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Green Building Targets

8.1 As of April 1, 2012, and pursuant to departmental strategic frameworks, new construction and build-to-lease projects, and major renovation projects, will achieve an industry-recognized level of high environmental performance.
Performance Measure RPP DPR
Target Status Opportunity for Improvement
Number of completed new construction, build-to-lease and major renovation projects in the given fiscal year, as per departmental strategic framework. Not available Not available
Number of completed new construction, build-to-lease and major renovation projects that have achieved an industry-recognized level of high environmental performance in the given fiscal year, as per departmental strategic framework. Not available Not available
Existence of strategic framework. No Yes: Completed March 2013

Strategies / Comments

  1. Minimum level of environmental performance: LEED Canada New Construction (NC) Silver, 3 Green Globes for Design or equivalent.
  2. Applicable building types: Newly constructed operational buildings (including those owned by AANDC, lease-to-own projects, and build-to-lease projects) and major renovations in operational office and non-office buildings.
  3. Industry recognized assessment and verification tool(s) used: LEED Canada New Construction(NC), Green Globes for Design or equivalent.
  4. The scope of this target in the AANDC Strategic Framework for Green Buildings is narrow since the Department manages a very limited number of new construction and build-to-lease projects for buildings owned by the Department. Only one construction project for an operational facility extending beyond the 2012–2013 FY was identified as potentially subject to the departmental strategic framework during the development of the framework.
  5. This target does not apply to construction projects on First Nations lands funded by AANDC.
  6. Rationale for traffic light indicator selected: The strategic framework that outlines considerations for this target has been completed. No interim target for new construction projects was established for the 2012–2013 FY as the departmental strategic framework was implemented at the end of the year. New construction projects subject to the departmental strategic framework are required to achieve an industry-recognized level of high environmental performance as of April 1, 2013.

8.2 As of April 1, 2012, and pursuant to departmental strategic frameworks, existing crown buildings over 1000 m2 will be assessed for environmental performance using an industry-recognized assessment tool.
Performance Measure   RPP DPR
Target Status   Opportunity for Improvement
Number of buildings over 1000 m2, as per departmental strategic framework.   Not available 2
Percentage of buildings over 1000 m2 that have been assessed using an industry-recognized assessment tool, as per departmental strategic framework. FY 2011–2012

FY 2012–2013

FY 2013–2014
0% 0%
50% 0%
Existence of strategic framework.   No Yes: Completed March 2013


  1. Applicable building types: Existing buildings with a total floor area over 500 m2 owned by AANDC for operational purposes.
  2. The appropriate threshold (dollar value or floor area): 500 m2
  3. Industry recognized assessment tool(s) used: BOMA BESt, Green Globes, or equivalent assessment programs.
  4. AANDC is applying this target to existing operational buildings with a floor area over 500 m2 because it does not own any buildings with a floor area over 1000 m2.
  5. The only two operational structures owned by AANDC with a floor area over 500 m2 will be transferred to the Government of the Northwest Territories (GNWT) by March 31st, 2014 as part of the NWT Devolution process.
  6. AANDC defines operational buildings as buildings that are owned by the Department and occupied by departmental employees.
  7. Non-operational buildings owned by AANDC with a total floor area equal to or greater than 1000 m2 and that are for potential transfer to First Nations, will be assessed on an optional/voluntary basis.
  8. The percentage of buildings over 500 m2 that will be assessed using an industry-recognized assessment tool for 2013–2014 (90%) was reported in AANDC's Report on Plans and Priorities for the 2012–2013 FY based on preliminary expectations for the departmental strategic framework.
  9. Rationale for traffic light indicator selected: The strategic framework that outlines considerations for this target has been completed. No interim target for the assessment of buildings over 500 m2 was established for the 2012–2013 FY as the departmental strategic framework was implemented at the end of the year. Buildings subject to the departmental strategic framework will be assessed for environmental performance as of April 1, 2013.
8.3 As of April 1, 2012, and pursuant to departmental strategic frameworks, new lease or lease renewal projects over 1000 m2, where the Crown is the major lessee, will be assessed for environmental performance using an industry-recognized assessment tool.
Performance Measure RPP DPR
Target Status Opportunity for Improvement
Number of completed lease and lease renewal projects over 1000 m2 in the given fiscal year, as per departmental strategic framework. Not available Not available
Number of completed lease and lease renewal projects over 1000 m2 that were assessed using an industry-recognized assessment tool in the given fiscal year, as per departmental strategic framework. Not available Not available
Existence of strategic framework. No Yes: Completed March 2013

