Archived - Audit of Trust Accounts - Follow-up Report Status Update as of March 31, 2011
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Action Plan Implementation Status Update Report to the Audit Committee - As of March 31, 2011
Resolution and Individual Affairs & CFO
Audit of Trust Accounts
Approval Date: 24/09/10
Project Recommendations | Action Plan | Expected Completion Date | Program Response |
1. The ADM, RIA should develop and communicate a framework for the ongoing monitoring and clearing of suspense accounts within the regions. This should include the clarification of roles and responsibilities for the monitoring and creation of suspense accounts in the Indian Moneys Manual and the Lands Management Manual. There is an opportunity to coordinate the oversight of this monitoring activity with the CFO, through incorporating the status of suspense accounts as part of the regional monthly certification process. |
March 2011 |
Status: Request to Close (Completed) Update /Rationale
Status: Request to Close (Completed) Update/Rationale
Status: Underway Update /Rationale A draft process has been completed. Waiting for regions comments. Work on a handbook for managers. AES: Substantially implemented. This recommendation will be closed once processes and guidelines / handbook have been approved and rolled out to monitor accounts. |
October 2011 | ||
2. The ADM, RIA, in collaboration with the Senior ADM, RO, should develop a policy, guidelines and associated processes to address long-term suspense accounts. |
March 2011 |
Status: Request to Close (Completed)
Update /Rationale
AES: Implementation ongoing. This recommendation will be closed once IMM has been updated and a monitoring framework is in place. |
3. The CFO should formally communicate with all regional offices to highlight INAC's cash deposit requirements as outlined in the FMM. This requires that regional offices deposit all cash receipts totalling $500 on a daily basis. There may be opportunities for Program Officers within the regional offices to educate remitters on the documentation requirements to support a cash receipt. |
March 2011 |
Status: LED - Request to Close (Completed)
Update /Rationale
Status: CFO - Underway Update /Rationale A draft policy has been completed and sent for comments to REGMAO. A final draft is plan to be completed by end of April. AES: Implementation on-going. The recommendation will be closed once the policy is finalized, and communicated across the Department. |
4. The ADM, RIA, in conjunction with the CFO, should strengthen due diligence to ensure Indian Moneys are approved in accordance with the relevant BCR and the Indian Act. If reliance is to be placed on the "Statement of Receipts and Disposal of Indian Moneys" submitted as part of the audited financial statements, they should be audited. |
September 2011 |
Status: Underway
Update /Rationale
AES: Implementation on-going. |
5. The ADM, RIA should establish tools and communicate detailed guidance to regions on the level of support required to accompany requests for access to Indian Moneys (band and individual) and on the level of analysis required by the Program Officers prior to the recommendation, approval and release of trust account moneys. |
September 2011 |
Status: Underway
Update /Rationale
AES: Implementation on-going. |
6. The ADM, RIA, in conjunction with the ADM, LED, should develop a mechanism within existing system capabilities that would allow Program Officers to set up expectations of future cash receipts once an instrument is executed. Once established, the mechanism could notify Program Officers when the receipt of Indian Moneys is expected, which in turn, would trigger a follow-up action if the receipt does not arrive within an acceptable period of time. Depending on the nature of this tracking mechanism, resource requirements to support it should be evaluated. |
March 2011 |
Status: Request to Close (Completed)
Update /Rationale
AES: Based on rational provided, the recommendation has been closed. |
7. The CFO should update the FMM to reflect the expectations of segregation of duties over cash receipts within Finance at the regional office. More specifically, in circumstances where resource limitations only allow for one Finance resource to handle cash receipts, the monthly cash reconciliation should be performed by a separate Finance representative and should be reconciled back to the cash blotter prepared by the mail room. |
March 2011 |
Status: Underway
Update /Rationale A draft policy has been completed and sent for comments to REGMAO. A final draft is planned to be completed by end of April. AES: Implementation on-going. The recommendation will be closed once the policy is finalized, and communicated across the Department. |