086L12002 Commercial Fishing Lodge Dease Arm, Great Bear Lake         66° 42' 0" 119° 40' 0" 2008-Feb-1 2033-Jan-31
415 095M02002 Commercial Outfitting Lodge Dal Lake         63° 8' 28" 126° 31' 27" 2010-Jul-1 2020-Jun-30
416 095M10002 Commercial Outfitting Camp Hay Hook Lake         63° 30' 30" 126° 44' 37" 2010-Jul-1 2020-Jun-30
417 095M13002 Commercial Outpost Camp Ram Head Lake         63° 56' 8" 127° 32' 56" 2012-Jun-1 2022-May-31
418 095M16001 Commercial Tourist Facility Southwest Shore Wrigley Lake 1001   86703 3762 63° 51' 38" 126° 16' 41" 2004-Jan-1 2023-Dec-31
419 096D10001 Private/
Hunting and Fishing Unnamed Lake         64° 41' 0" 126° 45' 0" 2006-Oct-1 2016-Sep-30
420 096D12001 Commercial Outfitting Lodge Carcajou Lake 1001
  83084 3494 64° 40' 39" 127° 57' 3" 2009-Mar-1 2019-Feb-28
421 096D13002 Private/
Hunting and Fishing Jaw Bone Lake         64° 58' 0" 127° 37' 0" 2006-Apr-1 2016-Mar-31
422 096E03003 Private/
Hunting and Fishing North Shore of Twenty-Five Mile Lake         65° 7' 27" 127° 20' 50" 2008-May-1 2018-Apr-30
423 096E03004 Private/
Cottage Carcajou River         65° 7' 27" 127° 20' 50" 2009-Apr-1 2014-Mar-31
424 096E06013 Private/
Cottage Near Rader Island, Mackenzie River         65° 19' 56" 127° 10' 45" 2010-Aug-1 2015-Jul-31
425 096E06014 Private/
Cottage 24 KM Downstream FR. N. Well on Mackenzie River         65° 20' 53" 127° 15' 43" 2012-Nov-1 2017-Oct-31
426 096E07048 Private/
Hunting and Fishing Between Edie and Hodgeson Lake         65° 17' 55" 126° 34' 47" 2013-Sep-1 2023-Aug-31
427 096E07058 Private/
Cottage East of Hodgeson Lake         65° 17' 37" 126° 35' 1" 2010-Jul-1 2020-Jun-30
428 096E11003 Private/
Emergency Shelter Caribou Lake O'Grady         65° 42' 48" 127° 4' 22" 2008-Aug-1 2013-Jul-31
429 096E11004 Private/
Cottage Unnamed Lake, near Norman Wells         65° 36' 34" 127° 3' 11" 2010-Jul-1 2020-Jun-30
430 096E14001 Private/
Hunting and Fishing Sam McRae Lake         65° 55' 53" 127° 2' 36" 2006-Oct-1 2016-Sep-30
431 096E15001 Private/
Cottage North Shore Turton Lake         65° 52' 45" 126° 59' 0" 2013-Jun-1 2023-May-31
432 096H09001 Commercial Emergency Shelter Leith Peninsula, Great Bear Lake         65° 35' 6" 120° 2' 30" 2008-Sep-1 2018-Aug-31
433 096J11001 Commercial Fishing Lodge Near Katseydie River Lot
Quad 96
  89490 3934 66° 31' 13" 123° 10' 41" 2008-Oct-1 2018-Sep-30
434 096K08001 Commercial Outpost Camp Good Hope Bay         66° 19' 31" 124° 21' 19" 2008-Aug-1 2018-Jul-31
435 096K08003 Private/
Cottage Good Hope Bay         66° 19' 24" 124° 20' 44" 2010-Sep-1 2015-Aug-31
436 096N05001 Commercial Outpost Camp North Arm, Colville Lake 1002,
  90370 4007 67° 20' 0" 125° 43' 0" 2004-Jan-1 2018-Dec-31
437 105I14001 Commercial Outpost Camp O'Grady Lake         62° 59' 50" 129° 5' 34" 2005-Jan-1 2014-Dec-31
438 105P01001 Commercial Outfitting Camp Divide Lake         63° 0' 48" 128° 11' 2" 2005-Jan-1 2014-Dec-31
439 105P05001 Commercial Fuel/Supply Storage Mile 222 Canol Road         63° 18' 5" 129° 47' 59" 2003-Sep-1 2023-Aug-31
440 105P05002 Commercial Nature Lodge Mile 212, Canol Road         63° 24' 40" 129° 36' 46" 2003-Sep-1 2023-Aug-31
441 105P05005 Commercial Fuel/Supply Storage Mile 222, Canol Road         63° 18' 3" 129° 48' 39" 2009-Apr-1 2019-Mar-31
442 105P06002 Commercial Nature Lodge Near Intga River         63° 26' 45" 129° 24' 15" 2003-Sep-1 2023-Aug-31
443 105P09001 Commercial Outfitting Lodge Keele River         63° 36' 9" 128° 3' 41" 2009-Jan-1 2028-Dec-31
444 105P10002 Commercial Outfitting Lodge June Lake 1002   88664 3858 63° 30' 0" 128° 43' 0" 2009-Jan-1 2028-Dec-31
445 105P11001 Commercial Nature Lodge Near Ekwi River         63° 34' 30" 129° 11' 45" 2003-Sep-1 2023-Aug-31
446 105P15002 Commercial Outfitting Lodge Godlin Lakes         63° 46' 0" 128° 46' 0" 2005-Jan-1 2014-Dec-31
447 105P15003 Commercial Dock Godlin Lakes         63° 47' 21" 128° 46' 30" 2005-Jan-1 2014-Dec-31
448 106A01002 Commercial Outpost Camp Keele River 1003,
  89838 3964 64° 47' 0" 128° 45' 0" 2005-Jan-1 2014-Dec-31
449 106A04001 Commercial Outfitting Lodge Mountain Lake         64° 6' 10" 129° 49' 17" 2005-Jan-1 2014-Dec-31
450 106A04002 Commercial Airstrip S.E. End of Willow Handle LK         64° 6' 10" 129° 49' 17" 2005-Jan-1 2014-Dec-31
451 106A05001 Commercial Outfitting Lodge Palmer Lake         64° 28' 18" 129° 36' 42" 2009-Jan-1 2028-Dec-31
452 106A09001 Commercial Outfitting Lodge McClure Lake         64° 32' 29" 128° 22' 10" 2005-Jan-1 2014-Dec-31
453 106A09002 Commercial Airstrip Near McClure Lake         64° 33' 3" 128° 22' 42" 2005-Jan-1 2014-Dec-31
454 106A11001 Commercial Outfitting Lodge Cache Creek         64° 38' 0" 129° 12' 15" 2005-Jan-1 2014-Dec-31
455 106A12001 Commercial Outfitting/Comm Camp Unnamed River         64° 37' 0" 129° 37' 0" 2009-Jan-1 2028-Dec-31
456 106A13001 Commercial Outfitting/Comm Camp Mountain River         64° 54' 0" 129° 55' 0" 2009-Jan-1 2028-Dec-31
457 106B02001 Commercial Outfitting/Comm Camp Unnamed Creek N.W. Mountain River         64° 13' 37" 130° 52' 22" 2010-Feb-1 2020-Jan-31
458 106B06001 Commercial Outpost Camp Unnamed Lake         64° 23' 3" 131° 0' 57" 2010-May-1 2013-Jun-30
459 106B07001 Commercial Outfitting/Comm Camp Dusty Lake         64° 16' 0" 130° 31' 0" 2009-Jan-1 2028-Dec-31
460 106B08001 Commercial Outfitting/Comm Camp Stone Knife River         64° 27' 1" 130° 12' 3" 2010-Feb-1 2020-Jan-31
461 106B10001 Commercial Outpost Camp Mackenzie Mountain Area         64° 43' 10" 130° 44' 13" 2005-Aug-1 2013-Jun-30
462 106B12002 Commercial Outpost Camp Near Orthogonal River         64° 40' 29" 131° 47' 51" 2010-May-1 2013-Jun-30
463 106B12003 Commercial Outpost Camp Arctic Red River         64° 32' 29" 131° 31' 0" 2010-May-1 2013-Jun-30
464 106H01001 Private/
Hunting and Fishing Doris Lake         65° 10' 30" 128° 19' 1" 2013-Jun-1 2023-May-31
465 106I01003 Private/
Cottage SouthEast of Fort Good Hope         66° 10' 51" 128° 21' 57" 2012-Aug-1 2017-Jul-31
466 106J16001 Private/
Traditional Use Grandview, Mackenzie River         66° 45' 39" 130° 4' 42" 1998-Dec-1 2013-Nov-30
467 075M06001 Commercial Outfitting Camp Lac du Rocher         63° 28' 42" 111° 24' 49" 2011-Feb-1 2021-Jan-31
468 075M13003 Utility Microwave Site Mackay Lake         63° 47' 28" 111° 52' 24" 2006-Sep-1 2026-Aug-31
469 075M14001 Commercial Fishing Lodge Warburton Bay         63° 45' 1" 110° 27' 0" 2009-Nov-1 2029-Oct-31
470 075M15001 Commercial Fishing Lodge Mackay Lake         63° 51' 29" 110° 35' 12" 2009-Nov-1 2029-Oct-31
471 075M15003 Commercial Airstrip Mackay Lake         63° 51' 29" 110° 35' 12" 2009-Nov-1 2029-Oct-31
472 075O05002 Commercial Outfitting Camp NE of Artillery Lake, NT         63° 27' 18" 107° 32' 3" 1998-Jun-1 2013-May-31
473 076C01001 Commercial Fishing Lodge Rocknest Bay, Aylmer Lake         64° 10' 0" 108° 8' 0" 2012-Dec-1 2032-Nov-30
474 076C05001 Commercial Outfitting Lodge Thonokied Lake, NT         64° 24' 51" 109° 35' 54" 2011-Sep-1 2021-Aug-31
475 076C12001 Commercial Outpost Camp Lac de Gras (East)         64° 32' 21" 109° 59' 48" 1999-Mar-1 2019-Feb-28
476 076D01002 Commercial Outpost Camp Mackay Lake         64° 2' 34" 110° 23' 22" 2012-Apr-1 2029-Oct-31
477 076D02001 Utility Microwave Site Courageous Lake         64° 14' 35" 110° 56' 48" 2006-Sep-1 2026-Aug-31
478 076D03005 Commercial Outfitting Lodge Courageous Lake         62° 8' 34" 111° 16' 44" 2010-Oct-1 2020-Sep-30
479 076D03006 Commercial Tourist Facility Matthews Lake         64° 6' 8" 111° 15' 29" 2005-May-1 2015-Apr-30
480 076D04002 Commercial Tourist Facility Jolly Lake         64° 7' 14" 111° 46' 44" 2012-Aug-1 2022-Jul-31
481 076D07001 Commercial Outpost Camp Lac de Gras         64° 22' 0" 110° 52' 0" 1999-Mar-1 2019-Feb-28
482 076D11001 Commercial Outpost Camp Lac de Gras (West)         64° 34' 49" 111° 11' 51" 1999-Mar-1 2019-Feb-28
483 076D12001 Commercial Outfitting Camp Lake Providence         64° 42' 29" 111° 51' 24" 2008-Jan-1 2017-Dec-31
484 076D12002 Commercial Outpost Camp N Shore Desteffany Lake         64° 38' 19" 111° 48' 39" 2008-Sep-1 2018-Aug-31
485 085I02001 Commercial Fishing Lodge Blatchford Lake         62° 9' 53" 112° 40' 49" 2008-Dec-1 2023-Nov-30
486 085I04001 Private/
Cottage Drybones Bay         62° 8' 9" 113° 48' 41" 2011-May-1 2016-Apr-30
487 085I05001 Private/
Cottage Pickerel Lake 330   62776 1200 62° 29' 44" 113° 31' 13" 2009-Sep-1 2039-Aug-31
488 085I05002 Private/
Cottage Pickerel Lake 325   62776 1200 62° 29' 36" 113° 30' 56" 2003-Oct-1 2028-Sep-30
489 085I05003 Private/
Cottage Pickerel Lake 328   62776 1200 62° 29' 40" 113° 31' 5" 2009-Sep-1 2039-Aug-31
490 085I05004 Private/
Cottage Pickerel Lake 324   62776 1200 62° 29' 35" 113° 30' 49" 2003-Oct-1 2033-Sep-30
491 085I05006 Private/
Cottage Pickerel Lake 327   62776 1200 62° 29' 38" 113° 31' 2" 2007-Jun-1 2037-May-31
492 085I05007 Private/
Cottage Pickerel Lake 323   62776 1200 62° 29' 35" 113° 30' 53" 2009-Aug-1 2039-Jul-31
493 085I05008 Private/
Cottage Cameron River 1006   69251 1660 62° 29' 29" 113° 31' 46" 2012-Jun-1 2042-May-31
494 085I05009 Private/
Cottage Pickerel Lake 322   62776 1200 62° 29' 34" 113° 30' 52" 2003-Oct-1 2033-Sep-30
495 085I05010 Private/
Cottage Pickerel Lake 332   62776 1200 62° 29' 43" 113° 31' 23" 2011-Jun-1 2041-May-31
496 085I05011 Private/
Cottage Cameron River 1007   69251 1660 62° 29' 28" 113° 31' 51" 1985-Oct-1 2015-Sep-30
497 085I05012 Commercial Healing Camp Cameron River         62° 29' 21" 113° 30' 42" 2011-Mar-1 2031-Feb-28
498 085I05013 Private/
Cottage Cameron River 1005   69251 1660 62° 29' 30" 113° 31' 42" 1985-Feb-1 2015-Jan-31
499 085I05016 Private/
Cottage Cameron River 1008   69251 1660 62° 29' 28" 113° 31' 53" 1985-Oct-1 2015-Sep-30
500 085I05017 Private/
Cottage Pickerel Lake 326   62776 1200 62° 29' 36" 113° 31' 0" 2011-Jul-1 2041-Jun-30
501 085I05018 Private/
Cottage Pickerel Lake 1004   67190 1398 62° 29' 31" 113° 31' 16" 2010-Aug-1 2040-Jul-31
502 085I05019 Private/
Cottage Pickerel Lake 1003   67190 1398 62° 29' 32" 113° 30' 13" 2010-Aug-1 2040-Jul-31
503 085I05020 Private/
Cottage Pickerel Lake 1002   67190 1398 62° 29' 31" 113° 29' 59" 2010-Aug-1 2040-Jul-31
504 085I05021 Private/
Cottage Defeat Lake 1013
  81963 3323 62° 25' 0" 113° 37' 0" 1999-May-1 2029-Apr-30
505 085I05022 Private/
Cottage Pickerel Lake 331   62776 1200 62° 29' 44" 113° 31' 17" 2011-Jul-1 2041-Jun-30
506 085I06001 Private/
Cottage Reid Lake 1003   65769 1315 62° 28' 0" 113° 24' 16" 2011-Jul-1 2041-Jun-30
507 085I06002 Private/
Cottage Reid Lake 1014   66508 1356 62° 28' 44" 113° 24' 51" 1984-May-1 2014-Apr-30
508 085I06003 Private/
Cottage Reid Lake 1005   65769 1315 62° 28' 0" 113° 24' 22" 1984-May-1 2014-Apr-30
509 085I06004 Private/
Cottage Reid Lake 1009   66408 1350 62° 27' 52" 113° 22' 39" 2011-Jul-1 2041-Jun-30
510 085I06005 Private/
Cottage Reid Lake 1012   66508 1356 62° 28' 48" 113° 24' 56" 2012-Aug-1 2042-Jul-31
511 085I06006 Private/
Cottage Reid Lake 1010   66408 1350 62° 28' 0" 113° 24' 19" 2011-Jul-1 2041-Jun-30
512 085I06007 Private/
Cottage Reid Lake 1001   65769 1315 62° 28' 0" 113° 25' 0" 2012-Aug-1 2042-Jul-31
513 085I06008 Private/
Cottage Reid Lake 1002   65769 1315 62° 28' 0" 113° 24' 0" 2008-Sep-1 2038-Aug-31
514 085I06009 Private/
Cottage Reid Lake 1004   65769 1315 62° 28' 0" 113° 24' 0" 2010-Aug-1 2040-Jul-31
515 085I06010 Private/
Cottage Reid Lake 1015   66508 1356 62° 28' 42" 113° 24' 53" 2012-Aug-1 2042-Jul-31
516 085I06012 Private/
Cottage Reid Lake 1008   66408 1350 62° 28' 0" 113° 22' 0" 2010-Aug-1 2040-Jul-31
517 085I06014 Private/
Cottage Reid Lake 1013   66508 1356 62° 28' 46" 113° 24' 53" 1985-Jul-1 2014-Jun-30
518 085I06015 Private/
Cottage Pickerel Lake 1001   67190 1398 62° 29' 31" 113° 29' 56" 1984-May-1 2014-Apr-30
519 085I06016 Private/
Youth Camp Pickerel Lake         62° 29' 0" 113° 29' 0" 2010-Jan-1 2019-Dec-31
520 085I06019 Commercial Fishing Lodge Harding Lake         62° 25' 5" 113° 21' 7" 2002-Jan-1 2021-Dec-31
521 085I06026 Commercial Fishing Lodge Watta Lake         62° 16' 35" 113° 6' 0" 2002-Jan-1 2021-Dec-31
522 085I06027 Commercial Fishing Lodge Hearne Lake         62° 20' 26" 113° 5' 34" 2010-Jul-1 2025-Jun-30
523 085I06034 Private/
Hunting and Fishing Harding Lake         62° 19' 41" 113° 20' 56" 2011-Nov-1 2016-Oct-31
524 085I07001 Private/
Cottage Consolation Lake         62° 29' 13" 112° 58' 24" 2010-Sep-1 2015-Aug-31
525 085I07003 Private/
Hunting and Fishing Campbell Lake         62° 20' 49" 112° 53' 0" 2009-Feb-1 2014-Jan-31
526 085I07004 Private/
Hunting and Fishing Cleft Lake         62° 30' 3" 112° 47' 0" 2013-Aug-1 2018-Jul-31
527 085I10002 Private/
Cottage N Shore Consolation Lake         62° 31' 18" 112° 55' 18" 2010-Jan-1 2014-Dec-31
528 085I10003 Private/
Cottage N Shore Consolation Lake         62° 31' 50" 112° 55' 41" 2013-Sep-1 2018-Aug-31
529 085I10004 Private/
Cottage S Shore Consolation Lake         62° 31' 0" 112° 52' 0" 1994-Sep-1 2024-Aug-31
530 085I11001 Private/
Cottage Tibbitt Lake 1006   68039 1491 62° 33' 0" 113° 22' 0" 1984-May-1 2014-Apr-30
531 085I11004 Private/
Cottage Tibbitt Lake 1001   68039 1491 62° 33' 9" 113° 21' 42" 1986-Aug-1 2013-Jul-31
532 085I11005 Private/
Cottage Tibbit Lake 1002   68039 1491 62° 33' 8" 113° 21' 43" 2012-Aug-1 2042-Jul-31
533 085I11006 Private/
Cottage Tibbitt Lake 1003   68039 1491 62° 33' 6" 113° 21' 46" 2012-Aug-1 2042-Jul-31
534 085I11007 Private/
Cottage Tibbitt Lake 1005   68039 1491 62° 33' 0" 113° 21' 58" 2012-Dec-1 2042-Nov-30
535 085I11008 Private/
Cottage Tibbitt Lake 1007   68039 1491 62° 32' 58" 113° 22' 4" 2012-Aug-1 2042-Jul-31
536 085I11009 Private/
Cottage Tibbitt Lake 1009   68040 1492 62° 32' 49" 113° 20' 39" 2012-Aug-1 2042-Jul-31
537 085I11011 Private/
Cottage Tibbitt Lake 1011   68040 1492 62° 32' 44" 113° 20' 34" 2012-Aug-1 2042-Jul-31
538 085I11013 Private/
Cottage Tibbitt Lake 1022   68852 1590 62° 33' 33" 113° 20' 47" 1984-May-1 2014-Apr-30
539 085I11014 Private/
Cottage Tibbitt Lake 1023   68852 1590 62° 33' 30" 113° 20' 47" 1984-May-1 2014-Apr-30
540 085I11015 Private/
Cottage Tibbitt Lake 1024   68852 1590 62° 33' 28" 113° 20' 47" 1984-May-1 2014-Apr-30
541 085I11017 Private/
Cottage Tibbitt Lake 1026   68852 1590 62° 33' 0" 113° 21' 0" 1984-May-1 2014-Apr-30
542 085I11023 Private/
Cottage Peninsula Lake 1019   68854 1592 62° 31' 34" 113° 22' 4" 1984-May-1 2014-Apr-30
543 085I12001 Private/
Cottage Pontoon Lake 6   62974 1215 62° 32' 43" 113° 58' 19" 2009-Sep-1 2039-Aug-31
544 085I12003 Private/
Cottage Pontoon Lake 2   62974 1215 62° 32' 34" 113° 58' 17" 2006-Jan-1 2035-Dec-31
545 085I12004 Private/
