Archived - Evaluation of INAC's Economic Development Programs - Follow-up Status Update as of September 30, 2009
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Action Plan Implementation Status Update Report to the Evaluation, Performance Measurement and Review Committee - As of September 30, 2009
Lands and Economic Development – Lands and Economical Development Policy Branch
Evaluation of INAC's Economic Development Programs (200766)
AEC Approval Date: 17/APR/2009
Project Recommendations |
Action Plan | Expected Completion Date |
Program Response |
1. Continue to support economic development programming that includes assistance for Aboriginal businesses and community economic development. | The government of Canada, through INAC's Lands and Economic Development Sector, is committed to implementing a new federal approach to Aboriginal economic development, one that will create the necessary conditions to enable Aboriginal Canadians to pursue economic development opportunities successfully. The framework will support, in part through INAC's Economic Development programming, the development of investment-ready communities, viable Aboriginal businesses and a skilled labour force | Framework completed Spring 2009 Implementation of Framework to commence April 1, 2010 |
The new Federal Framework for Aboriginal
Economic Development identifies five key strategic
priorities to guide Government of Canada
investments in Aboriginal economic development
including: Strengthening Aboriginal
Entrepreneurship, Developing Aboriginal Human
Capital, Enhancing the Value of Aboriginal Assets,
Forging New and Effective Partnerships and
Focusing the Role of Government. The Action Plan
to implement the Framework identified the
redesign of the Department's economic
development programming as a medium term
action to ensure that programming is aligned to
these strategic priorities. To inform the renewal of
programming, the Department has developed a
stakeholder engagement plan. The engagement
of stakeholders is expected to begin in February
2010 and be completed in Spring 2010. To
support the implementation of the Framework a
performance measurement strategy has been
completed for 2009-2010. This performance
measurement strategy will be revised in 2010-
2011 to take into consideration new actions under
the Framework including program redesign, the
implementation of the Strategic Partnerships
Initiative and the Aboriginal Skills and Employment
Training Strategy. All evaluation action plan
activities will be implemented within the context of
these economic development directions and
activities. Status: Ongoing Update/Rationale: As of 30/09/2009: Community Investment: The Procurement Strategy for Aboriginal Business (PSAB) received additional support consisting of enhanced salary, O & M and new G & C funds to implement key procurement initiatives. CEDP is over 90% committed, CEOP funding is above the 80% level and CSSP is approximately 65% committed. The Department is proceeding with key elements of the Aboriginal Economic Development Framework inclusive of the Loan Loss Reserve and Major Resource and Energy Development Programs Business Development: Aboriginal Business Development Program Aboriginal Business Canada program's grants and contributions were virtually fully committed by early October across Eastern and Western Regions. |
INAC's Economic Development programming will: - Continue to support Aboriginal businesses through the renewal/amendment of program authorities. - Continue to support Community Economic Development through the renewal/ amendment of program authorities |
Program renewal
completed April 1,
2010 Authorities to expire March 31, 2015 |
2. Given expanded mandate of the Department, ensure that INAC's economic development programming meets the needs of all Aboriginal groups (First Nation on-and off-reserve, Inuit and Métis); and takes into consideration the different characteristics of Aboriginal communities (on- and off-reserve, urban, and remote); their access to equity financing; and the differing needs of women and men, in line with INAC's Gender-Based Analysis Policy. | Undertake research to identify and propose strategies to address gender barriers to economic participation by Aboriginal peoples | Research and
plan to becompleted
date: March 31,
2010 Implementation of action plan to be completed by April 1, 2015 (in line with INAC's economic development program authorities) |
Status: Ongoing Update/Rationale: As of 30/09/2009: Business Development: An Application Database has been developed which tracks gender profiles of Aboriginal entrepreneurs applying to the Aboriginal Business Development Program amongst several demographic and other descriptive data to develop a profile of gender. As well, the database captures on/off reserve project location information, Aboriginal heritage, etc. This information will be used to determine if the program is reaching Aboriginal women entrepreneurs. The database is collected across all regions and populated quarterly into a central data management file. |
Continue to provide business development programming to all Aboriginal groups, on and off reserve | Renewal of program authorities completed March 31, 2010 | ||
Explore possibilities of specific business development initiatives for women, in line with INAC's Gender – Based Analysis Policy, if necessary, based on on-going research and data collection | Implementation of specific business development Initiatives implemented by April 1, 2010 | ||
