Jobs at Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada and Indigenous Services Canada

Find out about employment opportunities at Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada (CIRNAC) and Indigenous Services Canada (ISC).

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Statistics Canada is hiring

Find census jobs available near you and apply.

Working at CIRNAC and ISC

There are no better places to work than CIRNAC and ISC.

Whether you are a student looking for summer or part-time employment; a recent graduate beginning your career or an experienced professional, CIRNAC and ISC are dynamic places to work with many challenging and rewarding career opportunities across Canada.

The diversity of jobs

Find out what 4 CIRNAC and ISC employees say about the jobs offered by these 2 departments, as well as the benefits of working here in this video called The diversity of jobs.

Indigenous employment

CIRNAC and ISC offer many opportunities in various professional fields including:

CIRNAC and ISC are also committed in becoming employers of choice for Indigenous peoples.

Apply for a job at CIRNAC and ISC

If you are interested in a job at CIRNAC and ISC, please visit:

Be the first to hear about the job opportunities by following us on Facebook and Twitter.

How to apply

Find out more about how to apply in this new video.

Student employment at CIRNAC and ISC

Did you know that every year CIRNAC and ISC offer around 270 student jobs?

As a student working at CIRNAC or ISC, you can get real work experience that is complimentary to your field of study. After completing your degree and participating in one of the student programs, you may be eligible for an available position at CIRNAC or ISC.

Are you interested in getting a meaningful and motivating student job? CIRNAC and ISC recruit students through:

Other federal government departments also recruit students through these programs.

Indigenous student employment at CIRNAC and ISC

As an Indigenous student, there are many employment and career development opportunities available with CIRNAC and ISC for you to gain valuable experience developing skills that you can use in your professional career. Whether you want to work in Vancouver, Edmonton, Regina, Winnipeg, Toronto, Gatineau, Quebec City, Amherst, Iqaluit, Yellowknife or Whitehorse, the hiring of Indigenous students is a priority for every CIRNAC and ISC regional office.

Consult the programs listed in the previous section. You are strongly encouraged to voluntarily indicate on your application that you are a member of the "Aboriginal Persons" employment equity group (self-declaration) so that you can benefit from programs and initiatives intended for Indigenous peoples.

You can also apply to programs specifically for Indigenous students:

Learn about the experiences of Indigenous students working for the Government of Canada

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