Archived - Impact Evaluation of the ecoENERGY for Aboriginal and Northern Communities - Follow-up Report Status Update as of September 30, 2011

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Action Plan Implementation Status Update Report to the Evaluation, Performance Measurement and Review Committee - As of September 30, 2011

Northern Affairs Organization

Impact Evaluation of the ecoENERGY for Aboriginal and Northern Communities (1570-7/09065)
Approval Date: 18/11/10

Action Plan Expected
Completion Date
1. Move towards better integration of renewable energy and energy efficiency considerations with other jurisdictions and with INAC's programs such as the Community Economic Opportunities Program, Major Resource and Economic Development, Strategic Partnership Initiative within economic development, with community infrastructure, and with other related community development initiatives. Future programming (subject to renewal) will formalize information exchange with other jurisdictions and INAC programs, and identify opportunities for synergies. March 31, 2012 Status: Underway


As of 30/09/2011: The Department has engaged in an energy collaboration initiative at headquarters with Lands and Economic Development and Community Infrastructure and regional offices. The ecoENERGY Program is part of this initiative.

The Program shares project information with specific sectors and ensures the disclosure of other departmental/ federal funding sources at the time of proposal submission.

Progress in the right direction.
2. Clarify the overall direction of the program, determining whether it is intended to operate as a program to provide incentives for the launch of projects in Aboriginal and northern communities (i.e. setting the groundwork) or to contribute to the achievement of eco-energy objectives. Future programming, (subject to renewal) will establish clear program objectives consistent with its approved mandate. March 31, 2012 Status: Request to Close (completed)


As of 30/09/2011: Clear environmental objectives were developed as part of the Performance Measurement Strategy, approved by EPMRC on June, 2011.

AES: Recommend to close, fully implemented.
3. (a) Refocus the Performance Measurement Strategy to strengthen the capacity to collect the appropriate data on the results of the projects funded and on program results. (a) The program will work with the Performance Management Sector to develop more focussed indicators and data collection for future programming. March 31, 2012 Status: Request to Close (completed)


As of 30/09/2011: As part of the Performance Measurement Strategy (approved by EPMRC on June 20, 2011), the program worked to develop clear indicators and data collection mechanisms that relate directly to intended outcomes.

AES: Recommend to close, fully implemented.
3. (b) Align administration and reporting requirements to the amount invested and the level of risk (program and recipient). (b) Future programming (subject to renewal) will adjust reporting and administration requirements within the program and from recipients, consistent with the Policy on Transfer Payments. March 31, 2012 Status: Request to Close (completed)

As of 30/09/2011: The Program has adjusted reporting requirements from recipients in accordance with the Policy on Transfer Payments and has streamlined administrative requirements for indicators and reporting processes.

AES: Recommend to close, fully implemented.

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