Strategies / Comments

  1. Applicable building types: Office space leased directly to AANDC.
  2. The appropriate threshold: 500 m2 in rentable area and in which AANDC is the major lessee (occupies more than 50% of the total rentable area in the building).
  3. Industry recognized assessment tool(s) used: BOMA BESt
  4. This target does not include buildings leased to Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC) and provided to AANDC by means of occupancy instruments since such buildings are included in PWGSC's implementation report of this target.
  5. AANDC has adopted a lower size threshold for this target due to the limited number of accommodations leased directly to the Department.
  6. Rationale for traffic light indicator selected: The strategic framework that outlines considerations for this target has been completed. No interim target for lease and lease renewal projects was established for the 2012–2013 FY as the departmental strategic framework was implemented at the end of the year. New lease and lease renewal projects subject to the departmental strategic framework will be assessed for environmental performance as of April 1, 2013.
8.4 As of April 1, 2012, and pursuant to departmental strategic frameworks, fit-up and refit projects will achieve an industry-recognized level of high environmental performance.
Performance Measure RPP DPR
Target Status Opportunity for Improvement
Number of completed fit-up and refit projects in the given fiscal year, as per departmental strategic framework. Not available Not available
Number of completed fit-up and refit projects that have achieved an industry-recognized level of high environmental performance in the given fiscal year, as per departmental strategic framework. Not available Not available
Existence of strategic framework. No Yes: Completed March 2013

Strategies / Comments

  1. Minimum level of environmental performance: LEED Commercial Interiors (CI) Silver or 3 Green Globes for Fit-up or equivalent.
  2. The appropriate threshold (dollar value or floor area): 500 m2 total project area.
  3. Applicable building types: All operational buildings (owned and leased).
  4. Rationale for traffic light indicator selected: The strategic framework that outlines considerations for this target has been completed. No interim target for fit-up and refit projects was established for the 2012–2013 FY since the departmental strategic framework was implemented at the end of the year. Fit-up and refit projects subject to the departmental strategic framework will obtain an industry-recognized level of high environmental performance as of April 1, 2013.
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Greenhouse Gas Emissions Target

8.5 The federal government will take action now to reduce levels of greenhouse gas emissions from its operations to match the national target of 17% below 2005 by 2020.
Performance Measure RPP DPR
Target Status Exceeded 
Departmental GHG reduction target: Percentage of absolute reduction in GHG emissions by fiscal year 2020–2021, relative to fiscal year 2005–2006. 17% by March 31, 2021  17% by March 31, 2021  
Departmental GHG emissions in fiscal year 2005–2006, in kilotonnes of CO2 equivalent. 0.646 0.646
Departmental GHG emissions in the given fiscal year, in kilotonnes of CO2 equivalent. FY 2011-2012 0.575 0.524
FY 2012-2013 0.570 0.489
FY 2013-2014 0.566  
FY 2014-2015    
FY 2015-2016    
FY 2016-2017    
FY 2017-2018    
FY 2018-2019    
FY 2019-2020    
FY 2020-2021    
Percent change in departmental GHG emissions from fiscal year 2005–2006 to the end of the given fiscal year. FY 2011-2012 -10.99% -18.89% 
FY 2012-2013 -11.65% -24.31%
FY 2013-2014 -12.32%  
FY 2014-2015    
FY 2015-2016    
FY 2016-2017    
FY 2017-2018    
FY 2018-2019    
FY 2019-2020    
FY 2020-2021 -17%  
Existence of an implementation plan to reduce GHG emissions. Yes Yes; Completed February, 2012 

