Evaluation of INAC's On-Reserve Housing Support - Follow-up Report Status Update as of June 30, 2013

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Action Plan Implementation Status Update Report to the Evaluation, Performance Measurement and Review Committee - As of June 30, 2013

Regional Operations

Evaluation of INAC's On-Reserve Housing Support
Approval Date: 22/02/2011

Action Plan Expected
Completion Date
Program Response
It is recommended that AANDC, working with First Nations and seeking the active involvement of CMHC and other key stakeholders:

1. Develop a policy statement building on the 1996 Policy and other On-Reserve Housing Initiatives. The policy statement should lay out clear objectives and be flexible enough in its application to ensure it meets the different types of needs in First Nation communities.
We concur with this recommendation.

A) Working with First Nations, AANDC will develop policy options related to housing that will clarify the roles and responsibilities of AANDC, CMHC and First Nations.
Q2, 2011-2012 Status: On-going
Update / Rationale:
As of 31/12/2012:

The National First Nation Housing Liaison Committee, comprised of representatives from the AFN, CMHC, Health Canada and AANDC, have drafted each entity’s Roles and Responsibilities and are identifying on-reserve housing priorities to jointly action.

AES: CLOSED – Fully Implemented
Structures are in place and mechanisms to increase clarity in roles and responsibilities are operating.
B) AANDC will assess the housing program for compliance with the new standardized departmental approach to First Nation funding agreements, specifically the new Policy on Transfer Payments, which provides flexibility in funding by taking into account risk and the different capacity development needs of First Nations along the community development continuum. Q2, 2011-2012 Status: Closed
Update / Rationale:
As of 31/03/2012:

As per September 30/11 update, this item was recommended to be closed.

C) AANDC is working jointly with CMHC in identifying and implementing practical, incremental steps including developing and implementing a joint Housing Policy and Research Work Plan as initial steps in a change management approach which will lead to improved housing outcomes in First Nations. Q1, 2011 - 2012 Status: Closed
Update / Rationale:
As of 31/03/2012:

As per September 30/11 update, this item was recommended to be closed.

2. Support and work with First Nations to clarify and strengthen accountability and governance structures, including roles and responsibilities, performance measurement, financial management, and community housing plans. We concur with this recommendation.

AANDC’s new policy recommendations (see Action, Recommendation #1) will address the need to clarify AANDC, CMHC and First Nations’ roles, responsibilities and accountabilities.
Q4, 2011-2012 Status: Request to Close
Update / Rationale:
As of 31/12/2012:

The National First Nation Housing Liaison Committee comprised of representatives from the AFN, CMHC, Health Canada and AANDC have completed a joint template identifying each entity’s Roles and Responsibilities. Communication and implementation strategy to be developed by the committee’s working group.

AES: CLOSED – Fully Implemented
Structures are in place and mechanisms to increase clarity in roles and responsibilities are operating.
AANDC is developing and refining performance indicators for all areas of funding under the Capital and Facilities Maintenance Program, including housing. Benchmarks and targets are being established for each housing indicator. Q4, 2011-2012 Status: Request to Close
Update / Rationale:
As of 30/09/2012:

Housing Plan information obtained from regions and tracked in the housing DCI. All other items completed 31/03/2012.

AANDC will work with First Nations to strengthen their management of housing, including governance structures and financial management and the development of community housing plans, through various capacity development initiatives (see Action, Recommendation 3). Q4, 2011-2012 Status: Request to Close (Completed)
Update / Rationale:
As of 30/09/2012:

2012-13 Special Initiatives Funding for housing capacity development projects has been fully allocated and is expected to continue on an annual basis.

3. Develop a strategic approach to advance capacity building initiatives in order to:

a. better manage and monitor housing stock (where possible, AANDC should work with other government departments to leverage resources for First Nation capacity development);

b. advance local operational control; and

c. achieve the minimum standards of the National Building Code (e.g., quality construction, repairs and maintenance) to ensure long-lasting and environmentally sustainable units.
We concur with this recommendation.