Cottage Pontoon Lake 1000   65766 1317 62° 32' 48" 113° 58' 28" 2011-Jul-1 2041-Jun-30
546 085I12005 Private/
Cottage Pontoon Lake 9   62974 1215 62° 32' 47" 113° 58' 32" 2008-Mar-1 2038-Feb-28
547 085I12006 Private/
Cottage Pontoon Lake 7   62974 1215 62° 32' 46" 113° 58' 25" 2007-Jun-1 2037-May-31
548 085I12007 Private/
Cottage Pontoon Lake 5   62974 1215 62° 32' 41" 113° 58' 18" 2007-Jun-1 2037-May-31
549 085I12008 Private/
Cottage Pontoon Lake 11   62974 1215 62° 32' 47" 113° 58' 40" 2007-Jun-1 2037-May-31
550 085I12009 Private/
Cottage Pontoon Lake 1   62974 1215 62° 32' 33" 113° 58' 19" 2007-Jun-1 2037-May-31
551 085I12010 Private/
Cottage Pontoon Lake 4   62974 1215 62° 32' 39" 113° 58' 18" 2007-Jun-1 2037-May-31
552 085I12011 Private/
Cottage Pontoon Lake 1002   65766 1317 62° 32' 53" 113° 58' 23" 2009-Sep-1 2039-Aug-31
553 085I12012 Private/
Cottage Pontoon Lake 12   62974 1215 62° 32' 45" 113° 58' 46" 2010-Aug-1 2040-Jul-31
554 085I12013 Private/
Cottage Pontoon Lake 3   62974 1215 62° 32' 36" 113° 58' 16" 1984-May-1 2014-Apr-30
555 085I12015 Private/
Cottage Small Lake 1033   65768 1318 62° 31' 10" 113° 50' 24" 2012-Aug-1 2042-Jul-31
556 085I12016 Private/
Cottage Small Lake 1037   65768 1318 62° 30' 56" 113° 48' 35" 2008-Sep-1 2038-Aug-31
557 085I12017 Private/
Cottage Small Lake 1036   65768 1318 62° 30' 57" 113° 48' 34" 2008-Sep-1 2038-Aug-31
558 085I12018 Private/
Cottage Small Lake 1034   65768 1318 62° 31' 8" 113° 50' 18" 2008-Sep-1 2038-Aug-31
559 085I12019 Private/
Cottage Unnamed Lake 1092   69252 1659 62° 31' 16" 113° 49' 46" 1984-Dec-1 2014-Nov-30
560 085I12020 Private/
Cottage Prelude Lake 1050   65343 1290 62° 34' 35" 113° 52' 22" 2008-Sep-1 2038-Aug-31
561 085I12021 Private/
Cottage Prelude Lake 1042   65342 1289 62° 35' 27" 113° 54' 34" 2008-Sep-1 2038-Aug-31
562 085I12022 Private/
Cottage Prelude Lake 1046   65343 1290 62° 34' 46" 113° 52' 18" 2011-Jul-1 2041-Jun-30
563 085I12023 Private/
Cottage Prelude Lake 1039   65342 1289 62° 35' 29" 113° 54' 46" 2008-Sep-1 2038-Aug-31
564 085I12024 Private/
Cottage Prelude Lake 1049   65343 1290 62° 34' 38" 113° 52' 22" 2008-Sep-1 2038-Aug-31
565 085I12025 Private/
Cottage Prelude Lake 1040   65342 1289 62° 34' 29" 113° 54' 44" 2008-Sep-1 2038-Aug-31
566 085I12026 Private/
Cottage Prelude Lake 1043   65342 1289 62° 35' 27" 113° 54' 28" 2010-Aug-1 2040-Jul-31
567 085I12027 Private/
Cottage Prelude Lake 1045   65343 1290 62° 34' 46" 113° 52' 19" 2010-Aug-1 2040-Jul-31
568 085I12028 Private/
Cottage Prelude Lake 342   62512 1149 62° 33' 31" 113° 57' 2" 2007-Jun-1 2037-May-31
569 085I12029 Private/
Cottage Prelude Lake 350   62512 1149 62° 33' 33" 113° 56' 35" 2007-Jun-1 2037-May-31
570 085I12030 Private/
Cottage Prelude Lake 1065   66417 1352 62° 33' 0" 113° 55' 0" 2005-Dec-1 2035-Nov-30
571 085I12031 Private/
Cottage Prelude Lake 346   62512 1149 62° 33' 27" 113° 56' 28" 2006-May-1 2036-Apr-30
572 085I12032 Private/
Cottage Prelude Lake 1095   69392 1689 62° 36' 0" 113° 57' 0" 1984-Nov-1 2014-Oct-31
573 085I12034 Private/
Cottage Prelude Lake 1064   65994 1325 62° 33' 27" 113° 56' 50" 2005-Sep-1 2035-Aug-31
574 085I12035 Private/
Cottage Prelude Lake 1015   65767 1316 62° 33' 0" 113° 55' 0" 2008-Sep-1 2038-Aug-31
575 085I12036 Private/
Cottage Prelude Lake 1017   65767 1316 62° 33' 0" 113° 55' 0" 2008-Sep-1 2038-Aug-31
576 085I12037 Private/
Cottage Prelude Lake 338   62512 1149 62° 33' 0" 113° 57' 0" 2006-Apr-1 2036-Mar-31
577 085I12038 Private/
Cottage Prelude Lake 1006   65767 1316 62° 33' 0" 113° 58' 0" 2006-Sep-1 2036-Aug-31
578 085I12039 Private/
Cottage Ridge Lake 1029   65341 1288 62° 31' 0" 113° 52' 0" 2012-Aug-1 2042-Jul-31
579 085I12040 Private/
Cottage Prelude Lake 336   62512 1149 62° 33' 0" 113° 57' 0" 2006-Apr-1 2036-Mar-31
580 085I12041 Private/
Cottage Prelude Lake 1013   65767 1316 62° 33' 0" 113° 55' 0" 2008-Sep-1 2038-Aug-31
581 085I12042 Private/
Cottage Prelude Lake East 1107   71781 1994 62° 33' 0" 113° 55' 0" 2006-Jun-1 2036-May-31
582 085I12043 Private/
Cottage Prelude Lake East 1003   65767 1316 62° 33' 0" 113° 55' 0" 2012-Aug-1 2042-Jul-31
583 085I12044 Private/
Cottage Prelude Lake East 353   62512 1149 62° 33' 32" 113° 56' 30" 2005-Jun-1 2035-May-31
584 085I12045 Private/
Cottage Prelude Lake 341   62512 1149 62° 33' 0" 113° 57' 0" 2011-Sep-1 2041-Aug-31
585 085I12046 Private/
Cottage Prelude Lake South 335   62512 1149 62° 33' 0" 113° 0' 0" 2010-Oct-1 2040-Sep-30
586 085I12047 Private/
Cottage Prelude Lake East 1016   65767 1316 62° 33' 0" 113° 56' 0" 2008-Sep-1 2038-Aug-31
587 085I12048 Private/
Cottage Prelude Lake East Extension 1010   65767 1316 62° 33' 0" 113° 55' 0" 2008-Sep-1 2038-Aug-31
588 085I12049 Private/
Cottage Prelude Lake 354   62512 1149 62° 33' 31" 113° 56' 26" 2006-Jun-1 2036-May-31
589 085I12050 Private/
Cottage Prelude Lake East 1014   65767 1316 62° 33' 0" 113° 55' 0" 2008-Sep-1 2038-Aug-31
590 085I12051 Private/
Cottage Prelude Lake South 351   62512 1149 62° 33' 36" 113° 56' 34" 2007-Jun-1 2037-May-31
591 085I12052 Private/
Cottage Prelude Lake South 337   62512 1149 62° 33' 0" 113° 57' 0" 2007-Jun-1 2037-May-31
592 085I12053 Private/
Cottage Prelude Lake South 343   62512 1149 62° 33' 30" 113° 56' 59" 2010-Aug-1 2040-Jul-31
593 085I12055 Private/
Cottage Prelude Lake 1004   65767 1316 62° 33' 0" 113° 55' 0" 2010-Aug-1 2040-Jul-31
594 085I12056 Private/
Cottage Prelude Lake East 1012   65767 1316 62° 34' 18" 113° 51' 59" 2010-Aug-1 2040-Jul-31
595 085I12057 Private/
Cottage Ridge Lake 1028   65341 1288 62° 31' 0" 113° 52' 0" 1984-May-1 2014-Apr-30
596 085I12058 Private/
Cottage Highway #4 1091   69249 1655 62° 31' 0" 113° 52' 0" 1985-Apr-1 2015-Mar-31
597 085I12059 Private/
Cottage Prelude Lake South 1058
unsurveyed land
  66282 1337 62° 33' 0" 113° 54' 0" 2005-Jun-1 2030-May-31
598 085I12060 Private/
Cottage Prelude Lake SouthEast 1019   65339 1292 62° 33' 0" 113° 55' 0" 2008-Sep-1 2038-Aug-31
599 085I12061 Private/
Cottage Prelude Lake South 1060   66282 1337 62° 31' 0" 113° 54' 0" 1994-Jun-1 2024-May-31
600 085I12062 Private/
Cottage Prelude Lake South 1056   66282 1337 62° 33' 0" 113° 54' 0" 2003-Aug-1 2033-Jul-31
601 085I12063 Private/
Cottage Prelude Lake East 347   62512 1149 62° 33' 27" 113° 56' 33" 2006-Jun-1 2036-May-31
602 085I12064 Private/
Cottage Ridge Lake 1030   65341 1288 62° 32' 0" 113° 52' 0" 2008-Sep-1 2038-Aug-31
603 085I12065 Private/
Cottage Prelude Lake SouthEast 1023   65340 1291 62° 33' 0" 113° 52' 0" 2008-Sep-1 2038-Aug-31
604 085I12066 Private/
Cottage Prelude Lake South 339   62512 1149 62° 33' 0" 113° 57' 0" 2004-Sep-1 2029-Aug-31
605 085I12067 Private/
Cottage Ridge Cottage Subdivision 1031   65341 1288 62° 33' 0" 113° 55' 0" 2010-Sep-1 2040-Aug-31
606 085I12068 Private/
Cottage Prelude Lake SouthEast 1020   65339 1292 62° 33' 0" 113° 55' 0" 2008-Sep-1 2038-Aug-31
607 085I12069 Private/
Cottage Prelude Lake SouthEast 1062   66282 1337 62° 33' 0" 113° 52' 0" 2012-Aug-1 2042-Jul-31
608 085I12070 Private/
Cottage Prelude Lake 1099   69394 1683 62° 34' 36" 113° 53' 14" 1985-May-1 2015-Apr-30
609 085I12071 Private/
Cottage Prelude Lake 1052   65767 1316 62° 33' 29" 113° 56' 35" 1995-Jul-15 2025-Jul-14
610 085I12074 Private/
Cottage Prelude Lake 1063   66282 1337 62° 33' 0" 113° 57' 0" 2005-Oct-1 2035-Sep-30
611 085I12075 Private/
Cottage Prelude Lake East 1009   65767 1316 62° 33' 35" 113° 55' 51" 2008-Sep-1 2038-Aug-31
612 085I12080 Private/
Org. Campsite Prelude Lake 1103   70015 1762 62° 33' 48" 113° 59' 14" 2004-Oct-1 2032-Sep-30
613 085I12081 Private/
Cottage Prelude Lake 1098   69394 1683 62° 34' 46" 113° 53' 43" 1985-Apr-1 2015-Mar-31
614 085I12082 Private/
Cottage Prelude Lake         62° 31' 0" 113° 46' 0" 2008-Mar-1 2018-Feb-28
615 085I12083 Private/
Cottage Prelude Lake 1097   69393 1690 62° 35' 29" 113° 55' 37" 1985-Jul-1 2015-Jun-30
616 085I12084 Private/
Cottage Prelude Lake 1093   69390 1687 62° 35' 8" 113° 58' 1" 1985-Sep-1 2015-Aug-31
617 085I12118 Private/
Cottage Prelude Lake 1075   68130 1527 62° 33' 0" 113° 55' 0" 2013-Jan-1 2042-Dec-31
618 085I12121 Private/
Cottage Prelude Lake 1094   69391 1688 62° 35' 49" 113° 57' 25" 1985-Nov-1 2015-Oct-31
619 085I12123 Private/
Cottage Pontoon Lake 8   62974 1215 62° 32' 45" 113° 58' 28" 2007-Jun-1 2037-May-31
620 085I12124 Private/
Cottage Prelude Lake 1025   65340 1291 62° 33' 0" 113° 52' 0" 2010-Nov-1 2040-Oct-31
621 085I12125 Private/
Cottage Prelude Lake 1041   65342 1289 62° 35' 27" 113° 54' 38" 2005-Aug-1 2035-Jul-31
622 085I12126 Private/
Cottage Prelude Lake East 1008   65767 1316 62° 33' 0" 113° 55' 0" 2010-Aug-1 2040-Jul-31
623 085I12128 Private/
Cottage Prelude Lake 1096   69392 1689 62° 34' 0" 113° 58' 0" 1985-Jul-1 2015-Jun-30
624 085I12131 Private/
Cottage Prelude Lake 1074   68130 1527 62° 33' 0" 113° 55' 0" 2013-Jan-1 2042-Dec-31
625 085I12132 Private/
Cottage Prelude Lake 344   62512 1149 62° 33' 28" 113° 56' 56" 2011-Jul-1 2041-Jun-30
626 085I12133 Private/
Cottage Prelude Lake 1053   65767 1316 62° 33' 31" 113° 56' 38" 2011-Jul-1 2041-Jun-30
627 085I12134 Private/
Cottage Prelude Lake East 1005   65767 1316 62° 33' 0" 113° 55' 0" 2011-Jul-1 2041-Jun-30
628 085I12135 Private/
Cottage Ridge Lake 1027   65341 1288 62° 31' 0" 113° 52' 0" 1984-May-1 2014-Apr-30
629 085I12136 Private/
Cottage Prelude Lake 1022   65340 1291 62° 34' 0" 113° 58' 0" 2011-Jul-1 2041-Jun-30
630 085I12137 Private/
Cottage Prelude Lake 1024   65340 1291 62° 33' 0" 113° 49' 0" 1987-May-1 2014-Apr-30
631 085I12138 Private/
Cottage Prelude Lake 1047   65343 1290 62° 34' 44" 113° 52' 18" 2011-Jul-1 2041-Jun-30
632 085I12144 Private/
Cottage Prelude Lake 1011   65767 1316 62° 34' 0" 113° 58' 0" 2010-Aug-1 2040-Jul-31
633 085I12147 Private/
Cottage Prelude Lake 1077   68130 1527 62° 33' 0" 113° 55' 0" 2006-Aug-1 2036-Jul-31
634 085I12149 Private/
Cottage Prelude Lake 1079   68130 1527 62° 33' 0" 113° 55' 0" 2012-Aug-1 2042-Jul-31
635 085I12150 Private/
Cottage Prelude Lake 1080   68130 1527 62° 33' 0" 113° 55' 0" 2012-Aug-1 2042-Jul-31
636 085I12151 Private/
Cottage Prelude Lake 1082   68130 1527 62° 33' 0" 113° 55' 0" 2011-Sep-1 2041-Aug-31
637 085I12153 Private/
Cottage Prelude Lake East 1084   68130 1527 62° 33' 0" 113° 55' 0" 2012-Aug-1 2042-Jul-31
638 085I12154 Private/
Cottage Prelude Lake 1085   68130 1527 62° 33' 0" 113° 55' 0" 2012-Aug-1 2042-Jul-31
639 085I12156 Private/
Cottage Prelude Lake 1068   67930 1497 62° 34' 18" 113° 51' 59" 2005-Dec-1 2035-Nov-30
640 085I12158 Private/
Cottage Prelude Lake 1070   67930 1497 62° 34' 13" 113° 51' 51" 2012-Aug-1 2042-Jul-31
641 085I12159 Private/
Cottage Prelude Lake 1081   68130 1527 62° 33' 0" 113° 55' 0" 2012-Aug-1 2042-Jul-31
642 085I12160 Private/
Cottage Prelude Lake 1076   68130 1527 62° 33' 0" 113° 54' 0" 2012-Aug-1 2042-Jul-31
643 085I12161 Private/
Cottage Prelude Lake 1090   68853 1591 62° 33' 0" 113° 54' 0" 1984-May-1 2014-Apr-30
644 085I12162 Private/
Cottage Prelude Lake 1089   68853 1591 62° 33' 0" 113° 54' 0" 1984-May-1 2014-Apr-30
645 085I12163 Private/
Cottage Plant Lake         62° 31' 51" 113° 35' 18" 2010-Jan-1 2014-Dec-31
646 085I12164 Private/
Cottage Hidden Lake 1111   72450 2067 62° 34' 0" 113° 34' 0" 1990-Mar-1 2020-Feb-29
647 085I12168 Private/
Trapping Cabin S.E. Prelude Lake         62° 30' 53" 113° 46' 24" 2013-Feb-1 2023-Jan-31
648 085I12212 Private/
Hunting and Fishing Hidden Lake Area         62° 32' 2" 113° 31' 4" 2012-Dec-1 2017-Nov-30
649 085I12213 Private/
Hunting and Fishing Hidden Lake         62° 32' 8" 113° 30' 40" 2012-Dec-1 2017-Nov-30
650 085I12214 Private/
Hunting and Fishing Near Hidden Lake         62° 31' 19" 113° 30' 11" 2013-Jan-1 2017-Dec-31
651 085I12218 Private/
Hunting and Fishing Hidden Lake Area         62° 32' 26" 113° 30' 24" 2010-Apr-1 2015-Mar-31
652 085I12220 Private/
Hunting and Fishing Hidden Lake         62° 33' 10" 113° 31' 1" 2011-Sep-1 2016-Aug-31
653 085I12221 Private/
Hunting and Fishing Plant Lake         62° 31' 22" 113° 30' 42" 2012-Feb-1 2017-Jan-31
654 085I13001 Commercial Fishing Lodge Duncan and Graham Lakes         62° 53' 28" 113° 52' 4" 2002-Mar-1 2022-Feb-28
655 085I13002 Private/
Traditional Use North East Shore Wedge Lake         62° 52' 41" 113° 38' 28" 2009-Jan-1 2018-Dec-31
656 085I13004 Private/
Hunting and Fishing South of Wedge Lake         62° 46' 39" 113° 47' 55" 2012-Jun-1 2017-May-31
657 085I13005 Private/
Hunting and Fishing Duncan Lake         62° 56' 7" 113° 53' 59" 2009-Dec-1 2014-Nov-30
658 085I14007 Utility Microwave Site Paterson Lake         62° 53' 41" 113° 1' 31" 2006-Sep-1 2026-Aug-31
659 085I15001 Private/
Traditional Use Languish Lake         62° 46' 16" 112° 51' 29" 2005-Sep-1 2015-Aug-31
660 085J01003 Private/
Hunting and Fishing North of Pilot Islands         62° 14' 30" 114° 5' 44" 2010-Jul-1 2015-Jun-30
661 085J03001 Private/
Trapping Cabin McIver Bay, Great Slave Lake         62° 7' 58" 115° 3' 33" 2010-Jul-1 2015-Jun-30
662 085J06005 Private/
Cottage Whitebeach Point 1006   67191 1399 62° 28' 0" 115° 15' 0" 2010-Aug-1 2040-Jul-31
663 085J06019 Private/
Hunting and Fishing Chedabucto Lake         62° 23' 29" 115° 28' 13" 2013-Apr-1 2018-Mar-31
664 085J07005 Private/
Trapping Cabin Mile 8.5, Highway 3         62° 28' 31" 114° 41' 53" 2010-Jan-1 2019-Dec-31
665 085J07007 Private/
Hunting and Fishing KM 322.2, Highway #3         62° 28' 14" 114° 39' 30" 2011-Dec-1 2021-Nov-30
666 085J07009 Commercial Tourist Facility KM 318.6 HWY #3         62° 28' 48" 114° 43' 18" 2004-Aug-1 2014-Jul-31
667 085J07014 Private/
Traditional Use Highway #3         62° 28' 50" 114° 45' 2" 2010-Feb-1 2014-Jan-31
668 085J07015 Private/
Traditional Use KM 320.8, HWY #3         62° 29' 0" 114° 45' 18" 2009-Feb-1 2014-Jan-31
669 085J07016 Private/
Traditional Use KM 317.6, Highway #3         62° 28' 51" 114° 44' 35" 2011-Sep-1 2021-Aug-31
670 085J07018 Private/
Hunting and Fishing Island in Great Slave Lake         62° 21' 31" 114° 33' 32" 2009-Feb-1 2014-Jan-31
671 085J07019 Private/
Hunting and Fishing NWT HWY #3         62° 28' 5" 114° 39' 5" 2010-May-1 2015-Apr-30
672 085J08013 Private/
Dock Yellowknife Adj
Lot 9
13 42394 170 62° 28' 6" 114° 20' 31" 2010-Nov-1 2020-Oct-31
673 085J08017 Commercial Dock Yellowknife         62° 27' 56" 114° 20' 42" 2005-Oct-1 2025-Sep-30
674 085J08064 Private/
Driveway Yellowknife         62° 27' 0" 114° 21' 0" 1994-Jun-1 2014-May-31
675 085J08083 Commercial Fish Camp Island in Great Slave Lake         62° 17' 48" 114° 15' 35" 2013-Jan-1 2022-Dec-31
676 085J08087 Commercial Dock Yellowknife Bay         62° 27' 0" 114° 22' 0" 1990-May-1 2020-Apr-30
677 085J08088 Commercial Dock Yellowknife ADJ
B     62° 27' 0" 114° 21' 0" 1990-May-1 2020-Apr-30