Strategies / Comments

  1. Targeted emission sources include vehicles owned by the Department. This target does not apply to buildings owned by AANDC.
  2. For the purposes of this target, AANDC is treating fuel purchased on "non-specific" fleet credit cards and consumed by vehicle types such as all-terrain vehicles, snowmobiles, material handling equipment, marine vessels, heavy trucks, special purpose trucks, and heavy mobile equipment as having been used by normal "on-road" (passenger/light-duty) vehicles.
  3. The AANDC Vehicle Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Strategy includes: roles and responsibilities, regional Green House Gas (GHG) reduction targets, potential methods to decrease emissions (i.e. vehicle right-sizing, driver training, up-fitting, etc.) and performance management strategies.
  4. Departmental GHG emissions figures in kilotonnes of CO2 equivalent stated above have been rounded to three decimal places.
  5. There have been no updates to the departmental GHG target since it was established in the Report on Plans and Priorities of 2011–2012. Only the baseline amount from 2005–2006 was recalculated during the 2011–2012 period due to the discovery of errors in previous calculations, which also required adjustments to annual and planned reduction targets. The actual decrease in GHG emissions for 2011–2012 was reported as "20%" in AANDC's Departmental Performance Report for 2011–2012 due to the rounding of figures for kilotonnes of CO2 equivalent, and has been corrected in the table above.
  6. Rationale for traffic light indicator selected: As per the mandatory implementation strategies for target 8.5 in the FSDS, AANDC has:
    1. Reduced GHG emissions from the Department's on-road vehicles by 24% (exceeding the national target of 17%).
    2. Reported (and adjusted as required) baseline GHG emissions.
    3. Established a departmental target for reducing GHG emissions from on-road vehicles.
    4. Developed and implemented a strategy to achieve the departmental GHG reduction target.
    5. Demonstrated that departmental GHG emissions are on a clear downward trend.
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Surplus Electronic and Electrical Equipment Target

8.6 By March 31, 2014, each department will reuse or recycle all surplus electronic and electrical equipment (EEE) in an environmentally sound and secure manner.
Performance Measure RPP DPR
Target Status On Track 
Existence of implementation plan for the disposal of all departmentally-generated EEE. Yes Yes; Completed December 2012
Total number of departmental locations with EEE implementation plan fully implemented, expressed as a percentage of all locations, by the end of the given fiscal year. FY 2011-2012 18% (13 locations in the National Capital Region) 0% 
FY 2012-2013 33% (13 locations in the National Capital Region and at least 11 regional locations) 10.3% (3 of 29 total)
FY 2013-2014 100% (all departmental locations)  

Strategies / Comments

  1. AANDC has defined EEE locations as locations where EEE is stored and/or processed. Multiple offices where EEE is stored or processed in the same building are counted as one EEE location.
  2. The actual percentage of locations with EEE with a fully administered implementation plan for the 2012–2013 FY stated above differs from the preliminary figures stated in AANDC's Report on Plans and Priorities for the 2012–2013 FY and the Departmental Performance Report for the 2011–2012 FY because it is based on AANDC's final definition of EEE locations and on information reported to AANDC Headquarters during the 2012–2013 FY.
  3. The EEE location in the National Capital Region manage EEE for approximately 50% of all AANDC employees.
  4. AANDC's Asset Information Management System tracks almost all EEE directed to disposal mechanisms by the Department.
  5. The AANDC Implementation Plan for Departmental Surplus Electronic and Electrical Equipment (EEE) includes roles and responsibilities for Asset Custodians and Responsibility Centre Managers (RCMs), Headquarters Asset Management, Regional Asset Management, Accommodations, and the Department's Information Management Branch.
  6. All of the required elements, as per the mandatory implementation strategies listed in the GGO targets table are included in the AANDC Implementation Plan for Departmental Surplus Electronic and Electrical Equipment (EEE). .
  7. AANDC disposes of EEE through the Computers for Schools program, gratuitous donations, Crown Assets Distribution, provincial recycling programs, and the Standing Offer for EEE disposal as required.
  8. Rationale for traffic light indicator selected: AANDC is on track to achieve 100% of locations with an EEE implementation plan that is fully utilized. No interim target was established for the 2012–2013 FY in the AANDC Implementation Plan for Departmental Surplus Electronic and Electrical Equipment (EEE).
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Printing Unit Reduction Target

