Archived - Implementation Evaluation of the Reserve Land and Environment Management Program - Follow-up Report Status Update as of September 30, 2011
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Action Plan Implementation Status Update Report to the Evaluation, Performance Measurement and Review Committee - As of September 30, 2011
Lands and Economic Development - Branch
Implementation Evaluation of the Reserve Land and Environment Management Program (200964)
AEC Approval Date: 02/Jun/2009
Project Recommendations |
Action Plan | Expected Completion Date |
Program Response |
1. The planning, design and communication of the Program needs improvement to allow for greater Program results, as follows:
Consultations will take place with INAC Regions and Stakeholders to develop a communication strategy that will help to clarify RLEMP's role as a stepping stone toward FNLMA. | December 2009 | Status: Underway Update/Rationale: As of September 30, 2011 Completed: From May to December 2010, INAC held meetings with stakeholders to obtain input to assist in informing the renovation of LED programs. Engagement focused on 6 key themes: Strategic outcomes and performance measures, program delivery options and service standards, opportunities for harmonization and linkages among existing programs, challenges related to current programming and innovative solutions, capacity development and funding priorities. Current programs will continue with some immediate changes, the RLEMP has been moved into the Community Opportunities Branch which over time will allow for better synergies between land management and economic development and a strategic approach to the funding for land management and economic development functions; including training and capacity needs within communities. |
RLEMP training was developed in cooperation with First Nation land managers to address the capacity requirements for managing lands under the Indian Act. | March 2010 | Underway Through program renovation the transition from RLEMP to FNLM will be encouraged through various funding options. Communications material will be used to update Departmental website content in 2011. Completed |
Course curriculum will continue to be reviewed and amended as part of the work of the RLEMP Steering Committee, which includes members from INAC HQ, the National Aboriginal Land Managers Association and the University of Saskatchewan. Training needs for individual First Nations will fluctuate based on staff turnover and changes in land use activities on reserve. The option of offering training electives has been explored with participating First Nations. The development of these electives will be based on the availability of funding. |
March 2010 | Underway INAC is working closely with National Aboriginal Land Managers Association (NALMA) and other stakeholders to explore further training requirements and options regarding training delivery, such as web-based training. NALMA has received 11/12 funding to explore other training options. |
The First Nations Land Management (FNLM) Directorate will continue working with participating First Nations to identify possible adjustments to the current funding formula. The KPMG Cost Benefit Analysis of land management activities will provide important information for assessing different funding options and the true costs of land management on reserve. | December 2009 | Completed
The KPMG Associated Cost Benefit Analysis of land management activities has been completed (March 31, 2011). Negotiation of a revised operational funding formula for FNLM First Nations will be completed Fall 2011-12. Underway The current funding formula for RLEMP is being reviewed through the LED program renovation. |
The roles and responsibilities of the various stakeholders were developed in partnership with the National Aboriginal Land Managers Association (NALMA) and participating First Nations, and have been incorporated into the RLEMP Manual and toolkit. Consultations with INAC regions and stakeholders are ongoing and clarification of roles and responsibilities will be incorporated into the manual and toolkit before final printing and distribution. | March 31, 2010 | Completed |
The RLEMP manual and toolkit will provide further clarification of the key elements of the program. The toolkit will be distributed to all stakeholders, INAC regions and First Nations after a sustainable funding source has been secured and the program has been fully implemented. | March 31, 2010 | Completed | |
Upon full implementation of RLEMP a fulsome communications strategy and communication package will be developed in consultation with stakeholders and distributed. | October 2011 | Underway A communications package is in draft format. Revisions based on the recent re-organization of RLEMP into COB are on-going. Outreach activities in 10/11 resulted in invitations to a larger number of communities to participate in the RLEMP. The draft communications package will be used to update Departmental website content in 2011. AES: Acknowledged. AES will review and offer comment on the communications package when it is available to close this item. |
2. LEMP's training model requires updating as per the revised Program design and program monitoring to ensure continual improvement to the content and delivery of training, as follows:
Alternative training delivery methods (e.g., online courses) will be explored by the FNLM Directorate in partnership with training delivery partners (NALMA and the University of Saskatchewan) and will be discussed at regular Steering Committee meetings. An RMAF/RBAF for RLEMP has been developed outlining the applicable performance indicators. This information will be included in the RLEMP Performance Measurement Strategy and will outline the monitoring and communication requirements. |
31/03/2010 | Status: Ongoing Update/Rationale: As of September 30, 2011 On-going Through the program renewal process, LED has taken a different approach and is working closely with National Aboriginal Land Managers Association (NALMA), CANDO and the University of Saskatchewan to explore further training requirements and options regarding training delivery, such as web-based training. As well, we have asked NALMA and CANDO to identify ways they could work together to reduce costs and increase efficiencies in the way we provide training support to First Nations communities, from both a lands and economic development perspective. CANDO and NALMA are currently developing a joint work plan. AES: Continued explorations are acknowledged. See workplan, see training package or info about training. Completed: A Performance Measurement Strategy for RLEMP was completed during Spring 2010. AES: Close - the RLEMP Performance Measurement Strategy was submitted for information to EPMRC in June 2010 |
3. Based upon the significant evidence that supports RLEMP's rationale and continued relevance, it is recommended that funding for RLEMP be sustained:
The FNLM Directorate will be seeking multi-year funding to implement RLEMP as a full program and thereby ensuring program stability to allow for long term planning. | 31/03/2010 | Status: Implemented Update/ Rationale As of 03/31/2010: RLEMP received 4 years of funding in October 2009. AES: Close |
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