678 085J08092 Commercial Dock Yellowknife Bay         62° 27' 0" 114° 22' 0" 1994-Jan-1 2013-Dec-31
679 085J08130 Commercial Fish Camp Yellowknife         62° 17' 48" 114° 15' 30" 2012-Oct-1 2022-Sep-30
680 085J08133 Commercial Fishing Lodge Great Slave Lake         62° 22' 41" 114° 25' 23" 2001-Feb-1 2018-Jan-31
681 085J08135 Commercial Dock Yellowknife         62° 27' 38" 114° 21' 32" 1998-Nov-1 2018-Oct-31
682 085J08158 Private/
Residential N'Dilo L5040 PTN
  50638 254 62° 27' 0" 114° 21' 0" 1994-Sep-16 2024-Sep-15
683 085J08159 Commercial Boarding Home N'Dilo L4624 1 1000 73514 2169 62° 27' 0" 114° 21' 0" 1989-Sep-1 2019-Aug-31
684 085J08161 Private/
Hunting and Fishing Post Island, Great Slave Lake         62° 16' 48" 114° 15' 12" 2010-Mar-1 2020-Feb-29
685 085J08163 Private/
Traditional Use Great Slave Lake         62° 21' 54" 114° 25' 22" 2012-Feb-1 2022-Jan-31
686 085J08175 Commercial Day Use area Island Yellowknife Bay         62° 30' 11" 114° 20' 16" 2004-Feb-1 2014-Jan-31
687 085J08227 Public/
Community Use Dettah ptn
  51512 322 62° 25' 0" 114° 18' 0" 2008-Nov-1 2038-Oct-31
688 085J08238 Commercial Tourist Facility Island Yellowknife Bay         62° 22' 19" 114° 22' 1" 2011-May-1 2016-Apr-30
689 085J08248 Private/
Hunting and Fishing Island on Great Slave Lake         62° 20' 29" 114° 26' 45" 2013-May-1 2018-Apr-30
690 085J09004 Private/
Cottage Prosperous Lake 1053   69480 1697 62° 33' 0" 114° 9' 0" 1985-May-1 2015-Apr-30
691 085J09005 Private/
Cottage Prosperous Lake 1065   72105 2027 62° 37' 0" 114° 10' 0" 1989-Oct-1 2019-Sep-30
692 085J09006 Private/
Cottage Prosperous Lake 1052   69480 1697 62° 36' 0" 114° 12' 0" 1985-Aug-1 2015-Jul-31
693 085J09007 Private/
Org. Campsite West Shore Banting Lake         62° 37' 36" 114° 17' 57" 2013-Jan-1 2017-Dec-31
694 085J09008 Private/
Cottage Pontoon Lake 1043   69145 1637 62° 32' 46" 114° 0' 32" 1985-May-1 2015-Apr-30
695 085J09009 Private/
Cottage River Lake 1048   69397 1686 62° 36' 14" 114° 7' 44" 1985-Oct-1 2015-Sep-30
696 085J09011 Private/
Cottage Prosperous Lake 1049   69480 1697 62° 31' 0" 114° 9' 0" 1985-Apr-1 2015-Mar-31
697 085J09012 Private/
Cottage River Lake 1047   69396 1685 62° 35' 46" 114° 4' 48" 1984-Sep-1 2014-Aug-31
698 085J09013 Private/
Cottage Prelude Lake 1046   69395 1684 62° 34' 59" 114° 0' 48" 1985-Jul-1 2015-Jun-30
699 085J09014 Private/
Cottage Prosperous Lake 1050   69480 1697 62° 33' 0" 114° 9' 0" 1985-Apr-1 2015-Mar-31
700 085J09015 Private/
Cottage Prosperous Lake 1051   69480 1697 62° 33' 0" 114° 10' 0" 1985-Aug-1 2015-Jul-31
701 085J09016 Private/
Cottage Lot 1042 PCL "A" and "B" 1042   69144 1636 62° 32' 52" 114° 0' 57" 1983-Nov-1 2013-Oct-31
702 085J09025 Private/
Residential Madeline Lake 990   63105 1205 62° 32' 22" 114° 6' 0" 2005-Oct-1 2035-Sep-30
703 085J09026 Private/
Cottage Madeline Lake 954   59624 996 62° 32' 33" 114° 6' 6" 2006-Jul-1 2036-Jun-30
704 085J09029 Private/
Cottage Madeline Lake 949   59624 996 62° 32' 27" 114° 4' 55" 2006-Apr-1 2036-Mar-31
705 085J09030 Private/
Cottage Madeline Lake 956   59624 996 62° 32' 36" 114° 6' 6" 2006-Apr-1 2036-Mar-31
706 085J09031 Private/
Cottage Madeline Lake 963   59624 996 62° 33' 0" 114° 4' 0" 2007-Sep-1 2032-Aug-31
707 085J09032 Private/
Cottage Madeline Lake 953   59624 996 62° 32' 31" 114° 6' 3" 2006-Apr-1 2036-Mar-31
708 085J09033 Private/
Cottage Madeline Lake 960   59624 996 62° 33' 4" 114° 3' 24" 2012-Aug-1 2042-Jul-31
709 085J09037 Private/
Cottage Cameron River 1001   65951 1328 62° 34' 37" 114° 2' 53" 1990-Jan-1 2019-Dec-31
710 085J09038 Private/
Cottage North Bank Cameron River         62° 34' 49" 114° 3' 20" 2010-Dec-1 2015-Nov-30
711 085J09039 Private/
Cottage Cameron River 1002   65951 1328 62° 34' 37" 114° 2' 57" 2009-Sep-1 2039-Aug-31
712 085J09042 Private/
Cottage Cameron River 1003   65951 1328 62° 34' 38" 114° 2' 59" 2012-Jul-1 2042-Jun-30
713 085J09043 Private/
Cottage Prelude Lake L3500 1015   67302 1410 62° 35' 17" 114° 1' 28" 2010-Aug-1 2040-Jul-31
714 085J09045 Private/
Cottage Madeline Lake 958   59624 996 62° 33' 2" 114° 3' 19" 2010-Aug-1 2040-Jul-31
715 085J09046 Private/
Cottage Prelude Lake 1013   67302 1410 62° 35' 19" 114° 1' 32" 2010-Aug-1 2040-Jul-31
716 085J09047 Private/
Cottage Madeline Lake 1045   69253 1658 62° 32' 27" 114° 5' 59" 2011-May-1 2041-Apr-30
717 085J09049 Private/
Cottage River Lake 1021   67302 1410 62° 35' 42" 114° 6' 57" 1987-May-1 2014-Apr-30
718 085J09050 Private/
Cottage River Lake 1024   67302 1410 62° 36' 7" 114° 6' 6" 2012-Aug-1 2042-Jul-31
719 085J09051 Private/
Cottage River Lake 1025   67032 1410 62° 36' 6" 114° 6' 2" 2010-Aug-1 2040-Jul-31
720 085J09054 Private/
Cottage Pontoon Lake 1057   70201 1784 62° 33' 1" 114° 2' 8" 1984-Oct-1 2014-Sep-30
721 085J09058 Private/
Org. Campsite Pontoon Lake         62° 33' 0" 114° 1' 29" 2003-Nov-1 2013-Oct-31
722 085J09061 Private/
Cottage Prosperous Lake 1055   69480 1697 62° 34' 0" 114° 10' 0" 1984-Oct-1 2014-Sep-30
723 085J09063 Private/
Cottage River Lake 1026   67302 1410 62° 36' 9" 114° 6' 3" 2010-Aug-1 2040-Jul-31
724 085J09065 Private/
Cottage River Lake 1023   67302 1410 62° 35' 46" 114° 6' 52" 2011-Feb-1 2041-Jan-31
725 085J09066 Private/
Cottage River Lake 1022   67302 1410 62° 35' 44" 114° 6' 56" 2011-Feb-1 2041-Jan-31
726 085J09068 Private/
Cottage Madeline Lake 1044   69253 1658 62° 32' 40" 114° 6' 2" 2013-Feb-1 2043-Jan-31
727 085J09069 Private/
Cottage Madeline Lake 955   59624 996 62° 33' 0" 114° 4' 0" 2012-Aug-1 2042-Jul-31
728 085J09071 Private/
Cottage Madeline Lake 1064   70842 1872 62° 32' 28" 114° 6' 3" 2006-Feb-1 2036-Jan-31
729 085J09073 Private/
Cottage Prelude Lake 1014   67302 1410 62° 35' 18" 114° 1' 30" 2011-Jul-1 2041-Jun-30
730 085J09074 Private/
Cottage River Lake 1018   67302 1410 62° 36' 0" 114° 6' 0" 2013-Aug-1 2043-Jul-31
731 085J09081 Private/
Cottage River Lake 1063   70691 1843 62° 36' 2" 114° 4' 21" 1987-May-1 2017-Apr-30
732 085J09082 Private/
Cottage River Lake 1031   67931 1500 62° 35' 59" 114° 4' 17" 2012-Aug-1 2042-Jul-31
733 085J09083 Private/
Cottage River Lake 1032   67931 1500 62° 35' 58" 114° 4' 15" 2013-Feb-1 2043-Jan-31
734 085J09084 Private/
Cottage Prelude Lake Southwest 1034   67932 1506 62° 34' 22" 114° 1' 47" 2012-Aug-1 2042-Jul-31
735 085J09085 Private/
Cottage Prelude Lake 1036   67932 1506 62° 34' 0" 114° 1' 0" 2012-Aug-1 2042-Jul-31
736 085J09086 Private/
Cottage Prelude Lake 1033   67932 1506 62° 34' 21" 114° 1' 45" 2012-Aug-1 2042-Jul-31
737 085J09087 Private/
Cottage Prelude Lake 1035   67932 1506 62° 34' 22" 114° 1' 51" 1994-Aug-1 2024-Jul-31
738 085J09088 Private/
Cottage Madeline Lake 961   59624 996 62° 33' 5" 114° 3' 28" 2012-Aug-1 2042-Jul-31
739 085J09089 Private/
Trapping Cabin Ingraham Trail         62° 33' 21" 114° 2' 13" 2006-May-1 2016-Apr-30
740 085J09097 Private/
Hunting and Fishing North Shore of Beauregard Lake         62° 43' 15" 114° 20' 23" 2011-Jun-1 2021-May-31
741 085J09099 Private/
Hunting and Fishing Narcisse Lake         62° 43' 8" 114° 25' 5" 2009-Feb-1 2014-Jan-31
742 085J09103 Utility Communications Facil River Lake         62° 34' 10" 114° 1' 13" 2002-Sep-1 2032-Aug-31
743 085J09104 Private/
Hunting and Fishing Prosperous Lake         62° 36' 55" 114° 10' 2" 2009-Feb-1 2014-Jan-31
744 085J09105 Private/
Traditional Use Prosperous Lake         62° 39' 2" 114° 14' 26" 2009-Feb-1 2014-Jan-31
745 085J09106 Private/
Traditional Use Unnamed Lake         62° 33' 6" 114° 2' 28" 2009-Sep-1 2014-Aug-31
746 085J09107 Private/
Hunting and Fishing Narcisse Lake         62° 44' 58" 114° 29' 59" 2012-Nov-1 2017-Oct-31
747 085J09117 Private/
Hunting and Fishing Unnamed Lake North of Vital LK         62° 37' 42" 114° 27' 58" 2012-Nov-1 2017-Oct-31
748 085J09123 Private/
Hunting and Fishing Unnamed Lake West of Banting Lake         62° 37' 25" 114° 18' 52" 2012-Jul-1 2017-Jun-30
749 085J09125 Private/
Hunting and Fishing Unnamed Lake, near Duckfish Lake         62° 39' 0" 114° 28' 29" 2010-Mar-1 2015-Feb-28
750 085J09130 Private/
Hunting and Fishing Banting Lake         62° 38' 53" 114° 16' 42" 2012-May-1 2017-Apr-30
751 085J09133 Private/
Hunting and Fishing Narcisse Lake         62° 44' 21" 114° 27' 19" 2012-Dec-1 2017-Nov-30
752 085J09137 Private/
Hunting and Fishing Banting Lake         62° 38' 47" 114° 17' 21" 2011-Aug-1 2016-Jul-31
753 085J09138 Private/
Hunting and Fishing North West Walsh Lake         62° 36' 47" 114° 16' 18" 2012-Dec-1 2017-Nov-30
754 085J09140 Private/
Hunting and Fishing Banting Lake         62° 37' 8" 114° 17' 34" 2012-May-1 2017-Apr-30
755 085J09142 Private/
Hunting and Fishing Banting Lake         62° 37' 49" 114° 17' 20" 2012-Sep-1 2017-Aug-31
756 085J09143 Private/
Hunting and Fishing Banting Lake         62° 37' 31" 114° 17' 2" 2012-Sep-1 2017-Aug-31
757 085J09145 Private/
Hunting and Fishing North Shore of Walsh Lake         62° 37' 14" 114° 16' 8" 2013-Mar-1 2018-Feb-28
758 085J09146 Private/
Hunting and Fishing Prosperous Lake         62° 36' 24" 114° 8' 44" 2013-May-1 2018-Apr-30
759 085J09148 Private/
Hunting and Fishing Prosperous Lake         62° 38' 56" 114° 14' 20" 2013-Apr-1 2018-Mar-31
760 085J09150 Private/
Hunting and Fishing Prosperous Lake         62° 34' 0" 114° 10' 0" 2013-May-1 2018-Apr-30
761 085J09151 Private/
Hunting and Fishing Prosperous Lake         62° 36' 0" 114° 10' 0" 2013-May-1 2018-Apr-30
762 085J09153 Private/
Hunting and Fishing Prosperous Lake         62° 34' 38" 114° 10' 33" 2013-May-1 2018-Apr-30
763 085J09156 Private/
Hunting and Fishing Prosperous Lake         62° 35' 47" 114° 8' 52" 2013-Jun-1 2018-May-31
764 085J09158 Private/
Hunting and Fishing Prosperous Lake         62° 38' 46" 114° 14' 53" 2013-Jun-1 2018-May-31
765 085J10005 Private/
Residential Near Highway No. 3, Boundary Creek         64° 32' 9" 114° 58' 13" 2008-Jun-1 2018-May-31
766 085J10009 Private/
Trapping Cabin NWT Highway
No. 3
        62° 31' 0" 114° 48' 0" 2008-Jul-1 2018-Jun-30
767 085J10011 Private/
Traditional Use Highway #3
KM 314
        62° 30' 5" 114° 47' 38" 2009-Jun-1 2014-May-31
768 085J10031 Private/
Hunting and Fishing Unnamed Lake NW of Duckfish Lake         62° 40' 30" 114° 34' 54" 2012-Apr-1 2017-Mar-31
769 085J11003 Private/
Traditional Use KM. 294, Highway 3         62° 34' 0" 115° 7' 39" 2010-Aug-1 2015-Jul-31
770 085J11004 Utility Communications Facil Stagg Lake         62° 40' 0" 115° 24' 0" 1989-Nov-1 2019-Oct-31
771 085J11006 Private/
Traditional Use KM 290 HWY #3, 8 KM NW of Boundary CR.         62° 35' 11" 115° 11' 17" 2008-Nov-1 2018-Oct-31
772 085J15003 Private/
Cottage Awry Lake 87   61184 1116 62° 59' 59" 114° 52' 23" 2010-Aug-1 2040-Jul-31
773 085J15004 Private/
Cottage Awry Lake 88   61184 1116 62° 59' 55" 114° 52' 16" 2010-Aug-1 2040-Jul-31
774 085J15005 Private/
Cottage Awry Lake 90   61184 1116 62° 59' 52" 114° 52' 14" 2010-Aug-1 2040-Jul-31
775 085J15007 Private/
Cottage Awry Lake 86   61184 1116 62° 59' 59" 114° 52' 24" 2011-Jul-1 2041-Jun-30
776 085J15008 Private/
Cottage Awry Lake 89   61184 1116 62° 59' 53" 114° 52' 16" 2011-Jul-1 2041-Jun-30
777 085J15010 Private/
Emergency Shelter Narcisse Lake Area, NT         62° 45' 39" 114° 30' 24" 2010-Mar-1 2015-Feb-28
778 085J16006 Private/
Hunting and Fishing Short Point Lake         62° 46' 13" 114° 12' 36" 2008-Jan-1 2017-Dec-31
779 085J16011 Private/
Hunting and Fishing Quyta Lake, NT         62° 45' 19" 114° 18' 38" 2011-Jun-1 2016-May-31
780 085J16012 Private/
Hunting and Fishing Quyta Lake         62° 46' 54" 114° 17' 42" 2013-Sep-1 2018-Aug-31
781 085J16013 Private/
Hunting and Fishing Fishback Lake Area         62° 45' 7" 114° 26' 41" 2013-Jul-1 2018-Jun-30
782 085J16014 Private/
Hunting and Fishing Quyta Lake Area         62° 45' 58" 114° 20' 49" 2009-May-1 2014-Apr-30
783 085J16015 Private/
Hunting and Fishing Trout Lake Area         62° 48' 5" 114° 20' 34" 2009-Aug-1 2014-Jul-31
784 085J16016 Private/
Hunting and Fishing South End of Quyta Lake         62° 47' 21" 114° 17' 26" 2011-Dec-1 2016-Nov-30
785 085J16017 Private/
Hunting and Fishing Southerly Shore of Neck Lake         62° 48' 32" 114° 4' 41" 2010-Dec-1 2015-Nov-30
786 085J16018 Private/
Hunting and Fishing NE of Island Lake         62° 51' 11" 114° 2' 22" 2010-Dec-1 2015-Nov-30
787 085J16019 Private/
Hunting and Fishing Southwest of Trout Lake         62° 46' 53" 114° 22' 20" 2011-Jan-1 2015-Dec-31
788 085J16020 Private/
Hunting and Fishing Quyta Lake         62° 48' 34" 114° 13' 24" 2011-Aug-1 2016-Jul-31
789 085J16021 Private/
Hunting and Fishing Island on Quyta Lake         62° 47' 43" 114° 17' 7" 2012-Nov-1 2017-Oct-31
790 085N05003 Commercial Fishing Lodge Clemy Island Lac La Martre Lake         63° 22' 0" 117° 46' 0" 1992-Feb-1 2022-Jan-31
791 085N08006 Utility Hydro Dam Snare River p1004   81362   63° 25' 0" 116° 13' 0" 1994-Aug-1 2024-Jul-31
792 085O01004 Private/
Hunting and Fishing Johnston Lake         63° 0' 15" 114° 11' 54" 2009-May-1 2014-Apr-30
793 085P03001 Commercial Fishing Lodge Parcel A & B, Gordon Lake         63° 5' 40" 113° 7' 41" 2006-Jun-1 2036-May-31
794 085P03003 Private/
Traditional Use Gordon Lake         63° 2' 9" 113° 8' 21" 2011-Aug-1 2016-Jul-31
795 085P04005 Private/
Hunting and Fishing Thistlethwaite Lake         63° 10' 56" 113° 42' 3" 2012-Dec-1 2017-Nov-30
796 085P07003 Utility Microwave Site Brown Lake         63° 25' 58" 112° 37' 46" 2006-Sep-1 2026-Aug-31
797 086A10001 Commercial Outfitting Camp Little Martin Lake         64° 41' 30" 112° 58' 0" 1999-Jul-1 2019-Jun-30
798 086A12001 Commercial Outfitting Lodge NW Shore, Humpy Lake         64° 40' 8" 113° 30' 10" 2004-Jul-8 2014-Jul-7
799 086A13001 Commercial Outfitting Camp Whitewolf Lake         64° 56' 32" 113° 57' 56" 2011-Feb-1 2021-Jan-31
800 086A14001 Commercial Outfitting Camp Little Forehead Lake         64° 48' 10" 113° 13' 32" 2011-Sep-1 2021-Aug-31
801 086A16001 Commercial Outfitting Lodge Lake Providence         64° 53' 56" 112° 17' 36" 2008-Jan-1 2017-Dec-31
802 086E01001 Commercial Fishing Lodge Hottah Lake         65° 3' 0" 118° 24' 0" 2008-Nov-1 2028-Oct-31
803 086G08002 Private/
Cottage Redrock Lake         65° 25' 13" 114° 1' 33" 2011-Aug-1 2016-Jul-31
804 086G08005 Private/
Cottage Redrock Lake 1000   72541 2069 65° 29' 14" 114° 17' 5" 1991-Jul-1 2021-Jun-30
805 086G08006 Commercial Outfitting Lodge Point Lake         65° 21' 6" 114° 1' 52" 2008-Sep-1 2027-Aug-31
806 086H02001 Commercial Outpost Camp Point Lake         65° 8' 13" 112° 32' 27" 2001-Aug-1 2021-Jul-31
807 086H03001 Commercial Outpost Camp Point Lake         65° 8' 24" 112° 32' 25" 2001-Aug-1 2021-Jul-31
808 086H06001 Commercial Outpost Camp Point Lake         65° 21' 36" 113° 23' 54" 2001-Aug-1 2021-Jul-31

