Review of the Performance of the Emergency Management Assistance Program During the 2011-2012 Manitoba Floods - Follow-up Report Status Update as of December 31, 2013

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Action Plan Implementation Status Update Report to the Evaluation, Performance Measurement and Review Committee - As of December 31, 2013

Regional Operations Sector – Community Infrastructure Branch

Review of the Performance of the Emergency Management Assistance Program During the 2011-2012 Manitoba Floods
Approval Date: 23/06/12

Action Plan Expected
Completion Date
Program Response
1. EMAP should develop better linkages with other programs within AANDC to ensure an effective system for supporting long term solutions for emergency management hazards and community resilience. Since the 2011 Manitoba floods, EIMD merged with the Community Infrastructure Branch (CIB) and has already begun making important linkages with other departmental programs, particularly with regard to the mitigation and recovery pillars.

EMAP will further leverage existing CFM programming to strengthen risk assessments, mitigation, reporting systems, and promote strategic infrastructure investments (community design, location of new infrastructure, etc).

Currently, EMAP is working closely with the Capital Facilities and Maintenance Program to develop options to strengthen emergency mitigation activities in on-reserve First Nations communities. AANDC will also leverage current activities underway within Public Safety Canada.
Ongoing Status: Underway

As of 30/09/2012

EIMD's integration with the Community Infrastructure Branch has created better linkages with other programs such as the Capital Facilities and Maintenance Program and strengthened the Department's ability to support emergency management across all four pillars of emergency management, the mitigation and recovery pillars in particular.

AANDC is engaged in an ongoing dialogue with Public Safety Canada on ways to develop mitigation related policies with a focus on First Nations communities. This work will inform the development of mitigation options and long-term solutions for emergency management that will be communicated to the Minister and senior management of AANDC.

AES: Closed. Sufficient progress has been made.
2. EIMD should develop guidelines for First nation Emergency management Plans that include protocols for how a First Nation can access assistance when their internal resources are overwhelmed. Once the guidelines are in place, the AANDC Manitoba Regional Office should work with First Nations to update their plans and maintain copies of the plans that will form the basis for future coordination work. 1. EMAP will develop a nation First Nations Emergency Management Manual on roles, responsibilities, protocols and service standards and guidelines on how AANDC Regional Office will engage First Nations, provinces and other organizations as well as define roles and responsibilities of all stakeholders.

2. In addition, EMAP will include guidelines related to declarations of states of emergency and how to determine when there are over for First Nations to declare an emergency which will help clarify the roles and responsibilities as well as lead to EMAP's increased effectiveness.
2012-2013 (Q4) 1. Status: Request to close
Update / Rationale:
As of 30/06/2013:

EMD is updating AANDC's National Emergency Management Plan and continues to support First Nations emergency management planning partially in an effort to clarify these protocols. The review of the national plan will guide the review of regional plans which the Sector Operations Branch and Regional Offices committed to in the action plan in response to the 2012-2013 internal audit of EMAP. Consequently, it is requested that this item be closed and that it be tracked in the other action plan for the internal audit.

AES: Concur that tracking occur in audit response. Recommend to close. Closed.

2. Status: Change in Strategy
Update / Rationale:
As of 30/06/2013:

EMD has opted to change direction in the way it addresses this concern. EMD established a State of Local Emergency (SOLE) On-Reserve Working Group (consisting of the AFN, EMD and AANDC Regional Offices) in order to develop an overview document regarding the processes in place to declare a State of Local Emergency on reserve. This document is to be completed by 2013-2014 Q2.

New policy emphasis on establishing bilateral agreements with provinces will result in the state of local emergency issue being developed through that mechanism.

In the action plan in response to the internal audit of EMAP, the Sector Operations Branch and Regional Offices committed to implementing standardized processes through bilateral agreements to ensure that objectives and priorities are clear with respect to emergency management plans, procedures for response activities and after-action reports as well as the approval of emergency expenditures and the scrutiny of invoices.

It is requested that this item be closed in this action plan and merged into the commitment made in the action plan for the internal audit.

AES: Concur that tracking occur in audit response. Recommend to close. Closed.

3. Status: Request to close
Update / Rationale:
As of 31/12/2013:

The Manitoba Association of Native Fire Fighters (MANFF) emergency management plan template has been updated.  All high risk communities were contacted in writing during summer 2013 and offered assistance in updating their plans.  Further assistance was provided during a Nov 13 & 14 scheduled workshop.

AES: Concur. Sufficient progress made. Recommend to Close.

4. Status: Request to close
Update / Rationale:
As of 31/12/2013:

The Manitoba Region worked with Public Safety Canada and the Manitoba Association of Native Fire Fighters to host a First Nation emergency management workshop held on Nov 13 & 14 that supported the creation and updating of First Nation emergency plans.  Work is ongoing between the Manitoba Region and MANFF to finalize a plan on the implementation of updating and maintaining community emergency plans.  Manitoba Region has collected copies of plans for AANDC's records. 

