Archived - Management Practices Audit of the Yukon Region - Follow-up Report Status Update as of December 31, 2012
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Action Plan Implementation Status Update Report to the Audit Committee - As of December 31, 2012
Yukon Region
Project Recommendations | Action Plan | Expected Completion Date | Program Response |
1. The Regional Director General, Yukon Region should define standards for services provided to external clients, develop performance expectations (targets) for each standard, and establish monitoring and reporting requirements. In doing so, the Regional Director General, Yukon Region should collaborate with the Northern Affairs Organization (HQ) and the other North of 60 regional offices to ensure a consistent approach is developed. Given the Yukon Region's unique operational environment – the Region provides services to Northern (Northern Development programs) as well as First Nation (Indian and Inuit Affairs programs) recipients - the Regional Director General, Yukon Region should seek to leverage, where applicable, the work completed to date as part of the National Standards Initiative to establish standards, targets and monitoring/reporting requirements for Indian and Inuit Affairs Program-based program activities. |
Management Response The Yukon Region will establish service standards, performance targets, and monitoring and reporting requirements for the Region's program delivery activities for Northern Development-focused programs and Indian and Inuit Affairs-focused programs. For Northern Development-focused program areas, the Yukon Region will work closely with the Northern Affairs Organization (HQ) and the other North of 60 regional offices to ensure a consistent approach is developed. For Indian and Inuit Affairs-focused program areas, the Yukon Region will seek to leverage the work completed to date through the National Standards Initiative. As part of these efforts, the Yukon Region will also seek ways to leverage the existing functionalities of the First Nations and Inuit Transfer Payment (FNITP) system to support ongoing monitoring and reporting on these new standards. |
Actions Review the Northern Development-based program activities and Indian and Inuit Affairs-based program activities to identify those programs with existing service standards as well as those programs without established service standards. Formalize service standards, targets, and monitoring and reporting requirements for programs with existing standards. Establish service standards, targets, and monitoring and reporting requirements for programs without existing standards. Communicate service standards, targets, and monitoring and reporting requirements to all regional staff and hold awareness sessions to ensure those impacted by the new standards are fully briefed. Implement monitoring and reporting activities in time for the 2013-14 fiscal year. |
March 2013 | ||
2. The Regional Director General, Yukon Region should ensure human resources plans and regional business plan are integrated and provide details on anticipated human resource requirements and its impact on financial resources. In doing so, the Regional Director General, Yukon Region should collaborate with the Northern Affairs Organization (HQ) and the other North of 60 regional offices to ensure a consistent approach is developed. The Regional Director General, Yukon Region should seek to leverage, where applicable, the approach and methodology developed by South of 60 regional offices to improve the integration of human resources and business planning documents. | Management Response The Yukon Region will work in collaboration with the other North of 60 regional offices under the direction of Northern Affairs Organization (HQ) to improve the linkages between human resources and regional business plans. Specifically, the Region will ensure that human resources requirements and the associated financial impacts are captured for program activity identified in the regional business plan. In developing the new approach and methodology for integrating HR and business plans, the Region may seek advice and guidance from South of 60 regional offices as well as the Policy and Strategic Direction Sector and others to ensure that the new plan is compatible with the Department's quarterly reporting requirements. |
Actions Participate in discussions with the other North of 60 regional offices and Northern Affairs Organization (HQ) to identify a common way forward. Present the revised approach to regional planning to the ADM, NAO for approval. Develop a revised regional planning template and supporting tools to report against the plan. |
September 2012 | Status: Request to Close Update/Rationale: As of 31/12/2012
3. The Regional Director General, Yukon Region should ensure that staffing files are complete and that key forms (i.e. Personnel Action Request Form) are adequately completed including the section that links the staffing action to the Human Resources Plan. | Management Response As articulated in the Human Resource Plan, staffing actions must align to Regional, Sector and Corporate priorities and context. The RDG will work with Human Resources in the Yukon Region to ensure alignment of resource allocation with established plans and priorities. |
Status: Update/Rationale: As of 30/09/2012: |
Actions The Human Resources Directorate (HRD), Yukon Region will review the current HR checklists to ensure that they capture all of the required documentation for the various staffing processes conducted by the Region, including the linkage to the regional HR staffing plan. The updated checklists will be communicated to HRD staff. HRD, Yukon Region will hold information sessions with managers on how to complete Personnel Action Request forms (PARFs). |
April 2012 |
4. The Regional Director General, Yukon Region should formally establish mechanisms to ensure the Region is actively engaged in the development of departmental policies that impact the Region's operations. Given the Yukon Region's unique operational environment - the Region provides services to Northern (Northern Development programs) as well as First Nation (Indian and Inuit Affairs programs) recipients - the established mechanisms should facilitate the Region's engagement in the development of policies impacting Northern and First Nations recipients. | Management Response The Yukon Region will continue efforts to ensure it is actively involved in the departmental policy development process for Northern Development and Indian and Inuit Affairs program areas, particularly those policy decisions that have a direct impact on the Yukon Region. Through attendance at the Northern Management Board of NAO, the Associate Regional Director General (ARDG) forum for Regional Operations, and other Headquarters-led forums such as the Director Generals Implementation and Operations Committee (DGIOC), the Yukon Region will work to ensure it actively provides comments and feedback in a timely manner on policy items relevant to the Yukon Region. |
Status: Update/Rationale: As of 30/09/2012: |
Actions Identify all key headquarters-led policy forums and appoint responsible regional authority for each forum. Where the Yukon Region is not a participant in the forum, the Region will work in concert with the Northern Affairs Organization (HQ) to ensure policy discussions impacting the Yukon Region are communicated to the appropriate regional representative. Establish a regional working group comprised of the responsible regional authorities noted above for the purpose of monitoring and discussing policy development activities across the department and providing timely feedback on items relevant to the Yukon Region. Incorporate policy development in the Yukon Region's senior management committee agenda as a standing item. |
September 2012 |
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