Part B – Remediated Sites

# Site Number Site Name FCSI Number Land Tenure Area Names Latitude (DMS) Longitude (DMS)
1 NM040 Bar D Atkinson Point 1007001 Federal Inuvialuit 69° 55' 30'' N 131° 24' 0'' W
2 NM068 Grand Roy Mines Camp (Alias = Camp Valley),
L-16 (Victoria Island)
407 Federal Inuvialuit 71° 36' 31'' N 113° 10' 37'' W
3 NM080 Kittigazuit Bay 1057001 Inuvialuit Lands Inuvialuit 69° 16' 56'' N 133° 54' 32'' W
4 NM081 Western Mining Co. Camp
(Kuuk River Area) L-21 (Victoria Island)
107 Federal Inuvialuit 71° 34' 57'' N 111° 56' 28'' W
5 NM115 Muskox Mines Syndicate Camp
(Camp Valley North, Victoria Island)
23549 Inuvialuit Lands Inuvialuit 71° 39' 11'' N 113° 20' 16'' W
6 NM116 Muskox Mines Airstrip 23550 Inuvialuit Lands Inuvialuit 71° 39' 39'' N 113° 15' 27'' W
7 NM128 Pin A – Pearce Point 23900 Annex R Inuvialuit 69° 48' 5'' N 122° 42' 25'' W
8 NM158 Victoria IS. Area # 21 (Exploration Camp) 125 Federal Inuvialuit 71° 52' 26'' N 112° 44' 34'' W
9 NM198 June Lake (Lower) 391 Federal Sahtu 63° 31' 4'' N 128° 40' 37'' W
10 NM210 Victoria Island L17 21 Inuvialuit Lands Inuvialuit 71° 55' 20'' N 113° 2' 36'' W
11 SM091 Axe Point 1055001 Federal Dehcho 61° 17' 30'' N 118° 41' 0'' W
12 SM215 Discovery Powerline 24100 Federal Akaitcho, Tlicho 63° 10' 58'' N 113° 53' 56'' W
13 SM456 Willow Lake/East 23765 Federal Tlicho 62° 48' 47'' N 118° 20' 56'' W
14 SM459 Russell Lake/Marian Lake Area 23742 Tlicho Lands Tlicho 63° 7' 3'' N 115° 52' 13'' W
15 SM479 Ingraham Trail KM 35.4 24083 Federal Akaitcho, Tlicho 62° 32' 22'' N 113° 53' 0'' W
16 NM214 Glacier Bay 24148 Federal Akaitcho, Sahtu 66° 5' 17'' N 118° 0' 3'' W

Part C – Excepted Waste Sites

# Site Number Site Name FCSI Number Land Tenure Area Names Latitude (DMS) Longitude (DMS)
1 SM210 Crestaurum Mine (Ryan Lake, Daigle Lake) 1023001 Federal other Akaitcho, Tlicho 62° 34' 50'' N 114° 21' 41'' W
2 SM272 Ptarmigan Mine (Treminco, Tom Mine) 23817 Federal other Akaitcho, Tlicho 62° 31' 9'' N 114° 11' 50'' W
3 SM294 Tin Mine (Cassidy Point, Star, Prosperous Lake) 23432 Federal other Akaitcho, Tlicho 62° 32' 57'' N 114° 10' 51'' W
4 SM281 Rod Mine (No.15 Vein; No.16 Vein; No.22 Vein;
No.11S Vein; R Group; Rodstrom Mines; Baker Lake)
23823 Federal other Akaitcho, Tlicho 62° 29' 58'' N 114° 26' 8'' W

Part D – Sites Requiring Remediation

# Site Number Site Name FCSI Number Land Tenure Area Names Latitude (DMS) Longitude (DMS)
1 NM041 Bar E – Horton River 1008001 Annex R Inuvialuit 70° 0' 50'' N 126° 57' 7'' W
2 NM079 Johnson Point 841 Federal Inuvialuit 72° 46' 24'' N 118° 29' 19'' W
3 NM179 Port Radium Mine/ElDorado Mine (Labine Point) 1046001 Federal Sahtu 66° 5' 8'' N 118° 2' 7'' W
4 SM214 Discovery Mine (Discovery Yellowknife Mines LTD.;
Consol Discovery YK Mines)
1024001 Federal Akaitcho, Tlicho 63° 11' 18'' N 113° 53' 50'' W
5 SM226 Hidden Lake Mine (Ragged Ass Mine) 1025001 Federal Akaitcho, Tlicho 62° 33' 18'' N 113° 30' 54'' W
6 SM245 North Inca Mine (North Inca) 1028001 Federal Akaitcho, Tlicho 64° 16' 25'' N 115° 12' 17'' W
7 SM275 Rayrock Mine (ROB Group; M.M. Group;
Island 2; beTA0
1031001 Federal Tlicho 63° 27' 0'' N 116° 32' 57'' W
8 SM461 Colomac Mine (Baton Lake, Indin Lake,
Goldcrest, Grizzly Bear )
1047001 Federal Akaitcho, Tlicho 64° 23' 57'' N 115° 5' 16'' W
9 SM473 Old Frobisher Wells-Hay River 23468 Federal Dehcho, Northwest Territory Metis Nation 60° 42' 31'' N 115° 53' 23'' W
10 NM180 Sawmill Bay/Great Bear Lake 403 Federal Sahtu 65° 43' 8'' N 118° 55' 58'' W
11 NM181 Terra # 1 (North Mine, Silver Bear Properties) 1010001 Federal Sahtu 65° 36' 16'' N 118° 7' 11'' W
12 NM182 Terra # 2 (Northrim Mine, Silver Bear Properties,
Silver Bay, White Eagle)
1011001 Federal Sahtu, Tlicho 65° 35' 47'' N 117° 58' 38'' W
13 NM183 Terra # 3 (Norex Mine, Silver Bear Properties;
Ceaser Silver)
1012001 Federal Sahtu, Tlicho 65° 35' 22'' N 117° 58' 12'' W
14 NM184 Terra # 4 (Smallwood Mine, Silver Bear Properties) 1013001 Federal Sahtu, Tlicho 65° 34' 56'' N 117° 56' 39'' W
15 NM203 Contact Lake Mine (International Uranium,
M Group, Sam, Kayo)
1051001 Federal Sahtu 65° 59' 37'' N 117° 48' 63'' W
16 NM204 El Bonanza Mine (Bonanza East, Bonanza Vein,
Spud Vein)
76 Federal Sahtu 66° 0' 15'' N 118° 4' 24'' W
17 NM211 Great Bear Lake Outfitter Camp 24139 Sahtu Lands Sahtu 65° 40' 38'' N 118° 29' 37'' W
18 NM219 Canol Trail – Mile 36 – Pump Station 2 24169 Federal Sahtu 64° 53' 55'' N 127° 15' 32'' W
19 NM220 Canol Trail – Mile 46 – Whore Hill Barrel Dump 24170 Federal Sahtu 64° 48' 39'' N 127° 8' 56'' W
20 NM221 Canol Trail – Mile 50 – Road Maintenance Camp –
Little Keele
24267 Federal Sahtu 64° 44' 54'' N 127° 7' 18'' W
21 NM222 Canol Trail – Mile 54.5 – Emergency Shelter 24268 Federal Sahtu 64° 44' 54'' N 127° 7' 18'' W
22 NM223 Canol Trail – Mile 68 – Blue Mountain Maintenance Camp 24269 Federal Sahtu 64° 42' 43'' N 127° 6' 24'' W
23 NM225 Canol Trail – Mile 80 – Road Maintenance Camp =
Plains of Abraham
24271 Federal Sahtu 64° 34' 18'' N 127° 43' 55'' W
24 NM226 Canol Trail – Mile 90 – Road Maintenance Camp –
Andy Creek
24272 Federal Sahtu 64° 30' 13'' N 127° 50' 42'' W
25 NM227 Canol Trail – Mile 100 – Road Maintenance Camp –
Bolstead Creek
24273 Federal Sahtu 64° 27' 4'' N 128° 3' 2'' W
26 NM228 Canol Trail – Mile 108 – Pump Station #4 24274 Federal Sahtu 64° 20' 27' N 128° 6' 6'' W
27 NM229 Canol Trail – Mile 118 – Potential Pipeline Oil Spill
and Emergency Shelter Site
24275 Federal Sahtu 64° 16' 17' N 128° 16' 10'' W
28 NM230 Canol Trail – Mile 131 – Maintenance Camp – Twitya River 24288 Sahtu Lands Sahtu 64° 8' 1'' N 128° 23' 12'' W
29 NM231 Canol Trail – Mile 131.3 – Pipeline Oil Spill Site 24287 Sahtu Lands Sahtu 64° 7' 51'' N 128° 23' 34'' W
30 NM232 Canol Trail – Mile 142 – Drum Cache/Pipeline Oil Spill 24276 Federal Sahtu 64° 3' 48'' N 128° 26' 52'' W
31 NM233 Canol Trail – Mile 150 – Vehicle Boneyard Site 24277 Federal Sahtu 64° 5' 6'' N 128° 27' 17'' W
32 NM234 Canol Trail – Mile 160 – Drum Cache 24278 Federal Sahtu 63° 57' 56'' N 128° 45' 34'' W
33 NM235 Canol Trail – Mile 170 – Pump Station #5 24279 Federal Sahtu 63° 44' 51'' N 128° 44' 51'' W
34 NM236 Canol Trail – Mile 184 – Vehicle Boneyard and Drums –
Ekwi River
24280 Federal Sahtu 63° 37' 26'' N 129° 0' 49'' W
35 NM237 Canol Trail – Mile 202 – Vehicle Boneyard 24281 Federal Sahtu 63° 28' 32'' N 129° 20' 12'' W
36 NM238 Canol Trail – Mile 204 – Former Camp and Drums 24282 Federal Sahtu 63° 26' 27'' N 129° 25' 5'' W
37 NM239 Canol Trail – Mile 208 – Pump Station #6 24283 Federal Sahtu 63° 25' 60'' N 129° 31' 1'' W
38 NM240 Canol Trail – Mile 212 – Drum Cache 24284 Federal Sahtu 63° 25' 28'' N 129° 33' 20'' W
39 NM241 Canol Trail – Mile 215 – Drum Cache in Pind 24285 Federal Sahtu 63° 22' 14'' N 129° 42' 5'' W
40 NM242 Canol Trail – Mile 222 – Camp and Vehicle Cache 24286 Federal Sahtu 63° 18' 58'' N 129° 49' 6'' W
41 NM243 Canol Trail – Mile 76 – Pump Station 3 25577 Federal Sahtu 64° 39' 14'' N 127° 37' 55'' W
42 SM034 FPC Tennco Root River I-60 23542 Federal Dehcho 62° 39' 32'' N 123° 24' 31'' W
43 SM102 Copper Pass Mine-Hearne Channel (Sachowia Lake) 387 Federal Akaitcho, Tlicho 62° 24' 56'' N 111° 51' 12'' W
44 SM160 O'Connor Lake (American Yellowknife Mine; MWK No.1 Vein) 386 Federal Akaitcho, Northwest Territory Metis Nation 61° 20' 36'' N 111° 47' 29'' W
45 SM169 Rocher River 23545 Federal Akaitcho, Northwest Territory Metis Nation 61° 23' 6'' N 112° 44' 34'' W
46 SM183 Stark Lake (NIP) 24144 Federal Akaitcho, Northwest Territory Metis Nation 62° 26' 308'' N 110° 18' 41'' W
47 SM194 Wilson Island (Aurous Gold Mine; Victory; Big Moose; Big Bear.) 23845 Federal Akaitcho, Northwest Territory Metis Nation 61° 47' 49'' N 113° 10' 40'' W
48 SM199 Beaulieu Mine (John Lake; Brandy; Irene; Norma;
Tungsten and Gold Mines Limited)
23544 Federal Akaitcho, Tlicho 62° 25' 5'' N 112° 54' 28'' W
49 SM200 Beaverlodge Lake 842 Federal Tlicho 64° 43' 30'' N 118° 12' 0'' W
50 SM205 Camlaren Mine (Hump Vein) 162 Federal Akaitcho, Tlicho 62° 59' 5'' N 113° 12' 15'' W
51 SM220 Burnt Island (Ardogo, Good Hope, Goo,
Giant Bay, Gordon Lake)
23547 Federal Akaitcho, Tlicho 63° 3' 52'' N 113° 9' 46'' W
52 SM229 Indore Gold Mine/Hottah Lake (Pitch 8 ) 1026001 Federal Tlicho 64° 48' 24'' N 118° 23' 4'' W
53 SM233 Liten Mine/Old Parr North (Million Dollar Pit, Garskie Gold Mines) 1027001 Federal Akaitcho, Tlicho 62° 44' 41'' N 113° 31' 47'' W
54 SM238 Bullmoose Lake Mine (Formerly Mann Lake) 68 Federal Akaitcho, Tlicho 62° 20' 26'' N 112° 44' 47'' W
55 SM264 Nation Wide Ross Lake/ Peg Tantalum (Toke) Mine 12745 Federal Akaitcho, Tlicho 62° 44' 34'' N 113° 6' 46'' W
56 SM265 Pensive Mine (Rare, Ingraham, Harry Ingraham Trust) 1030001 Federal Akaitcho, Tlicho 62° 44' 15'' N 113° 20' 56'' W
57 SM279 Mitchell Lake Mine (Ribb Chick Beneventum, No. 1 Vein) 333 Federal Akaitcho, Tlicho 62° 46' 24'' N 113° 25' 50'' W
58 SM282 Ruth Gold Mine 1033001 Federal Akaitcho, Tlicho 62° 27' 55'' N 112° 34' 24'' W
59 SM289 Joon Mine (Campbell Lake, June Mine, Strike Lake) 405 Federal Akaitcho, Tlicho 62° 25' 40'' N 112° 51' 59'' W
60 SM291 Sunset Lake Mine (Sunset Yellowknife)(Alice, Ann) 23430 Federal Akaitcho, Tlicho 62° 51' 15'' N 112° 20' 12'' W
61 SM296 Tundra-Taurcanis Mine (Bulldog Yellowknife Gold Mines,
Tamcanis Mines Limited, Tundra Gold Mines)
1035001 Federal Akaitcho, Tlicho 64° 2' 24'' N 111° 10' 28'' W
62 SM302 West Bay Mine (Black Ridge)(DAF)(MQ) 1037001 Federal Akaitcho, Tlicho 62° 54' 21'' N 113° 13' 58'' W
63 SM344 Courageous Lake (Alpha, Nov 5) 23515 Federal Akaitcho, Tlicho 64° 15' 28'' N 111° 23' 24'' W
64 SM462 Myrt Lake (SDC Group, Dome #1, WT) 397 Federal Akaitcho, Tlicho 62° 47' 20'' N 113° 14' 14'' W
65 SM463 Blanchet Island Mine (HRL Claims ) 402 Federal Akaitcho, Northwest Territory Metis Nation 61° 59' 10'' N 112° 25' 2'' W
66 SM464 Chipp Lake Mine (Cliff Lake, Eileen) 23777 Federal Akaitcho, Tlicho 62° 27' 51'' N 112° 39' 10'' W 112° 39' 10'' W
67 SM466 Goodrock Mine (Gordon Lake) 351 Federal Akaitcho, Tlicho 63° 1' 53'' N 113° 8' 6'' W
68 SM467 Outpost Island 1038001 Federal Akaitcho, Northwest Territory Metis Nation 61° 44' 0'' N 113° 28' 0'' W
69 SM471 Storm Mine (Consolation Lake 2) 23548 Federal Akaitcho, Tlicho 62° 30' 56'' N 112° 56' 34'' W
70 SM474 Knight Bay (Kidney Pond) 24120 Federal Akaitcho, Tlicho 62° 57' 26'' N 113° 20' 23'' W
71 SM475 Knight Bay (Treacy No.1) 24141 Federal Akaitcho, Tlicho 62° 56' 28'' N 113° 20' 13'' W
72 SM477 Spectrum Lake (AA/BB, Benventum) 23964 Federal Akaitcho, Tlicho 62° 22' 48'' N 112° 48' 20'' W
73 SM478 HWY #1 KM 508 23965 Federal Dehcho 61° 56' 7'' N 121° 43' 59'' W
74 SM483 Storm Property – Gordon Lake 24145 Federal Akaitcho, Tlicho 63° 0' 21'' N 113° 7' 29'' W
75 SM212 De Staffany Mine (Moose, TAL) 23546 Federal Akaitcho, Northwest Territory Metis Nation, Tlicho 62° 10' 47'' N 112° 12' 35'' W
76 NM212 Bear Portal 24146 Federal Sahtu 66° 0' 26'' N 118° 1' 25'' W
77 NM213 Contact Lake Portal 24147 Federal Sahtu 65° 58' 45'' N 117° 44' 45'' W
78 NM215 Mystery Island 24149 Sahtu Lands Sahtu 66° 0' 26'' N 118° 2' 0'' W
79 SM194 Wilson Island (Aurous Gold Mine; Victory;
Big Moose; Big Bear.)
23845 Federal Akaitcho, Northwest Territory Metis Nation 61° 47' 45'' N 113° 10' 30'' W
80 SM244 Norris Lake 23689 Federal Tlicho 64° 27' 18'' N 115° 44' 19'' W
81 SM280 River Lake Portage 23822 Federal Akaitcho, Tlicho 62° 34' 33'' N 114° 3' 16'' W
82 SM290 Sun-Rose Claim Group (Sun) 1034001 Federal Tlicho 63° 7' 37'' N 116° 19' 46'' W
83 SM293 Thompson-Lundmark Mine (Waco, Kim) 17 Federal Akaitcho, Tlicho 62° 36' 24'' N 113° 27' 56'' W
84 SM305 Wrigley Point 23524 Federal Akaitcho, Northwest Territory Metis Nation, Tlicho 62° 18' 59'' N 115° 13' 36'' W
85 SM335 Wijinnedi Lake (East Wijinnedi Lake,
East Wijinnedi Lake(West))
202 Tlicho Lands Tlicho 63° 56' 44'' N 115° 13' 33'' W
86 SM371 Horn Plateau/Marian Lake Area – Rex 23646 Federal Tlicho 63° 19' 20'' N 116° 48' 11'' W
87 SM476 Dome Lake (Lambert Vein, TT) 24121 Federal Akaitcho, Tlicho 62° 45' 20'' N 113° 17' 41'' W
88 SM481 Wrigley Dismantled Refueling Station 24165 Federal Dehcho 63° 13' 31'' N 123° 27' 56'' W
89 SM482 Pine Point Railbed 24168 Federal Dehcho, Katlodeeche First Nation, Northwest Territory Metis Nation 60° 43' 41'' N 115° 23' 9'' W
90 SM486 Johnston Lake 24153 Federal Akaitcho, Tlicho 63° 1' 30'' N 114° 10' 0'' W
91 SM487 Waldron River 24154 Federal Akaitcho, Northwest Territory Metis Nation 62° 55' 58'' N 110° 34' 44'' W
92 SM488 Try Me 24155 Federal Akaitcho, Tlicho 63° 4' 15'' N 113° 28' 45'' W
93 SM490 Murray Lake 24158 Federal Akaitcho, Tlicho 63° 0' 45'' N 113° 24' 30'' W
94 N/A Mould Bay [Environment Canada] 70944001 Federal Inuvialuit 76° 14' 16" N 119° 20' 27" W
95 N/A Bell Rock [Natural Resources Canada] n/a Federal Northwest Territory Metis Nation 60° 1' 27"N n/a
96 N/A Great Bear Lake Lower Shipyard
[Natural Resources Canada]
n/a Federal Sahtu 64° 59' 35"N n/a
97 N/A Great Bear Lake Upper Portage Landing
[Natural Resources Canada]
n/a Federal Sahtu 65° 7' 55"N n/a

Part E – Operating Sites (Third Party Permits)

