Archived - Evaluation of Consultation and Policy Development and Basic Organizational Capacity Funding - Follow-up Status Update as of September 30, 2010

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Action Plan Implementation Status Update Report to the Evaluation, Performance Measurement and Review Committee - As of September 30, 2010

Policy and Strategic Direction - Branch

Evaluation of Consultation and Policy Development and Basic Organizational Capacity Funding (200843)
AEC Approval Date: 26/Feb/2009

Action Plan Expected
Completion Date
1. We recommend that the list of eligible recipients be clarified and expanded to provide for all Aboriginal groups.

We recommend that the use of C&PD funds be focussed on fewer recipients.
A renewed Consultation and Policy Development authority will clearly define authority objectives and expected results. 31/03/2010 Status: Completed

As of 30/09/2010:

AES: Close- Fully Implemented
2. We recommend that funding for consultation and policy development be more sustainable and less ad hoc and that there be fewer subject-specific consultations underway at any one time. A renewed Consultation and Policy Development authority will provide funding in a manner consistent with defined objectives and expected results (e.g., may include multi-year funding for large scale engagement projects). 31/03/2010 Status: Completed

As of 30/09/2010:

AES: Close- Fully Implemented
3. We recommend that subject specific consultations should have clear objectives about who they are intending to reach, should select the most appropriate intermediaries, and should ensure that reporting is provided on who has actually been reached, and that a gender based analysis and gender disaggregated data should be part of these considerations.

We recommend that more frequent reviews be conducted of the relationship between INAC and Aboriginal representative organizations and other major recipients of C&PD funding; and of the relationship between recipients and their constituents.

We recommend that large scale consultations should be assessed more rigorously in terms of their purpose, process, people involved, context, and outcomes and that best practices and lessons learned be captured and shared within and outside of INAC.

We recommend that performance monitoring of C&PD be improved in order to provide a clearer picture of what consultations the Department is engaged in, the approaches that have been taken, the organizations that have been involved, the impact on policy and best practices and lessons learned.

[We recommend…] that subject specific consultations should conduct a gender based analysis when setting their objectives about who should be reached and how they should be reached; and reporting on who has actually been reached should include gender disaggregated data.
To support ongoing authority implementation, a renewed Consultation and Policy Development authority will define a performance measurement strategy. The performance measurement strategy will include a performance monitoring plan.

Consultation and Policy Development authority evaluation issues will be defined in the performance measurement strategy and the issues will be consistent with the authority objectives and expected results.

The performance monitoring strategy that will collect data to support assessments of INAC relationships with Consultation and Policy Development funding recipients.
31/03/2010 Status: Close

As of 30/09/2010:

Strategy completed and is on the agenda for the next Evaluation Committee on November 18th, 2010.

AES: Close- Fully Implemented
4. We recommend that the performance monitoring of BOC be improved in order to ensure that relevant performance information is collected, analyzed and reported by INAC for all Aboriginal representative organizations. The BOC performance measurement strategy will be periodically reviewed to ensure its efficiency and effectiveness. Ongoing during BOC implementation Status: Under Development

As of 30/09/2010:

A PMS for the BOC is currently being drafted in cooperation with Departmental users of the program, and technical experts

AES: Underway
5. We recommend that Aboriginal representative organizations be encouraged and supported by INAC to regularly conduct reviews of organizational effectiveness. We also recommend that membership and governance information be made publicly available on the organizations' websites to increase their transparency to their members and to the Canadian public.

We therefore recommend that Aboriginal representative organizations be encouraged and supported by INAC to regularly review and renew their membership, governance and leadership policies, processes and structures and the effectiveness of their representation within the resources that they have available.

We also recommend that membership criteria, application procedures, member numbers and members' responsibilities be publicly available on the organizations' websites in addition to their governing documents (constitutions and bylaws) and annual reports.
To ensure organizational representativeness, BOC applicants will continue to be required to provide information on their membership and on how the membership will be informed of organizational activities.

Performance information will be analyzed to ensure its ongoing relevance to supporting program results-based management practices.
Ongoing during BOC implementation Status: In effect. Annual reports produced.

As of 30/09/2010:

Finalizing 2009-10 annual report.

AES: Close- Implementation On-Going
6. We recommend that Aboriginal representative organizations be encouraged to raise revenue from their members and that INAC consider providing an incentive for increasing the revenue raised from members, for example by providing matching funds up to a ceiling.

We also recommend that INAC encourage and support the Aboriginal representative organizations to diversify their funding sources and reduce their dependency on the federal government.
Officials from INAC responsibility centres with authority to provide BOC funding will continue to hold exploratory discussions on the viability of introducing own source revenue options to Aboriginal representative organizations. 31/03/2010 Status: Ongoing

As of 30/09/2010:

Part of regular discussions around management of contributions between INAC and organizations.

AES: Close- Implementation On-Going
7. We recommend that more long term and sustainable funding for policy capacity and less project funding be provided to Aboriginal representative organizations. INAC will continue to provide multi-year funding opportunities to Aboriginal representative organizations in good standing. Ongoing Status: In effect

As of 30/09/2010:

AES: Close- Fully Implemented
8. We recommend that there be one authority combining BOC and C&PD funding, with several streams to provide for different types of recipients.

We recommend that an organizational approach rather than a program approach be taken to the funding of consultation and policy development in partnership with Aboriginal organizations.
The Consultation and Policy Development authority expires on March 31, 2010. A renewed Consultation and Policy Development authority will consider all options to improve the authority's implementation efficiency and effectiveness. 31/03/2010 Status: Completed

As of 30/09/2010:

The authority was reviewed.

AES: Close- Fully Implemented
9. We also recommend more strategic coordination and management of consultation and policy development generally, regardless of what program authority is used to fund it. To support ongoing authority implementation, a renewed Consultation and Policy Development authority will define a performance measurement strategy. The performance measurement strategy will include a performance monitoring plan. 31/03/2010 Status: Close

As of 30/09/2010:

Strategy on the agenda for the Evaluation, Performance Measurement and Review Committee meeting of November 19th, 2010.

AES: Close- Fully Implemented
10. From the Executive Summary: Review and clarify allocations across the different Aboriginal recipient groups or within each recipient group.

From the main report: The rationale for the allocation of basic organizational capacity funding across all of the different recipient groups or within each recipient group needs to be reviewed and clarified.

[We recommend… ] that allocations to Aboriginal women's organizations should be reviewed in terms of the level of funding and support for their regional affiliates.
Funding levels will be monitored on an ongoing basis.

The Funding Policy will be reviewed and expanded to cover funding provided to National Aboriginal Organizations and regional Inuit, Métis, and non-status Indian representative organizations (not just regional representative First Nations organizations). The revised Funding Policy will be clarified and will reflect recent policy decisions and current funding processes.

Options for including regional Aboriginal women's organizations as eligible recipients under the BOC will be explored and assessed.
31/03/2010 Update/Rationale:
As of 30/09/2010:

Policy updated and approved by Minister in April 2010.

Options paper on funding regional Aboriginal women's organizations under development.

AES: Close

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