Archived - Formative Evaluation of INAC's Special Education Program - Follow-up Status Update as of September 30, 2009
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Action Plan Implementation Status Update Report to the Evaluation, Performance Measurement and Review Committee - As of September 30, 2009
Education and Social Development Programs and Partnerships – Education
Formative Evaluation of INAC's Special Education Program (200515)
AEC Approval Date: 19/12/2007
Project Recommendations |
Action Plan | Expected Completion Date |
Program Response |
1. Simplify reporting requirements and focus them around five major questions: - Is the program reaching the students who need to be reached? - Is the program providing the services needed by those students? - Is the program making a difference in the well-being and educational outcomes of those students? - Is the program building the infrastructure that is needed to meet the needs of teachers who work with those students? - Is the program raising awareness in communities of the need to prevent those disabilities that can be prevented? |
INAC HQ will work with Regions and First Nations to revise the reporting requirements included in a new performance measurement strategy for education programs and services. The principles of the Department's SMART reporting initiative will be applied to this exercise. Implementation date – December 31, 2008 |
31/12/2008 | Status: Implemented Update/Rationale: As of 30/09/2009: INAC HQ with Regions and First Nations has reduced (e.g. from 6 pages to 1 page report) and simplified the program's reporting requirements (e.g. checkboxes versus narrative). The quality of data has also been refined, for example, the revisions will allow the department to analyse needs and needs not met. Request to close. |
2. Ensure all data required of all funding recipients is consistent and adequate for performance measurement requirements. | INAC will work with First Nations, Regions and Provinces on collecting consistent and accurate data to support the performance measurement requirements. INAC (HQ) will participate in SMART Reporting. |
31/01/ 2008 | Status: Implemented Update/Rationale: As of 30/09/2009: Data collection instruments have been streamlined and updated in the First Nations Recipient Reporting Guide for 2009-10. In addition, revised data collection practices ensure consistency and accuracy. Request to close. |
3. Ensure funding is used only for HCSE services and establish mechanisms to better understand the extent of demand and costs. | INAC will review mechanisms with Regions to ensure clearer link between funding to regions and schools and the number of HCSE students receiving services. Tracking mechanisms to better understand the extent of demand and costs will be established. | 31/12/2008 | Status: Implemented Update/Rationale: As of 30/09/2009: Types of services provided have been added to the reporting forms providing the mechanism to ensure SEP funding is spent only on HCSE. For example, data fields on types of services, student assessments, and Individual Education Plans allows the department to track needs and needs not met on an annual basis. Request to close. |
4. Strengthen training and capacity-building for First Nation school personnel. | HQ will work with Regions and FNRMOs to strengthen training, accreditation, and capacity building of First Nation teachers and school personnel. | 01/04/2008 | Status: Implemented Update/Rationale: As of 30/09/2009: Status: In progress There will be annual meetings with RMOs to discuss training and capacity-building for First Nation school personnel. |
5. Continue supporting mechanisms which will encourage economies of scale, innovation, and the sharing of services. | INAC will work with Regions, First Nations and other partners cooperatively to strengthen support for economies of scale, innovation and shared services | 12/12/2008 | Status: Implemented Update/Rationale: As of 30/09/2009: Status: In Progress There will be annual meetings with RMOs to discuss economies of scale, innovation and the sharing of service. |
6. Support prevention and early intervention activities within schools as well as other longer term multi-sectoral efforts to reduce and prevent disabilities on-reserve over time. | INAC will work with Regions, First Nations and other partners cooperatively to better support prevention and early intervention activities. | 01/04/2009 | Status: No longer relevant Update/Rationale: As of 30/09/2009: Status: Implemented Health Canada and INAC CFS are increasingly focussing efforts on prevention and active measures. Annual meetings will include HC and INAC CFS representatives to share best practices, emerging issues, prevention activities, etc. The first annual meeting is scheduled for late January 2010. |
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