# File Number Permit NTS Land Claim Area Name Commence Date Expiry Date Designation Desc Location Latitude Longitude Proponent Name
1 G2008H0004 107B Gwich'in 2008-May-20 2013-May-19 Fuel Storage Sites Approx 10.4 KM SSW of Inuvik 68° 16' 2" 135° 46' 20" Gwich'in Tribal Council
2 G2008J0003 106B/C/G Gwich'in 2006-Jun-1 2015-May-31 Campsites 300 KM SE of Tsiigehtchic 64° 59' 35" 132° 18' 11" Terralogic Exploration Inc.
3 G2008Q0001 106M Gwich'in 2008-Apr-3 2015-Apr-2 Quarrying Midway Lake 67° 13' 29" 135° 25' 23" Gwich'in Development Corp.
4 G2009Q0006 106N Gwich'in 2009-Jul-23 2014-Jul-22 Quarrying KM 141 Dempster Highway 67° 26' 0" 133° 46' 0" L & J Contracting
5 G2010Q0001 107B Gwich'in 2010-Jun-16 2015-Jun-15 Quarrying KM 230 Dempster Highway 68° 10' 23" 133° 25' 20" Allen Services and Contracting
6 G2010Q0002 107B Gwich'in 2010-Jun-16 2015-Jun-15 Quarrying KM 235.3 Dempster Highway 68° 10' 23" 133° 25' 20" Allen Services and Contracting
7 G2010Q0005 107B Gwich'in 2010-Jun-24 2015-Jun-23 Quarrying KM 126 Dempster HWY – Frog Creek 67° 27' 39" 134° 3' 45" Allen Services and Contracting
8 G2010Q0007 106M Gwich'in 2010-Jul-21 2015-Jul-20 Quarrying Frog Creek KM 126 Dempster Highway 67° 27' 39" 134° 3' 45" Mackenzie Valley Construction Ltd.
9 G2011Q0001 107B Gwich'in 2011-May-24 2014-Mar-23 Quarrying KM 251 Dempster Highway 68° 18' 25" 133° 19' 28" Bob's Welding & Heavy Equipment Repairs Ltd.
10 G2012Q0002 106M Gwich'in 2012-Apr-16 2015-Apr-15 Quarrying KM 126 Frog Creek Dempster Highway 67° 21' 34" 134° 3' 30" Charter Community of Tsiigehtchic
11 G2012Q0005 106N Gwich'in 2012-Aug-2 2017-Aug-1 Quarrying KM 178 Dempster Highway 67° 45' 19" 133° 51' 9" Bob's Welding & Heavy Equipment Repairs Ltd.
12 G2012Q0006 107B Gwich'in 2012-Aug-2 2017-Aug-1 Quarrying KM 230 Dempster Highway 68° 10' 23" 133° 25' 24" Bob's Welding & Heavy Equipment Repairs Ltd.
13 G2012Q0007 107B Gwich'in 2012-Aug-2 2017-Aug-1 Quarrying KM 235 Dempster Highway 68° 12' 4" 133° 24' 29" Bob's Welding & Heavy Equipment Repairs Ltd.
14 G2013Q0001 106M Gwich'in 2013-Mar-11 2014-Apr-10 Quarrying Willow River Area 68° 8' 0" 135° 22' 0" Black Mountain Realty Incorporated
15 G2013Q0002 106M Gwich'in 2013-Apr-9 2018-Apr-8 Quarrying KM 126 Dempster HWY Frog Creek 67° 27' 39" 134° 3' 45" Dinjuu Zhuh Trucking Ltd.
16 G2013X0003 106N Gwich'in 2013-Apr-20 2013-May-19 Miscellaneous Sitidgi Lake 68° 25' 59" 133° 19' 41" Northwind Industries Ltd.
17 N2010X0022 107C Inuvialuit 2011-Feb-24 2014-Feb-23 Miscellaneous Eastern Bank of Arvolnar Channel in Mack. Delta 69° 11' 35" 135° 20' 27" Shell Canada Energy
18 N2011C0002 88B, 88C, 88D, 88F, 98A Inuvialuit 2011-Mar-22 2014-Mar-21 Mining (Exploration) NE Tip of Banks Island 72° 45' 25" 115° 17' 13" Rio Tinto Exploration Canada Inc.
19 S2006C0006 95M Sahtu 2006-Aug-1 2013-Jul-31 Mining (Exploration) Keele River, Fortress MTN Area, Tulita District 63° 48' 0" 127° 57' 0" 7606 Yukon Ltd.
20 S2007C0005 106B Sahtu 2007-Jun-18 2014-Jun-17 Mining (Exploration) Tulita District 62° 59' 58" 128° 29' 58" Bootleg Exploration Inc.
21 S2007C0006 105O Sahtu 2007-Jun-18 2014-Jun-17 Mining (Exploration) Tulita District 63° 53' 42" 130° 18' 58" Bootleg Exploration Inc.
22 S2007C0008 086F13/086E16 Sahtu 2008-Jul-11 2013-Jul-10 Mining (Exploration) ElDorado South, McTavish Arm of Great Bear Lake 65° 58' 0" 65° 52' 0" Alberta Star Development Corporation
23 S2008A0005 96K & 96M Sahtu 2008-Nov-28 2013-Nov-27 Oil & Gas 40KM North of the North Shore of Smith Arm of GBL 66° 30' 0" 124° 30' 0" BG International Limited
24 S2009B0002 96C Sahtu 2010-Jan-13 2015-Jan-12 Seismic Between Bear Rock Ridge and Brackett River 64° 50' 46" 125° 3' 3" Explor
25 S2011A0003 96C/D/E Sahtu 2011-Dec-5 2016-Dec-4 Oil & Gas Approx 40 KM SSE of Norman Wells 64° 40' 0" 125° 45' 0" Husky Oil Ltd.
26 S2011B0004 106G/95N Sahtu 2011-Dec-5 2016-Dec-4 Seismic S. of Tulita, N. of Norman Wells 63° 55' 30" 124° 24' 45" Explor Geophysical Limited
27 S2011B0005 96C/D/E Sahtu 2012-Jan-12 2017-Jan-11 Seismic Slater River Area, Tulita District 64° 45' 0" 126° 0' 0" Husky Oil Ltd.
28 S2011T0002 96C/D/E Sahtu 2011-Dec-5 2016-Dec-4 Staging Areas 40 KM SSE of Norman Wells 64° 35' 0" 125° 40' 0" Husky Oil Ltd.
29 S2012A0001 96C Sahtu 2012-Jul-24 2017-Jul-23 Oil & Gas 7-15 KM South of the Hamlet of Tulita, NT 64° 44' 33" 125° 44' 33" MGM Energy Corp.
30 S2012A0005 96C/D/E/F Sahtu 2012-Oct-26 2017-Oct-25 Oil & Gas Exploration Licence 470 South of Norman Wells 64° 55' 0" 126° 10' 0" ConocoPhillips Canada Resources Corp.
31 S2012F0007 96D Sahtu 2013-Jan-14 2018-Jan-13 Roads (Private Cons) 40 KM SSE of Norman Wells, NT 64° 53' 28" 126° 11' 26" Husky Oil Ltd.
32 S2012Q0004 96E Sahtu 2012-Oct-26 2017-Oct-25 Quarrying Islands –46 in the Mackenzie River 65° 16' 17" 132° 53' 50" Imperial Oil Resources N.W.T. Limited
33 S2012S0002 96C/D/E Sahtu 2012-Sep-13 2018-Sep-12 Soil Testing Approx 40KM SSE of Norman Wells 64° 35' 0" 125° 40' 0" Husky Oil Ltd.
34 S2012X0006 96C/D/E Sahtu 2012-Dec-5 2017-Dec-4 Miscellaneous Slater River El462 & El463 Tulita District 64° 40' 0" 125° 45' 0" Husky Oil Ltd.
35 M2005C0025 85I/2 Akaitcho 2006-Sep-6 2013-Sep-5 Mining (Exploration) Caribou Lake 62° 2' 54" 112° 51' 12" Prodigy Gold Inc.
36 M2006C0001 105H Deh Cho 2009-Jul-16 2014-Jul-15 Mining (Exploration) Rifle Range Creek 62° 1' 0" 128° 14' 0" North American Tungsten Corporation Ltd.
37 M2006L0015 85I/4,85P/7, 75M/13, 76D/2 Tłıchǫ/Akaitcho 2006-Aug-11 2013-Aug-10 Communication Sites Patterson, Brown, Mackay & Courag 62° 53' 40" 113° 1' 1" Northwestel Inc.
38 M2006Q0011 85B/11 Deh Cho/NWTMN 2006-Jul-20 2013-Jul-19 Quarrying HWY. #5, Mile 21 60° 44' 12" 115° 16' 5" Ruskin Construction Ltd.
39 M2006Q0013 85B/11 Deh Cho/NWTMN 2006-Jul-20 2013-Jul-19 Quarrying HWY #5, KM 33.6 60° 43' 0" 115° 16' 0" Beck Daniel Robert
40 M2007C0011 85J/16 Akaitcho 2007-May-30 2014-May-29 Mining (Exploration) Clan Lake 62° 54' 0" 114° 12' 30" Tyhee Development NWT Corp.
41 M2007C0012 85 O/1 Akaitcho 2007-May-30 2014-May-29 Mining (Exploration) Goodwin Lake 63° 1' 2" 108° 2' 35" Tyhee Development NWT Corp.
42 M2007F0001 85 I; 85 P; 75 M;
76D, 76 C, 76 F, 75 M/11 & 75 M/12
Tłıchǫ/Akaitcho 2007-Mar-16 2014-Mar-15 Roads (Private Cons) Tibbitt LK to Pellett Lake, Mackay to SNAP 62° 0' 0" 113° 20' 0" Tli Cho Landtran Transport Ltd.
43 M2007F0045 85J, O and ) Akaitcho 2007-Oct-19 2014-Oct-18 Roads (Private Cons) Prosperous to Gaique to Nicholas LKS 62° 0' 0" 113° 3' 0" RTL – Robinson Enterprises Ltd.
44 M2007Q0035 85 A/13 & 85 H/4 Akaitcho/NWTMN 2007-Jul-27 2014-Jul-26 Quarrying Near Fort Resolution 60° 59' 33" 113° 48' 8" Norn Bill
45 M2007Q0051 95J/1 Deh Cho 2008-Jan-24 2015-Jan-23 Quarrying HWY #1, KM 521 62° 25' 0" 122° 1' 0" Rowe's Construction
46 M2007Q0052 85 B/11 Deh Cho/NWTMN 2008-Mar-20 2015-Mar-19 Quarrying Highway #5, KM 44.5 60° 40' 23" 115° 5' 34" Carter Industries Ltd.
47 M2007Q0053 85-B/11 Deh Cho/NWTMN 2008-Jan-24 2015-Jan-23 Quarrying Highway #5, KM44.5 60° 41' 46" 115° 5' 18" Rowe's Construction Ltd.
48 M2007X0007 95B Deh Cho 2007-Jun-26 2014-Jun-25 Miscellaneous Pointed Mountain, NT 60° 27' 0" 124° 35' 0" Apache Canada Ltd.
49 M2008C0001 85 J/9 Akaitcho 2008-Feb-21 2015-Feb-20 Mining (Exploration) Big Sky Property – Prosperous Lake Area 62° 44' 48" 114° 29' 54" Tyhee Development NWT Corp.
50 M2008C0008 85 I/15 & 16 Akaitcho 2009-Jul-30 2014-Jul-29 Mining (Exploration) Sunrise Lake, Bear Property 62° 52' 30" 112° 34' 0" Silver Bear Mines Inc.
51 M2008C0015 75 A/2 Akaitcho/NWTMN/Saskatchewan 2008-Sep-18 2013-Sep-17 Mining (Exploration) Opescal Property – Selwyn Lake Area 60° 0' 0" 104° 32' 0" Strongbow Exploration Inc.
52 M2008C0020 95 O/4 Deh Cho 2009-Jul-2 2014-Jul-1 Mining (Exploration) Wrigley Zinc Property 63° 10' 0" 123° 40' 0" Devonian Metals Ltd.
53 M2008C0021 75 N/5, 6, 11, 12 Akaitcho/NWTMN 2008-Nov-7 2013-Nov-6 Mining (Exploration) Long Lake/Doyle Lake Property 63° 23' 0" 109° 29' 0" GGL Resources Corp.
54 M2008C0029 76 D/1 Akaitcho/NWTMN 2009-Jan-22 2014-Jan-21 Mining (Exploration) Mackay Lake 64° 15' 0" 110° 14' 0" ATW Resources Ltd.
55 M2008E0010 85 J/7 Akaitcho 2008-Sep-4 2013-Sep-3 Roads (Public Const) KM 318 & 035R, HWY #3 62° 28' 48" 114° 45' 2" Jones Raymond D.R.
56 M2008J0005 85A/1 Akaitcho/NWTMN 2008-Jul-10 2013-Jul-9 Campsites 11 KM SW of Salt River Reserve #195 60° 3' 12" 112° 24' 48" Aboriginal Councelling and Healing Services
57 M2008J0031 85 J/9 Akaitcho 2009-Feb-26 2014-Feb-25 Campsites Banting Lake 62° 37' 0" 114° 17' 0" Humphries Walter
58 M2008Q0002 85 J/9 Akaitcho 2008-Feb-21 2015-Feb-20 Quarrying Prosperous Lake (Existing Pit) 62° 32' 22" 114° 8' 47" RTL – Robinson Enterprises Ltd.
59 M2008Q0016 85 B/12 Deh Cho/NWTMN 2008-Aug-15 2013-Aug-14 Quarrying Highway 5, KM 12 60° 44' 23" 115° 39' 10" Rowe's Construction Ltd.
60 M2008Q0017 85 B/11 Deh Cho/NWTMN 2008-Aug-15 2013-Aug-14 Quarrying Highway 5, KM 44 60° 44' 0" 115° 6' 0" Rowe's Construction Ltd.
61 M2008Q0019 95 J/1 Deh Cho 2008-Oct-16 2013-Oct-15 Quarrying KM 521, HWY 1 62° 2' 14" 122° 1' 30" W. Burrill & Sons Ltd.
62 M2008Q0025 85 C/9 Deh Cho 2009-Feb-26 2014-Feb-25 Quarrying KM 99.7, Highway #1 60° 38' 14" 116° 21' 8" Rowe's Construction Ltd.
63 M2008Q0026 95 B/4 Deh Cho 2009-Mar-12 2014-Mar-11 Quarrying Near Pointed Mountain 60° 14' 0" 123° 56' 39" Westcoast Energy Inc.
64 M2008Q0034 85 B/15 Akaitcho/NWTMN 2009-Jan-26 2014-Jan-25 Quarrying KM 19.5 & KM 20, HWY #6 (SouthSide) 60° 48' 40" 114° 30' 10" John Bjornson Construction Ltd.
65 M2008Q0035 85 F/3 Deh Cho 2009-Feb-26 2014-Feb-25 Quarrying HWY #1, KM 191 61° 4' 18" 117° 34' 47" Rowe's Construction Ltd.
66 M2009C0001 65D/15 & 16, 65E/01 Akaitcho/NWTMN/Manitoba/Saskatchewan 2011-May-27 2016-May-26 Mining (Exploration) Snowbird Lake 61° 2' 26" 102° 17' 27" WML Exploration BC Ltd.
67 M2009C0018 76 C/2, 6 & & Akaitcho/NWTMN 2010-May-27 2015-May-26 Mining (Exploration) AFRIDI/Aylmer Lake 64° 23' 0" 109° 30' 0" Shear Diamonds Ltd.
68 M2009J0029 75 M/6 Akaitcho/NWTMN 2010-Apr-29 2015-Apr-28 Campsites Lac du Rocher 63° 28' 0" 111° 24' 0" Bathurst Inlet Developments (1984) Ltd.
69 M2009L0021 85 J/9 Akaitcho 2009-Aug-27 2014-Aug-26 Communication Sites 3 KM N. of KM 29, Ingraham Trail 62° 34' 9" 114° 10' 12" Northwestel Inc.
70 M2009Q0003 85 A/1 Akaitcho/NWTMN 2009-Mar-26 2014-Mar-25 Quarrying Salt Mountain 60° 0' 0" 112° 27' 40" Berton Construction & Rentals
71 M2009Q0004 85A/1 Akaitcho/NWTMN 2009-Mar-26 2014-Mar-25 Quarrying Salt MTN, W. of Fort Smith 60° 0' 20" 112° 27' 40" Borderline Enterprises Ltd.
72 M2009Q0010 85A/1 Akaitcho/NWTMN 2009-Jun-17 2014-Jun-16 Quarrying Salt Mountain 60° 0' 55" 112° 29' 0" Trappers Trucking Ltd
73 M2009Q0013 85A/13 Akaitcho/NWTMN 2009-Aug-13 2014-Aug-12 Quarrying SW of FT RES, HWY #6, KM 62 60° 58' 13" 113° 50' 44" Nuni(Ye) Construction Company Ltd.
74 M2009Q0015 95 J/1 Deh Cho 2009-Sep-23 2014-Sep-22 Quarrying HWY #1, KM 521 (Aka 518) 64° 4' 14" 122° 1' 30" Nogha Enterprises Ltd.
75 M2009Q0016 85 B/11 Deh Cho/NWTMN 2010-Jul-22 2015-Jul-21 Quarrying Highway #5, KM 44.5 60° 40' 46" 115° 5' 37" Katlodeeche First Nation
76 M2009Q0022 85 F/4 Deh Cho 2009-Oct-8 2014-Oct-7 Quarrying KM 188.9, HWY #1 61° 3' 33" 117° 31' 0" Cherdon Enterprises Ltd.
77 M2009Q0030 85 B/11 Deh Cho/NWTMN 2009-Sep-23 2014-Sep-22 Quarrying KM 34.1, HWY #5 60° 43' 59" 113° 14' 35" Trade Show Direct Ltd.
78 M2009X0047 75 M/14; 76C/5,76D/8 & 9;
85 I/14; 85 P/3,8 & 9
Akaitcho/NWTMN 2010-Apr-30 2015-Apr-29 Miscellaneous Tibbitt to Contwoyto W/R 62° 33' 21" 113° 21' 16" Joint Venture Management Committee
79 M2010A0016 95 B/5 Deh Cho/ADK 2010-Jun-24 2015-Jun-23 Oil & Gas L-68 Re-Entry, S. Pointed MTN 60° 17' 42" 123° 57' 56" Lone Pine Resources Canada Ltd.
80 M2010C0039 76 D/1, 2, 7 & 8 Tłıchǫ/Akaitcho 2010-Sep-7 2015-Sep-6 Mining (Exploration) Lac de Gras Area 64° 0' 0" 110° 0' 0" North Arrow Minerals Inc.
81 M2010J0025 75 L/7 Akaitcho/NWTMN 2010-Jul-22 2015-Jul-21 Campsites Near Lutselk'e (NTS 75 L/7) 62° 20' 36" 110° 38' 37" Marlowe James
82 M2010Q0008 85 B/11 Deh Cho/NWTMN 2010-May-27 2015-May-26 Quarrying Highway #5, KM 41.5 60° 44' 10" 115° 7' 7" West End Enterprises
83 M2010Q0023 85 B/12 Deh Cho/NWTMN 2010-Jul-8 2015-Jul-7 Quarrying Highway #5, KM 5.4 60° 44' 44" 115° 46' 22" Carter Industries Ltd.
84 M2010Q0040 95 B/5 Deh Cho/ADK 2010-Aug-19 2015-Aug-18 Quarrying NW of Fisherman Lake/FT. Liard 60° 24' 36" 123° 53' 39" Jayhawk Frontier Exploration Ltd.
85 M2010Q0044 85 B/11 Deh Cho/NWTMN 2010-Nov-12 2015-Nov-11 Quarrying KM 41.5, Highway No. 5 60° 44' 15" 115° 7' 4" Les Norn Contracting
86 M2010Q0056 85 A/1 Akaitcho/NWTMN 2011-Feb-16 2016-Feb-15 Quarrying N. Side of HWY#5, Salt MNT & E. Side of Foxhole RD 60° 0' 1" 112° 14' 0" Fort Smith Construction NT Ltd.
87 M2011C0005 76D/6-8, 10-11, 76C/3-6 Tłıchǫ/Akaitcho/NWTMN 2011-Apr-28 2016-Apr-27 Mining (Exploration) Lac de Gras Area 64° 0' 0" 110° 54' 55" Peregrine Diamonds Ltd.
88 M2011C0006 85 I/2 Tłıchǫ/Akaitcho 2011-Jul-5 2016-Jul-4 Mining (Exploration) Thor Lake 62° 0' 0" 118° 34' 17" Avalon Rare Metals Inc.
89 M2011C0021 85 P/4 and 85 P/5 Akaitcho 2011-Nov-24 2016-Nov-23 Mining (Exploration) Giauque and Nicholas Lakes 63° 10' 46" 113° 54' 31" Tyhee NWT Corp.
90 M2011C0024 75A/1, 2, 7 & 8 Akaitcho/NWTMN/Sask 2011-Dec-7 2016-Dec-6 Mining (Exploration) Near THYE & Selwyn Lakes 60° 12' 17" 104° 32' 25" Strongbow Exploration Inc.
91 M2011F0008 95 B/3,4 & 5 Deh Cho/ADK 2011-Aug-4 2016-Aug-3 Roads (Private Cons) Fort Liard Area 60° 11' 24" 123° 27' 41" Jayhawk Sand Resources Inc.
92 M2011F0013 85/I, 85/P, 75/M,
76/D, 76/C, 76/F
Tłıchǫ/Akaitcho/NWTMN 2011-Sep-1 2016-Aug-31 Roads (Private Cons) Tibbitt to Contwoyto Lake 62° 0' 0" 109° 11' 56" RTL – Robinson Enterprises Ltd.
93 M2011J0019 75N/12 Akaitcho/NWTMN 2011-Dec-7 2016-Dec-6 Campsites Munn Lake 63° 40' 51" 109° 52' 33" Mantle Diamonds Canada Inc.
94 M2011Q0001 85 B/12 Deh Cho/NWTMN 2011-Mar-31 2016-Mar-30 Quarrying Highway #5, KM 17.3 60° 40' 56" 115° 30' 48" Rowe's Construction Ltd.
95 M2011Q0017 85 B/12 Deh Cho/NWTMN 2011-Oct-28 2016-Oct-27 Quarrying HWY #5, KM 5.4 60° 0' 0" 115° 45' 53" Beck Daniel Robert
96 M2011Q0018 85 B/11 Deh Cho/NWTMN 2012-Jan-18 2017-Jan-17 Quarrying HWY #5, KM 7.9 (Sites A & B) 60° 0' 0" 115° 43' 2" Carter Industries Ltd.
97 M2011Q0023 85 B/11 Deh Cho/NWTMN 2011-Nov-10 2016-Nov-9 Quarrying Highway #5, KM 44.5, Deposit HR34-5 60° 41' 13" 115° 6' 31" Hay River Disposals Ltd.
98 M2011X0009 95B Deh Cho/ADK 2011-Jul-21 2016-Jul-20 Miscellaneous North Liard, Wellsites C-31 and C-31A 60° 10' 0" 123° 25' 0" Penn West Petroleum Ltd.
99 M2012C0006 85 P/06 & 07 Akaitcho 2012-Apr-25 2017-Apr-24 Mining (Exploration) Ven Lake, North of Gordon Lake 63° 10' 0" 113° 50' 0" Boxxer Gold Corporation
100 M2012C0009 75M/15,16; 76D/1,2,6-8;
Tłıchǫ/Akaitcho 2013-Mar-7 2018-Mar-6 Mining (Exploration) Lac de Gras 64° 28' 31" 110° 47' 31" Harry Winston Diamond Mines Ltd.
101 M2012C0010 75 N/6 & 75 N/11 Akaitcho/NWTMN 2012-Jun-7 2017-Jun-6 Mining (Exploration) North of Kennady Lake Area 63° 26' 4" 108° 59' 12" Kennady Diamonds Inc.
102 M2012C0018 105I/2 Deh Cho 2012-Aug-30 2017-Aug-29 Mining (Exploration) MAC Property Cantung Mine Site 62° 14' 45" 128° 57' 45" War Eagle Mining Company
103 M2012C0022 85J/9 Akaitcho 2012-Nov-22 2014-Nov-21 Mining (Exploration) East of YK – Hay-Duck Proj. Mona Claims 62° 28' 0" 114° 10' 0" North Arrow Minerals Inc.
104 M2012C0025 75M/14 & 76D/3 Tłıchǫ/Akaitcho 2012-Dec-28 2017-Dec-27 Mining (Exploration) Courageous Lake 63° 0' 0" 111° 0' 0" Seabridge Gold (NWT) Ltd.
105 M2012F0004 85 J, 0, & P Akaitcho 2012-Mar-29 2017-Mar-28 Roads (Private Cons) Prosperous LK to Gibbs LK – Secondary Route 62° 32' 20" 113° 2' 57" Det'on Cho Corporation
106 M2012G0005 85 I/2 Akaitcho 2012-Mar-29 2017-Mar-28 Airstrips Thor Lake Area 62° 5' 38" 112° 0' 0" Avalon Rare Metals Inc.
107 M2012J0017 95 L/10,15; 95M/2,6,11 & 14 Deh Cho 2012-Jul-19 2017-Jul-18 Campsites Coates LK Area,; Deh Cho & Sahtu Area 62° 36' 28" 126° 31' 35" Redbed Resources Corp.
108 M2012Q0003 85A/1 Akaitcho/NWTMN 2012-Mar-16 2017-Mar-15 Quarrying Salt Mountain Area 60° 0' 0" 112° 25' 45" Locust Mowing
109 M2012Q0013 85C/9 Deh Cho 2012-Jun-20 2017-Jun-19 Quarrying HWY #2, KM 15.7 60° 39' 56" 116° 0' 53" Rowe's Construction Ltd.
110 M2012Q0016 85B/11 Deh Cho/NWTMN 2012-Oct-11 2017-Oct-10 Quarrying HWY #5, KM 44.5, Gran Deposit HR34, Site HR34-11 60° 40' 32" 115° 6' 16" Hay River Metis Government Council
111 M2012Q0023 95H/13 Deh Cho 2013-Feb-14 2018-Feb-13 Quarrying Quarry – Mackenzie HWY #1, KM 486 61° 53' 0" 121° 34' 0" Nogha Enterprises Ltd.
112 M2012Q0026 95A/6 Deh Cho 2013-Jan-24 2018-Jan-23 Quarrying Near Trout Lake 61° 21' 43" 121° 28' 39" Sambaa K'e Development Corporation Ltd.
113 M2012X0001 95 B Deh Cho/ADK 2012-Jun-7 2017-Jun-6 Miscellaneous 1.5 KM SouthEast of FT. Liard 60° 14' 36" 123° 26' 2" Borealis GeoPower
114 M2012X0012 95 B/4 Deh Cho/ADK 2012-Jun-7 2017-Jun-6 Miscellaneous Barge Landing, Fort Liard Area 60° 0' 0" 123° 50' 0" EFLO Energy Yukon Ltd.
115 M2012X0024 950/6 Deh Cho 2012-Dec-19 2017-Dec-18 Miscellaneous Erosion Protection Works, Hodgson Creek 63° 20' 2" 123° 27' 37" Enbridge Pipelines (NW) Inc.
116 M2012X0027 85 C/2 Deh Cho/Dene Tha 2013-Jan-24 2018-Jan-23 Miscellaneous HWY #1, KM 4, 16, 21 & 23 60° 0' 57" 116° 55' 56" King Mary
117 W2008C0001 86A/2, 86A/8. 86A/9,
86A/16 and 86H/01
Tłıchǫ/Akaitcho 2008-Mar-17 2015-Mar-16 Mining (Exploration) Providence Greenstone Belt 63° 58' 42" 112° 56' 4" GGL Resources Corp.
118 W2008C0004 76D/2,3,5,6,7,11,12
86A/7,8,9,10,15,16,86 86H/2
Tłıchǫ/Akaitcho 2008-Apr-21 2015-Apr-20 Mining (Exploration) Lad de Gras Area 64° 1' 0" 110° 39' 33" GGL Resources Corp.
119 W2008C0005 85 J/14-15, 85 O/02-03 Tłıchǫ/Akaitcho 2008-Apr-21 2015-Apr-20 Mining (Exploration) Fishback Project, Awry Lake Area 62° 55' 25" 114° 47' 56" GGL Resources Corp.
120 W2008C0015 76 D/6, 11, 12, 86 A/8, 9 Tłıchǫ/Akaitcho 2008-Oct-8 2013-Oct-7 Mining (Exploration) New Bigging and Credit Lake 64° 15' 0" 112° 4' 0" Platinum Group Metals Ltd.
121 W2008J0011 85 K/8 Tłıchǫ/Akaitcho 2008-Jun-11 2013-Jun-10 Campsites KM 170.5, HWY #3 62° 15' 33" 116° 22' 35" True North Safaris Ltd.
122 W2008J0013 76 C/5 Akaitcho/NWTMN 2008-Dec-19 2013-Dec-18 Campsites Thonokied Lake 64° 23' 0" 109° 35' 0" Bathurst Inlet Developments (1984)
123 W2008J0014 86 A/13 Tłıchǫ/Akaitcho 2008-Dec-19 2013-Dec-18 Campsites Whitewolf Lake 64° 57' 0" 113° 45' 0" Bathurst Inlet Developments (1984)
124 W2008W0012 85 K/8 &1 Tłıchǫ/Akaitcho 2008-Sep-16 2015-Sep-15 Woods Operations KM 174, HWY #3 62° 16' 0" 116° 17' 0" Smith Kerry Andrew
125 W2009C0003 86 G, H, J & K Tłıchǫ/Akaitcho 2009-Feb-26 2013-May-25 Mining (Exploration) Hepburn Lake 65° 45' 0" 114° 0' 0" Diamonds North Resources Ltd.
126 W2009T0004 76 D/8 Tłıchǫ/Akaitcho 2009-Mar-19 2014-Mar-18 Staging Areas Portage 55, Tibbitt – Contwoyto W/R 64° 25' 35" 110° 6' 57" Nuna Logistics
127 W2010C0001 76 D/10-15 Tłıchǫ/Akaitcho 2010-Oct-22 2015-Oct-21 Mining (Exploration) Upper Exeter Lake 64° 34' 30" 110° 43' 0" Nor-West Rotors Ltd.
128 W2010C0005 86 H/6&7 Akaitcho/NWTMN 2010-Sep-15 2015-Sep-14 Mining (Exploration) Ren Property (Itchen Lake/Point Lake) 65° 16' 31" 65° 28' 48" Magrum Mike
129 W2010S0007 85 N/02 Tłıchǫ 2011-Feb-1 2016-Jan-31 Soil Testing La Martre Falls 63° 8' 11" 116° 53' 13" SNC-Lavalin Inc.
130 W2011C0004 76D/7 Tłıchǫ/Akaitcho 2012-Sep-5 2017-Sep-4 Mining (Exploration) Lac de Gras 64° 0' 0" 110° 55' 57" New Nadina Explorations Ltd.
131 W2011C0005 76 C/5 Tłıchǫ/Akaitcho 2012-Jan-10 2017-Jan-9 Mining (Exploration) Lac de Gras 64° 19' 28" 109° 48' 21" Peregrine Diamonds Ltd.
132 W2011F0006 86 B/1 Tłıchǫ 2012-Jan-9 2017-Jan-8 Roads (Private Cons) Snare Lake Narrows 64° 11' 50" 114° 14' 20" Community Government of Wekweeti
133 W2011J0001 76 E/2&3 Tłıchǫ/Akaitcho 2011-Mar-1 2016-Feb-29 Campsites Yamba Lake 65° 1' 22" 111° 1' 27" Mantle Diamonds Canada Inc.
134 W2011W0003 85 K/8 Tłıchǫ 2011-Aug-11 2016-Aug-10 Woods Operations Highway #3, KM 178 62° 23' 23" 116° 28' 48" Sands Enterprises
135 W2012C0002 86 B/3 & 6 Tłıchǫ/Akaitcho 2012-Feb-29 2017-Feb-28 Mining (Exploration) Damoti Lake & Colomac Area 64° 0' 45" 114° 48' 49" Nighthawk Gold Corp.
136 S2008B0008 96L Sahtu 2009-Feb-9 2014-Feb-8 Seismic Colville Hills Area 66° 10' 20" 66° 40' 6" Explor Data Ltd.
137 M2006P0018 95A,H,I,J,N,O and 85D Deh Cho 2006-Sep-1 2013-Aug-31 Pipelines Blackwater River to Alberta Border 63° 5' 24" 123° 12' 14" Enbridge Pipelines (NW) Inc.
138 M2012C0014 105 H/16 Deh Cho 2012-Jun-20 2017-Jun-19 Mining (Exploration) Cantung Minesite 61° 54' 0" 128° 5' 0" North American Tungsten Corp. Ltd.
139 M2012S0011 105 H/16 Deh Cho 2012-Jun-7 2017-Jun-6 Soil Testing Cantung Minesite 61° 56' 45" 128° 10' 30" North American Tungsten Corp. Ltd.
140 M2009Q0049 105 H/16 Deh Cho 2010-Apr-1 2015-Mar-31 Quarrying Cantung Mine Site 61° 58' 10" 128° 13' 11" North American Tungsten Corp. Ltd.
141 M2010C0015 85 I/01 Akaitcho 2011-Mar-3 2016-Mar-2 Mining (Exploration) Moose Property 62° 10' 31" 112° 13' 58" TNR Gold Corp.
142 M2008Q0032 95J/9 Akaitcho 2010-Nov-12 2015-Nov-11 Quarrying River Lake Area 62° 0' 0" 114° 5' 39" City of Yellowknife