8.7 By March 31, 2013, each department will achieve an 8:1 average ratio of office employees to printing units. Departments will apply target where building occupancy levels, security considerations, and space configuration allow.
Performance Measure RPP DPR
Target Status Attention required
Ratio of departmental office employees to printing units in fiscal year 2010–2011, where building occupancy levels, security considerations and space configuration allow. N/A 2:1 (estimated)  
Ratio of departmental office employees to printing units at the end of the given fiscal year, where building occupancy levels, security considerations and space configuration allow. FY 2011-2012 N/A 2:1 (estimated)
FY 2012-2013 N/A 2:1 (estimated)
FY 2013-2014 8:1   

Strategies / Comments

  1. The Department's overall ratio of office employees to printing devices during the 2010–2011 FY was approximately 2:1. This estimated ratio is based on a broad definition of printing devices (including all local/desktop printers, networked printers, multifunctional devices, photocopiers, fax machines and scanners).
  2. Methods for determining the approximate ratio of departmental employees to printing units stated above include: regional consultation, information contained in the Department's asset information management system, and the TBS Population Affiliation Report.
  3. AANDC initiated an assessment of its printing devices and printing requirements beginning in 2013 and will be implementing resultant recommendations across the Department during the 2013–2014 FY.
  4. AANDC anticipates that it will achieve the 8:1 target ratio of office employees to printing devices during the 2013–2014 FY.
  5. Rationale for traffic light indicator selected: The 8:1 average ratio of office employees to printing units was not achieved during the 2012–2013 FY.
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Paper Consumption Target

8.8 By March 31, 2014, each department will reduce internal paper consumption per office employee by 20%. Each department will establish a baseline between 2005–2006 and 2011–2012, and applicable scope.
Performance Measure RPP DPR
Target Status Achieved
Number of sheets of internal office paper purchased or consumed per office employee in the baseline year selected, as per departmental scope. 8622 sheets per office employee during 2010–2011 8622 sheets per office employee during 2010–2011
Cumulative reduction (or increase) in paper consumption, expressed as a percentage, relative to baseline year selected. FY 2011-2012 Not available 18.75%

7006 sheets per office employee 
FY 2012-2013 10%

7760 sheets per office employee

6025 sheets per office employee
FY 2013-2014 20%

6898 sheets per office employee

Strategies / Comments

  1. This target applies to all AANDC employees and departmental operations.
  2. AANDC did not establish an internal paper consumption reduction target for the 2011–2012 FY.
  3. The baseline year selected for this target is the 2010–2011 FY.
  4. Method used for determining paper consumption: Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC) Report on Fiscal Year Standing Offer Paper Purchases–Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada–2012-13.
  5. Method for determining number of departmental employees: TBS Population Affiliation Report (with data from June 2013).
  6. The number of office employees subject to the target is 4974. This includes all active employees and does not refer to full-time equivalents (FTEs). Consultants are not included.
  7. Reporting requirements: The Director of Materiel and Assets Management collects PWGSC standing offer information annually.
  8. Roles and responsibilities: The lead for this target is AANDC's Chief Financial Officer Sector.
  9. Plans for engagement: Procurement personnel and acquisition cardholders are required to only purchase paper from PWGSC standing offers. AANDC also provides regular communications regarding paper consumption and greening operations in the Department's "AANDC Express" e-newsletter.
  10. Rationale for traffic light indicator selected: AANDC has achieved a 30% reduction in paper consumption.
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Green Meetings Target

8.9 By March 31, 2012, each department will adopt a guide for greening meetings.
Performance Measure RPP DPR
Target Status Achieved
Presence of a green meeting guide. Yes Yes: Adopted August 2012

