Archived - Audit of On-Reserve Housing - Follow-up Report Status Update as of March 31, 2012
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Action Plan Implementation Status Update Report to the Audit Committee - As of March 31, 2012
Regional Operations
Audit of On-Reserve Housing (09090)
Approval Date: 24/09/10
Project Recommendations |
Action Plan | Expected Completion Date |
Program Response |
1. The Assistant Deputy Minister, Education and Social Development Programs and Partnerships Sector should assess and determine the most appropriate means to fund on-reserve housing. |
Complete | A) Status: no change in status Update/Rationale: As of 30/09/2011: No change is required to the current housing funding structure. B) Status: completed, request to close. Update/Rationale: As of 30/09/2011: AANDC's Capital and Facilities and Maintenance Program, of which housing funding is a part, has been assessed for compliance with the new Policy on Transfer Payments. First Nations recipients have been assessed for capacity and risk using the General Assessment, and funding relationships have been tailored to the results. AES: Close – Fully Implemented |
Q4, 2011-12 | ||
2. The Assistant Deputy Minister, Education and Social Development Programs and Partnerships Sector should identify and implement a methodology for allocating housing funds that reflects housing needs at both the regional and First Nation community level. |
Q3, 2011-12 | a) Status: close Update/Rationale: As of 31/03/2012: As per September 30/2012 update this item was recommended to close. b) Status: on-going Update/Rationale: As of 31/03/2012: Preliminary discussion on the review of minor capital processes is underway. AES: Substantially implemented – Findings in Attawapiskat audit and other projects will be taken into account to strengthen procedures in minor capital funding. |
Q3, 2011-12 | ||
3. The Assistant Deputy Minister, Education and Social Development Programs and Partnerships Sector, in collaboration with the Senior Assistant Deputy Minister, Regional Operations Sector, should conduct a review of the performance indicators and related information to be collected for on-reserve housing to ensure that they are aligned with the department's housing program design, and that they can demonstrate achievement of expected outcomes. |
Q1, 2011-12 | Status: Completed Update/Rationale: As of 31/03/2011: AES: Close – Fully Implemented |
4. The Assistant Deputy Minister, Education and Social Development Programs and Partnerships Sector, in collaboration with the Senior Assistant Deputy Minister, Regional Operations Sector, should develop and implement a risk management framework specific to on-reserve housing, including a formal monitoring or compliance audit / housing inspections process. |
Q2, 2011-12 | A) Status: close Update/Rationale: As of 31/03/2012 request to close as per September 30/11 update. B) Status: on-going, expected completion date Q1, 2012-2013. Update/Rationale: As of 31/03/2012: Performance indicators to be reported on in 2015. Self reported "adequate housing" is completed; housing sub-text of community well-being index is dependent on Statistics Canada Census data; and Valid Housing Plan is awaiting regional input on content in order to develop a finalized definition. Ongoing Regional and community oversight visits are being conducted to assess the management of the CFMP. C) Status: close Update/Rationale: As of 31/03/2012: requested to close as per September 30, 2011 update. AES: Substantially Implemented. Recommended to be closed. |
Q2, 2011-12 | ||
Complete | ||
5. The Assistant Deputy Minister, Education and Social Development Programs and Partnerships Sector should ensure that comprehensive national guidelines for the management of the housing component of the CFM Program are developed and disseminated. |
Q2, 2011-12 | A) Status: on-going, expected completion date Q2, 2012-2013. Update/Rationale: As of 31/03/2012 AANDC has compiled detailed Roles and Responsibilities. Assembly of First Nations to convene a meeting of the working group to develop a joint summary document on the roles and responsibilities of key housing players. Toolkit completed and disseminated. B) Status: Close Update/Rationale: As of 31/03/2012: as per September 30/12 update, this is recommended to be closed. AES: Implementation is on-going. Recommendation will be closed once guidelines for housing component of CFMP are completed and communicated across the Department. |
Complete | ||
6. The Senior Assistant Deputy Minister, Regional Operations Sector, in collaboration with the Assistant Deputy Minister, Education and Social Development Programs and Partnerships Sector, should ensure that the risk that First Nations' housing does not transfer to individual homeowners as required for Market Based Housing projects, is appropriately managed. |
Q3, 2010-11 | Status: Completed Update/Rationale: As of 31/03/2011: Monitoring conducted but no Regions have identified need for a risk management plan. AES: Close – Fully Implemented |
Q4, 2010-11 | ||
Q3, 2010-11 | ||
7. The Assistant Deputy Minister, Education and Social Development Programs and Partnerships Sector, in collaboration with the Senior Assistant Deputy Minister, Regional Operations Sector, should ensure that the development of project assessment and funding decision methodologies reflects regional requirements in the design of future programs/initiatives similar to housing funded by CEAP. |
Q4, 2010-11 | Status: Completed Update/Rationale: As of 31/03/2011: New MCF to be provided to Ops Committee scheduled for, April 2011. AES: Closed with confirmation of date and approval of Operations Committee. |
Q4, 2010-11 |
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