Part E – Operating Sites (Oil & Gas, Industrial and Mining Dispositions)

# File Number Purpose Usage Location Lot # Block # CLSR # LTO # Latitude Longitude Commence Date Expiry Date
1 085D04001 Oil and Gas Maintenance Base Kakisa River 1000   69866 1736 60° 9' 0" 119° 0' 0" 2009-Nov-1 2033-Oct-31
2 095A06030 Industrial Storage Trout Lake         60° 26' 25" 112° 14' 26" 2009-Nov-1 2039-Oct-31
3 095B03033 Industrial Sawmill Highway 7, near FT. Liard         60° 11' 31" 123° 19' 45" 2009-Mar-1 2019-Feb-28
4 095B03046 Industrial Camp Fort Liard         60° 14' 27" 123° 28' 46" 2004-Feb-1 2014-Jan-31
5 095B03062 Industrial Storage Fort Liard         60° 12' 4" 123° 21' 31" 2006-Nov-1 2016-Oct-31
6 095B04001 Oil and Gas Pipeline Pointed Mountain to Yukon Bord.         60° 22' 0" 123° 51' 0" 2003-Jan-20 2025-Jan-19
7 095B04002 Oil and Gas Barge Landing Pointed Mountain 2   55960 593 60° 19' 0" 123° 49' 0" 2000-Sep-1 2022-Aug-31
8 095B04003 Oil and Gas Barge Landing Liard River         60° 1' 29" 123° 51' 7" 2010-Jul-1 2015-Jun-30
9 095B04005 Oil and Gas Road Pointed Mountain         60° 19' 0" 123° 49' 0" 2000-Sep-1 2022-Aug-31
10 095B05004 Oil and Gas Pipeline Pointed Mountain         60° 24' 0" 123° 49' 0" 2000-Sep-1 2022-Aug-31
11 095B05005 Oil and Gas Producing Well Pointed Mountain Wells A1, A2, A3 8, 9 and 10   60573 1173 60° 24' 0" 123° 49' 0" 2000-Sep-1 2022-Aug-31
12 095B05006 Oil and Gas Processing Plant Pointed Mountain 4   60573 1173 60° 24' 0" 123° 49' 0" 2000-Sep-1 2022-Aug-31
13 095B05007 Oil and Gas Airstrip Pointed Mountain 1   55959 592 60° 19' 0" 123° 49' 0" 2000-Sep-1 2022-Aug-31
14 095B05011 Oil and Gas Inactive Well Pointed Mountain Well A-04 7   60571 1175 63° 12' 0" 117° 12' 0" 1996-Mar-1 2026-Feb-28
15 095B06012 Industrial Barge Landing Fort Liard         60° 15' 37" 123° 26' 21" 2008-Apr-1 2018-Mar-31
16 095B06013 Industrial Barge Landing Fort Liard         60° 15' 35" 123° 26' 15" 2008-Apr-1 2018-Mar-31
17 095G02010 Industrial Sawmill Blackstone/Liard Rivers         61° 7' 20" 122° 51' 15" 2004-Jan-1 2023-Dec-31
18 095H10053 Industrial Sawmill Jean Marie River         61° 30' 14" 120° 37' 28" 2010-Mar-1 2020-Feb-29
19 095J02009 Oil and Gas Maintenance Base KM 447, Pipeline Route 1000   69192 1645 62° 9' 0" 122° 31' 0" 2009-Jun-12 2033-Jun-11
20 085A01007 Industrial Sawmill Adjacent Lot 10, Group 765         60° 1' 23" 112° 21' 28" 2004-Jun-1 2024-May-31
21 085A01099 Industrial Dock Bell Rock Area         60° 1' 30" 112° 5' 30" 2009-Jun-1 2019-May-31
22 085B16009 Mining Mine Site Pine Point         60° 53' 16" 114° 25' 12" 2006-May-1 2016-Apr-30
23 085H04074 Industrial Garage/Shop Fort Resolution Ptn Lot 259   100761 4443 61° 10' 33" 113° 40' 30" 2010-Oct-1 2040-Sep-30
24 085H10001 Industrial Fish Plant Simpson Island, Slave Lake         61° 41' 6" 112° 54' 4" 1981-Jan-1 2013-Dec-31
25 085B13024 Industrial Anchorage Hay River Island A Fronting Lot 15   59738 1165 60° 51' 0" 115° 43' 30" 2010-Apr-1 2015-Mar-31
26 085B13030 Industrial Dock Hay River         60° 51' 0" 115° 43' 0" 2003-Feb-1 2033-Jan-31
27 085G12006 Industrial Fish Plant Tip of Morraine Point         61° 36' 0" 115° 40' 0" 1984-Jan-1 2013-Dec-31
28 107B02002 Industrial Explosives Storage KM 1534.11, Dempster HWY         68° 15' 17" 132° 17' 0" 2004-Dec-1 2014-Nov-30
29 107B02010 Industrial Storage KM 1534.11, Dempster HWY         68° 14' 54" 133° 16' 39" 2006-Sep-1 2031-Aug-31
30 107B02022 Industrial Storage Inuvik         68° 14' 3" 133° 18' 11" 2012-Nov-1 2022-Oct-31
31 107B07031 Industrial Dock Inuvik         68° 22' 0" 133° 45' 0" 2008-Aug-1 2014-Jul-31
32 107B07104 Industrial Dock Inuvik         68° 22' 0" 133° 46' 0" 1990-Nov-1 2020-Oct-31
33 107B07105 Industrial Dock Inuvik         68° 22' 0" 133° 46' 0" 1990-Nov-1 2020-Oct-31
34 107C04001 Oil and Gas Airstrip Farewell         69° 12' 41" 135° 5' 33" 2009-Jan-1 2028-Dec-31
35 107C04002 Oil and Gas Storage Farewell         69° 12' 30" 135° 6' 4" 2009-Jan-1 2028-Dec-31
36 107C07032 Industrial Dock Cache Point 1001   68012 1496 68° 27' 0" 133° 1' 1" 2011-Nov-1 2041-Oct-31
37 096C07015 Oil and Gas Maintenance Base KM 160, Pipeline Route 1000   69193 1646 64° 25' 0" 124° 43' 0" 2009-Jun-12 2033-Jun-11
38 096K13001 Oil and Gas Producing Well Tweed Lake 1003, Quad 96K/13   82863 3435 66° 56' 12" 125° 56' 19" 1990-Dec-1 2020-Nov-30
39 096K13002 Oil and Gas Inactive Well Tweed Lake 1002, Quad 96K/13   82861 3436 66° 56' 47" 125° 54' 10" 1990-Dec-1 2020-Nov-30
40 096L09001 Oil and Gas Inactive Well Lac Belot 1006, Quad 96L/09   82862 3437 66° 34' 58" 126° 21' 32" 1990-Dec-1 2020-Nov-30
41 105P05007 Industrial Storage Mile 222, Canol Road         63° 18' 0" 129° 48' 0" 2010-Jun-1 2020-May-31
42 085J08005 Industrial Fish Plant Great Slave Lake         62° 17' 17" 114° 16' 24" 2008-May-1 2023-Apr-30
43 085J09134 Mining natural Banting Lake Area         62° 38' 2" 114° 15' 32" 2011-Jan-1 2015-Dec-31
44 085D04002 Oil & Gas Pipeline Border to Norman Wells         60° 0' 0" 119° 0' 0" 2008-Feb-8 2032-Feb-7
45 105H16007 Mining Waste Disposal Tungsten, Flat River, Parcel #7         61° 57' 0" 128° 16' 0" 2012-May-1 2042-Apr-30
46 105H16008 Mining Mine Site Tungsten, Parcel #8, Flat River         61° 57' 0" 128° 16' 0" 2012-May-1 2042-Apr-30
47 105H16016 Mining Airstrip Tungsten         61° 57' 0" 128° 16' 0" 2012-May-1 2042-Apr-30
48 105H16017 Private/
Org. Campsite Tungsten         61° 57' 0" 128° 16' 0" 2012-May-1 2017-Apr-30
49 105I01001 Private/
Company Cottage Flat Lake, Parcel #1-5         62° 4' 25" 128° 24' 17" 2012-May-1 2017-Apr-30
50 085B11003 Private/
Org. Campsite Polar Lake         60° 45' 0" 115° 0' 0" 2007-Jul-1 2027-Jun-30
51 085B13018 Public/
Boat Launch Hay River         60° 51' 0" 115° 43' 0" 1990-Sep-1 2020-Aug-31
52 085B13053 Commercial Dock Hay River Adj to PTN 1 F   39 60° 50' 52" 115° 44' 32" 2011-Jul-1 2017-Jun-30
53 085B13054 Public/
Campsite Hay River         60° 50' 44" 115° 45' 15" 2005-Oct-1 2020-Sep-30
54 085B13055 Industrial Dock Hay River         60° 49' 0" 115° 46' 0" 2002-Feb-1 2022-Jan-31
55 085B13108 Industrial Dock Hay River 1353 B     60° 52' 0" 115° 44' 55" 2006-Dec-1 2035-Nov-30
56 085J08012 Commercial Dock Yellowknife         62° 28' 0" 114° 22' 0" 2005-Aug-1 2030-Oct-31
57 085J08014 Public/
Access Road Yellowknife         62° 27' 0" 114° 21' 0" 2008-Oct-1 2038-Sep-30
58 085J08136 Utility Community Use Yellowknife Bay         62° 29' 0" 114° 17' 0" 2008-Dec-1 2018-Nov-30
59 085J08239 Public/
Community Park Frame Lake         62° 27' 4" 114° 24' 0" 2011-Aug-1 2041-Feb-28
60 085J08240 Public/
Community Park Frame Lake         62° 27' 17" 114° 22' 45" 2011-Aug-1 2041-Feb-28
61 085J09094 Industrial Water Intake Yellowknife 901   58596 883 62° 31' 0" 114° 19' 0" 1988-Dec-1 2018-Nov-30

Schedule 8
Waste Sites Management Committee (WSMC)

Terms of Reference
(Section 6.72)

1. Purpose:

The WSMC shall be established as an intergovernmental committee created to monitor the implementation of the Waste Sites chapter ("Chapter 6") of the Northwest Territories Lands and Resources Devolution Agreement ("Agreement") including to review, discuss and consider, and provide advice and recommendations to Canada in respect of, the Management of Waste Sites for which Canada remains legally responsible, in accordance with Chapter 6 (such waste sites in these Terms of Reference, "Waste Sites"). Defined terms used but not defined in these Terms of Reference shall have the meanings ascribed thereto in the Agreement.