Strategies / Comments

  1. Scope of the green meeting guide: All types of meetings. The guide includes a basic checklist for all meetings, with additional checklists for larger events.
  2. AANDC developed its guide for green meetings by adapting the guide developed by Environment Canada and incorporating best practices established in similar guides prepared by other government departments.
  3. Roles and responsibilities: The Director General of Corporate Accounting and Materiel Management is the target lead. The Chief Financial Officer and Senior Assistant Deputy Minister of Regional Operations are co-champions for greening departmental operations.
  4. AANDC reported that it had implemented a Green Meetings Guide during the period 2011–2012 in its RPP for 2012–2013 based on the expectation that it would implement the guide by March 31, 2012, however finalization of the guide was delayed to August 2012 following extensive internal consultations and briefings.
  5. Rationale for traffic light indicator selected: AANDC has adopted a green meeting guide.
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Green Procurement Targets

8.10 As of April 1, 2011, each department will establish at least 3 SMART green procurement targets to reduce environmental impacts.

8.10.1 By March 31, 2014, 100% of copy paper purchases contain a minimum of 30% recycled content and have forest management certification or EcoLogoM or equivalent certification.
Performance Measure RPP DPR
Target Status Opportunity for Improvement
Volume of paper purchases meeting the target relative to total volume of all paper purchases in the given fiscal year. <90% (during 2010–2011)
Progress against measure in the given fiscal year. FY 2011-2012 Not available 93.4%
FY 2012-2013 95%
FY 2013-2014 100%

Strategies / Comments

Why This Self-Selected Target is SMART:

  1. Specific: Refers to specific type of commodity.
  2. Measurable: Information available through Public Works and Government Services Canada Standing Offers and AANDC's financial information system.
  3. Achievable: Target is already partially implemented since most paper purchased by the Department has some recycled content. Since the establishment of the target, paper with no recycled content has been removed from the National Master Standing Offer for paper.
  4. Relevant: Paper is a highly visible commodity to employees and provides a constant reminder of the Federal Government's commitment to greening operations. The target also complements departmental efforts on FSDS targets 8.7 and 8.8 for reducing printing devices and paper consumption.
  5. Time-bound: Date established for target implementation and completion.

Other Reporting Considerations:

  1. AANDC established this target during the 2011–2012 fiscal year for implementation during the 2012–2013 and 2013–2014 FYs.
  2. Exclusions include paper used by departmental operations which print maps and paper supplies used with laboratory equipment. Target is restricted to paper used in office machines such as photocopiers and printers.
  3. Isolated locations where local suppliers are unable to provide paper made with 30% or more recycled content will be exempted from the target.
  4. Rationale for traffic light indicator selected: AANDC is on track to achieve the target.

8.10.2 By March 31, 2014, the average fuel efficiency (in litres per 100 km) of all new light-duty vehicles purchased in the fiscal year by AANDC will be 15% improved over the average light-duty vehicle fleet fuel efficiency (in litres per 100 km) in fiscal year 2010–2011.
Performance Measure RPP DPR
Target Status Achieved
Average light-duty vehicle fleet fuel consumption relative to kilometres travelled in 2010–2011. Baseline:
13.2 L/100km
Average fuel consumption relative to kilometres travelled of new light-duty vehicles purchased FY 2011-2012 Target not established 12.4 L/100km
FY 2012-2013 12.1 L/100km  8.9 L/100km
FY 2013-2014 11.2 L/100km   

Strategies / Comments

Why This Self-Selected Target is SMART:

  1. Specific: Refers to a specific type of commodity.
  2. Measurable: Information available in the Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC) Government Motor Vehicle Ordering Guide and completed AANDC Vehicle Purchase Information and Justification Forms.
  3. Achievable: All departmental vehicle purchases require approval from Headquarters Asset Management, and AANDC is confident that new vehicles purchased to replace existing vehicles will be comparatively efficient. Resources have been identified for target implementation.
  4. Relevant: Vehicle purchases represent a significant proportion of the Department's overall purchases of goods. The target also complements departmental efforts on FSDS target 8.5 for reducing greenhouse gas emissions from departmental light-duty vehicles.
  5. Time-bound: Date established for target implementation and completion.

