Jurisdictional Responsibilities for Land Resources, Land Use and Development in the Yukon Territory and Northwest Territories

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Appendix A

Relevant Agreements and Legislation

1. Agreements

Champagne and Aishihik First Nations:Final Agreement - May 29, 1993

Council for Yukon Indians:Umbrella Final Agreement - May 29, 1993

First Nation of Nacho Nyak Dun:Final Agreement - May 29, 1993

The Gwich'in:Comprehensive Land Claim Agreement - April 22, 1992

Inuit of the Nunavut Settlement Area:Agreement - May 25, 1993

Inuvialuit:Final Agreement - Western Arctic Claim - 1984

Sahtu Dene and Métis:Comprehensive Land Claim Agreement - Sept 6, 1993

Teslin Tlingit Council:Final Agreement - May 29, 1993

Tetlit Gwich'in:Yukon Transboundary Agreement - April 22, 1992

Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation:Final Agreement - May 29, 1993

2. Federal Legislation (to August 31, 1996)

Aeronautics Act

Arctic Waters Pollution Prevention Act

Bridges Act

Canada Oil and Gas Operations Act

Canada Petroleum Resources Act

Canada Water Act

Canada Wildlife Act

Canadian Environmental Assessment Act

Canadian Environmental Protection Act

Department of Canadian Heritage Act

Department of the Environment Act

Department of Fisheries and Oceans Act

Department of Indian Affairs and Northern

Development Act

Department of Natural Resources Act

Department of Public Works and Government Services Act

Department of Transport Act

Dominion Water Power Act

Emergencies Act

Federal Real Property Act

Fisheries Act

Fishing and Recreational Harbours Act

Forestry Act

Government Property Traffic Act

Gwich'in Land Claim Settlement Act

Historic Sites and Monuments Act

Interpretation Act

Land Titles Repeal Act

Migratory Birds Convention Act, 1994

National Parks Act

Navigable Waters Protection Act

Northwest Territories Act

Northwest Territories Waters Act

Nunavut Act

Nunavut Land Claims Agreement Act

Public Harbours and Port Facilities Act

Sahtu Dene and Métis Land Claim Settlement Act

Territorial Lands Act

Yukon Act

Yukon First Nations Land Claims Settlement Act

Yukon First Nations Self-Government Act (Not in Force)

Yukon Placer Mining Act

Yukon Quartz Mining Act

Yukon Surface Rights Board Act

Yukon Waters Act

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