Consider Community Economic Development program renovations that include programming to meet the needs of all Aboriginal groups | Program Renovation Proposal Completed Fall 2009-07-22 Implementation April 1, 2010 | ||
To assist with identifying and addressing ifferential program access and uptake (including equity financing), work with Information Management Branch (FNITP | Completed: March 21, 2010 | ||
- First Nations and Inuit Transfer Payment Program project) to ensure that information pertaining to the characteristics of Aboriginal recipients is captured and made available to program managers | Implemented: April 1, 2010 | ||
3. Ensure that the design of EDP is
strategically focused on the
achievement of intermediate and
long-term results. Key
considerations should include: - continuing support for capacity development, strategic planning and community economic development projects - assessing feasibility of adjustments or alternatives to the current population formula funding approach; and - modifications, such as, support for regional approaches, and multi-year funding. |
Community Investments Branch (CIB) will develop a suite of new programs in keeping with the Federal Framework, the considerations identified with respect to this recommendation, and the overall findings of this evaluation | Program
Completed Fall
2009 Implementation April 1, 2010 |
Status: Ongoing Update/Rationale: As of 30/09/2009: Community Investment: Program Redesign Working Group is coordinating with the Sector's Program Renewal/Redesign Working Group and is engaged in the development of a new suite of Community Economic Development programs that are aligned with Framework principles and are based on evidence from program evaluations, reviews, studies and reports. Two NHQ/Regional working sessions have been held in Ottawa and a ‘second draft' concept paper has been developed and is awaiting DG review and approval prior to further refinement and circulation. |
4. Determine the Department's role in supporting community economic development and business development, and take steps to ensure sufficient and appropriate human, financial and information technology resources are in place to support Aboriginal businesses and communities, as well as to manage, monitor and report on programming. | INAC's role in community economic development and business development will be defined through the federal framework for Aboriginal Economic Development | Research Completed Fall 2009 | Status: Ongoing Update/Rationale: As of 30/09/2009: Community Investment: Resource levels required to support new economic development programming will be developed relative to the proposed future program option(s) selected. As the new programming has not been defined as this point, forecasting of requisite program resources is pending. |
As a part of the program renovation activities in keeping with the framework, INAC will undertake a review of resources (human, financial and IM/IT) dedicated to the delivery of community economic development and business development programming, and allocate human and financial resources to effectively manage, monitor and report on the new suite of economic development programs | Implementation: April 1, 2010 |
5. Consider expanding ABDP support through third-party-delivery as part of a strategy to ensure effective and efficient program delivery and leverage. | Continue with an independent comprehensive review (initiated October 2008) of Aboriginal Financial Institutions (to be completed in March 2010). Based on the review assess the readiness of AFI's to act as delivery agents of INAC's business development programming | Review Completed March 31, 2010, Implementation of Findings to commence April 1, 2010 | Status: Ongoing Update/Rationale: As of 30/09/2009: Business Development: 40% of all AFIs participating in a comprehensive review to determine capacity have been reviewed with final and draft review reports completed by Ernst and Young. |
6. Develop and implement a performance measurement strategy for departmental economic development programming which integrates both EDP and ABDP, and allows the programs to measure progress, make ongoing adjustments to programming, and report on results. | An economic development programming performance measurement strategy, integrating both Community Economic Development and Business Development Programming will be developed and included in program renewal, taking into consideration reporting burden and IM/IT requirements | Completed, Fall 2009 Implemented April 1, 2010 |
Status: Update/Rationale: As of 30/09/2009: Business Development: Business Performance Reviews are now being gathered on a monthly basis and forwarded from regions to HQ for purposes of determining the success of businesses assisted through the ABDP. This is a regular process which will continue in the context of program renewal going forward. AFI's must report quarterly on activities in support of entrepreneurship mentorship, loan activities, and external delivery activities including investment and project volumes. Community Investment: CIB is participating on the (Strategic Policy-led) Performance Measurement Framework Working Group to ensure redesigned program options are consistent with this Framework. |
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