AES: Progress made. On-going. Monitoring required until implementation plan is finalized.
3. The AANDC MB regional Office and the Manitoba Association of Native First Fighters (MANFF) will work collaboratively to strengthen First Nations emergency management plans by developing an emergency management plan template and supporting First Nations during plan development. 2012-2013 (Q4)
4. THE AANDC MB Regional Office will engage MANFF to implement a strategy to update and maintain community emergency management plans as well as to collect copies of finalized plans for AANDC's records. The AANDC MB Regional Office will be responsible for overseeing this work. TBD (2013-2014 Q3)
3. EIMD and the AANDC Manitoba Regional Office should explore how to scale emergency management roles and responsibilities based on the size and magnitude of emergency events, including when and how Headquarters should become involved in decision-making during a response. The AANDC MB regional Office along with CIB will develop a formalized structure which identifies:

A). various emergency thresholds based on the scale of an event; and

B). the associated scale of emergency management roles and responsibilities for each threshold. This structure will clarify roles of Headquarters in the decision making process during an event.

AANDC Regional Emergency Management Plans will be adjusted to reflect these changes.
2013-2014 (Q3) Status: Request to close
Update / Rationale:
As of 30/06/2013:

A scalable Incident Command System (ICS) has been established and utilised to enable effective, efficient management of the potential flooding of First Nations communities in Manitoba for the 2013 flood risk. This included the establishment of a Regional Emergency Management Steering Committee with DG of Operations and EMD participation.  The Regional Emergency Plan needs to be adjusted to apply the ICS to an all-hazard plan.

: Sufficient Progress made. Close.
4. The AANDC Manitoba Regional Office should develop the capacity to implement the full incident command system during future emergencies. AANDC MB regional Office will develop surge capacity within MB Region that aligns with the Incident Command System (ICS) providing a way of coordinating the efforts of agencies and resources as they work together toward safely responding, controlling, and mitigating as an emergency incident.

In the development of surge capacity, AANDC MB Regional Office will, explore best practices and other regional examples to help develop a surge capacity team that can be both effective and efficient and suits the needs for Manitoba First nation communities
2012-2013 (Q4)
(March 31, 2013)
Status: Request to close
Update / Rationale:
As of 30/06/2013:

AANDC Manitoba Regional Office has begun the realignment of emergency management under the Directorate of Governance and Individual Affairs with cross training of additional staff. Sixty percent of regional staff have received training in basic emergency management, 7 staff are trained as duty officers, 4 staff as Incident Commanders (ICM) and Emergency Operations Centre (EOC). Additional training for ICM, EOC and Exercise Design is scheduled for Q2.

AES: Sufficient progress made. Recommend to close. Closed.
5. In consultation with the AANDC Regional Offices, EIMD should develop clear procedures, protocols or guidelines for conducting risk assessments and supporting emergency responses (including activities such as flood fighting and evacuations). AANDC will use existing information about First Nation communities including First Nations emergency management plans, regional expertise, AANDC General Assessment and inspection reports for infrastructure to develop a risk based model that will support the department and First Nations in implementing appropriate mitigation activities.

Conducting community-level risk assessments is a First Nation responsibility and is part of an emergency management plan. AANDC is responsible for supporting First Nations in conducting risk assessments and, in Manitoba, the AANDC Regional Office will engage MANFF to provide this support.
2013-14 Q1 (Risk Assessment Database) Status: Request to close
Update / Rationale:
As of 30/06/2013:

In the action plan in response to the 2012-2013 internal audit of EMAP, the Sector Operations Branch and EMD committed to conducting all-hazard risk assessments and using the results to inform AANDC's emergency management activities.

It is requested that this item be closed and included in the other action plan for the internal audit.

AES: Concur that tracking occur in audit response. Recommend to close. Closed.
6. Once the governance structure and processes have been clarified, EIMD and the AANDC Manitoba Regional Office should engage with partners to develop an effective emergency management system for Manitoba First Nation communities. AANDC to develop options to implement an efficient emergency management system for Manitoba First Nations communities.

AANDC to continue to participate in bi-lateral negotiations with the Province of Manitoba and Manitoba Association of Native Fire Fighters (MANFF) for Emergency Management Service Agreements in support of Aboriginal communities in Manitoba, as well as, Public Safety Canada regarding the Disaster Financial Assistance Arrangements (DFAA) program.
Ongoing Status: Request to close
Update / Rationale:
As of 30/06/2013:

Areas for collaboration between Canada and Manitoba have been scoped out including Disaster Financial Assistance for discussion at the ADM Steering Committee in Q2.

Since the Sector Operations Branch and the Regional Offices commit to negotiating bilateral agreements in the action plan responding to the 2013-2014 internal audit of EMAP, it is requested that this item be closed.

AES: Concur that tracking occur in audit response. Recommend to close. Closed.

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