Working with First Nations, AANDC will pursue strategic capacity development objectives to assist First Nations in increasing their housing capacity, collaborating with CMHC, other government departments and First Nations organizations. These initiatives will include:
Q4, 2012-2013  
a-1: collaborating with partners involved in capacity development for on-reserve housing (namely CMHC and the First Nations Market Housing Fund) to identify existing capacity support services and gaps and develop a plan for a more coordinated and effective approach; Q4, 2012-2013 Status: Request to Close
Update / Rationale:
As of 31/03/2013:

a-1) Following up on the 2012 study of AANDC, FNMHF and CMHC’s capacity support, AANDC has signed a three year renewable Memorandum of Understanding with CMHC to regularly share information on planned capacity development initiatives. This enables AANDC and CMHC to coordinate capacity support services to First Nations more effectively.
a-2:working with the First Nations National Building Officers Association to implement a building permit system in First Nation communities which will support the Band (Chief and Council) to assume operational control of housing outcomes; Q4, 2012-2013 Status: Request to Close
Update / Rationale:
As of 31/03/2013:

a-2) This building permit system project was completed in 2011/12. Final reports and lessons learned are available to interested First Nations through the First Nations National Building Officers Association.
a-3: supporting capacity development in First Nations housing through the Special Initiatives Fund (SIF), which funds small-scale projects designed to improve housing management, promote market housing, and demonstrate innovation in housing/infrastructure; and Q4, 2012-2013 Status: Request to Close
Update / Rationale:
As of 31/03/2013:

a-3) SIF projects for 2011/12 and 2012/13 have been completed. SIF will continue to be used to support capacity development each year, pending renewal of funding.
a-4: revising the comprehensive community housing guide, entitled "Creating Effective Community Strategies for First Nations Housing," to support effective community planning and housing management, and help advance and promote local operational control of housing in First Nation communities. Q4, 2012-2013 Status: Request to Close
Update / Rationale:
As of 31/03/2013:

a-4) The "Creating Effective Community Strategies for First Nations Housing" guide and supporting workshops were completed and made available to interested First Nations. As per September 30/11 update, this item was recommended to be closed.

AES: Close – Fully Implemented
All items under recommendation A have been fully implemented as described in the action plan.
B: Changes to the Ministerial Loan Guarantee (MLG) manual will add requirements that, as part of the application for an MLG, First Nations confirm that the project will be inspected by qualified inspectors who must confirm that it will meet or exceed the National Building Code (NBC) standards and other relevant standards. First Nations will also be required to confirm that the record of inspection and record of compliance to NBC standards or other relevant standards will be kept on file by the First Nation for the life of the MLG. AANDC will continue to work with CMHC to enhance NBC compliance. AANDC expects to complete the revisions to the MLG Manual and communicate changes in MLG requirements to First Nations in Q1 of 2011-2012. Q1, 2011-2012 B) Status: Request to Close.

As of 31/03/2012:

As per September 30/11 update, this item was recommended to be closed.

C: Community Infrastructure Branch (CIB) will link to the broader Departmental capacity development strategy led by Governance Branch of Regional Operations Sector. Q4, 2012-2013 C) Status: Ongoing
Update / Rationale:
As of 30/06/2013:

Community Infrastructure Branch continues to work with the Governance Branch in support of their initiative to consolidate capacity programs through the RO – Capacity Development Partnerships Program (RO-CDPP).

Implementation of the RO-CDPP as a pilot project, including Professional and Institutional Development, Circuit Rider Training, Safe Water Operations, First Nation infrastructure Fund, and potentially a SCC Supreme Court of Canada TAG Sector capacity development funding program is on-going. CIB is currently exploring options for the development of a capacity development program specific for on-reserve housing, which would be developed in collaboration with the Governance Branch to ensure consistency with the broader Departmental Capacity Development Strategy.