Other Reporting Considerations:

  1. Scope: All light-duty vehicles available through the PWGSC Government Motor Vehicle Ordering Guide (GMVOG).
  2. Baseline is provided by the Automotive Resources International (ARI) Financial Services Inc. Partnership Review report for Indian and Northern Affairs Canada for the period of April 2010 to March 2011.
  3. Performance indicator: Average fuel efficiency of all new vehicles acquired per year, based on average of manufacturer/GMVOG-stated (not actual) fuel consumption values. Each new vehicle's average fuel efficiency is to be calculated based on the assumption of equal use on city and highway roads (50%–50%).
  4. Expected environmental benefits: Reduced fuel consumption and fuel purchases.
  5. AANDC established this target during the 2011–2012 fiscal year for implementation during the 2012–2013 and 2013–2014 FYs.
  6. Rationale for traffic light indicator selected: AANDC has achieved the target.

8.10.3 By March 31, 2014, 50% of contracts for professional services will be consistent with environmental criteria identified in the Guideline for Greening Services Procurement.
Performance Measure RPP DPR
Target Status On Track
Volume of professional services contracts awarded that meet target criteria relative to total volume of contracts for professional services during the 2012–2013 fiscal year. 31.25%
Progress against measure in the given fiscal year. FY 2012-2013 25% (expected)  31.25%
FY 2013-2014 50% (expected)   

Strategies / Comments

Why This Self-Selected Target is SMART:

  1. Specific: Target applies to all contracts for professional services, including low-dollar value (LDV) contracts, sole-source contracts, advanced contract award notice (ACAN) procurements, departmental standing offers for services, Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC) contracts, and call-ups against PWGSC Standing Offer Arrangements (SOAs) and Supply Arrangements (SAs).
  2. Measurable: Inclusion of green procurement criteria in service contracts is tracked in the mandatory AANDC Procurement and Contracting Checklist. Green procurement is also tracked by the Department's financial information system.
  3. Achievable: AANDC is confident that it can include environmental considerations in procurement processes.
  4. Relevant: Services constitute the majority of AANDC's procurement expenditures.
  5. Time-bound: Date established for target implementation and completion.

Other Reporting Considerations:

  1. Expected environmental benefits: decreased resource consumption due to departmental procurement operations and acquired services, and demonstration of the Department's commitment to extending greening operations to suppliers, clients and employees.
  2. AANDC uses a mandatory procurement checklist that requires consideration of green procurement and environmental performance. The procurement tools for professional services encourage bidders to minimize the printing of documents and will be updated during the 2013–2014 fiscal year to include additional best practices described in the Guideline for Greening Services Procurement.
  3. For the purposes of this target, AANDC considers contracts for professional services that utilize PWGSC procurement tools as being consistent with environmental criteria identified in the Guideline for Greening Services Procurement. Of AANDC's 2630 contracts for professional services during the 2012–2013 FY, 822 (or 31.25%) utilized PWGSC procurement tools.
  4. Rationale for traffic light indicator selected: AANDC is on track to achieve the target.

8.11 As of April 1, 2011, each department will establish SMART targets for training, employee performance evaluations, and management processes and controls, as they pertain to procurement decision-making.

Training for Select Employees.

As of March 31, 2011, 75% of procurement and materiel management staff will be trained in Green Procurement.
Performance Measure RPP DPR
Target Status Opportunity for Improvement
Number of procurement and materiel management staff having completed the Canada School of Public Service course C215 relative to the total number of procurement and materiel management staff in the Department for the given year. 14% (in 2010-2011)
Progress against measure in the given fiscal year. >75%  63%

Strategies / Comments

Why This Self-Selected Target is SMART:

  1. Specific: Defined achievement level of 75% and type of employee.
  2. Measurable: Information available from the Canada School of Public Service (CSPS) and in-house HR tracking systems.
  3. Achievable: CSPS Course C215 can be completed in half a day.
  4. Relevant: Targets all relevant employees.
  5. Time-bound: Date established for target implementation and completion.

