2013/2014 Advocacy and public information projects


"Assembly of First Nations – Advocacy and Communications Proposal for the Indian Residential Schools Unit"

Project Lead: Assembly of First Nations
Location: Ottawa, Ontario

The Assembly of First Nations continued advocacy to assist former students in gaining complete access and equal participation in the Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement. Using existing networks, the Assembly of First Nations advocated and facilitated an effective and efficient communications strategy on the IAP deadline, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, and Commemoration activities, as well as liaised and facilitated access on the development of the terms and conditions for Personal Credits.

"Legacy of Hope – Advocacy and Public Information Program"

Project Lead: Legacy of Hope Foundation
Location: Ottawa, Ontario

The Legacy of Hope is a national Aboriginal charitable organization whose purpose is to educate and create awareness and understanding about the legacy of Indian Residential Schools, including the effects and intergenerational impacts on First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples, and to continue to support the ongoing healing process of former students of Indian residential schools. In 2013-2014, the Legacy of Hope Foundation worked with communities, curators, and educators to develop multimedia content, and design and develop an interactive mobile application to accompany the 100 Years of Loss exhibit, providing visitors with a deeper and more interactive educational experience. The "Les enfants oublies: The Métis Residential School Experience" exhibit was also enhanced with the development of a mobile website to accompany the exhibit, delivering its message to a wider audience. Expanding distribution of resources developed in the past by LHF and creating mobile applications gave educators the tools they need to raise awareness about the legacy of residential schools among youth and create dialogue on reconciliation.

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