Socio-economic benefits and opportunities

In addition to the remediation of contaminated land, site remediation in the North has a number of socio-economic benefits for Indigenous communities and businesses.

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Contaminants and Remediation Division

The Contaminants and Remediation Division's strategic plan includes the following objectives:

Indigenous employment

For most projects, an open contracting process with an Indigenous Opportunities Considerations package is the most appropriate tool for maximizing local, regional and Indigenous employment and business opportunities. Bidders must outline in the package how they will maximize local involvement in the project, and must commit to a target percentage for Indigenous employment and suppliers. They must also outline training plans for Indigenous employees.

Building capacity

The opportunity for training and working on remediation projects in the North provides community members with transferable knowledge and skills they can put to use on other types of projects, such as resource development. As well, knowledge gained through participation in community consultation and other remediation activities enables community members to participate more effectively in consultation and regulatory review of other development projects.

Doing business to remediate contaminated sites in the Northwest Territories

Reasons you should consider working on remediation projects in the Northwest Territories:

  1. The Government of Canada makes significant multi-year investments in contaminated site remediation, creating economic opportunities across Canada.
  2. Remediation creates multi-year economic opportunities for businesses, and creates a market need for local skills, labour, and resources.
  3. Remediation projects are excellent training grounds for skills that transfer to resource development projects, which will build capacity in the North.
  4. Remediation creates opportunities for contracts and employment in the following areas:
    • Environmental assessment
    • Contaminants removal
    • Demolition and construction
    • Design, engineering and consulting services
    • Heavy equipment rental and service
    • Logistics, transportation and support services
    • Environmental monitoring
    • Project Management
  5. You can realize current and future benefits resulting from partnership and joint ventures with the Indigenous business community.
  6. You get to be a part of work that reduces risks to human health and the environment.

Upcoming contracting opportunities

Request for Proposals for work to remediate contaminated sites in the Northwest Territories are posted on the Buy and Sell website.

Consider forming a joint venture or partnership with a contractor or local business to qualify for consideration in the procurement process for remediation work.

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