2. Principles:

  • Canada is committed to the Management of Waste Sites in a consistent and cost-effective manner to reduce and, where possible, eliminate risk to human and environmental health and liability associated with Waste Sites as outlined in Contaminated Sites Management Policy (Canada) applicable in the NWT.
  • Canada shall consider any advice and recommendations of the WSMC, including any dissenting advice and recommendations, before making a decision in respect of any matter contemplated in section 6.73.
  • All decisions with respect to the Management of Waste Sites by Canada and the prioritization of the Management of Waste Sites and Remediation actions pursuant to Chapter 6, shall be solely the responsibility of Canada.

3. Structure:

  • The WSMC shall be comprised of members who shall be responsible officials from each Party to the Agreement knowledgeable in matters related to Chapter 6, one appointed by each Party. Each Party may also designate a responsible official knowledgeable in matters related to Chapter 6 as a deputy member who may act in the place of that Party's member.
  • The chair of the WSMC for meeting purposes shall be the member appointed by Canada and such chair shall prepare and distribute, or designate a member of another Party with that member's concurrence to prepare and distribute, minutes of such meetings and records of all recommendations of the WSMC.
  • The WSMC will meet no less than twice per calendar year, in person at locations within the Northwest Territories agreed to by the members of the WSMC, or otherwise through electronic forms of meeting, including conference calls and video-conferences. Members of the WSMC shall be provided reasonable notice to prepare for and attend meetings of the WSMC.
  • A quorum of the WSMC shall be comprised of a member (or a deputy member in their place) from Canada, the GNWT and a majority of the Aboriginal Parties being in attendance in person or by a means contemplated in subsection (c), provided that if a representative of a Party does not attend a scheduled meeting of the WSMC, the WSMC shall be entitled to proceed with a rescheduled meeting and if, after receiving reasonable notice of the rescheduled meeting, such representative fails to attend the rescheduled meeting then a quorum of the WSMC may be constituted without the attendance of a member from that Party.
  • An ad hoc meeting may be called by a Party to address urgent, unexpected, emergency or other pressing issues related to the Management of Waste Sites. The ad hoc meeting will occur as soon as practicable after the Party requests the meeting.
  • Each Party shall be responsible for maintaining its own files and records.
  • Canada shall be responsible for the costs of holding meetings and, subject as otherwise set out in the Agreement, each Party shall be responsible for its own costs of participating in the meetings.
  • The Parties may by mutual agreement establish additional administrative practices and procedures which are consistent with the purposes of the WSMC as outlined in these Terms of Reference.
  • The Parties may collectively agree to consult with or seek the participation of other parties or experts on matters related to the Management of Waste Sites in the NWT.

4. Process:

  • Subject to any restrictions on the disclosure of information in any law and where disclosure does not prejudice Canada's interests, Canada shall share information in its possession or control related to Waste Sites, including its reports and analyses on specific Waste Sites projects, with the WSMC for the purpose of seeking its advice and recommendations.
  • To the extent that any information shared by Canada with the WSMC is confidential in nature, the Parties (and their representative) will maintain the confidentiality of such information.
  • Each of the other Parties shall be entitled to share with the WSMC information in its possession or control related to Waste Sites or any other waste sites of which the other Parties are unaware, including any reports and analyses on specific Waste Sites projects, for the purpose of the WSMC reviewing and considering such information and offering advice or making recommendations to Canada. The Aboriginal Parties are encouraged to gather and synthesize such information from their respective local communities for sharing with the WSMC.
  • Reasonable efforts shall be made to achieve agreement among WSMC members with respect to the advice and recommendations provided to Canada. In the absence of agreement, the advice and recommendations of the WSMC may include both the advice and recommendations of the majority and the advice and recommendations of a dissenting member(s).
  • Canada shall consider all advice and recommendations of the WSMC, including any dissenting advice and recommendations, before making a decision on a matter that is a subject of the WSMC. Canada may accept or not or otherwise vary the advice and recommendations of the WSMC and shall provide summary reasons if it does not accept or varies the advice and recommendations of the WSMC.
  • In circumstances that Canada deems a matter is an emergency or time critical, it may and shall be entitled to take actions despite the fact that a matter may be under review by the WSMC or may not have been reviewed by the WSMC. Canada will report such actions to the WSMC as soon as possible in the circumstances.

5. Amendments:

Amendments to these Terms of Reference of the WSMC may only be made by agreement of all Parties to the Agreement.

6. Dispute Resolution:

Nothing in these Terms of Reference shall abrogate, override or derogate from the dispute resolution procedures contemplated in Chapter 6 nor shall any disagreements or disputes at the WSMC be the subject of the dispute resolution procedures contemplated in Chapter 6.

Schedule 9
List of Federal Buildings to be Transferred

(Section 8.1)

Community Internal Lease/
Building File #
Asset Name Civic Address Legal Description
PWGSC Norman Wells 520326 4 Bay Garage Tulita Street Lot 64, LTO Plan 748 CLSR 26514, Gr 1158
AANDC Yellowknife 24077/00063 Regional Services Complex 140 Bristol Ave. Lot 26 Block 906 LTO 4234 CLF95384
AANDC Yellowknife 24077/00063 Regional Services Complex 141 Bristol Ave. lots 676-76 to 676-79
AANDC Yellowknife 24077/00063 Regional Services Complex 142 Bristol Ave. lots 676-76 to 676-79
AANDC Yellowknife 56007/00191 Taiga Laboratory 4601-52nd Ave. Lot 1 Block 167 Plan 2096
AANDC Yellowknife 56007/00191 Core Storage 4601-52nd Ave. Lot 1 Block 167 Plan 2096
AANDC Yellowknife 56007/00465 CS Lord Geoscience Building 4601-52nd Ave. Lot 1 Block 167 Plan 2096
AANDC Inuvik 21089/00059 District Office 86 Duck Lake Road Lot 31 Blk. 28 Plan 635
AANDC Fort Smith 239 Warehouse Wintergreen Street Lot 1426, Plan 1974
PWGSC Fort Simpson 520312 Office Plex Building   Lot 5-65 LTO Plan0316 CLSR 55931
AANDC Fort Liard 20877/00056 Residence Lot 170 Lot 170 Plan 1910

Schedule 10
Leases to be Assigned to the GNWT

(Section 8.11)

Community Internal Lease/
Building File #
Asset Name Civic Address Legal Description
PWGSC Hay River 520345 Hay River Gov't of Canada Bldg #203 41 Capital Drive or 10 Capital Crescent L769, P97 LTO
PWGSC Inuvik 520350 Warehouse #4 17 Franklin Road Pt L24-1,B19,P1158LT
PWGSC Inuvik 520343 Warehouse #2 17 Franklin Road PT L24-1,B19,P1158LT
PWGSC Fort Simpson 520349 Fort Simpson Gov't of Canada Bldg 9606-100 Street  
PWGSC Inuvik PWGSC Lease #522907/
OI #6A013755 & 6A015651
Professional Building 125 Mackenzie Road  
PWGSC Fort Smith OI #6A014160/ #6A015356/
PWGSC Lease #521283
Evergreen Bldg/Fort Smith Metis Council Office 136 Simpson Street Lot 53 Plan 10
PWGSC Hay River PWGSC Lease #528652 Studney Drive Office Building 10C Studney Drive Lot 863 Plan 506
PWGSC Norman Wells OI #6A014212/ #6A014213/
PWGSC Lease #522562
Cartrols Bldg. 31 Forrestry Drive Lot 1-14, Group 1158, Plan 1058
PWGSC Yellowknife PWGSC Lease #522950 The Gallery Building 4923 – 52nd Street Lots 14 & 15, Block 25

Schedule 11
List of One-Time Transitional Activities of the GNWT

(Section 9.1)

Implementation Plan

  • Development and implementation of the Implementation Plan

Organizational Design

  • Development of an appropriate organizational design
  • Transition team
  • transition, implementation activities, planning, and working groups

Human Resources

  • Job description preparation, evaluation, and matching
  • Communications
  • Recruitment activities (including early hire), compensation survey and research, staff orientation plans, training and development plans
  • Administrative support (training, payroll)
  • Labour Relations

Properties and Space

  • Assessment of federal buildings, surveys, legal registration
  • Hard core (mineral) library facility, core samples, core cataloguing
  • Tenant improvements, office churn, office furniture and equipment, Lan, staff and equipment relocations

Movable Assets

  • Preparing inventories, identification of deficiencies, review and assessment of Moveable Assets

Information Systems

  • Assessment of GNWT post-devolution requirements and compatibility, evaluation of INAC's IT/IS systems, evaluation of provincial systems
  • GNWT information needs assessment
  • Design IM structure, acquisition and installation of major systems & equipment and advance testing
  • Purchase and installation of desktops

Files and Records

  • Records inventory review, districts site visits, assessment and identification
  • Transition planning, transfer management, scheduling and integration
  • Preparation of Records centre for the transfer, data input into IRMS database, and staff training


  • Review of contracts/leases, assignments

Waste Sites

  • Inventory assessments, planning and site auditing

Onshore/Offshore Oil and Gas Coordination

  • Negotiating, drafting and review of the agreement referred to in section 5.5


  • Drafting, legal support, policy support, consultations


  • Plans and products for employees, target groups and general public

Water Network

  • Assessment of hydrometric network requirements
  • Establishment of new water stations

Official Languages

  • Signage, forms, etc.

Schedule 12
One-Time Transition Funds for the GNWT

(Section 9.2)

Payments Provided To Date

2011-12 2012-13 Total
$2,000,000 $2,000,000 $4,000,000

Schedule 13
List of One-Time Transitional Activities of Aboriginal Parties

(Section 9.4)

Implementation Plan

  • Development and implementation of the Implementation Plan

Organizational Design

  • Review of GNWT organizational design for service delivery, participation on transition team(s)


  • Review of GNWT mirror legislation

Waste Sites

  • Inventory assessments, planning and site auditing

Post-Devolution Regime

  • Negotiating the bilateral agreement or agreements referred to in Chapter 4

Schedule 14
One-Time Transitional Funding Provided to the Aboriginal Parties

Part A (Section 9.5)

Payments Provided To Date

Aboriginal Party 2011-12 2012-13 Total
IRC $281,371 $105,144 $386,515
NWTMN $168,629 $93,867 $262,496
SSI - $103,609 $103,609
GTC - $100,603 $100,603
Tłıchǫ Government - $96,755 $96,755
Total $450,000 $499,978 $949,978

Part B (Section 9.6)

Schedule of Payments

Aboriginal Party 2011-12 / 2012-13 2013-14 Total
IRC $386,515 $479,247 $865,762
NWTMN $262,496 $390,641 $653,137
SSI $103,609 $467,188 $570,797
GTC $100,603 $443,564 $544,167
Tłıchǫ Government $96,755 $413,494 $510,249
Total $949,978 $2,194,134 $3,144,112Footnote 1

Schedule 15
Implementation Plan

(Section 11.1)

Developed by:

The Government of the Northwest Territories hereinafter referred to as "the GNWT"

Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada (AANDC) hereinafter referred to as "Canada", and

The Inuvialuit Regional Corporation (hereinafter referred to as the "IRC"), and

The Northwest Territory Métis Nation (hereinafter referred to as the "NWTMN"),

The Sahtu Secretariat Incorporated (hereinafter referred to as the "SSI"), and

The Gwich'in Tribal Council (hereinafter referred to as the "GTC")

The Tłıchǫ Government (hereinafter referred to as the "TG")

Whereas a Northwest Territories Land and Resource Devolution Agreement (the "Devolution Agreement") has been signed by Canada, the GNWT, the IRC, the NWTMN, the SSI, the GTC and the TG;

And whereas chapter 11 of the Devolution Agreement requires the inclusion of an Implementation Plan which is to guide the implementation of the Devolution Agreement by the GNWT Canada, the IRC, the NWTMN, the SSI, GTC and the TG ("the Parties");

And whereas representatives of the Parties have developed this Implementation Plan, (the "Plan"), which identifies certain activities to be undertaken with respect to the implementation of the Devolution Agreement;

Therefore the parties agree as follows:

1. Legal Status of the Plan
  • 1.1 The Plan sets out activities required to implement the Devolution Agreement.
  • 1.2 In accordance with Section 11.2 of the Devolution Agreement, the Plan is not legally binding and does not create legal obligations, does not form part of the Devolution Agreement and nothing in the Plan is to be considered an amendment to, modification of, or derogation from the Devolution Agreement.
  • 1.3 Where there is any inconsistency or conflict between the Plan and the Devolution Agreement, the Devolution Agreement shall prevail to the extent of the inconsistency or conflict.
  • 1.4 The Plan is not to be used for the purposes of interpreting the provisions of the Devolution Agreement.
  • 1.5 The Plan is based upon existing division of responsibilities between the Parties. It is understood that this division will change as responsibilities are transferred between the Parties
2. Term of the Plan
  • 2.1 The Plan will take effect on the date of signing of the Devolution Agreement and will end on the fifth anniversary of the Transfer Date of the Devolution Agreement.
3. Activities
  • 3.1 The Activities are described to identify the performance of obligations under the Devolution Agreement, and the Agreement for Coordination and Cooperation in the Management and Administration of Petroleum Resources in the Inuvialuit Settlement Region.
4. Implementation Committee
  • 4.1 For the purposes of this plan, the committee previously mandated under the Agreement in Principle as the Implementation Planning Committee (IPC) shall assume the role of Implementation Committee (IC) in order to ensure continuity between the planning phase and the implementation of the Devolution Agreement.
  • 4.2 The IC shall be responsible for ensuring that the activities set out in the Plan are carried out in accordance with the Plan and the provisions of the Devolution Agreement as activities required to implement that agreement.
  • 4.3 The IC shall:
    1. establish, as necessary, working groups and establish their terms of reference and mandates as necessary;
    2. identify the tasks arising from the Devolution Agreement, approve work plans to complete the tasks and assign responsibility and time-frames for the working groups to complete the tasks;
    3. Address issues of scope and timing flowing from the efforts of the working groups;
    4. Document significant issues of interpretation or issues of policy arising from the implementation of the Devolution Agreement and, where necessary, develop options and refer the issues to the appropriate party or parties for resolution.
    5. Monitor the progress of the activities of the working groups, revise the work plans as necessary, and ensure the implementation of the work plans; and
    6. Provide on a periodic basis or at the request of any party to the Devolution Agreement status of work updates.
    7. Provide a full report on the status of implementation activities no later than October 1, 2014.
  • 4.4 Composition
    • 4.4.1 The IC will be comprised of nine members, including:
      1. two senior officials appointed by Canada
      2. two senior officials appointed by the GNWT
      3. one senior official from each of the Aboriginal Parties.
    • 4.4.2 Each party may bring up to two observers.
    • 4.4.3 One representative from each of the GNWT and Canada will be identified as co-chair. and;
    • 4.4.4 An Alternate Co-Chair will be identified.
  • 4.5 Quorum
    • 4.5.1 One member each from Canada, the GNWT, and one member of the IRC, the NWTMN, the SSI, the GTC or the TG will comprise a quorum.
  • 4.6 Operations
    • 4.6.1 A quorum of the IC will set a meeting schedule for the IC.
    • 4.6.2 The costs associated with participation will be borne by the respective parties. The role of the IC Chair will alternate among Canada and the GNWT unless otherwise agreed. The designated IC Chair will set the agenda for each upcoming meeting in consultation with the other members and provide administrative support including providing meeting minutes.
5. Implementation Framework
  • 5.1.1 Implementation work will be guided by the IC
  • 5.1.2 The execution of transitional tasks will be undertaken by working groups and sub-working groups. The current working groups structure is as follows:
    • Program Working Groups:
      • Lands
      • Minerals, Oil & Gas
      • Environment & Water
    • Corporate Support Working Groups:
      • Communications
      • Human Resources
    • Enabling Working Groups
      • Properties, Assets, Records, Contracts, IT
      • Finance
      • Legislation
6. Amendment and Renewal
  • 6.1 The Plan may be amended by the agreement of the IC.
  • 6.2 All amendments must be agreed to by Canada, the GNWT with the involvement of the Aboriginal parties at a meeting duly convened by the IC chair.
  • 6.3 The Parties to the Devolution Agreement may agree to renew the Plan for a period beyond its five year term.
7. Dispute Resolution
  • 7.1 Any dispute arising as a matter of interpretation of the Plan that cannot be resolved at the working group level, or by the IC, shall be referred to a committee of senior officials designated by each of Canada, the GNWT, and any affected Aboriginal party for discussion. Such committee of senior officials shall attempt to resolve any such dispute.
8. Confidentiality
  • 8.1 Existing confidentiality agreements signed during negotiations shall continue to apply to implementation activities.
  • 8.2 Parties agree to continue to hold confidential, information shared in the course of implementation activities in accordance with the policies and procedures of the custodian of that information.
9. Timing Guidelines
  • 9.1 Implementation activities shall follow a phased approach which is described generally as follows:
    1. Scoping Phase – to be completed on or about July 31, 2013
    2. Analysis Phase – to be completed on or about September 30, 2013
    3. Concurrent preparation for transfer and preparation for receipt phases – to be completed on or about January 31, 2014
    4. Operations phase – to commence no later than March 1, 2014 and to be completed no later than March 31, 2014
10. Summary of Activities
  • 10.1 Legislation and Regulations
    • 10.1.1 Activities will be undertaken to establish the federal and territorial legislative frameworks and authorities to enable the transfer of jurisdiction over land, water and resources to the GNWT
  • 10.2 Transfer of Lands
    • 10.2.1 Based on the agreed upon list of exclusions, waste sites and the established line of delimitation, determine the existing lands rights and authorizations over which GNWT will assume jurisdiction.
    • 10.2.2 Analyze and determine method for transfer.
    • 10.2.3 Assemble business processes, procedures, assets and supporting documentation and prepare for transfer.
    • 10.2.4 Create administrative structures and process to receive and execute transferring processes, procedures, assets and their supporting documentation.
    • 10.2.5 GNWT to execute management of lands and assume jurisdiction.
  • 10.3 Transfer of Mineral and Petroleum Management
    • 10.3.1 Based on the agreed upon inventory of exclusions, waste sites and the established line of delimitation, determine the existing mineral and petroleum rights and interests over which GNWT will assume jurisdiction.
    • 10.3.2 Analyze and determine method for transfer.
    • 10.3.3 Assemble business processes, procedures, assets and supporting documentation and prepare for transfer.
    • 10.3.4 Create administrative structures and process to receive and execute transferring processes, procedures, assets and their supporting documentation.
    • 10.3.5 GNWT to execute management of minerals and petroleum resources and assume jurisdiction.
  • 10.4 Transfer of Environmental Administration & Water Management Responsibilities
    • 10.4.1 Based on the agreed upon inventory of exclusions, waste sites and the established line of delimitation, determine the existing environmental assessment framework, environmental management programs and rights in respect of water over which GNWT will assume jurisdiction.
    • 10.4.2 Analyze and determine method for transfer.
    • 10.4.3 Assemble business processes, procedures, assets and supporting documentation and prepare for transfer.
    • 10.4.4 Create administrative structures and processes to receive and execute transferring and/or delegated processes, procedures, assets and their supporting documentation.
    • 10.4.5 GNWT to execute environmental assessment framework, environmental management programs and rights in respect of water and assume jurisdiction.
  • 10.5 Human Resources
    • 10.5.1 Identify positions/functions impacted by devolution.
    • 10.5.2 Create appropriate organizational structures.
    • 10.5.3 Issue notifications and job offers in accordance with the established timelines.
    • 10.5.4 Effect transition of human resources and activate organizational design.
  • 10.6 Transfer of Properties, Assets, Records, Contracts and Information Technology
    • 10.6.1 Inventory and assessment of transferring properties, assets, records, contracts and information/communication systems.
    • 10.6.2 Analyze and determine transfer methodology and mechanisms.
    • 10.6.3 Prepare properties, assets, records, contracts and information/communication systems for transfer.
    • 10.6.4 Prepare for receipt of properties, assets, records, contracts and information/communication systems.
    • 10.6.5 Operationalize management of properties, assets, records, contracts and information/communication systems.
  • 10.7 Financial Matters: Receivables, Payables, Securities, Deposits
    • 10.7.1 Identify and calculate receivables and payables and year-end reconciliation including rents, revenues and royalties.
    • 10.7.2 Develop and implement procedures and processes to assess and distribute resources revenues.
    • 10.7.3 Develop and implement procedures and processes to effect the transfer of securities and deposits.
  • 10.8 Communications
    • 10.8.1 Develop and implement a communication and information strategy in respect of the Devolution Agreement.
  • 10.9 Onshore and Offshore Petroleum Management

    *Note: The timing guidelines for these activities have been set out in the Devolution Agreement and therefore do not conform to the guidelines set out in section 9 of this Plan.
    • 10.9.1 Establish the National Energy Board as regulator in the onshore and in the Inuvialuit Settlement Region.
    • 10.9.2 Implement the Agreement for Coordination and Cooperation in the Management and Administration of Petroleum Resources in the Inuvialuit Settlement Region.
    • 10.9.3 Within 60 days of the signing of the Final Agreement, begin discussions with Government of the Northwest Territories (GNWT), Inuvialuit and the Government of Yukon on matters (beyond devolution) of shared management of the Beaufort Sea oil and gas resources.
  • 10.10 Additional Information
    • For further information on the implementation plan please contact one of the parties identified on page 2 of this document.