AES: Underway (In progress)
CIB continues to engage with Governance and Branch in developing a strategy to strengthen local capacity.
4. Support and work with First Nations to ensure houses are built to address overcrowding and deterioration and to maximise the use of resources bearing in mind current and future pressures on housing stock. We concur with this recommendation.

AANDC is examining options along the housing spectrum to identify instruments that will support First Nations in transitioning from social housing to other forms of affordable housing, including rent-to-own programs and multi-units to increase housing stock and provide a broader range of housing options.
Q4, 2011-2012 Status: Request to Close

Update / Rationale:
As of 31/12/2012

AANDC’s Special Initiative Fund is an ongoing funding stream used to develop tools and support First Nation and First Nation Organization initiated projects intended to increase options along the housing spectrum, e.g. a Revolving Loan Fund primer, community housing plans, a Pay-as-you-Save utility bill savings demonstration project and a housing rental program primer which references rent-to-own options.

In 2012, AANDC funded a series of housing research projects, including the First Nations Market Housing Fund: Evaluation of the Broader Policy Implications for Housing On-Reserve, to assist in an evidence based approach in the review and potential development of housing programs and policy options.

AES: CLOSED – Fully Implemented
Structures and processes to facilitate transition from social housing to other options are embedded in program activities, and the sector continues to review the development of programs and options to improve housing.
Researching existing First Nations housing programs, policy options will be developed that support more effective use of revolving loan funds and other market-based tools, which has demonstrably increased available housing units by reducing reliance on social housing and decreasing pressure on existing housing stock. Q4, 2011-12
5. Undertake research, in partnership with First Nations and CMHC, to identify:

cost-effective design options for on-reserve housing construction and renovation

the impact of demographic trends on the needs for on-reserve housing

options for effective management of on-reserve housing portfolios

options for effective governance of on-reserve housing
AANDC will collaborate with CMHC to compile existing research and publications related to housing design and construction on reserve. Q4, 2012-2013 Status: Request to Close
Update / Rationale:
As of 31/03/2013:

AANDC funded the development of cost-effective green housing designs for Piikani First Nation, a project which ended on March 31, 2012. CMHC conducts or supports a wide range of research aimed at improving the quality of Canadian housing, which is accessible through their website.

AES: Close – No longer relevant
CIB has conducted research, but has noted that this is well-covered by the activities of CMHC.
AANDC and CMHC will analyze housing and population data to consider demographic pressures. Q4, 2012-2013 Status: Request to Close
Update / Rationale:
As of 31/03/2013:

In 2011/12, AANDC funded the Stewart Clatworthy report, "On-Reserve Housing Needs Study," which analyzed demographic trends and projected future First Nation housing needs to 2031. The final report was shared with CMHC and the AFN.

AES: Close – Fully Implemented
Research has been conducted as described in the action plan.
AANDC will compile "best practices" for achieving success in First Nations housing for inclusion in the guide "Creating Effective Community Strategies for First Nations Housing," which will be a tool made available to First Nations. Q4, 2012-2013 Status: Request to Close
Update / Rationale:
As of 31/03/2013:

The "Creating Effective Community Strategies for First Nations Housing" guide, including best practices, was completed in 2011/12 and was made available to interested First Nations.

AES: Close – Fully Implemented
Guide was developed and distributed as described in the action plan.
AANDC will collaborate with First Nations organizations that engage in research on the implications of the legal definition of local operational control. Q4, 2012-2013 Status:
Update / Rationale:
As of 30/06/2013:

Through the First Nations National Housing Liaison Committee, AANDC, CMHC and the AFN have produced a chart that outlines roles and responsibilities for housing, including those of First Nations and First Nation housing occupants.

AANDC has submitted a request for a formal legal opinion on obligations with respect to the provision and management of housing on reserve: expected completion date: Q2, 2013-14.

AES: Underway (In progress) - AANDC is currently awaiting a formal legal opinion with respect to obligations before completing this activity.

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