Evaluation of the Family Violence Prevention Program - Follow-up Report Status Update as of March 31, 2013

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Action Plan Implementation Status Update Report to the Evaluation, Performance Measurement and Review Committee - As of March 31, 2013

Education, Social Development and Partnerships Program

Evaluation of the Family Violence Prevention Program
Approval Date: 02/24/2012
Project Recommendations Action Plan Expected Completion Date Program Response
1. FVPP should ensure that its priorities for shelter services and prevention activities are aligned with program objectives. Following the example of Alberta and Manitoba which have regional boards, FVPP should develop strategy approaches to funding prevention activities including projects that serve multiple communities. AANDC HQ will continue to work with regions on approaches to distribute prevention funds more strategically and to achieve value for money.

AANDC HQ will continue to work with the National Aboriginal Circle Against Family Violence to support capacity for shelters.
Start: April 1st, 2012

End: March 31st, 2013
Status: Request to Close (Completed)

As of 31/03/2013

All regions are implementing region-specific strategic funding approaches to prevention projects which encourage innovation and partnerships. For example, Alberta and Manitoba are supporting First Nation prevention boards to help distribute prevention funding to communities. British Columbia has engaged First Nations on the development of a new funding approach which sets aside strategic funding for region-wide initiatives that benefit multiple communities. A national proposal guide is still under development.

Work with the National Aboriginal Circle Against Family Violence (NACAFV) is ongoing through annual contribution funding arrangements. In 2012-13, NACAFB hosted a training workshop for shelter staff, a shelter director’s conference and continues to offer awareness and training materials on its website.

AES: Close – Structures and processes are in place to address the recommendation.
2. The FVPP should enhance capacity of shelters where feasible. AANDC HQ will work with regions as well as with NACAFV to support capacity for shelters; however, the extent of capacity building will depend on the outcome of policy and program renewals. Start: April 1st, 2012

End: Ongoing
Status: Ongoing (Underway)

As of 31/12/2012

The FVPP supported NACAFV’s shelter director conference in December 2013. This event helped enhance shelter capacity by providing training as well as a forum for shelter directors to understand challenges, share best practices, and work together to address common issues.

In addition, the FVPP is developing and testing compliance tools and has conducted site visits to shelters in Ontario and Alberta. These activities are ongoing and will expand to all regions. The FVPP has updated its data collection instrument for 2013-2014 and intends to work further with shelter directors on these for the 2014-2015 data collection instruments.

This work helps to enhance shelter capacity by working directly with shelters to improve working relationships, address challenges and share best practices.

AES: Closed. Processes are in place to address the recommendation. The work will need to be ongoing.
3. The FVPP should establish clear performance measures and targets for prevention activities and the continuum of services. Performance measure such as proxies that can be used to measure incidents and rates of family violence on-reserve. Rates of family violence are difficult to capture on and off reserve, at both an aggregate and community level.

As a result, AANDC HQ will develop performance measures and targets aligned with our current Umbrella Performance Measurement Strategy and will explore measures such as proxies that can be used to measure incidents and rates of family violence on-reserve.
Start: April 1, 2012

End: March 31st, 2013
Status: Request to Close (Completed)

As of 31/03/2013

Six key performance indicators and targets for the FVPP are outlined in Social Program’s 2011 Performance Measurement Strategy. To support measuring against these key indicators, FVPP streamlined its data collection instrument for 2013-2014 from two annual reports to one. New data will be collected on the leveraging of funding, recipient partnering efforts, engagement with community strategic planning processes, as well as information on shelter usage and clientele demographics. FVPP will review and if needed update annually its data collection instrument while continuing to work with key partners to explore data sources/proxies on rates of family violence on- reserve.

AES: Close – Structures and processes are in place to address the recommendation.
4. The FVPP should strengthen linkages with other departments, levels of government and communities to ensure that shelter services and prevention projects are delivered in a coordinated manner to improve access. AANDC will continue to participate in the federal Family Violence Initiative, and through joint Health Canada/AANDC committee on collaboration, strengthen linkages between on-reserve programs.

AANDC will support where possible, regional gatherings to share information and best practices to encourage coordination at the community level.

AANDC will encourage through its Social Programs National Manual coordination at the community level.
Start: April 1st, 2012

End: Ongoing
Status: Underway

As of 31/03/2013

In January 2013, HQ participated in site visits with two Alberta family violence shelters, and in a meeting with the Three Eagle Wellness Society which administer prevention funds on behalf of Alberta First Nations. This work provided insight on best practices, partnerships and challenges experienced by the shelters and the prevention board. Also, in February 2013, HQ participated in the National Aboriginal Circle Against Family Violence Annual Training Forum for shelter staff. This was an opportunity to hear directly from front-line workers and to share information.

AANDC has initiated bilateral meetings with CMHC; the first meeting took place in January 2013. CMHC and AANDC committed to meet again, share policy/program documents and develop a joint shelter chart to share information and explore areas for improved coordination. AANDC is also currently working with the Status of Women Canada and other partners such as Justice, Public Safety and Public Health Agency on options to improve federal coordination in the area of violence against women.

AES: Underway (in progress) – The program is exploring options to strengthen the coordination of services.
5. The FVPP should explore opportunities to build family violence prevention objectives into community planning and processes and integrate service delivery with other prevention programs. AANDC will explore, through its current efforts on the Community Development Framework, options for communities to build family violence prevention into their community-based plans to support integration of service delivery at the community level.

AANDC will encourage through its Social Program National Manual coordination at the community level.
Start: April 1st, 2012

End: Ongoing
Status: Request to Close (Completed)

As of 31/03/2013

The updated FVPP 2013-14 data collection instrument assesses efforts at integrating service delivery with other prevention programs by asking recipients to identify their existing partnerships with other governments, organizations, and programs. The information will be useful to determine the extent of community planning processes and integration. Data on community planning and coordination will become available in 2014-15 and will be reported against in recommendation #4.

AES: Close – Structures and processes are in place to determine options for integrating family violence prevention programming and community planning.

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