Other Reporting Considerations:

  1. Methodology: Employee positions encompassing procurement-related duties are defined as full-time indeterminate procurement functional specialists, materiel management functional specialists, and the immediate supervisors/managers of procurement and materiel management functional specialists. Temporary help and term employees are not included.
  2. Acquisition cardholders are not included in the scope of this target due to data limitations, however they are still required to complete green procurement training.
  3. In-house training used: None, CSPS Course C215 only.
  4. Reporting requirements: AANDC maintains records of training courses completed by its employees.
  5. Plans for engagement: To be addressed through the employee performance management process, and discussed by AANDC's Materiel Management (or "MATMAN") working group.
  6. Rationale for traffic light indicator selected: AANDC made progress towards achieving the departmental training target during the 2012–2013 FY.

Employee performance evaluation for managers and functional heads of procurement and materiel management.

By March 31, 2014, 100% of performance evaluations for managers and functional heads of procurement and materiel management will incorporate environmental considerations.
Performance Measure RPP DPR
Target Status On track
Number of performance evaluations of managers and functional heads of procurement and materiel management that incorporate environmental considerations relative to total number of performance evaluations of managers and functional heads of procurement and materiel management. 33% (in 2010–2011)  
Progress against measure in the given fiscal year. 100% 66%

Strategies / Comments

Why This Self-Selected Target is SMART:

  1. Specific: Defined achievement level of 100% and types of employees.
  2. Measurable: Information available from in-house HR tracking systems.
  3. Achievable: Target only applies to employees with responsibility for green procurement implementation and performance.
  4. Relevant: Targets all relevant employees.
  5. Time-bound: Date established for target implementation and completion.

Other Reporting Considerations:

  1. AANDC revised the wording and methodology of this target for the 2012–2013 FY for improved clarity. The original version of the target in AANDC's past Reports on Plans and Priorities and Departmental Performance Reports expressed individuals responsible for green procurement implementation ("15%") as a percentage of all managers and functional heads of procurement and materiel management in the Department, including regional offices. Refining the methodology to focus on individuals responsible for green procurement implementation required amending the target percentage (to 100%) and the baseline measurement for the 2010–2011 FY. AANDC's original objectives relative to this target are unchanged by the revised ratio reported above.
  2. Methodology: The Director General, Director, and Section Head responsible for green procurement implementation (3 positions in total) are responsible for green procurement implementation activities and include the development and dissemination of supporting procedures to stakeholders.
  3. Plans for engagement: Inclusion of supporting procedures in future Employee Performance Agreements, and further engagement with managers and functional heads of procurement and materiel management responsible for the implementation and oversight of green procurement.
  4. Rationale for traffic light indicator selected: AANDC is on track to achieve the target.

Management processes and controls

By March 31, 2014, AANDC will ensure that all departmental management processes and controls relating to procurement support green procurement, as appropriate.
Performance Measure RPP DPR
Target Status Attention Required
Number of departmental procurement processes and controls which support green procurement relative to the number of departmental procurement processes and controls which remain to be updated to include support for green procurement. Not available Not available
Progress against measure in the given fiscal year. Not available Not available

Strategies / Comments

Why This Self-Selected Target is SMART:

  1. Specific: Target applies to all departmental management processes and controls which relate to procurement.
  2. Measurable: AANDC will develop an inventory of all current departmental management processes and controls which relate to procurement.
  3. Achievable: AANDC recently completed a review of all departmental procurement policies, and has resources dedicated to procurement policy and the implementation of this target.
  4. Relevant: AANDC management processes and control that relate to procurement do not all support green procurement at present.
  5. Time-bound: Date established for target implementation and completion.

Other Reporting Considerations:

  1. Methodology: Analysis of departmental management processes and controls relating to procurement to identify those that should be updated to include environmental considerations.
  2. The development of AANDC's inventory of departmental management processes and controls which support green procurement and those which have yet to be updated to include support for green procurement has been delayed to the 2013–2014 FY.
  3. Rationale for traffic light indicator selected: AANDC made little progress towards achieving the target during the 2012–2013 FY.

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