Schedule 16
Notices and Communications

(Section 2.44)

If to Canada:
Assistant Deputy Minister Northern Affairs Organization
Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada
15 Eddy Street,
Gatineau, Quebec K1A 0H4
Fax: 819-953-6121

If to the GNWT:

Deputy Minister
Department of Aboriginal Affairs and Intergovernmental Relations
Government of the Northwest Territories
PO Box 1320
Yellowknife, NT X1A 2L9
Fax: 867-873-0233

If to the IRC:

Chair & CEO
Inuvialuit Regional Corporation
Bag Service #21
Inuvik NT X0X 0T0

If to the NWTMN:

Northwest Territory Metis Nation,
PO Box 720
Fort Smith NT X1A 2P7
Fax: 867-872-2772

If to the SSI:

Sahtu Secretariat Incorporated,
Box 173
Deline NT X0E 0G0

If to the GTC:

Gwich'in Tribal Council
Box 1509
Inuvik NT X0E 0T0

If to the Tłıchǫ Government:

Grand Chief
Tłıchǫ Government
PO Box 412
Behchoko NT X0E 0Y0
Fax: 867-392-6389

Schedule 17
Northwest Territories Intergovernmental Resource Revenue Sharing Agreement

(Section 10.13)

Northwest Territories Intergovernmental Resource Revenue Sharing Agreement

Made with effect as of this _____ day of ____________, 2014.


The Government of the Northwest Territories
(the "GNWT")


The Inuvialuit Regional Corporation
(the "IRC")


The Northwest Territory Métis Nation
(the "NWTMN")


The Sahtu Secretariat Incorporated
(the "SSI")


The Gwich'in Tribal Council
(the "GTC")


The Tłıchǫ Government
(the "TG")


  1. The Parties to this Agreement expect that the Devolution Agreement will provide the NWT with a Net Fiscal Benefit;
  2. Section 10.13 of the Devolution Agreement provides that the GNWT will share the Net Fiscal Benefit with the Aboriginal Parties, pursuant to the terms of an agreement between the GNWT and the Aboriginal Parties;
  3. The Net Fiscal Benefit should promote political development and the delivery of government programs and services in the NWT;
  4. The Aboriginal Parties to this Agreement are governments that serve their respective citizens, participants, or other beneficiaries, as the case may be;
  5. This Agreement complements and strengthens the government to government relationship among the Parties;
  6. The GNWT has agreed to share the Net Fiscal Benefit according to the provisions of this Agreement with the Aboriginal Parties.

Now therefore, the Parties agree as follows:

1. Definitions

  • 1.1 In this Agreement, including the recitals:
    • "Aboriginal Organization" has the same meaning as in the Devolution Agreement;
    • "Aboriginal Party" means the GTC, IRC, NWTMN, SSI, TG and any other Aboriginal Organization that becomes a Party in accordance with section 8.2;
    • "Agreement" means this Northwest Territories Intergovernmental Resource Revenue Sharing Agreement, including Schedule A;
    • "Canada" means the Government of Canada;
    • "Devolution Agreement" means the Northwest Territories Lands and Resources Devolution Agreement among the Government of Canada, the GNWT, the IRC, the NWTMN, the SSI, the GTC, the TG and any other parties;
    • "Formula" means the formula in Part 3 of Schedule A;
    • "GNWT" means the Government of the Northwest Territories;
    • "Interim Agreement" has the same meaning as in the Devolution Agreement;
    • "Net Fiscal Benefit" has the same meaning as in the Devolution Agreement;
    • "NWT" means the Northwest Territories;
    • "Party" means a party to this Agreement;
    • "Resource Revenues" has the same meaning as in the Devolution Agreement;
    • "Self-Government Agreement" means an agreement between the Crown and an Aboriginal people of the Northwest Territories, which is brought into force or implemented by federal legislation and which recognizes:
      • the legal status and capacity of a governing body to represent such Aboriginal people; and
      • the authority of that governing body to enact laws;
    • "Settlement Agreement" has the same meaning as in the Devolution Agreement; and
    • "Transfer Date" has the same meaning as in the Devolution Agreement.

2. Purpose

  • 2.1 The purpose of this Agreement is to share Resource Revenues from public lands and resources with Aboriginal governments for government purposes.

3. General Provisions

  • 3.1 Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed so as to abrogate or derogate from, or to prejudice, limit or restrict:
    • any existing Aboriginal or treaty right recognized and affirmed under section 35 of the Constitution Act, 1982, including any right under Treaty 8 or Treaty 11;
    • any fiduciary duty or obligation of the Crown to the Aboriginal peoples of Canada, including any obligation arising from the Constitution of Canada; or
    • any executive, prerogative or statutory powers or any legislative authority of the GNWT or the Legislative Assembly of the Northwest Territories, as the case may be, to affect any right referred to in subsection (a) or arising from any duty or obligation referred to in subsection (b), in a manner consistent with the Constitution of Canada.
  • 3.2 For greater certainty, this Agreement is not a treaty or a land claim agreement within the meaning of sections 25 and 35 of the Constitution Act, 1982.
  • 3.3 This Agreement shall not be construed so as to delay, impair, or impede any negotiations processes among the Aboriginal peoples of the NWT, Canada and the GNWT or the commencement of those processes.
  • 3.4 For greater certainty, this Agreement does not vary, replace, limit or affect any rights, powers, duties or obligations of the Parties under Settlement Agreements or Self-Government Agreements.
  • 3.5 Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed so as to preclude any person from advocating before the courts any position on the existence, nature, or scope of any Aboriginal or treaty right of Aboriginal peoples of Canada, or of any fiduciary obligation, or of any other constitutional obligation to the Aboriginal peoples of Canada.
  • 3.6 For greater certainty, this Agreement does not affect any entitlement of an Aboriginal Party to receive a share of resource royalties under the terms of a Settlement Agreement or any Interim Agreement.
  • 3.7 For greater certainty, this Agreement does not apply to the sharing of any resource revenue received by the GNWT in respect of oil and gas in the offshore Beaufort Sea or other northern offshore areas as may be agreed.
  • 3.8 Without limiting the GNWT's contractual obligation under section 4.1, nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as providing the Aboriginal Parties with any interest in, or charge on, Resource Revenues or any land.

4. Sharing of Net Fiscal Benefit

  • 4.1 The GNWT shall pay to each Aboriginal Party a share of the Net Fiscal Benefit to be calculated in accordance with the Formula and principles set out in Schedule A.
  • 4.2 Subject to sections 4.4 to 4.6, if Aboriginal Parties represent all NWT Aboriginal Organization Populations, the total amount paid pursuant to section 4.1 shall be 25% of the Net Fiscal Benefit for that year.
  • 4.3 Amounts payable by the GNWT pursuant to section 4.1 shall be calculated on the basis of the Net Fiscal Benefit due to and received by the GNWT after the Transfer Date.
  • 4.4 Each Aboriginal Party shall provide to the other Parties the statistical information required by the GNWT to calculate the Aboriginal Organization Population referred to in Part 2 of Schedule A.
Retained Amounts
  • 4.5 Any amounts designated under the Formula for the benefit of NWT Aboriginal Organization Populations not yet represented by an Aboriginal party to this Agreement shall be retained by the GNWT.
  • 4.6 Prior to the one year anniversary of the Transfer Date, the GNWT and the Aboriginal Parties shall negotiate with a view to concluding an agreement on the allocation of funds referred to in section 4.5.
  • 4.7 In the event the negotiations referred to in section 4.6 do not result in an agreement, the GNWT shall determine whether any funds referred to in section 4.5 shall be:
    • added to GNWT general revenues;
    • provided to the Aboriginal Parties; or
    • subject to another arrangement.
Payment Schedule
  • 4.8 Amounts payable to each Aboriginal Party pursuant to section 4.1 shall be remitted in quarterly instalments.
  • 4.9 The GNWT shall annually provide to each Aboriginal Party a statement indicating the basis on which the share of Net Fiscal Benefit was calculated for the preceding year. Upon the request of an Aboriginal Party, the GNWT shall meet to review the calculations it is required to perform under this Agreement.
Dispute Resolution
  • 4.10 If a dispute arises between the GNWT and an Aboriginal Party with respect to the payment of the Net Fiscal Benefit for a particular year, the Parties shall explore resolution of the dispute through negotiation or other dispute resolution procedures before resorting to litigation.
Additional Sharing
  • 4.11 Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed so as to preclude the eligibility of an Aboriginal Party for an additional share of the Net Fiscal Benefit.
  • 4.12 The amount of the share described in section 4.11 and any terms and conditions associated with the sharing shall be subject to negotiation between the GNWT and the Aboriginal Party.

5. Review and Amendment of Agreement

  • 5.1 The Parties shall establish a joint working group, comprised of one representative of each Party, to review and make recommendations to the Parties on matters related to the implementation of this Agreement, including:
    • ensuring consistency in determining Aboriginal Organization Populations;
    • alternative methods for determining relative costs of living;
    • any amendments to this Agreement that the working group wishes to recommend to the Parties; and
    • any other matter referred to the working group by the Parties.
  • 5.2 Working Group recommendations referred to in section 5.1 are not binding on the Parties, and are subject to authorization or approval by the Parties, where required.
  • 5.3 The Parties shall conduct a review of the Formula and other provisions of this Agreement, commencing within two months after the Transfer Date and concluding no later than the second anniversary of the Transfer Date, and thereafter once every four years, unless otherwise agreed.
  • 5.4 This Agreement may be amended by consent of the Parties, given in writing.
  • 5.5 Despite section 5.4, the Formula set out in Schedule A, Part 3, may be amended by written consent of all the Aboriginal Parties in consultation with the GNWT. Any amendment to the Formula must provide for a fair and equitable opportunity for sharing among all the NWT Aboriginal Organization Populations consistent with the Principles in Schedule A, Part 1.
  • 5.6 The Aboriginal Parties reviewing the Formula under section 5.5 shall strive to operate on the basis of consensus. If consensus cannot be reached within six months of an initial proposal for amendment, any Aboriginal Party may refer the matter to non-binding mediation.
  • 5.7 Where a matter has been referred to mediation under section 5.6, the Aboriginal Parties will select a mediator agreed to from a roster of mediators referred to in section 5.8. If there is no mediator available from the roster, any Aboriginal Party may apply to an alternative dispute resolution organization for an independent mediator to be appointed to help the Aboriginal Parties resolve any differences.
  • 5.8 The Aboriginal Parties will develop and maintain a roster of mediators approved by the Aboriginal Parties who have
    • a familiarity with the circumstances of the Parties; and
    • the skills, abilities and expertise to act as a mediator.
  • 5.9 The Aboriginal Parties may also agree to appoint an evaluator or other third party expert to provide recommendations.
  • 5.10 Costs relating to section 5, unless otherwise agreed among the Parties, shall be addressed as follows:
    • each Party shall bear its own costs for participation in the joint working group referred to in section 5.1, and in discussions on amendment of the Formula referred to in section 5.6;
    • each Aboriginal Party shall share equally the costs of hiring a mediator, an evaluator or other third party expert pursuant to sections 5.7 and 5.9 as the case may be; and
    • each Party shall share equally in any additional costs related to the collection of statistical information or other requirements resulting from amendments to the Formula.
  • 5.11 Each Party shall participate in good faith in the joint working group referred to in section 5.1, any review conducted under section 5.3, and in any amendment discussions conducted under section 5.5.

6. Status of Agreement

  • 6.1 This Agreement is binding upon the Parties.
  • 6.2 This Agreement comes into effect on the Transfer Date.

7. Legislation

  • 7.1 As soon as is practicable after the signing of this Agreement, the GNWT shall recommend legislation for enactment by the Legislative Assembly of the NWT, providing for the sharing of the Net Fiscal Benefit consistent with this Agreement.
  • 7.2 As soon as is practicable after the signing of this Agreement, the TG shall introduce into the Tłıchǫ Assembly a Tłıchǫ Law which provides for the implementation of this Agreement.
  • 7.3 The GNWT shall consult the Parties in the preparation of the legislation referred to in section 7.1, and any amendments to that legislation.

8. Execution of Agreement

  • 8.1 This Agreement may be signed and delivered by any Party in counterpart, and all such counterparts together shall constitute one and the same document.
  • 8.2 By signing this Agreement, each Party warrants that it has all necessary internal approvals, including, where required, the enactment of legislation or the making of a resolution, to authorize the Party's authorized representative to sign this Agreement on behalf of the Party.

9. Additional Parties to this Agreement

  • 9.48.1 An Aboriginal Organization that is not a Party may, with the consent of the GNWT, become a Party by having an authorized representative sign this Agreement on behalf of that Aboriginal Organization, and upon the signing of this Agreement by its authorized representative this Agreement is deemed approved by and binding upon that Aboriginal Organization.

The Northwest Territories Lands Intergovernmental Agreement on Lands and Resources Management

Agreement signed in counterpart on ______________, 2014

For the Government of the Northwest Territories

Robert R. McLeod


For the Inuvialuit Regional Corporation

Nellie Cournoyea
Chair and Chief Executive Officer


For the Northwest Territory Métis Nation

Garry Bailey


For the Sahtu Secretariat Incorporated

Ethel Blondin-Andrew


For the Gwich'in Tribal Council

Robert A. Alexie


For the Tłıchǫ Government

Eddie Erasmus
Grand Chief


Schedule A
(section 4.1)

Part 1: Principles

  1. The Formula to allocate Resource Revenues among Aboriginal Parties pursuant to section 4.1 must be based on a fair and equitable distribution of the amount referred to in sections 4.1 and 4.2 of the Agreement, between all NWT Aboriginal Organization Populations, and without penalty, deduction or offset by government.
  2. The Formula should:
    • be flexible and responsive to changes in the socio-economic and geopolitical landscape of the NWT; and
    • to the extent possible, provide for ease of calculation.
  3. The amounts receivable by an Aboriginal Party or Aboriginal Parties within a Region under the Formula will not be affected by any change in the number of Aboriginal Parties in any other Region.
  4. Statistical data used for purposes of the Formula will be obtained from recognized and reliable sources, as agreed upon by the Parties.

Part 2: Definitions

"Aboriginal Organization Population" means:

  1. for the GTC, participants listed on the enrolment register pursuant to section 4.3.1 of the Gwich'in Comprehensive Land Claim Agreement;
  2. for the IRC, the Inuvialuit enrolled in the Inuvialuit Land Rights Settlement pursuant to section 6.4(a) of the Inuvialuit Final Agreement and those Inuvialuit under the age of 18 enrolled as a child of a beneficiary;
  3. for the NWTMN, until such time as the NWTMN has an enrolment list under a Settlement Agreement, the NWTMN membership list based upon the eligibility criteria in the NWTMN Lands and Resources Agreement-in-Principle;
  4. for the SSI, participants listed on the enrolment register pursuant to section 4.4.2 of the Sahtu Dene Métis Comprehensive Land Claim Agreement;
  5. for the TG, Tłıchǫ Citizens listed on the Register as defined in the Tłıchǫ Agreement;
  6. for each of the Akaitcho Territory Government (ATG) and the Dehcho First Nations (DFN), until such time as either, as the case may be, has an enrolment list under a Settlement Agreement, its membership as calculated by the NWTBureau of Statistics using:
    1. the membership of each as self-identified in the most recent NWT Community Survey; and
    2. the average proportion of members residing outside of the NWT for other Aboriginal Organizations with enrolment lists under a Settlement Agreement, as a proxy measure for the number of ATG or DFN members, as the case may be, residing outside of the NWT;
  7. for any Aboriginal Organization whose membership is not included in subsections (a) – (f) above, until such time as that Aboriginal Organization has an enrolment list under a Settlement Agreement or other comparable means of determining its membership, its membership as calculated by the NWTBureau of Statistics using:
    1. the membership of that Aboriginal Organization as self-identified in the most recent NWT Community Survey; and
    2. the average proportion of members residing outside of the NWT for other Aboriginal Organizations with enrolment lists under a Settlement Agreement, as a proxy measure for the number of that Aboriginal Organization' members residing outside of the NWT.

"Average Living Cost (Region)" means the sum of the difference in the Living Cost Differential Index between each community in the Region and Yellowknife, where Yellowknife = 100, divided by the number of communities in the Region. The Living Cost Differentials are produced by Statistics Canada on an occasional basis.

"Living Cost (NWT)" means the sum of the Average Living Cost (Region) for all Regions.

"Region" means any of the:

  • Akaitcho Region, consisting of the 5 communities of Detah, N'Dilo, Fort Resolution, Łutsel K'e and Salt River First Nation as represented by the Akaitcho Territory Government and Salt River First Nation;
  • Dehcho Region, consisting of the 10 communities of Fort Liard, Fort Providence, Fort Simpson, Hay River Reserve, Jean Marie River, Nahanni Butte, Trout Lake, Wrigley, West Point First Nation, Kakisa as represented by the Dehcho First Nations, the Acho Dene Koe First Nation, Kátł'odeeche First Nation and Pehdzeh Ki First Nation;
  • Gwich'in Region, consisting of the 4 communities of Aklavik, Fort McPherson, Tsiigehtchic, and Inuvik as represented by the Gwich'in Tribal Council;
  • Inuvialuit Region, consisting of the 6 communities of Aklavik, Ulukhaktok, Sachs Harbour, Inuvik, Paulatuk and Tuktoyaktuk as represented by the Inuvialuit Regional Corporation;
  • Northwest Territory Métis Nation Region, consisting of the 3 communities of Fort Smith, Hay River (and area) and Fort Resolution as represented by Northwest Territory Métis Nation;
  • Sahtu Region, consisting of the 5 communities of Colville Lake, Dèlı̨ne, Fort Good Hope, Norman Wells, and Tulita as represented by the Sahtu Secretariat Incorporated; and
  • Tłıchǫ Region, consisting of the 4 communities of Behchokǫ̀, Gamètì, Wekweètì, and Whatì as represented by the Tłıchǫ Government;

"Total Aboriginal Population" means the sum of all Aboriginal Organization Populations.

Part 3: Formula

A. Total Resource Revenues Available for Sharing

Total Available for Sharing = T = 25% x Net Fiscal Benefit

B. Formula for Regional Aboriginal Organizations

Regional Amount (RA) = Living Cost Amount (Region) + Population Amount

Living Cost Amount (Region) =
(30% x T) x (Average Living Cost (Region) / Living Cost (NWT))

Population Amount =
(70% x T) x (Aboriginal Organization Population / Total Aboriginal Population)

C. Formula for Sub Regional Aboriginal Organizations

For Aboriginal Organizations that do not represent an entire Region, its share of resource revenues will be the following Sub Regional Amount unless otherwise agreed to by all Aboriginal Organizations within that Region and the GNWT.

Sub Regional Amount (SRA)v= Living Cost Amount (Community) + Population Amount

Living Cost Amount (Community) =
Living Cost Amount (Region) x (Number of Communities Represented by the Aboriginal Organization / Number of Communities in the Region)

Population Amount =
(70% x T) x (Aboriginal Organization Population / Total Aboriginal Population)

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