Archived - 2008-2009 Arctic Islands of Nunavut Call for Nominations

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Closing at 4 p.m. (E.T.) on January 28, 2009

The Call for Nominations in the Arctic Islands of Nunavut closed January 28, 2009.
No nominations were received.

PDF Version   (334 Kb, 16 Pages)

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1. Call for Nominations

The Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development hereby calls for the submission of nominations for Crown reserve lands located in Nunavut. A map   (228 Kb) in PDF format is attached for reference.

Lands currently under licence which revert to Crown reserve status during the course of this call for nominations may also be nominated.

Posting requests received at the latest on January 28, 2009 by 4 p.m., E.T. will be considered by the Minister for inclusion in a call for bids tentatively scheduled to be issued early February 2009 pursuant to Section 14 of the Canada Petroleum Resources Act (CPRA). Terms and conditions of the proposed call for bids are attached for information.

2. Content of Posting Requests

All posting requests must be described in accordance with the attached Guidelines for Posting Parcels North of Latitude 60° N. Each tract posted shall comprise laterally or diagonally contiguous blocks.

The maximum size of any posting request between latitude 75° N and latitude 78° N is eight grids.

The block size North of latitude 78° N, should not exceed 216,080* hectares in area.
(* Eight grids at 75° N)

A Posting Request Form is attached and should accompany the request.

3. Submission of Posting Requests

All requests should be submitted by fax at the latest on January 28, 2009 by 4 p.m. E.T. Each request should be addressed as follows:

Arctic Islands of Nunavut Request for Posting
Closing January 28, 2009
Attention: Oil and Gas Management
Northern Oil and Gas Branch
FAX: (819) 953-5828

Requesters are advised to give prior notice of their intent to submit a fax by calling (819) 997-0048 or (819) 997-0877 immediately prior to transmission. Telephone confirmation will be provided, if requested, upon receipt of the fax. Only the fax copy is necessary; original copies are not required.

All submissions received will become property of the Crown and will not be returned. All information concerning nominations will remain confidential.

4. Priority of Posting

Priority of posting will be determined by order of receipt. Time of receipt will be that recorded by the fax machine of the Northern Oil and Gas Branch in Gatineau.

In case of overlapping requests, the first to be received will have priority. The second requester will be informed of the area remaining in the request which does not overlap a prior nomination. The second requester will be required to state whether they would like to maintain their posting on the remaining lands or withdraw the request.

5. Specific Considerations

The exercise of petroleum exploration rights is subject to specific terms and conditions including:

Land Claim Requirements

The lands available for posting are located within the Nunavut Settlement area. Successful bidders shall adhere to the terms of the Nunavut Land Claims Agreement reached with the Inuit. Interested parties are advised to obtain a copy of the agreement.

Conditions Relating to the Environment

Operators wishing to carry out activities as a result of this process will be required to comply with all federal environmental requirements defined in the Nunavut Land Claims Agreement as well as those stemming from the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, the Canada Oil and Gas Operations Act, the Territorial Lands Act, the Arctic Waters Pollution Prevention Act, the Migratory birds Convention Act, the Species at Risk Act and other applicable legislation.

The yellow hatched area on the attached map has been identified to alert potential nominators that additional operating terms and conditions may be applied at the activity stage. For example, the work season may be restricted to those months when the proposed type of activity will not have a significant impact on sensitive fish and marine habitats, mammals, birds or other species. In addition, extra conditions may be imposed relating to drilling fluids and waste discharges, and site specific environmental protection plans may be required prior to the commencement of activity. These environmental protection plans would describe the necessary procedures the operator would take to minimize any environmental impacts to a particular species in the region.

Referring to the map, specific environmental information has been provided by Nunavut Tunngavik Incorporated and marine and wildlife specialists, including Fisheries and Oceans, Environment Canada and the Government of Nunavut; additional information is incorporated from the 1991 Lancaster Sound Regional Land Use Plan. The Canadian Wildlife Service advises that the Ivory Gull was recently listed by the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife of Canada (COSEWIC) as "Endangered", and the Ross's Gull was recently listed as "Threatened" under the Species at Risk Act. In addition, the Red Knot, a medium- sized shorebird which nests in the region, is listed as "Special Concern". Information on all of the species at risk in this region can be found at  . The Canadian Wildlife Service has extensive information on known breeding locations in the high Arctic, and proponents should contact their Iqaluit office (867 975-4633) for further information.

Polar Bears and Peary Caribou inhabit the High Arctic Islands. Polar Bears are listed as "Special Concern" by COSEWIC, while the Peary Caribou are listed as "Endangered" by the Government of Canada. Management of bears and caribou is a territorial responsibility, and thus proponents should contact the Government of Nunavut, Department of Environment for information on important locations for these species.

Industry should be aware that the North Baffin Regional Land Use Plan 2000, an updated version of the 1991 Lancaster Sound Regional Land Use Plan, was approved in June 2000. This land use plan has been developed by the Nunavut Planning Commission with the Inuit of Nunavut, the Government of Nunavut and Indian Affairs and Northern Development, and is a helpful source of land use information. Any oil and gas related proposals should conform with the North Baffin Regional Land Use Plan 2000.

6. Resulting call for bids

The individual or company that requested the posting of a parcel(s) is expected to submit a bid(s) in response to the call for bids. The Minister reserves the right to refuse future posting requests by that individual or company if a bid is not submitted.

The Minister will take into account all nominations in developing a call for bids but may modify nominations to configure a bid block following consultation with the nominee.

The Minister is not obliged to proceed with a call for bids for any lands posted.

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