Archived - Formative Evaluation of the Post-Secondary Education Program - Follow-up Status Update as of September 30, 2010
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Action Plan Implementation Status Update Report to the Evaluation, Performance Measurement and Review Committee - As of September 30, 2010
Education and Social Development Programs and Partnerships
Formative Evaluation of the Post-Secondary Education Program (2009056)
Approval Date: 24/02/2010
Project Recommendations | Action Plan | >Expected Completion Date | Program Response |
1. That INAC, with meaningful input from First Nations education representatives, explores alternatives to its post-secondary education funding approach to maximise economies of scale and retains the principles of First Nations Control of Education | INAC, with input from First Nation education experts and other stakeholders, will review and undertake analysis of existing research on financial and non-financial barriers to access to post-secondary education. | Fall 2010 |
Status: Close
Update/Rationale: Since 2008, INAC has received input from First Nations, Inuit and other Stakeholders on how to improve the PSE program's effectiveness, accountability and coordination with other federal student support programs. In 2009-2010, INAC undertook engagement sessions with First Nations across Canada. As well, in Budget 2010, the Government of Canada committed to engaging in a new approach to providing support to First nation and Inuit students. In addition, INAC has produced a document that summarizes current research on First Nation Barriers to post secondary education and distributed the document to First Nation representatives. In addition, internal work is underway to identify all of the INAC expenditures to First Nations for both elementary/secondary and post secondary education. This information and data will inform future program decisions. AES: Close – Fully Implemented |
2. That INAC ensures that it is comprehensively analysing the information collected in the National Post-Secondary Education System tool to track student outcomes including graduation, drop-out, length of time to completion and entry into the labour force, all by academic program in order to maximise its ability to meaningfully report on outcomes; |
INAC will review the data captured in the First Nations Post Secondary Education System to determine the relevant and pertinent data needed to support improved reporting on outcomes.
The Education Information System, presently under construction, will improve the ability to report to Canadians and First Nations. |
Education Information System launch planned for September 2012. |
Update/Rationale: As of 30/09/2010: In 2010-20100, as part of the work to develop the Education Information System (EIS), the Branch redefined the indicators and data collected by the Data Collection Instrument (DCI) for both elementary/ secondary and post-secondary education. During this process, the PSE data pertinent and relevant to determining and measuring PSE outcomes were analysed and refined by INAC staff and First Nation representatives. The data collection, reporting requirements and the ability to the EIS to generate fixed, ad hoc, reports with parameters (products not available from the National Post Secondary database) will be completed prior to the 2012 launch or EIS. AES: Underway |
3. That INAC ensures its new approach to collecting data allows for the ability to link and systematically mine data on expenditures and outcomes; and | The Education Information System, presently under construction, will provide the ability to collect, link, and report on the financial and non-financial data, and will support mining the data to accurately report on expenditures and outcomes. |
Completion is contingent on EIS implementation |
Update/Rationale: As of 30/09/2010: The Education Performance measurement strategy includes PSE outcome indicators. PSE data collection instruments have been revised and once completed; the EIS system will link expenditures and outcome data. AES: Underway |
4. That INAC, with meaningful input from First Nations education representatives, clarifies roles and responsibilities of the Department, keeping in mind its responsibility to report results to Canadians. | Post-secondary education is a matter of shared responsibility. The Government of Canada supports access to post-secondary education as a matter of social and economic policy. | N/A |
Status: Close
Update/Rationale: The development of the Performance Measurement Strategy and the launch of EIS with its multiple reporting capacities will ensure that INAC has access to the tools as well as the education data to report results to Canadians in a timely and appropriate manner. AES: Close – Fully Implemented |
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