Contribution for Inuit Counselling in the South

On this page

  1. Introduction
  2. Legal and Policy Authority
  3. Purpose, Program Objectives and Expected Results
  4. Eligibility
  5. Type and Nature of Eligible Expenditures
  6. Total Canadian Government Funding and Stacking Limits
  7. Method for Determining the Amount of Funding
  8. Maximum Amount Payable
  9. Basis on Which Payments will be Made
  10. Application Requirements and Assessment Criteria
  11. Due Diligence and Reporting
  12. Official Languages
  13. Intellectual Property
  14. Repayable Contributions
  15. Redistribution of Contributions
  16. Other Terms and Conditions

1. Introduction

The federal government continues to recognize the need to fund outreach programs and other services offered to Inuit living in southern Canada. The services provided assure counselling-type services to the Inuit who have moved from isolated northern areas into a highly complex urban environment in southern Canada.

These terms and conditions are specifically targeted to Aboriginal people.

2. Legal and Policy Authority

Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development Act, R.S.C. 1985 c. I-6, s. 4;

3. Purpose, Objectives and Expected Results

The principal purpose of the contribution for Inuit counselling in the South is to fund core activities of eligible recipients to improve the quality of life for Inuit people in urban environments by offering services indirectly through an establishment of a voluntary, predominantly Inuit Centre, established to deal with social, cultural and adjustment needs of the Inuit.

Counselling service and programming tailored to Inuit needs are expected to reduce the incidence of severe socio-economic problems that may arise when relocating to a largely different geographic and cultural area. Furthermore, it is expected that local Inuit will assume increasing administrative responsibility for these programs, increasing their capacity to manage their own affairs. An improved quality of life for relocated Inuit is a key outcome.

In the Program Activity Architecture, this authority is listed under: The North/Healthy Northern Communities.

4. Eligibility

Community-based Inuit friendship and cultural centres based in southern Canada, which offer Inuit programming.

Activities related to Inuit counselling and programs are eligible under these terms and conditions.

5. Type and Nature of Eligible Expenditures

Expenditures which are, in the opinion of the Department, reasonable and necessary for the recipient organization to carry out approved activities related to counselling and programs, including salaries and benefits to employees and casual workers, contract costs for administrative services, professional fees, rental of office and meeting space, communications, photocopying and printing, office supplies, travel, including meals and accommodations and other administrative costs are eligible.

6. Total Canadian Government Funding and Stacking Limits

Proposals for funding from each recipient shall address the requirement for the recipient to declare any and all prospective sources of funding for the program or project, inclusive of all federal, provincial, territorial or municipal governments (total government assistance) and other sources that is expected to be received. Annual financial reporting shall show all sources of funding received. Maximum funding by DIAND and total maximum total government assistance is 100% for eligible programs and projects.

7. Method for Determining the Amount of Funding

Funding is determined, within the maximum amount payable, following a review of expenditures which are, in the opinion of the Department, reasonable and necessary for the recipient organization.

8. Maximum Amounts Payable

The maximum annual payment total for any single eligible recipient, including any amendments to the original transfer payment agreement, will be $80,000.00 per annum.

9. Basis on Which Payments will be Made

Contributions are normally paid on the basis of achievement or performance objectives or as reimbursement of expenditures incurred. Payments are made based on a cash flow forecast from the recipient.

10. Application Requirements and Assessment Criteria

Prior to applying for contribution funding, the recipient shall establish which programming is expected to be offered. When the application for a contribution is approved, the recipient shall enter into a contribution agreement, having such form and content as the Minister considers necessary or appropriate, but including at least the following:

11. Due Diligence and Reporting

DIAND has internal control procedures, systems and human resources to ensure due diligence is properly exercised when verifying eligibility for Contributions for Inuit counselling in the South.

DIAND's program management has the responsibility of liaising with eligible recipients to ensure that the program and financial terms and conditions are understood, management and funding arrangements are in place, reporting requirements are understood and met, monitoring activities are carried out in accordance with established directives and guidelines, operating a process to review recipients' annual audited financial statements are reviewed and results are reported.

Performance Measurement Strategies are also being developed for all programs, consistent with the requirements in the Policy on Transfer Payments, as part of the phased-in approach to implement the renewed Policy on Transfer Payments.

12. Official Languages

Where a program supports activities that may be delivered to members of either official language community, access to services from the recipient will be provided in both official languages where there is significant demand and Part IV of the Official Languages Act is applicable. In addition, the department will ensure that the design and the delivery of programs respect the obligations of the Government of Canada as set out in Part VII of the Official Languages Act.

13. Intellectual Property

Where a contribution is provided for the development of material in which copyright subsists, conditions for shared rights between the recipient and the crown will be set out in the funding agreement.

14. Repayable Contributions

Provisions for repayable contributions do not apply. Any contributions made to private firms under these programs are not intended to generate profits or to increase the value of a business.

15. Redistribution of Contributions

Where a recipient delegates authority or further distributes contribution funding to an agency or a third party (such as an authority, board, committee, or other entity authorized to act on behalf of the recipient), the recipient shall remain liable to the Department for the performance of its obligations under the funding agreement. Neither the objectives of the programs and services nor the expectations of transparent, fair and equitable services shall be compromised by any delegation or redistribution of contribution funding.

Recipients have full independence in the selection of such third parties and will not be acting as an agent of the government in making distributions.

16. Other Terms and Conditions


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